diff options
authorAnthon van der Neut <>2013-08-06 15:33:27 +0200
committerAnthon van der Neut <>2013-08-06 15:33:27 +0200
commit719e89fc1a2b74878c6907032377ce516e10778f (patch)
parent7d86827b5edfaeaff8d6bcf968ffaae5534e806a (diff)
argcomplete: FastFileCompleter that doesn't call bash in subprocess, strip prefix dir
``` timeit result for 10000 iterations of expanding '/d' (lowered the count in the code afterwards) # 2.7.5 3.3.2 # FilesCompleter 75.1109 69.2116 # FastFilesCompleter 0.7383 1.0760 ``` - does not display prefix dir (like bash, not like compgen), py.test /usr/<TAB> does not show /usr/bin/ but bin/
3 files changed, 147 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/_pytest/ b/_pytest/
index 4fb666490..8b4807c95 100644
--- a/_pytest/
+++ b/_pytest/
@@ -22,7 +22,19 @@ doing the add_argument calls as they need to be specified as .completer
attributes as well. (If argcomplete is not installed, the function the
attribute points to will not be used).
+The generic argcomplete script for bash-completion
+(/etc/bash_completion.d/ )
+uses a python program to determine startup script generated by pip.
+You can speed up completion somewhat by changing this script to include
+so the the python-argcomplete-check-easy-install-script does not
+need to be called to find the entry point of the code and see if that is
To include this support in another application that has generated
- add the line:
@@ -44,11 +56,32 @@ If things do not work right away:
which should throw a KeyError: 'COMPLINE' (which is properly set by the
global argcomplete script).
import sys
import os
+from glob import glob
+class FastFilesCompleter:
+ 'Fast file completer class'
+ def __init__(self, directories=True):
+ self.directories = directories
+ def __call__(self, prefix, **kwargs):
+ """only called on non option completions"""
+ if os.path.sep in prefix[1:]: #
+ prefix_dir = len(os.path.dirname(prefix) + os.path.sep)
+ else:
+ prefix_dir = 0
+ completion = []
+ if '*' not in prefix and '?' not in prefix:
+ prefix += '*'
+ for x in sorted(glob(prefix)):
+ if os.path.isdir(x):
+ x += '/'
+ # append stripping the prefix (like bash, not like compgen)
+ completion.append(x[prefix_dir:])
+ return completion
if os.environ.get('_ARGCOMPLETE'):
# argcomplete 0.5.6 is not compatible with python 2.5.6: print/with/format
@@ -58,7 +91,7 @@ if os.environ.get('_ARGCOMPLETE'):
import argcomplete.completers
except ImportError:
- filescompleter = argcomplete.completers.FilesCompleter()
+ filescompleter = FastFilesCompleter()
def try_argcomplete(parser):
diff --git a/bench/ b/bench/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d66c664f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bench/
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# 10000 iterations, just for relative comparison
+# 2.7.5 3.3.2
+# FilesCompleter 75.1109 69.2116
+# FastFilesCompleter 0.7383 1.0760
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ import sys
+ import timeit
+ from argcomplete.completers import FilesCompleter
+ from _pytest._argcomplete import FastFilesCompleter
+ count = 1000 # only a few seconds
+ setup = 'from __main__ import FastFilesCompleter\nfc = FastFilesCompleter()'
+ run = 'fc("/d")'
+ sys.stdout.write('%s\n' % (timeit.timeit(run,
+ setup=setup.replace('Fast', ''), number=count)))
+ sys.stdout.write('%s\n' % (timeit.timeit(run, setup=setup, number=count)))
diff --git a/testing/ b/testing/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..12b96993b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+from __future__ import with_statement
+import py, pytest
+# test for _argcomplete but not specific for any application
+def equal_with_bash(prefix, ffc, fc, out=None):
+ res = ffc(prefix)
+ res_bash = set(fc(prefix))
+ retval = set(res) == res_bash
+ if out:
+ out.write('equal_with_bash %s %s\n' % (retval, res))
+ if not retval:
+ out.write(' python - bash: %s\n' % (set(res) - res_bash))
+ out.write(' bash - python: %s\n' % (res_bash - set(res)))
+ return retval
+# copied from argcomplete.completers as import from there
+# also pulls in argcomplete.__init__ which opens filedescriptor 9
+# this gives an IOError at the end of testrun
+def _wrapcall(*args, **kargs):
+ try:
+ if py.std.sys.version_info > (2,7):
+ return py.std.subprocess.check_output(*args,**kargs).decode().splitlines()
+ if 'stdout' in kargs:
+ raise ValueError('stdout argument not allowed, it will be overridden.')
+ process = py.std.subprocess.Popen(
+ stdout=py.std.subprocess.PIPE, *args, **kargs)
+ output, unused_err = process.communicate()
+ retcode = process.poll()
+ if retcode:
+ cmd = kargs.get("args")
+ if cmd is None:
+ cmd = args[0]
+ raise py.std.subprocess.CalledProcessError(retcode, cmd)
+ return output.decode().splitlines()
+ except py.std.subprocess.CalledProcessError:
+ return []
+class FilesCompleter(object):
+ 'File completer class, optionally takes a list of allowed extensions'
+ def __init__(self,allowednames=(),directories=True):
+ # Fix if someone passes in a string instead of a list
+ if type(allowednames) is str:
+ allowednames = [allowednames]
+ self.allowednames = [x.lstrip('*').lstrip('.') for x in allowednames]
+ self.directories = directories
+ def __call__(self, prefix, **kwargs):
+ completion = []
+ if self.allowednames:
+ if self.directories:
+ files = _wrapcall(['bash','-c',
+ "compgen -A directory -- '{p}'".format(p=prefix)])
+ completion += [ f + '/' for f in files]
+ for x in self.allowednames:
+ completion += _wrapcall(['bash', '-c',
+ "compgen -A file -X '!*.{0}' -- '{p}'".format(x,p=prefix)])
+ else:
+ completion += _wrapcall(['bash', '-c',
+ "compgen -A file -- '{p}'".format(p=prefix)])
+ anticomp = _wrapcall(['bash', '-c',
+ "compgen -A directory -- '{p}'".format(p=prefix)])
+ completion = list( set(completion) - set(anticomp))
+ if self.directories:
+ completion += [f + '/' for f in anticomp]
+ return completion
+# the following barfs with a syntax error on py2.5
+# @pytest.mark.skipif("sys.version_info < (2,6)")
+class TestArgComplete:
+ @pytest.mark.skipif("sys.version_info < (2,6)")
+ def test_compare_with_compgen(self):
+ from _pytest._argcomplete import FastFilesCompleter
+ ffc = FastFilesCompleter()
+ fc = FilesCompleter()
+ for x in '/ /d /data qqq'.split():
+ assert equal_with_bash(x, ffc, fc, out=py.std.sys.stdout)
+ @pytest.mark.skipif("sys.version_info < (2,6)")
+ def test_remove_dir_prefix(self):
+ """this is not compatible with compgen but it is with bash itself:
+ ls /usr/<TAB>
+ """
+ from _pytest._argcomplete import FastFilesCompleter
+ ffc = FastFilesCompleter()
+ fc = FilesCompleter()
+ for x in '/usr/'.split():
+ assert not equal_with_bash(x, ffc, fc, out=py.std.sys.stdout)