path: root/serial/serialwin32.py
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1 files changed, 477 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/serial/serialwin32.py b/serial/serialwin32.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e7da929
--- /dev/null
+++ b/serial/serialwin32.py
@@ -0,0 +1,477 @@
+#! python
+# backend for Windows ("win32" incl. 32/64 bit support)
+# (C) 2001-2020 Chris Liechti <cliechti@gmx.net>
+# This file is part of pySerial. https://github.com/pyserial/pyserial
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+# Initial patch to use ctypes by Giovanni Bajo <rasky@develer.com>
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+# pylint: disable=invalid-name,too-few-public-methods
+import ctypes
+import time
+from serial import win32
+import serial
+from serial.serialutil import SerialBase, SerialException, to_bytes, PortNotOpenError, SerialTimeoutException
+class Serial(SerialBase):
+ """Serial port implementation for Win32 based on ctypes."""
+ BAUDRATES = (50, 75, 110, 134, 150, 200, 300, 600, 1200, 1800, 2400, 4800,
+ 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200)
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ self._port_handle = None
+ self._overlapped_read = None
+ self._overlapped_write = None
+ super(Serial, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+ def open(self):
+ """\
+ Open port with current settings. This may throw a SerialException
+ if the port cannot be opened.
+ """
+ if self._port is None:
+ raise SerialException("Port must be configured before it can be used.")
+ if self.is_open:
+ raise SerialException("Port is already open.")
+ # the "\\.\COMx" format is required for devices other than COM1-COM8
+ # not all versions of windows seem to support this properly
+ # so that the first few ports are used with the DOS device name
+ port = self.name
+ try:
+ if port.upper().startswith('COM') and int(port[3:]) > 8:
+ port = '\\\\.\\' + port
+ except ValueError:
+ # for like COMnotanumber
+ pass
+ self._port_handle = win32.CreateFile(
+ port,
+ 0, # exclusive access
+ None, # no security
+ 0)
+ if self._port_handle == win32.INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE:
+ self._port_handle = None # 'cause __del__ is called anyway
+ raise SerialException("could not open port {!r}: {!r}".format(self.portstr, ctypes.WinError()))
+ try:
+ self._overlapped_read = win32.OVERLAPPED()
+ self._overlapped_read.hEvent = win32.CreateEvent(None, 1, 0, None)
+ self._overlapped_write = win32.OVERLAPPED()
+ #~ self._overlapped_write.hEvent = win32.CreateEvent(None, 1, 0, None)
+ self._overlapped_write.hEvent = win32.CreateEvent(None, 0, 0, None)
+ # Setup a 4k buffer
+ win32.SetupComm(self._port_handle, 4096, 4096)
+ # Save original timeout values:
+ self._orgTimeouts = win32.COMMTIMEOUTS()
+ win32.GetCommTimeouts(self._port_handle, ctypes.byref(self._orgTimeouts))
+ self._reconfigure_port()
+ # Clear buffers:
+ # Remove anything that was there
+ win32.PurgeComm(
+ self._port_handle,
+ except:
+ try:
+ self._close()
+ except:
+ # ignore any exception when closing the port
+ # also to keep original exception that happened when setting up
+ pass
+ self._port_handle = None
+ raise
+ else:
+ self.is_open = True
+ def _reconfigure_port(self):
+ """Set communication parameters on opened port."""
+ if not self._port_handle:
+ raise SerialException("Can only operate on a valid port handle")
+ # Set Windows timeout values
+ # timeouts is a tuple with the following items:
+ # (ReadIntervalTimeout,ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier,
+ # ReadTotalTimeoutConstant,WriteTotalTimeoutMultiplier,
+ # WriteTotalTimeoutConstant)
+ timeouts = win32.COMMTIMEOUTS()
+ if self._timeout is None:
+ pass # default of all zeros is OK
+ elif self._timeout == 0:
+ timeouts.ReadIntervalTimeout = win32.MAXDWORD
+ else:
+ timeouts.ReadTotalTimeoutConstant = max(int(self._timeout * 1000), 1)
+ if self._timeout != 0 and self._inter_byte_timeout is not None:
+ timeouts.ReadIntervalTimeout = max(int(self._inter_byte_timeout * 1000), 1)
+ if self._write_timeout is None:
+ pass
+ elif self._write_timeout == 0:
+ timeouts.WriteTotalTimeoutConstant = win32.MAXDWORD
+ else:
+ timeouts.WriteTotalTimeoutConstant = max(int(self._write_timeout * 1000), 1)
+ win32.SetCommTimeouts(self._port_handle, ctypes.byref(timeouts))
+ win32.SetCommMask(self._port_handle, win32.EV_ERR)
+ # Setup the connection info.
+ # Get state and modify it:
+ comDCB = win32.DCB()
+ win32.GetCommState(self._port_handle, ctypes.byref(comDCB))
+ comDCB.BaudRate = self._baudrate
+ if self._bytesize == serial.FIVEBITS:
+ comDCB.ByteSize = 5
+ elif self._bytesize == serial.SIXBITS:
+ comDCB.ByteSize = 6
+ elif self._bytesize == serial.SEVENBITS:
+ comDCB.ByteSize = 7
+ elif self._bytesize == serial.EIGHTBITS:
+ comDCB.ByteSize = 8
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("Unsupported number of data bits: {!r}".format(self._bytesize))
+ if self._parity == serial.PARITY_NONE:
+ comDCB.Parity = win32.NOPARITY
+ comDCB.fParity = 0 # Disable Parity Check
+ elif self._parity == serial.PARITY_EVEN:
+ comDCB.Parity = win32.EVENPARITY
+ comDCB.fParity = 1 # Enable Parity Check
+ elif self._parity == serial.PARITY_ODD:
+ comDCB.Parity = win32.ODDPARITY
+ comDCB.fParity = 1 # Enable Parity Check
+ elif self._parity == serial.PARITY_MARK:
+ comDCB.Parity = win32.MARKPARITY
+ comDCB.fParity = 1 # Enable Parity Check
+ elif self._parity == serial.PARITY_SPACE:
+ comDCB.Parity = win32.SPACEPARITY
+ comDCB.fParity = 1 # Enable Parity Check
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("Unsupported parity mode: {!r}".format(self._parity))
+ if self._stopbits == serial.STOPBITS_ONE:
+ comDCB.StopBits = win32.ONESTOPBIT
+ elif self._stopbits == serial.STOPBITS_ONE_POINT_FIVE:
+ comDCB.StopBits = win32.ONE5STOPBITS
+ elif self._stopbits == serial.STOPBITS_TWO:
+ comDCB.StopBits = win32.TWOSTOPBITS
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("Unsupported number of stop bits: {!r}".format(self._stopbits))
+ comDCB.fBinary = 1 # Enable Binary Transmission
+ # Char. w/ Parity-Err are replaced with 0xff (if fErrorChar is set to TRUE)
+ if self._rs485_mode is None:
+ if self._rtscts:
+ comDCB.fRtsControl = win32.RTS_CONTROL_HANDSHAKE
+ else:
+ comDCB.fRtsControl = win32.RTS_CONTROL_ENABLE if self._rts_state else win32.RTS_CONTROL_DISABLE
+ comDCB.fOutxCtsFlow = self._rtscts
+ else:
+ # checks for unsupported settings
+ # XXX verify if platform really does not have a setting for those
+ if not self._rs485_mode.rts_level_for_tx:
+ raise ValueError(
+ 'Unsupported value for RS485Settings.rts_level_for_tx: {!r} (only True is allowed)'.format(
+ self._rs485_mode.rts_level_for_tx,))
+ if self._rs485_mode.rts_level_for_rx:
+ raise ValueError(
+ 'Unsupported value for RS485Settings.rts_level_for_rx: {!r} (only False is allowed)'.format(
+ self._rs485_mode.rts_level_for_rx,))
+ if self._rs485_mode.delay_before_tx is not None:
+ raise ValueError(
+ 'Unsupported value for RS485Settings.delay_before_tx: {!r} (only None is allowed)'.format(
+ self._rs485_mode.delay_before_tx,))
+ if self._rs485_mode.delay_before_rx is not None:
+ raise ValueError(
+ 'Unsupported value for RS485Settings.delay_before_rx: {!r} (only None is allowed)'.format(
+ self._rs485_mode.delay_before_rx,))
+ if self._rs485_mode.loopback:
+ raise ValueError(
+ 'Unsupported value for RS485Settings.loopback: {!r} (only False is allowed)'.format(
+ self._rs485_mode.loopback,))
+ comDCB.fRtsControl = win32.RTS_CONTROL_TOGGLE
+ comDCB.fOutxCtsFlow = 0
+ if self._dsrdtr:
+ comDCB.fDtrControl = win32.DTR_CONTROL_HANDSHAKE
+ else:
+ comDCB.fDtrControl = win32.DTR_CONTROL_ENABLE if self._dtr_state else win32.DTR_CONTROL_DISABLE
+ comDCB.fOutxDsrFlow = self._dsrdtr
+ comDCB.fOutX = self._xonxoff
+ comDCB.fInX = self._xonxoff
+ comDCB.fNull = 0
+ comDCB.fErrorChar = 0
+ comDCB.fAbortOnError = 0
+ comDCB.XonChar = serial.XON
+ comDCB.XoffChar = serial.XOFF
+ if not win32.SetCommState(self._port_handle, ctypes.byref(comDCB)):
+ raise SerialException(
+ 'Cannot configure port, something went wrong. '
+ 'Original message: {!r}'.format(ctypes.WinError()))
+ #~ def __del__(self):
+ #~ self.close()
+ def _close(self):
+ """internal close port helper"""
+ if self._port_handle is not None:
+ # Restore original timeout values:
+ win32.SetCommTimeouts(self._port_handle, self._orgTimeouts)
+ if self._overlapped_read is not None:
+ self.cancel_read()
+ win32.CloseHandle(self._overlapped_read.hEvent)
+ self._overlapped_read = None
+ if self._overlapped_write is not None:
+ self.cancel_write()
+ win32.CloseHandle(self._overlapped_write.hEvent)
+ self._overlapped_write = None
+ win32.CloseHandle(self._port_handle)
+ self._port_handle = None
+ def close(self):
+ """Close port"""
+ if self.is_open:
+ self._close()
+ self.is_open = False
+ # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+ @property
+ def in_waiting(self):
+ """Return the number of bytes currently in the input buffer."""
+ flags = win32.DWORD()
+ comstat = win32.COMSTAT()
+ if not win32.ClearCommError(self._port_handle, ctypes.byref(flags), ctypes.byref(comstat)):
+ raise SerialException("ClearCommError failed ({!r})".format(ctypes.WinError()))
+ return comstat.cbInQue
+ def read(self, size=1):
+ """\
+ Read size bytes from the serial port. If a timeout is set it may
+ return less characters as requested. With no timeout it will block
+ until the requested number of bytes is read.
+ """
+ if not self.is_open:
+ raise PortNotOpenError()
+ if size > 0:
+ win32.ResetEvent(self._overlapped_read.hEvent)
+ flags = win32.DWORD()
+ comstat = win32.COMSTAT()
+ if not win32.ClearCommError(self._port_handle, ctypes.byref(flags), ctypes.byref(comstat)):
+ raise SerialException("ClearCommError failed ({!r})".format(ctypes.WinError()))
+ n = min(comstat.cbInQue, size) if self.timeout == 0 else size
+ if n > 0:
+ buf = ctypes.create_string_buffer(n)
+ rc = win32.DWORD()
+ read_ok = win32.ReadFile(
+ self._port_handle,
+ buf,
+ n,
+ ctypes.byref(rc),
+ ctypes.byref(self._overlapped_read))
+ if not read_ok and win32.GetLastError() not in (win32.ERROR_SUCCESS, win32.ERROR_IO_PENDING):
+ raise SerialException("ReadFile failed ({!r})".format(ctypes.WinError()))
+ result_ok = win32.GetOverlappedResult(
+ self._port_handle,
+ ctypes.byref(self._overlapped_read),
+ ctypes.byref(rc),
+ True)
+ if not result_ok:
+ if win32.GetLastError() != win32.ERROR_OPERATION_ABORTED:
+ raise SerialException("GetOverlappedResult failed ({!r})".format(ctypes.WinError()))
+ read = buf.raw[:rc.value]
+ else:
+ read = bytes()
+ else:
+ read = bytes()
+ return bytes(read)
+ def write(self, data):
+ """Output the given byte string over the serial port."""
+ if not self.is_open:
+ raise PortNotOpenError()
+ #~ if not isinstance(data, (bytes, bytearray)):
+ #~ raise TypeError('expected %s or bytearray, got %s' % (bytes, type(data)))
+ # convert data (needed in case of memoryview instance: Py 3.1 io lib), ctypes doesn't like memoryview
+ data = to_bytes(data)
+ if data:
+ #~ win32event.ResetEvent(self._overlapped_write.hEvent)
+ n = win32.DWORD()
+ success = win32.WriteFile(self._port_handle, data, len(data), ctypes.byref(n), self._overlapped_write)
+ if self._write_timeout != 0: # if blocking (None) or w/ write timeout (>0)
+ if not success and win32.GetLastError() not in (win32.ERROR_SUCCESS, win32.ERROR_IO_PENDING):
+ raise SerialException("WriteFile failed ({!r})".format(ctypes.WinError()))
+ # Wait for the write to complete.
+ #~ win32.WaitForSingleObject(self._overlapped_write.hEvent, win32.INFINITE)
+ win32.GetOverlappedResult(self._port_handle, self._overlapped_write, ctypes.byref(n), True)
+ if win32.GetLastError() == win32.ERROR_OPERATION_ABORTED:
+ return n.value # canceled IO is no error
+ if n.value != len(data):
+ raise SerialTimeoutException('Write timeout')
+ return n.value
+ else:
+ errorcode = win32.ERROR_SUCCESS if success else win32.GetLastError()
+ return 0
+ elif errorcode in (win32.ERROR_SUCCESS, win32.ERROR_IO_PENDING):
+ # no info on true length provided by OS function in async mode
+ return len(data)
+ else:
+ raise SerialException("WriteFile failed ({!r})".format(ctypes.WinError()))
+ else:
+ return 0
+ def flush(self):
+ """\
+ Flush of file like objects. In this case, wait until all data
+ is written.
+ """
+ while self.out_waiting:
+ time.sleep(0.05)
+ # XXX could also use WaitCommEvent with mask EV_TXEMPTY, but it would
+ # require overlapped IO and it's also only possible to set a single mask
+ # on the port---
+ def reset_input_buffer(self):
+ """Clear input buffer, discarding all that is in the buffer."""
+ if not self.is_open:
+ raise PortNotOpenError()
+ win32.PurgeComm(self._port_handle, win32.PURGE_RXCLEAR | win32.PURGE_RXABORT)
+ def reset_output_buffer(self):
+ """\
+ Clear output buffer, aborting the current output and discarding all
+ that is in the buffer.
+ """
+ if not self.is_open:
+ raise PortNotOpenError()
+ win32.PurgeComm(self._port_handle, win32.PURGE_TXCLEAR | win32.PURGE_TXABORT)
+ def _update_break_state(self):
+ """Set break: Controls TXD. When active, to transmitting is possible."""
+ if not self.is_open:
+ raise PortNotOpenError()
+ if self._break_state:
+ win32.SetCommBreak(self._port_handle)
+ else:
+ win32.ClearCommBreak(self._port_handle)
+ def _update_rts_state(self):
+ """Set terminal status line: Request To Send"""
+ if self._rts_state:
+ win32.EscapeCommFunction(self._port_handle, win32.SETRTS)
+ else:
+ win32.EscapeCommFunction(self._port_handle, win32.CLRRTS)
+ def _update_dtr_state(self):
+ """Set terminal status line: Data Terminal Ready"""
+ if self._dtr_state:
+ win32.EscapeCommFunction(self._port_handle, win32.SETDTR)
+ else:
+ win32.EscapeCommFunction(self._port_handle, win32.CLRDTR)
+ def _GetCommModemStatus(self):
+ if not self.is_open:
+ raise PortNotOpenError()
+ stat = win32.DWORD()
+ win32.GetCommModemStatus(self._port_handle, ctypes.byref(stat))
+ return stat.value
+ @property
+ def cts(self):
+ """Read terminal status line: Clear To Send"""
+ return win32.MS_CTS_ON & self._GetCommModemStatus() != 0
+ @property
+ def dsr(self):
+ """Read terminal status line: Data Set Ready"""
+ return win32.MS_DSR_ON & self._GetCommModemStatus() != 0
+ @property
+ def ri(self):
+ """Read terminal status line: Ring Indicator"""
+ return win32.MS_RING_ON & self._GetCommModemStatus() != 0
+ @property
+ def cd(self):
+ """Read terminal status line: Carrier Detect"""
+ return win32.MS_RLSD_ON & self._GetCommModemStatus() != 0
+ # - - platform specific - - - -
+ def set_buffer_size(self, rx_size=4096, tx_size=None):
+ """\
+ Recommend a buffer size to the driver (device driver can ignore this
+ value). Must be called after the port is opened.
+ """
+ if tx_size is None:
+ tx_size = rx_size
+ win32.SetupComm(self._port_handle, rx_size, tx_size)
+ def set_output_flow_control(self, enable=True):
+ """\
+ Manually control flow - when software flow control is enabled.
+ This will do the same as if XON (true) or XOFF (false) are received
+ from the other device and control the transmission accordingly.
+ WARNING: this function is not portable to different platforms!
+ """
+ if not self.is_open:
+ raise PortNotOpenError()
+ if enable:
+ win32.EscapeCommFunction(self._port_handle, win32.SETXON)
+ else:
+ win32.EscapeCommFunction(self._port_handle, win32.SETXOFF)
+ @property
+ def out_waiting(self):
+ """Return how many bytes the in the outgoing buffer"""
+ flags = win32.DWORD()
+ comstat = win32.COMSTAT()
+ if not win32.ClearCommError(self._port_handle, ctypes.byref(flags), ctypes.byref(comstat)):
+ raise SerialException("ClearCommError failed ({!r})".format(ctypes.WinError()))
+ return comstat.cbOutQue
+ def _cancel_overlapped_io(self, overlapped):
+ """Cancel a blocking read operation, may be called from other thread"""
+ # check if read operation is pending
+ rc = win32.DWORD()
+ err = win32.GetOverlappedResult(
+ self._port_handle,
+ ctypes.byref(overlapped),
+ ctypes.byref(rc),
+ False)
+ if not err and win32.GetLastError() in (win32.ERROR_IO_PENDING, win32.ERROR_IO_INCOMPLETE):
+ # cancel, ignoring any errors (e.g. it may just have finished on its own)
+ win32.CancelIoEx(self._port_handle, overlapped)
+ def cancel_read(self):
+ """Cancel a blocking read operation, may be called from other thread"""
+ self._cancel_overlapped_io(self._overlapped_read)
+ def cancel_write(self):
+ """Cancel a blocking write operation, may be called from other thread"""
+ self._cancel_overlapped_io(self._overlapped_write)
+ @SerialBase.exclusive.setter
+ def exclusive(self, exclusive):
+ """Change the exclusive access setting."""
+ if exclusive is not None and not exclusive:
+ raise ValueError('win32 only supports exclusive access (not: {})'.format(exclusive))
+ else:
+ serial.SerialBase.exclusive.__set__(self, exclusive)