path: root/setuptools/tests/test_setuptools.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'setuptools/tests/test_setuptools.py')
1 files changed, 368 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/setuptools/tests/test_setuptools.py b/setuptools/tests/test_setuptools.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..26e37a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setuptools/tests/test_setuptools.py
@@ -0,0 +1,368 @@
+"""Tests for the 'setuptools' package"""
+import sys
+import os
+import distutils.core
+import distutils.cmd
+from distutils.errors import DistutilsOptionError, DistutilsPlatformError
+from distutils.errors import DistutilsSetupError
+from distutils.core import Extension
+from distutils.version import LooseVersion
+import pytest
+import setuptools
+import setuptools.dist
+import setuptools.depends as dep
+from setuptools import Feature
+from setuptools.depends import Require
+from setuptools.extern import six
+def makeSetup(**args):
+ """Return distribution from 'setup(**args)', without executing commands"""
+ distutils.core._setup_stop_after = "commandline"
+ # Don't let system command line leak into tests!
+ args.setdefault('script_args', ['install'])
+ try:
+ return setuptools.setup(**args)
+ finally:
+ distutils.core._setup_stop_after = None
+needs_bytecode = pytest.mark.skipif(
+ not hasattr(dep, 'get_module_constant'),
+ reason="bytecode support not available",
+class TestDepends:
+ def testExtractConst(self):
+ if not hasattr(dep, 'extract_constant'):
+ # skip on non-bytecode platforms
+ return
+ def f1():
+ global x, y, z
+ x = "test"
+ y = z
+ fc = six.get_function_code(f1)
+ # unrecognized name
+ assert dep.extract_constant(fc, 'q', -1) is None
+ # constant assigned
+ dep.extract_constant(fc, 'x', -1) == "test"
+ # expression assigned
+ dep.extract_constant(fc, 'y', -1) == -1
+ # recognized name, not assigned
+ dep.extract_constant(fc, 'z', -1) is None
+ def testFindModule(self):
+ with pytest.raises(ImportError):
+ dep.find_module('no-such.-thing')
+ with pytest.raises(ImportError):
+ dep.find_module('setuptools.non-existent')
+ f, p, i = dep.find_module('setuptools.tests')
+ f.close()
+ @needs_bytecode
+ def testModuleExtract(self):
+ from json import __version__
+ assert dep.get_module_constant('json', '__version__') == __version__
+ assert dep.get_module_constant('sys', 'version') == sys.version
+ assert dep.get_module_constant('setuptools.tests.test_setuptools', '__doc__') == __doc__
+ @needs_bytecode
+ def testRequire(self):
+ req = Require('Json', '1.0.3', 'json')
+ assert req.name == 'Json'
+ assert req.module == 'json'
+ assert req.requested_version == '1.0.3'
+ assert req.attribute == '__version__'
+ assert req.full_name() == 'Json-1.0.3'
+ from json import __version__
+ assert req.get_version() == __version__
+ assert req.version_ok('1.0.9')
+ assert not req.version_ok('0.9.1')
+ assert not req.version_ok('unknown')
+ assert req.is_present()
+ assert req.is_current()
+ req = Require('Json 3000', '03000', 'json', format=LooseVersion)
+ assert req.is_present()
+ assert not req.is_current()
+ assert not req.version_ok('unknown')
+ req = Require('Do-what-I-mean', '1.0', 'd-w-i-m')
+ assert not req.is_present()
+ assert not req.is_current()
+ req = Require('Tests', None, 'tests', homepage="http://example.com")
+ assert req.format is None
+ assert req.attribute is None
+ assert req.requested_version is None
+ assert req.full_name() == 'Tests'
+ assert req.homepage == 'http://example.com'
+ from setuptools.tests import __path__
+ paths = [os.path.dirname(p) for p in __path__]
+ assert req.is_present(paths)
+ assert req.is_current(paths)
+class TestDistro:
+ def setup_method(self, method):
+ self.e1 = Extension('bar.ext', ['bar.c'])
+ self.e2 = Extension('c.y', ['y.c'])
+ self.dist = makeSetup(
+ packages=['a', 'a.b', 'a.b.c', 'b', 'c'],
+ py_modules=['b.d', 'x'],
+ ext_modules=(self.e1, self.e2),
+ package_dir={},
+ )
+ def testDistroType(self):
+ assert isinstance(self.dist, setuptools.dist.Distribution)
+ def testExcludePackage(self):
+ self.dist.exclude_package('a')
+ assert self.dist.packages == ['b', 'c']
+ self.dist.exclude_package('b')
+ assert self.dist.packages == ['c']
+ assert self.dist.py_modules == ['x']
+ assert self.dist.ext_modules == [self.e1, self.e2]
+ self.dist.exclude_package('c')
+ assert self.dist.packages == []
+ assert self.dist.py_modules == ['x']
+ assert self.dist.ext_modules == [self.e1]
+ # test removals from unspecified options
+ makeSetup().exclude_package('x')
+ def testIncludeExclude(self):
+ # remove an extension
+ self.dist.exclude(ext_modules=[self.e1])
+ assert self.dist.ext_modules == [self.e2]
+ # add it back in
+ self.dist.include(ext_modules=[self.e1])
+ assert self.dist.ext_modules == [self.e2, self.e1]
+ # should not add duplicate
+ self.dist.include(ext_modules=[self.e1])
+ assert self.dist.ext_modules == [self.e2, self.e1]
+ def testExcludePackages(self):
+ self.dist.exclude(packages=['c', 'b', 'a'])
+ assert self.dist.packages == []
+ assert self.dist.py_modules == ['x']
+ assert self.dist.ext_modules == [self.e1]
+ def testEmpty(self):
+ dist = makeSetup()
+ dist.include(packages=['a'], py_modules=['b'], ext_modules=[self.e2])
+ dist = makeSetup()
+ dist.exclude(packages=['a'], py_modules=['b'], ext_modules=[self.e2])
+ def testContents(self):
+ assert self.dist.has_contents_for('a')
+ self.dist.exclude_package('a')
+ assert not self.dist.has_contents_for('a')
+ assert self.dist.has_contents_for('b')
+ self.dist.exclude_package('b')
+ assert not self.dist.has_contents_for('b')
+ assert self.dist.has_contents_for('c')
+ self.dist.exclude_package('c')
+ assert not self.dist.has_contents_for('c')
+ def testInvalidIncludeExclude(self):
+ with pytest.raises(DistutilsSetupError):
+ self.dist.include(nonexistent_option='x')
+ with pytest.raises(DistutilsSetupError):
+ self.dist.exclude(nonexistent_option='x')
+ with pytest.raises(DistutilsSetupError):
+ self.dist.include(packages={'x': 'y'})
+ with pytest.raises(DistutilsSetupError):
+ self.dist.exclude(packages={'x': 'y'})
+ with pytest.raises(DistutilsSetupError):
+ self.dist.include(ext_modules={'x': 'y'})
+ with pytest.raises(DistutilsSetupError):
+ self.dist.exclude(ext_modules={'x': 'y'})
+ with pytest.raises(DistutilsSetupError):
+ self.dist.include(package_dir=['q'])
+ with pytest.raises(DistutilsSetupError):
+ self.dist.exclude(package_dir=['q'])
+class TestFeatures:
+ def setup_method(self, method):
+ self.req = Require('Distutils', '1.0.3', 'distutils')
+ self.dist = makeSetup(
+ features={
+ 'foo': Feature("foo", standard=True, require_features=['baz', self.req]),
+ 'bar': Feature("bar", standard=True, packages=['pkg.bar'],
+ py_modules=['bar_et'], remove=['bar.ext'],
+ ),
+ 'baz': Feature(
+ "baz", optional=False, packages=['pkg.baz'],
+ scripts=['scripts/baz_it'],
+ libraries=[('libfoo', 'foo/foofoo.c')]
+ ),
+ 'dwim': Feature("DWIM", available=False, remove='bazish'),
+ },
+ script_args=['--without-bar', 'install'],
+ packages=['pkg.bar', 'pkg.foo'],
+ py_modules=['bar_et', 'bazish'],
+ ext_modules=[Extension('bar.ext', ['bar.c'])]
+ )
+ def testDefaults(self):
+ assert not Feature(
+ "test", standard=True, remove='x', available=False
+ ).include_by_default()
+ assert Feature("test", standard=True, remove='x').include_by_default()
+ # Feature must have either kwargs, removes, or require_features
+ with pytest.raises(DistutilsSetupError):
+ Feature("test")
+ def testAvailability(self):
+ with pytest.raises(DistutilsPlatformError):
+ self.dist.features['dwim'].include_in(self.dist)
+ def testFeatureOptions(self):
+ dist = self.dist
+ assert (
+ ('with-dwim', None, 'include DWIM') in dist.feature_options
+ )
+ assert (
+ ('without-dwim', None, 'exclude DWIM (default)') in dist.feature_options
+ )
+ assert (
+ ('with-bar', None, 'include bar (default)') in dist.feature_options
+ )
+ assert (
+ ('without-bar', None, 'exclude bar') in dist.feature_options
+ )
+ assert dist.feature_negopt['without-foo'] == 'with-foo'
+ assert dist.feature_negopt['without-bar'] == 'with-bar'
+ assert dist.feature_negopt['without-dwim'] == 'with-dwim'
+ assert ('without-baz' not in dist.feature_negopt)
+ def testUseFeatures(self):
+ dist = self.dist
+ assert dist.with_foo == 1
+ assert dist.with_bar == 0
+ assert dist.with_baz == 1
+ assert ('bar_et' not in dist.py_modules)
+ assert ('pkg.bar' not in dist.packages)
+ assert ('pkg.baz' in dist.packages)
+ assert ('scripts/baz_it' in dist.scripts)
+ assert (('libfoo', 'foo/foofoo.c') in dist.libraries)
+ assert dist.ext_modules == []
+ assert dist.require_features == [self.req]
+ # If we ask for bar, it should fail because we explicitly disabled
+ # it on the command line
+ with pytest.raises(DistutilsOptionError):
+ dist.include_feature('bar')
+ def testFeatureWithInvalidRemove(self):
+ with pytest.raises(SystemExit):
+ makeSetup(features={'x': Feature('x', remove='y')})
+class TestCommandTests:
+ def testTestIsCommand(self):
+ test_cmd = makeSetup().get_command_obj('test')
+ assert (isinstance(test_cmd, distutils.cmd.Command))
+ def testLongOptSuiteWNoDefault(self):
+ ts1 = makeSetup(script_args=['test', '--test-suite=foo.tests.suite'])
+ ts1 = ts1.get_command_obj('test')
+ ts1.ensure_finalized()
+ assert ts1.test_suite == 'foo.tests.suite'
+ def testDefaultSuite(self):
+ ts2 = makeSetup(test_suite='bar.tests.suite').get_command_obj('test')
+ ts2.ensure_finalized()
+ assert ts2.test_suite == 'bar.tests.suite'
+ def testDefaultWModuleOnCmdLine(self):
+ ts3 = makeSetup(
+ test_suite='bar.tests',
+ script_args=['test', '-m', 'foo.tests']
+ ).get_command_obj('test')
+ ts3.ensure_finalized()
+ assert ts3.test_module == 'foo.tests'
+ assert ts3.test_suite == 'foo.tests.test_suite'
+ def testConflictingOptions(self):
+ ts4 = makeSetup(
+ script_args=['test', '-m', 'bar.tests', '-s', 'foo.tests.suite']
+ ).get_command_obj('test')
+ with pytest.raises(DistutilsOptionError):
+ ts4.ensure_finalized()
+ def testNoSuite(self):
+ ts5 = makeSetup().get_command_obj('test')
+ ts5.ensure_finalized()
+ assert ts5.test_suite is None
+def example_source(tmpdir):
+ tmpdir.mkdir('foo')
+ (tmpdir / 'foo/bar.py').write('')
+ (tmpdir / 'readme.txt').write('')
+ return tmpdir
+def test_findall(example_source):
+ found = list(setuptools.findall(str(example_source)))
+ expected = ['readme.txt', 'foo/bar.py']
+ expected = [example_source.join(fn) for fn in expected]
+ assert found == expected
+def test_findall_curdir(example_source):
+ with example_source.as_cwd():
+ found = list(setuptools.findall())
+ expected = ['readme.txt', os.path.join('foo', 'bar.py')]
+ assert found == expected
+def can_symlink(tmpdir):
+ """
+ Skip if cannot create a symbolic link
+ """
+ link_fn = 'link'
+ target_fn = 'target'
+ try:
+ os.symlink(target_fn, link_fn)
+ except (OSError, NotImplementedError, AttributeError):
+ pytest.skip("Cannot create symbolic links")
+ os.remove(link_fn)
+def test_findall_missing_symlink(tmpdir, can_symlink):
+ with tmpdir.as_cwd():
+ os.symlink('foo', 'bar')
+ found = list(setuptools.findall())
+ assert found == []