path: root/tests/unit/test_retry.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'tests/unit/test_retry.py')
1 files changed, 458 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/unit/test_retry.py b/tests/unit/test_retry.py
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index 0000000..199ca55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/unit/test_retry.py
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+# Copyright 2017 Google LLC
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import datetime
+import itertools
+import re
+import mock
+import pytest
+import requests.exceptions
+from google.api_core import exceptions
+from google.api_core import retry
+from google.auth import exceptions as auth_exceptions
+def test_if_exception_type():
+ predicate = retry.if_exception_type(ValueError)
+ assert predicate(ValueError())
+ assert not predicate(TypeError())
+def test_if_exception_type_multiple():
+ predicate = retry.if_exception_type(ValueError, TypeError)
+ assert predicate(ValueError())
+ assert predicate(TypeError())
+ assert not predicate(RuntimeError())
+def test_if_transient_error():
+ assert retry.if_transient_error(exceptions.InternalServerError(""))
+ assert retry.if_transient_error(exceptions.TooManyRequests(""))
+ assert retry.if_transient_error(exceptions.ServiceUnavailable(""))
+ assert retry.if_transient_error(requests.exceptions.ConnectionError(""))
+ assert retry.if_transient_error(requests.exceptions.ChunkedEncodingError(""))
+ assert retry.if_transient_error(auth_exceptions.TransportError(""))
+ assert not retry.if_transient_error(exceptions.InvalidArgument(""))
+# Make uniform return half of its maximum, which will be the calculated
+# sleep time.
+@mock.patch("random.uniform", autospec=True, side_effect=lambda m, n: n / 2.0)
+def test_exponential_sleep_generator_base_2(uniform):
+ gen = retry.exponential_sleep_generator(1, 60, multiplier=2)
+ result = list(itertools.islice(gen, 8))
+ assert result == [1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 60, 60]
+@mock.patch("time.sleep", autospec=True)
+ "google.api_core.datetime_helpers.utcnow",
+ return_value=datetime.datetime.min,
+ autospec=True,
+def test_retry_target_success(utcnow, sleep):
+ predicate = retry.if_exception_type(ValueError)
+ call_count = [0]
+ def target():
+ call_count[0] += 1
+ if call_count[0] < 3:
+ raise ValueError()
+ return 42
+ result = retry.retry_target(target, predicate, range(10), None)
+ assert result == 42
+ assert call_count[0] == 3
+ sleep.assert_has_calls([mock.call(0), mock.call(1)])
+@mock.patch("time.sleep", autospec=True)
+ "google.api_core.datetime_helpers.utcnow",
+ return_value=datetime.datetime.min,
+ autospec=True,
+def test_retry_target_w_on_error(utcnow, sleep):
+ predicate = retry.if_exception_type(ValueError)
+ call_count = {"target": 0}
+ to_raise = ValueError()
+ def target():
+ call_count["target"] += 1
+ if call_count["target"] < 3:
+ raise to_raise
+ return 42
+ on_error = mock.Mock()
+ result = retry.retry_target(target, predicate, range(10), None, on_error=on_error)
+ assert result == 42
+ assert call_count["target"] == 3
+ on_error.assert_has_calls([mock.call(to_raise), mock.call(to_raise)])
+ sleep.assert_has_calls([mock.call(0), mock.call(1)])
+@mock.patch("time.sleep", autospec=True)
+ "google.api_core.datetime_helpers.utcnow",
+ return_value=datetime.datetime.min,
+ autospec=True,
+def test_retry_target_non_retryable_error(utcnow, sleep):
+ predicate = retry.if_exception_type(ValueError)
+ exception = TypeError()
+ target = mock.Mock(side_effect=exception)
+ with pytest.raises(TypeError) as exc_info:
+ retry.retry_target(target, predicate, range(10), None)
+ assert exc_info.value == exception
+ sleep.assert_not_called()
+@mock.patch("time.sleep", autospec=True)
+@mock.patch("google.api_core.datetime_helpers.utcnow", autospec=True)
+def test_retry_target_deadline_exceeded(utcnow, sleep):
+ predicate = retry.if_exception_type(ValueError)
+ exception = ValueError("meep")
+ target = mock.Mock(side_effect=exception)
+ # Setup the timeline so that the first call takes 5 seconds but the second
+ # call takes 6, which puts the retry over the deadline.
+ utcnow.side_effect = [
+ # The first call to utcnow establishes the start of the timeline.
+ datetime.datetime.min,
+ datetime.datetime.min + datetime.timedelta(seconds=5),
+ datetime.datetime.min + datetime.timedelta(seconds=11),
+ ]
+ with pytest.raises(exceptions.RetryError) as exc_info:
+ retry.retry_target(target, predicate, range(10), deadline=10)
+ assert exc_info.value.cause == exception
+ assert exc_info.match("Deadline of 10.0s exceeded")
+ assert exc_info.match("last exception: meep")
+ assert target.call_count == 2
+def test_retry_target_bad_sleep_generator():
+ with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Sleep generator"):
+ retry.retry_target(mock.sentinel.target, mock.sentinel.predicate, [], None)
+class TestRetry(object):
+ def test_constructor_defaults(self):
+ retry_ = retry.Retry()
+ assert retry_._predicate == retry.if_transient_error
+ assert retry_._initial == 1
+ assert retry_._maximum == 60
+ assert retry_._multiplier == 2
+ assert retry_._deadline == 120
+ assert retry_._on_error is None
+ assert retry_.deadline == 120
+ def test_constructor_options(self):
+ _some_function = mock.Mock()
+ retry_ = retry.Retry(
+ predicate=mock.sentinel.predicate,
+ initial=1,
+ maximum=2,
+ multiplier=3,
+ deadline=4,
+ on_error=_some_function,
+ )
+ assert retry_._predicate == mock.sentinel.predicate
+ assert retry_._initial == 1
+ assert retry_._maximum == 2
+ assert retry_._multiplier == 3
+ assert retry_._deadline == 4
+ assert retry_._on_error is _some_function
+ def test_with_deadline(self):
+ retry_ = retry.Retry(
+ predicate=mock.sentinel.predicate,
+ initial=1,
+ maximum=2,
+ multiplier=3,
+ deadline=4,
+ on_error=mock.sentinel.on_error,
+ )
+ new_retry = retry_.with_deadline(42)
+ assert retry_ is not new_retry
+ assert new_retry._deadline == 42
+ # the rest of the attributes should remain the same
+ assert new_retry._predicate is retry_._predicate
+ assert new_retry._initial == retry_._initial
+ assert new_retry._maximum == retry_._maximum
+ assert new_retry._multiplier == retry_._multiplier
+ assert new_retry._on_error is retry_._on_error
+ def test_with_predicate(self):
+ retry_ = retry.Retry(
+ predicate=mock.sentinel.predicate,
+ initial=1,
+ maximum=2,
+ multiplier=3,
+ deadline=4,
+ on_error=mock.sentinel.on_error,
+ )
+ new_retry = retry_.with_predicate(mock.sentinel.predicate)
+ assert retry_ is not new_retry
+ assert new_retry._predicate == mock.sentinel.predicate
+ # the rest of the attributes should remain the same
+ assert new_retry._deadline == retry_._deadline
+ assert new_retry._initial == retry_._initial
+ assert new_retry._maximum == retry_._maximum
+ assert new_retry._multiplier == retry_._multiplier
+ assert new_retry._on_error is retry_._on_error
+ def test_with_delay_noop(self):
+ retry_ = retry.Retry(
+ predicate=mock.sentinel.predicate,
+ initial=1,
+ maximum=2,
+ multiplier=3,
+ deadline=4,
+ on_error=mock.sentinel.on_error,
+ )
+ new_retry = retry_.with_delay()
+ assert retry_ is not new_retry
+ assert new_retry._initial == retry_._initial
+ assert new_retry._maximum == retry_._maximum
+ assert new_retry._multiplier == retry_._multiplier
+ def test_with_delay(self):
+ retry_ = retry.Retry(
+ predicate=mock.sentinel.predicate,
+ initial=1,
+ maximum=2,
+ multiplier=3,
+ deadline=4,
+ on_error=mock.sentinel.on_error,
+ )
+ new_retry = retry_.with_delay(initial=5, maximum=6, multiplier=7)
+ assert retry_ is not new_retry
+ assert new_retry._initial == 5
+ assert new_retry._maximum == 6
+ assert new_retry._multiplier == 7
+ # the rest of the attributes should remain the same
+ assert new_retry._deadline == retry_._deadline
+ assert new_retry._predicate is retry_._predicate
+ assert new_retry._on_error is retry_._on_error
+ def test_with_delay_partial_options(self):
+ retry_ = retry.Retry(
+ predicate=mock.sentinel.predicate,
+ initial=1,
+ maximum=2,
+ multiplier=3,
+ deadline=4,
+ on_error=mock.sentinel.on_error,
+ )
+ new_retry = retry_.with_delay(initial=4)
+ assert retry_ is not new_retry
+ assert new_retry._initial == 4
+ assert new_retry._maximum == 2
+ assert new_retry._multiplier == 3
+ new_retry = retry_.with_delay(maximum=4)
+ assert retry_ is not new_retry
+ assert new_retry._initial == 1
+ assert new_retry._maximum == 4
+ assert new_retry._multiplier == 3
+ new_retry = retry_.with_delay(multiplier=4)
+ assert retry_ is not new_retry
+ assert new_retry._initial == 1
+ assert new_retry._maximum == 2
+ assert new_retry._multiplier == 4
+ # the rest of the attributes should remain the same
+ assert new_retry._deadline == retry_._deadline
+ assert new_retry._predicate is retry_._predicate
+ assert new_retry._on_error is retry_._on_error
+ def test___str__(self):
+ def if_exception_type(exc):
+ return bool(exc) # pragma: NO COVER
+ # Explicitly set all attributes as changed Retry defaults should not
+ # cause this test to start failing.
+ retry_ = retry.Retry(
+ predicate=if_exception_type,
+ initial=1.0,
+ maximum=60.0,
+ multiplier=2.0,
+ deadline=120.0,
+ on_error=None,
+ )
+ assert re.match(
+ (
+ r"<Retry predicate=<function.*?if_exception_type.*?>, "
+ r"initial=1.0, maximum=60.0, multiplier=2.0, deadline=120.0, "
+ r"on_error=None>"
+ ),
+ str(retry_),
+ )
+ @mock.patch("time.sleep", autospec=True)
+ def test___call___and_execute_success(self, sleep):
+ retry_ = retry.Retry()
+ target = mock.Mock(spec=["__call__"], return_value=42)
+ # __name__ is needed by functools.partial.
+ target.__name__ = "target"
+ decorated = retry_(target)
+ target.assert_not_called()
+ result = decorated("meep")
+ assert result == 42
+ target.assert_called_once_with("meep")
+ sleep.assert_not_called()
+ # Make uniform return half of its maximum, which is the calculated sleep time.
+ @mock.patch("random.uniform", autospec=True, side_effect=lambda m, n: n / 2.0)
+ @mock.patch("time.sleep", autospec=True)
+ def test___call___and_execute_retry(self, sleep, uniform):
+ on_error = mock.Mock(spec=["__call__"], side_effect=[None])
+ retry_ = retry.Retry(predicate=retry.if_exception_type(ValueError))
+ target = mock.Mock(spec=["__call__"], side_effect=[ValueError(), 42])
+ # __name__ is needed by functools.partial.
+ target.__name__ = "target"
+ decorated = retry_(target, on_error=on_error)
+ target.assert_not_called()
+ result = decorated("meep")
+ assert result == 42
+ assert target.call_count == 2
+ target.assert_has_calls([mock.call("meep"), mock.call("meep")])
+ sleep.assert_called_once_with(retry_._initial)
+ assert on_error.call_count == 1
+ # Make uniform return half of its maximum, which is the calculated sleep time.
+ @mock.patch("random.uniform", autospec=True, side_effect=lambda m, n: n / 2.0)
+ @mock.patch("time.sleep", autospec=True)
+ def test___call___and_execute_retry_hitting_deadline(self, sleep, uniform):
+ on_error = mock.Mock(spec=["__call__"], side_effect=[None] * 10)
+ retry_ = retry.Retry(
+ predicate=retry.if_exception_type(ValueError),
+ initial=1.0,
+ maximum=1024.0,
+ multiplier=2.0,
+ deadline=9.9,
+ )
+ utcnow = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
+ utcnow_patcher = mock.patch(
+ "google.api_core.datetime_helpers.utcnow", return_value=utcnow
+ )
+ target = mock.Mock(spec=["__call__"], side_effect=[ValueError()] * 10)
+ # __name__ is needed by functools.partial.
+ target.__name__ = "target"
+ decorated = retry_(target, on_error=on_error)
+ target.assert_not_called()
+ with utcnow_patcher as patched_utcnow:
+ # Make sure that calls to fake time.sleep() also advance the mocked
+ # time clock.
+ def increase_time(sleep_delay):
+ patched_utcnow.return_value += datetime.timedelta(seconds=sleep_delay)
+ sleep.side_effect = increase_time
+ with pytest.raises(exceptions.RetryError):
+ decorated("meep")
+ assert target.call_count == 5
+ target.assert_has_calls([mock.call("meep")] * 5)
+ assert on_error.call_count == 5
+ # check the delays
+ assert sleep.call_count == 4 # once between each successive target calls
+ last_wait = sleep.call_args.args[0]
+ total_wait = sum(call_args.args[0] for call_args in sleep.call_args_list)
+ assert last_wait == 2.9 # and not 8.0, because the last delay was shortened
+ assert total_wait == 9.9 # the same as the deadline
+ @mock.patch("time.sleep", autospec=True)
+ def test___init___without_retry_executed(self, sleep):
+ _some_function = mock.Mock()
+ retry_ = retry.Retry(
+ predicate=retry.if_exception_type(ValueError), on_error=_some_function
+ )
+ # check the proper creation of the class
+ assert retry_._on_error is _some_function
+ target = mock.Mock(spec=["__call__"], side_effect=[42])
+ # __name__ is needed by functools.partial.
+ target.__name__ = "target"
+ wrapped = retry_(target)
+ result = wrapped("meep")
+ assert result == 42
+ target.assert_called_once_with("meep")
+ sleep.assert_not_called()
+ _some_function.assert_not_called()
+ # Make uniform return half of its maximum, which is the calculated sleep time.
+ @mock.patch("random.uniform", autospec=True, side_effect=lambda m, n: n / 2.0)
+ @mock.patch("time.sleep", autospec=True)
+ def test___init___when_retry_is_executed(self, sleep, uniform):
+ _some_function = mock.Mock()
+ retry_ = retry.Retry(
+ predicate=retry.if_exception_type(ValueError), on_error=_some_function
+ )
+ # check the proper creation of the class
+ assert retry_._on_error is _some_function
+ target = mock.Mock(
+ spec=["__call__"], side_effect=[ValueError(), ValueError(), 42]
+ )
+ # __name__ is needed by functools.partial.
+ target.__name__ = "target"
+ wrapped = retry_(target)
+ target.assert_not_called()
+ result = wrapped("meep")
+ assert result == 42
+ assert target.call_count == 3
+ assert _some_function.call_count == 2
+ target.assert_has_calls([mock.call("meep"), mock.call("meep")])
+ sleep.assert_any_call(retry_._initial)