path: root/google/api_core/protobuf_helpers.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'google/api_core/protobuf_helpers.py')
1 files changed, 373 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/google/api_core/protobuf_helpers.py b/google/api_core/protobuf_helpers.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..896e89c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/google/api_core/protobuf_helpers.py
@@ -0,0 +1,373 @@
+# Copyright 2017 Google LLC
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Helpers for :mod:`protobuf`."""
+import collections
+import collections.abc
+import copy
+import inspect
+from google.protobuf import field_mask_pb2
+from google.protobuf import message
+from google.protobuf import wrappers_pb2
+_SENTINEL = object()
+ wrappers_pb2.BoolValue,
+ wrappers_pb2.BytesValue,
+ wrappers_pb2.DoubleValue,
+ wrappers_pb2.FloatValue,
+ wrappers_pb2.Int32Value,
+ wrappers_pb2.Int64Value,
+ wrappers_pb2.StringValue,
+ wrappers_pb2.UInt32Value,
+ wrappers_pb2.UInt64Value,
+def from_any_pb(pb_type, any_pb):
+ """Converts an ``Any`` protobuf to the specified message type.
+ Args:
+ pb_type (type): the type of the message that any_pb stores an instance
+ of.
+ any_pb (google.protobuf.any_pb2.Any): the object to be converted.
+ Returns:
+ pb_type: An instance of the pb_type message.
+ Raises:
+ TypeError: if the message could not be converted.
+ """
+ msg = pb_type()
+ # Unwrap proto-plus wrapped messages.
+ if callable(getattr(pb_type, "pb", None)):
+ msg_pb = pb_type.pb(msg)
+ else:
+ msg_pb = msg
+ # Unpack the Any object and populate the protobuf message instance.
+ if not any_pb.Unpack(msg_pb):
+ raise TypeError(
+ "Could not convert {} to {}".format(
+ any_pb.__class__.__name__, pb_type.__name__
+ )
+ )
+ # Done; return the message.
+ return msg
+def check_oneof(**kwargs):
+ """Raise ValueError if more than one keyword argument is not ``None``.
+ Args:
+ kwargs (dict): The keyword arguments sent to the function.
+ Raises:
+ ValueError: If more than one entry in ``kwargs`` is not ``None``.
+ """
+ # Sanity check: If no keyword arguments were sent, this is fine.
+ if not kwargs:
+ return
+ not_nones = [val for val in kwargs.values() if val is not None]
+ if len(not_nones) > 1:
+ raise ValueError(
+ "Only one of {fields} should be set.".format(
+ fields=", ".join(sorted(kwargs.keys()))
+ )
+ )
+def get_messages(module):
+ """Discovers all protobuf Message classes in a given import module.
+ Args:
+ module (module): A Python module; :func:`dir` will be run against this
+ module to find Message subclasses.
+ Returns:
+ dict[str, google.protobuf.message.Message]: A dictionary with the
+ Message class names as keys, and the Message subclasses themselves
+ as values.
+ """
+ answer = collections.OrderedDict()
+ for name in dir(module):
+ candidate = getattr(module, name)
+ if inspect.isclass(candidate) and issubclass(candidate, message.Message):
+ answer[name] = candidate
+ return answer
+def _resolve_subkeys(key, separator="."):
+ """Resolve a potentially nested key.
+ If the key contains the ``separator`` (e.g. ``.``) then the key will be
+ split on the first instance of the subkey::
+ >>> _resolve_subkeys('a.b.c')
+ ('a', 'b.c')
+ >>> _resolve_subkeys('d|e|f', separator='|')
+ ('d', 'e|f')
+ If not, the subkey will be :data:`None`::
+ >>> _resolve_subkeys('foo')
+ ('foo', None)
+ Args:
+ key (str): A string that may or may not contain the separator.
+ separator (str): The namespace separator. Defaults to `.`.
+ Returns:
+ Tuple[str, str]: The key and subkey(s).
+ """
+ parts = key.split(separator, 1)
+ if len(parts) > 1:
+ return parts
+ else:
+ return parts[0], None
+def get(msg_or_dict, key, default=_SENTINEL):
+ """Retrieve a key's value from a protobuf Message or dictionary.
+ Args:
+ mdg_or_dict (Union[~google.protobuf.message.Message, Mapping]): the
+ object.
+ key (str): The key to retrieve from the object.
+ default (Any): If the key is not present on the object, and a default
+ is set, returns that default instead. A type-appropriate falsy
+ default is generally recommended, as protobuf messages almost
+ always have default values for unset values and it is not always
+ possible to tell the difference between a falsy value and an
+ unset one. If no default is set then :class:`KeyError` will be
+ raised if the key is not present in the object.
+ Returns:
+ Any: The return value from the underlying Message or dict.
+ Raises:
+ KeyError: If the key is not found. Note that, for unset values,
+ messages and dictionaries may not have consistent behavior.
+ TypeError: If ``msg_or_dict`` is not a Message or Mapping.
+ """
+ # We may need to get a nested key. Resolve this.
+ key, subkey = _resolve_subkeys(key)
+ # Attempt to get the value from the two types of objects we know about.
+ # If we get something else, complain.
+ if isinstance(msg_or_dict, message.Message):
+ answer = getattr(msg_or_dict, key, default)
+ elif isinstance(msg_or_dict, collections.abc.Mapping):
+ answer = msg_or_dict.get(key, default)
+ else:
+ raise TypeError(
+ "get() expected a dict or protobuf message, got {!r}.".format(
+ type(msg_or_dict)
+ )
+ )
+ # If the object we got back is our sentinel, raise KeyError; this is
+ # a "not found" case.
+ if answer is _SENTINEL:
+ raise KeyError(key)
+ # If a subkey exists, call this method recursively against the answer.
+ if subkey is not None and answer is not default:
+ return get(answer, subkey, default=default)
+ return answer
+def _set_field_on_message(msg, key, value):
+ """Set helper for protobuf Messages."""
+ # Attempt to set the value on the types of objects we know how to deal
+ # with.
+ if isinstance(value, (collections.abc.MutableSequence, tuple)):
+ # Clear the existing repeated protobuf message of any elements
+ # currently inside it.
+ while getattr(msg, key):
+ getattr(msg, key).pop()
+ # Write our new elements to the repeated field.
+ for item in value:
+ if isinstance(item, collections.abc.Mapping):
+ getattr(msg, key).add(**item)
+ else:
+ # protobuf's RepeatedCompositeContainer doesn't support
+ # append.
+ getattr(msg, key).extend([item])
+ elif isinstance(value, collections.abc.Mapping):
+ # Assign the dictionary values to the protobuf message.
+ for item_key, item_value in value.items():
+ set(getattr(msg, key), item_key, item_value)
+ elif isinstance(value, message.Message):
+ getattr(msg, key).CopyFrom(value)
+ else:
+ setattr(msg, key, value)
+def set(msg_or_dict, key, value):
+ """Set a key's value on a protobuf Message or dictionary.
+ Args:
+ msg_or_dict (Union[~google.protobuf.message.Message, Mapping]): the
+ object.
+ key (str): The key to set.
+ value (Any): The value to set.
+ Raises:
+ TypeError: If ``msg_or_dict`` is not a Message or dictionary.
+ """
+ # Sanity check: Is our target object valid?
+ if not isinstance(msg_or_dict, (collections.abc.MutableMapping, message.Message)):
+ raise TypeError(
+ "set() expected a dict or protobuf message, got {!r}.".format(
+ type(msg_or_dict)
+ )
+ )
+ # We may be setting a nested key. Resolve this.
+ basekey, subkey = _resolve_subkeys(key)
+ # If a subkey exists, then get that object and call this method
+ # recursively against it using the subkey.
+ if subkey is not None:
+ if isinstance(msg_or_dict, collections.abc.MutableMapping):
+ msg_or_dict.setdefault(basekey, {})
+ set(get(msg_or_dict, basekey), subkey, value)
+ return
+ if isinstance(msg_or_dict, collections.abc.MutableMapping):
+ msg_or_dict[key] = value
+ else:
+ _set_field_on_message(msg_or_dict, key, value)
+def setdefault(msg_or_dict, key, value):
+ """Set the key on a protobuf Message or dictionary to a given value if the
+ current value is falsy.
+ Because protobuf Messages do not distinguish between unset values and
+ falsy ones particularly well (by design), this method treats any falsy
+ value (e.g. 0, empty list) as a target to be overwritten, on both Messages
+ and dictionaries.
+ Args:
+ msg_or_dict (Union[~google.protobuf.message.Message, Mapping]): the
+ object.
+ key (str): The key on the object in question.
+ value (Any): The value to set.
+ Raises:
+ TypeError: If ``msg_or_dict`` is not a Message or dictionary.
+ """
+ if not get(msg_or_dict, key, default=None):
+ set(msg_or_dict, key, value)
+def field_mask(original, modified):
+ """Create a field mask by comparing two messages.
+ Args:
+ original (~google.protobuf.message.Message): the original message.
+ If set to None, this field will be interpretted as an empty
+ message.
+ modified (~google.protobuf.message.Message): the modified message.
+ If set to None, this field will be interpretted as an empty
+ message.
+ Returns:
+ google.protobuf.field_mask_pb2.FieldMask: field mask that contains
+ the list of field names that have different values between the two
+ messages. If the messages are equivalent, then the field mask is empty.
+ Raises:
+ ValueError: If the ``original`` or ``modified`` are not the same type.
+ """
+ if original is None and modified is None:
+ return field_mask_pb2.FieldMask()
+ if original is None and modified is not None:
+ original = copy.deepcopy(modified)
+ original.Clear()
+ if modified is None and original is not None:
+ modified = copy.deepcopy(original)
+ modified.Clear()
+ if type(original) != type(modified):
+ raise ValueError(
+ "expected that both original and modified should be of the "
+ 'same type, received "{!r}" and "{!r}".'.format(
+ type(original), type(modified)
+ )
+ )
+ return field_mask_pb2.FieldMask(paths=_field_mask_helper(original, modified))
+def _field_mask_helper(original, modified, current=""):
+ answer = []
+ for name in original.DESCRIPTOR.fields_by_name:
+ field_path = _get_path(current, name)
+ original_val = getattr(original, name)
+ modified_val = getattr(modified, name)
+ if _is_message(original_val) or _is_message(modified_val):
+ if original_val != modified_val:
+ # Wrapper types do not need to include the .value part of the
+ # path.
+ if _is_wrapper(original_val) or _is_wrapper(modified_val):
+ answer.append(field_path)
+ elif not modified_val.ListFields():
+ answer.append(field_path)
+ else:
+ answer.extend(
+ _field_mask_helper(original_val, modified_val, field_path)
+ )
+ else:
+ if original_val != modified_val:
+ answer.append(field_path)
+ return answer
+def _get_path(current, name):
+ # gapic-generator-python appends underscores to field names
+ # that collide with python keywords.
+ # `_` is stripped away as it is not possible to
+ # natively define a field with a trailing underscore in protobuf.
+ # APIs will reject field masks if fields have trailing underscores.
+ # See https://github.com/googleapis/python-api-core/issues/227
+ name = name.rstrip("_")
+ if not current:
+ return name
+ return "%s.%s" % (current, name)
+def _is_message(value):
+ return isinstance(value, message.Message)
+def _is_wrapper(value):
+ return type(value) in _WRAPPER_TYPES