path: root/setuptools/tests/test_easy_install.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'setuptools/tests/test_easy_install.py')
1 files changed, 760 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/setuptools/tests/test_easy_install.py b/setuptools/tests/test_easy_install.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..57339c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setuptools/tests/test_easy_install.py
@@ -0,0 +1,760 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+"""Easy install Tests
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+import sys
+import os
+import tempfile
+import site
+import contextlib
+import tarfile
+import logging
+import itertools
+import distutils.errors
+import io
+import zipfile
+import mock
+import time
+from setuptools.extern.six.moves import urllib
+import pytest
+from setuptools import sandbox
+from setuptools.sandbox import run_setup
+import setuptools.command.easy_install as ei
+from setuptools.command.easy_install import PthDistributions
+from setuptools.command import easy_install as easy_install_pkg
+from setuptools.dist import Distribution
+from pkg_resources import normalize_path, working_set
+from pkg_resources import Distribution as PRDistribution
+import setuptools.tests.server
+from setuptools.tests import fail_on_ascii
+import pkg_resources
+from . import contexts
+from .textwrap import DALS
+class FakeDist(object):
+ def get_entry_map(self, group):
+ if group != 'console_scripts':
+ return {}
+ return {'name': 'ep'}
+ def as_requirement(self):
+ return 'spec'
+ from setuptools import setup
+ setup(name='foo')
+ """)
+class TestEasyInstallTest:
+ def test_install_site_py(self, tmpdir):
+ dist = Distribution()
+ cmd = ei.easy_install(dist)
+ cmd.sitepy_installed = False
+ cmd.install_dir = str(tmpdir)
+ cmd.install_site_py()
+ assert (tmpdir / 'site.py').exists()
+ def test_get_script_args(self):
+ header = ei.CommandSpec.best().from_environment().as_header()
+ expected = header + DALS(r"""
+ # EASY-INSTALL-ENTRY-SCRIPT: 'spec','console_scripts','name'
+ __requires__ = 'spec'
+ import re
+ import sys
+ from pkg_resources import load_entry_point
+ if __name__ == '__main__':
+ sys.argv[0] = re.sub(r'(-script\.pyw?|\.exe)?$', '', sys.argv[0])
+ sys.exit(
+ load_entry_point('spec', 'console_scripts', 'name')()
+ )
+ """)
+ dist = FakeDist()
+ args = next(ei.ScriptWriter.get_args(dist))
+ name, script = itertools.islice(args, 2)
+ assert script == expected
+ def test_no_find_links(self):
+ # new option '--no-find-links', that blocks find-links added at
+ # the project level
+ dist = Distribution()
+ cmd = ei.easy_install(dist)
+ cmd.check_pth_processing = lambda: True
+ cmd.no_find_links = True
+ cmd.find_links = ['link1', 'link2']
+ cmd.install_dir = os.path.join(tempfile.mkdtemp(), 'ok')
+ cmd.args = ['ok']
+ cmd.ensure_finalized()
+ assert cmd.package_index.scanned_urls == {}
+ # let's try without it (default behavior)
+ cmd = ei.easy_install(dist)
+ cmd.check_pth_processing = lambda: True
+ cmd.find_links = ['link1', 'link2']
+ cmd.install_dir = os.path.join(tempfile.mkdtemp(), 'ok')
+ cmd.args = ['ok']
+ cmd.ensure_finalized()
+ keys = sorted(cmd.package_index.scanned_urls.keys())
+ assert keys == ['link1', 'link2']
+ def test_write_exception(self):
+ """
+ Test that `cant_write_to_target` is rendered as a DistutilsError.
+ """
+ dist = Distribution()
+ cmd = ei.easy_install(dist)
+ cmd.install_dir = os.getcwd()
+ with pytest.raises(distutils.errors.DistutilsError):
+ cmd.cant_write_to_target()
+ def test_all_site_dirs(self, monkeypatch):
+ """
+ get_site_dirs should always return site dirs reported by
+ site.getsitepackages.
+ """
+ path = normalize_path('/setuptools/test/site-packages')
+ mock_gsp = lambda: [path]
+ monkeypatch.setattr(site, 'getsitepackages', mock_gsp, raising=False)
+ assert path in ei.get_site_dirs()
+ def test_all_site_dirs_works_without_getsitepackages(self, monkeypatch):
+ monkeypatch.delattr(site, 'getsitepackages', raising=False)
+ assert ei.get_site_dirs()
+ @pytest.fixture
+ def sdist_unicode(self, tmpdir):
+ files = [
+ (
+ 'setup.py',
+ DALS("""
+ import setuptools
+ setuptools.setup(
+ name="setuptools-test-unicode",
+ version="1.0",
+ packages=["mypkg"],
+ include_package_data=True,
+ )
+ """),
+ ),
+ (
+ 'mypkg/__init__.py',
+ "",
+ ),
+ (
+ u'mypkg/\u2603.txt',
+ "",
+ ),
+ ]
+ sdist_name = 'setuptools-test-unicode-1.0.zip'
+ sdist = tmpdir / sdist_name
+ # can't use make_sdist, because the issue only occurs
+ # with zip sdists.
+ sdist_zip = zipfile.ZipFile(str(sdist), 'w')
+ for filename, content in files:
+ sdist_zip.writestr(filename, content)
+ sdist_zip.close()
+ return str(sdist)
+ @fail_on_ascii
+ def test_unicode_filename_in_sdist(self, sdist_unicode, tmpdir, monkeypatch):
+ """
+ The install command should execute correctly even if
+ the package has unicode filenames.
+ """
+ dist = Distribution({'script_args': ['easy_install']})
+ target = (tmpdir / 'target').ensure_dir()
+ cmd = ei.easy_install(
+ dist,
+ install_dir=str(target),
+ args=['x'],
+ )
+ monkeypatch.setitem(os.environ, 'PYTHONPATH', str(target))
+ cmd.ensure_finalized()
+ cmd.easy_install(sdist_unicode)
+ @pytest.fixture
+ def sdist_script(self, tmpdir):
+ files = [
+ (
+ 'setup.py',
+ DALS("""
+ import setuptools
+ setuptools.setup(
+ name="setuptools-test-script",
+ version="1.0",
+ scripts=["mypkg_script"],
+ )
+ """),
+ ),
+ (
+ u'mypkg_script',
+ DALS("""
+ #/usr/bin/python
+ print('mypkg_script')
+ """),
+ ),
+ ]
+ sdist_name = 'setuptools-test-script-1.0.zip'
+ sdist = str(tmpdir / sdist_name)
+ make_sdist(sdist, files)
+ return sdist
+ @pytest.mark.skipif(not sys.platform.startswith('linux'),
+ reason="Test can only be run on Linux")
+ def test_script_install(self, sdist_script, tmpdir, monkeypatch):
+ """
+ Check scripts are installed.
+ """
+ dist = Distribution({'script_args': ['easy_install']})
+ target = (tmpdir / 'target').ensure_dir()
+ cmd = ei.easy_install(
+ dist,
+ install_dir=str(target),
+ args=['x'],
+ )
+ monkeypatch.setitem(os.environ, 'PYTHONPATH', str(target))
+ cmd.ensure_finalized()
+ cmd.easy_install(sdist_script)
+ assert (target / 'mypkg_script').exists()
+class TestPTHFileWriter:
+ def test_add_from_cwd_site_sets_dirty(self):
+ '''a pth file manager should set dirty
+ if a distribution is in site but also the cwd
+ '''
+ pth = PthDistributions('does-not_exist', [os.getcwd()])
+ assert not pth.dirty
+ pth.add(PRDistribution(os.getcwd()))
+ assert pth.dirty
+ def test_add_from_site_is_ignored(self):
+ location = '/test/location/does-not-have-to-exist'
+ # PthDistributions expects all locations to be normalized
+ location = pkg_resources.normalize_path(location)
+ pth = PthDistributions('does-not_exist', [location, ])
+ assert not pth.dirty
+ pth.add(PRDistribution(location))
+ assert not pth.dirty
+def setup_context(tmpdir):
+ with (tmpdir / 'setup.py').open('w') as f:
+ f.write(SETUP_PY)
+ with tmpdir.as_cwd():
+ yield tmpdir
+class TestUserInstallTest:
+ # prevent check that site-packages is writable. easy_install
+ # shouldn't be writing to system site-packages during finalize
+ # options, but while it does, bypass the behavior.
+ prev_sp_write = mock.patch(
+ 'setuptools.command.easy_install.easy_install.check_site_dir',
+ mock.Mock(),
+ )
+ # simulate setuptools installed in user site packages
+ @mock.patch('setuptools.command.easy_install.__file__', site.USER_SITE)
+ @mock.patch('site.ENABLE_USER_SITE', True)
+ @prev_sp_write
+ def test_user_install_not_implied_user_site_enabled(self):
+ self.assert_not_user_site()
+ @mock.patch('site.ENABLE_USER_SITE', False)
+ @prev_sp_write
+ def test_user_install_not_implied_user_site_disabled(self):
+ self.assert_not_user_site()
+ @staticmethod
+ def assert_not_user_site():
+ # create a finalized easy_install command
+ dist = Distribution()
+ dist.script_name = 'setup.py'
+ cmd = ei.easy_install(dist)
+ cmd.args = ['py']
+ cmd.ensure_finalized()
+ assert not cmd.user, 'user should not be implied'
+ def test_multiproc_atexit(self):
+ pytest.importorskip('multiprocessing')
+ log = logging.getLogger('test_easy_install')
+ logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, stream=sys.stderr)
+ log.info('this should not break')
+ @pytest.fixture()
+ def foo_package(self, tmpdir):
+ egg_file = tmpdir / 'foo-1.0.egg-info'
+ with egg_file.open('w') as f:
+ f.write('Name: foo\n')
+ return str(tmpdir)
+ @pytest.yield_fixture()
+ def install_target(self, tmpdir):
+ target = str(tmpdir)
+ with mock.patch('sys.path', sys.path + [target]):
+ python_path = os.path.pathsep.join(sys.path)
+ with mock.patch.dict(os.environ, PYTHONPATH=python_path):
+ yield target
+ def test_local_index(self, foo_package, install_target):
+ """
+ The local index must be used when easy_install locates installed
+ packages.
+ """
+ dist = Distribution()
+ dist.script_name = 'setup.py'
+ cmd = ei.easy_install(dist)
+ cmd.install_dir = install_target
+ cmd.args = ['foo']
+ cmd.ensure_finalized()
+ cmd.local_index.scan([foo_package])
+ res = cmd.easy_install('foo')
+ actual = os.path.normcase(os.path.realpath(res.location))
+ expected = os.path.normcase(os.path.realpath(foo_package))
+ assert actual == expected
+ @contextlib.contextmanager
+ def user_install_setup_context(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ Wrap sandbox.setup_context to patch easy_install in that context to
+ appear as user-installed.
+ """
+ with self.orig_context(*args, **kwargs):
+ import setuptools.command.easy_install as ei
+ ei.__file__ = site.USER_SITE
+ yield
+ def patched_setup_context(self):
+ self.orig_context = sandbox.setup_context
+ return mock.patch(
+ 'setuptools.sandbox.setup_context',
+ self.user_install_setup_context,
+ )
+def distutils_package():
+ distutils_setup_py = SETUP_PY.replace(
+ 'from setuptools import setup',
+ 'from distutils.core import setup',
+ )
+ with contexts.tempdir(cd=os.chdir):
+ with open('setup.py', 'w') as f:
+ f.write(distutils_setup_py)
+ yield
+class TestDistutilsPackage:
+ def test_bdist_egg_available_on_distutils_pkg(self, distutils_package):
+ run_setup('setup.py', ['bdist_egg'])
+class TestSetupRequires:
+ def test_setup_requires_honors_fetch_params(self):
+ """
+ When easy_install installs a source distribution which specifies
+ setup_requires, it should honor the fetch parameters (such as
+ allow-hosts, index-url, and find-links).
+ """
+ # set up a server which will simulate an alternate package index.
+ p_index = setuptools.tests.server.MockServer()
+ p_index.start()
+ netloc = 1
+ p_index_loc = urllib.parse.urlparse(p_index.url)[netloc]
+ if p_index_loc.endswith(':0'):
+ # Some platforms (Jython) don't find a port to which to bind,
+ # so skip this test for them.
+ return
+ with contexts.quiet():
+ # create an sdist that has a build-time dependency.
+ with TestSetupRequires.create_sdist() as dist_file:
+ with contexts.tempdir() as temp_install_dir:
+ with contexts.environment(PYTHONPATH=temp_install_dir):
+ ei_params = [
+ '--index-url', p_index.url,
+ '--allow-hosts', p_index_loc,
+ '--exclude-scripts',
+ '--install-dir', temp_install_dir,
+ dist_file,
+ ]
+ with sandbox.save_argv(['easy_install']):
+ # attempt to install the dist. It should fail because
+ # it doesn't exist.
+ with pytest.raises(SystemExit):
+ easy_install_pkg.main(ei_params)
+ # there should have been two or three requests to the server
+ # (three happens on Python 3.3a)
+ assert 2 <= len(p_index.requests) <= 3
+ assert p_index.requests[0].path == '/does-not-exist/'
+ @staticmethod
+ @contextlib.contextmanager
+ def create_sdist():
+ """
+ Return an sdist with a setup_requires dependency (of something that
+ doesn't exist)
+ """
+ with contexts.tempdir() as dir:
+ dist_path = os.path.join(dir, 'setuptools-test-fetcher-1.0.tar.gz')
+ make_sdist(dist_path, [
+ ('setup.py', DALS("""
+ import setuptools
+ setuptools.setup(
+ name="setuptools-test-fetcher",
+ version="1.0",
+ setup_requires = ['does-not-exist'],
+ )
+ """))])
+ yield dist_path
+ use_setup_cfg = (
+ (),
+ ('dependency_links',),
+ ('setup_requires',),
+ ('dependency_links', 'setup_requires'),
+ )
+ @pytest.mark.parametrize('use_setup_cfg', use_setup_cfg)
+ def test_setup_requires_overrides_version_conflict(self, use_setup_cfg):
+ """
+ Regression test for distribution issue 323:
+ https://bitbucket.org/tarek/distribute/issues/323
+ Ensures that a distribution's setup_requires requirements can still be
+ installed and used locally even if a conflicting version of that
+ requirement is already on the path.
+ """
+ fake_dist = PRDistribution('does-not-matter', project_name='foobar',
+ version='0.0')
+ working_set.add(fake_dist)
+ with contexts.save_pkg_resources_state():
+ with contexts.tempdir() as temp_dir:
+ test_pkg = create_setup_requires_package(temp_dir, use_setup_cfg=use_setup_cfg)
+ test_setup_py = os.path.join(test_pkg, 'setup.py')
+ with contexts.quiet() as (stdout, stderr):
+ # Don't even need to install the package, just
+ # running the setup.py at all is sufficient
+ run_setup(test_setup_py, ['--name'])
+ lines = stdout.readlines()
+ assert len(lines) > 0
+ assert lines[-1].strip() == 'test_pkg'
+ @pytest.mark.parametrize('use_setup_cfg', use_setup_cfg)
+ def test_setup_requires_override_nspkg(self, use_setup_cfg):
+ """
+ Like ``test_setup_requires_overrides_version_conflict`` but where the
+ ``setup_requires`` package is part of a namespace package that has
+ *already* been imported.
+ """
+ with contexts.save_pkg_resources_state():
+ with contexts.tempdir() as temp_dir:
+ foobar_1_archive = os.path.join(temp_dir, 'foo.bar-0.1.tar.gz')
+ make_nspkg_sdist(foobar_1_archive, 'foo.bar', '0.1')
+ # Now actually go ahead an extract to the temp dir and add the
+ # extracted path to sys.path so foo.bar v0.1 is importable
+ foobar_1_dir = os.path.join(temp_dir, 'foo.bar-0.1')
+ os.mkdir(foobar_1_dir)
+ with tarfile.open(foobar_1_archive) as tf:
+ tf.extractall(foobar_1_dir)
+ sys.path.insert(1, foobar_1_dir)
+ dist = PRDistribution(foobar_1_dir, project_name='foo.bar',
+ version='0.1')
+ working_set.add(dist)
+ template = DALS("""\
+ import foo # Even with foo imported first the
+ # setup_requires package should override
+ import setuptools
+ setuptools.setup(**%r)
+ if not (hasattr(foo, '__path__') and
+ len(foo.__path__) == 2):
+ print('FAIL')
+ if 'foo.bar-0.2' not in foo.__path__[0]:
+ print('FAIL')
+ """)
+ test_pkg = create_setup_requires_package(
+ temp_dir, 'foo.bar', '0.2', make_nspkg_sdist, template,
+ use_setup_cfg=use_setup_cfg)
+ test_setup_py = os.path.join(test_pkg, 'setup.py')
+ with contexts.quiet() as (stdout, stderr):
+ try:
+ # Don't even need to install the package, just
+ # running the setup.py at all is sufficient
+ run_setup(test_setup_py, ['--name'])
+ except pkg_resources.VersionConflict:
+ self.fail('Installing setup.py requirements '
+ 'caused a VersionConflict')
+ assert 'FAIL' not in stdout.getvalue()
+ lines = stdout.readlines()
+ assert len(lines) > 0
+ assert lines[-1].strip() == 'test_pkg'
+ @pytest.mark.parametrize('use_setup_cfg', use_setup_cfg)
+ def test_setup_requires_with_attr_version(self, use_setup_cfg):
+ def make_dependency_sdist(dist_path, distname, version):
+ make_sdist(dist_path, [
+ ('setup.py',
+ DALS("""
+ import setuptools
+ setuptools.setup(
+ name={name!r},
+ version={version!r},
+ py_modules=[{name!r}],
+ )
+ """.format(name=distname, version=version))),
+ (distname + '.py',
+ DALS("""
+ version = 42
+ """
+ ))])
+ with contexts.save_pkg_resources_state():
+ with contexts.tempdir() as temp_dir:
+ test_pkg = create_setup_requires_package(
+ temp_dir, setup_attrs=dict(version='attr: foobar.version'),
+ make_package=make_dependency_sdist,
+ use_setup_cfg=use_setup_cfg+('version',),
+ )
+ test_setup_py = os.path.join(test_pkg, 'setup.py')
+ with contexts.quiet() as (stdout, stderr):
+ run_setup(test_setup_py, ['--version'])
+ lines = stdout.readlines()
+ assert len(lines) > 0
+ assert lines[-1].strip() == '42'
+def make_trivial_sdist(dist_path, distname, version):
+ """
+ Create a simple sdist tarball at dist_path, containing just a simple
+ setup.py.
+ """
+ make_sdist(dist_path, [
+ ('setup.py',
+ DALS("""\
+ import setuptools
+ setuptools.setup(
+ name=%r,
+ version=%r
+ )
+ """ % (distname, version)))])
+def make_nspkg_sdist(dist_path, distname, version):
+ """
+ Make an sdist tarball with distname and version which also contains one
+ package with the same name as distname. The top-level package is
+ designated a namespace package).
+ """
+ parts = distname.split('.')
+ nspackage = parts[0]
+ packages = ['.'.join(parts[:idx]) for idx in range(1, len(parts) + 1)]
+ setup_py = DALS("""\
+ import setuptools
+ setuptools.setup(
+ name=%r,
+ version=%r,
+ packages=%r,
+ namespace_packages=[%r]
+ )
+ """ % (distname, version, packages, nspackage))
+ init = "__import__('pkg_resources').declare_namespace(__name__)"
+ files = [('setup.py', setup_py),
+ (os.path.join(nspackage, '__init__.py'), init)]
+ for package in packages[1:]:
+ filename = os.path.join(*(package.split('.') + ['__init__.py']))
+ files.append((filename, ''))
+ make_sdist(dist_path, files)
+def make_sdist(dist_path, files):
+ """
+ Create a simple sdist tarball at dist_path, containing the files
+ listed in ``files`` as ``(filename, content)`` tuples.
+ """
+ with tarfile.open(dist_path, 'w:gz') as dist:
+ for filename, content in files:
+ file_bytes = io.BytesIO(content.encode('utf-8'))
+ file_info = tarfile.TarInfo(name=filename)
+ file_info.size = len(file_bytes.getvalue())
+ file_info.mtime = int(time.time())
+ dist.addfile(file_info, fileobj=file_bytes)
+def create_setup_requires_package(path, distname='foobar', version='0.1',
+ make_package=make_trivial_sdist,
+ setup_py_template=None, setup_attrs={},
+ use_setup_cfg=()):
+ """Creates a source tree under path for a trivial test package that has a
+ single requirement in setup_requires--a tarball for that requirement is
+ also created and added to the dependency_links argument.
+ ``distname`` and ``version`` refer to the name/version of the package that
+ the test package requires via ``setup_requires``. The name of the test
+ package itself is just 'test_pkg'.
+ """
+ test_setup_attrs = {
+ 'name': 'test_pkg', 'version': '0.0',
+ 'setup_requires': ['%s==%s' % (distname, version)],
+ 'dependency_links': [os.path.abspath(path)]
+ }
+ test_setup_attrs.update(setup_attrs)
+ test_pkg = os.path.join(path, 'test_pkg')
+ os.mkdir(test_pkg)
+ if use_setup_cfg:
+ test_setup_cfg = os.path.join(test_pkg, 'setup.cfg')
+ options = []
+ metadata = []
+ for name in use_setup_cfg:
+ value = test_setup_attrs.pop(name)
+ if name in 'name version'.split():
+ section = metadata
+ else:
+ section = options
+ if isinstance(value, (tuple, list)):
+ value = ';'.join(value)
+ section.append('%s: %s' % (name, value))
+ with open(test_setup_cfg, 'w') as f:
+ f.write(DALS(
+ """
+ [metadata]
+ {metadata}
+ [options]
+ {options}
+ """
+ ).format(
+ options='\n'.join(options),
+ metadata='\n'.join(metadata),
+ ))
+ test_setup_py = os.path.join(test_pkg, 'setup.py')
+ if setup_py_template is None:
+ setup_py_template = DALS("""\
+ import setuptools
+ setuptools.setup(**%r)
+ """)
+ with open(test_setup_py, 'w') as f:
+ f.write(setup_py_template % test_setup_attrs)
+ foobar_path = os.path.join(path, '%s-%s.tar.gz' % (distname, version))
+ make_package(foobar_path, distname, version)
+ return test_pkg
+ sys.platform.startswith('java') and ei.is_sh(sys.executable),
+ reason="Test cannot run under java when executable is sh"
+class TestScriptHeader:
+ non_ascii_exe = '/Users/José/bin/python'
+ exe_with_spaces = r'C:\Program Files\Python33\python.exe'
+ def test_get_script_header(self):
+ expected = '#!%s\n' % ei.nt_quote_arg(os.path.normpath(sys.executable))
+ actual = ei.ScriptWriter.get_script_header('#!/usr/local/bin/python')
+ assert actual == expected
+ def test_get_script_header_args(self):
+ expected = '#!%s -x\n' % ei.nt_quote_arg(os.path.normpath
+ (sys.executable))
+ actual = ei.ScriptWriter.get_script_header('#!/usr/bin/python -x')
+ assert actual == expected
+ def test_get_script_header_non_ascii_exe(self):
+ actual = ei.ScriptWriter.get_script_header('#!/usr/bin/python',
+ executable=self.non_ascii_exe)
+ expected = '#!%s -x\n' % self.non_ascii_exe
+ assert actual == expected
+ def test_get_script_header_exe_with_spaces(self):
+ actual = ei.ScriptWriter.get_script_header('#!/usr/bin/python',
+ executable='"' + self.exe_with_spaces + '"')
+ expected = '#!"%s"\n' % self.exe_with_spaces
+ assert actual == expected
+class TestCommandSpec:
+ def test_custom_launch_command(self):
+ """
+ Show how a custom CommandSpec could be used to specify a #! executable
+ which takes parameters.
+ """
+ cmd = ei.CommandSpec(['/usr/bin/env', 'python3'])
+ assert cmd.as_header() == '#!/usr/bin/env python3\n'
+ def test_from_param_for_CommandSpec_is_passthrough(self):
+ """
+ from_param should return an instance of a CommandSpec
+ """
+ cmd = ei.CommandSpec(['python'])
+ cmd_new = ei.CommandSpec.from_param(cmd)
+ assert cmd is cmd_new
+ @mock.patch('sys.executable', TestScriptHeader.exe_with_spaces)
+ @mock.patch.dict(os.environ)
+ def test_from_environment_with_spaces_in_executable(self):
+ os.environ.pop('__PYVENV_LAUNCHER__', None)
+ cmd = ei.CommandSpec.from_environment()
+ assert len(cmd) == 1
+ assert cmd.as_header().startswith('#!"')
+ def test_from_simple_string_uses_shlex(self):
+ """
+ In order to support `executable = /usr/bin/env my-python`, make sure
+ from_param invokes shlex on that input.
+ """
+ cmd = ei.CommandSpec.from_param('/usr/bin/env my-python')
+ assert len(cmd) == 2
+ assert '"' not in cmd.as_header()
+class TestWindowsScriptWriter:
+ def test_header(self):
+ hdr = ei.WindowsScriptWriter.get_script_header('')
+ assert hdr.startswith('#!')
+ assert hdr.endswith('\n')
+ hdr = hdr.lstrip('#!')
+ hdr = hdr.rstrip('\n')
+ # header should not start with an escaped quote
+ assert not hdr.startswith('\\"')