path: root/google/api_core/page_iterator_async.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'google/api_core/page_iterator_async.py')
1 files changed, 285 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/google/api_core/page_iterator_async.py b/google/api_core/page_iterator_async.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c072575
--- /dev/null
+++ b/google/api_core/page_iterator_async.py
@@ -0,0 +1,285 @@
+# Copyright 2020 Google LLC
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""AsyncIO iterators for paging through paged API methods.
+These iterators simplify the process of paging through API responses
+where the request takes a page token and the response is a list of results with
+a token for the next page. See `list pagination`_ in the Google API Style Guide
+for more details.
+.. _list pagination:
+ https://cloud.google.com/apis/design/design_patterns#list_pagination
+API clients that have methods that follow the list pagination pattern can
+return an :class:`.AsyncIterator`:
+ >>> results_iterator = await client.list_resources()
+Or you can walk your way through items and call off the search early if
+you find what you're looking for (resulting in possibly fewer requests)::
+ >>> async for resource in results_iterator:
+ ... print(resource.name)
+ ... if not resource.is_valid:
+ ... break
+At any point, you may check the number of items consumed by referencing the
+``num_results`` property of the iterator::
+ >>> async for my_item in results_iterator:
+ ... if results_iterator.num_results >= 10:
+ ... break
+When iterating, not every new item will send a request to the server.
+To iterate based on each page of items (where a page corresponds to
+a request)::
+ >>> async for page in results_iterator.pages:
+ ... print('=' * 20)
+ ... print(' Page number: {:d}'.format(iterator.page_number))
+ ... print(' Items in page: {:d}'.format(page.num_items))
+ ... print(' First item: {!r}'.format(next(page)))
+ ... print('Items remaining: {:d}'.format(page.remaining))
+ ... print('Next page token: {}'.format(iterator.next_page_token))
+ ====================
+ Page number: 1
+ Items in page: 1
+ First item: <MyItemClass at 0x7f1d3cccf690>
+ Items remaining: 0
+ Next page token: eav1OzQB0OM8rLdGXOEsyQWSG
+ ====================
+ Page number: 2
+ Items in page: 19
+ First item: <MyItemClass at 0x7f1d3cccffd0>
+ Items remaining: 18
+ Next page token: None
+import abc
+from google.api_core.page_iterator import Page
+def _item_to_value_identity(iterator, item):
+ """An item to value transformer that returns the item un-changed."""
+ # pylint: disable=unused-argument
+ # We are conforming to the interface defined by Iterator.
+ return item
+class AsyncIterator(abc.ABC):
+ """A generic class for iterating through API list responses.
+ Args:
+ client(google.cloud.client.Client): The API client.
+ item_to_value (Callable[google.api_core.page_iterator_async.AsyncIterator, Any]):
+ Callable to convert an item from the type in the raw API response
+ into the native object. Will be called with the iterator and a
+ single item.
+ page_token (str): A token identifying a page in a result set to start
+ fetching results from.
+ max_results (int): The maximum number of results to fetch.
+ """
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ client,
+ item_to_value=_item_to_value_identity,
+ page_token=None,
+ max_results=None,
+ ):
+ self._started = False
+ self.__active_aiterator = None
+ self.client = client
+ """Optional[Any]: The client that created this iterator."""
+ self.item_to_value = item_to_value
+ """Callable[Iterator, Any]: Callable to convert an item from the type
+ in the raw API response into the native object. Will be called with
+ the iterator and a
+ single item.
+ """
+ self.max_results = max_results
+ """int: The maximum number of results to fetch."""
+ # The attributes below will change over the life of the iterator.
+ self.page_number = 0
+ """int: The current page of results."""
+ self.next_page_token = page_token
+ """str: The token for the next page of results. If this is set before
+ the iterator starts, it effectively offsets the iterator to a
+ specific starting point."""
+ self.num_results = 0
+ """int: The total number of results fetched so far."""
+ @property
+ def pages(self):
+ """Iterator of pages in the response.
+ returns:
+ types.GeneratorType[google.api_core.page_iterator.Page]: A
+ generator of page instances.
+ raises:
+ ValueError: If the iterator has already been started.
+ """
+ if self._started:
+ raise ValueError("Iterator has already started", self)
+ self._started = True
+ return self._page_aiter(increment=True)
+ async def _items_aiter(self):
+ """Iterator for each item returned."""
+ async for page in self._page_aiter(increment=False):
+ for item in page:
+ self.num_results += 1
+ yield item
+ def __aiter__(self):
+ """Iterator for each item returned.
+ Returns:
+ types.GeneratorType[Any]: A generator of items from the API.
+ Raises:
+ ValueError: If the iterator has already been started.
+ """
+ if self._started:
+ raise ValueError("Iterator has already started", self)
+ self._started = True
+ return self._items_aiter()
+ async def __anext__(self):
+ if self.__active_aiterator is None:
+ self.__active_aiterator = self.__aiter__()
+ return await self.__active_aiterator.__anext__()
+ async def _page_aiter(self, increment):
+ """Generator of pages of API responses.
+ Args:
+ increment (bool): Flag indicating if the total number of results
+ should be incremented on each page. This is useful since a page
+ iterator will want to increment by results per page while an
+ items iterator will want to increment per item.
+ Yields:
+ Page: each page of items from the API.
+ """
+ page = await self._next_page()
+ while page is not None:
+ self.page_number += 1
+ if increment:
+ self.num_results += page.num_items
+ yield page
+ page = await self._next_page()
+ @abc.abstractmethod
+ async def _next_page(self):
+ """Get the next page in the iterator.
+ This does nothing and is intended to be over-ridden by subclasses
+ to return the next :class:`Page`.
+ Raises:
+ NotImplementedError: Always, this method is abstract.
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError
+class AsyncGRPCIterator(AsyncIterator):
+ """A generic class for iterating through gRPC list responses.
+ .. note:: The class does not take a ``page_token`` argument because it can
+ just be specified in the ``request``.
+ Args:
+ client (google.cloud.client.Client): The API client. This unused by
+ this class, but kept to satisfy the :class:`Iterator` interface.
+ method (Callable[protobuf.Message]): A bound gRPC method that should
+ take a single message for the request.
+ request (protobuf.Message): The request message.
+ items_field (str): The field in the response message that has the
+ items for the page.
+ item_to_value (Callable[GRPCIterator, Any]): Callable to convert an
+ item from the type in the JSON response into a native object. Will
+ be called with the iterator and a single item.
+ request_token_field (str): The field in the request message used to
+ specify the page token.
+ response_token_field (str): The field in the response message that has
+ the token for the next page.
+ max_results (int): The maximum number of results to fetch.
+ .. autoattribute:: pages
+ """
+ _DEFAULT_RESPONSE_TOKEN_FIELD = "next_page_token"
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ client,
+ method,
+ request,
+ items_field,
+ item_to_value=_item_to_value_identity,
+ request_token_field=_DEFAULT_REQUEST_TOKEN_FIELD,
+ response_token_field=_DEFAULT_RESPONSE_TOKEN_FIELD,
+ max_results=None,
+ ):
+ super().__init__(client, item_to_value, max_results=max_results)
+ self._method = method
+ self._request = request
+ self._items_field = items_field
+ self._request_token_field = request_token_field
+ self._response_token_field = response_token_field
+ async def _next_page(self):
+ """Get the next page in the iterator.
+ Returns:
+ Page: The next page in the iterator or :data:`None` if
+ there are no pages left.
+ """
+ if not self._has_next_page():
+ return None
+ if self.next_page_token is not None:
+ setattr(self._request, self._request_token_field, self.next_page_token)
+ response = await self._method(self._request)
+ self.next_page_token = getattr(response, self._response_token_field)
+ items = getattr(response, self._items_field)
+ page = Page(self, items, self.item_to_value, raw_page=response)
+ return page
+ def _has_next_page(self):
+ """Determines whether or not there are more pages with results.
+ Returns:
+ bool: Whether the iterator has more pages.
+ """
+ if self.page_number == 0:
+ return True
+ # Note: intentionally a falsy check instead of a None check. The RPC
+ # can return an empty string indicating no more pages.
+ if self.max_results is not None:
+ if self.num_results >= self.max_results:
+ return False
+ return True if self.next_page_token else False