path: root/setuptools/tests/test_develop.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'setuptools/tests/test_develop.py')
1 files changed, 202 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/setuptools/tests/test_develop.py b/setuptools/tests/test_develop.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..00d4bd9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setuptools/tests/test_develop.py
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+"""develop tests
+from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals
+import os
+import site
+import sys
+import io
+import subprocess
+import platform
+from setuptools.extern import six
+from setuptools.command import test
+import pytest
+from setuptools.command.develop import develop
+from setuptools.dist import Distribution
+from . import contexts
+from . import namespaces
+SETUP_PY = """\
+from setuptools import setup
+ packages=['foo'],
+ use_2to3=True,
+INIT_PY = """print "foo"
+def temp_user(monkeypatch):
+ with contexts.tempdir() as user_base:
+ with contexts.tempdir() as user_site:
+ monkeypatch.setattr('site.USER_BASE', user_base)
+ monkeypatch.setattr('site.USER_SITE', user_site)
+ yield
+def test_env(tmpdir, temp_user):
+ target = tmpdir
+ foo = target.mkdir('foo')
+ setup = target / 'setup.py'
+ if setup.isfile():
+ raise ValueError(dir(target))
+ with setup.open('w') as f:
+ f.write(SETUP_PY)
+ init = foo / '__init__.py'
+ with init.open('w') as f:
+ f.write(INIT_PY)
+ with target.as_cwd():
+ yield target
+class TestDevelop:
+ in_virtualenv = hasattr(sys, 'real_prefix')
+ in_venv = hasattr(sys, 'base_prefix') and sys.base_prefix != sys.prefix
+ @pytest.mark.skipif(
+ in_virtualenv or in_venv,
+ reason="Cannot run when invoked in a virtualenv or venv")
+ def test_2to3_user_mode(self, test_env):
+ settings = dict(
+ name='foo',
+ packages=['foo'],
+ use_2to3=True,
+ version='0.0',
+ )
+ dist = Distribution(settings)
+ dist.script_name = 'setup.py'
+ cmd = develop(dist)
+ cmd.user = 1
+ cmd.ensure_finalized()
+ cmd.install_dir = site.USER_SITE
+ cmd.user = 1
+ with contexts.quiet():
+ cmd.run()
+ # let's see if we got our egg link at the right place
+ content = os.listdir(site.USER_SITE)
+ content.sort()
+ assert content == ['easy-install.pth', 'foo.egg-link']
+ # Check that we are using the right code.
+ fn = os.path.join(site.USER_SITE, 'foo.egg-link')
+ with io.open(fn) as egg_link_file:
+ path = egg_link_file.read().split()[0].strip()
+ fn = os.path.join(path, 'foo', '__init__.py')
+ with io.open(fn) as init_file:
+ init = init_file.read().strip()
+ expected = 'print("foo")' if six.PY3 else 'print "foo"'
+ assert init == expected
+ def test_console_scripts(self, tmpdir):
+ """
+ Test that console scripts are installed and that they reference
+ only the project by name and not the current version.
+ """
+ pytest.skip(
+ "TODO: needs a fixture to cause 'develop' "
+ "to be invoked without mutating environment.")
+ settings = dict(
+ name='foo',
+ packages=['foo'],
+ version='0.0',
+ entry_points={
+ 'console_scripts': [
+ 'foocmd = foo:foo',
+ ],
+ },
+ )
+ dist = Distribution(settings)
+ dist.script_name = 'setup.py'
+ cmd = develop(dist)
+ cmd.ensure_finalized()
+ cmd.install_dir = tmpdir
+ cmd.run()
+ # assert '0.0' not in foocmd_text
+class TestResolver:
+ """
+ TODO: These tests were written with a minimal understanding
+ of what _resolve_setup_path is intending to do. Come up with
+ more meaningful cases that look like real-world scenarios.
+ """
+ def test_resolve_setup_path_cwd(self):
+ assert develop._resolve_setup_path('.', '.', '.') == '.'
+ def test_resolve_setup_path_one_dir(self):
+ assert develop._resolve_setup_path('pkgs', '.', 'pkgs') == '../'
+ def test_resolve_setup_path_one_dir_trailing_slash(self):
+ assert develop._resolve_setup_path('pkgs/', '.', 'pkgs') == '../'
+class TestNamespaces:
+ @staticmethod
+ def install_develop(src_dir, target):
+ develop_cmd = [
+ sys.executable,
+ 'setup.py',
+ 'develop',
+ '--install-dir', str(target),
+ ]
+ with src_dir.as_cwd():
+ with test.test.paths_on_pythonpath([str(target)]):
+ subprocess.check_call(develop_cmd)
+ @pytest.mark.skipif(
+ bool(os.environ.get("APPVEYOR")),
+ reason="https://github.com/pypa/setuptools/issues/851",
+ )
+ @pytest.mark.skipif(
+ platform.python_implementation() == 'PyPy' and six.PY3,
+ reason="https://github.com/pypa/setuptools/issues/1202",
+ )
+ def test_namespace_package_importable(self, tmpdir):
+ """
+ Installing two packages sharing the same namespace, one installed
+ naturally using pip or `--single-version-externally-managed`
+ and the other installed using `develop` should leave the namespace
+ in tact and both packages reachable by import.
+ """
+ pkg_A = namespaces.build_namespace_package(tmpdir, 'myns.pkgA')
+ pkg_B = namespaces.build_namespace_package(tmpdir, 'myns.pkgB')
+ target = tmpdir / 'packages'
+ # use pip to install to the target directory
+ install_cmd = [
+ sys.executable,
+ '-m',
+ 'pip',
+ 'install',
+ str(pkg_A),
+ '-t', str(target),
+ ]
+ subprocess.check_call(install_cmd)
+ self.install_develop(pkg_B, target)
+ namespaces.make_site_dir(target)
+ try_import = [
+ sys.executable,
+ '-c', 'import myns.pkgA; import myns.pkgB',
+ ]
+ with test.test.paths_on_pythonpath([str(target)]):
+ subprocess.check_call(try_import)
+ # additionally ensure that pkg_resources import works
+ pkg_resources_imp = [
+ sys.executable,
+ '-c', 'import pkg_resources',
+ ]
+ with test.test.paths_on_pythonpath([str(target)]):
+ subprocess.check_call(pkg_resources_imp)