path: root/setuptools/tests
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'setuptools/tests')
57 files changed, 6516 insertions, 1645 deletions
diff --git a/setuptools/tests/__init__.py b/setuptools/tests/__init__.py
index 54dd7d2..564adf2 100644
--- a/setuptools/tests/__init__.py
+++ b/setuptools/tests/__init__.py
@@ -2,5 +2,9 @@ import locale
import pytest
+__all__ = ['fail_on_ascii']
is_ascii = locale.getpreferredencoding() == 'ANSI_X3.4-1968'
fail_on_ascii = pytest.mark.xfail(is_ascii, reason="Test fails in this locale")
diff --git a/setuptools/tests/config/__init__.py b/setuptools/tests/config/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setuptools/tests/config/__init__.py
diff --git a/setuptools/tests/config/test_apply_pyprojecttoml.py b/setuptools/tests/config/test_apply_pyprojecttoml.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..044f801
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setuptools/tests/config/test_apply_pyprojecttoml.py
@@ -0,0 +1,254 @@
+"""Make sure that applying the configuration from pyproject.toml is equivalent to
+applying a similar configuration from setup.cfg
+import io
+import re
+from pathlib import Path
+from urllib.request import urlopen
+from unittest.mock import Mock
+import pytest
+from ini2toml.api import Translator
+import setuptools # noqa ensure monkey patch to metadata
+from setuptools.dist import Distribution
+from setuptools.config import setupcfg, pyprojecttoml
+from setuptools.config import expand
+EXAMPLES = (Path(__file__).parent / "setupcfg_examples.txt").read_text()
+EXAMPLE_URLS = [x for x in EXAMPLES.splitlines() if not x.startswith("#")]
+DOWNLOAD_DIR = Path(__file__).parent / "downloads"
+def makedist(path):
+ return Distribution({"src_root": path})
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("url", EXAMPLE_URLS)
+def test_apply_pyproject_equivalent_to_setupcfg(url, monkeypatch, tmp_path):
+ monkeypatch.setattr(expand, "read_attr", Mock(return_value="0.0.1"))
+ setupcfg_example = retrieve_file(url, DOWNLOAD_DIR)
+ pyproject_example = Path(tmp_path, "pyproject.toml")
+ toml_config = Translator().translate(setupcfg_example.read_text(), "setup.cfg")
+ pyproject_example.write_text(toml_config)
+ dist_toml = pyprojecttoml.apply_configuration(makedist(tmp_path), pyproject_example)
+ dist_cfg = setupcfg.apply_configuration(makedist(tmp_path), setupcfg_example)
+ pkg_info_toml = core_metadata(dist_toml)
+ pkg_info_cfg = core_metadata(dist_cfg)
+ assert pkg_info_toml == pkg_info_cfg
+ if any(getattr(d, "license_files", None) for d in (dist_toml, dist_cfg)):
+ assert set(dist_toml.license_files) == set(dist_cfg.license_files)
+ if any(getattr(d, "entry_points", None) for d in (dist_toml, dist_cfg)):
+ print(dist_cfg.entry_points)
+ ep_toml = {(k, *sorted(i.replace(" ", "") for i in v))
+ for k, v in dist_toml.entry_points.items()}
+ ep_cfg = {(k, *sorted(i.replace(" ", "") for i in v))
+ for k, v in dist_cfg.entry_points.items()}
+ assert ep_toml == ep_cfg
+ if any(getattr(d, "package_data", None) for d in (dist_toml, dist_cfg)):
+ pkg_data_toml = {(k, *sorted(v)) for k, v in dist_toml.package_data.items()}
+ pkg_data_cfg = {(k, *sorted(v)) for k, v in dist_cfg.package_data.items()}
+ assert pkg_data_toml == pkg_data_cfg
+ if any(getattr(d, "data_files", None) for d in (dist_toml, dist_cfg)):
+ data_files_toml = {(k, *sorted(v)) for k, v in dist_toml.data_files}
+ data_files_cfg = {(k, *sorted(v)) for k, v in dist_cfg.data_files}
+ assert data_files_toml == data_files_cfg
+ assert set(dist_toml.install_requires) == set(dist_cfg.install_requires)
+ if any(getattr(d, "extras_require", None) for d in (dist_toml, dist_cfg)):
+ if (
+ "testing" in dist_toml.extras_require
+ and "testing" not in dist_cfg.extras_require
+ ):
+ # ini2toml can automatically convert `tests_require` to `testing` extra
+ dist_toml.extras_require.pop("testing")
+ extra_req_toml = {(k, *sorted(v)) for k, v in dist_toml.extras_require.items()}
+ extra_req_cfg = {(k, *sorted(v)) for k, v in dist_cfg.extras_require.items()}
+ assert extra_req_toml == extra_req_cfg
+PEP621_EXAMPLE = """\
+name = "spam"
+version = "2020.0.0"
+description = "Lovely Spam! Wonderful Spam!"
+readme = "README.rst"
+requires-python = ">=3.8"
+license = {file = "LICENSE.txt"}
+keywords = ["egg", "bacon", "sausage", "tomatoes", "Lobster Thermidor"]
+authors = [
+ {email = "hi@pradyunsg.me"},
+ {name = "Tzu-Ping Chung"}
+maintainers = [
+ {name = "Brett Cannon", email = "brett@python.org"}
+classifiers = [
+ "Development Status :: 4 - Beta",
+ "Programming Language :: Python"
+dependencies = [
+ "httpx",
+ "gidgethub[httpx]>4.0.0",
+ "django>2.1; os_name != 'nt'",
+ "django>2.0; os_name == 'nt'"
+test = [
+ "pytest < 5.0.0",
+ "pytest-cov[all]"
+homepage = "http://example.com"
+documentation = "http://readthedocs.org"
+repository = "http://github.com"
+changelog = "http://github.com/me/spam/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md"
+spam-cli = "spam:main_cli"
+spam-gui = "spam:main_gui"
+tomatoes = "spam:main_tomatoes"
+def main_cli(): pass
+def main_gui(): pass
+def main_tomatoes(): pass
+def _pep621_example_project(tmp_path, readme="README.rst"):
+ pyproject = tmp_path / "pyproject.toml"
+ text = PEP621_EXAMPLE
+ replacements = {'readme = "README.rst"': f'readme = "{readme}"'}
+ for orig, subst in replacements.items():
+ text = text.replace(orig, subst)
+ pyproject.write_text(text)
+ (tmp_path / readme).write_text("hello world")
+ (tmp_path / "LICENSE.txt").write_text("--- LICENSE stub ---")
+ (tmp_path / "spam.py").write_text(PEP621_EXAMPLE_SCRIPT)
+ return pyproject
+def test_pep621_example(tmp_path):
+ """Make sure the example in PEP 621 works"""
+ pyproject = _pep621_example_project(tmp_path)
+ dist = pyprojecttoml.apply_configuration(makedist(tmp_path), pyproject)
+ assert dist.metadata.license == "--- LICENSE stub ---"
+ assert set(dist.metadata.license_files) == {"LICENSE.txt"}
+ "readme, ctype",
+ [
+ ("Readme.txt", "text/plain"),
+ ("readme.md", "text/markdown"),
+ ("text.rst", "text/x-rst"),
+ ]
+def test_readme_content_type(tmp_path, readme, ctype):
+ pyproject = _pep621_example_project(tmp_path, readme)
+ dist = pyprojecttoml.apply_configuration(makedist(tmp_path), pyproject)
+ assert dist.metadata.long_description_content_type == ctype
+def test_undefined_content_type(tmp_path):
+ pyproject = _pep621_example_project(tmp_path, "README.tex")
+ with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Undefined content type for README.tex"):
+ pyprojecttoml.apply_configuration(makedist(tmp_path), pyproject)
+def test_no_explicit_content_type_for_missing_extension(tmp_path):
+ pyproject = _pep621_example_project(tmp_path, "README")
+ dist = pyprojecttoml.apply_configuration(makedist(tmp_path), pyproject)
+ assert dist.metadata.long_description_content_type is None
+# TODO: After PEP 639 is accepted, we have to move the license-files
+# to the `project` table instead of `tool.setuptools`
+def test_license_and_license_files(tmp_path):
+ pyproject = _pep621_example_project(tmp_path, "README")
+ text = pyproject.read_text(encoding="utf-8")
+ # Sanity-check
+ assert 'license = {file = "LICENSE.txt"}' in text
+ assert "[tool.setuptools]" not in text
+ text += '\n[tool.setuptools]\nlicense-files = ["_FILE*"]\n'
+ pyproject.write_text(text, encoding="utf-8")
+ (tmp_path / "_FILE.txt").touch()
+ (tmp_path / "_FILE.rst").touch()
+ # Would normally match the `license_files` glob patterns, but we want to exclude it
+ # by being explicit. On the other hand, its contents should be added to `license`
+ (tmp_path / "LICENSE.txt").write_text("LicenseRef-Proprietary\n", encoding="utf-8")
+ dist = pyprojecttoml.apply_configuration(makedist(tmp_path), pyproject)
+ assert set(dist.metadata.license_files) == {"_FILE.rst", "_FILE.txt"}
+ assert dist.metadata.license == "LicenseRef-Proprietary\n"
+# --- Auxiliary Functions ---
+NAME_REMOVE = ("http://", "https://", "github.com/", "/raw/")
+def retrieve_file(url, download_dir):
+ file_name = url.strip()
+ for part in NAME_REMOVE:
+ file_name = file_name.replace(part, '').strip().strip('/:').strip()
+ file_name = re.sub(r"[^\-_\.\w\d]+", "_", file_name)
+ path = Path(download_dir, file_name)
+ if not path.exists():
+ download_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)
+ download(url, path)
+ return path
+def download(url, dest):
+ with urlopen(url) as f:
+ data = f.read()
+ with open(dest, "wb") as f:
+ f.write(data)
+ assert Path(dest).exists()
+def core_metadata(dist) -> str:
+ with io.StringIO() as buffer:
+ dist.metadata.write_pkg_file(buffer)
+ value = "\n".join(buffer.getvalue().strip().splitlines())
+ # PEP 621 is very particular about author/maintainer metadata conversion, so skip
+ value = re.sub(r"^(Author|Maintainer)(-email)?:.*$", "", value, flags=re.M)
+ # May be redundant with Home-page
+ value = re.sub(r"^Project-URL: Homepage,.*$", "", value, flags=re.M)
+ # May be missing in original (relying on default) but backfilled in the TOML
+ value = re.sub(r"^Description-Content-Type:.*$", "", value, flags=re.M)
+ # ini2toml can automatically convert `tests_require` to `testing` extra
+ value = value.replace("Provides-Extra: testing\n", "")
+ # Remove empty lines
+ value = re.sub(r"^\s*$", "", value, flags=re.M)
+ value = re.sub(r"^\n", "", value, flags=re.M)
+ return value
diff --git a/setuptools/tests/config/test_expand.py b/setuptools/tests/config/test_expand.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3a59edb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setuptools/tests/config/test_expand.py
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+import os
+import pytest
+from distutils.errors import DistutilsOptionError
+from setuptools.config import expand
+from setuptools.discovery import find_package_path
+def write_files(files, root_dir):
+ for file, content in files.items():
+ path = root_dir / file
+ path.parent.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)
+ path.write_text(content)
+def test_glob_relative(tmp_path, monkeypatch):
+ files = {
+ "dir1/dir2/dir3/file1.txt",
+ "dir1/dir2/file2.txt",
+ "dir1/file3.txt",
+ "a.ini",
+ "b.ini",
+ "dir1/c.ini",
+ "dir1/dir2/a.ini",
+ }
+ write_files({k: "" for k in files}, tmp_path)
+ patterns = ["**/*.txt", "[ab].*", "**/[ac].ini"]
+ monkeypatch.chdir(tmp_path)
+ assert set(expand.glob_relative(patterns)) == files
+ # Make sure the same APIs work outside cwd
+ assert set(expand.glob_relative(patterns, tmp_path)) == files
+def test_read_files(tmp_path, monkeypatch):
+ dir_ = tmp_path / "dir_"
+ (tmp_path / "_dir").mkdir(exist_ok=True)
+ (tmp_path / "a.txt").touch()
+ files = {
+ "a.txt": "a",
+ "dir1/b.txt": "b",
+ "dir1/dir2/c.txt": "c"
+ }
+ write_files(files, dir_)
+ with monkeypatch.context() as m:
+ m.chdir(dir_)
+ assert expand.read_files(list(files)) == "a\nb\nc"
+ cannot_access_msg = r"Cannot access '.*\.\..a\.txt'"
+ with pytest.raises(DistutilsOptionError, match=cannot_access_msg):
+ expand.read_files(["../a.txt"])
+ # Make sure the same APIs work outside cwd
+ assert expand.read_files(list(files), dir_) == "a\nb\nc"
+ with pytest.raises(DistutilsOptionError, match=cannot_access_msg):
+ expand.read_files(["../a.txt"], dir_)
+class TestReadAttr:
+ def test_read_attr(self, tmp_path, monkeypatch):
+ files = {
+ "pkg/__init__.py": "",
+ "pkg/sub/__init__.py": "VERSION = '0.1.1'",
+ "pkg/sub/mod.py": (
+ "VALUES = {'a': 0, 'b': {42}, 'c': (0, 1, 1)}\n"
+ "raise SystemExit(1)"
+ ),
+ }
+ write_files(files, tmp_path)
+ with monkeypatch.context() as m:
+ m.chdir(tmp_path)
+ # Make sure it can read the attr statically without evaluating the module
+ assert expand.read_attr('pkg.sub.VERSION') == '0.1.1'
+ values = expand.read_attr('lib.mod.VALUES', {'lib': 'pkg/sub'})
+ assert values['a'] == 0
+ assert values['b'] == {42}
+ # Make sure the same APIs work outside cwd
+ assert expand.read_attr('pkg.sub.VERSION', root_dir=tmp_path) == '0.1.1'
+ values = expand.read_attr('lib.mod.VALUES', {'lib': 'pkg/sub'}, tmp_path)
+ assert values['c'] == (0, 1, 1)
+ def test_import_order(self, tmp_path):
+ """
+ Sometimes the import machinery will import the parent package of a nested
+ module, which triggers side-effects and might create problems (see issue #3176)
+ ``read_attr`` should bypass these limitations by resolving modules statically
+ (via ast.literal_eval).
+ """
+ files = {
+ "src/pkg/__init__.py": "from .main import func\nfrom .about import version",
+ "src/pkg/main.py": "import super_complicated_dep\ndef func(): return 42",
+ "src/pkg/about.py": "version = '42'",
+ }
+ write_files(files, tmp_path)
+ attr_desc = "pkg.about.version"
+ package_dir = {"": "src"}
+ # `import super_complicated_dep` should not run, otherwise the build fails
+ assert expand.read_attr(attr_desc, package_dir, tmp_path) == "42"
+ 'package_dir, file, module, return_value',
+ [
+ ({"": "src"}, "src/pkg/main.py", "pkg.main", 42),
+ ({"pkg": "lib"}, "lib/main.py", "pkg.main", 13),
+ ({}, "single_module.py", "single_module", 70),
+ ({}, "flat_layout/pkg.py", "flat_layout.pkg", 836),
+ ]
+def test_resolve_class(tmp_path, package_dir, file, module, return_value):
+ files = {file: f"class Custom:\n def testing(self): return {return_value}"}
+ write_files(files, tmp_path)
+ cls = expand.resolve_class(f"{module}.Custom", package_dir, tmp_path)
+ assert cls().testing() == return_value
+ 'args, pkgs',
+ [
+ ({"where": ["."], "namespaces": False}, {"pkg", "other"}),
+ ({"where": [".", "dir1"], "namespaces": False}, {"pkg", "other", "dir2"}),
+ ({"namespaces": True}, {"pkg", "other", "dir1", "dir1.dir2"}),
+ ({}, {"pkg", "other", "dir1", "dir1.dir2"}), # default value for `namespaces`
+ ]
+def test_find_packages(tmp_path, monkeypatch, args, pkgs):
+ files = {
+ "pkg/__init__.py",
+ "other/__init__.py",
+ "dir1/dir2/__init__.py",
+ }
+ write_files({k: "" for k in files}, tmp_path)
+ package_dir = {}
+ kwargs = {"root_dir": tmp_path, "fill_package_dir": package_dir, **args}
+ where = kwargs.get("where", ["."])
+ assert set(expand.find_packages(**kwargs)) == pkgs
+ for pkg in pkgs:
+ pkg_path = find_package_path(pkg, package_dir, tmp_path)
+ assert os.path.exists(pkg_path)
+ # Make sure the same APIs work outside cwd
+ where = [
+ str((tmp_path / p).resolve()).replace(os.sep, "/") # ensure posix-style paths
+ for p in args.pop("where", ["."])
+ ]
+ assert set(expand.find_packages(where=where, **args)) == pkgs
diff --git a/setuptools/tests/config/test_pyprojecttoml.py b/setuptools/tests/config/test_pyprojecttoml.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1b5b90e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setuptools/tests/config/test_pyprojecttoml.py
@@ -0,0 +1,350 @@
+import logging
+from configparser import ConfigParser
+from inspect import cleandoc
+import pytest
+import tomli_w
+from path import Path as _Path
+from setuptools.config.pyprojecttoml import (
+ read_configuration,
+ expand_configuration,
+ validate,
+from setuptools.errors import OptionError
+import setuptools # noqa -- force distutils.core to be patched
+import distutils.core
+EXAMPLE = """
+name = "myproj"
+keywords = ["some", "key", "words"]
+dynamic = ["version", "readme"]
+requires-python = ">=2.7, !=3.0.*, !=3.1.*, !=3.2.*, !=3.3.*, !=3.4.*"
+dependencies = [
+ 'importlib-metadata>=0.12;python_version<"3.8"',
+ 'importlib-resources>=1.0;python_version<"3.7"',
+ 'pathlib2>=2.3.3,<3;python_version < "3.4" and sys.platform != "win32"',
+docs = [
+ "sphinx>=3",
+ "sphinx-argparse>=0.2.5",
+ "sphinx-rtd-theme>=0.4.3",
+testing = [
+ "pytest>=1",
+ "coverage>=3,<5",
+exec = "pkg.__main__:exec"
+requires = ["setuptools", "wheel"]
+build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta"
+package-dir = {"" = "src"}
+zip-safe = true
+platforms = ["any"]
+where = ["src"]
+sdist = "pkg.mod.CustomSdist"
+attr = "pkg.__version__.VERSION"
+file = ["README.md"]
+content-type = "text/markdown"
+"*" = ["*.txt"]
+"data" = ["_files/*.txt"]
+formats = "gztar"
+universal = true
+def create_example(path, pkg_root):
+ pyproject = path / "pyproject.toml"
+ files = [
+ f"{pkg_root}/pkg/__init__.py",
+ "_files/file.txt",
+ ]
+ if pkg_root != ".": # flat-layout will raise error for multi-package dist
+ # Ensure namespaces are discovered
+ files.append(f"{pkg_root}/other/nested/__init__.py")
+ for file in files:
+ (path / file).parent.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)
+ (path / file).touch()
+ pyproject.write_text(EXAMPLE)
+ (path / "README.md").write_text("hello world")
+ (path / f"{pkg_root}/pkg/mod.py").write_text("class CustomSdist: pass")
+ (path / f"{pkg_root}/pkg/__version__.py").write_text("VERSION = (3, 10)")
+ (path / f"{pkg_root}/pkg/__main__.py").write_text("def exec(): print('hello')")
+def verify_example(config, path, pkg_root):
+ pyproject = path / "pyproject.toml"
+ pyproject.write_text(tomli_w.dumps(config), encoding="utf-8")
+ expanded = expand_configuration(config, path)
+ expanded_project = expanded["project"]
+ assert read_configuration(pyproject, expand=True) == expanded
+ assert expanded_project["version"] == "3.10"
+ assert expanded_project["readme"]["text"] == "hello world"
+ assert "packages" in expanded["tool"]["setuptools"]
+ if pkg_root == ".":
+ # Auto-discovery will raise error for multi-package dist
+ assert set(expanded["tool"]["setuptools"]["packages"]) == {"pkg"}
+ else:
+ assert set(expanded["tool"]["setuptools"]["packages"]) == {
+ "pkg",
+ "other",
+ "other.nested",
+ }
+ assert expanded["tool"]["setuptools"]["include-package-data"] is True
+ assert "" in expanded["tool"]["setuptools"]["package-data"]
+ assert "*" not in expanded["tool"]["setuptools"]["package-data"]
+ assert expanded["tool"]["setuptools"]["data-files"] == [
+ ("data", ["_files/file.txt"])
+ ]
+def test_read_configuration(tmp_path):
+ create_example(tmp_path, "src")
+ pyproject = tmp_path / "pyproject.toml"
+ config = read_configuration(pyproject, expand=False)
+ assert config["project"].get("version") is None
+ assert config["project"].get("readme") is None
+ verify_example(config, tmp_path, "src")
+ "pkg_root, opts",
+ [
+ (".", {}),
+ ("src", {}),
+ ("lib", {"packages": {"find": {"where": ["lib"]}}}),
+ ],
+def test_discovered_package_dir_with_attr_directive_in_config(tmp_path, pkg_root, opts):
+ create_example(tmp_path, pkg_root)
+ pyproject = tmp_path / "pyproject.toml"
+ config = read_configuration(pyproject, expand=False)
+ assert config["project"].get("version") is None
+ assert config["project"].get("readme") is None
+ config["tool"]["setuptools"].pop("packages", None)
+ config["tool"]["setuptools"].pop("package-dir", None)
+ config["tool"]["setuptools"].update(opts)
+ verify_example(config, tmp_path, pkg_root)
+ "console_scripts": {"a": "mod.a:func"},
+ "gui_scripts": {"b": "mod.b:func"},
+ "other": {"c": "mod.c:func [extra]"},
+def test_expand_entry_point(tmp_path):
+ entry_points = ConfigParser()
+ entry_points.read_dict(ENTRY_POINTS)
+ with open(tmp_path / "entry-points.txt", "w") as f:
+ entry_points.write(f)
+ tool = {"setuptools": {"dynamic": {"entry-points": {"file": "entry-points.txt"}}}}
+ project = {"dynamic": ["scripts", "gui-scripts", "entry-points"]}
+ pyproject = {"project": project, "tool": tool}
+ expanded = expand_configuration(pyproject, tmp_path)
+ expanded_project = expanded["project"]
+ assert len(expanded_project["scripts"]) == 1
+ assert expanded_project["scripts"]["a"] == "mod.a:func"
+ assert len(expanded_project["gui-scripts"]) == 1
+ assert expanded_project["gui-scripts"]["b"] == "mod.b:func"
+ assert len(expanded_project["entry-points"]) == 1
+ assert expanded_project["entry-points"]["other"]["c"] == "mod.c:func [extra]"
+ project = {"dynamic": ["entry-points"]}
+ pyproject = {"project": project, "tool": tool}
+ expanded = expand_configuration(pyproject, tmp_path)
+ expanded_project = expanded["project"]
+ assert len(expanded_project["entry-points"]) == 3
+ assert "scripts" not in expanded_project
+ assert "gui-scripts" not in expanded_project
+class TestClassifiers:
+ def test_dynamic(self, tmp_path):
+ # Let's create a project example that has dynamic classifiers
+ # coming from a txt file.
+ create_example(tmp_path, "src")
+ classifiers = """\
+ Framework :: Flask
+ Programming Language :: Haskell
+ """
+ (tmp_path / "classifiers.txt").write_text(cleandoc(classifiers))
+ pyproject = tmp_path / "pyproject.toml"
+ config = read_configuration(pyproject, expand=False)
+ dynamic = config["project"]["dynamic"]
+ config["project"]["dynamic"] = list({*dynamic, "classifiers"})
+ dynamic_config = config["tool"]["setuptools"]["dynamic"]
+ dynamic_config["classifiers"] = {"file": "classifiers.txt"}
+ # When the configuration is expanded,
+ # each line of the file should be an different classifier.
+ validate(config, pyproject)
+ expanded = expand_configuration(config, tmp_path)
+ assert set(expanded["project"]["classifiers"]) == {
+ "Framework :: Flask",
+ "Programming Language :: Haskell",
+ }
+ def test_dynamic_without_config(self, tmp_path):
+ config = """
+ [project]
+ name = "myproj"
+ version = '42'
+ dynamic = ["classifiers"]
+ """
+ pyproject = tmp_path / "pyproject.toml"
+ pyproject.write_text(cleandoc(config))
+ with pytest.raises(OptionError, match="No configuration found"):
+ read_configuration(pyproject)
+ def test_dynamic_without_file(self, tmp_path):
+ config = """
+ [project]
+ name = "myproj"
+ version = '42'
+ dynamic = ["classifiers"]
+ [tool.setuptools.dynamic]
+ classifiers = {file = ["classifiers.txt"]}
+ """
+ pyproject = tmp_path / "pyproject.toml"
+ pyproject.write_text(cleandoc(config))
+ with pytest.warns(UserWarning, match="File .*classifiers.txt. cannot be found"):
+ expanded = read_configuration(pyproject)
+ assert not expanded["project"]["classifiers"]
+ "example",
+ (
+ """
+ [project]
+ name = "myproj"
+ version = "1.2"
+ [my-tool.that-disrespect.pep518]
+ value = 42
+ """,
+ ),
+def test_ignore_unrelated_config(tmp_path, example):
+ pyproject = tmp_path / "pyproject.toml"
+ pyproject.write_text(cleandoc(example))
+ # Make sure no error is raised due to 3rd party configs in pyproject.toml
+ assert read_configuration(pyproject) is not None
+ "example, error_msg, value_shown_in_debug",
+ [
+ (
+ """
+ [project]
+ name = "myproj"
+ version = "1.2"
+ requires = ['pywin32; platform_system=="Windows"' ]
+ """,
+ "configuration error: `project` must not contain {'requires'} properties",
+ '"requires": ["pywin32; platform_system==\\"Windows\\""]',
+ ),
+ ],
+def test_invalid_example(tmp_path, caplog, example, error_msg, value_shown_in_debug):
+ caplog.set_level(logging.DEBUG)
+ pyproject = tmp_path / "pyproject.toml"
+ pyproject.write_text(cleandoc(example))
+ caplog.clear()
+ with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="invalid pyproject.toml"):
+ read_configuration(pyproject)
+ # Make sure the logs give guidance to the user
+ error_log = caplog.record_tuples[0]
+ assert error_log[1] == logging.ERROR
+ assert error_msg in error_log[2]
+ debug_log = caplog.record_tuples[1]
+ assert debug_log[1] == logging.DEBUG
+ debug_msg = "".join(line.strip() for line in debug_log[2].splitlines())
+ assert value_shown_in_debug in debug_msg
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("config", ("", "[tool.something]\nvalue = 42"))
+def test_empty(tmp_path, config):
+ pyproject = tmp_path / "pyproject.toml"
+ pyproject.write_text(config)
+ # Make sure no error is raised
+ assert read_configuration(pyproject) == {}
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("config", ("[project]\nname = 'myproj'\nversion='42'\n",))
+def test_include_package_data_by_default(tmp_path, config):
+ """Builds with ``pyproject.toml`` should consider ``include-package-data=True`` as
+ default.
+ """
+ pyproject = tmp_path / "pyproject.toml"
+ pyproject.write_text(config)
+ config = read_configuration(pyproject)
+ assert config["tool"]["setuptools"]["include-package-data"] is True
+def test_include_package_data_in_setuppy(tmp_path):
+ """Builds with ``pyproject.toml`` should consider ``include_package_data`` set in
+ ``setup.py``.
+ See https://github.com/pypa/setuptools/issues/3197#issuecomment-1079023889
+ """
+ pyproject = tmp_path / "pyproject.toml"
+ pyproject.write_text("[project]\nname = 'myproj'\nversion='42'\n")
+ setuppy = tmp_path / "setup.py"
+ setuppy.write_text("__import__('setuptools').setup(include_package_data=False)")
+ with _Path(tmp_path):
+ dist = distutils.core.run_setup("setup.py", {}, stop_after="config")
+ assert dist.get_name() == "myproj"
+ assert dist.get_version() == "42"
+ assert dist.include_package_data is False
diff --git a/setuptools/tests/config/test_setupcfg.py b/setuptools/tests/config/test_setupcfg.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1f35f83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setuptools/tests/config/test_setupcfg.py
@@ -0,0 +1,924 @@
+import configparser
+import contextlib
+import inspect
+from pathlib import Path
+from unittest.mock import Mock, patch
+import pytest
+from distutils.errors import DistutilsOptionError, DistutilsFileError
+from setuptools.dist import Distribution, _Distribution
+from setuptools.config.setupcfg import ConfigHandler, read_configuration
+from ..textwrap import DALS
+class ErrConfigHandler(ConfigHandler):
+ """Erroneous handler. Fails to implement required methods."""
+ section_prefix = "**err**"
+def make_package_dir(name, base_dir, ns=False):
+ dir_package = base_dir
+ for dir_name in name.split('/'):
+ dir_package = dir_package.mkdir(dir_name)
+ init_file = None
+ if not ns:
+ init_file = dir_package.join('__init__.py')
+ init_file.write('')
+ return dir_package, init_file
+def fake_env(
+ tmpdir, setup_cfg, setup_py=None, encoding='ascii', package_path='fake_package'
+ if setup_py is None:
+ setup_py = 'from setuptools import setup\n' 'setup()\n'
+ tmpdir.join('setup.py').write(setup_py)
+ config = tmpdir.join('setup.cfg')
+ config.write(setup_cfg.encode(encoding), mode='wb')
+ package_dir, init_file = make_package_dir(package_path, tmpdir)
+ init_file.write(
+ 'VERSION = (1, 2, 3)\n'
+ '\n'
+ '\n'
+ 'def get_version():\n'
+ ' return [3, 4, 5, "dev"]\n'
+ '\n'
+ )
+ return package_dir, config
+def get_dist(tmpdir, kwargs_initial=None, parse=True):
+ kwargs_initial = kwargs_initial or {}
+ with tmpdir.as_cwd():
+ dist = Distribution(kwargs_initial)
+ dist.script_name = 'setup.py'
+ parse and dist.parse_config_files()
+ yield dist
+def test_parsers_implemented():
+ with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError):
+ handler = ErrConfigHandler(None, {}, False, Mock())
+ handler.parsers
+class TestConfigurationReader:
+ def test_basic(self, tmpdir):
+ _, config = fake_env(
+ tmpdir,
+ '[metadata]\n'
+ 'version = 10.1.1\n'
+ 'keywords = one, two\n'
+ '\n'
+ '[options]\n'
+ 'scripts = bin/a.py, bin/b.py\n',
+ )
+ config_dict = read_configuration('%s' % config)
+ assert config_dict['metadata']['version'] == '10.1.1'
+ assert config_dict['metadata']['keywords'] == ['one', 'two']
+ assert config_dict['options']['scripts'] == ['bin/a.py', 'bin/b.py']
+ def test_no_config(self, tmpdir):
+ with pytest.raises(DistutilsFileError):
+ read_configuration('%s' % tmpdir.join('setup.cfg'))
+ def test_ignore_errors(self, tmpdir):
+ _, config = fake_env(
+ tmpdir,
+ '[metadata]\n' 'version = attr: none.VERSION\n' 'keywords = one, two\n',
+ )
+ with pytest.raises(ImportError):
+ read_configuration('%s' % config)
+ config_dict = read_configuration('%s' % config, ignore_option_errors=True)
+ assert config_dict['metadata']['keywords'] == ['one', 'two']
+ assert 'version' not in config_dict['metadata']
+ config.remove()
+class TestMetadata:
+ def test_basic(self, tmpdir):
+ fake_env(
+ tmpdir,
+ '[metadata]\n'
+ 'version = 10.1.1\n'
+ 'description = Some description\n'
+ 'long_description_content_type = text/something\n'
+ 'long_description = file: README\n'
+ 'name = fake_name\n'
+ 'keywords = one, two\n'
+ 'provides = package, package.sub\n'
+ 'license = otherlic\n'
+ 'download_url = http://test.test.com/test/\n'
+ 'maintainer_email = test@test.com\n',
+ )
+ tmpdir.join('README').write('readme contents\nline2')
+ meta_initial = {
+ # This will be used so `otherlic` won't replace it.
+ 'license': 'BSD 3-Clause License',
+ }
+ with get_dist(tmpdir, meta_initial) as dist:
+ metadata = dist.metadata
+ assert metadata.version == '10.1.1'
+ assert metadata.description == 'Some description'
+ assert metadata.long_description_content_type == 'text/something'
+ assert metadata.long_description == 'readme contents\nline2'
+ assert metadata.provides == ['package', 'package.sub']
+ assert metadata.license == 'BSD 3-Clause License'
+ assert metadata.name == 'fake_name'
+ assert metadata.keywords == ['one', 'two']
+ assert metadata.download_url == 'http://test.test.com/test/'
+ assert metadata.maintainer_email == 'test@test.com'
+ def test_license_cfg(self, tmpdir):
+ fake_env(
+ tmpdir,
+ """
+ [metadata]
+ name=foo
+ version=0.0.1
+ license=Apache 2.0
+ """
+ ),
+ )
+ with get_dist(tmpdir) as dist:
+ metadata = dist.metadata
+ assert metadata.name == "foo"
+ assert metadata.version == "0.0.1"
+ assert metadata.license == "Apache 2.0"
+ def test_file_mixed(self, tmpdir):
+ fake_env(
+ tmpdir,
+ '[metadata]\n' 'long_description = file: README.rst, CHANGES.rst\n' '\n',
+ )
+ tmpdir.join('README.rst').write('readme contents\nline2')
+ tmpdir.join('CHANGES.rst').write('changelog contents\nand stuff')
+ with get_dist(tmpdir) as dist:
+ assert dist.metadata.long_description == (
+ 'readme contents\nline2\n' 'changelog contents\nand stuff'
+ )
+ def test_file_sandboxed(self, tmpdir):
+ tmpdir.ensure("README")
+ project = tmpdir.join('depth1', 'depth2')
+ project.ensure(dir=True)
+ fake_env(project, '[metadata]\n' 'long_description = file: ../../README\n')
+ with get_dist(project, parse=False) as dist:
+ with pytest.raises(DistutilsOptionError):
+ dist.parse_config_files() # file: out of sandbox
+ def test_aliases(self, tmpdir):
+ fake_env(
+ tmpdir,
+ '[metadata]\n'
+ 'author_email = test@test.com\n'
+ 'home_page = http://test.test.com/test/\n'
+ 'summary = Short summary\n'
+ 'platform = a, b\n'
+ 'classifier =\n'
+ ' Framework :: Django\n'
+ ' Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5\n',
+ )
+ with get_dist(tmpdir) as dist:
+ metadata = dist.metadata
+ assert metadata.author_email == 'test@test.com'
+ assert metadata.url == 'http://test.test.com/test/'
+ assert metadata.description == 'Short summary'
+ assert metadata.platforms == ['a', 'b']
+ assert metadata.classifiers == [
+ 'Framework :: Django',
+ 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5',
+ ]
+ def test_multiline(self, tmpdir):
+ fake_env(
+ tmpdir,
+ '[metadata]\n'
+ 'name = fake_name\n'
+ 'keywords =\n'
+ ' one\n'
+ ' two\n'
+ 'classifiers =\n'
+ ' Framework :: Django\n'
+ ' Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5\n',
+ )
+ with get_dist(tmpdir) as dist:
+ metadata = dist.metadata
+ assert metadata.keywords == ['one', 'two']
+ assert metadata.classifiers == [
+ 'Framework :: Django',
+ 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5',
+ ]
+ def test_dict(self, tmpdir):
+ fake_env(
+ tmpdir,
+ '[metadata]\n'
+ 'project_urls =\n'
+ ' Link One = https://example.com/one/\n'
+ ' Link Two = https://example.com/two/\n',
+ )
+ with get_dist(tmpdir) as dist:
+ metadata = dist.metadata
+ assert metadata.project_urls == {
+ 'Link One': 'https://example.com/one/',
+ 'Link Two': 'https://example.com/two/',
+ }
+ def test_version(self, tmpdir):
+ package_dir, config = fake_env(
+ tmpdir, '[metadata]\n' 'version = attr: fake_package.VERSION\n'
+ )
+ sub_a = package_dir.mkdir('subpkg_a')
+ sub_a.join('__init__.py').write('')
+ sub_a.join('mod.py').write('VERSION = (2016, 11, 26)')
+ sub_b = package_dir.mkdir('subpkg_b')
+ sub_b.join('__init__.py').write('')
+ sub_b.join('mod.py').write(
+ 'import third_party_module\n' 'VERSION = (2016, 11, 26)'
+ )
+ with get_dist(tmpdir) as dist:
+ assert dist.metadata.version == '1.2.3'
+ config.write('[metadata]\n' 'version = attr: fake_package.get_version\n')
+ with get_dist(tmpdir) as dist:
+ assert dist.metadata.version == '3.4.5.dev'
+ config.write('[metadata]\n' 'version = attr: fake_package.VERSION_MAJOR\n')
+ with get_dist(tmpdir) as dist:
+ assert dist.metadata.version == '1'
+ config.write(
+ '[metadata]\n' 'version = attr: fake_package.subpkg_a.mod.VERSION\n'
+ )
+ with get_dist(tmpdir) as dist:
+ assert dist.metadata.version == '2016.11.26'
+ config.write(
+ '[metadata]\n' 'version = attr: fake_package.subpkg_b.mod.VERSION\n'
+ )
+ with get_dist(tmpdir) as dist:
+ assert dist.metadata.version == '2016.11.26'
+ def test_version_file(self, tmpdir):
+ _, config = fake_env(
+ tmpdir, '[metadata]\n' 'version = file: fake_package/version.txt\n'
+ )
+ tmpdir.join('fake_package', 'version.txt').write('1.2.3\n')
+ with get_dist(tmpdir) as dist:
+ assert dist.metadata.version == '1.2.3'
+ tmpdir.join('fake_package', 'version.txt').write('1.2.3\n4.5.6\n')
+ with pytest.raises(DistutilsOptionError):
+ with get_dist(tmpdir) as dist:
+ dist.metadata.version
+ def test_version_with_package_dir_simple(self, tmpdir):
+ _, config = fake_env(
+ tmpdir,
+ '[metadata]\n'
+ 'version = attr: fake_package_simple.VERSION\n'
+ '[options]\n'
+ 'package_dir =\n'
+ ' = src\n',
+ package_path='src/fake_package_simple',
+ )
+ with get_dist(tmpdir) as dist:
+ assert dist.metadata.version == '1.2.3'
+ def test_version_with_package_dir_rename(self, tmpdir):
+ _, config = fake_env(
+ tmpdir,
+ '[metadata]\n'
+ 'version = attr: fake_package_rename.VERSION\n'
+ '[options]\n'
+ 'package_dir =\n'
+ ' fake_package_rename = fake_dir\n',
+ package_path='fake_dir',
+ )
+ with get_dist(tmpdir) as dist:
+ assert dist.metadata.version == '1.2.3'
+ def test_version_with_package_dir_complex(self, tmpdir):
+ _, config = fake_env(
+ tmpdir,
+ '[metadata]\n'
+ 'version = attr: fake_package_complex.VERSION\n'
+ '[options]\n'
+ 'package_dir =\n'
+ ' fake_package_complex = src/fake_dir\n',
+ package_path='src/fake_dir',
+ )
+ with get_dist(tmpdir) as dist:
+ assert dist.metadata.version == '1.2.3'
+ def test_unknown_meta_item(self, tmpdir):
+ fake_env(tmpdir, '[metadata]\n' 'name = fake_name\n' 'unknown = some\n')
+ with get_dist(tmpdir, parse=False) as dist:
+ dist.parse_config_files() # Skip unknown.
+ def test_usupported_section(self, tmpdir):
+ fake_env(tmpdir, '[metadata.some]\n' 'key = val\n')
+ with get_dist(tmpdir, parse=False) as dist:
+ with pytest.raises(DistutilsOptionError):
+ dist.parse_config_files()
+ def test_classifiers(self, tmpdir):
+ expected = set(
+ [
+ 'Framework :: Django',
+ 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3',
+ 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5',
+ ]
+ )
+ # From file.
+ _, config = fake_env(tmpdir, '[metadata]\n' 'classifiers = file: classifiers\n')
+ tmpdir.join('classifiers').write(
+ 'Framework :: Django\n'
+ 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3\n'
+ 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5\n'
+ )
+ with get_dist(tmpdir) as dist:
+ assert set(dist.metadata.classifiers) == expected
+ # From list notation
+ config.write(
+ '[metadata]\n'
+ 'classifiers =\n'
+ ' Framework :: Django\n'
+ ' Programming Language :: Python :: 3\n'
+ ' Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5\n'
+ )
+ with get_dist(tmpdir) as dist:
+ assert set(dist.metadata.classifiers) == expected
+ def test_deprecated_config_handlers(self, tmpdir):
+ fake_env(
+ tmpdir,
+ '[metadata]\n'
+ 'version = 10.1.1\n'
+ 'description = Some description\n'
+ 'requires = some, requirement\n',
+ )
+ with pytest.deprecated_call():
+ with get_dist(tmpdir) as dist:
+ metadata = dist.metadata
+ assert metadata.version == '10.1.1'
+ assert metadata.description == 'Some description'
+ assert metadata.requires == ['some', 'requirement']
+ def test_interpolation(self, tmpdir):
+ fake_env(tmpdir, '[metadata]\n' 'description = %(message)s\n')
+ with pytest.raises(configparser.InterpolationMissingOptionError):
+ with get_dist(tmpdir):
+ pass
+ def test_non_ascii_1(self, tmpdir):
+ fake_env(tmpdir, '[metadata]\n' 'description = éàïôñ\n', encoding='utf-8')
+ with get_dist(tmpdir):
+ pass
+ def test_non_ascii_3(self, tmpdir):
+ fake_env(tmpdir, '\n' '# -*- coding: invalid\n')
+ with get_dist(tmpdir):
+ pass
+ def test_non_ascii_4(self, tmpdir):
+ fake_env(
+ tmpdir,
+ '# -*- coding: utf-8\n' '[metadata]\n' 'description = éàïôñ\n',
+ encoding='utf-8',
+ )
+ with get_dist(tmpdir) as dist:
+ assert dist.metadata.description == 'éàïôñ'
+ def test_not_utf8(self, tmpdir):
+ """
+ Config files encoded not in UTF-8 will fail
+ """
+ fake_env(
+ tmpdir,
+ '# vim: set fileencoding=iso-8859-15 :\n'
+ '[metadata]\n'
+ 'description = éàïôñ\n',
+ encoding='iso-8859-15',
+ )
+ with pytest.raises(UnicodeDecodeError):
+ with get_dist(tmpdir):
+ pass
+ def test_warn_dash_deprecation(self, tmpdir):
+ # warn_dash_deprecation() is a method in setuptools.dist
+ # remove this test and the method when no longer needed
+ fake_env(
+ tmpdir,
+ '[metadata]\n'
+ 'author-email = test@test.com\n'
+ 'maintainer_email = foo@foo.com\n',
+ )
+ msg = (
+ "Usage of dash-separated 'author-email' will not be supported "
+ "in future versions. "
+ "Please use the underscore name 'author_email' instead"
+ )
+ with pytest.warns(UserWarning, match=msg):
+ with get_dist(tmpdir) as dist:
+ metadata = dist.metadata
+ assert metadata.author_email == 'test@test.com'
+ assert metadata.maintainer_email == 'foo@foo.com'
+ def test_make_option_lowercase(self, tmpdir):
+ # remove this test and the method make_option_lowercase() in setuptools.dist
+ # when no longer needed
+ fake_env(
+ tmpdir, '[metadata]\n' 'Name = foo\n' 'description = Some description\n'
+ )
+ msg = (
+ "Usage of uppercase key 'Name' in 'metadata' will be deprecated in "
+ "future versions. "
+ "Please use lowercase 'name' instead"
+ )
+ with pytest.warns(UserWarning, match=msg):
+ with get_dist(tmpdir) as dist:
+ metadata = dist.metadata
+ assert metadata.name == 'foo'
+ assert metadata.description == 'Some description'
+class TestOptions:
+ def test_basic(self, tmpdir):
+ fake_env(
+ tmpdir,
+ '[options]\n'
+ 'zip_safe = True\n'
+ 'include_package_data = yes\n'
+ 'package_dir = b=c, =src\n'
+ 'packages = pack_a, pack_b.subpack\n'
+ 'namespace_packages = pack1, pack2\n'
+ 'scripts = bin/one.py, bin/two.py\n'
+ 'eager_resources = bin/one.py, bin/two.py\n'
+ 'install_requires = docutils>=0.3; pack ==1.1, ==1.3; hey\n'
+ 'tests_require = mock==0.7.2; pytest\n'
+ 'setup_requires = docutils>=0.3; spack ==1.1, ==1.3; there\n'
+ 'dependency_links = http://some.com/here/1, '
+ 'http://some.com/there/2\n'
+ 'python_requires = >=1.0, !=2.8\n'
+ 'py_modules = module1, module2\n',
+ )
+ with get_dist(tmpdir) as dist:
+ assert dist.zip_safe
+ assert dist.include_package_data
+ assert dist.package_dir == {'': 'src', 'b': 'c'}
+ assert dist.packages == ['pack_a', 'pack_b.subpack']
+ assert dist.namespace_packages == ['pack1', 'pack2']
+ assert dist.scripts == ['bin/one.py', 'bin/two.py']
+ assert dist.dependency_links == (
+ ['http://some.com/here/1', 'http://some.com/there/2']
+ )
+ assert dist.install_requires == (
+ ['docutils>=0.3', 'pack==1.1,==1.3', 'hey']
+ )
+ assert dist.setup_requires == (
+ ['docutils>=0.3', 'spack ==1.1, ==1.3', 'there']
+ )
+ assert dist.tests_require == ['mock==0.7.2', 'pytest']
+ assert dist.python_requires == '>=1.0, !=2.8'
+ assert dist.py_modules == ['module1', 'module2']
+ def test_multiline(self, tmpdir):
+ fake_env(
+ tmpdir,
+ '[options]\n'
+ 'package_dir = \n'
+ ' b=c\n'
+ ' =src\n'
+ 'packages = \n'
+ ' pack_a\n'
+ ' pack_b.subpack\n'
+ 'namespace_packages = \n'
+ ' pack1\n'
+ ' pack2\n'
+ 'scripts = \n'
+ ' bin/one.py\n'
+ ' bin/two.py\n'
+ 'eager_resources = \n'
+ ' bin/one.py\n'
+ ' bin/two.py\n'
+ 'install_requires = \n'
+ ' docutils>=0.3\n'
+ ' pack ==1.1, ==1.3\n'
+ ' hey\n'
+ 'tests_require = \n'
+ ' mock==0.7.2\n'
+ ' pytest\n'
+ 'setup_requires = \n'
+ ' docutils>=0.3\n'
+ ' spack ==1.1, ==1.3\n'
+ ' there\n'
+ 'dependency_links = \n'
+ ' http://some.com/here/1\n'
+ ' http://some.com/there/2\n',
+ )
+ with get_dist(tmpdir) as dist:
+ assert dist.package_dir == {'': 'src', 'b': 'c'}
+ assert dist.packages == ['pack_a', 'pack_b.subpack']
+ assert dist.namespace_packages == ['pack1', 'pack2']
+ assert dist.scripts == ['bin/one.py', 'bin/two.py']
+ assert dist.dependency_links == (
+ ['http://some.com/here/1', 'http://some.com/there/2']
+ )
+ assert dist.install_requires == (
+ ['docutils>=0.3', 'pack==1.1,==1.3', 'hey']
+ )
+ assert dist.setup_requires == (
+ ['docutils>=0.3', 'spack ==1.1, ==1.3', 'there']
+ )
+ assert dist.tests_require == ['mock==0.7.2', 'pytest']
+ def test_package_dir_fail(self, tmpdir):
+ fake_env(tmpdir, '[options]\n' 'package_dir = a b\n')
+ with get_dist(tmpdir, parse=False) as dist:
+ with pytest.raises(DistutilsOptionError):
+ dist.parse_config_files()
+ def test_package_data(self, tmpdir):
+ fake_env(
+ tmpdir,
+ '[options.package_data]\n'
+ '* = *.txt, *.rst\n'
+ 'hello = *.msg\n'
+ '\n'
+ '[options.exclude_package_data]\n'
+ '* = fake1.txt, fake2.txt\n'
+ 'hello = *.dat\n',
+ )
+ with get_dist(tmpdir) as dist:
+ assert dist.package_data == {
+ '': ['*.txt', '*.rst'],
+ 'hello': ['*.msg'],
+ }
+ assert dist.exclude_package_data == {
+ '': ['fake1.txt', 'fake2.txt'],
+ 'hello': ['*.dat'],
+ }
+ def test_packages(self, tmpdir):
+ fake_env(tmpdir, '[options]\n' 'packages = find:\n')
+ with get_dist(tmpdir) as dist:
+ assert dist.packages == ['fake_package']
+ def test_find_directive(self, tmpdir):
+ dir_package, config = fake_env(tmpdir, '[options]\n' 'packages = find:\n')
+ dir_sub_one, _ = make_package_dir('sub_one', dir_package)
+ dir_sub_two, _ = make_package_dir('sub_two', dir_package)
+ with get_dist(tmpdir) as dist:
+ assert set(dist.packages) == set(
+ ['fake_package', 'fake_package.sub_two', 'fake_package.sub_one']
+ )
+ config.write(
+ '[options]\n'
+ 'packages = find:\n'
+ '\n'
+ '[options.packages.find]\n'
+ 'where = .\n'
+ 'include =\n'
+ ' fake_package.sub_one\n'
+ ' two\n'
+ )
+ with get_dist(tmpdir) as dist:
+ assert dist.packages == ['fake_package.sub_one']
+ config.write(
+ '[options]\n'
+ 'packages = find:\n'
+ '\n'
+ '[options.packages.find]\n'
+ 'exclude =\n'
+ ' fake_package.sub_one\n'
+ )
+ with get_dist(tmpdir) as dist:
+ assert set(dist.packages) == set(['fake_package', 'fake_package.sub_two'])
+ def test_find_namespace_directive(self, tmpdir):
+ dir_package, config = fake_env(
+ tmpdir, '[options]\n' 'packages = find_namespace:\n'
+ )
+ dir_sub_one, _ = make_package_dir('sub_one', dir_package)
+ dir_sub_two, _ = make_package_dir('sub_two', dir_package, ns=True)
+ with get_dist(tmpdir) as dist:
+ assert set(dist.packages) == {
+ 'fake_package',
+ 'fake_package.sub_two',
+ 'fake_package.sub_one',
+ }
+ config.write(
+ '[options]\n'
+ 'packages = find_namespace:\n'
+ '\n'
+ '[options.packages.find]\n'
+ 'where = .\n'
+ 'include =\n'
+ ' fake_package.sub_one\n'
+ ' two\n'
+ )
+ with get_dist(tmpdir) as dist:
+ assert dist.packages == ['fake_package.sub_one']
+ config.write(
+ '[options]\n'
+ 'packages = find_namespace:\n'
+ '\n'
+ '[options.packages.find]\n'
+ 'exclude =\n'
+ ' fake_package.sub_one\n'
+ )
+ with get_dist(tmpdir) as dist:
+ assert set(dist.packages) == {'fake_package', 'fake_package.sub_two'}
+ def test_extras_require(self, tmpdir):
+ fake_env(
+ tmpdir,
+ '[options.extras_require]\n'
+ 'pdf = ReportLab>=1.2; RXP\n'
+ 'rest = \n'
+ ' docutils>=0.3\n'
+ ' pack ==1.1, ==1.3\n',
+ )
+ with get_dist(tmpdir) as dist:
+ assert dist.extras_require == {
+ 'pdf': ['ReportLab>=1.2', 'RXP'],
+ 'rest': ['docutils>=0.3', 'pack==1.1,==1.3'],
+ }
+ assert dist.metadata.provides_extras == set(['pdf', 'rest'])
+ def test_dash_preserved_extras_require(self, tmpdir):
+ fake_env(tmpdir, '[options.extras_require]\n' 'foo-a = foo\n' 'foo_b = test\n')
+ with get_dist(tmpdir) as dist:
+ assert dist.extras_require == {'foo-a': ['foo'], 'foo_b': ['test']}
+ def test_entry_points(self, tmpdir):
+ _, config = fake_env(
+ tmpdir,
+ '[options.entry_points]\n'
+ 'group1 = point1 = pack.module:func, '
+ '.point2 = pack.module2:func_rest [rest]\n'
+ 'group2 = point3 = pack.module:func2\n',
+ )
+ with get_dist(tmpdir) as dist:
+ assert dist.entry_points == {
+ 'group1': [
+ 'point1 = pack.module:func',
+ '.point2 = pack.module2:func_rest [rest]',
+ ],
+ 'group2': ['point3 = pack.module:func2'],
+ }
+ expected = (
+ '[blogtool.parsers]\n'
+ '.rst = some.nested.module:SomeClass.some_classmethod[reST]\n'
+ )
+ tmpdir.join('entry_points').write(expected)
+ # From file.
+ config.write('[options]\n' 'entry_points = file: entry_points\n')
+ with get_dist(tmpdir) as dist:
+ assert dist.entry_points == expected
+ def test_case_sensitive_entry_points(self, tmpdir):
+ _, config = fake_env(
+ tmpdir,
+ '[options.entry_points]\n'
+ 'GROUP1 = point1 = pack.module:func, '
+ '.point2 = pack.module2:func_rest [rest]\n'
+ 'group2 = point3 = pack.module:func2\n',
+ )
+ with get_dist(tmpdir) as dist:
+ assert dist.entry_points == {
+ 'GROUP1': [
+ 'point1 = pack.module:func',
+ '.point2 = pack.module2:func_rest [rest]',
+ ],
+ 'group2': ['point3 = pack.module:func2'],
+ }
+ def test_data_files(self, tmpdir):
+ fake_env(
+ tmpdir,
+ '[options.data_files]\n'
+ 'cfg =\n'
+ ' a/b.conf\n'
+ ' c/d.conf\n'
+ 'data = e/f.dat, g/h.dat\n',
+ )
+ with get_dist(tmpdir) as dist:
+ expected = [
+ ('cfg', ['a/b.conf', 'c/d.conf']),
+ ('data', ['e/f.dat', 'g/h.dat']),
+ ]
+ assert sorted(dist.data_files) == sorted(expected)
+ def test_data_files_globby(self, tmpdir):
+ fake_env(
+ tmpdir,
+ '[options.data_files]\n'
+ 'cfg =\n'
+ ' a/b.conf\n'
+ ' c/d.conf\n'
+ 'data = *.dat\n'
+ 'icons = \n'
+ ' *.ico\n'
+ 'audio = \n'
+ ' *.wav\n'
+ ' sounds.db\n'
+ )
+ # Create dummy files for glob()'s sake:
+ tmpdir.join('a.dat').write('')
+ tmpdir.join('b.dat').write('')
+ tmpdir.join('c.dat').write('')
+ tmpdir.join('a.ico').write('')
+ tmpdir.join('b.ico').write('')
+ tmpdir.join('c.ico').write('')
+ tmpdir.join('beep.wav').write('')
+ tmpdir.join('boop.wav').write('')
+ tmpdir.join('sounds.db').write('')
+ with get_dist(tmpdir) as dist:
+ expected = [
+ ('cfg', ['a/b.conf', 'c/d.conf']),
+ ('data', ['a.dat', 'b.dat', 'c.dat']),
+ ('icons', ['a.ico', 'b.ico', 'c.ico']),
+ ('audio', ['beep.wav', 'boop.wav', 'sounds.db']),
+ ]
+ assert sorted(dist.data_files) == sorted(expected)
+ def test_python_requires_simple(self, tmpdir):
+ fake_env(
+ tmpdir,
+ """
+ [options]
+ python_requires=>=2.7
+ """
+ ),
+ )
+ with get_dist(tmpdir) as dist:
+ dist.parse_config_files()
+ def test_python_requires_compound(self, tmpdir):
+ fake_env(
+ tmpdir,
+ """
+ [options]
+ python_requires=>=2.7,!=3.0.*
+ """
+ ),
+ )
+ with get_dist(tmpdir) as dist:
+ dist.parse_config_files()
+ def test_python_requires_invalid(self, tmpdir):
+ fake_env(
+ tmpdir,
+ """
+ [options]
+ python_requires=invalid
+ """
+ ),
+ )
+ with pytest.raises(Exception):
+ with get_dist(tmpdir) as dist:
+ dist.parse_config_files()
+ def test_cmdclass(self, tmpdir):
+ module_path = Path(tmpdir, "src/custom_build.py") # auto discovery for src
+ module_path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
+ module_path.write_text(
+ "from distutils.core import Command\n"
+ "class CustomCmd(Command): pass\n"
+ )
+ setup_cfg = """
+ [options]
+ cmdclass =
+ customcmd = custom_build.CustomCmd
+ """
+ fake_env(tmpdir, inspect.cleandoc(setup_cfg))
+ with get_dist(tmpdir) as dist:
+ cmdclass = dist.cmdclass['customcmd']
+ assert cmdclass.__name__ == "CustomCmd"
+ assert cmdclass.__module__ == "custom_build"
+ assert module_path.samefile(inspect.getfile(cmdclass))
+saved_dist_init = _Distribution.__init__
+class TestExternalSetters:
+ # During creation of the setuptools Distribution() object, we call
+ # the init of the parent distutils Distribution object via
+ # _Distribution.__init__ ().
+ #
+ # It's possible distutils calls out to various keyword
+ # implementations (i.e. distutils.setup_keywords entry points)
+ # that may set a range of variables.
+ #
+ # This wraps distutil's Distribution.__init__ and simulates
+ # pbr or something else setting these values.
+ def _fake_distribution_init(self, dist, attrs):
+ saved_dist_init(dist, attrs)
+ setattr(dist.metadata, 'long_description_content_type', 'text/something')
+ # Test overwrite setup() args
+ setattr(
+ dist.metadata,
+ 'project_urls',
+ {
+ 'Link One': 'https://example.com/one/',
+ 'Link Two': 'https://example.com/two/',
+ },
+ )
+ return None
+ @patch.object(_Distribution, '__init__', autospec=True)
+ def test_external_setters(self, mock_parent_init, tmpdir):
+ mock_parent_init.side_effect = self._fake_distribution_init
+ dist = Distribution(attrs={'project_urls': {'will_be': 'ignored'}})
+ assert dist.metadata.long_description_content_type == 'text/something'
+ assert dist.metadata.project_urls == {
+ 'Link One': 'https://example.com/one/',
+ 'Link Two': 'https://example.com/two/',
+ }
diff --git a/setuptools/tests/contexts.py b/setuptools/tests/contexts.py
index 535ae10..5894882 100644
--- a/setuptools/tests/contexts.py
+++ b/setuptools/tests/contexts.py
@@ -4,9 +4,10 @@ import shutil
import sys
import contextlib
import site
+import io
-from setuptools.extern import six
import pkg_resources
+from filelock import FileLock
@@ -58,8 +59,8 @@ def quiet():
old_stdout = sys.stdout
old_stderr = sys.stderr
- new_stdout = sys.stdout = six.StringIO()
- new_stderr = sys.stderr = six.StringIO()
+ new_stdout = sys.stdout = io.StringIO()
+ new_stderr = sys.stderr = io.StringIO()
yield new_stdout, new_stderr
@@ -96,3 +97,29 @@ def suppress_exceptions(*excs):
except excs:
+def multiproc(request):
+ """
+ Return True if running under xdist and multiple
+ workers are used.
+ """
+ try:
+ worker_id = request.getfixturevalue('worker_id')
+ except Exception:
+ return False
+ return worker_id != 'master'
+def session_locked_tmp_dir(request, tmp_path_factory, name):
+ """Uses a file lock to guarantee only one worker can access a temp dir"""
+ # get the temp directory shared by all workers
+ base = tmp_path_factory.getbasetemp()
+ shared_dir = base.parent if multiproc(request) else base
+ locked_dir = shared_dir / name
+ with FileLock(locked_dir.with_suffix(".lock")):
+ # ^-- prevent multiple workers to access the directory at once
+ locked_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)
+ yield locked_dir
diff --git a/setuptools/tests/environment.py b/setuptools/tests/environment.py
index c67898c..bcf2960 100644
--- a/setuptools/tests/environment.py
+++ b/setuptools/tests/environment.py
@@ -1,9 +1,38 @@
import os
import sys
+import subprocess
import unicodedata
from subprocess import Popen as _Popen, PIPE as _PIPE
+import jaraco.envs
+class VirtualEnv(jaraco.envs.VirtualEnv):
+ name = '.env'
+ # Some version of PyPy will import distutils on startup, implicitly
+ # importing setuptools, and thus leading to BackendInvalid errors
+ # when upgrading Setuptools. Bypass this behavior by avoiding the
+ # early availability and need to upgrade.
+ create_opts = ['--no-setuptools']
+ def run(self, cmd, *args, **kwargs):
+ cmd = [self.exe(cmd[0])] + cmd[1:]
+ kwargs = {"cwd": self.root, **kwargs} # Allow overriding
+ # In some environments (eg. downstream distro packaging), where:
+ # - tox isn't used to run tests and
+ # - PYTHONPATH is set to point to a specific setuptools codebase and
+ # - no custom env is explicitly set by a test
+ # PYTHONPATH will leak into the spawned processes.
+ # In that case tests look for module in the wrong place (on PYTHONPATH).
+ # Unless the test sets its own special env, pass a copy of the existing
+ # environment with removed PYTHONPATH to the subprocesses.
+ if "env" not in kwargs:
+ env = dict(os.environ)
+ if "PYTHONPATH" in env:
+ del env["PYTHONPATH"]
+ kwargs["env"] = env
+ return subprocess.check_output(cmd, *args, **kwargs)
def _which_dirs(cmd):
result = set()
@@ -29,7 +58,7 @@ def run_setup_py(cmd, pypath=None, path=None,
if pypath is not None:
env["PYTHONPATH"] = pypath
- # overide the execution path if needed
+ # override the execution path if needed
if path is not None:
env["PATH"] = path
if not env.get("PATH", ""):
@@ -46,6 +75,8 @@ def run_setup_py(cmd, pypath=None, path=None,
cmd, stdout=_PIPE, stderr=_PIPE, shell=shell, env=env,
+ if isinstance(data_stream, tuple):
+ data_stream = slice(*data_stream)
data = proc.communicate()[data_stream]
except OSError:
return 1, ''
diff --git a/setuptools/tests/files.py b/setuptools/tests/files.py
deleted file mode 100644
index f5f0e6b..0000000
--- a/setuptools/tests/files.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-import os
-from setuptools.extern.six import binary_type
-import pkg_resources.py31compat
-def build_files(file_defs, prefix=""):
- """
- Build a set of files/directories, as described by the file_defs dictionary.
- Each key/value pair in the dictionary is interpreted as a filename/contents
- pair. If the contents value is a dictionary, a directory is created, and the
- dictionary interpreted as the files within it, recursively.
- For example:
- {"README.txt": "A README file",
- "foo": {
- "__init__.py": "",
- "bar": {
- "__init__.py": "",
- },
- "baz.py": "# Some code",
- }
- }
- """
- for name, contents in file_defs.items():
- full_name = os.path.join(prefix, name)
- if isinstance(contents, dict):
- pkg_resources.py31compat.makedirs(full_name, exist_ok=True)
- build_files(contents, prefix=full_name)
- else:
- if isinstance(contents, binary_type):
- with open(full_name, 'wb') as f:
- f.write(contents)
- else:
- with open(full_name, 'w') as f:
- f.write(contents)
diff --git a/setuptools/tests/fixtures.py b/setuptools/tests/fixtures.py
index 5204c8d..25ab49f 100644
--- a/setuptools/tests/fixtures.py
+++ b/setuptools/tests/fixtures.py
@@ -1,9 +1,16 @@
+import os
+import contextlib
+import sys
+import subprocess
+from pathlib import Path
import pytest
+import path
-from . import contexts
+from . import contexts, environment
def user_override(monkeypatch):
Override site.USER_BASE and site.USER_SITE with temporary directories in
@@ -17,7 +24,117 @@ def user_override(monkeypatch):
def tmpdir_cwd(tmpdir):
with tmpdir.as_cwd() as orig:
yield orig
+@pytest.fixture(autouse=True, scope="session")
+def workaround_xdist_376(request):
+ """
+ Workaround pytest-dev/pytest-xdist#376
+ ``pytest-xdist`` tends to inject '' into ``sys.path``,
+ which may break certain isolation expectations.
+ Remove the entry so the import
+ machinery behaves the same irrespective of xdist.
+ """
+ if not request.config.pluginmanager.has_plugin('xdist'):
+ return
+ with contextlib.suppress(ValueError):
+ sys.path.remove('')
+def sample_project(tmp_path):
+ """
+ Clone the 'sampleproject' and return a path to it.
+ """
+ cmd = ['git', 'clone', 'https://github.com/pypa/sampleproject']
+ try:
+ subprocess.check_call(cmd, cwd=str(tmp_path))
+ except Exception:
+ pytest.skip("Unable to clone sampleproject")
+ return tmp_path / 'sampleproject'
+# sdist and wheel artifacts should be stable across a round of tests
+# so we can build them once per session and use the files as "readonly"
+def setuptools_sdist(tmp_path_factory, request):
+ return Path(os.getenv("PRE_BUILT_SETUPTOOLS_SDIST")).resolve()
+ with contexts.session_locked_tmp_dir(
+ request, tmp_path_factory, "sdist_build") as tmp:
+ dist = next(tmp.glob("*.tar.gz"), None)
+ if dist:
+ return dist
+ subprocess.check_call([
+ sys.executable, "-m", "build", "--sdist",
+ "--outdir", str(tmp), str(request.config.rootdir)
+ ])
+ return next(tmp.glob("*.tar.gz"))
+def setuptools_wheel(tmp_path_factory, request):
+ return Path(os.getenv("PRE_BUILT_SETUPTOOLS_WHEEL")).resolve()
+ with contexts.session_locked_tmp_dir(
+ request, tmp_path_factory, "wheel_build") as tmp:
+ dist = next(tmp.glob("*.whl"), None)
+ if dist:
+ return dist
+ subprocess.check_call([
+ sys.executable, "-m", "build", "--wheel",
+ "--outdir", str(tmp) , str(request.config.rootdir)
+ ])
+ return next(tmp.glob("*.whl"))
+def venv(tmp_path, setuptools_wheel):
+ """Virtual env with the version of setuptools under test installed"""
+ env = environment.VirtualEnv()
+ env.root = path.Path(tmp_path / 'venv')
+ env.req = str(setuptools_wheel)
+ # In some environments (eg. downstream distro packaging),
+ # where tox isn't used to run tests and PYTHONPATH is set to point to
+ # a specific setuptools codebase, PYTHONPATH will leak into the spawned
+ # processes.
+ # env.create() should install the just created setuptools
+ # wheel, but it doesn't if it finds another existing matching setuptools
+ # installation present on PYTHONPATH:
+ # `setuptools is already installed with the same version as the provided
+ # wheel. Use --force-reinstall to force an installation of the wheel.`
+ # This prevents leaking PYTHONPATH to the created environment.
+ with contexts.environment(PYTHONPATH=None):
+ return env.create()
+def venv_without_setuptools(tmp_path):
+ """Virtual env without any version of setuptools installed"""
+ env = environment.VirtualEnv()
+ env.root = path.Path(tmp_path / 'venv_without_setuptools')
+ env.create_opts = ['--no-setuptools']
+ env.ensure_env()
+ return env
+def bare_venv(tmp_path):
+ """Virtual env without any common packages installed"""
+ env = environment.VirtualEnv()
+ env.root = path.Path(tmp_path / 'bare_venv')
+ env.create_opts = ['--no-setuptools', '--no-pip', '--no-wheel', '--no-seed']
+ env.ensure_env()
+ return env
diff --git a/setuptools/tests/integration/__init__.py b/setuptools/tests/integration/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setuptools/tests/integration/__init__.py
diff --git a/setuptools/tests/integration/helpers.py b/setuptools/tests/integration/helpers.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..24c02be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setuptools/tests/integration/helpers.py
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+"""Reusable functions and classes for different types of integration tests.
+For example ``Archive`` can be used to check the contents of distribution built
+with setuptools, and ``run`` will always try to be as verbose as possible to
+facilitate debugging.
+import os
+import subprocess
+import tarfile
+from zipfile import ZipFile
+from pathlib import Path
+def run(cmd, env=None):
+ r = subprocess.run(
+ cmd,
+ stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+ stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
+ universal_newlines=True,
+ env={**os.environ, **(env or {})}
+ # ^-- allow overwriting instead of discarding the current env
+ )
+ out = r.stdout + "\n" + r.stderr
+ # pytest omits stdout/err by default, if the test fails they help debugging
+ print("~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~")
+ print(f"Command: {cmd}\nreturn code: {r.returncode}\n\n{out}")
+ if r.returncode == 0:
+ return out
+ raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(r.returncode, cmd, r.stdout, r.stderr)
+class Archive:
+ """Compatibility layer for ZipFile/Info and TarFile/Info"""
+ def __init__(self, filename):
+ self._filename = filename
+ if filename.endswith("tar.gz"):
+ self._obj = tarfile.open(filename, "r:gz")
+ elif filename.endswith("zip"):
+ self._obj = ZipFile(filename)
+ else:
+ raise ValueError(f"{filename} doesn't seem to be a zip or tar.gz")
+ def __iter__(self):
+ if hasattr(self._obj, "infolist"):
+ return iter(self._obj.infolist())
+ return iter(self._obj)
+ def get_name(self, zip_or_tar_info):
+ if hasattr(zip_or_tar_info, "filename"):
+ return zip_or_tar_info.filename
+ return zip_or_tar_info.name
+ def get_content(self, zip_or_tar_info):
+ if hasattr(self._obj, "extractfile"):
+ content = self._obj.extractfile(zip_or_tar_info)
+ if content is None:
+ msg = f"Invalid {zip_or_tar_info.name} in {self._filename}"
+ raise ValueError(msg)
+ return str(content.read(), "utf-8")
+ return str(self._obj.read(zip_or_tar_info), "utf-8")
+def get_sdist_members(sdist_path):
+ with tarfile.open(sdist_path, "r:gz") as tar:
+ files = [Path(f) for f in tar.getnames()]
+ # remove root folder
+ relative_files = ("/".join(f.parts[1:]) for f in files)
+ return {f for f in relative_files if f}
+def get_wheel_members(wheel_path):
+ with ZipFile(wheel_path) as zipfile:
+ return set(zipfile.namelist())
diff --git a/setuptools/tests/integration/test_pip_install_sdist.py b/setuptools/tests/integration/test_pip_install_sdist.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9d11047
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setuptools/tests/integration/test_pip_install_sdist.py
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
+"""Integration tests for setuptools that focus on building packages via pip.
+The idea behind these tests is not to exhaustively check all the possible
+combinations of packages, operating systems, supporting libraries, etc, but
+rather check a limited number of popular packages and how they interact with
+the exposed public API. This way if any change in API is introduced, we hope to
+identify backward compatibility problems before publishing a release.
+The number of tested packages is purposefully kept small, to minimise duration
+and the associated maintenance cost (changes in the way these packages define
+their build process may require changes in the tests).
+import json
+import os
+import shutil
+import sys
+from enum import Enum
+from glob import glob
+from hashlib import md5
+from urllib.request import urlopen
+import pytest
+from packaging.requirements import Requirement
+from .helpers import Archive, run
+pytestmark = pytest.mark.integration
+LATEST, = list(Enum("v", "LATEST"))
+"""Default version to be checked"""
+# There are positive and negative aspects of checking the latest version of the
+# packages.
+# The main positive aspect is that the latest version might have already
+# removed the use of APIs deprecated in previous releases of setuptools.
+# Packages to be tested:
+# (Please notice the test environment cannot support EVERY library required for
+# compiling binary extensions. In Ubuntu/Debian nomenclature, we only assume
+# that `build-essential`, `gfortran` and `libopenblas-dev` are installed,
+# due to their relevance to the numerical/scientific programming ecosystem)
+ ("pandas", LATEST), # cython + custom build_ext
+ ("sphinx", LATEST), # custom setup.py
+ ("pip", LATEST), # just in case...
+ ("pytest", LATEST), # uses setuptools_scm
+ ("mypy", LATEST), # custom build_py + ext_modules
+ # --- Popular packages: https://hugovk.github.io/top-pypi-packages/ ---
+ ("botocore", LATEST),
+ ("kiwisolver", "1.3.2"), # build_ext, version pinned due to setup_requires
+ ("brotli", LATEST), # not in the list but used by urllib3
+ # When adding packages to this list, make sure they expose a `__version__`
+ # attribute, or modify the tests below
+# Some packages have "optional" dependencies that modify their build behaviour
+# and are not listed in pyproject.toml, others still use `setup_requires`
+ "sphinx": ("babel>=1.3",),
+ "kiwisolver": ("cppy>=1.1.0",)
+VIRTUALENV = (sys.executable, "-m", "virtualenv")
+# By default, pip will try to build packages in isolation (PEP 517), which
+# means it will download the previous stable version of setuptools.
+# `pip` flags can avoid that (the version of setuptools under test
+# should be the one to be used)
+ "--ignore-installed",
+ "--no-build-isolation",
+ # We don't need "--no-binary :all:" since we specify the path to the sdist.
+ # It also helps with performance, since dependencies can come from wheels.
+# The downside of `--no-build-isolation` is that pip will not download build
+# dependencies. The test script will have to also handle that.
+def venv_python(tmp_path):
+ run([*VIRTUALENV, str(tmp_path / ".venv")])
+ possible_path = (str(p.parent) for p in tmp_path.glob(".venv/*/python*"))
+ return shutil.which("python", path=os.pathsep.join(possible_path))
+def _prepare(tmp_path, venv_python, monkeypatch, request):
+ download_path = os.getenv("DOWNLOAD_PATH", str(tmp_path))
+ os.makedirs(download_path, exist_ok=True)
+ # Environment vars used for building some of the packages
+ monkeypatch.setenv("USE_MYPYC", "1")
+ def _debug_info():
+ # Let's provide the maximum amount of information possible in the case
+ # it is necessary to debug the tests directly from the CI logs.
+ print("~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~")
+ print("Temporary directory:")
+ map(print, tmp_path.glob("*"))
+ print("Virtual environment:")
+ run([venv_python, "-m", "pip", "freeze"])
+ request.addfinalizer(_debug_info)
+ALREADY_LOADED = ("pytest", "mypy") # loaded by pytest/pytest-enabler
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('package, version', EXAMPLES)
+def test_install_sdist(package, version, tmp_path, venv_python, setuptools_wheel):
+ venv_pip = (venv_python, "-m", "pip")
+ sdist = retrieve_sdist(package, version, tmp_path)
+ deps = build_deps(package, sdist)
+ if deps:
+ print("~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~")
+ print("Dependencies:", deps)
+ run([*venv_pip, "install", *deps])
+ # Use a virtualenv to simulate PEP 517 isolation
+ # but install fresh setuptools wheel to ensure the version under development
+ run([*venv_pip, "install", "-I", setuptools_wheel])
+ run([*venv_pip, "install", *SDIST_OPTIONS, sdist])
+ # Execute a simple script to make sure the package was installed correctly
+ script = f"import {package}; print(getattr({package}, '__version__', 0))"
+ run([venv_python, "-c", script])
+# ---- Helper Functions ----
+def retrieve_sdist(package, version, tmp_path):
+ """Either use cached sdist file or download it from PyPI"""
+ # `pip download` cannot be used due to
+ # https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/1884
+ # https://discuss.python.org/t/pep-625-file-name-of-a-source-distribution/4686
+ # We have to find the correct distribution file and download it
+ download_path = os.getenv("DOWNLOAD_PATH", str(tmp_path))
+ dist = retrieve_pypi_sdist_metadata(package, version)
+ # Remove old files to prevent cache to grow indefinitely
+ for file in glob(os.path.join(download_path, f"{package}*")):
+ if dist["filename"] != file:
+ os.unlink(file)
+ dist_file = os.path.join(download_path, dist["filename"])
+ if not os.path.exists(dist_file):
+ download(dist["url"], dist_file, dist["md5_digest"])
+ return dist_file
+def retrieve_pypi_sdist_metadata(package, version):
+ # https://warehouse.pypa.io/api-reference/json.html
+ id_ = package if version is LATEST else f"{package}/{version}"
+ with urlopen(f"https://pypi.org/pypi/{id_}/json") as f:
+ metadata = json.load(f)
+ if metadata["info"]["yanked"]:
+ raise ValueError(f"Release for {package} {version} was yanked")
+ version = metadata["info"]["version"]
+ release = metadata["releases"][version]
+ dists = [d for d in release if d["packagetype"] == "sdist"]
+ if len(dists) == 0:
+ raise ValueError(f"No sdist found for {package} {version}")
+ for dist in dists:
+ if dist["filename"].endswith(".tar.gz"):
+ return dist
+ # Not all packages are publishing tar.gz
+ return dist
+def download(url, dest, md5_digest):
+ with urlopen(url) as f:
+ data = f.read()
+ assert md5(data).hexdigest() == md5_digest
+ with open(dest, "wb") as f:
+ f.write(data)
+ assert os.path.exists(dest)
+def build_deps(package, sdist_file):
+ """Find out what are the build dependencies for a package.
+ We need to "manually" install them, since pip will not install build
+ deps with `--no-build-isolation`.
+ """
+ import tomli as toml
+ # delay importing, since pytest discovery phase may hit this file from a
+ # testenv without tomli
+ archive = Archive(sdist_file)
+ pyproject = _read_pyproject(archive)
+ info = toml.loads(pyproject)
+ deps = info.get("build-system", {}).get("requires", [])
+ deps += EXTRA_BUILD_DEPS.get(package, [])
+ # Remove setuptools from requirements (and deduplicate)
+ requirements = {Requirement(d).name: d for d in deps}
+ return [v for k, v in requirements.items() if k != "setuptools"]
+def _read_pyproject(archive):
+ for member in archive:
+ if os.path.basename(archive.get_name(member)) == "pyproject.toml":
+ return archive.get_content(member)
+ return ""
diff --git a/setuptools/tests/namespaces.py b/setuptools/tests/namespaces.py
index ef5ecda..245cf8e 100644
--- a/setuptools/tests/namespaces.py
+++ b/setuptools/tests/namespaces.py
@@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
-from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals
import textwrap
diff --git a/setuptools/tests/server.py b/setuptools/tests/server.py
index 3531212..6717c05 100644
--- a/setuptools/tests/server.py
+++ b/setuptools/tests/server.py
@@ -1,13 +1,15 @@
"""Basic http server for tests to simulate PyPI or custom indexes
+import os
import time
import threading
+import http.server
+import urllib.parse
+import urllib.request
-from setuptools.extern.six.moves import BaseHTTPServer, SimpleHTTPServer
-class IndexServer(BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer):
+class IndexServer(http.server.HTTPServer):
"""Basic single-threaded http server simulating a package index
You can use this server in unittest like this::
@@ -19,10 +21,11 @@ class IndexServer(BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer):
- def __init__(self, server_address=('', 0),
- RequestHandlerClass=SimpleHTTPServer.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler):
- BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer.__init__(self, server_address,
- RequestHandlerClass)
+ def __init__(
+ self, server_address=('', 0),
+ RequestHandlerClass=http.server.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler):
+ http.server.HTTPServer.__init__(
+ self, server_address, RequestHandlerClass)
self._run = True
def start(self):
@@ -44,29 +47,44 @@ class IndexServer(BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer):
return '' % port
-class RequestRecorder(BaseHTTPServer.BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
+class RequestRecorder(http.server.BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
def do_GET(self):
requests = vars(self.server).setdefault('requests', [])
self.send_response(200, 'OK')
-class MockServer(BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer, threading.Thread):
+class MockServer(http.server.HTTPServer, threading.Thread):
A simple HTTP Server that records the requests made to it.
- def __init__(self, server_address=('', 0),
+ def __init__(
+ self, server_address=('', 0),
- BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer.__init__(self, server_address,
- RequestHandlerClass)
+ http.server.HTTPServer.__init__(
+ self, server_address, RequestHandlerClass)
- self.setDaemon(True)
+ self.daemon = True
self.requests = []
def run(self):
+ def netloc(self):
+ return 'localhost:%s' % self.server_port
+ @property
def url(self):
- return 'http://localhost:%(server_port)s/' % vars(self)
+ return 'http://%s/' % self.netloc
+def path_to_url(path, authority=None):
+ """ Convert a path to a file: URL. """
+ path = os.path.normpath(os.path.abspath(path))
+ base = 'file:'
+ if authority is not None:
+ base += '//' + authority
+ url = urllib.parse.urljoin(base, urllib.request.pathname2url(path))
+ return url
diff --git a/setuptools/tests/test_archive_util.py b/setuptools/tests/test_archive_util.py
index b789e9a..7f99624 100644
--- a/setuptools/tests/test_archive_util.py
+++ b/setuptools/tests/test_archive_util.py
@@ -3,8 +3,6 @@
import tarfile
import io
-from setuptools.extern import six
import pytest
from setuptools import archive_util
@@ -22,8 +20,6 @@ def tarfile_with_unicode(tmpdir):
data = b""
filename = "testimäge.png"
- if six.PY2:
- filename = filename.decode('utf-8')
t = tarfile.TarInfo(filename)
t.size = len(data)
@@ -39,4 +35,4 @@ def tarfile_with_unicode(tmpdir):
@pytest.mark.xfail(reason="#710 and #712")
def test_unicode_files(tarfile_with_unicode, tmpdir):
target = tmpdir / 'out'
- archive_util.unpack_archive(tarfile_with_unicode, six.text_type(target))
+ archive_util.unpack_archive(tarfile_with_unicode, str(target))
diff --git a/setuptools/tests/test_bdist_deprecations.py b/setuptools/tests/test_bdist_deprecations.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1a900c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setuptools/tests/test_bdist_deprecations.py
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+"""develop tests
+import mock
+import sys
+import pytest
+from setuptools.dist import Distribution
+from setuptools import SetuptoolsDeprecationWarning
+@pytest.mark.skipif(sys.platform == 'win32', reason='non-Windows only')
+def test_bdist_rpm_warning(distutils_cmd, tmpdir_cwd):
+ dist = Distribution(
+ dict(
+ script_name='setup.py',
+ script_args=['bdist_rpm'],
+ name='foo',
+ py_modules=['hi'],
+ )
+ )
+ dist.parse_command_line()
+ with pytest.warns(SetuptoolsDeprecationWarning):
+ dist.run_commands()
+ distutils_cmd.run.assert_called_once()
diff --git a/setuptools/tests/test_bdist_egg.py b/setuptools/tests/test_bdist_egg.py
index 54742aa..67f788c 100644
--- a/setuptools/tests/test_bdist_egg.py
+++ b/setuptools/tests/test_bdist_egg.py
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ from . import contexts
SETUP_PY = """\
from setuptools import setup
-setup(name='foo', py_modules=['hi'])
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ class Test:
# let's see if we got our egg link at the right place
[content] = os.listdir('dist')
- assert re.match(r'foo-0.0.0-py[23].\d.egg$', content)
+ assert re.match(r'foo-0.0.0-py[23].\d+.egg$', content)
@@ -52,7 +52,6 @@ class Test:
dist = Distribution(dict(
script_args=['bdist_egg', '--exclude-source-files'],
- name='foo',
with contexts.quiet():
diff --git a/setuptools/tests/test_build_clib.py b/setuptools/tests/test_build_clib.py
index aebcc35..48bea2b 100644
--- a/setuptools/tests/test_build_clib.py
+++ b/setuptools/tests/test_build_clib.py
@@ -1,6 +1,4 @@
import pytest
-import os
-import shutil
import mock
from distutils.errors import DistutilsSetupError
@@ -10,8 +8,7 @@ from setuptools.dist import Distribution
class TestBuildCLib:
- 'setuptools.command.build_clib.newer_pairwise_group'
- )
+ 'setuptools.command.build_clib.newer_pairwise_group')
def test_build_libraries(self, mock_newer):
dist = Distribution()
cmd = build_clib(dist)
@@ -40,13 +37,14 @@ class TestBuildCLib:
# with that out of the way, let's see if the crude dependency
# system works
cmd.compiler = mock.MagicMock(spec=cmd.compiler)
- mock_newer.return_value = ([],[])
+ mock_newer.return_value = ([], [])
obj_deps = {'': ('global.h',), 'example.c': ('example.h',)}
- libs = [('example', {'sources': ['example.c'] ,'obj_deps': obj_deps})]
+ libs = [('example', {'sources': ['example.c'], 'obj_deps': obj_deps})]
- assert [['example.c', 'global.h', 'example.h']] in mock_newer.call_args[0]
+ assert [['example.c', 'global.h', 'example.h']] in \
+ mock_newer.call_args[0]
assert not cmd.compiler.compile.called
assert cmd.compiler.create_static_lib.call_count == 1
diff --git a/setuptools/tests/test_build_ext.py b/setuptools/tests/test_build_ext.py
index 6025715..3177a2c 100644
--- a/setuptools/tests/test_build_ext.py
+++ b/setuptools/tests/test_build_ext.py
@@ -1,13 +1,20 @@
+import os
import sys
import distutils.command.build_ext as orig
from distutils.sysconfig import get_config_var
-from setuptools.extern import six
+from jaraco import path
from setuptools.command.build_ext import build_ext, get_abi3_suffix
from setuptools.dist import Distribution
from setuptools.extension import Extension
+from . import environment
+from .textwrap import DALS
+IS_PYPY = '__pypy__' in sys.builtin_module_names
class TestBuildExt:
def test_get_ext_filename(self):
@@ -37,9 +44,107 @@ class TestBuildExt:
assert 'spam.eggs' in cmd.ext_map
res = cmd.get_ext_filename('spam.eggs')
- if six.PY2 or not get_abi3_suffix():
- assert res.endswith(get_config_var('SO'))
+ if not get_abi3_suffix():
+ assert res.endswith(get_config_var('EXT_SUFFIX'))
elif sys.platform == 'win32':
assert res.endswith('eggs.pyd')
assert 'abi3' in res
+ def test_ext_suffix_override(self):
+ """
+ SETUPTOOLS_EXT_SUFFIX variable always overrides
+ default extension options.
+ """
+ dist = Distribution()
+ cmd = build_ext(dist)
+ cmd.ext_map['for_abi3'] = ext = Extension(
+ 'for_abi3',
+ ['s.c'],
+ # Override shouldn't affect abi3 modules
+ py_limited_api=True,
+ )
+ # Mock value needed to pass tests
+ ext._links_to_dynamic = False
+ if not IS_PYPY:
+ expect = cmd.get_ext_filename('for_abi3')
+ else:
+ # PyPy builds do not use ABI3 tag, so they will
+ # also get the overridden suffix.
+ expect = 'for_abi3.test-suffix'
+ try:
+ os.environ['SETUPTOOLS_EXT_SUFFIX'] = '.test-suffix'
+ res = cmd.get_ext_filename('normal')
+ assert 'normal.test-suffix' == res
+ res = cmd.get_ext_filename('for_abi3')
+ assert expect == res
+ finally:
+ del os.environ['SETUPTOOLS_EXT_SUFFIX']
+def test_build_ext_config_handling(tmpdir_cwd):
+ files = {
+ 'setup.py': DALS(
+ """
+ from setuptools import Extension, setup
+ setup(
+ name='foo',
+ version='0.0.0',
+ ext_modules=[Extension('foo', ['foo.c'])],
+ )
+ """),
+ 'foo.c': DALS(
+ """
+ #include "Python.h"
+ static struct PyModuleDef moduledef = {
+ PyModuleDef_HEAD_INIT,
+ "foo",
+ 0,
+ };
+ #define INITERROR return NULL
+ PyMODINIT_FUNC PyInit_foo(void)
+ #else
+ #define INITERROR return
+ void initfoo(void)
+ #endif
+ {
+ PyObject *module = PyModule_Create(&moduledef);
+ #else
+ PyObject *module = Py_InitModule("extension", NULL);
+ #endif
+ if (module == NULL)
+ return module;
+ #endif
+ }
+ """),
+ 'setup.cfg': DALS(
+ """
+ [build]
+ build_base = foo_build
+ """),
+ }
+ path.build(files)
+ code, output = environment.run_setup_py(
+ cmd=['build'], data_stream=(0, 2),
+ )
+ assert code == 0, '\nSTDOUT:\n%s\nSTDERR:\n%s' % output
diff --git a/setuptools/tests/test_build_meta.py b/setuptools/tests/test_build_meta.py
index 659c1a6..36940e7 100644
--- a/setuptools/tests/test_build_meta.py
+++ b/setuptools/tests/test_build_meta.py
@@ -1,17 +1,35 @@
import os
+import sys
+import shutil
+import signal
+import tarfile
+import importlib
+import contextlib
+from concurrent import futures
+import re
+from zipfile import ZipFile
import pytest
+from jaraco import path
-from .files import build_files
from .textwrap import DALS
+SETUP_SCRIPT_STUB = "__import__('setuptools').setup()"
-futures = pytest.importorskip('concurrent.futures')
-importlib = pytest.importorskip('importlib')
+TIMEOUT = int(os.getenv("TIMEOUT_BACKEND_TEST", "180")) # in seconds
+IS_PYPY = '__pypy__' in sys.builtin_module_names
-class BuildBackendBase(object):
- def __init__(self, cwd=None, env={}, backend_name='setuptools.build_meta'):
+pytestmark = pytest.mark.skipif(
+ sys.platform == "win32" and IS_PYPY,
+ reason="The combination of PyPy + Windows + pytest-xdist + ProcessPoolExecutor "
+ "is flaky and problematic"
+class BuildBackendBase:
+ def __init__(self, cwd='.', env={}, backend_name='setuptools.build_meta'):
self.cwd = cwd
self.env = env
self.backend_name = backend_name
@@ -19,108 +37,730 @@ class BuildBackendBase(object):
class BuildBackend(BuildBackendBase):
"""PEP 517 Build Backend"""
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(BuildBackend, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
- self.pool = futures.ProcessPoolExecutor()
+ self.pool = futures.ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=1)
def __getattr__(self, name):
"""Handles aribrary function invocations on the build backend."""
def method(*args, **kw):
root = os.path.abspath(self.cwd)
caller = BuildBackendCaller(root, self.env, self.backend_name)
- return self.pool.submit(caller, name, *args, **kw).result()
+ pid = None
+ try:
+ pid = self.pool.submit(os.getpid).result(TIMEOUT)
+ return self.pool.submit(caller, name, *args, **kw).result(TIMEOUT)
+ except futures.TimeoutError:
+ self.pool.shutdown(wait=False) # doesn't stop already running processes
+ self._kill(pid)
+ pytest.xfail(f"Backend did not respond before timeout ({TIMEOUT} s)")
+ except (futures.process.BrokenProcessPool, MemoryError, OSError):
+ if IS_PYPY:
+ pytest.xfail("PyPy frequently fails tests with ProcessPoolExector")
+ raise
return method
+ def _kill(self, pid):
+ if pid is None:
+ return
+ with contextlib.suppress(ProcessLookupError, OSError):
+ os.kill(pid, signal.SIGTERM if os.name == "nt" else signal.SIGKILL)
class BuildBackendCaller(BuildBackendBase):
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ super(BuildBackendCaller, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+ (self.backend_name, _,
+ self.backend_obj) = self.backend_name.partition(':')
def __call__(self, name, *args, **kw):
"""Handles aribrary function invocations on the build backend."""
mod = importlib.import_module(self.backend_name)
- return getattr(mod, name)(*args, **kw)
+ if self.backend_obj:
+ backend = getattr(mod, self.backend_obj)
+ else:
+ backend = mod
-defns = [{
- 'setup.py': DALS("""
+ return getattr(backend, name)(*args, **kw)
+defns = [
+ { # simple setup.py script
+ 'setup.py': DALS("""
+ __import__('setuptools').setup(
+ name='foo',
+ version='0.0.0',
+ py_modules=['hello'],
+ setup_requires=['six'],
+ )
+ """),
+ 'hello.py': DALS("""
+ def run():
+ print('hello')
+ """),
+ },
+ { # setup.py that relies on __name__
+ 'setup.py': DALS("""
+ assert __name__ == '__main__'
+ __import__('setuptools').setup(
+ name='foo',
+ version='0.0.0',
+ py_modules=['hello'],
+ setup_requires=['six'],
+ )
+ """),
+ 'hello.py': DALS("""
+ def run():
+ print('hello')
+ """),
+ },
+ { # setup.py script that runs arbitrary code
+ 'setup.py': DALS("""
+ variable = True
+ def function():
+ return variable
+ assert variable
+ __import__('setuptools').setup(
+ name='foo',
+ version='0.0.0',
+ py_modules=['hello'],
+ setup_requires=['six'],
+ )
+ """),
+ 'hello.py': DALS("""
+ def run():
+ print('hello')
+ """),
+ },
+ { # setup.py script that constructs temp files to be included in the distribution
+ 'setup.py': DALS("""
+ # Some packages construct files on the fly, include them in the package,
+ # and immediately remove them after `setup()` (e.g. pybind11==2.9.1).
+ # Therefore, we cannot use `distutils.core.run_setup(..., stop_after=...)`
+ # to obtain a distribution object first, and then run the distutils
+ # commands later, because these files will be removed in the meantime.
+ with open('world.py', 'w') as f:
+ f.write('x = 42')
+ try:
- py_modules=['hello'],
+ version='0.0.0',
+ py_modules=['world'],
+ finally:
+ # Some packages will clean temporary files
+ __import__('os').unlink('world.py')
+ """),
+ },
+ { # setup.cfg only
+ 'setup.cfg': DALS("""
+ [metadata]
+ name = foo
+ version = 0.0.0
+ [options]
+ py_modules=hello
+ setup_requires=six
+ """),
+ 'hello.py': DALS("""
+ def run():
+ print('hello')
+ """)
+ },
+ { # setup.cfg and setup.py
+ 'setup.cfg': DALS("""
+ [metadata]
+ name = foo
+ version = 0.0.0
+ [options]
+ py_modules=hello
+ setup_requires=six
+ """),
+ 'setup.py': "__import__('setuptools').setup()",
+ 'hello.py': DALS("""
+ def run():
+ print('hello')
+ """)
+ },
+class TestBuildMetaBackend:
+ backend_name = 'setuptools.build_meta'
+ def get_build_backend(self):
+ return BuildBackend(backend_name=self.backend_name)
+ @pytest.fixture(params=defns)
+ def build_backend(self, tmpdir, request):
+ path.build(request.param, prefix=str(tmpdir))
+ with tmpdir.as_cwd():
+ yield self.get_build_backend()
+ def test_get_requires_for_build_wheel(self, build_backend):
+ actual = build_backend.get_requires_for_build_wheel()
+ expected = ['six', 'wheel']
+ assert sorted(actual) == sorted(expected)
+ def test_get_requires_for_build_sdist(self, build_backend):
+ actual = build_backend.get_requires_for_build_sdist()
+ expected = ['six']
+ assert sorted(actual) == sorted(expected)
+ def test_build_wheel(self, build_backend):
+ dist_dir = os.path.abspath('pip-wheel')
+ os.makedirs(dist_dir)
+ wheel_name = build_backend.build_wheel(dist_dir)
+ wheel_file = os.path.join(dist_dir, wheel_name)
+ assert os.path.isfile(wheel_file)
+ # Temporary files should be removed
+ assert not os.path.isfile('world.py')
+ with ZipFile(wheel_file) as zipfile:
+ wheel_contents = set(zipfile.namelist())
+ # Each one of the examples have a single module
+ # that should be included in the distribution
+ python_scripts = (f for f in wheel_contents if f.endswith('.py'))
+ modules = [f for f in python_scripts if not f.endswith('setup.py')]
+ assert len(modules) == 1
+ @pytest.mark.parametrize('build_type', ('wheel', 'sdist'))
+ def test_build_with_existing_file_present(self, build_type, tmpdir_cwd):
+ # Building a sdist/wheel should still succeed if there's
+ # already a sdist/wheel in the destination directory.
+ files = {
+ 'setup.py': "from setuptools import setup\nsetup()",
+ 'VERSION': "0.0.1",
+ 'setup.cfg': DALS("""
+ [metadata]
+ name = foo
+ version = file: VERSION
+ """),
+ 'pyproject.toml': DALS("""
+ [build-system]
+ requires = ["setuptools", "wheel"]
+ build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta"
+ """),
+ }
+ path.build(files)
+ dist_dir = os.path.abspath('preexisting-' + build_type)
+ build_backend = self.get_build_backend()
+ build_method = getattr(build_backend, 'build_' + build_type)
+ # Build a first sdist/wheel.
+ # Note: this also check the destination directory is
+ # successfully created if it does not exist already.
+ first_result = build_method(dist_dir)
+ # Change version.
+ with open("VERSION", "wt") as version_file:
+ version_file.write("0.0.2")
+ # Build a *second* sdist/wheel.
+ second_result = build_method(dist_dir)
+ assert os.path.isfile(os.path.join(dist_dir, first_result))
+ assert first_result != second_result
+ # And if rebuilding the exact same sdist/wheel?
+ open(os.path.join(dist_dir, second_result), 'w').close()
+ third_result = build_method(dist_dir)
+ assert third_result == second_result
+ assert os.path.getsize(os.path.join(dist_dir, third_result)) > 0
+ @pytest.mark.parametrize("setup_script", [None, SETUP_SCRIPT_STUB])
+ def test_build_with_pyproject_config(self, tmpdir, setup_script):
+ files = {
+ 'pyproject.toml': DALS("""
+ [build-system]
+ requires = ["setuptools", "wheel"]
+ build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta"
+ [project]
+ name = "foo"
+ license = {text = "MIT"}
+ description = "This is a Python package"
+ dynamic = ["version", "readme"]
+ classifiers = [
+ "Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable",
+ "Intended Audience :: Developers"
+ ]
+ urls = {Homepage = "http://github.com"}
+ dependencies = [
+ "appdirs",
+ ]
+ [project.optional-dependencies]
+ all = [
+ "tomli>=1",
+ "pyscaffold>=4,<5",
+ 'importlib; python_version == "2.6"',
+ ]
+ [project.scripts]
+ foo = "foo.cli:main"
+ [tool.setuptools]
+ zip-safe = false
+ package-dir = {"" = "src"}
+ packages = {find = {where = ["src"]}}
+ license-files = ["LICENSE*"]
+ [tool.setuptools.dynamic]
+ version = {attr = "foo.__version__"}
+ readme = {file = "README.rst"}
+ [tool.distutils.sdist]
+ formats = "gztar"
+ [tool.distutils.bdist_wheel]
+ universal = true
+ """),
+ "MANIFEST.in": DALS("""
+ global-include *.py *.txt
+ global-exclude *.py[cod]
+ """),
+ "README.rst": "This is a ``README``",
+ "LICENSE.txt": "---- placeholder MIT license ----",
+ "src": {
+ "foo": {
+ "__init__.py": "__version__ = '0.1'",
+ "cli.py": "def main(): print('hello world')",
+ "data.txt": "def main(): print('hello world')",
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if setup_script:
+ files["setup.py"] = setup_script
+ build_backend = self.get_build_backend()
+ with tmpdir.as_cwd():
+ path.build(files)
+ sdist_path = build_backend.build_sdist("temp")
+ wheel_file = build_backend.build_wheel("temp")
+ with tarfile.open(os.path.join(tmpdir, "temp", sdist_path)) as tar:
+ sdist_contents = set(tar.getnames())
+ with ZipFile(os.path.join(tmpdir, "temp", wheel_file)) as zipfile:
+ wheel_contents = set(zipfile.namelist())
+ metadata = str(zipfile.read("foo-0.1.dist-info/METADATA"), "utf-8")
+ license = str(zipfile.read("foo-0.1.dist-info/LICENSE.txt"), "utf-8")
+ epoints = str(zipfile.read("foo-0.1.dist-info/entry_points.txt"), "utf-8")
+ assert sdist_contents - {"foo-0.1/setup.py"} == {
+ 'foo-0.1',
+ 'foo-0.1/LICENSE.txt',
+ 'foo-0.1/MANIFEST.in',
+ 'foo-0.1/PKG-INFO',
+ 'foo-0.1/README.rst',
+ 'foo-0.1/pyproject.toml',
+ 'foo-0.1/setup.cfg',
+ 'foo-0.1/src',
+ 'foo-0.1/src/foo',
+ 'foo-0.1/src/foo/__init__.py',
+ 'foo-0.1/src/foo/cli.py',
+ 'foo-0.1/src/foo/data.txt',
+ 'foo-0.1/src/foo.egg-info',
+ 'foo-0.1/src/foo.egg-info/PKG-INFO',
+ 'foo-0.1/src/foo.egg-info/SOURCES.txt',
+ 'foo-0.1/src/foo.egg-info/dependency_links.txt',
+ 'foo-0.1/src/foo.egg-info/entry_points.txt',
+ 'foo-0.1/src/foo.egg-info/requires.txt',
+ 'foo-0.1/src/foo.egg-info/top_level.txt',
+ 'foo-0.1/src/foo.egg-info/not-zip-safe',
+ }
+ assert wheel_contents == {
+ "foo/__init__.py",
+ "foo/cli.py",
+ "foo/data.txt", # include_package_data defaults to True
+ "foo-0.1.dist-info/LICENSE.txt",
+ "foo-0.1.dist-info/METADATA",
+ "foo-0.1.dist-info/WHEEL",
+ "foo-0.1.dist-info/entry_points.txt",
+ "foo-0.1.dist-info/top_level.txt",
+ "foo-0.1.dist-info/RECORD",
+ }
+ assert license == "---- placeholder MIT license ----"
+ for line in (
+ "Summary: This is a Python package",
+ "License: MIT",
+ "Classifier: Intended Audience :: Developers",
+ "Requires-Dist: appdirs",
+ "Requires-Dist: tomli (>=1) ; extra == 'all'",
+ "Requires-Dist: importlib ; (python_version == \"2.6\") and extra == 'all'"
+ ):
+ assert line in metadata
+ assert metadata.strip().endswith("This is a ``README``")
+ assert epoints.strip() == "[console_scripts]\nfoo = foo.cli:main"
+ def test_static_metadata_in_pyproject_config(self, tmpdir):
+ # Make sure static metadata in pyproject.toml is not overwritten by setup.py
+ # as required by PEP 621
+ files = {
+ 'pyproject.toml': DALS("""
+ [build-system]
+ requires = ["setuptools", "wheel"]
+ build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta"
+ [project]
+ name = "foo"
+ description = "This is a Python package"
+ version = "42"
+ dependencies = ["six"]
'hello.py': DALS("""
def run():
- },
- {
'setup.py': DALS("""
- assert __name__ == '__main__'
- name='foo',
- py_modules=['hello'],
- setup_requires=['six'],
+ name='bar',
+ version='13',
- 'hello.py': DALS("""
- def run():
- print('hello')
+ }
+ build_backend = self.get_build_backend()
+ with tmpdir.as_cwd():
+ path.build(files)
+ sdist_path = build_backend.build_sdist("temp")
+ wheel_file = build_backend.build_wheel("temp")
+ assert (tmpdir / "temp/foo-42.tar.gz").exists()
+ assert (tmpdir / "temp/foo-42-py3-none-any.whl").exists()
+ assert not (tmpdir / "temp/bar-13.tar.gz").exists()
+ assert not (tmpdir / "temp/bar-42.tar.gz").exists()
+ assert not (tmpdir / "temp/foo-13.tar.gz").exists()
+ assert not (tmpdir / "temp/bar-13-py3-none-any.whl").exists()
+ assert not (tmpdir / "temp/bar-42-py3-none-any.whl").exists()
+ assert not (tmpdir / "temp/foo-13-py3-none-any.whl").exists()
+ with tarfile.open(os.path.join(tmpdir, "temp", sdist_path)) as tar:
+ pkg_info = str(tar.extractfile('foo-42/PKG-INFO').read(), "utf-8")
+ members = tar.getnames()
+ assert "bar-13/PKG-INFO" not in members
+ with ZipFile(os.path.join(tmpdir, "temp", wheel_file)) as zipfile:
+ metadata = str(zipfile.read("foo-42.dist-info/METADATA"), "utf-8")
+ members = zipfile.namelist()
+ assert "bar-13.dist-info/METADATA" not in members
+ for file in pkg_info, metadata:
+ for line in ("Name: foo", "Version: 42"):
+ assert line in file
+ for line in ("Name: bar", "Version: 13"):
+ assert line not in file
+ def test_build_sdist(self, build_backend):
+ dist_dir = os.path.abspath('pip-sdist')
+ os.makedirs(dist_dir)
+ sdist_name = build_backend.build_sdist(dist_dir)
+ assert os.path.isfile(os.path.join(dist_dir, sdist_name))
+ def test_prepare_metadata_for_build_wheel(self, build_backend):
+ dist_dir = os.path.abspath('pip-dist-info')
+ os.makedirs(dist_dir)
+ dist_info = build_backend.prepare_metadata_for_build_wheel(dist_dir)
+ assert os.path.isfile(os.path.join(dist_dir, dist_info, 'METADATA'))
+ def test_build_sdist_explicit_dist(self, build_backend):
+ # explicitly specifying the dist folder should work
+ # the folder sdist_directory and the ``--dist-dir`` can be the same
+ dist_dir = os.path.abspath('dist')
+ sdist_name = build_backend.build_sdist(dist_dir)
+ assert os.path.isfile(os.path.join(dist_dir, sdist_name))
+ def test_build_sdist_version_change(self, build_backend):
+ sdist_into_directory = os.path.abspath("out_sdist")
+ os.makedirs(sdist_into_directory)
+ sdist_name = build_backend.build_sdist(sdist_into_directory)
+ assert os.path.isfile(os.path.join(sdist_into_directory, sdist_name))
+ # if the setup.py changes subsequent call of the build meta
+ # should still succeed, given the
+ # sdist_directory the frontend specifies is empty
+ setup_loc = os.path.abspath("setup.py")
+ if not os.path.exists(setup_loc):
+ setup_loc = os.path.abspath("setup.cfg")
+ with open(setup_loc, 'rt') as file_handler:
+ content = file_handler.read()
+ with open(setup_loc, 'wt') as file_handler:
+ file_handler.write(
+ content.replace("version='0.0.0'", "version='0.0.1'"))
+ shutil.rmtree(sdist_into_directory)
+ os.makedirs(sdist_into_directory)
+ sdist_name = build_backend.build_sdist("out_sdist")
+ assert os.path.isfile(
+ os.path.join(os.path.abspath("out_sdist"), sdist_name))
+ def test_build_sdist_pyproject_toml_exists(self, tmpdir_cwd):
+ files = {
+ 'setup.py': DALS("""
+ __import__('setuptools').setup(
+ name='foo',
+ version='0.0.0',
+ py_modules=['hello']
+ )"""),
+ 'hello.py': '',
+ 'pyproject.toml': DALS("""
+ [build-system]
+ requires = ["setuptools", "wheel"]
+ build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta"
- },
- {
+ }
+ path.build(files)
+ build_backend = self.get_build_backend()
+ targz_path = build_backend.build_sdist("temp")
+ with tarfile.open(os.path.join("temp", targz_path)) as tar:
+ assert any('pyproject.toml' in name for name in tar.getnames())
+ def test_build_sdist_setup_py_exists(self, tmpdir_cwd):
+ # If build_sdist is called from a script other than setup.py,
+ # ensure setup.py is included
+ path.build(defns[0])
+ build_backend = self.get_build_backend()
+ targz_path = build_backend.build_sdist("temp")
+ with tarfile.open(os.path.join("temp", targz_path)) as tar:
+ assert any('setup.py' in name for name in tar.getnames())
+ def test_build_sdist_setup_py_manifest_excluded(self, tmpdir_cwd):
+ # Ensure that MANIFEST.in can exclude setup.py
+ files = {
+ 'setup.py': DALS("""
+ __import__('setuptools').setup(
+ name='foo',
+ version='0.0.0',
+ py_modules=['hello']
+ )"""),
+ 'hello.py': '',
+ 'MANIFEST.in': DALS("""
+ exclude setup.py
+ """)
+ }
+ path.build(files)
+ build_backend = self.get_build_backend()
+ targz_path = build_backend.build_sdist("temp")
+ with tarfile.open(os.path.join("temp", targz_path)) as tar:
+ assert not any('setup.py' in name for name in tar.getnames())
+ def test_build_sdist_builds_targz_even_if_zip_indicated(self, tmpdir_cwd):
+ files = {
'setup.py': DALS("""
- variable = True
- def function():
- return variable
- assert variable
- py_modules=['hello'],
- setup_requires=['six'],
+ version='0.0.0',
+ py_modules=['hello']
+ )"""),
+ 'hello.py': '',
+ 'setup.cfg': DALS("""
+ [sdist]
+ formats=zip
+ """)
+ }
+ path.build(files)
+ build_backend = self.get_build_backend()
+ build_backend.build_sdist("temp")
+ _relative_path_import_files = {
+ 'setup.py': DALS("""
+ __import__('setuptools').setup(
+ name='foo',
+ version=__import__('hello').__version__,
+ py_modules=['hello']
+ )"""),
+ 'hello.py': '__version__ = "0.0.0"',
+ 'setup.cfg': DALS("""
+ [sdist]
+ formats=zip
+ """)
+ }
+ def test_build_sdist_relative_path_import(self, tmpdir_cwd):
+ path.build(self._relative_path_import_files)
+ build_backend = self.get_build_backend()
+ with pytest.raises(ImportError, match="^No module named 'hello'$"):
+ build_backend.build_sdist("temp")
+ @pytest.mark.parametrize('setup_literal, requirements', [
+ ("'foo'", ['foo']),
+ ("['foo']", ['foo']),
+ (r"'foo\n'", ['foo']),
+ (r"'foo\n\n'", ['foo']),
+ ("['foo', 'bar']", ['foo', 'bar']),
+ (r"'# Has a comment line\nfoo'", ['foo']),
+ (r"'foo # Has an inline comment'", ['foo']),
+ (r"'foo \\\n >=3.0'", ['foo>=3.0']),
+ (r"'foo\nbar'", ['foo', 'bar']),
+ (r"'foo\nbar\n'", ['foo', 'bar']),
+ (r"['foo\n', 'bar\n']", ['foo', 'bar']),
+ ])
+ @pytest.mark.parametrize('use_wheel', [True, False])
+ def test_setup_requires(self, setup_literal, requirements, use_wheel,
+ tmpdir_cwd):
+ files = {
+ 'setup.py': DALS("""
+ from setuptools import setup
+ setup(
+ name="qux",
+ version="0.0.0",
+ py_modules=["hello"],
+ setup_requires={setup_literal},
- """),
+ """).format(setup_literal=setup_literal),
'hello.py': DALS("""
- def run():
- print('hello')
- """),
- }]
+ def run():
+ print('hello')
+ """),
+ }
+ path.build(files)
+ build_backend = self.get_build_backend()
+ if use_wheel:
+ base_requirements = ['wheel']
+ get_requires = build_backend.get_requires_for_build_wheel
+ else:
+ base_requirements = []
+ get_requires = build_backend.get_requires_for_build_sdist
+ # Ensure that the build requirements are properly parsed
+ expected = sorted(base_requirements + requirements)
+ actual = get_requires()
+ assert expected == sorted(actual)
+ def test_setup_requires_with_auto_discovery(self, tmpdir_cwd):
+ # Make sure patches introduced to retrieve setup_requires don't accidentally
+ # activate auto-discovery and cause problems due to the incomplete set of
+ # attributes passed to MinimalDistribution
+ files = {
+ 'pyproject.toml': DALS("""
+ [project]
+ name = "proj"
+ version = "42"
+ """),
+ "setup.py": DALS("""
+ __import__('setuptools').setup(
+ setup_requires=["foo"],
+ py_modules = ["hello", "world"]
+ )
+ """),
+ 'hello.py': "'hello'",
+ 'world.py': "'world'",
+ }
+ path.build(files)
+ build_backend = self.get_build_backend()
+ setup_requires = build_backend.get_requires_for_build_wheel()
+ assert setup_requires == ["wheel", "foo"]
+ def test_dont_install_setup_requires(self, tmpdir_cwd):
+ files = {
+ 'setup.py': DALS("""
+ from setuptools import setup
+ setup(
+ name="qux",
+ version="0.0.0",
+ py_modules=["hello"],
+ setup_requires=["does-not-exist >99"],
+ )
+ """),
+ 'hello.py': DALS("""
+ def run():
+ print('hello')
+ """),
+ }
+ path.build(files)
+ build_backend = self.get_build_backend()
+ dist_dir = os.path.abspath('pip-dist-info')
+ os.makedirs(dist_dir)
-def build_backend(tmpdir, request):
- build_files(request.param, prefix=str(tmpdir))
- with tmpdir.as_cwd():
- yield BuildBackend(cwd='.')
+ # does-not-exist can't be satisfied, so if it attempts to install
+ # setup_requires, it will fail.
+ build_backend.prepare_metadata_for_build_wheel(dist_dir)
+ _sys_argv_0_passthrough = {
+ 'setup.py': DALS("""
+ import os
+ import sys
-def test_get_requires_for_build_wheel(build_backend):
- actual = build_backend.get_requires_for_build_wheel()
- expected = ['six', 'setuptools', 'wheel']
- assert sorted(actual) == sorted(expected)
+ __import__('setuptools').setup(
+ name='foo',
+ version='0.0.0',
+ )
+ sys_argv = os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0])
+ file_path = os.path.abspath('setup.py')
+ assert sys_argv == file_path
+ """)
+ }
-def test_build_wheel(build_backend):
- dist_dir = os.path.abspath('pip-wheel')
- os.makedirs(dist_dir)
- wheel_name = build_backend.build_wheel(dist_dir)
+ def test_sys_argv_passthrough(self, tmpdir_cwd):
+ path.build(self._sys_argv_0_passthrough)
+ build_backend = self.get_build_backend()
+ with pytest.raises(AssertionError):
+ build_backend.build_sdist("temp")
- assert os.path.isfile(os.path.join(dist_dir, wheel_name))
+ @pytest.mark.parametrize('build_hook', ('build_sdist', 'build_wheel'))
+ def test_build_with_empty_setuppy(self, build_backend, build_hook):
+ files = {'setup.py': ''}
+ path.build(files)
+ with pytest.raises(
+ ValueError,
+ match=re.escape('No distribution was found.')):
+ getattr(build_backend, build_hook)("temp")
-def test_build_sdist(build_backend):
- dist_dir = os.path.abspath('pip-sdist')
- os.makedirs(dist_dir)
- sdist_name = build_backend.build_sdist(dist_dir)
- assert os.path.isfile(os.path.join(dist_dir, sdist_name))
+class TestBuildMetaLegacyBackend(TestBuildMetaBackend):
+ backend_name = 'setuptools.build_meta:__legacy__'
+ # build_meta_legacy-specific tests
+ def test_build_sdist_relative_path_import(self, tmpdir_cwd):
+ # This must fail in build_meta, but must pass in build_meta_legacy
+ path.build(self._relative_path_import_files)
-def test_prepare_metadata_for_build_wheel(build_backend):
- dist_dir = os.path.abspath('pip-dist-info')
- os.makedirs(dist_dir)
+ build_backend = self.get_build_backend()
+ build_backend.build_sdist("temp")
- dist_info = build_backend.prepare_metadata_for_build_wheel(dist_dir)
+ def test_sys_argv_passthrough(self, tmpdir_cwd):
+ path.build(self._sys_argv_0_passthrough)
- assert os.path.isfile(os.path.join(dist_dir, dist_info, 'METADATA'))
+ build_backend = self.get_build_backend()
+ build_backend.build_sdist("temp")
diff --git a/setuptools/tests/test_build_py.py b/setuptools/tests/test_build_py.py
index cc701ae..19c8b78 100644
--- a/setuptools/tests/test_build_py.py
+++ b/setuptools/tests/test_build_py.py
@@ -1,17 +1,13 @@
import os
+import stat
+import shutil
import pytest
from setuptools.dist import Distribution
-def tmpdir_as_cwd(tmpdir):
- with tmpdir.as_cwd():
- yield tmpdir
-def test_directories_in_package_data_glob(tmpdir_as_cwd):
+def test_directories_in_package_data_glob(tmpdir_cwd):
Directories matching the glob in package_data should
not be included in the package data.
@@ -22,9 +18,64 @@ def test_directories_in_package_data_glob(tmpdir_as_cwd):
- name='foo',
package_data={'': ['path/*']},
+def test_read_only(tmpdir_cwd):
+ """
+ Ensure read-only flag is not preserved in copy
+ for package modules and package data, as that
+ causes problems with deleting read-only files on
+ Windows.
+ #1451
+ """
+ dist = Distribution(dict(
+ script_name='setup.py',
+ script_args=['build_py'],
+ packages=['pkg'],
+ package_data={'pkg': ['data.dat']},
+ ))
+ os.makedirs('pkg')
+ open('pkg/__init__.py', 'w').close()
+ open('pkg/data.dat', 'w').close()
+ os.chmod('pkg/__init__.py', stat.S_IREAD)
+ os.chmod('pkg/data.dat', stat.S_IREAD)
+ dist.parse_command_line()
+ dist.run_commands()
+ shutil.rmtree('build')
+ 'platform.system() == "Windows"',
+ reason="On Windows, files do not have executable bits",
+ raises=AssertionError,
+ strict=True,
+def test_executable_data(tmpdir_cwd):
+ """
+ Ensure executable bit is preserved in copy for
+ package data, as users rely on it for scripts.
+ #2041
+ """
+ dist = Distribution(dict(
+ script_name='setup.py',
+ script_args=['build_py'],
+ packages=['pkg'],
+ package_data={'pkg': ['run-me']},
+ ))
+ os.makedirs('pkg')
+ open('pkg/__init__.py', 'w').close()
+ open('pkg/run-me', 'w').close()
+ os.chmod('pkg/run-me', 0o700)
+ dist.parse_command_line()
+ dist.run_commands()
+ assert os.stat('build/lib/pkg/run-me').st_mode & stat.S_IEXEC, \
+ "Script is not executable"
diff --git a/setuptools/tests/test_config.py b/setuptools/tests/test_config.py
deleted file mode 100644
index abb953a..0000000
--- a/setuptools/tests/test_config.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,583 +0,0 @@
-import contextlib
-import pytest
-from distutils.errors import DistutilsOptionError, DistutilsFileError
-from setuptools.dist import Distribution
-from setuptools.config import ConfigHandler, read_configuration
-class ErrConfigHandler(ConfigHandler):
- """Erroneous handler. Fails to implement required methods."""
-def make_package_dir(name, base_dir):
- dir_package = base_dir.mkdir(name)
- init_file = dir_package.join('__init__.py')
- init_file.write('')
- return dir_package, init_file
-def fake_env(tmpdir, setup_cfg, setup_py=None):
- if setup_py is None:
- setup_py = (
- 'from setuptools import setup\n'
- 'setup()\n'
- )
- tmpdir.join('setup.py').write(setup_py)
- config = tmpdir.join('setup.cfg')
- config.write(setup_cfg)
- package_dir, init_file = make_package_dir('fake_package', tmpdir)
- init_file.write(
- 'VERSION = (1, 2, 3)\n'
- '\n'
- '\n'
- 'def get_version():\n'
- ' return [3, 4, 5, "dev"]\n'
- '\n'
- )
- return package_dir, config
-def get_dist(tmpdir, kwargs_initial=None, parse=True):
- kwargs_initial = kwargs_initial or {}
- with tmpdir.as_cwd():
- dist = Distribution(kwargs_initial)
- dist.script_name = 'setup.py'
- parse and dist.parse_config_files()
- yield dist
-def test_parsers_implemented():
- with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError):
- handler = ErrConfigHandler(None, {})
- handler.parsers
-class TestConfigurationReader:
- def test_basic(self, tmpdir):
- _, config = fake_env(
- tmpdir,
- '[metadata]\n'
- 'version = 10.1.1\n'
- 'keywords = one, two\n'
- '\n'
- '[options]\n'
- 'scripts = bin/a.py, bin/b.py\n'
- )
- config_dict = read_configuration('%s' % config)
- assert config_dict['metadata']['version'] == '10.1.1'
- assert config_dict['metadata']['keywords'] == ['one', 'two']
- assert config_dict['options']['scripts'] == ['bin/a.py', 'bin/b.py']
- def test_no_config(self, tmpdir):
- with pytest.raises(DistutilsFileError):
- read_configuration('%s' % tmpdir.join('setup.cfg'))
- def test_ignore_errors(self, tmpdir):
- _, config = fake_env(
- tmpdir,
- '[metadata]\n'
- 'version = attr: none.VERSION\n'
- 'keywords = one, two\n'
- )
- with pytest.raises(ImportError):
- read_configuration('%s' % config)
- config_dict = read_configuration(
- '%s' % config, ignore_option_errors=True)
- assert config_dict['metadata']['keywords'] == ['one', 'two']
- assert 'version' not in config_dict['metadata']
- config.remove()
-class TestMetadata:
- def test_basic(self, tmpdir):
- fake_env(
- tmpdir,
- '[metadata]\n'
- 'version = 10.1.1\n'
- 'description = Some description\n'
- 'long_description_content_type = text/something\n'
- 'long_description = file: README\n'
- 'name = fake_name\n'
- 'keywords = one, two\n'
- 'provides = package, package.sub\n'
- 'license = otherlic\n'
- 'download_url = http://test.test.com/test/\n'
- 'maintainer_email = test@test.com\n'
- )
- tmpdir.join('README').write('readme contents\nline2')
- meta_initial = {
- # This will be used so `otherlic` won't replace it.
- 'license': 'BSD 3-Clause License',
- }
- with get_dist(tmpdir, meta_initial) as dist:
- metadata = dist.metadata
- assert metadata.version == '10.1.1'
- assert metadata.description == 'Some description'
- assert metadata.long_description_content_type == 'text/something'
- assert metadata.long_description == 'readme contents\nline2'
- assert metadata.provides == ['package', 'package.sub']
- assert metadata.license == 'BSD 3-Clause License'
- assert metadata.name == 'fake_name'
- assert metadata.keywords == ['one', 'two']
- assert metadata.download_url == 'http://test.test.com/test/'
- assert metadata.maintainer_email == 'test@test.com'
- def test_file_mixed(self, tmpdir):
- fake_env(
- tmpdir,
- '[metadata]\n'
- 'long_description = file: README.rst, CHANGES.rst\n'
- '\n'
- )
- tmpdir.join('README.rst').write('readme contents\nline2')
- tmpdir.join('CHANGES.rst').write('changelog contents\nand stuff')
- with get_dist(tmpdir) as dist:
- assert dist.metadata.long_description == (
- 'readme contents\nline2\n'
- 'changelog contents\nand stuff'
- )
- def test_file_sandboxed(self, tmpdir):
- fake_env(
- tmpdir,
- '[metadata]\n'
- 'long_description = file: ../../README\n'
- )
- with get_dist(tmpdir, parse=False) as dist:
- with pytest.raises(DistutilsOptionError):
- dist.parse_config_files() # file: out of sandbox
- def test_aliases(self, tmpdir):
- fake_env(
- tmpdir,
- '[metadata]\n'
- 'author-email = test@test.com\n'
- 'home-page = http://test.test.com/test/\n'
- 'summary = Short summary\n'
- 'platform = a, b\n'
- 'classifier =\n'
- ' Framework :: Django\n'
- ' Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5\n'
- )
- with get_dist(tmpdir) as dist:
- metadata = dist.metadata
- assert metadata.author_email == 'test@test.com'
- assert metadata.url == 'http://test.test.com/test/'
- assert metadata.description == 'Short summary'
- assert metadata.platforms == ['a', 'b']
- assert metadata.classifiers == [
- 'Framework :: Django',
- 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5',
- ]
- def test_multiline(self, tmpdir):
- fake_env(
- tmpdir,
- '[metadata]\n'
- 'name = fake_name\n'
- 'keywords =\n'
- ' one\n'
- ' two\n'
- 'classifiers =\n'
- ' Framework :: Django\n'
- ' Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5\n'
- )
- with get_dist(tmpdir) as dist:
- metadata = dist.metadata
- assert metadata.keywords == ['one', 'two']
- assert metadata.classifiers == [
- 'Framework :: Django',
- 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5',
- ]
- def test_dict(self, tmpdir):
- fake_env(
- tmpdir,
- '[metadata]\n'
- 'project_urls =\n'
- ' Link One = https://example.com/one/\n'
- ' Link Two = https://example.com/two/\n'
- )
- with get_dist(tmpdir) as dist:
- metadata = dist.metadata
- assert metadata.project_urls == {
- 'Link One': 'https://example.com/one/',
- 'Link Two': 'https://example.com/two/',
- }
- def test_version(self, tmpdir):
- _, config = fake_env(
- tmpdir,
- '[metadata]\n'
- 'version = attr: fake_package.VERSION\n'
- )
- with get_dist(tmpdir) as dist:
- assert dist.metadata.version == '1.2.3'
- config.write(
- '[metadata]\n'
- 'version = attr: fake_package.get_version\n'
- )
- with get_dist(tmpdir) as dist:
- assert dist.metadata.version == '3.4.5.dev'
- config.write(
- '[metadata]\n'
- 'version = attr: fake_package.VERSION_MAJOR\n'
- )
- with get_dist(tmpdir) as dist:
- assert dist.metadata.version == '1'
- subpack = tmpdir.join('fake_package').mkdir('subpackage')
- subpack.join('__init__.py').write('')
- subpack.join('submodule.py').write('VERSION = (2016, 11, 26)')
- config.write(
- '[metadata]\n'
- 'version = attr: fake_package.subpackage.submodule.VERSION\n'
- )
- with get_dist(tmpdir) as dist:
- assert dist.metadata.version == '2016.11.26'
- def test_unknown_meta_item(self, tmpdir):
- fake_env(
- tmpdir,
- '[metadata]\n'
- 'name = fake_name\n'
- 'unknown = some\n'
- )
- with get_dist(tmpdir, parse=False) as dist:
- dist.parse_config_files() # Skip unknown.
- def test_usupported_section(self, tmpdir):
- fake_env(
- tmpdir,
- '[metadata.some]\n'
- 'key = val\n'
- )
- with get_dist(tmpdir, parse=False) as dist:
- with pytest.raises(DistutilsOptionError):
- dist.parse_config_files()
- def test_classifiers(self, tmpdir):
- expected = set([
- 'Framework :: Django',
- 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3',
- 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5',
- ])
- # From file.
- _, config = fake_env(
- tmpdir,
- '[metadata]\n'
- 'classifiers = file: classifiers\n'
- )
- tmpdir.join('classifiers').write(
- 'Framework :: Django\n'
- 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3\n'
- 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5\n'
- )
- with get_dist(tmpdir) as dist:
- assert set(dist.metadata.classifiers) == expected
- # From list notation
- config.write(
- '[metadata]\n'
- 'classifiers =\n'
- ' Framework :: Django\n'
- ' Programming Language :: Python :: 3\n'
- ' Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5\n'
- )
- with get_dist(tmpdir) as dist:
- assert set(dist.metadata.classifiers) == expected
-class TestOptions:
- def test_basic(self, tmpdir):
- fake_env(
- tmpdir,
- '[options]\n'
- 'zip_safe = True\n'
- 'use_2to3 = 1\n'
- 'include_package_data = yes\n'
- 'package_dir = b=c, =src\n'
- 'packages = pack_a, pack_b.subpack\n'
- 'namespace_packages = pack1, pack2\n'
- 'use_2to3_fixers = your.fixers, or.here\n'
- 'use_2to3_exclude_fixers = one.here, two.there\n'
- 'convert_2to3_doctests = src/tests/one.txt, src/two.txt\n'
- 'scripts = bin/one.py, bin/two.py\n'
- 'eager_resources = bin/one.py, bin/two.py\n'
- 'install_requires = docutils>=0.3; pack ==1.1, ==1.3; hey\n'
- 'tests_require = mock==0.7.2; pytest\n'
- 'setup_requires = docutils>=0.3; spack ==1.1, ==1.3; there\n'
- 'dependency_links = http://some.com/here/1, '
- 'http://some.com/there/2\n'
- 'python_requires = >=1.0, !=2.8\n'
- 'py_modules = module1, module2\n'
- )
- with get_dist(tmpdir) as dist:
- assert dist.zip_safe
- assert dist.use_2to3
- assert dist.include_package_data
- assert dist.package_dir == {'': 'src', 'b': 'c'}
- assert dist.packages == ['pack_a', 'pack_b.subpack']
- assert dist.namespace_packages == ['pack1', 'pack2']
- assert dist.use_2to3_fixers == ['your.fixers', 'or.here']
- assert dist.use_2to3_exclude_fixers == ['one.here', 'two.there']
- assert dist.convert_2to3_doctests == ([
- 'src/tests/one.txt', 'src/two.txt'])
- assert dist.scripts == ['bin/one.py', 'bin/two.py']
- assert dist.dependency_links == ([
- 'http://some.com/here/1',
- 'http://some.com/there/2'
- ])
- assert dist.install_requires == ([
- 'docutils>=0.3',
- 'pack==1.1,==1.3',
- 'hey'
- ])
- assert dist.setup_requires == ([
- 'docutils>=0.3',
- 'spack ==1.1, ==1.3',
- 'there'
- ])
- assert dist.tests_require == ['mock==0.7.2', 'pytest']
- assert dist.python_requires == '>=1.0, !=2.8'
- assert dist.py_modules == ['module1', 'module2']
- def test_multiline(self, tmpdir):
- fake_env(
- tmpdir,
- '[options]\n'
- 'package_dir = \n'
- ' b=c\n'
- ' =src\n'
- 'packages = \n'
- ' pack_a\n'
- ' pack_b.subpack\n'
- 'namespace_packages = \n'
- ' pack1\n'
- ' pack2\n'
- 'use_2to3_fixers = \n'
- ' your.fixers\n'
- ' or.here\n'
- 'use_2to3_exclude_fixers = \n'
- ' one.here\n'
- ' two.there\n'
- 'convert_2to3_doctests = \n'
- ' src/tests/one.txt\n'
- ' src/two.txt\n'
- 'scripts = \n'
- ' bin/one.py\n'
- ' bin/two.py\n'
- 'eager_resources = \n'
- ' bin/one.py\n'
- ' bin/two.py\n'
- 'install_requires = \n'
- ' docutils>=0.3\n'
- ' pack ==1.1, ==1.3\n'
- ' hey\n'
- 'tests_require = \n'
- ' mock==0.7.2\n'
- ' pytest\n'
- 'setup_requires = \n'
- ' docutils>=0.3\n'
- ' spack ==1.1, ==1.3\n'
- ' there\n'
- 'dependency_links = \n'
- ' http://some.com/here/1\n'
- ' http://some.com/there/2\n'
- )
- with get_dist(tmpdir) as dist:
- assert dist.package_dir == {'': 'src', 'b': 'c'}
- assert dist.packages == ['pack_a', 'pack_b.subpack']
- assert dist.namespace_packages == ['pack1', 'pack2']
- assert dist.use_2to3_fixers == ['your.fixers', 'or.here']
- assert dist.use_2to3_exclude_fixers == ['one.here', 'two.there']
- assert dist.convert_2to3_doctests == (
- ['src/tests/one.txt', 'src/two.txt'])
- assert dist.scripts == ['bin/one.py', 'bin/two.py']
- assert dist.dependency_links == ([
- 'http://some.com/here/1',
- 'http://some.com/there/2'
- ])
- assert dist.install_requires == ([
- 'docutils>=0.3',
- 'pack==1.1,==1.3',
- 'hey'
- ])
- assert dist.setup_requires == ([
- 'docutils>=0.3',
- 'spack ==1.1, ==1.3',
- 'there'
- ])
- assert dist.tests_require == ['mock==0.7.2', 'pytest']
- def test_package_dir_fail(self, tmpdir):
- fake_env(
- tmpdir,
- '[options]\n'
- 'package_dir = a b\n'
- )
- with get_dist(tmpdir, parse=False) as dist:
- with pytest.raises(DistutilsOptionError):
- dist.parse_config_files()
- def test_package_data(self, tmpdir):
- fake_env(
- tmpdir,
- '[options.package_data]\n'
- '* = *.txt, *.rst\n'
- 'hello = *.msg\n'
- '\n'
- '[options.exclude_package_data]\n'
- '* = fake1.txt, fake2.txt\n'
- 'hello = *.dat\n'
- )
- with get_dist(tmpdir) as dist:
- assert dist.package_data == {
- '': ['*.txt', '*.rst'],
- 'hello': ['*.msg'],
- }
- assert dist.exclude_package_data == {
- '': ['fake1.txt', 'fake2.txt'],
- 'hello': ['*.dat'],
- }
- def test_packages(self, tmpdir):
- fake_env(
- tmpdir,
- '[options]\n'
- 'packages = find:\n'
- )
- with get_dist(tmpdir) as dist:
- assert dist.packages == ['fake_package']
- def test_find_directive(self, tmpdir):
- dir_package, config = fake_env(
- tmpdir,
- '[options]\n'
- 'packages = find:\n'
- )
- dir_sub_one, _ = make_package_dir('sub_one', dir_package)
- dir_sub_two, _ = make_package_dir('sub_two', dir_package)
- with get_dist(tmpdir) as dist:
- assert set(dist.packages) == set([
- 'fake_package', 'fake_package.sub_two', 'fake_package.sub_one'
- ])
- config.write(
- '[options]\n'
- 'packages = find:\n'
- '\n'
- '[options.packages.find]\n'
- 'where = .\n'
- 'include =\n'
- ' fake_package.sub_one\n'
- ' two\n'
- )
- with get_dist(tmpdir) as dist:
- assert dist.packages == ['fake_package.sub_one']
- config.write(
- '[options]\n'
- 'packages = find:\n'
- '\n'
- '[options.packages.find]\n'
- 'exclude =\n'
- ' fake_package.sub_one\n'
- )
- with get_dist(tmpdir) as dist:
- assert set(dist.packages) == set(
- ['fake_package', 'fake_package.sub_two'])
- def test_extras_require(self, tmpdir):
- fake_env(
- tmpdir,
- '[options.extras_require]\n'
- 'pdf = ReportLab>=1.2; RXP\n'
- 'rest = \n'
- ' docutils>=0.3\n'
- ' pack ==1.1, ==1.3\n'
- )
- with get_dist(tmpdir) as dist:
- assert dist.extras_require == {
- 'pdf': ['ReportLab>=1.2', 'RXP'],
- 'rest': ['docutils>=0.3', 'pack==1.1,==1.3']
- }
- assert dist.metadata.provides_extras == set(['pdf', 'rest'])
- def test_entry_points(self, tmpdir):
- _, config = fake_env(
- tmpdir,
- '[options.entry_points]\n'
- 'group1 = point1 = pack.module:func, '
- '.point2 = pack.module2:func_rest [rest]\n'
- 'group2 = point3 = pack.module:func2\n'
- )
- with get_dist(tmpdir) as dist:
- assert dist.entry_points == {
- 'group1': [
- 'point1 = pack.module:func',
- '.point2 = pack.module2:func_rest [rest]',
- ],
- 'group2': ['point3 = pack.module:func2']
- }
- expected = (
- '[blogtool.parsers]\n'
- '.rst = some.nested.module:SomeClass.some_classmethod[reST]\n'
- )
- tmpdir.join('entry_points').write(expected)
- # From file.
- config.write(
- '[options]\n'
- 'entry_points = file: entry_points\n'
- )
- with get_dist(tmpdir) as dist:
- assert dist.entry_points == expected
diff --git a/setuptools/tests/test_config_discovery.py b/setuptools/tests/test_config_discovery.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fac365f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setuptools/tests/test_config_discovery.py
@@ -0,0 +1,581 @@
+import os
+import sys
+from configparser import ConfigParser
+from itertools import product
+from setuptools.command.sdist import sdist
+from setuptools.dist import Distribution
+from setuptools.discovery import find_package_path, find_parent_package
+from setuptools.errors import PackageDiscoveryError
+import setuptools # noqa -- force distutils.core to be patched
+import distutils.core
+import pytest
+import jaraco.path
+from path import Path as _Path
+from .contexts import quiet
+from .integration.helpers import get_sdist_members, get_wheel_members, run
+from .textwrap import DALS
+class TestFindParentPackage:
+ def test_single_package(self, tmp_path):
+ # find_parent_package should find a non-namespace parent package
+ (tmp_path / "src/namespace/pkg/nested").mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)
+ (tmp_path / "src/namespace/pkg/nested/__init__.py").touch()
+ (tmp_path / "src/namespace/pkg/__init__.py").touch()
+ packages = ["namespace", "namespace.pkg", "namespace.pkg.nested"]
+ assert find_parent_package(packages, {"": "src"}, tmp_path) == "namespace.pkg"
+ def test_multiple_toplevel(self, tmp_path):
+ # find_parent_package should return null if the given list of packages does not
+ # have a single parent package
+ multiple = ["pkg", "pkg1", "pkg2"]
+ for name in multiple:
+ (tmp_path / f"src/{name}").mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)
+ (tmp_path / f"src/{name}/__init__.py").touch()
+ assert find_parent_package(multiple, {"": "src"}, tmp_path) is None
+class TestDiscoverPackagesAndPyModules:
+ """Make sure discovered values for ``packages`` and ``py_modules`` work
+ similarly to explicit configuration for the simple scenarios.
+ """
+ # Different options according to the circumstance being tested
+ "explicit-src": {
+ "package_dir": {"": "src"},
+ "packages": ["pkg"]
+ },
+ "variation-lib": {
+ "package_dir": {"": "lib"}, # variation of the source-layout
+ },
+ "explicit-flat": {
+ "packages": ["pkg"]
+ },
+ "explicit-single_module": {
+ "py_modules": ["pkg"]
+ },
+ "explicit-namespace": {
+ "packages": ["ns", "ns.pkg"]
+ },
+ "automatic-src": {},
+ "automatic-flat": {},
+ "automatic-single_module": {},
+ "automatic-namespace": {}
+ }
+ FILES = {
+ "src": ["src/pkg/__init__.py", "src/pkg/main.py"],
+ "lib": ["lib/pkg/__init__.py", "lib/pkg/main.py"],
+ "flat": ["pkg/__init__.py", "pkg/main.py"],
+ "single_module": ["pkg.py"],
+ "namespace": ["ns/pkg/__init__.py"]
+ }
+ def _get_info(self, circumstance):
+ _, _, layout = circumstance.partition("-")
+ files = self.FILES[layout]
+ options = self.OPTIONS[circumstance]
+ return files, options
+ @pytest.mark.parametrize("circumstance", OPTIONS.keys())
+ def test_sdist_filelist(self, tmp_path, circumstance):
+ files, options = self._get_info(circumstance)
+ _populate_project_dir(tmp_path, files, options)
+ _, cmd = _run_sdist_programatically(tmp_path, options)
+ manifest = [f.replace(os.sep, "/") for f in cmd.filelist.files]
+ for file in files:
+ assert any(f.endswith(file) for f in manifest)
+ @pytest.mark.parametrize("circumstance", OPTIONS.keys())
+ def test_project(self, tmp_path, circumstance):
+ files, options = self._get_info(circumstance)
+ _populate_project_dir(tmp_path, files, options)
+ # Simulate a pre-existing `build` directory
+ (tmp_path / "build").mkdir()
+ (tmp_path / "build/lib").mkdir()
+ (tmp_path / "build/bdist.linux-x86_64").mkdir()
+ (tmp_path / "build/bdist.linux-x86_64/file.py").touch()
+ (tmp_path / "build/lib/__init__.py").touch()
+ (tmp_path / "build/lib/file.py").touch()
+ (tmp_path / "dist").mkdir()
+ (tmp_path / "dist/file.py").touch()
+ _run_build(tmp_path)
+ sdist_files = get_sdist_members(next(tmp_path.glob("dist/*.tar.gz")))
+ print("~~~~~ sdist_members ~~~~~")
+ print('\n'.join(sdist_files))
+ assert sdist_files >= set(files)
+ wheel_files = get_wheel_members(next(tmp_path.glob("dist/*.whl")))
+ print("~~~~~ wheel_members ~~~~~")
+ print('\n'.join(wheel_files))
+ orig_files = {f.replace("src/", "").replace("lib/", "") for f in files}
+ assert wheel_files >= orig_files
+ # Make sure build files are not included by mistake
+ for file in wheel_files:
+ assert "build" not in files
+ assert "dist" not in files
+ "setup.cfg": DALS(
+ """
+ [metadata]
+ name = myproj
+ version = 0.0.0
+ [options]
+ {param} =
+ """
+ ),
+ "setup.py": DALS(
+ """
+ __import__('setuptools').setup(
+ name="myproj",
+ version="0.0.0",
+ {param}=[]
+ )
+ """
+ ),
+ "pyproject.toml": DALS(
+ """
+ [build-system]
+ requires = []
+ build-backend = 'setuptools.build_meta'
+ [project]
+ name = "myproj"
+ version = "0.0.0"
+ [tool.setuptools]
+ {param} = []
+ """
+ ),
+ "template-pyproject.toml": DALS(
+ """
+ [build-system]
+ requires = []
+ build-backend = 'setuptools.build_meta'
+ """
+ )
+ }
+ @pytest.mark.parametrize(
+ "config_file, param, circumstance",
+ product(
+ ["setup.cfg", "setup.py", "pyproject.toml"],
+ ["packages", "py_modules"],
+ FILES.keys()
+ )
+ )
+ def test_purposefully_empty(self, tmp_path, config_file, param, circumstance):
+ files = self.FILES[circumstance] + ["mod.py", "other.py", "src/pkg/__init__.py"]
+ _populate_project_dir(tmp_path, files, {})
+ if config_file == "pyproject.toml":
+ template_param = param.replace("_", "-")
+ else:
+ # Make sure build works with or without setup.cfg
+ pyproject = self.PURPOSEFULLY_EMPY["template-pyproject.toml"]
+ (tmp_path / "pyproject.toml").write_text(pyproject)
+ template_param = param
+ config = self.PURPOSEFULLY_EMPY[config_file].format(param=template_param)
+ (tmp_path / config_file).write_text(config)
+ dist = _get_dist(tmp_path, {})
+ # When either parameter package or py_modules is an empty list,
+ # then there should be no discovery
+ assert getattr(dist, param) == []
+ other = {"py_modules": "packages", "packages": "py_modules"}[param]
+ assert getattr(dist, other) is None
+ @pytest.mark.parametrize(
+ "extra_files, pkgs",
+ [
+ (["venv/bin/simulate_venv"], {"pkg"}),
+ (["pkg-stubs/__init__.pyi"], {"pkg", "pkg-stubs"}),
+ (["other-stubs/__init__.pyi"], {"pkg", "other-stubs"}),
+ (
+ # Type stubs can also be namespaced
+ ["namespace-stubs/pkg/__init__.pyi"],
+ {"pkg", "namespace-stubs", "namespace-stubs.pkg"},
+ ),
+ (
+ # Just the top-level package can have `-stubs`, ignore nested ones
+ ["namespace-stubs/pkg-stubs/__init__.pyi"],
+ {"pkg", "namespace-stubs"}
+ ),
+ (["_hidden/file.py"], {"pkg"}),
+ (["news/finalize.py"], {"pkg"}),
+ ]
+ )
+ def test_flat_layout_with_extra_files(self, tmp_path, extra_files, pkgs):
+ files = self.FILES["flat"] + extra_files
+ _populate_project_dir(tmp_path, files, {})
+ dist = _get_dist(tmp_path, {})
+ assert set(dist.packages) == pkgs
+ @pytest.mark.parametrize(
+ "extra_files",
+ [
+ ["other/__init__.py"],
+ ["other/finalize.py"],
+ ]
+ )
+ def test_flat_layout_with_dangerous_extra_files(self, tmp_path, extra_files):
+ files = self.FILES["flat"] + extra_files
+ _populate_project_dir(tmp_path, files, {})
+ with pytest.raises(PackageDiscoveryError, match="multiple (packages|modules)"):
+ _get_dist(tmp_path, {})
+ def test_flat_layout_with_single_module(self, tmp_path):
+ files = self.FILES["single_module"] + ["invalid-module-name.py"]
+ _populate_project_dir(tmp_path, files, {})
+ dist = _get_dist(tmp_path, {})
+ assert set(dist.py_modules) == {"pkg"}
+ def test_flat_layout_with_multiple_modules(self, tmp_path):
+ files = self.FILES["single_module"] + ["valid_module_name.py"]
+ _populate_project_dir(tmp_path, files, {})
+ with pytest.raises(PackageDiscoveryError, match="multiple (packages|modules)"):
+ _get_dist(tmp_path, {})
+class TestNoConfig:
+ DEFAULT_VERSION = "0.0.0" # Default version given by setuptools
+ "pkg1": ["src/pkg1.py"],
+ "pkg2": ["src/pkg2/__init__.py"],
+ "pkg3": ["src/pkg3/__init__.py", "src/pkg3-stubs/__init__.py"],
+ "pkg4": ["pkg4/__init__.py", "pkg4-stubs/__init__.py"],
+ "ns.nested.pkg1": ["src/ns/nested/pkg1/__init__.py"],
+ "ns.nested.pkg2": ["ns/nested/pkg2/__init__.py"],
+ }
+ @pytest.mark.parametrize("example", EXAMPLES.keys())
+ def test_discover_name(self, tmp_path, example):
+ _populate_project_dir(tmp_path, self.EXAMPLES[example], {})
+ dist = _get_dist(tmp_path, {})
+ assert dist.get_name() == example
+ def test_build_with_discovered_name(self, tmp_path):
+ files = ["src/ns/nested/pkg/__init__.py"]
+ _populate_project_dir(tmp_path, files, {})
+ _run_build(tmp_path, "--sdist")
+ # Expected distribution file
+ dist_file = tmp_path / f"dist/ns.nested.pkg-{self.DEFAULT_VERSION}.tar.gz"
+ assert dist_file.is_file()
+class TestWithAttrDirective:
+ @pytest.mark.parametrize(
+ "folder, opts",
+ [
+ ("src", {}),
+ ("lib", {"packages": "find:", "packages.find": {"where": "lib"}}),
+ ]
+ )
+ def test_setupcfg_metadata(self, tmp_path, folder, opts):
+ files = [f"{folder}/pkg/__init__.py", "setup.cfg"]
+ _populate_project_dir(tmp_path, files, opts)
+ (tmp_path / folder / "pkg/__init__.py").write_text("version = 42")
+ (tmp_path / "setup.cfg").write_text(
+ "[metadata]\nversion = attr: pkg.version\n"
+ + (tmp_path / "setup.cfg").read_text()
+ )
+ dist = _get_dist(tmp_path, {})
+ assert dist.get_name() == "pkg"
+ assert dist.get_version() == "42"
+ assert dist.package_dir
+ package_path = find_package_path("pkg", dist.package_dir, tmp_path)
+ assert os.path.exists(package_path)
+ assert folder in _Path(package_path).parts()
+ _run_build(tmp_path, "--sdist")
+ dist_file = tmp_path / "dist/pkg-42.tar.gz"
+ assert dist_file.is_file()
+ def test_pyproject_metadata(self, tmp_path):
+ _populate_project_dir(tmp_path, ["src/pkg/__init__.py"], {})
+ (tmp_path / "src/pkg/__init__.py").write_text("version = 42")
+ (tmp_path / "pyproject.toml").write_text(
+ "[project]\nname = 'pkg'\ndynamic = ['version']\n"
+ "[tool.setuptools.dynamic]\nversion = {attr = 'pkg.version'}\n"
+ )
+ dist = _get_dist(tmp_path, {})
+ assert dist.get_version() == "42"
+ assert dist.package_dir == {"": "src"}
+class TestWithCExtension:
+ def _simulate_package_with_extension(self, tmp_path):
+ # This example is based on: https://github.com/nucleic/kiwi/tree/1.4.0
+ files = [
+ "benchmarks/file.py",
+ "docs/Makefile",
+ "docs/requirements.txt",
+ "docs/source/conf.py",
+ "proj/header.h",
+ "proj/file.py",
+ "py/proj.cpp",
+ "py/other.cpp",
+ "py/file.py",
+ "py/py.typed",
+ "py/tests/test_proj.py",
+ "README.rst",
+ ]
+ _populate_project_dir(tmp_path, files, {})
+ setup_script = """
+ from setuptools import Extension, setup
+ ext_modules = [
+ Extension(
+ "proj",
+ ["py/proj.cpp", "py/other.cpp"],
+ include_dirs=["."],
+ language="c++",
+ ),
+ ]
+ setup(ext_modules=ext_modules)
+ """
+ (tmp_path / "setup.py").write_text(DALS(setup_script))
+ def test_skip_discovery_with_setupcfg_metadata(self, tmp_path):
+ """Ensure that auto-discovery is not triggered when the project is based on
+ C-extensions only, for backward compatibility.
+ """
+ self._simulate_package_with_extension(tmp_path)
+ pyproject = """
+ [build-system]
+ requires = []
+ build-backend = 'setuptools.build_meta'
+ """
+ (tmp_path / "pyproject.toml").write_text(DALS(pyproject))
+ setupcfg = """
+ [metadata]
+ name = proj
+ version = 42
+ """
+ (tmp_path / "setup.cfg").write_text(DALS(setupcfg))
+ dist = _get_dist(tmp_path, {})
+ assert dist.get_name() == "proj"
+ assert dist.get_version() == "42"
+ assert dist.py_modules is None
+ assert dist.packages is None
+ assert len(dist.ext_modules) == 1
+ assert dist.ext_modules[0].name == "proj"
+ def test_dont_skip_discovery_with_pyproject_metadata(self, tmp_path):
+ """When opting-in to pyproject.toml metadata, auto-discovery will be active if
+ the package lists C-extensions, but does not configure py-modules or packages.
+ This way we ensure users with complex package layouts that would lead to the
+ discovery of multiple top-level modules/packages see errors and are forced to
+ explicitly set ``packages`` or ``py-modules``.
+ """
+ self._simulate_package_with_extension(tmp_path)
+ pyproject = """
+ [project]
+ name = 'proj'
+ version = '42'
+ """
+ (tmp_path / "pyproject.toml").write_text(DALS(pyproject))
+ with pytest.raises(PackageDiscoveryError, match="multiple (packages|modules)"):
+ _get_dist(tmp_path, {})
+class TestWithPackageData:
+ def _simulate_package_with_data_files(self, tmp_path, src_root):
+ files = [
+ f"{src_root}/proj/__init__.py",
+ f"{src_root}/proj/file1.txt",
+ f"{src_root}/proj/nested/file2.txt",
+ ]
+ _populate_project_dir(tmp_path, files, {})
+ manifest = """
+ global-include *.py *.txt
+ """
+ (tmp_path / "MANIFEST.in").write_text(DALS(manifest))
+ [metadata]
+ name = proj
+ version = 42
+ [options]
+ include_package_data = True
+ """
+ [project]
+ name = "proj"
+ version = "42"
+ """
+ [tool.setuptools]
+ package-dir = {"" = "src"}
+ """
+ @pytest.mark.parametrize(
+ "src_root, files",
+ [
+ (".", {"setup.cfg": DALS(EXAMPLE_SETUPCFG)}),
+ (".", {"pyproject.toml": DALS(EXAMPLE_PYPROJECT)}),
+ ("src", {"setup.cfg": DALS(EXAMPLE_SETUPCFG)}),
+ ("src", {"pyproject.toml": DALS(EXAMPLE_PYPROJECT)}),
+ (
+ "src",
+ {
+ """
+ packages = find:
+ package_dir =
+ =src
+ [options.packages.find]
+ where = src
+ """
+ )
+ }
+ ),
+ (
+ "src",
+ {
+ "pyproject.toml": DALS(EXAMPLE_PYPROJECT) + DALS(
+ """
+ [tool.setuptools]
+ package-dir = {"" = "src"}
+ """
+ )
+ },
+ ),
+ ]
+ )
+ def test_include_package_data(self, tmp_path, src_root, files):
+ """
+ Make sure auto-discovery does not affect package include_package_data.
+ See issue #3196.
+ """
+ jaraco.path.build(files, prefix=str(tmp_path))
+ self._simulate_package_with_data_files(tmp_path, src_root)
+ expected = {
+ os.path.normpath(f"{src_root}/proj/file1.txt").replace(os.sep, "/"),
+ os.path.normpath(f"{src_root}/proj/nested/file2.txt").replace(os.sep, "/"),
+ }
+ _run_build(tmp_path)
+ sdist_files = get_sdist_members(next(tmp_path.glob("dist/*.tar.gz")))
+ print("~~~~~ sdist_members ~~~~~")
+ print('\n'.join(sdist_files))
+ assert sdist_files >= expected
+ wheel_files = get_wheel_members(next(tmp_path.glob("dist/*.whl")))
+ print("~~~~~ wheel_members ~~~~~")
+ print('\n'.join(wheel_files))
+ orig_files = {f.replace("src/", "").replace("lib/", "") for f in expected}
+ assert wheel_files >= orig_files
+def test_compatible_with_numpy_configuration(tmp_path):
+ files = [
+ "dir1/__init__.py",
+ "dir2/__init__.py",
+ "file.py",
+ ]
+ _populate_project_dir(tmp_path, files, {})
+ dist = Distribution({})
+ dist.configuration = object()
+ dist.set_defaults()
+ assert dist.py_modules is None
+ assert dist.packages is None
+def _populate_project_dir(root, files, options):
+ # NOTE: Currently pypa/build will refuse to build the project if no
+ # `pyproject.toml` or `setup.py` is found. So it is impossible to do
+ # completely "config-less" projects.
+ (root / "setup.py").write_text("import setuptools\nsetuptools.setup()")
+ (root / "README.md").write_text("# Example Package")
+ (root / "LICENSE").write_text("Copyright (c) 2018")
+ _write_setupcfg(root, options)
+ paths = (root / f for f in files)
+ for path in paths:
+ path.parent.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)
+ path.touch()
+def _write_setupcfg(root, options):
+ if not options:
+ print("~~~~~ **NO** setup.cfg ~~~~~")
+ return
+ setupcfg = ConfigParser()
+ setupcfg.add_section("options")
+ for key, value in options.items():
+ if key == "packages.find":
+ setupcfg.add_section(f"options.{key}")
+ setupcfg[f"options.{key}"].update(value)
+ elif isinstance(value, list):
+ setupcfg["options"][key] = ", ".join(value)
+ elif isinstance(value, dict):
+ str_value = "\n".join(f"\t{k} = {v}" for k, v in value.items())
+ setupcfg["options"][key] = "\n" + str_value
+ else:
+ setupcfg["options"][key] = str(value)
+ with open(root / "setup.cfg", "w") as f:
+ setupcfg.write(f)
+ print("~~~~~ setup.cfg ~~~~~")
+ print((root / "setup.cfg").read_text())
+def _run_build(path, *flags):
+ cmd = [sys.executable, "-m", "build", "--no-isolation", *flags, str(path)]
+ return run(cmd, env={'DISTUTILS_DEBUG': ''})
+def _get_dist(dist_path, attrs):
+ root = "/".join(os.path.split(dist_path)) # POSIX-style
+ script = dist_path / 'setup.py'
+ if script.exists():
+ with _Path(dist_path):
+ dist = distutils.core.run_setup("setup.py", {}, stop_after="init")
+ else:
+ dist = Distribution(attrs)
+ dist.src_root = root
+ dist.script_name = "setup.py"
+ with _Path(dist_path):
+ dist.parse_config_files()
+ dist.set_defaults()
+ return dist
+def _run_sdist_programatically(dist_path, attrs):
+ dist = _get_dist(dist_path, attrs)
+ cmd = sdist(dist)
+ cmd.ensure_finalized()
+ assert cmd.distribution.packages or cmd.distribution.py_modules
+ with quiet(), _Path(dist_path):
+ cmd.run()
+ return dist, cmd
diff --git a/setuptools/tests/test_depends.py b/setuptools/tests/test_depends.py
index e0cfa88..bff1dfb 100644
--- a/setuptools/tests/test_depends.py
+++ b/setuptools/tests/test_depends.py
@@ -5,12 +5,12 @@ from setuptools import depends
class TestGetModuleConstant:
- def test_basic(self):
- """
- Invoke get_module_constant on a module in
- the test package.
- """
- mod_name = 'setuptools.tests.mod_with_constant'
- val = depends.get_module_constant(mod_name, 'value')
- assert val == 'three, sir!'
- assert 'setuptools.tests.mod_with_constant' not in sys.modules
+ def test_basic(self):
+ """
+ Invoke get_module_constant on a module in
+ the test package.
+ """
+ mod_name = 'setuptools.tests.mod_with_constant'
+ val = depends.get_module_constant(mod_name, 'value')
+ assert val == 'three, sir!'
+ assert 'setuptools.tests.mod_with_constant' not in sys.modules
diff --git a/setuptools/tests/test_develop.py b/setuptools/tests/test_develop.py
index 00d4bd9..c52072a 100644
--- a/setuptools/tests/test_develop.py
+++ b/setuptools/tests/test_develop.py
@@ -1,19 +1,16 @@
"""develop tests
-from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals
import os
-import site
import sys
-import io
import subprocess
import platform
+import pathlib
-from setuptools.extern import six
from setuptools.command import test
import pytest
+import pip_run.launch
from setuptools.command.develop import develop
from setuptools.dist import Distribution
@@ -25,7 +22,6 @@ from setuptools import setup
- use_2to3=True,
@@ -33,7 +29,7 @@ INIT_PY = """print "foo"
def temp_user(monkeypatch):
with contexts.tempdir() as user_base:
with contexts.tempdir() as user_site:
@@ -42,7 +38,7 @@ def temp_user(monkeypatch):
def test_env(tmpdir, temp_user):
target = tmpdir
foo = target.mkdir('foo')
@@ -62,42 +58,6 @@ class TestDevelop:
in_virtualenv = hasattr(sys, 'real_prefix')
in_venv = hasattr(sys, 'base_prefix') and sys.base_prefix != sys.prefix
- @pytest.mark.skipif(
- in_virtualenv or in_venv,
- reason="Cannot run when invoked in a virtualenv or venv")
- def test_2to3_user_mode(self, test_env):
- settings = dict(
- name='foo',
- packages=['foo'],
- use_2to3=True,
- version='0.0',
- )
- dist = Distribution(settings)
- dist.script_name = 'setup.py'
- cmd = develop(dist)
- cmd.user = 1
- cmd.ensure_finalized()
- cmd.install_dir = site.USER_SITE
- cmd.user = 1
- with contexts.quiet():
- cmd.run()
- # let's see if we got our egg link at the right place
- content = os.listdir(site.USER_SITE)
- content.sort()
- assert content == ['easy-install.pth', 'foo.egg-link']
- # Check that we are using the right code.
- fn = os.path.join(site.USER_SITE, 'foo.egg-link')
- with io.open(fn) as egg_link_file:
- path = egg_link_file.read().split()[0].strip()
- fn = os.path.join(path, 'foo', '__init__.py')
- with io.open(fn) as init_file:
- init = init_file.read().strip()
- expected = 'print("foo")' if six.PY3 else 'print "foo"'
- assert init == expected
def test_console_scripts(self, tmpdir):
Test that console scripts are installed and that they reference
@@ -105,7 +65,8 @@ class TestDevelop:
"TODO: needs a fixture to cause 'develop' "
- "to be invoked without mutating environment.")
+ "to be invoked without mutating environment."
+ )
settings = dict(
@@ -131,6 +92,7 @@ class TestResolver:
of what _resolve_setup_path is intending to do. Come up with
more meaningful cases that look like real-world scenarios.
def test_resolve_setup_path_cwd(self):
assert develop._resolve_setup_path('.', '.', '.') == '.'
@@ -142,7 +104,6 @@ class TestResolver:
class TestNamespaces:
def install_develop(src_dir, target):
@@ -150,7 +111,8 @@ class TestNamespaces:
- '--install-dir', str(target),
+ '--install-dir',
+ str(target),
with src_dir.as_cwd():
with test.test.paths_on_pythonpath([str(target)]):
@@ -161,7 +123,7 @@ class TestNamespaces:
- platform.python_implementation() == 'PyPy' and six.PY3,
+ platform.python_implementation() == 'PyPy',
def test_namespace_package_importable(self, tmpdir):
@@ -181,14 +143,16 @@ class TestNamespaces:
- '-t', str(target),
+ '-t',
+ str(target),
self.install_develop(pkg_B, target)
try_import = [
- '-c', 'import myns.pkgA; import myns.pkgB',
+ '-c',
+ 'import myns.pkgA; import myns.pkgB',
with test.test.paths_on_pythonpath([str(target)]):
@@ -196,7 +160,50 @@ class TestNamespaces:
# additionally ensure that pkg_resources import works
pkg_resources_imp = [
- '-c', 'import pkg_resources',
+ '-c',
+ 'import pkg_resources',
with test.test.paths_on_pythonpath([str(target)]):
+ @pytest.mark.xfail(
+ platform.python_implementation() == 'PyPy',
+ reason="Workaround fails on PyPy (why?)",
+ )
+ def test_editable_prefix(self, tmp_path, sample_project):
+ """
+ Editable install to a prefix should be discoverable.
+ """
+ prefix = tmp_path / 'prefix'
+ # figure out where pip will likely install the package
+ site_packages = prefix / next(
+ pathlib.Path(path).relative_to(sys.prefix)
+ for path in sys.path
+ if 'site-packages' in path and path.startswith(sys.prefix)
+ )
+ site_packages.mkdir(parents=True)
+ # install workaround
+ pip_run.launch.inject_sitecustomize(str(site_packages))
+ env = dict(os.environ, PYTHONPATH=str(site_packages))
+ cmd = [
+ sys.executable,
+ '-m',
+ 'pip',
+ 'install',
+ '--editable',
+ str(sample_project),
+ '--prefix',
+ str(prefix),
+ '--no-build-isolation',
+ ]
+ subprocess.check_call(cmd, env=env)
+ # now run 'sample' with the prefix on the PYTHONPATH
+ bin = 'Scripts' if platform.system() == 'Windows' else 'bin'
+ exe = prefix / bin / 'sample'
+ if sys.version_info < (3, 8) and platform.system() == 'Windows':
+ exe = str(exe)
+ subprocess.check_call([exe], env=env)
diff --git a/setuptools/tests/test_dist.py b/setuptools/tests/test_dist.py
index 5162e1c..e7d2f5c 100644
--- a/setuptools/tests/test_dist.py
+++ b/setuptools/tests/test_dist.py
@@ -1,15 +1,25 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-from __future__ import unicode_literals
import io
+import collections
+import re
+import functools
+import os
+import urllib.request
+import urllib.parse
+from distutils.errors import DistutilsSetupError
+from setuptools.dist import (
+ _get_unpatched,
+ check_package_data,
+ DistDeprecationWarning,
+ check_specifier,
+ rfc822_escape,
+ rfc822_unescape,
+from setuptools import sic
from setuptools import Distribution
-from setuptools.extern.six.moves.urllib.request import pathname2url
-from setuptools.extern.six.moves.urllib_parse import urljoin
from .textwrap import DALS
from .test_easy_install import make_nspkg_sdist
+from .test_find_packages import ensure_files
import pytest
@@ -19,7 +29,8 @@ def test_dist_fetch_build_egg(tmpdir):
Check multiple calls to `Distribution.fetch_build_egg` work as expected.
index = tmpdir.mkdir('index')
- index_url = urljoin('file://', pathname2url(str(index)))
+ index_url = urllib.parse.urljoin(
+ 'file://', urllib.request.pathname2url(str(index)))
def sdist_with_index(distname, version):
dist_dir = index.mkdir(distname)
@@ -56,6 +67,124 @@ def test_dist_fetch_build_egg(tmpdir):
assert [dist.key for dist in resolved_dists if dist] == reqs
+def test_dist__get_unpatched_deprecated():
+ pytest.warns(DistDeprecationWarning, _get_unpatched, [""])
+ name="package",
+ version="0.0.1",
+ author="Foo Bar",
+ author_email="foo@bar.net",
+ long_description="Long\ndescription",
+ description="Short description",
+ keywords=["one", "two"],
+def __read_test_cases():
+ params = functools.partial(dict, base)
+ test_cases = [
+ ('Metadata version 1.0', params()),
+ ('Metadata Version 1.0: Short long description', params(
+ long_description='Short long description',
+ )),
+ ('Metadata version 1.1: Classifiers', params(
+ classifiers=[
+ 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3',
+ 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7',
+ 'License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License',
+ ],
+ )),
+ ('Metadata version 1.1: Download URL', params(
+ download_url='https://example.com',
+ )),
+ ('Metadata Version 1.2: Requires-Python', params(
+ python_requires='>=3.7',
+ )),
+ pytest.param(
+ 'Metadata Version 1.2: Project-Url',
+ params(project_urls=dict(Foo='https://example.bar')),
+ marks=pytest.mark.xfail(
+ reason="Issue #1578: project_urls not read",
+ ),
+ ),
+ ('Metadata Version 2.1: Long Description Content Type', params(
+ long_description_content_type='text/x-rst; charset=UTF-8',
+ )),
+ ('License', params(license='MIT', )),
+ ('License multiline', params(
+ license='This is a long license \nover multiple lines',
+ )),
+ pytest.param(
+ 'Metadata Version 2.1: Provides Extra',
+ params(provides_extras=['foo', 'bar']),
+ marks=pytest.mark.xfail(reason="provides_extras not read"),
+ ),
+ ('Missing author', dict(
+ name='foo',
+ version='1.0.0',
+ author_email='snorri@sturluson.name',
+ )),
+ ('Missing author e-mail', dict(
+ name='foo',
+ version='1.0.0',
+ author='Snorri Sturluson',
+ )),
+ ('Missing author and e-mail', dict(
+ name='foo',
+ version='1.0.0',
+ )),
+ ('Bypass normalized version', dict(
+ name='foo',
+ version=sic('1.0.0a'),
+ )),
+ ]
+ return test_cases
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('name,attrs', __read_test_cases())
+def test_read_metadata(name, attrs):
+ dist = Distribution(attrs)
+ metadata_out = dist.metadata
+ dist_class = metadata_out.__class__
+ # Write to PKG_INFO and then load into a new metadata object
+ PKG_INFO = io.StringIO()
+ metadata_out.write_pkg_file(PKG_INFO)
+ PKG_INFO.seek(0)
+ metadata_in = dist_class()
+ metadata_in.read_pkg_file(PKG_INFO)
+ tested_attrs = [
+ ('name', dist_class.get_name),
+ ('version', dist_class.get_version),
+ ('author', dist_class.get_contact),
+ ('author_email', dist_class.get_contact_email),
+ ('metadata_version', dist_class.get_metadata_version),
+ ('provides', dist_class.get_provides),
+ ('description', dist_class.get_description),
+ ('long_description', dist_class.get_long_description),
+ ('download_url', dist_class.get_download_url),
+ ('keywords', dist_class.get_keywords),
+ ('platforms', dist_class.get_platforms),
+ ('obsoletes', dist_class.get_obsoletes),
+ ('requires', dist_class.get_requires),
+ ('classifiers', dist_class.get_classifiers),
+ ('project_urls', lambda s: getattr(s, 'project_urls', {})),
+ ('provides_extras', lambda s: getattr(s, 'provides_extras', set())),
+ ]
+ for attr, getter in tested_attrs:
+ assert getter(metadata_in) == getter(metadata_out)
def __maintainer_test_cases():
attrs = {"name": "package",
"version": "1.0",
@@ -127,8 +256,8 @@ def test_maintainer_author(name, attrs, tmpdir):
with io.open(str(fn.join('PKG-INFO')), 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
raw_pkg_lines = f.readlines()
- # Drop blank lines
- pkg_lines = list(filter(None, raw_pkg_lines))
+ # Drop blank lines and strip lines from default description
+ pkg_lines = list(filter(None, raw_pkg_lines[:-2]))
pkg_lines_set = set(pkg_lines)
@@ -143,3 +272,238 @@ def test_maintainer_author(name, attrs, tmpdir):
line = '%s: %s' % (fkey, val)
assert line in pkg_lines_set
+def test_provides_extras_deterministic_order():
+ extras = collections.OrderedDict()
+ extras['a'] = ['foo']
+ extras['b'] = ['bar']
+ attrs = dict(extras_require=extras)
+ dist = Distribution(attrs)
+ assert dist.metadata.provides_extras == ['a', 'b']
+ attrs['extras_require'] = collections.OrderedDict(
+ reversed(list(attrs['extras_require'].items())))
+ dist = Distribution(attrs)
+ assert dist.metadata.provides_extras == ['b', 'a']
+ # Valid.
+ ({
+ '': ['*.txt', '*.rst'],
+ 'hello': ['*.msg'],
+ }, None),
+ # Not a dictionary.
+ ((
+ ('', ['*.txt', '*.rst']),
+ ('hello', ['*.msg']),
+ ), (
+ "'package_data' must be a dictionary mapping package"
+ " names to lists of string wildcard patterns"
+ )),
+ # Invalid key type.
+ ({
+ 400: ['*.txt', '*.rst'],
+ }, (
+ "keys of 'package_data' dict must be strings (got 400)"
+ )),
+ # Invalid value type.
+ ({
+ 'hello': str('*.msg'),
+ }, (
+ "\"values of 'package_data' dict\" "
+ "must be a list of strings (got '*.msg')"
+ )),
+ # Invalid value type (generators are single use)
+ ({
+ 'hello': (x for x in "generator"),
+ }, (
+ "\"values of 'package_data' dict\" must be a list of strings "
+ "(got <generator object"
+ )),
+ 'package_data, expected_message', CHECK_PACKAGE_DATA_TESTS)
+def test_check_package_data(package_data, expected_message):
+ if expected_message is None:
+ assert check_package_data(None, 'package_data', package_data) is None
+ else:
+ with pytest.raises(
+ DistutilsSetupError, match=re.escape(expected_message)):
+ check_package_data(None, str('package_data'), package_data)
+def test_check_specifier():
+ # valid specifier value
+ attrs = {'name': 'foo', 'python_requires': '>=3.0, !=3.1'}
+ dist = Distribution(attrs)
+ check_specifier(dist, attrs, attrs['python_requires'])
+ # invalid specifier value
+ attrs = {'name': 'foo', 'python_requires': ['>=3.0', '!=3.1']}
+ with pytest.raises(DistutilsSetupError):
+ dist = Distribution(attrs)
+ 'content, result',
+ (
+ pytest.param(
+ "Just a single line",
+ None,
+ id="single_line",
+ ),
+ pytest.param(
+ "Multiline\nText\nwithout\nextra indents\n",
+ None,
+ id="multiline",
+ ),
+ pytest.param(
+ "Multiline\n With\n\nadditional\n indentation",
+ None,
+ id="multiline_with_indentation",
+ ),
+ pytest.param(
+ " Leading whitespace",
+ "Leading whitespace",
+ id="remove_leading_whitespace",
+ ),
+ pytest.param(
+ " Leading whitespace\nIn\n Multiline comment",
+ "Leading whitespace\nIn\n Multiline comment",
+ id="remove_leading_whitespace_multiline",
+ ),
+ )
+def test_rfc822_unescape(content, result):
+ assert (result or content) == rfc822_unescape(rfc822_escape(content))
+def test_metadata_name():
+ with pytest.raises(DistutilsSetupError, match='missing.*name'):
+ Distribution()._validate_metadata()
+ "dist_name, py_module",
+ [
+ ("my.pkg", "my_pkg"),
+ ("my-pkg", "my_pkg"),
+ ("my_pkg", "my_pkg"),
+ ("pkg", "pkg"),
+ ]
+def test_dist_default_py_modules(tmp_path, dist_name, py_module):
+ (tmp_path / f"{py_module}.py").touch()
+ (tmp_path / "setup.py").touch()
+ (tmp_path / "noxfile.py").touch()
+ # ^-- make sure common tool files are ignored
+ attrs = {
+ "name": dist_name,
+ "src_root": str(tmp_path)
+ }
+ # Find `py_modules` corresponding to dist_name if not given
+ dist = Distribution(attrs)
+ dist.set_defaults()
+ assert dist.py_modules == [py_module]
+ # When `py_modules` is given, don't do anything
+ dist = Distribution({**attrs, "py_modules": ["explicity_py_module"]})
+ dist.set_defaults()
+ assert dist.py_modules == ["explicity_py_module"]
+ # When `packages` is given, don't do anything
+ dist = Distribution({**attrs, "packages": ["explicity_package"]})
+ dist.set_defaults()
+ assert not dist.py_modules
+ "dist_name, package_dir, package_files, packages",
+ [
+ ("my.pkg", None, ["my_pkg/__init__.py", "my_pkg/mod.py"], ["my_pkg"]),
+ ("my-pkg", None, ["my_pkg/__init__.py", "my_pkg/mod.py"], ["my_pkg"]),
+ ("my_pkg", None, ["my_pkg/__init__.py", "my_pkg/mod.py"], ["my_pkg"]),
+ ("my.pkg", None, ["my/pkg/__init__.py"], ["my", "my.pkg"]),
+ (
+ "my_pkg",
+ None,
+ ["src/my_pkg/__init__.py", "src/my_pkg2/__init__.py"],
+ ["my_pkg", "my_pkg2"]
+ ),
+ (
+ "my_pkg",
+ {"pkg": "lib", "pkg2": "lib2"},
+ ["lib/__init__.py", "lib/nested/__init__.pyt", "lib2/__init__.py"],
+ ["pkg", "pkg.nested", "pkg2"]
+ ),
+ ]
+def test_dist_default_packages(
+ tmp_path, dist_name, package_dir, package_files, packages
+ ensure_files(tmp_path, package_files)
+ (tmp_path / "setup.py").touch()
+ (tmp_path / "noxfile.py").touch()
+ # ^-- should not be included by default
+ attrs = {
+ "name": dist_name,
+ "src_root": str(tmp_path),
+ "package_dir": package_dir
+ }
+ # Find `packages` either corresponding to dist_name or inside src
+ dist = Distribution(attrs)
+ dist.set_defaults()
+ assert not dist.py_modules
+ assert not dist.py_modules
+ assert set(dist.packages) == set(packages)
+ # When `py_modules` is given, don't do anything
+ dist = Distribution({**attrs, "py_modules": ["explicit_py_module"]})
+ dist.set_defaults()
+ assert not dist.packages
+ assert set(dist.py_modules) == {"explicit_py_module"}
+ # When `packages` is given, don't do anything
+ dist = Distribution({**attrs, "packages": ["explicit_package"]})
+ dist.set_defaults()
+ assert not dist.py_modules
+ assert set(dist.packages) == {"explicit_package"}
+ "dist_name, package_dir, package_files",
+ [
+ ("my.pkg.nested", None, ["my/pkg/nested/__init__.py"]),
+ ("my.pkg", None, ["my/pkg/__init__.py", "my/pkg/file.py"]),
+ ("my_pkg", None, ["my_pkg.py"]),
+ ("my_pkg", None, ["my_pkg/__init__.py", "my_pkg/nested/__init__.py"]),
+ ("my_pkg", None, ["src/my_pkg/__init__.py", "src/my_pkg/nested/__init__.py"]),
+ (
+ "my_pkg",
+ {"my_pkg": "lib", "my_pkg.lib2": "lib2"},
+ ["lib/__init__.py", "lib/nested/__init__.pyt", "lib2/__init__.py"],
+ ),
+ # Should not try to guess a name from multiple py_modules/packages
+ ("UNKNOWN", None, ["src/mod1.py", "src/mod2.py"]),
+ ("UNKNOWN", None, ["src/pkg1/__ini__.py", "src/pkg2/__init__.py"]),
+ ]
+def test_dist_default_name(tmp_path, dist_name, package_dir, package_files):
+ """Make sure dist.name is discovered from packages/py_modules"""
+ ensure_files(tmp_path, package_files)
+ attrs = {
+ "src_root": "/".join(os.path.split(tmp_path)), # POSIX-style
+ "package_dir": package_dir
+ }
+ del attrs["name"]
+ dist = Distribution(attrs)
+ dist.set_defaults()
+ assert dist.py_modules or dist.packages
+ assert dist.get_name() == dist_name
diff --git a/setuptools/tests/test_dist_info.py b/setuptools/tests/test_dist_info.py
index f7e7d2b..29fbd09 100644
--- a/setuptools/tests/test_dist_info.py
+++ b/setuptools/tests/test_dist_info.py
@@ -1,10 +1,6 @@
"""Test .dist-info style distributions.
-from __future__ import unicode_literals
-from setuptools.extern.six.moves import map
import pytest
import pkg_resources
diff --git a/setuptools/tests/test_distutils_adoption.py b/setuptools/tests/test_distutils_adoption.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..df8f354
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setuptools/tests/test_distutils_adoption.py
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+import os
+import sys
+import functools
+import platform
+import textwrap
+import pytest
+IS_PYPY = '__pypy__' in sys.builtin_module_names
+def popen_text(call):
+ """
+ Augment the Popen call with the parameters to ensure unicode text.
+ """
+ return functools.partial(call, universal_newlines=True) \
+ if sys.version_info < (3, 7) else functools.partial(call, text=True)
+def win_sr(env):
+ """
+ On Windows, SYSTEMROOT must be present to avoid
+ > Fatal Python error: _Py_HashRandomization_Init: failed to
+ > get random numbers to initialize Python
+ """
+ if env is None:
+ return
+ if platform.system() == 'Windows':
+ env['SYSTEMROOT'] = os.environ['SYSTEMROOT']
+ return env
+def find_distutils(venv, imports='distutils', env=None, **kwargs):
+ py_cmd = 'import {imports}; print(distutils.__file__)'.format(**locals())
+ cmd = ['python', '-c', py_cmd]
+ return popen_text(venv.run)(cmd, env=win_sr(env), **kwargs)
+def count_meta_path(venv, env=None):
+ py_cmd = textwrap.dedent(
+ """
+ import sys
+ is_distutils = lambda finder: finder.__class__.__name__ == "DistutilsMetaFinder"
+ print(len(list(filter(is_distutils, sys.meta_path))))
+ """)
+ cmd = ['python', '-c', py_cmd]
+ return int(popen_text(venv.run)(cmd, env=win_sr(env)))
+def test_distutils_stdlib(venv):
+ """
+ Ensure stdlib distutils is used when appropriate.
+ """
+ env = dict(SETUPTOOLS_USE_DISTUTILS='stdlib')
+ assert venv.name not in find_distutils(venv, env=env).split(os.sep)
+ assert count_meta_path(venv, env=env) == 0
+def test_distutils_local_with_setuptools(venv):
+ """
+ Ensure local distutils is used when appropriate.
+ """
+ env = dict(SETUPTOOLS_USE_DISTUTILS='local')
+ loc = find_distutils(venv, imports='setuptools, distutils', env=env)
+ assert venv.name in loc.split(os.sep)
+ assert count_meta_path(venv, env=env) <= 1
+@pytest.mark.xfail('IS_PYPY', reason='pypy imports distutils on startup')
+def test_distutils_local(venv):
+ """
+ Even without importing, the setuptools-local copy of distutils is
+ preferred.
+ """
+ env = dict(SETUPTOOLS_USE_DISTUTILS='local')
+ assert venv.name in find_distutils(venv, env=env).split(os.sep)
+ assert count_meta_path(venv, env=env) <= 1
+def test_pip_import(venv):
+ """
+ Ensure pip can be imported.
+ Regression test for #3002.
+ """
+ cmd = ['python', '-c', 'import pip']
+ popen_text(venv.run)(cmd)
+def test_distutils_has_origin():
+ """
+ Distutils module spec should have an origin. #2990.
+ """
+ assert __import__('distutils').__spec__.origin
+# Depending on the importlib machinery and _distutils_hack, some imports are
+# duplicated resulting in different module objects being loaded, which prevents
+# patches as shown in #3042.
+# This script provides a way of verifying if this duplication is happening.
+from distutils import cmd
+import distutils.command.sdist as sdist
+# import last to prevent caching
+from distutils import {imported_module}
+for mod in (cmd, sdist):
+ assert mod.{imported_module} == {imported_module}, (
+ f"\n{{mod.dir_util}}\n!=\n{{{imported_module}}}"
+ )
+ "distutils_version, imported_module",
+ [
+ ("stdlib", "dir_util"),
+ ("stdlib", "file_util"),
+ ("stdlib", "archive_util"),
+ ("local", "dir_util"),
+ ("local", "file_util"),
+ ("local", "archive_util"),
+ ]
+def test_modules_are_not_duplicated_on_import(
+ distutils_version, imported_module, tmpdir_cwd, venv
+ env = dict(SETUPTOOLS_USE_DISTUTILS=distutils_version)
+ script = ENSURE_IMPORTS_ARE_NOT_DUPLICATED.format(imported_module=imported_module)
+ cmd = ['python', '-c', script]
+ output = popen_text(venv.run)(cmd, env=win_sr(env)).strip()
+ assert output == "success"
+import distutils.dist as dist
+from distutils import log
+assert dist.log == log, (
+ f"\n{dist.log}\n!=\n{log}"
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("distutils_version", "local stdlib".split())
+def test_log_module_is_not_duplicated_on_import(distutils_version, tmpdir_cwd, venv):
+ env = dict(SETUPTOOLS_USE_DISTUTILS=distutils_version)
+ cmd = ['python', '-c', ENSURE_LOG_IMPORT_IS_NOT_DUPLICATED]
+ output = popen_text(venv.run)(cmd, env=win_sr(env)).strip()
+ assert output == "success"
diff --git a/setuptools/tests/test_easy_install.py b/setuptools/tests/test_easy_install.py
index 57339c8..5831b26 100644
--- a/setuptools/tests/test_easy_install.py
+++ b/setuptools/tests/test_easy_install.py
@@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Easy install Tests
-from __future__ import absolute_import
import sys
import os
@@ -15,21 +13,27 @@ import distutils.errors
import io
import zipfile
import mock
import time
-from setuptools.extern.six.moves import urllib
+import re
+import subprocess
+import pathlib
+import warnings
+from collections import namedtuple
import pytest
+from jaraco import path
from setuptools import sandbox
from setuptools.sandbox import run_setup
import setuptools.command.easy_install as ei
-from setuptools.command.easy_install import PthDistributions
-from setuptools.command import easy_install as easy_install_pkg
+from setuptools.command.easy_install import (
+ EasyInstallDeprecationWarning, ScriptWriter, PthDistributions,
+ WindowsScriptWriter,
from setuptools.dist import Distribution
from pkg_resources import normalize_path, working_set
from pkg_resources import Distribution as PRDistribution
-import setuptools.tests.server
+from setuptools.tests.server import MockServer, path_to_url
from setuptools.tests import fail_on_ascii
import pkg_resources
@@ -37,11 +41,21 @@ from . import contexts
from .textwrap import DALS
-class FakeDist(object):
+def pip_disable_index(monkeypatch):
+ """
+ Important: Disable the default index for pip to avoid
+ querying packages in the index and potentially resolving
+ and installing packages there.
+ """
+ monkeypatch.setenv('PIP_NO_INDEX', 'true')
+class FakeDist:
def get_entry_map(self, group):
if group != 'console_scripts':
return {}
- return {'name': 'ep'}
+ return {str('name'): 'ep'}
def as_requirement(self):
return 'spec'
@@ -50,40 +64,22 @@ class FakeDist(object):
from setuptools import setup
- setup(name='foo')
+ setup()
class TestEasyInstallTest:
- def test_install_site_py(self, tmpdir):
- dist = Distribution()
- cmd = ei.easy_install(dist)
- cmd.sitepy_installed = False
- cmd.install_dir = str(tmpdir)
- cmd.install_site_py()
- assert (tmpdir / 'site.py').exists()
def test_get_script_args(self):
header = ei.CommandSpec.best().from_environment().as_header()
- expected = header + DALS(r"""
- # EASY-INSTALL-ENTRY-SCRIPT: 'spec','console_scripts','name'
- __requires__ = 'spec'
- import re
- import sys
- from pkg_resources import load_entry_point
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- sys.argv[0] = re.sub(r'(-script\.pyw?|\.exe)?$', '', sys.argv[0])
- sys.exit(
- load_entry_point('spec', 'console_scripts', 'name')()
- )
- """)
dist = FakeDist()
args = next(ei.ScriptWriter.get_args(dist))
name, script = itertools.islice(args, 2)
- assert script == expected
+ assert script.startswith(header)
+ assert "'spec'" in script
+ assert "'console_scripts'" in script
+ assert "'name'" in script
+ assert re.search(
def test_no_find_links(self):
# new option '--no-find-links', that blocks find-links added at
@@ -124,7 +120,9 @@ class TestEasyInstallTest:
path = normalize_path('/setuptools/test/site-packages')
- mock_gsp = lambda: [path]
+ def mock_gsp():
+ return [path]
monkeypatch.setattr(site, 'getsitepackages', mock_gsp, raising=False)
assert path in ei.get_site_dirs()
@@ -152,7 +150,7 @@ class TestEasyInstallTest:
- u'mypkg/\u2603.txt',
+ 'mypkg/☃.txt',
@@ -167,7 +165,8 @@ class TestEasyInstallTest:
return str(sdist)
- def test_unicode_filename_in_sdist(self, sdist_unicode, tmpdir, monkeypatch):
+ def test_unicode_filename_in_sdist(
+ self, sdist_unicode, tmpdir, monkeypatch):
The install command should execute correctly even if
the package has unicode filenames.
@@ -184,6 +183,59 @@ class TestEasyInstallTest:
+ def sdist_unicode_in_script(self, tmpdir):
+ files = [
+ (
+ "setup.py",
+ DALS("""
+ import setuptools
+ setuptools.setup(
+ name="setuptools-test-unicode",
+ version="1.0",
+ packages=["mypkg"],
+ include_package_data=True,
+ scripts=['mypkg/unicode_in_script'],
+ )
+ """),
+ ),
+ ("mypkg/__init__.py", ""),
+ (
+ "mypkg/unicode_in_script",
+ """
+ #!/bin/sh
+ # á
+ non_python_fn() {
+ }
+ """),
+ ),
+ ]
+ sdist_name = "setuptools-test-unicode-script-1.0.zip"
+ sdist = tmpdir / sdist_name
+ # can't use make_sdist, because the issue only occurs
+ # with zip sdists.
+ sdist_zip = zipfile.ZipFile(str(sdist), "w")
+ for filename, content in files:
+ sdist_zip.writestr(filename, content.encode('utf-8'))
+ sdist_zip.close()
+ return str(sdist)
+ @fail_on_ascii
+ def test_unicode_content_in_sdist(
+ self, sdist_unicode_in_script, tmpdir, monkeypatch):
+ """
+ The install command should execute correctly even if
+ the package has unicode in scripts.
+ """
+ dist = Distribution({"script_args": ["easy_install"]})
+ target = (tmpdir / "target").ensure_dir()
+ cmd = ei.easy_install(dist, install_dir=str(target), args=["x"])
+ monkeypatch.setitem(os.environ, "PYTHONPATH", str(target))
+ cmd.ensure_finalized()
+ cmd.easy_install(sdist_unicode_in_script)
+ @pytest.fixture
def sdist_script(self, tmpdir):
files = [
@@ -198,7 +250,7 @@ class TestEasyInstallTest:
- u'mypkg_script',
+ 'mypkg_script',
@@ -228,7 +280,24 @@ class TestEasyInstallTest:
assert (target / 'mypkg_script').exists()
+ def test_dist_get_script_args_deprecated(self):
+ with pytest.warns(EasyInstallDeprecationWarning):
+ ScriptWriter.get_script_args(None, None)
+ def test_dist_get_script_header_deprecated(self):
+ with pytest.warns(EasyInstallDeprecationWarning):
+ ScriptWriter.get_script_header("")
+ def test_dist_get_writer_deprecated(self):
+ with pytest.warns(EasyInstallDeprecationWarning):
+ ScriptWriter.get_writer(None)
+ def test_dist_WindowsScriptWriter_get_writer_deprecated(self):
+ with pytest.warns(EasyInstallDeprecationWarning):
+ WindowsScriptWriter.get_writer()
+@pytest.mark.filterwarnings('ignore:Unbuilt egg')
class TestPTHFileWriter:
def test_add_from_cwd_site_sets_dirty(self):
'''a pth file manager should set dirty
@@ -249,7 +318,7 @@ class TestPTHFileWriter:
assert not pth.dirty
def setup_context(tmpdir):
with (tmpdir / 'setup.py').open('w') as f:
@@ -305,7 +374,7 @@ class TestUserInstallTest:
f.write('Name: foo\n')
return str(tmpdir)
- @pytest.yield_fixture()
+ @pytest.fixture()
def install_target(self, tmpdir):
target = str(tmpdir)
with mock.patch('sys.path', sys.path + [target]):
@@ -350,7 +419,7 @@ class TestUserInstallTest:
def distutils_package():
distutils_setup_py = SETUP_PY.replace(
'from setuptools import setup',
@@ -362,48 +431,51 @@ def distutils_package():
+def mock_index():
+ # set up a server which will simulate an alternate package index.
+ p_index = MockServer()
+ if p_index.server_port == 0:
+ # Some platforms (Jython) don't find a port to which to bind,
+ # so skip test for them.
+ pytest.skip("could not find a valid port")
+ p_index.start()
+ return p_index
class TestDistutilsPackage:
def test_bdist_egg_available_on_distutils_pkg(self, distutils_package):
run_setup('setup.py', ['bdist_egg'])
class TestSetupRequires:
- def test_setup_requires_honors_fetch_params(self):
+ def test_setup_requires_honors_fetch_params(self, mock_index, monkeypatch):
When easy_install installs a source distribution which specifies
setup_requires, it should honor the fetch parameters (such as
- allow-hosts, index-url, and find-links).
+ index-url, and find-links).
- # set up a server which will simulate an alternate package index.
- p_index = setuptools.tests.server.MockServer()
- p_index.start()
- netloc = 1
- p_index_loc = urllib.parse.urlparse(p_index.url)[netloc]
- if p_index_loc.endswith(':0'):
- # Some platforms (Jython) don't find a port to which to bind,
- # so skip this test for them.
- return
+ monkeypatch.setenv(str('PIP_RETRIES'), str('0'))
+ monkeypatch.setenv(str('PIP_TIMEOUT'), str('0'))
+ monkeypatch.setenv('PIP_NO_INDEX', 'false')
with contexts.quiet():
# create an sdist that has a build-time dependency.
with TestSetupRequires.create_sdist() as dist_file:
with contexts.tempdir() as temp_install_dir:
with contexts.environment(PYTHONPATH=temp_install_dir):
- ei_params = [
- '--index-url', p_index.url,
- '--allow-hosts', p_index_loc,
+ cmd = [
+ sys.executable,
+ '-m', 'setup',
+ 'easy_install',
+ '--index-url', mock_index.url,
'--install-dir', temp_install_dir,
- with sandbox.save_argv(['easy_install']):
- # attempt to install the dist. It should fail because
- # it doesn't exist.
- with pytest.raises(SystemExit):
- easy_install_pkg.main(ei_params)
- # there should have been two or three requests to the server
- # (three happens on Python 3.3a)
- assert 2 <= len(p_index.requests) <= 3
- assert p_index.requests[0].path == '/does-not-exist/'
+ subprocess.Popen(cmd).wait()
+ # there should have been one requests to the server
+ assert [r.path for r in mock_index.requests] == ['/does-not-exist/']
@@ -422,7 +494,9 @@ class TestSetupRequires:
setup_requires = ['does-not-exist'],
- """))])
+ """)),
+ ('setup.cfg', ''),
+ ])
yield dist_path
use_setup_cfg = (
@@ -449,12 +523,13 @@ class TestSetupRequires:
with contexts.save_pkg_resources_state():
with contexts.tempdir() as temp_dir:
- test_pkg = create_setup_requires_package(temp_dir, use_setup_cfg=use_setup_cfg)
+ test_pkg = create_setup_requires_package(
+ temp_dir, use_setup_cfg=use_setup_cfg)
test_setup_py = os.path.join(test_pkg, 'setup.py')
with contexts.quiet() as (stdout, stderr):
# Don't even need to install the package, just
# running the setup.py at all is sufficient
- run_setup(test_setup_py, ['--name'])
+ run_setup(test_setup_py, [str('--name')])
lines = stdout.readlines()
assert len(lines) > 0
@@ -508,9 +583,10 @@ class TestSetupRequires:
# Don't even need to install the package, just
# running the setup.py at all is sufficient
- run_setup(test_setup_py, ['--name'])
+ run_setup(test_setup_py, [str('--name')])
except pkg_resources.VersionConflict:
- self.fail('Installing setup.py requirements '
+ self.fail(
+ 'Installing setup.py requirements '
'caused a VersionConflict')
assert 'FAIL' not in stdout.getvalue()
@@ -521,35 +597,236 @@ class TestSetupRequires:
@pytest.mark.parametrize('use_setup_cfg', use_setup_cfg)
def test_setup_requires_with_attr_version(self, use_setup_cfg):
def make_dependency_sdist(dist_path, distname, version):
- make_sdist(dist_path, [
- ('setup.py',
- DALS("""
- import setuptools
- setuptools.setup(
- name={name!r},
- version={version!r},
- py_modules=[{name!r}],
- )
- """.format(name=distname, version=version))),
- (distname + '.py',
- DALS("""
- version = 42
- """
- ))])
+ files = [(
+ 'setup.py',
+ DALS("""
+ import setuptools
+ setuptools.setup(
+ name={name!r},
+ version={version!r},
+ py_modules=[{name!r}],
+ )
+ """.format(name=distname, version=version)),
+ ), (
+ distname + '.py',
+ DALS("""
+ version = 42
+ """),
+ )]
+ make_sdist(dist_path, files)
with contexts.save_pkg_resources_state():
with contexts.tempdir() as temp_dir:
test_pkg = create_setup_requires_package(
temp_dir, setup_attrs=dict(version='attr: foobar.version'),
- use_setup_cfg=use_setup_cfg+('version',),
+ use_setup_cfg=use_setup_cfg + ('version',),
test_setup_py = os.path.join(test_pkg, 'setup.py')
with contexts.quiet() as (stdout, stderr):
- run_setup(test_setup_py, ['--version'])
+ run_setup(test_setup_py, [str('--version')])
lines = stdout.readlines()
assert len(lines) > 0
assert lines[-1].strip() == '42'
+ def test_setup_requires_honors_pip_env(self, mock_index, monkeypatch):
+ monkeypatch.setenv(str('PIP_RETRIES'), str('0'))
+ monkeypatch.setenv(str('PIP_TIMEOUT'), str('0'))
+ monkeypatch.setenv('PIP_NO_INDEX', 'false')
+ monkeypatch.setenv(str('PIP_INDEX_URL'), mock_index.url)
+ with contexts.save_pkg_resources_state():
+ with contexts.tempdir() as temp_dir:
+ test_pkg = create_setup_requires_package(
+ temp_dir, 'python-xlib', '0.19',
+ setup_attrs=dict(dependency_links=[]))
+ test_setup_cfg = os.path.join(test_pkg, 'setup.cfg')
+ with open(test_setup_cfg, 'w') as fp:
+ fp.write(DALS(
+ '''
+ [easy_install]
+ index_url = https://pypi.org/legacy/
+ '''))
+ test_setup_py = os.path.join(test_pkg, 'setup.py')
+ with pytest.raises(distutils.errors.DistutilsError):
+ run_setup(test_setup_py, [str('--version')])
+ assert len(mock_index.requests) == 1
+ assert mock_index.requests[0].path == '/python-xlib/'
+ def test_setup_requires_with_pep508_url(self, mock_index, monkeypatch):
+ monkeypatch.setenv(str('PIP_RETRIES'), str('0'))
+ monkeypatch.setenv(str('PIP_TIMEOUT'), str('0'))
+ monkeypatch.setenv(str('PIP_INDEX_URL'), mock_index.url)
+ with contexts.save_pkg_resources_state():
+ with contexts.tempdir() as temp_dir:
+ dep_sdist = os.path.join(temp_dir, 'dep.tar.gz')
+ make_trivial_sdist(dep_sdist, 'dependency', '42')
+ dep_url = path_to_url(dep_sdist, authority='localhost')
+ test_pkg = create_setup_requires_package(
+ temp_dir,
+ # Ignored (overridden by setup_attrs)
+ 'python-xlib', '0.19',
+ setup_attrs=dict(
+ setup_requires='dependency @ %s' % dep_url))
+ test_setup_py = os.path.join(test_pkg, 'setup.py')
+ run_setup(test_setup_py, [str('--version')])
+ assert len(mock_index.requests) == 0
+ def test_setup_requires_with_allow_hosts(self, mock_index):
+ ''' The `allow-hosts` option in not supported anymore. '''
+ files = {
+ 'test_pkg': {
+ 'setup.py': DALS('''
+ from setuptools import setup
+ setup(setup_requires='python-xlib')
+ '''),
+ 'setup.cfg': DALS('''
+ [easy_install]
+ allow_hosts = *
+ '''),
+ }
+ }
+ with contexts.save_pkg_resources_state():
+ with contexts.tempdir() as temp_dir:
+ path.build(files, prefix=temp_dir)
+ setup_py = str(pathlib.Path(temp_dir, 'test_pkg', 'setup.py'))
+ with pytest.raises(distutils.errors.DistutilsError):
+ run_setup(setup_py, [str('--version')])
+ assert len(mock_index.requests) == 0
+ def test_setup_requires_with_python_requires(self, monkeypatch, tmpdir):
+ ''' Check `python_requires` is honored. '''
+ monkeypatch.setenv(str('PIP_RETRIES'), str('0'))
+ monkeypatch.setenv(str('PIP_TIMEOUT'), str('0'))
+ monkeypatch.setenv(str('PIP_NO_INDEX'), str('1'))
+ monkeypatch.setenv(str('PIP_VERBOSE'), str('1'))
+ dep_1_0_sdist = 'dep-1.0.tar.gz'
+ dep_1_0_url = path_to_url(str(tmpdir / dep_1_0_sdist))
+ dep_1_0_python_requires = '>=2.7'
+ make_python_requires_sdist(
+ str(tmpdir / dep_1_0_sdist), 'dep', '1.0', dep_1_0_python_requires)
+ dep_2_0_sdist = 'dep-2.0.tar.gz'
+ dep_2_0_url = path_to_url(str(tmpdir / dep_2_0_sdist))
+ dep_2_0_python_requires = '!=' + '.'.join(
+ map(str, sys.version_info[:2])) + '.*'
+ make_python_requires_sdist(
+ str(tmpdir / dep_2_0_sdist), 'dep', '2.0', dep_2_0_python_requires)
+ index = tmpdir / 'index.html'
+ index.write_text(DALS(
+ '''
+ <!DOCTYPE html>
+ <html><head><title>Links for dep</title></head>
+ <body>
+ <h1>Links for dep</h1>
+ <a href="{dep_1_0_url}" data-requires-python="{dep_1_0_python_requires}">{dep_1_0_sdist}</a><br/>
+ <a href="{dep_2_0_url}" data-requires-python="{dep_2_0_python_requires}">{dep_2_0_sdist}</a><br/>
+ </body>
+ </html>
+ ''').format( # noqa
+ dep_1_0_url=dep_1_0_url,
+ dep_1_0_sdist=dep_1_0_sdist,
+ dep_1_0_python_requires=dep_1_0_python_requires,
+ dep_2_0_url=dep_2_0_url,
+ dep_2_0_sdist=dep_2_0_sdist,
+ dep_2_0_python_requires=dep_2_0_python_requires,
+ ), 'utf-8')
+ index_url = path_to_url(str(index))
+ with contexts.save_pkg_resources_state():
+ test_pkg = create_setup_requires_package(
+ str(tmpdir),
+ 'python-xlib', '0.19', # Ignored (overridden by setup_attrs).
+ setup_attrs=dict(
+ setup_requires='dep', dependency_links=[index_url]))
+ test_setup_py = os.path.join(test_pkg, 'setup.py')
+ run_setup(test_setup_py, [str('--version')])
+ eggs = list(map(str, pkg_resources.find_distributions(
+ os.path.join(test_pkg, '.eggs'))))
+ assert eggs == ['dep 1.0']
+ @pytest.mark.parametrize(
+ 'with_dependency_links_in_setup_py',
+ (False, True))
+ def test_setup_requires_with_find_links_in_setup_cfg(
+ self, monkeypatch,
+ with_dependency_links_in_setup_py):
+ monkeypatch.setenv(str('PIP_RETRIES'), str('0'))
+ monkeypatch.setenv(str('PIP_TIMEOUT'), str('0'))
+ with contexts.save_pkg_resources_state():
+ with contexts.tempdir() as temp_dir:
+ make_trivial_sdist(
+ os.path.join(temp_dir, 'python-xlib-42.tar.gz'),
+ 'python-xlib',
+ '42')
+ test_pkg = os.path.join(temp_dir, 'test_pkg')
+ test_setup_py = os.path.join(test_pkg, 'setup.py')
+ test_setup_cfg = os.path.join(test_pkg, 'setup.cfg')
+ os.mkdir(test_pkg)
+ with open(test_setup_py, 'w') as fp:
+ if with_dependency_links_in_setup_py:
+ dependency_links = [os.path.join(temp_dir, 'links')]
+ else:
+ dependency_links = []
+ fp.write(DALS(
+ '''
+ from setuptools import installer, setup
+ setup(setup_requires='python-xlib==42',
+ dependency_links={dependency_links!r})
+ ''').format(
+ dependency_links=dependency_links))
+ with open(test_setup_cfg, 'w') as fp:
+ fp.write(DALS(
+ '''
+ [easy_install]
+ index_url = {index_url}
+ find_links = {find_links}
+ ''').format(index_url=os.path.join(temp_dir, 'index'),
+ find_links=temp_dir))
+ run_setup(test_setup_py, [str('--version')])
+ def test_setup_requires_with_transitive_extra_dependency(
+ self, monkeypatch):
+ # Use case: installing a package with a build dependency on
+ # an already installed `dep[extra]`, which in turn depends
+ # on `extra_dep` (whose is not already installed).
+ with contexts.save_pkg_resources_state():
+ with contexts.tempdir() as temp_dir:
+ # Create source distribution for `extra_dep`.
+ make_trivial_sdist(
+ os.path.join(temp_dir, 'extra_dep-1.0.tar.gz'),
+ 'extra_dep', '1.0')
+ # Create source tree for `dep`.
+ dep_pkg = os.path.join(temp_dir, 'dep')
+ os.mkdir(dep_pkg)
+ path.build({
+ 'setup.py':
+ DALS("""
+ import setuptools
+ setuptools.setup(
+ name='dep', version='2.0',
+ extras_require={'extra': ['extra_dep']},
+ )
+ """),
+ 'setup.cfg': '',
+ }, prefix=dep_pkg)
+ # "Install" dep.
+ run_setup(
+ os.path.join(dep_pkg, 'setup.py'), [str('dist_info')])
+ working_set.add_entry(dep_pkg)
+ # Create source tree for test package.
+ test_pkg = os.path.join(temp_dir, 'test_pkg')
+ test_setup_py = os.path.join(test_pkg, 'setup.py')
+ os.mkdir(test_pkg)
+ with open(test_setup_py, 'w') as fp:
+ fp.write(DALS(
+ '''
+ from setuptools import installer, setup
+ setup(setup_requires='dep[extra]')
+ '''))
+ # Check...
+ monkeypatch.setenv(str('PIP_FIND_LINKS'), str(temp_dir))
+ monkeypatch.setenv(str('PIP_NO_INDEX'), str('1'))
+ monkeypatch.setenv(str('PIP_RETRIES'), str('0'))
+ monkeypatch.setenv(str('PIP_TIMEOUT'), str('0'))
+ run_setup(test_setup_py, [str('--version')])
def make_trivial_sdist(dist_path, distname, version):
@@ -565,7 +842,9 @@ def make_trivial_sdist(dist_path, distname, version):
- """ % (distname, version)))])
+ """ % (distname, version))),
+ ('setup.cfg', ''),
+ ])
def make_nspkg_sdist(dist_path, distname, version):
@@ -601,12 +880,32 @@ def make_nspkg_sdist(dist_path, distname, version):
make_sdist(dist_path, files)
+def make_python_requires_sdist(dist_path, distname, version, python_requires):
+ make_sdist(dist_path, [
+ (
+ 'setup.py',
+ DALS("""\
+ import setuptools
+ setuptools.setup(
+ name={name!r},
+ version={version!r},
+ python_requires={python_requires!r},
+ )
+ """).format(
+ name=distname, version=version,
+ python_requires=python_requires)),
+ ('setup.cfg', ''),
+ ])
def make_sdist(dist_path, files):
Create a simple sdist tarball at dist_path, containing the files
listed in ``files`` as ``(filename, content)`` tuples.
+ # Distributions with only one file don't play well with pip.
+ assert len(files) > 1
with tarfile.open(dist_path, 'w:gz') as dist:
for filename, content in files:
file_bytes = io.BytesIO(content.encode('utf-8'))
@@ -639,8 +938,8 @@ def create_setup_requires_package(path, distname='foobar', version='0.1',
test_pkg = os.path.join(path, 'test_pkg')
+ # setup.cfg
if use_setup_cfg:
- test_setup_cfg = os.path.join(test_pkg, 'setup.cfg')
options = []
metadata = []
for name in use_setup_cfg:
@@ -652,28 +951,29 @@ def create_setup_requires_package(path, distname='foobar', version='0.1',
if isinstance(value, (tuple, list)):
value = ';'.join(value)
section.append('%s: %s' % (name, value))
- with open(test_setup_cfg, 'w') as f:
- f.write(DALS(
- """
- [metadata]
- {metadata}
- [options]
- {options}
- """
- ).format(
- options='\n'.join(options),
- metadata='\n'.join(metadata),
- ))
- test_setup_py = os.path.join(test_pkg, 'setup.py')
+ test_setup_cfg_contents = DALS(
+ """
+ [metadata]
+ {metadata}
+ [options]
+ {options}
+ """
+ ).format(
+ options='\n'.join(options),
+ metadata='\n'.join(metadata),
+ )
+ else:
+ test_setup_cfg_contents = ''
+ with open(os.path.join(test_pkg, 'setup.cfg'), 'w') as f:
+ f.write(test_setup_cfg_contents)
+ # setup.py
if setup_py_template is None:
setup_py_template = DALS("""\
import setuptools
- with open(test_setup_py, 'w') as f:
+ with open(os.path.join(test_pkg, 'setup.py'), 'w') as f:
f.write(setup_py_template % test_setup_attrs)
foobar_path = os.path.join(path, '%s-%s.tar.gz' % (distname, version))
@@ -688,27 +988,29 @@ def create_setup_requires_package(path, distname='foobar', version='0.1',
class TestScriptHeader:
non_ascii_exe = '/Users/José/bin/python'
- exe_with_spaces = r'C:\Program Files\Python33\python.exe'
+ exe_with_spaces = r'C:\Program Files\Python36\python.exe'
def test_get_script_header(self):
expected = '#!%s\n' % ei.nt_quote_arg(os.path.normpath(sys.executable))
- actual = ei.ScriptWriter.get_script_header('#!/usr/local/bin/python')
+ actual = ei.ScriptWriter.get_header('#!/usr/local/bin/python')
assert actual == expected
def test_get_script_header_args(self):
- expected = '#!%s -x\n' % ei.nt_quote_arg(os.path.normpath
- (sys.executable))
- actual = ei.ScriptWriter.get_script_header('#!/usr/bin/python -x')
+ expected = '#!%s -x\n' % ei.nt_quote_arg(
+ os.path.normpath(sys.executable))
+ actual = ei.ScriptWriter.get_header('#!/usr/bin/python -x')
assert actual == expected
def test_get_script_header_non_ascii_exe(self):
- actual = ei.ScriptWriter.get_script_header('#!/usr/bin/python',
+ actual = ei.ScriptWriter.get_header(
+ '#!/usr/bin/python',
- expected = '#!%s -x\n' % self.non_ascii_exe
+ expected = str('#!%s -x\n') % self.non_ascii_exe
assert actual == expected
def test_get_script_header_exe_with_spaces(self):
- actual = ei.ScriptWriter.get_script_header('#!/usr/bin/python',
+ actual = ei.ScriptWriter.get_header(
+ '#!/usr/bin/python',
executable='"' + self.exe_with_spaces + '"')
expected = '#!"%s"\n' % self.exe_with_spaces
assert actual == expected
@@ -751,10 +1053,59 @@ class TestCommandSpec:
class TestWindowsScriptWriter:
def test_header(self):
- hdr = ei.WindowsScriptWriter.get_script_header('')
+ hdr = ei.WindowsScriptWriter.get_header('')
assert hdr.startswith('#!')
assert hdr.endswith('\n')
hdr = hdr.lstrip('#!')
hdr = hdr.rstrip('\n')
# header should not start with an escaped quote
assert not hdr.startswith('\\"')
+VersionStub = namedtuple("VersionStub", "major, minor, micro, releaselevel, serial")
+def test_use_correct_python_version_string(tmpdir, tmpdir_cwd, monkeypatch):
+ # In issue #3001, easy_install wrongly uses the `python3.1` directory
+ # when the interpreter is `python3.10` and the `--user` option is given.
+ # See pypa/setuptools#3001.
+ dist = Distribution()
+ cmd = dist.get_command_obj('easy_install')
+ cmd.args = ['ok']
+ cmd.optimize = 0
+ cmd.user = True
+ cmd.install_userbase = str(tmpdir)
+ cmd.install_usersite = None
+ install_cmd = dist.get_command_obj('install')
+ install_cmd.install_userbase = str(tmpdir)
+ install_cmd.install_usersite = None
+ with monkeypatch.context() as patch, warnings.catch_warnings():
+ warnings.simplefilter("ignore")
+ version = '3.10.1 (main, Dec 21 2021, 09:17:12) [GCC 10.2.1 20210110]'
+ info = VersionStub(3, 10, 1, "final", 0)
+ patch.setattr('site.ENABLE_USER_SITE', True)
+ patch.setattr('sys.version', version)
+ patch.setattr('sys.version_info', info)
+ patch.setattr(cmd, 'create_home_path', mock.Mock())
+ cmd.finalize_options()
+ name = "pypy" if hasattr(sys, 'pypy_version_info') else "python"
+ install_dir = cmd.install_dir.lower()
+ # In some platforms (e.g. Windows), install_dir is mostly determined
+ # via `sysconfig`, which define constants eagerly at module creation.
+ # This means that monkeypatching `sys.version` to emulate 3.10 for testing
+ # may have no effect.
+ # The safest test here is to rely on the fact that 3.1 is no longer
+ # supported/tested, and make sure that if 'python3.1' ever appears in the string
+ # it is followed by another digit (e.g. 'python3.10').
+ if re.search(name + r'3\.?1', install_dir):
+ assert re.search(name + r'3\.?1\d', install_dir)
+ # The following "variables" are used for interpolation in distutils
+ # installation schemes, so it should be fair to treat them as "semi-public",
+ # or at least public enough so we can have a test to make sure they are correct
+ assert cmd.config_vars['py_version'] == '3.10.1'
+ assert cmd.config_vars['py_version_short'] == '3.10'
+ assert cmd.config_vars['py_version_nodot'] == '310'
diff --git a/setuptools/tests/test_editable_install.py b/setuptools/tests/test_editable_install.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aac4f5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setuptools/tests/test_editable_install.py
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+import subprocess
+from textwrap import dedent
+import pytest
+import jaraco.envs
+import path
+def venv(tmp_path, setuptools_wheel):
+ env = jaraco.envs.VirtualEnv()
+ vars(env).update(
+ root=path.Path(tmp_path), # workaround for error on windows
+ name=".venv",
+ create_opts=["--no-setuptools"],
+ req=str(setuptools_wheel),
+ )
+ return env.create()
+ 'pyproject.toml': dedent("""\
+ [build-system]
+ requires = ["setuptools", "wheel"]
+ build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta"
+ [project]
+ name = "mypkg"
+ version = "3.14159"
+ license = {text = "MIT"}
+ description = "This is a Python package"
+ dynamic = ["readme"]
+ classifiers = [
+ "Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable",
+ "Intended Audience :: Developers"
+ ]
+ urls = {Homepage = "http://github.com"}
+ dependencies = ['importlib-metadata; python_version<"3.8"']
+ [tool.setuptools]
+ package-dir = {"" = "src"}
+ packages = {find = {where = ["src"]}}
+ license-files = ["LICENSE*"]
+ [tool.setuptools.dynamic]
+ readme = {file = "README.rst"}
+ [tool.distutils.egg_info]
+ tag-build = ".post0"
+ """),
+ "MANIFEST.in": dedent("""\
+ global-include *.py *.txt
+ global-exclude *.py[cod]
+ """).strip(),
+ "README.rst": "This is a ``README``",
+ "LICENSE.txt": "---- placeholder MIT license ----",
+ "src": {
+ "mypkg": {
+ "__init__.py": dedent("""\
+ import sys
+ if sys.version_info[:2] >= (3, 8):
+ from importlib.metadata import PackageNotFoundError, version
+ else:
+ from importlib_metadata import PackageNotFoundError, version
+ try:
+ __version__ = version(__name__)
+ except PackageNotFoundError:
+ __version__ = "unknown"
+ """),
+ "__main__.py": dedent("""\
+ from importlib.resources import read_text
+ from . import __version__, __name__ as parent
+ from .mod import x
+ data = read_text(parent, "data.txt")
+ print(__version__, data, x)
+ """),
+ "mod.py": "x = ''",
+ "data.txt": "Hello World",
+ }
+ }
+SETUP_SCRIPT_STUB = "__import__('setuptools').setup()"
+MISSING_SETUP_SCRIPT = pytest.param(
+ None,
+ marks=pytest.mark.xfail(
+ reason="Editable install is currently only supported with `setup.py`"
+ )
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("setup_script", [SETUP_SCRIPT_STUB, MISSING_SETUP_SCRIPT])
+def test_editable_with_pyproject(tmp_path, venv, setup_script):
+ project = tmp_path / "mypkg"
+ files = {**EXAMPLE, "setup.py": setup_script}
+ project.mkdir()
+ jaraco.path.build(files, prefix=project)
+ cmd = [venv.exe(), "-m", "pip", "install",
+ "--no-build-isolation", # required to force current version of setuptools
+ "-e", str(project)]
+ print(str(subprocess.check_output(cmd), "utf-8"))
+ cmd = [venv.exe(), "-m", "mypkg"]
+ assert subprocess.check_output(cmd).strip() == b"3.14159.post0 Hello World"
+ (project / "src/mypkg/data.txt").write_text("foobar")
+ (project / "src/mypkg/mod.py").write_text("x = 42")
+ assert subprocess.check_output(cmd).strip() == b"3.14159.post0 foobar 42"
diff --git a/setuptools/tests/test_egg_info.py b/setuptools/tests/test_egg_info.py
index 2a070de..ee07b5a 100644
--- a/setuptools/tests/test_egg_info.py
+++ b/setuptools/tests/test_egg_info.py
@@ -4,15 +4,18 @@ import os
import glob
import re
import stat
-from setuptools.command.egg_info import egg_info, manifest_maker
-from setuptools.dist import Distribution
-from setuptools.extern.six.moves import map
+import time
+from typing import List, Tuple
import pytest
+from jaraco import path
+from setuptools.command.egg_info import (
+ egg_info, manifest_maker, EggInfoDeprecationWarning, get_pkg_info_revision,
+from setuptools.dist import Distribution
from . import environment
-from .files import build_files
from .textwrap import DALS
from . import contexts
@@ -21,7 +24,7 @@ class Environment(str):
-class TestEggInfo(object):
+class TestEggInfo:
setup_script = DALS("""
from setuptools import setup
@@ -35,7 +38,7 @@ class TestEggInfo(object):
def _create_project(self):
- build_files({
+ path.build({
'setup.py': self.setup_script,
'hello.py': DALS("""
def run():
@@ -43,7 +46,12 @@ class TestEggInfo(object):
- @pytest.yield_fixture
+ @staticmethod
+ def _extract_mv_version(pkg_info_lines: List[str]) -> Tuple[int, int]:
+ version_str = pkg_info_lines[0].split(' ')[1]
+ return tuple(map(int, version_str.split('.')[:2]))
+ @pytest.fixture
def env(self):
with contexts.tempdir(prefix='setuptools-test.') as env_dir:
env = Environment(env_dir)
@@ -54,7 +62,7 @@ class TestEggInfo(object):
for dirname in subs
list(map(os.mkdir, env.paths.values()))
- build_files({
+ path.build({
env.paths['home']: {
'.pydistutils.cfg': DALS("""
@@ -68,8 +76,7 @@ class TestEggInfo(object):
When the egg_info section is empty or not present, running
save_version_info should add the settings to the setup.cfg
- in a deterministic order, consistent with the ordering found
- on Python 2.7 with PYTHONHASHSEED=0.
+ in a deterministic order.
setup_cfg = os.path.join(env.paths['home'], 'setup.cfg')
dist = Distribution()
@@ -105,7 +112,7 @@ class TestEggInfo(object):
the file should remain unchanged.
setup_cfg = os.path.join(env.paths['home'], 'setup.cfg')
- build_files({
+ path.build({
setup_cfg: DALS("""
tag_build =
@@ -128,11 +135,11 @@ class TestEggInfo(object):
self._validate_content_order(content, expected_order)
- def test_egg_base_installed_egg_info(self, tmpdir_cwd, env):
+ def test_expected_files_produced(self, tmpdir_cwd, env):
- self._run_install_command(tmpdir_cwd, env)
- actual = self._find_egg_info_files(env.paths['lib'])
+ self._run_egg_info_command(tmpdir_cwd, env)
+ actual = os.listdir('foo.egg-info')
expected = [
@@ -144,9 +151,57 @@ class TestEggInfo(object):
assert sorted(actual) == expected
+ def test_license_is_a_string(self, tmpdir_cwd, env):
+ setup_config = DALS("""
+ [metadata]
+ name=foo
+ version=0.0.1
+ license=file:MIT
+ """)
+ setup_script = DALS("""
+ from setuptools import setup
+ setup()
+ """)
+ path.build({
+ 'setup.py': setup_script,
+ 'setup.cfg': setup_config,
+ })
+ # This command should fail with a ValueError, but because it's
+ # currently configured to use a subprocess, the actual traceback
+ # object is lost and we need to parse it from stderr
+ with pytest.raises(AssertionError) as exc:
+ self._run_egg_info_command(tmpdir_cwd, env)
+ # Hopefully this is not too fragile: the only argument to the
+ # assertion error should be a traceback, ending with:
+ # ValueError: ....
+ #
+ # assert not 1
+ tb = exc.value.args[0].split('\n')
+ assert tb[-3].lstrip().startswith('ValueError')
+ def test_rebuilt(self, tmpdir_cwd, env):
+ """Ensure timestamps are updated when the command is re-run."""
+ self._create_project()
+ self._run_egg_info_command(tmpdir_cwd, env)
+ timestamp_a = os.path.getmtime('foo.egg-info')
+ # arbitrary sleep just to handle *really* fast systems
+ time.sleep(.001)
+ self._run_egg_info_command(tmpdir_cwd, env)
+ timestamp_b = os.path.getmtime('foo.egg-info')
+ assert timestamp_a != timestamp_b
def test_manifest_template_is_read(self, tmpdir_cwd, env):
- build_files({
+ path.build({
recursive-include docs *.rst
@@ -154,8 +209,8 @@ class TestEggInfo(object):
'usage.rst': "Run 'hi'",
- self._run_install_command(tmpdir_cwd, env)
- egg_info_dir = self._find_egg_info_files(env.paths['lib']).base
+ self._run_egg_info_command(tmpdir_cwd, env)
+ egg_info_dir = os.path.join('.', 'foo.egg-info')
sources_txt = os.path.join(egg_info_dir, 'SOURCES.txt')
with open(sources_txt) as f:
assert 'docs/usage.rst' in f.read().split('\n')
@@ -169,8 +224,10 @@ class TestEggInfo(object):
) % ('' if use_setup_cfg else requires)
setup_config = requires if use_setup_cfg else ''
- build_files({'setup.py': setup_script,
- 'setup.cfg': setup_config})
+ path.build({
+ 'setup.py': setup_script,
+ 'setup.cfg': setup_config,
+ })
mismatch_marker = "python_version<'{this_ver}'".format(
@@ -181,7 +238,7 @@ class TestEggInfo(object):
invalid_marker = "<=>++"
- class RequiresTestHelper(object):
+ class RequiresTestHelper:
def parametrize(*test_list, **format_dict):
@@ -233,27 +290,27 @@ class TestEggInfo(object):
- install_requires=["fake-factory==0.5.2", "pytz"]
+ install_requires=["wheel>=0.5", "pytest"]
install_requires =
- fake-factory==0.5.2
- pytz
+ wheel>=0.5
+ pytest
- fake-factory==0.5.2
- pytz
+ wheel>=0.5
+ pytest
- install_requires=["fake-factory>=1.12.3,!=2.0"]
+ install_requires=["pytest>=3.0.2,!=10.9999"]
install_requires =
- fake-factory>=1.12.3,!=2.0
+ pytest>=3.0.2,!=10.9999
- fake-factory!=2.0,>=1.12.3
+ pytest!=10.9999,>=3.0.2
@@ -394,7 +451,7 @@ class TestEggInfo(object):
self, tmpdir_cwd, env, requires, use_setup_cfg,
expected_requires, install_cmd_kwargs):
self._setup_script_with_requires(requires, use_setup_cfg)
- self._run_install_command(tmpdir_cwd, env, **install_cmd_kwargs)
+ self._run_egg_info_command(tmpdir_cwd, env, **install_cmd_kwargs)
egg_info_dir = os.path.join('.', 'foo.egg-info')
requires_txt = os.path.join(egg_info_dir, 'requires.txt')
if os.path.exists(requires_txt):
@@ -414,14 +471,14 @@ class TestEggInfo(object):
req = 'install_requires={"fake-factory==0.5.2", "pytz"}'
with pytest.raises(AssertionError):
- self._run_install_command(tmpdir_cwd, env)
+ self._run_egg_info_command(tmpdir_cwd, env)
def test_extras_require_with_invalid_marker(self, tmpdir_cwd, env):
tmpl = 'extras_require={{":{marker}": ["barbazquux"]}},'
req = tmpl.format(marker=self.invalid_marker)
with pytest.raises(AssertionError):
- self._run_install_command(tmpdir_cwd, env)
+ self._run_egg_info_command(tmpdir_cwd, env)
assert glob.glob(os.path.join(env.paths['lib'], 'barbazquux*')) == []
def test_extras_require_with_invalid_marker_in_req(self, tmpdir_cwd, env):
@@ -429,7 +486,7 @@ class TestEggInfo(object):
req = tmpl.format(marker=self.invalid_marker)
with pytest.raises(AssertionError):
- self._run_install_command(tmpdir_cwd, env)
+ self._run_egg_info_command(tmpdir_cwd, env)
assert glob.glob(os.path.join(env.paths['lib'], 'barbazquux*')) == []
def test_provides_extra(self, tmpdir_cwd, env):
@@ -452,7 +509,7 @@ class TestEggInfo(object):
def test_doesnt_provides_extra(self, tmpdir_cwd, env):
- '''install_requires=["spam ; python_version<'3.3'"]''')
+ '''install_requires=["spam ; python_version<'3.6'"]''')
environ = os.environ.copy().update(
@@ -467,6 +524,375 @@ class TestEggInfo(object):
pkg_info_text = pkginfo_file.read()
assert 'Provides-Extra:' not in pkg_info_text
+ @pytest.mark.parametrize("files, license_in_sources", [
+ ({
+ 'setup.cfg': DALS("""
+ [metadata]
+ license_file = LICENSE
+ """),
+ 'LICENSE': "Test license"
+ }, True), # with license
+ ({
+ 'setup.cfg': DALS("""
+ [metadata]
+ license_file = INVALID_LICENSE
+ """),
+ 'LICENSE': "Test license"
+ }, False), # with an invalid license
+ ({
+ 'setup.cfg': DALS("""
+ """),
+ 'LICENSE': "Test license"
+ }, True), # no license_file attribute, LICENSE auto-included
+ ({
+ 'setup.cfg': DALS("""
+ [metadata]
+ license_file = LICENSE
+ """),
+ 'MANIFEST.in': "exclude LICENSE",
+ 'LICENSE': "Test license"
+ }, True), # manifest is overwritten by license_file
+ pytest.param({
+ 'setup.cfg': DALS("""
+ [metadata]
+ license_file = LICEN[CS]E*
+ """),
+ 'LICENSE': "Test license",
+ }, True,
+ id="glob_pattern"),
+ ])
+ def test_setup_cfg_license_file(
+ self, tmpdir_cwd, env, files, license_in_sources):
+ self._create_project()
+ path.build(files)
+ environment.run_setup_py(
+ cmd=['egg_info'],
+ pypath=os.pathsep.join([env.paths['lib'], str(tmpdir_cwd)])
+ )
+ egg_info_dir = os.path.join('.', 'foo.egg-info')
+ with open(os.path.join(egg_info_dir, 'SOURCES.txt')) as sources_file:
+ sources_text = sources_file.read()
+ if license_in_sources:
+ assert 'LICENSE' in sources_text
+ else:
+ assert 'LICENSE' not in sources_text
+ # for invalid license test
+ assert 'INVALID_LICENSE' not in sources_text
+ @pytest.mark.parametrize("files, incl_licenses, excl_licenses", [
+ ({
+ 'setup.cfg': DALS("""
+ [metadata]
+ license_files =
+ """),
+ 'LICENSE-ABC': "ABC license",
+ 'LICENSE-XYZ': "XYZ license"
+ }, ['LICENSE-ABC', 'LICENSE-XYZ'], []), # with licenses
+ ({
+ 'setup.cfg': DALS("""
+ [metadata]
+ license_files = LICENSE-ABC, LICENSE-XYZ
+ """),
+ 'LICENSE-ABC': "ABC license",
+ 'LICENSE-XYZ': "XYZ license"
+ }, ['LICENSE-ABC', 'LICENSE-XYZ'], []), # with commas
+ ({
+ 'setup.cfg': DALS("""
+ [metadata]
+ license_files =
+ """),
+ 'LICENSE-ABC': "ABC license",
+ 'LICENSE-XYZ': "XYZ license"
+ }, ['LICENSE-ABC'], ['LICENSE-XYZ']), # with one license
+ ({
+ 'setup.cfg': DALS("""
+ [metadata]
+ license_files =
+ """),
+ 'LICENSE-ABC': "ABC license",
+ 'LICENSE-XYZ': "XYZ license"
+ }, [], ['LICENSE-ABC', 'LICENSE-XYZ']), # empty
+ ({
+ 'setup.cfg': DALS("""
+ [metadata]
+ license_files = LICENSE-XYZ
+ """),
+ 'LICENSE-ABC': "ABC license",
+ 'LICENSE-XYZ': "XYZ license"
+ }, ['LICENSE-XYZ'], ['LICENSE-ABC']), # on same line
+ ({
+ 'setup.cfg': DALS("""
+ [metadata]
+ license_files =
+ """),
+ 'LICENSE-ABC': "Test license"
+ }, ['LICENSE-ABC'], ['INVALID_LICENSE']), # with an invalid license
+ ({
+ 'setup.cfg': DALS("""
+ """),
+ 'LICENSE': "Test license"
+ }, ['LICENSE'], []), # no license_files attribute, LICENSE auto-included
+ ({
+ 'setup.cfg': DALS("""
+ [metadata]
+ license_files = LICENSE
+ """),
+ 'MANIFEST.in': "exclude LICENSE",
+ 'LICENSE': "Test license"
+ }, ['LICENSE'], []), # manifest is overwritten by license_files
+ ({
+ 'setup.cfg': DALS("""
+ [metadata]
+ license_files =
+ """),
+ 'MANIFEST.in': "exclude LICENSE-XYZ",
+ 'LICENSE-ABC': "ABC license",
+ 'LICENSE-XYZ': "XYZ license"
+ # manifest is overwritten by license_files
+ }, ['LICENSE-ABC', 'LICENSE-XYZ'], []),
+ pytest.param({
+ 'setup.cfg': "",
+ 'LICENSE-ABC': "ABC license",
+ 'COPYING-ABC': "ABC copying",
+ 'NOTICE-ABC': "ABC notice",
+ 'AUTHORS-ABC': "ABC authors",
+ 'LICENCE-XYZ': "XYZ license",
+ 'LICENSE': "License",
+ 'INVALID-LICENSE': "Invalid license",
+ }, [
+ id="default_glob_patterns"),
+ pytest.param({
+ 'setup.cfg': DALS("""
+ [metadata]
+ license_files =
+ """),
+ 'LICENSE-ABC': "ABC license",
+ 'NOTICE-XYZ': "XYZ notice",
+ id="no_default_glob_patterns"),
+ pytest.param({
+ 'setup.cfg': DALS("""
+ [metadata]
+ license_files =
+ """),
+ 'LICENSE-ABC': "ABC license",
+ }, ['LICENSE-ABC'], [],
+ id="files_only_added_once",
+ ),
+ ])
+ def test_setup_cfg_license_files(
+ self, tmpdir_cwd, env, files, incl_licenses, excl_licenses):
+ self._create_project()
+ path.build(files)
+ environment.run_setup_py(
+ cmd=['egg_info'],
+ pypath=os.pathsep.join([env.paths['lib'], str(tmpdir_cwd)])
+ )
+ egg_info_dir = os.path.join('.', 'foo.egg-info')
+ with open(os.path.join(egg_info_dir, 'SOURCES.txt')) as sources_file:
+ sources_lines = list(line.strip() for line in sources_file)
+ for lf in incl_licenses:
+ assert sources_lines.count(lf) == 1
+ for lf in excl_licenses:
+ assert sources_lines.count(lf) == 0
+ @pytest.mark.parametrize("files, incl_licenses, excl_licenses", [
+ ({
+ 'setup.cfg': DALS("""
+ [metadata]
+ license_file =
+ license_files =
+ """),
+ 'LICENSE-ABC': "ABC license",
+ 'LICENSE-XYZ': "XYZ license"
+ }, [], ['LICENSE-ABC', 'LICENSE-XYZ']), # both empty
+ ({
+ 'setup.cfg': DALS("""
+ [metadata]
+ license_file =
+ """),
+ 'LICENSE-ABC': "ABC license",
+ 'LICENSE-XYZ': "XYZ license"
+ # license_file is still singular
+ }, [], ['LICENSE-ABC', 'LICENSE-XYZ']),
+ ({
+ 'setup.cfg': DALS("""
+ [metadata]
+ license_file = LICENSE-ABC
+ license_files =
+ """),
+ 'LICENSE-ABC': "ABC license",
+ 'LICENSE-PQR': "PQR license",
+ 'LICENSE-XYZ': "XYZ license"
+ }, ['LICENSE-ABC', 'LICENSE-PQR', 'LICENSE-XYZ'], []), # combined
+ ({
+ 'setup.cfg': DALS("""
+ [metadata]
+ license_file = LICENSE-ABC
+ license_files =
+ """),
+ 'LICENSE-ABC': "ABC license",
+ 'LICENSE-PQR': "PQR license",
+ 'LICENSE-XYZ': "XYZ license"
+ # duplicate license
+ ({
+ 'setup.cfg': DALS("""
+ [metadata]
+ license_file = LICENSE-ABC
+ license_files =
+ """),
+ 'LICENSE-ABC': "ABC license",
+ 'LICENSE-PQR': "PQR license",
+ 'LICENSE-XYZ': "XYZ license"
+ # combined subset
+ ({
+ 'setup.cfg': DALS("""
+ [metadata]
+ license_file = LICENSE-ABC
+ license_files =
+ """),
+ 'LICENSE-PQR': "Test license"
+ # with invalid licenses
+ ({
+ 'setup.cfg': DALS("""
+ [metadata]
+ license_file = LICENSE-ABC
+ license_files =
+ """),
+ 'MANIFEST.in': "exclude LICENSE-ABC\nexclude LICENSE-PQR",
+ 'LICENSE-ABC': "ABC license",
+ 'LICENSE-PQR': "PQR license",
+ 'LICENSE-XYZ': "XYZ license"
+ # manifest is overwritten
+ pytest.param({
+ 'setup.cfg': DALS("""
+ [metadata]
+ license_file = LICENSE*
+ """),
+ 'LICENSE-ABC': "ABC license",
+ 'NOTICE-XYZ': "XYZ notice",
+ id="no_default_glob_patterns"),
+ pytest.param({
+ 'setup.cfg': DALS("""
+ [metadata]
+ license_file = LICENSE*
+ license_files =
+ """),
+ 'LICENSE-ABC': "ABC license",
+ 'NOTICE-ABC': "ABC notice",
+ 'AUTHORS-ABC': "ABC authors",
+ id="combined_glob_patterrns"),
+ ])
+ def test_setup_cfg_license_file_license_files(
+ self, tmpdir_cwd, env, files, incl_licenses, excl_licenses):
+ self._create_project()
+ path.build(files)
+ environment.run_setup_py(
+ cmd=['egg_info'],
+ pypath=os.pathsep.join([env.paths['lib'], str(tmpdir_cwd)])
+ )
+ egg_info_dir = os.path.join('.', 'foo.egg-info')
+ with open(os.path.join(egg_info_dir, 'SOURCES.txt')) as sources_file:
+ sources_lines = list(line.strip() for line in sources_file)
+ for lf in incl_licenses:
+ assert sources_lines.count(lf) == 1
+ for lf in excl_licenses:
+ assert sources_lines.count(lf) == 0
+ def test_license_file_attr_pkg_info(self, tmpdir_cwd, env):
+ """All matched license files should have a corresponding License-File."""
+ self._create_project()
+ path.build({
+ "setup.cfg": DALS("""
+ [metadata]
+ license_files =
+ """),
+ "LICENSE-ABC": "ABC license",
+ "LICENSE-XYZ": "XYZ license",
+ "NOTICE": "included",
+ "IGNORE": "not include",
+ })
+ environment.run_setup_py(
+ cmd=['egg_info'],
+ pypath=os.pathsep.join([env.paths['lib'], str(tmpdir_cwd)])
+ )
+ egg_info_dir = os.path.join('.', 'foo.egg-info')
+ with open(os.path.join(egg_info_dir, 'PKG-INFO')) as pkginfo_file:
+ pkg_info_lines = pkginfo_file.read().split('\n')
+ license_file_lines = [
+ line for line in pkg_info_lines if line.startswith('License-File:')]
+ # Only 'NOTICE', LICENSE-ABC', and 'LICENSE-XYZ' should have been matched
+ # Also assert that order from license_files is keeped
+ assert "License-File: NOTICE" == license_file_lines[0]
+ assert "License-File: LICENSE-ABC" in license_file_lines[1:]
+ assert "License-File: LICENSE-XYZ" in license_file_lines[1:]
+ def test_metadata_version(self, tmpdir_cwd, env):
+ """Make sure latest metadata version is used by default."""
+ self._setup_script_with_requires("")
+ code, data = environment.run_setup_py(
+ cmd=['egg_info'],
+ pypath=os.pathsep.join([env.paths['lib'], str(tmpdir_cwd)]),
+ data_stream=1,
+ )
+ egg_info_dir = os.path.join('.', 'foo.egg-info')
+ with open(os.path.join(egg_info_dir, 'PKG-INFO')) as pkginfo_file:
+ pkg_info_lines = pkginfo_file.read().split('\n')
+ # Update metadata version if changed
+ assert self._extract_mv_version(pkg_info_lines) == (2, 1)
def test_long_description_content_type(self, tmpdir_cwd, env):
# Test that specifying a `long_description_content_type` keyword arg to
# the `setup` function results in writing a `Description-Content-Type`
@@ -493,6 +919,29 @@ class TestEggInfo(object):
assert expected_line in pkg_info_lines
assert 'Metadata-Version: 2.1' in pkg_info_lines
+ def test_long_description(self, tmpdir_cwd, env):
+ # Test that specifying `long_description` and `long_description_content_type`
+ # keyword args to the `setup` function results in writing
+ # the description in the message payload of the `PKG-INFO` file
+ # in the `<distribution>.egg-info` directory.
+ self._setup_script_with_requires(
+ "long_description='This is a long description\\nover multiple lines',"
+ "long_description_content_type='text/markdown',"
+ )
+ code, data = environment.run_setup_py(
+ cmd=['egg_info'],
+ pypath=os.pathsep.join([env.paths['lib'], str(tmpdir_cwd)]),
+ data_stream=1,
+ )
+ egg_info_dir = os.path.join('.', 'foo.egg-info')
+ with open(os.path.join(egg_info_dir, 'PKG-INFO')) as pkginfo_file:
+ pkg_info_lines = pkginfo_file.read().split('\n')
+ assert 'Metadata-Version: 2.1' in pkg_info_lines
+ assert '' == pkg_info_lines[-1] # last line should be empty
+ long_desc_lines = pkg_info_lines[pkg_info_lines.index(''):]
+ assert 'This is a long description' in long_desc_lines
+ assert 'over multiple lines' in long_desc_lines
def test_project_urls(self, tmpdir_cwd, env):
# Test that specifying a `project_urls` dict to the `setup`
# function results in writing multiple `Project-URL` lines to
@@ -522,6 +971,40 @@ class TestEggInfo(object):
assert expected_line in pkg_info_lines
expected_line = 'Project-URL: Link Two, https://example.com/two/'
assert expected_line in pkg_info_lines
+ assert self._extract_mv_version(pkg_info_lines) >= (1, 2)
+ def test_license(self, tmpdir_cwd, env):
+ """Test single line license."""
+ self._setup_script_with_requires(
+ "license='MIT',"
+ )
+ code, data = environment.run_setup_py(
+ cmd=['egg_info'],
+ pypath=os.pathsep.join([env.paths['lib'], str(tmpdir_cwd)]),
+ data_stream=1,
+ )
+ egg_info_dir = os.path.join('.', 'foo.egg-info')
+ with open(os.path.join(egg_info_dir, 'PKG-INFO')) as pkginfo_file:
+ pkg_info_lines = pkginfo_file.read().split('\n')
+ assert 'License: MIT' in pkg_info_lines
+ def test_license_escape(self, tmpdir_cwd, env):
+ """Test license is escaped correctly if longer than one line."""
+ self._setup_script_with_requires(
+ "license='This is a long license text \\nover multiple lines',"
+ )
+ code, data = environment.run_setup_py(
+ cmd=['egg_info'],
+ pypath=os.pathsep.join([env.paths['lib'], str(tmpdir_cwd)]),
+ data_stream=1,
+ )
+ egg_info_dir = os.path.join('.', 'foo.egg-info')
+ with open(os.path.join(egg_info_dir, 'PKG-INFO')) as pkginfo_file:
+ pkg_info_lines = pkginfo_file.read().split('\n')
+ assert 'License: This is a long license text ' in pkg_info_lines
+ assert ' over multiple lines' in pkg_info_lines
+ assert 'text \n over multiple' in '\n'.join(pkg_info_lines)
def test_python_requires_egg_info(self, tmpdir_cwd, env):
@@ -539,16 +1022,7 @@ class TestEggInfo(object):
with open(os.path.join(egg_info_dir, 'PKG-INFO')) as pkginfo_file:
pkg_info_lines = pkginfo_file.read().split('\n')
assert 'Requires-Python: >=2.7.12' in pkg_info_lines
- assert 'Metadata-Version: 1.2' in pkg_info_lines
- def test_python_requires_install(self, tmpdir_cwd, env):
- self._setup_script_with_requires(
- """python_requires='>=1.2.3',""")
- self._run_install_command(tmpdir_cwd, env)
- egg_info_dir = self._find_egg_info_files(env.paths['lib']).base
- pkginfo = os.path.join(egg_info_dir, 'PKG-INFO')
- with open(pkginfo) as f:
- assert 'Requires-Python: >=1.2.3' in f.read().split('\n')
+ assert self._extract_mv_version(pkg_info_lines) >= (1, 2)
def test_manifest_maker_warning_suppression(self):
fixtures = [
@@ -559,17 +1033,27 @@ class TestEggInfo(object):
for msg in fixtures:
assert manifest_maker._should_suppress_warning(msg)
- def _run_install_command(self, tmpdir_cwd, env, cmd=None, output=None):
+ def test_egg_info_includes_setup_py(self, tmpdir_cwd):
+ self._create_project()
+ dist = Distribution({"name": "foo", "version": "0.0.1"})
+ dist.script_name = "non_setup.py"
+ egg_info_instance = egg_info(dist)
+ egg_info_instance.finalize_options()
+ egg_info_instance.run()
+ assert 'setup.py' in egg_info_instance.filelist.files
+ with open(egg_info_instance.egg_info + "/SOURCES.txt") as f:
+ sources = f.read().split('\n')
+ assert 'setup.py' in sources
+ def _run_egg_info_command(self, tmpdir_cwd, env, cmd=None, output=None):
environ = os.environ.copy().update(
if cmd is None:
cmd = [
- 'install',
- '--home', env.paths['home'],
- '--install-lib', env.paths['lib'],
- '--install-scripts', env.paths['scripts'],
- '--install-data', env.paths['data'],
+ 'egg_info',
code, data = environment.run_setup_py(
@@ -577,22 +1061,26 @@ class TestEggInfo(object):
- if code:
- raise AssertionError(data)
+ assert not code, data
if output:
assert output in data
- def _find_egg_info_files(self, root):
- class DirList(list):
- def __init__(self, files, base):
- super(DirList, self).__init__(files)
- self.base = base
+ def test_egg_info_tag_only_once(self, tmpdir_cwd, env):
+ self._create_project()
+ path.build({
+ 'setup.cfg': DALS("""
+ [egg_info]
+ tag_build = dev
+ tag_date = 0
+ tag_svn_revision = 0
+ """),
+ })
+ self._run_egg_info_command(tmpdir_cwd, env)
+ egg_info_dir = os.path.join('.', 'foo.egg-info')
+ with open(os.path.join(egg_info_dir, 'PKG-INFO')) as pkginfo_file:
+ pkg_info_lines = pkginfo_file.read().split('\n')
+ assert 'Version: 0.0.0.dev0' in pkg_info_lines
- results = (
- DirList(filenames, dirpath)
- for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(root)
- if os.path.basename(dirpath) == 'EGG-INFO'
- )
- # expect exactly one result
- result, = results
- return result
+ def test_get_pkg_info_revision_deprecated(self):
+ pytest.warns(EggInfoDeprecationWarning, get_pkg_info_revision)
diff --git a/setuptools/tests/test_extern.py b/setuptools/tests/test_extern.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d6b164
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setuptools/tests/test_extern.py
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+import importlib
+import pickle
+from setuptools import Distribution
+from setuptools.extern import ordered_set
+def test_reimport_extern():
+ ordered_set2 = importlib.import_module(ordered_set.__name__)
+ assert ordered_set is ordered_set2
+def test_orderedset_pickle_roundtrip():
+ o1 = ordered_set.OrderedSet([1, 2, 5])
+ o2 = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(o1))
+ assert o1 == o2
+def test_distribution_picklable():
+ pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(Distribution()))
diff --git a/setuptools/tests/test_find_packages.py b/setuptools/tests/test_find_packages.py
index a6023de..efcce92 100644
--- a/setuptools/tests/test_find_packages.py
+++ b/setuptools/tests/test_find_packages.py
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-"""Tests for setuptools.find_packages()."""
+"""Tests for automatic package discovery"""
import os
import sys
import shutil
@@ -7,14 +7,12 @@ import platform
import pytest
-import setuptools
from setuptools import find_packages
+from setuptools import find_namespace_packages
+from setuptools.discovery import FlatLayoutPackageFinder
-find_420_packages = setuptools.PEP420PackageFinder.find
# modeled after CPython's test.support.can_symlink
def can_symlink():
TESTFN = tempfile.mktemp()
symlink_path = TESTFN + "can_symlink"
@@ -154,29 +152,94 @@ class TestFindPackages:
assert set(actual) == set(expected)
def test_pep420_ns_package(self):
- packages = find_420_packages(
+ packages = find_namespace_packages(
self.dist_dir, include=['pkg*'], exclude=['pkg.subpkg.assets'])
self._assert_packages(packages, ['pkg', 'pkg.nspkg', 'pkg.subpkg'])
def test_pep420_ns_package_no_includes(self):
- packages = find_420_packages(
+ packages = find_namespace_packages(
self.dist_dir, exclude=['pkg.subpkg.assets'])
- self._assert_packages(packages, ['docs', 'pkg', 'pkg.nspkg', 'pkg.subpkg'])
+ self._assert_packages(
+ packages, ['docs', 'pkg', 'pkg.nspkg', 'pkg.subpkg'])
def test_pep420_ns_package_no_includes_or_excludes(self):
- packages = find_420_packages(self.dist_dir)
+ packages = find_namespace_packages(self.dist_dir)
expected = [
'docs', 'pkg', 'pkg.nspkg', 'pkg.subpkg', 'pkg.subpkg.assets']
self._assert_packages(packages, expected)
def test_regular_package_with_nested_pep420_ns_packages(self):
self._touch('__init__.py', self.pkg_dir)
- packages = find_420_packages(
+ packages = find_namespace_packages(
self.dist_dir, exclude=['docs', 'pkg.subpkg.assets'])
self._assert_packages(packages, ['pkg', 'pkg.nspkg', 'pkg.subpkg'])
def test_pep420_ns_package_no_non_package_dirs(self):
shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(self.dist_dir, 'pkg/subpkg/assets'))
- packages = find_420_packages(self.dist_dir)
+ packages = find_namespace_packages(self.dist_dir)
self._assert_packages(packages, ['pkg', 'pkg.nspkg', 'pkg.subpkg'])
+class TestFlatLayoutPackageFinder:
+ "hidden-folders": (
+ [".pkg/__init__.py", "pkg/__init__.py", "pkg/nested/file.txt"],
+ ["pkg", "pkg.nested"]
+ ),
+ "private-packages": (
+ ["_pkg/__init__.py", "pkg/_private/__init__.py"],
+ ["pkg", "pkg._private"]
+ ),
+ "invalid-name": (
+ ["invalid-pkg/__init__.py", "other.pkg/__init__.py", "yet,another/file.py"],
+ []
+ ),
+ "docs": (
+ ["pkg/__init__.py", "docs/conf.py", "docs/readme.rst"],
+ ["pkg"]
+ ),
+ "tests": (
+ ["pkg/__init__.py", "tests/test_pkg.py", "tests/__init__.py"],
+ ["pkg"]
+ ),
+ "examples": (
+ [
+ "pkg/__init__.py",
+ "examples/__init__.py",
+ "examples/file.py"
+ "example/other_file.py",
+ # Sub-packages should always be fine
+ "pkg/example/__init__.py",
+ "pkg/examples/__init__.py",
+ ],
+ ["pkg", "pkg.examples", "pkg.example"]
+ ),
+ "tool-specific": (
+ [
+ "pkg/__init__.py",
+ "tasks/__init__.py",
+ "tasks/subpackage/__init__.py",
+ "fabfile/__init__.py",
+ "fabfile/subpackage/__init__.py",
+ # Sub-packages should always be fine
+ "pkg/tasks/__init__.py",
+ "pkg/fabfile/__init__.py",
+ ],
+ ["pkg", "pkg.tasks", "pkg.fabfile"]
+ )
+ }
+ @pytest.mark.parametrize("example", EXAMPLES.keys())
+ def test_unwanted_directories_not_included(self, tmp_path, example):
+ files, expected_packages = self.EXAMPLES[example]
+ ensure_files(tmp_path, files)
+ found_packages = FlatLayoutPackageFinder.find(str(tmp_path))
+ assert set(found_packages) == set(expected_packages)
+def ensure_files(root_path, files):
+ for file in files:
+ path = root_path / file
+ path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
+ path.touch()
diff --git a/setuptools/tests/test_find_py_modules.py b/setuptools/tests/test_find_py_modules.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4ef6880
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setuptools/tests/test_find_py_modules.py
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+"""Tests for automatic discovery of modules"""
+import os
+import pytest
+from setuptools.discovery import FlatLayoutModuleFinder, ModuleFinder
+from .test_find_packages import ensure_files, has_symlink
+class TestModuleFinder:
+ def find(self, path, *args, **kwargs):
+ return set(ModuleFinder.find(str(path), *args, **kwargs))
+ # circumstance: (files, kwargs, expected_modules)
+ "simple_folder": (
+ ["file.py", "other.py"],
+ {}, # kwargs
+ ["file", "other"],
+ ),
+ "exclude": (
+ ["file.py", "other.py"],
+ {"exclude": ["f*"]},
+ ["other"],
+ ),
+ "include": (
+ ["file.py", "fole.py", "other.py"],
+ {"include": ["f*"], "exclude": ["fo*"]},
+ ["file"],
+ ),
+ "invalid-name": (
+ ["my-file.py", "other.file.py"],
+ {},
+ []
+ )
+ }
+ @pytest.mark.parametrize("example", EXAMPLES.keys())
+ def test_finder(self, tmp_path, example):
+ files, kwargs, expected_modules = self.EXAMPLES[example]
+ ensure_files(tmp_path, files)
+ assert self.find(tmp_path, **kwargs) == set(expected_modules)
+ @pytest.mark.skipif(not has_symlink(), reason='Symlink support required')
+ def test_symlinked_packages_are_included(self, tmp_path):
+ src = "_myfiles/file.py"
+ ensure_files(tmp_path, [src])
+ os.symlink(tmp_path / src, tmp_path / "link.py")
+ assert self.find(tmp_path) == {"link"}
+class TestFlatLayoutModuleFinder:
+ def find(self, path, *args, **kwargs):
+ return set(FlatLayoutModuleFinder.find(str(path)))
+ # circumstance: (files, expected_modules)
+ "hidden-files": (
+ [".module.py"],
+ []
+ ),
+ "private-modules": (
+ ["_module.py"],
+ []
+ ),
+ "common-names": (
+ ["setup.py", "conftest.py", "test.py", "tests.py", "example.py", "mod.py"],
+ ["mod"]
+ ),
+ "tool-specific": (
+ ["tasks.py", "fabfile.py", "noxfile.py", "dodo.py", "manage.py", "mod.py"],
+ ["mod"]
+ )
+ }
+ @pytest.mark.parametrize("example", EXAMPLES.keys())
+ def test_unwanted_files_not_included(self, tmp_path, example):
+ files, expected_modules = self.EXAMPLES[example]
+ ensure_files(tmp_path, files)
+ assert self.find(tmp_path) == set(expected_modules)
diff --git a/setuptools/tests/test_glob.py b/setuptools/tests/test_glob.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e99587f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setuptools/tests/test_glob.py
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+import pytest
+from jaraco import path
+from setuptools.glob import glob
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('tree, pattern, matches', (
+ ('', b'', []),
+ ('', '', []),
+ ('''
+ appveyor.yml
+ pyproject.toml
+ README.rst
+ setup.cfg
+ setup.py
+ ''', '*.rst', ('CHANGES.rst', 'README.rst')),
+ ('''
+ appveyor.yml
+ pyproject.toml
+ README.rst
+ setup.cfg
+ setup.py
+ ''', b'*.rst', (b'CHANGES.rst', b'README.rst')),
+def test_glob(monkeypatch, tmpdir, tree, pattern, matches):
+ monkeypatch.chdir(tmpdir)
+ path.build({name: '' for name in tree.split()})
+ assert list(sorted(glob(pattern))) == list(sorted(matches))
diff --git a/setuptools/tests/test_install_scripts.py b/setuptools/tests/test_install_scripts.py
index 7393241..4338c79 100644
--- a/setuptools/tests/test_install_scripts.py
+++ b/setuptools/tests/test_install_scripts.py
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ class TestInstallScripts:
unix_exe = '/usr/dummy-test-path/local/bin/python'
unix_spaces_exe = '/usr/bin/env dummy-test-python'
- win32_exe = 'C:\\Dummy Test Path\\Program Files\\Python 3.3\\python.exe'
+ win32_exe = 'C:\\Dummy Test Path\\Program Files\\Python 3.6\\python.exe'
def _run_install_scripts(self, install_dir, executable=None):
dist = Distribution(self.settings)
@@ -64,7 +64,8 @@ class TestInstallScripts:
@pytest.mark.skipif(sys.platform == 'win32', reason='non-Windows only')
def test_executable_with_spaces_escaping_unix(self, tmpdir):
- Ensure that shebang on Unix is not quoted, even when a value with spaces
+ Ensure that shebang on Unix is not quoted, even when
+ a value with spaces
is specified using --executable.
expected = '#!%s\n' % self.unix_spaces_exe
@@ -77,7 +78,8 @@ class TestInstallScripts:
@pytest.mark.skipif(sys.platform != 'win32', reason='Windows only')
def test_executable_arg_escaping_win32(self, tmpdir):
- Ensure that shebang on Windows is quoted when getting a path with spaces
+ Ensure that shebang on Windows is quoted when
+ getting a path with spaces
from --executable, that is itself properly quoted.
expected = '#!"%s"\n' % self.win32_exe
diff --git a/setuptools/tests/test_integration.py b/setuptools/tests/test_integration.py
index 3a9a6c5..b557831 100644
--- a/setuptools/tests/test_integration.py
+++ b/setuptools/tests/test_integration.py
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@ Try to install a few packages.
import glob
import os
import sys
+import urllib.request
-from setuptools.extern.six.moves import urllib
import pytest
from setuptools.command.easy_install import easy_install
@@ -15,6 +15,13 @@ from setuptools.command import easy_install as easy_install_pkg
from setuptools.dist import Distribution
+pytestmark = pytest.mark.skipif(
+ 'platform.python_implementation() == "PyPy" and '
+ 'platform.system() == "Windows"',
+ reason="pypa/setuptools#2496",
def setup_module(module):
packages = 'stevedore', 'virtualenvwrapper', 'pbr', 'novaclient'
for pkg in packages:
@@ -59,7 +66,7 @@ def install_context(request, tmpdir, monkeypatch):
monkeypatch.setattr('site.USER_BASE', user_base.strpath)
monkeypatch.setattr('site.USER_SITE', user_site.strpath)
monkeypatch.setattr('sys.path', sys.path + [install_dir.strpath])
- monkeypatch.setenv('PYTHONPATH', os.path.pathsep.join(sys.path))
+ monkeypatch.setenv(str('PYTHONPATH'), str(os.path.pathsep.join(sys.path)))
# Set up the command for performing the installation.
dist = Distribution()
@@ -112,54 +119,3 @@ def test_pyuri(install_context):
# The package data should be installed.
assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(pyuri.location, 'pyuri', 'uri.regex'))
-import re
-import subprocess
-import functools
-import tarfile, zipfile
-build_deps = ['appdirs', 'packaging', 'pyparsing', 'six']
-@pytest.mark.parametrize("build_dep", build_deps)
-@pytest.mark.skipif(sys.version_info < (3, 6), reason='run only on late versions')
-def test_build_deps_on_distutils(request, tmpdir_factory, build_dep):
- """
- All setuptools build dependencies must build without
- setuptools.
- """
- if 'pyparsing' in build_dep:
- pytest.xfail(reason="Project imports setuptools unconditionally")
- build_target = tmpdir_factory.mktemp('source')
- build_dir = download_and_extract(request, build_dep, build_target)
- install_target = tmpdir_factory.mktemp('target')
- output = install(build_dir, install_target)
- for line in output.splitlines():
- match = re.search('Unknown distribution option: (.*)', line)
- allowed_unknowns = [
- 'test_suite',
- 'tests_require',
- 'install_requires',
- ]
- assert not match or match.group(1).strip('"\'') in allowed_unknowns
-def install(pkg_dir, install_dir):
- with open(os.path.join(pkg_dir, 'setuptools.py'), 'w') as breaker:
- breaker.write('raise ImportError()')
- cmd = [sys.executable, 'setup.py', 'install', '--prefix', install_dir]
- env = dict(os.environ, PYTHONPATH=pkg_dir)
- output = subprocess.check_output(cmd, cwd=pkg_dir, env=env, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
- return output.decode('utf-8')
-def download_and_extract(request, req, target):
- cmd = [sys.executable, '-m', 'pip', 'download', '--no-deps',
- '--no-binary', ':all:', req]
- output = subprocess.check_output(cmd, encoding='utf-8')
- filename = re.search('Saved (.*)', output).group(1)
- request.addfinalizer(functools.partial(os.remove, filename))
- opener = zipfile.ZipFile if filename.endswith('.zip') else tarfile.open
- with opener(filename) as archive:
- archive.extractall(target)
- return os.path.join(target, os.listdir(target)[0])
diff --git a/setuptools/tests/test_logging.py b/setuptools/tests/test_logging.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a5ddd56
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setuptools/tests/test_logging.py
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+import logging
+import pytest
+setup_py = """\
+from setuptools import setup
+ name="test_logging",
+ version="0.0"
+ "flag, expected_level", [("--dry-run", "INFO"), ("--verbose", "DEBUG")]
+def test_verbosity_level(tmp_path, monkeypatch, flag, expected_level):
+ """Make sure the correct verbosity level is set (issue #3038)"""
+ import setuptools # noqa: Import setuptools to monkeypatch distutils
+ import distutils # <- load distutils after all the patches take place
+ logger = logging.Logger(__name__)
+ monkeypatch.setattr(logging, "root", logger)
+ unset_log_level = logger.getEffectiveLevel()
+ assert logging.getLevelName(unset_log_level) == "NOTSET"
+ setup_script = tmp_path / "setup.py"
+ setup_script.write_text(setup_py)
+ dist = distutils.core.run_setup(setup_script, stop_after="init")
+ dist.script_args = [flag, "sdist"]
+ dist.parse_command_line() # <- where the log level is set
+ log_level = logger.getEffectiveLevel()
+ log_level_name = logging.getLevelName(log_level)
+ assert log_level_name == expected_level
diff --git a/setuptools/tests/test_manifest.py b/setuptools/tests/test_manifest.py
index 65eec7d..82bdb9c 100644
--- a/setuptools/tests/test_manifest.py
+++ b/setuptools/tests/test_manifest.py
@@ -7,19 +7,16 @@ import shutil
import sys
import tempfile
import itertools
+import io
from distutils import log
from distutils.errors import DistutilsTemplateError
-import pkg_resources.py31compat
from setuptools.command.egg_info import FileList, egg_info, translate_pattern
from setuptools.dist import Distribution
-from setuptools.extern import six
from setuptools.tests.textwrap import DALS
import pytest
-py3_only = pytest.mark.xfail(six.PY2, reason="Test runs on Python 3 only")
def make_local_path(s):
"""Converts '/' in a string to os.sep"""
@@ -42,7 +39,7 @@ setup(**%r)
def quiet():
old_stdout, old_stderr = sys.stdout, sys.stderr
- sys.stdout, sys.stderr = six.StringIO(), six.StringIO()
+ sys.stdout, sys.stderr = io.StringIO(), io.StringIO()
@@ -73,7 +70,9 @@ translate_specs = [
# Glob matching
('*.txt', ['foo.txt', 'bar.txt'], ['foo/foo.txt']),
- ('dir/*.txt', ['dir/foo.txt', 'dir/bar.txt', 'dir/.txt'], ['notdir/foo.txt']),
+ (
+ 'dir/*.txt',
+ ['dir/foo.txt', 'dir/bar.txt', 'dir/.txt'], ['notdir/foo.txt']),
('*/*.py', ['bin/start.py'], []),
('docs/page-?.txt', ['docs/page-9.txt'], ['docs/page-10.txt']),
@@ -157,7 +156,7 @@ def test_translated_pattern_mismatch(pattern_mismatch):
assert not translate_pattern(pattern).match(target)
-class TempDirTestCase(object):
+class TempDirTestCase:
def setup_method(self, method):
self.temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
self.old_cwd = os.getcwd()
@@ -242,77 +241,77 @@ class TestManifestTest(TempDirTestCase):
def test_exclude(self):
"""Include everything in app/ except the text files"""
- l = make_local_path
+ ml = make_local_path
include app/*
exclude app/*.txt
- files = default_files | set([l('app/c.rst')])
+ files = default_files | set([ml('app/c.rst')])
assert files == self.get_files()
def test_include_multiple(self):
"""Include with multiple patterns."""
- l = make_local_path
+ ml = make_local_path
self.make_manifest("include app/*.txt app/static/*")
files = default_files | set([
- l('app/a.txt'), l('app/b.txt'),
- l('app/static/app.js'), l('app/static/app.js.map'),
- l('app/static/app.css'), l('app/static/app.css.map')])
+ ml('app/a.txt'), ml('app/b.txt'),
+ ml('app/static/app.js'), ml('app/static/app.js.map'),
+ ml('app/static/app.css'), ml('app/static/app.css.map')])
assert files == self.get_files()
def test_graft(self):
"""Include the whole app/static/ directory."""
- l = make_local_path
+ ml = make_local_path
self.make_manifest("graft app/static")
files = default_files | set([
- l('app/static/app.js'), l('app/static/app.js.map'),
- l('app/static/app.css'), l('app/static/app.css.map')])
+ ml('app/static/app.js'), ml('app/static/app.js.map'),
+ ml('app/static/app.css'), ml('app/static/app.css.map')])
assert files == self.get_files()
def test_graft_glob_syntax(self):
"""Include the whole app/static/ directory."""
- l = make_local_path
+ ml = make_local_path
self.make_manifest("graft */static")
files = default_files | set([
- l('app/static/app.js'), l('app/static/app.js.map'),
- l('app/static/app.css'), l('app/static/app.css.map')])
+ ml('app/static/app.js'), ml('app/static/app.js.map'),
+ ml('app/static/app.css'), ml('app/static/app.css.map')])
assert files == self.get_files()
def test_graft_global_exclude(self):
"""Exclude all *.map files in the project."""
- l = make_local_path
+ ml = make_local_path
graft app/static
global-exclude *.map
files = default_files | set([
- l('app/static/app.js'), l('app/static/app.css')])
+ ml('app/static/app.js'), ml('app/static/app.css')])
assert files == self.get_files()
def test_global_include(self):
"""Include all *.rst, *.js, and *.css files in the whole tree."""
- l = make_local_path
+ ml = make_local_path
global-include *.rst *.js *.css
files = default_files | set([
- '.hidden.rst', 'testing.rst', l('app/c.rst'),
- l('app/static/app.js'), l('app/static/app.css')])
+ '.hidden.rst', 'testing.rst', ml('app/c.rst'),
+ ml('app/static/app.js'), ml('app/static/app.css')])
assert files == self.get_files()
def test_graft_prune(self):
"""Include all files in app/, except for the whole app/static/ dir."""
- l = make_local_path
+ ml = make_local_path
graft app
prune app/static
files = default_files | set([
- l('app/a.txt'), l('app/b.txt'), l('app/c.rst')])
+ ml('app/a.txt'), ml('app/b.txt'), ml('app/c.rst')])
assert files == self.get_files()
@@ -362,13 +361,13 @@ class TestFileListTest(TempDirTestCase):
for file in files:
file = os.path.join(self.temp_dir, file)
dirname, basename = os.path.split(file)
- pkg_resources.py31compat.makedirs(dirname, exist_ok=True)
+ os.makedirs(dirname, exist_ok=True)
open(file, 'w').close()
def test_process_template_line(self):
# testing all MANIFEST.in template patterns
file_list = FileList()
- l = make_local_path
+ ml = make_local_path
# simulated file list
@@ -376,16 +375,16 @@ class TestFileListTest(TempDirTestCase):
# filelist does not filter out VCS directories,
# it's sdist that does
- l('.hg/last-message.txt'),
- l('global/one.txt'),
- l('global/two.txt'),
- l('global/files.x'),
- l('global/here.tmp'),
- l('f/o/f.oo'),
- l('dir/graft-one'),
- l('dir/dir2/graft2'),
- l('dir3/ok'),
- l('dir3/sub/ok.txt'),
+ ml('.hg/last-message.txt'),
+ ml('global/one.txt'),
+ ml('global/two.txt'),
+ ml('global/files.x'),
+ ml('global/here.tmp'),
+ ml('f/o/f.oo'),
+ ml('dir/graft-one'),
+ ml('dir/dir2/graft2'),
+ ml('dir3/ok'),
+ ml('dir3/sub/ok.txt'),
@@ -412,12 +411,12 @@ class TestFileListTest(TempDirTestCase):
- l('.hg/last-message.txt'),
- l('dir/graft-one'),
- l('dir/dir2/graft2'),
- l('f/o/f.oo'),
- l('global/one.txt'),
- l('global/two.txt'),
+ ml('.hg/last-message.txt'),
+ ml('dir/graft-one'),
+ ml('dir/dir2/graft2'),
+ ml('f/o/f.oo'),
+ ml('global/one.txt'),
+ ml('global/two.txt'),
@@ -474,10 +473,10 @@ class TestFileListTest(TempDirTestCase):
assert False, "Should have thrown an error"
def test_include(self):
- l = make_local_path
+ ml = make_local_path
# include
file_list = FileList()
- self.make_files(['a.py', 'b.txt', l('d/c.py')])
+ self.make_files(['a.py', 'b.txt', ml('d/c.py')])
file_list.process_template_line('include *.py')
@@ -490,42 +489,42 @@ class TestFileListTest(TempDirTestCase):
def test_exclude(self):
- l = make_local_path
+ ml = make_local_path
# exclude
file_list = FileList()
- file_list.files = ['a.py', 'b.txt', l('d/c.py')]
+ file_list.files = ['a.py', 'b.txt', ml('d/c.py')]
file_list.process_template_line('exclude *.py')
- assert file_list.files == ['b.txt', l('d/c.py')]
+ assert file_list.files == ['b.txt', ml('d/c.py')]
file_list.process_template_line('exclude *.rb')
- assert file_list.files == ['b.txt', l('d/c.py')]
+ assert file_list.files == ['b.txt', ml('d/c.py')]
def test_global_include(self):
- l = make_local_path
+ ml = make_local_path
# global-include
file_list = FileList()
- self.make_files(['a.py', 'b.txt', l('d/c.py')])
+ self.make_files(['a.py', 'b.txt', ml('d/c.py')])
file_list.process_template_line('global-include *.py')
- assert file_list.files == ['a.py', l('d/c.py')]
+ assert file_list.files == ['a.py', ml('d/c.py')]
file_list.process_template_line('global-include *.rb')
- assert file_list.files == ['a.py', l('d/c.py')]
+ assert file_list.files == ['a.py', ml('d/c.py')]
def test_global_exclude(self):
- l = make_local_path
+ ml = make_local_path
# global-exclude
file_list = FileList()
- file_list.files = ['a.py', 'b.txt', l('d/c.py')]
+ file_list.files = ['a.py', 'b.txt', ml('d/c.py')]
file_list.process_template_line('global-exclude *.py')
@@ -538,65 +537,65 @@ class TestFileListTest(TempDirTestCase):
def test_recursive_include(self):
- l = make_local_path
+ ml = make_local_path
# recursive-include
file_list = FileList()
- self.make_files(['a.py', l('d/b.py'), l('d/c.txt'), l('d/d/e.py')])
+ self.make_files(['a.py', ml('d/b.py'), ml('d/c.txt'), ml('d/d/e.py')])
file_list.process_template_line('recursive-include d *.py')
- assert file_list.files == [l('d/b.py'), l('d/d/e.py')]
+ assert file_list.files == [ml('d/b.py'), ml('d/d/e.py')]
file_list.process_template_line('recursive-include e *.py')
- assert file_list.files == [l('d/b.py'), l('d/d/e.py')]
+ assert file_list.files == [ml('d/b.py'), ml('d/d/e.py')]
def test_recursive_exclude(self):
- l = make_local_path
+ ml = make_local_path
# recursive-exclude
file_list = FileList()
- file_list.files = ['a.py', l('d/b.py'), l('d/c.txt'), l('d/d/e.py')]
+ file_list.files = ['a.py', ml('d/b.py'), ml('d/c.txt'), ml('d/d/e.py')]
file_list.process_template_line('recursive-exclude d *.py')
- assert file_list.files == ['a.py', l('d/c.txt')]
+ assert file_list.files == ['a.py', ml('d/c.txt')]
file_list.process_template_line('recursive-exclude e *.py')
- assert file_list.files == ['a.py', l('d/c.txt')]
+ assert file_list.files == ['a.py', ml('d/c.txt')]
def test_graft(self):
- l = make_local_path
+ ml = make_local_path
# graft
file_list = FileList()
- self.make_files(['a.py', l('d/b.py'), l('d/d/e.py'), l('f/f.py')])
+ self.make_files(['a.py', ml('d/b.py'), ml('d/d/e.py'), ml('f/f.py')])
file_list.process_template_line('graft d')
- assert file_list.files == [l('d/b.py'), l('d/d/e.py')]
+ assert file_list.files == [ml('d/b.py'), ml('d/d/e.py')]
file_list.process_template_line('graft e')
- assert file_list.files == [l('d/b.py'), l('d/d/e.py')]
+ assert file_list.files == [ml('d/b.py'), ml('d/d/e.py')]
def test_prune(self):
- l = make_local_path
+ ml = make_local_path
# prune
file_list = FileList()
- file_list.files = ['a.py', l('d/b.py'), l('d/d/e.py'), l('f/f.py')]
+ file_list.files = ['a.py', ml('d/b.py'), ml('d/d/e.py'), ml('f/f.py')]
file_list.process_template_line('prune d')
- assert file_list.files == ['a.py', l('f/f.py')]
+ assert file_list.files == ['a.py', ml('f/f.py')]
file_list.process_template_line('prune e')
- assert file_list.files == ['a.py', l('f/f.py')]
+ assert file_list.files == ['a.py', ml('f/f.py')]
diff --git a/setuptools/tests/test_msvc.py b/setuptools/tests/test_msvc.py
index 32d7a90..d1527bf 100644
--- a/setuptools/tests/test_msvc.py
+++ b/setuptools/tests/test_msvc.py
@@ -49,7 +49,8 @@ def mock_reg(hkcu=None, hklm=None):
for k in hive if k.startswith(key.lower())
- return mock.patch.multiple(distutils.msvc9compiler.Reg,
+ return mock.patch.multiple(
+ distutils.msvc9compiler.Reg,
read_keys=read_keys, read_values=read_values)
@@ -61,7 +62,7 @@ class TestModulePatch:
key_32 = r'software\microsoft\devdiv\vcforpython\9.0\installdir'
- key_64 = r'software\wow6432node\microsoft\devdiv\vcforpython\9.0\installdir'
+ key_64 = key_32.replace(r'\microsoft', r'\wow6432node\microsoft')
def test_patched(self):
"Test the module is actually patched"
@@ -87,7 +88,7 @@ class TestModulePatch:
assert isinstance(exc, expected)
assert 'aka.ms/vcpython27' in str(exc)
- @pytest.yield_fixture
+ @pytest.fixture
def user_preferred_setting(self):
Set up environment with different install dirs for user vs. system
@@ -115,7 +116,7 @@ class TestModulePatch:
expected = os.path.join(user_preferred_setting, 'vcvarsall.bat')
assert expected == result
- @pytest.yield_fixture
+ @pytest.fixture
def local_machine_setting(self):
Set up environment with only the system environment configured.
@@ -137,7 +138,7 @@ class TestModulePatch:
expected = os.path.join(local_machine_setting, 'vcvarsall.bat')
assert expected == result
- @pytest.yield_fixture
+ @pytest.fixture
def x64_preferred_setting(self):
Set up environment with 64-bit and 32-bit system settings configured
diff --git a/setuptools/tests/test_msvc14.py b/setuptools/tests/test_msvc14.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1aca12d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setuptools/tests/test_msvc14.py
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+Tests for msvc support module (msvc14 unit tests).
+import os
+from distutils.errors import DistutilsPlatformError
+import pytest
+import sys
+@pytest.mark.skipif(sys.platform != "win32",
+ reason="These tests are only for win32")
+class TestMSVC14:
+ """Python 3.8 "distutils/tests/test_msvccompiler.py" backport"""
+ def test_no_compiler(self):
+ import setuptools.msvc as _msvccompiler
+ # makes sure query_vcvarsall raises
+ # a DistutilsPlatformError if the compiler
+ # is not found
+ def _find_vcvarsall(plat_spec):
+ return None, None
+ old_find_vcvarsall = _msvccompiler._msvc14_find_vcvarsall
+ _msvccompiler._msvc14_find_vcvarsall = _find_vcvarsall
+ try:
+ pytest.raises(DistutilsPlatformError,
+ _msvccompiler._msvc14_get_vc_env,
+ 'wont find this version')
+ finally:
+ _msvccompiler._msvc14_find_vcvarsall = old_find_vcvarsall
+ def test_get_vc_env_unicode(self):
+ import setuptools.msvc as _msvccompiler
+ test_var = 'ṰḖṤṪ┅ṼẨṜ'
+ test_value = '₃⁴₅'
+ # Ensure we don't early exit from _get_vc_env
+ old_distutils_use_sdk = os.environ.pop('DISTUTILS_USE_SDK', None)
+ os.environ[test_var] = test_value
+ try:
+ env = _msvccompiler._msvc14_get_vc_env('x86')
+ assert test_var.lower() in env
+ assert test_value == env[test_var.lower()]
+ finally:
+ os.environ.pop(test_var)
+ if old_distutils_use_sdk:
+ os.environ['DISTUTILS_USE_SDK'] = old_distutils_use_sdk
+ def test_get_vc2017(self):
+ import setuptools.msvc as _msvccompiler
+ # This function cannot be mocked, so pass it if we find VS 2017
+ # and mark it skipped if we do not.
+ version, path = _msvccompiler._msvc14_find_vc2017()
+ if os.environ.get('APPVEYOR_BUILD_WORKER_IMAGE', '') in [
+ 'Visual Studio 2017'
+ ]:
+ assert version
+ if version:
+ assert version >= 15
+ assert os.path.isdir(path)
+ else:
+ pytest.skip("VS 2017 is not installed")
+ def test_get_vc2015(self):
+ import setuptools.msvc as _msvccompiler
+ # This function cannot be mocked, so pass it if we find VS 2015
+ # and mark it skipped if we do not.
+ version, path = _msvccompiler._msvc14_find_vc2015()
+ if os.environ.get('APPVEYOR_BUILD_WORKER_IMAGE', '') in [
+ 'Visual Studio 2015', 'Visual Studio 2017'
+ ]:
+ assert version
+ if version:
+ assert version >= 14
+ assert os.path.isdir(path)
+ else:
+ pytest.skip("VS 2015 is not installed")
diff --git a/setuptools/tests/test_namespaces.py b/setuptools/tests/test_namespaces.py
index 1ac1b35..270f90c 100644
--- a/setuptools/tests/test_namespaces.py
+++ b/setuptools/tests/test_namespaces.py
@@ -1,6 +1,3 @@
-from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals
-import os
import sys
import subprocess
@@ -12,10 +9,10 @@ from setuptools.command import test
class TestNamespaces:
- @pytest.mark.xfail(sys.version_info < (3, 5),
- reason="Requires importlib.util.module_from_spec")
- @pytest.mark.skipif(bool(os.environ.get("APPVEYOR")),
- reason="https://github.com/pypa/setuptools/issues/851")
+ @pytest.mark.skipif(
+ sys.version_info < (3, 5),
+ reason="Requires importlib.util.module_from_spec",
+ )
def test_mixed_site_and_non_site(self, tmpdir):
Installing two packages sharing the same namespace, one installed
@@ -55,8 +52,6 @@ class TestNamespaces:
with test.test.paths_on_pythonpath(map(str, targets)):
- @pytest.mark.skipif(bool(os.environ.get("APPVEYOR")),
- reason="https://github.com/pypa/setuptools/issues/851")
def test_pkg_resources_import(self, tmpdir):
Ensure that a namespace package doesn't break on import
@@ -67,8 +62,9 @@ class TestNamespaces:
install_cmd = [
- '-m', 'easy_install',
- '-d', str(target),
+ '-m', 'pip',
+ 'install',
+ '-t', str(target),
with test.test.paths_on_pythonpath([str(target)]):
@@ -81,8 +77,6 @@ class TestNamespaces:
with test.test.paths_on_pythonpath([str(target)]):
- @pytest.mark.skipif(bool(os.environ.get("APPVEYOR")),
- reason="https://github.com/pypa/setuptools/issues/851")
def test_namespace_package_installed_and_cwd(self, tmpdir):
Installing a namespace packages but also having it in the current
@@ -109,3 +103,32 @@ class TestNamespaces:
with test.test.paths_on_pythonpath([str(target)]):
subprocess.check_call(pkg_resources_imp, cwd=str(pkg_A))
+ def test_packages_in_the_same_namespace_installed_and_cwd(self, tmpdir):
+ """
+ Installing one namespace package and also have another in the same
+ namespace in the current working directory, both of them must be
+ importable.
+ """
+ pkg_A = namespaces.build_namespace_package(tmpdir, 'myns.pkgA')
+ pkg_B = namespaces.build_namespace_package(tmpdir, 'myns.pkgB')
+ target = tmpdir / 'packages'
+ # use pip to install to the target directory
+ install_cmd = [
+ sys.executable,
+ '-m',
+ 'pip.__main__',
+ 'install',
+ str(pkg_A),
+ '-t', str(target),
+ ]
+ subprocess.check_call(install_cmd)
+ namespaces.make_site_dir(target)
+ # ensure that all packages import and pkg_resources imports
+ pkg_resources_imp = [
+ sys.executable,
+ '-c', 'import pkg_resources; import myns.pkgA; import myns.pkgB',
+ ]
+ with test.test.paths_on_pythonpath([str(target)]):
+ subprocess.check_call(pkg_resources_imp, cwd=str(pkg_B))
diff --git a/setuptools/tests/test_packageindex.py b/setuptools/tests/test_packageindex.py
index 63b9294..8e9435e 100644
--- a/setuptools/tests/test_packageindex.py
+++ b/setuptools/tests/test_packageindex.py
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
-from __future__ import absolute_import
import sys
import os
import distutils.errors
+import platform
+import urllib.request
+import urllib.error
+import http.client
-from setuptools.extern import six
-from setuptools.extern.six.moves import urllib, http_client
+import mock
+import pytest
-import pkg_resources
import setuptools.package_index
-from setuptools.tests.server import IndexServer
from .textwrap import DALS
@@ -42,7 +42,10 @@ class TestPackageIndex:
- url = 'url:%20https://svn.plone.org/svn/collective/inquant.contentmirror.plone/trunk'
+ url = (
+ 'url:%20https://svn.plone.org/svn'
+ '/collective/inquant.contentmirror.plone/trunk'
+ )
v = index.open_url(url)
except Exception as v:
@@ -56,14 +59,14 @@ class TestPackageIndex:
def _urlopen(*args):
- raise http_client.BadStatusLine('line')
+ raise http.client.BadStatusLine('line')
index.opener = _urlopen
url = 'http://example.com'
- v = index.open_url(url)
- except Exception as v:
- assert 'line' in str(v)
+ index.open_url(url)
+ except Exception as exc:
+ assert 'line' in str(exc)
raise AssertionError('Should have raise here!')
@@ -80,8 +83,12 @@ class TestPackageIndex:
except distutils.errors.DistutilsError as error:
- msg = six.text_type(error)
- assert 'nonnumeric port' in msg or 'getaddrinfo failed' in msg or 'Name or service not known' in msg
+ msg = str(error)
+ assert (
+ 'nonnumeric port' in msg
+ or 'getaddrinfo failed' in msg
+ or 'Name or service not known' in msg
+ )
raise RuntimeError("Did not raise")
@@ -105,43 +112,6 @@ class TestPackageIndex:
url = 'file:///tmp/test_package_index'
assert index.url_ok(url, True)
- def test_links_priority(self):
- """
- Download links from the pypi simple index should be used before
- external download links.
- https://bitbucket.org/tarek/distribute/issue/163
- Usecase :
- - someone uploads a package on pypi, a md5 is generated
- - someone manually copies this link (with the md5 in the url) onto an
- external page accessible from the package page.
- - someone reuploads the package (with a different md5)
- - while easy_installing, an MD5 error occurs because the external link
- is used
- -> Setuptools should use the link from pypi, not the external one.
- """
- if sys.platform.startswith('java'):
- # Skip this test on jython because binding to :0 fails
- return
- # start an index server
- server = IndexServer()
- server.start()
- index_url = server.base_url() + 'test_links_priority/simple/'
- # scan a test index
- pi = setuptools.package_index.PackageIndex(index_url)
- requirement = pkg_resources.Requirement.parse('foobar')
- pi.find_packages(requirement)
- server.stop()
- # the distribution has been found
- assert 'foobar' in pi
- # we have only one link, because links are compared without md5
- assert len(pi['foobar']) == 1
- # the link should be from the index
- assert 'correct_md5' in pi['foobar'][0].location
def test_parse_bdist_wininst(self):
parse = setuptools.package_index.parse_bdist_wininst
@@ -212,17 +182,72 @@ class TestPackageIndex:
('+ubuntu_0', '+ubuntu.0'),
versions = [
- [''.join([e, r, p, l]) for l in ll]
+ [''.join([e, r, p, loc]) for loc in locs]
for e in epoch
for r in releases
for p in sum([pre, post, dev], [''])
- for ll in local]
+ for locs in local]
for v, vc in versions:
dists = list(setuptools.package_index.distros_for_url(
'http://example.com/example.zip#egg=example-' + v))
assert dists[0].version == ''
assert dists[1].version == vc
+ def test_download_git_with_rev(self, tmpdir):
+ url = 'git+https://github.example/group/project@master#egg=foo'
+ index = setuptools.package_index.PackageIndex()
+ with mock.patch("os.system") as os_system_mock:
+ result = index.download(url, str(tmpdir))
+ os_system_mock.assert_called()
+ expected_dir = str(tmpdir / 'project@master')
+ expected = (
+ 'git clone --quiet '
+ 'https://github.example/group/project {expected_dir}'
+ ).format(**locals())
+ first_call_args = os_system_mock.call_args_list[0][0]
+ assert first_call_args == (expected,)
+ tmpl = 'git -C {expected_dir} checkout --quiet master'
+ expected = tmpl.format(**locals())
+ assert os_system_mock.call_args_list[1][0] == (expected,)
+ assert result == expected_dir
+ def test_download_git_no_rev(self, tmpdir):
+ url = 'git+https://github.example/group/project#egg=foo'
+ index = setuptools.package_index.PackageIndex()
+ with mock.patch("os.system") as os_system_mock:
+ result = index.download(url, str(tmpdir))
+ os_system_mock.assert_called()
+ expected_dir = str(tmpdir / 'project')
+ expected = (
+ 'git clone --quiet '
+ 'https://github.example/group/project {expected_dir}'
+ ).format(**locals())
+ os_system_mock.assert_called_once_with(expected)
+ def test_download_svn(self, tmpdir):
+ url = 'svn+https://svn.example/project#egg=foo'
+ index = setuptools.package_index.PackageIndex()
+ with pytest.warns(UserWarning):
+ with mock.patch("os.system") as os_system_mock:
+ result = index.download(url, str(tmpdir))
+ os_system_mock.assert_called()
+ expected_dir = str(tmpdir / 'project')
+ expected = (
+ 'svn checkout -q '
+ 'svn+https://svn.example/project {expected_dir}'
+ ).format(**locals())
+ os_system_mock.assert_called_once_with(expected)
class TestContentCheckers:
def test_md5(self):
@@ -258,17 +283,27 @@ class TestContentCheckers:
assert rep == 'My message about md5'
+def temp_home(tmpdir, monkeypatch):
+ key = (
+ if platform.system() == 'Windows' and sys.version_info > (3, 8) else
+ 'HOME'
+ )
+ monkeypatch.setitem(os.environ, key, str(tmpdir))
+ return tmpdir
class TestPyPIConfig:
- def test_percent_in_password(self, tmpdir, monkeypatch):
- monkeypatch.setitem(os.environ, 'HOME', str(tmpdir))
- pypirc = tmpdir / '.pypirc'
- with pypirc.open('w') as strm:
- strm.write(DALS("""
- [pypi]
- repository=https://pypi.org
- username=jaraco
- password=pity%
- """))
+ def test_percent_in_password(self, temp_home):
+ pypirc = temp_home / '.pypirc'
+ pypirc.write(DALS("""
+ [pypi]
+ repository=https://pypi.org
+ username=jaraco
+ password=pity%
+ """))
cfg = setuptools.package_index.PyPIConfig()
cred = cfg.creds_by_repository['https://pypi.org']
assert cred.username == 'jaraco'
diff --git a/setuptools/tests/test_register.py b/setuptools/tests/test_register.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9860580
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setuptools/tests/test_register.py
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+from setuptools.command.register import register
+from setuptools.dist import Distribution
+from setuptools.errors import RemovedCommandError
+ from unittest import mock
+except ImportError:
+ import mock
+import pytest
+class TestRegister:
+ def test_register_exception(self):
+ """Ensure that the register command has been properly removed."""
+ dist = Distribution()
+ dist.dist_files = [(mock.Mock(), mock.Mock(), mock.Mock())]
+ cmd = register(dist)
+ with pytest.raises(RemovedCommandError):
+ cmd.run()
diff --git a/setuptools/tests/test_sandbox.py b/setuptools/tests/test_sandbox.py
index d867542..99398cd 100644
--- a/setuptools/tests/test_sandbox.py
+++ b/setuptools/tests/test_sandbox.py
@@ -26,7 +26,8 @@ class TestSandbox:
It should be possible to execute a setup.py with a Byte Order Mark
- target = pkg_resources.resource_filename(__name__,
+ target = pkg_resources.resource_filename(
+ __name__,
namespace = types.ModuleType('namespace')
setuptools.sandbox._execfile(target, vars(namespace))
diff --git a/setuptools/tests/test_sdist.py b/setuptools/tests/test_sdist.py
index 02222da..302cff7 100644
--- a/setuptools/tests/test_sdist.py
+++ b/setuptools/tests/test_sdist.py
@@ -1,27 +1,23 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""sdist tests"""
import os
-import shutil
import sys
import tempfile
import unicodedata
import contextlib
import io
-from setuptools.extern import six
-from setuptools.extern.six.moves import map
+from unittest import mock
import pytest
-import pkg_resources
+from setuptools._importlib import metadata
+from setuptools import SetuptoolsDeprecationWarning
from setuptools.command.sdist import sdist
from setuptools.command.egg_info import manifest_maker
from setuptools.dist import Distribution
from setuptools.tests import fail_on_ascii
from .text import Filenames
-py3_only = pytest.mark.xfail(six.PY2, reason="Test runs on Python 3 only")
'name': 'sdist_test',
@@ -41,7 +37,7 @@ setup(**%r)
def quiet():
old_stdout, old_stderr = sys.stdout, sys.stderr
- sys.stdout, sys.stderr = six.StringIO(), six.StringIO()
+ sys.stdout, sys.stderr = io.StringIO(), io.StringIO()
@@ -50,7 +46,7 @@ def quiet():
# Convert to POSIX path
def posix(path):
- if six.PY3 and not isinstance(path, str):
+ if not isinstance(path, str):
return path.replace(os.sep.encode('ascii'), b'/')
return path.replace(os.sep, '/')
@@ -58,7 +54,7 @@ def posix(path):
# HFS Plus uses decomposed UTF-8
def decompose(path):
- if isinstance(path, six.text_type):
+ if isinstance(path, str):
return unicodedata.normalize('NFD', path)
path = path.decode('utf-8')
@@ -89,31 +85,35 @@ fail_on_latin1_encoded_filenames = pytest.mark.xfail(
+def touch(path):
+ path.write_text('', encoding='utf-8')
class TestSdistTest:
- def setup_method(self, method):
- self.temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
- f = open(os.path.join(self.temp_dir, 'setup.py'), 'w')
- f.write(SETUP_PY)
- f.close()
+ @pytest.fixture(autouse=True)
+ def source_dir(self, tmpdir):
+ (tmpdir / 'setup.py').write_text(SETUP_PY, encoding='utf-8')
# Set up the rest of the test package
- test_pkg = os.path.join(self.temp_dir, 'sdist_test')
- os.mkdir(test_pkg)
- data_folder = os.path.join(self.temp_dir, "d")
- os.mkdir(data_folder)
+ test_pkg = tmpdir / 'sdist_test'
+ test_pkg.mkdir()
+ data_folder = tmpdir / 'd'
+ data_folder.mkdir()
# *.rst was not included in package_data, so c.rst should not be
# automatically added to the manifest when not under version control
- for fname in ['__init__.py', 'a.txt', 'b.txt', 'c.rst',
- os.path.join(data_folder, "e.dat")]:
- # Just touch the files; their contents are irrelevant
- open(os.path.join(test_pkg, fname), 'w').close()
+ for fname in ['__init__.py', 'a.txt', 'b.txt', 'c.rst']:
+ touch(test_pkg / fname)
+ touch(data_folder / 'e.dat')
- self.old_cwd = os.getcwd()
- os.chdir(self.temp_dir)
+ with tmpdir.as_cwd():
+ yield
- def teardown_method(self, method):
- os.chdir(self.old_cwd)
- shutil.rmtree(self.temp_dir)
+ def assert_package_data_in_manifest(self, cmd):
+ manifest = cmd.filelist.files
+ assert os.path.join('sdist_test', 'a.txt') in manifest
+ assert os.path.join('sdist_test', 'b.txt') in manifest
+ assert os.path.join('sdist_test', 'c.rst') not in manifest
+ assert os.path.join('d', 'e.dat') in manifest
def test_package_data_in_sdist(self):
"""Regression test for pull request #4: ensures that files listed in
@@ -129,20 +129,113 @@ class TestSdistTest:
with quiet():
+ self.assert_package_data_in_manifest(cmd)
+ def test_package_data_and_include_package_data_in_sdist(self):
+ """
+ Ensure package_data and include_package_data work
+ together.
+ """
+ setup_attrs = {**SETUP_ATTRS, 'include_package_data': True}
+ assert setup_attrs['package_data']
+ dist = Distribution(setup_attrs)
+ dist.script_name = 'setup.py'
+ cmd = sdist(dist)
+ cmd.ensure_finalized()
+ with quiet():
+ cmd.run()
+ self.assert_package_data_in_manifest(cmd)
+ def test_custom_build_py(self):
+ """
+ Ensure projects defining custom build_py don't break
+ when creating sdists (issue #2849)
+ """
+ from distutils.command.build_py import build_py as OrigBuildPy
+ using_custom_command_guard = mock.Mock()
+ class CustomBuildPy(OrigBuildPy):
+ """
+ Some projects have custom commands inheriting from `distutils`
+ """
+ def get_data_files(self):
+ using_custom_command_guard()
+ return super().get_data_files()
+ setup_attrs = {**SETUP_ATTRS, 'include_package_data': True}
+ assert setup_attrs['package_data']
+ dist = Distribution(setup_attrs)
+ dist.script_name = 'setup.py'
+ cmd = sdist(dist)
+ cmd.ensure_finalized()
+ # Make sure we use the custom command
+ cmd.cmdclass = {'build_py': CustomBuildPy}
+ cmd.distribution.cmdclass = {'build_py': CustomBuildPy}
+ assert cmd.distribution.get_command_class('build_py') == CustomBuildPy
+ msg = "setuptools instead of distutils"
+ with quiet(), pytest.warns(SetuptoolsDeprecationWarning, match=msg):
+ cmd.run()
+ using_custom_command_guard.assert_called()
+ self.assert_package_data_in_manifest(cmd)
+ def test_setup_py_exists(self):
+ dist = Distribution(SETUP_ATTRS)
+ dist.script_name = 'foo.py'
+ cmd = sdist(dist)
+ cmd.ensure_finalized()
+ with quiet():
+ cmd.run()
manifest = cmd.filelist.files
- assert os.path.join('sdist_test', 'a.txt') in manifest
- assert os.path.join('sdist_test', 'b.txt') in manifest
- assert os.path.join('sdist_test', 'c.rst') not in manifest
- assert os.path.join('d', 'e.dat') in manifest
+ assert 'setup.py' in manifest
+ def test_setup_py_missing(self):
+ dist = Distribution(SETUP_ATTRS)
+ dist.script_name = 'foo.py'
+ cmd = sdist(dist)
+ cmd.ensure_finalized()
- def test_defaults_case_sensitivity(self):
+ if os.path.exists("setup.py"):
+ os.remove("setup.py")
+ with quiet():
+ cmd.run()
+ manifest = cmd.filelist.files
+ assert 'setup.py' not in manifest
+ def test_setup_py_excluded(self):
+ with open("MANIFEST.in", "w") as manifest_file:
+ manifest_file.write("exclude setup.py")
+ dist = Distribution(SETUP_ATTRS)
+ dist.script_name = 'foo.py'
+ cmd = sdist(dist)
+ cmd.ensure_finalized()
+ with quiet():
+ cmd.run()
+ manifest = cmd.filelist.files
+ assert 'setup.py' not in manifest
+ def test_defaults_case_sensitivity(self, tmpdir):
Make sure default files (README.*, etc.) are added in a case-sensitive
way to avoid problems with packages built on Windows.
- open(os.path.join(self.temp_dir, 'readme.rst'), 'w').close()
- open(os.path.join(self.temp_dir, 'SETUP.cfg'), 'w').close()
+ touch(tmpdir / 'readme.rst')
+ touch(tmpdir / 'SETUP.cfg')
dist = Distribution(SETUP_ATTRS)
# the extension deliberately capitalized for this test
@@ -190,13 +283,8 @@ class TestSdistTest:
u_contents = contents.decode('UTF-8')
# The manifest should contain the UTF-8 filename
- if six.PY2:
- fs_enc = sys.getfilesystemencoding()
- filename = filename.decode(fs_enc)
assert posix(filename) in u_contents
- @py3_only
def test_write_manifest_allows_utf8_filenames(self):
# Test for #303.
@@ -230,7 +318,6 @@ class TestSdistTest:
# The filelist should have been updated as well
assert u_filename in mm.filelist.files
- @py3_only
def test_write_manifest_skips_non_utf8_filenames(self):
Files that cannot be encoded to UTF-8 (specifically, those that
@@ -294,11 +381,9 @@ class TestSdistTest:
# The filelist should contain the UTF-8 filename
- if six.PY3:
- filename = filename.decode('utf-8')
+ filename = filename.decode('utf-8')
assert filename in cmd.filelist.files
- @py3_only
def test_read_manifest_skips_non_utf8_filenames(self):
# Test for #303.
@@ -334,7 +419,7 @@ class TestSdistTest:
def test_sdist_with_utf8_encoded_filename(self):
# Test for #303.
- dist = Distribution(SETUP_ATTRS)
+ dist = Distribution(self.make_strings(SETUP_ATTRS))
dist.script_name = 'setup.py'
cmd = sdist(dist)
@@ -348,27 +433,33 @@ class TestSdistTest:
if sys.platform == 'darwin':
filename = decompose(filename)
- if six.PY3:
- fs_enc = sys.getfilesystemencoding()
+ fs_enc = sys.getfilesystemencoding()
- if sys.platform == 'win32':
- if fs_enc == 'cp1252':
- # Python 3 mangles the UTF-8 filename
- filename = filename.decode('cp1252')
- assert filename in cmd.filelist.files
- else:
- filename = filename.decode('mbcs')
- assert filename in cmd.filelist.files
+ if sys.platform == 'win32':
+ if fs_enc == 'cp1252':
+ # Python mangles the UTF-8 filename
+ filename = filename.decode('cp1252')
+ assert filename in cmd.filelist.files
- filename = filename.decode('utf-8')
+ filename = filename.decode('mbcs')
assert filename in cmd.filelist.files
+ filename = filename.decode('utf-8')
assert filename in cmd.filelist.files
+ @classmethod
+ def make_strings(cls, item):
+ if isinstance(item, dict):
+ return {
+ key: cls.make_strings(value) for key, value in item.items()}
+ if isinstance(item, list):
+ return list(map(cls.make_strings, item))
+ return str(item)
def test_sdist_with_latin1_encoded_filename(self):
# Test for #303.
- dist = Distribution(SETUP_ATTRS)
+ dist = Distribution(self.make_strings(SETUP_ATTRS))
dist.script_name = 'setup.py'
cmd = sdist(dist)
@@ -381,33 +472,50 @@ class TestSdistTest:
with quiet():
- if six.PY3:
- # not all windows systems have a default FS encoding of cp1252
- if sys.platform == 'win32':
- # Latin-1 is similar to Windows-1252 however
- # on mbcs filesys it is not in latin-1 encoding
- fs_enc = sys.getfilesystemencoding()
- if fs_enc != 'mbcs':
- fs_enc = 'latin-1'
- filename = filename.decode(fs_enc)
+ # not all windows systems have a default FS encoding of cp1252
+ if sys.platform == 'win32':
+ # Latin-1 is similar to Windows-1252 however
+ # on mbcs filesys it is not in latin-1 encoding
+ fs_enc = sys.getfilesystemencoding()
+ if fs_enc != 'mbcs':
+ fs_enc = 'latin-1'
+ filename = filename.decode(fs_enc)
- assert filename in cmd.filelist.files
- else:
- # The Latin-1 filename should have been skipped
- filename = filename.decode('latin-1')
- filename not in cmd.filelist.files
+ assert filename in cmd.filelist.files
- # Under Python 2 there seems to be no decoded string in the
- # filelist. However, due to decode and encoding of the
- # file name to get utf-8 Manifest the latin1 maybe excluded
- try:
- # fs_enc should match how one is expect the decoding to
- # be proformed for the manifest output.
- fs_enc = sys.getfilesystemencoding()
- filename.decode(fs_enc)
- assert filename in cmd.filelist.files
- except UnicodeDecodeError:
- filename not in cmd.filelist.files
+ # The Latin-1 filename should have been skipped
+ filename = filename.decode('latin-1')
+ filename not in cmd.filelist.files
+ def test_pyproject_toml_in_sdist(self, tmpdir):
+ """
+ Check if pyproject.toml is included in source distribution if present
+ """
+ touch(tmpdir / 'pyproject.toml')
+ dist = Distribution(SETUP_ATTRS)
+ dist.script_name = 'setup.py'
+ cmd = sdist(dist)
+ cmd.ensure_finalized()
+ with quiet():
+ cmd.run()
+ manifest = cmd.filelist.files
+ assert 'pyproject.toml' in manifest
+ def test_pyproject_toml_excluded(self, tmpdir):
+ """
+ Check that pyproject.toml can excluded even if present
+ """
+ touch(tmpdir / 'pyproject.toml')
+ with open('MANIFEST.in', 'w') as mts:
+ print('exclude pyproject.toml', file=mts)
+ dist = Distribution(SETUP_ATTRS)
+ dist.script_name = 'setup.py'
+ cmd = sdist(dist)
+ cmd.ensure_finalized()
+ with quiet():
+ cmd.run()
+ manifest = cmd.filelist.files
+ assert 'pyproject.toml' not in manifest
def test_default_revctrl():
@@ -421,7 +529,9 @@ def test_default_revctrl():
This interface must be maintained until Ubuntu 12.04 is no longer
supported (by Setuptools).
- ep_def = 'svn_cvs = setuptools.command.sdist:_default_revctrl'
- ep = pkg_resources.EntryPoint.parse(ep_def)
- res = ep.resolve()
+ ep, = metadata.EntryPoints._from_text("""
+ [setuptools.file_finders]
+ svn_cvs = setuptools.command.sdist:_default_revctrl
+ """)
+ res = ep.load()
assert hasattr(res, '__iter__')
diff --git a/setuptools/tests/test_setopt.py b/setuptools/tests/test_setopt.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3600863
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setuptools/tests/test_setopt.py
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+import io
+import configparser
+from setuptools.command import setopt
+class TestEdit:
+ @staticmethod
+ def parse_config(filename):
+ parser = configparser.ConfigParser()
+ with io.open(filename, encoding='utf-8') as reader:
+ parser.read_file(reader)
+ return parser
+ @staticmethod
+ def write_text(file, content):
+ with io.open(file, 'wb') as strm:
+ strm.write(content.encode('utf-8'))
+ def test_utf8_encoding_retained(self, tmpdir):
+ """
+ When editing a file, non-ASCII characters encoded in
+ UTF-8 should be retained.
+ """
+ config = tmpdir.join('setup.cfg')
+ self.write_text(str(config), '[names]\njaraco=джарако')
+ setopt.edit_config(str(config), dict(names=dict(other='yes')))
+ parser = self.parse_config(str(config))
+ assert parser.get('names', 'jaraco') == 'джарако'
+ assert parser.get('names', 'other') == 'yes'
+ def test_case_retained(self, tmpdir):
+ """
+ When editing a file, case of keys should be retained.
+ """
+ config = tmpdir.join('setup.cfg')
+ self.write_text(str(config), '[names]\nFoO=bAr')
+ setopt.edit_config(str(config), dict(names=dict(oTher='yes')))
+ actual = config.read_text(encoding='ascii')
+ assert 'FoO' in actual
+ assert 'oTher' in actual
diff --git a/setuptools/tests/test_setuptools.py b/setuptools/tests/test_setuptools.py
index 26e37a6..0640f49 100644
--- a/setuptools/tests/test_setuptools.py
+++ b/setuptools/tests/test_setuptools.py
@@ -4,19 +4,24 @@ import sys
import os
import distutils.core
import distutils.cmd
-from distutils.errors import DistutilsOptionError, DistutilsPlatformError
+from distutils.errors import DistutilsOptionError
from distutils.errors import DistutilsSetupError
from distutils.core import Extension
-from distutils.version import LooseVersion
+from zipfile import ZipFile
import pytest
+from setuptools.extern.packaging import version
import setuptools
import setuptools.dist
import setuptools.depends as dep
-from setuptools import Feature
from setuptools.depends import Require
-from setuptools.extern import six
+def isolated_dir(tmpdir_cwd):
+ yield
def makeSetup(**args):
@@ -50,7 +55,7 @@ class TestDepends:
x = "test"
y = z
- fc = six.get_function_code(f1)
+ fc = f1.__code__
# unrecognized name
assert dep.extract_constant(fc, 'q', -1) is None
@@ -77,7 +82,8 @@ class TestDepends:
from json import __version__
assert dep.get_module_constant('json', '__version__') == __version__
assert dep.get_module_constant('sys', 'version') == sys.version
- assert dep.get_module_constant('setuptools.tests.test_setuptools', '__doc__') == __doc__
+ assert dep.get_module_constant(
+ 'setuptools.tests.test_setuptools', '__doc__') == __doc__
def testRequire(self):
@@ -85,12 +91,12 @@ class TestDepends:
assert req.name == 'Json'
assert req.module == 'json'
- assert req.requested_version == '1.0.3'
+ assert req.requested_version == version.Version('1.0.3')
assert req.attribute == '__version__'
assert req.full_name() == 'Json-1.0.3'
from json import __version__
- assert req.get_version() == __version__
+ assert str(req.get_version()) == __version__
assert req.version_ok('1.0.9')
assert not req.version_ok('0.9.1')
assert not req.version_ok('unknown')
@@ -98,15 +104,15 @@ class TestDepends:
assert req.is_present()
assert req.is_current()
- req = Require('Json 3000', '03000', 'json', format=LooseVersion)
- assert req.is_present()
- assert not req.is_current()
- assert not req.version_ok('unknown')
req = Require('Do-what-I-mean', '1.0', 'd-w-i-m')
assert not req.is_present()
assert not req.is_current()
+ @needs_bytecode
+ def test_require_present(self):
+ # In #1896, this test was failing for months with the only
+ # complaint coming from test runners (not end users).
+ # TODO: Evaluate if this code is needed at all.
req = Require('Tests', None, 'tests', homepage="http://example.com")
assert req.format is None
assert req.attribute is None
@@ -210,83 +216,6 @@ class TestDistro:
-class TestFeatures:
- def setup_method(self, method):
- self.req = Require('Distutils', '1.0.3', 'distutils')
- self.dist = makeSetup(
- features={
- 'foo': Feature("foo", standard=True, require_features=['baz', self.req]),
- 'bar': Feature("bar", standard=True, packages=['pkg.bar'],
- py_modules=['bar_et'], remove=['bar.ext'],
- ),
- 'baz': Feature(
- "baz", optional=False, packages=['pkg.baz'],
- scripts=['scripts/baz_it'],
- libraries=[('libfoo', 'foo/foofoo.c')]
- ),
- 'dwim': Feature("DWIM", available=False, remove='bazish'),
- },
- script_args=['--without-bar', 'install'],
- packages=['pkg.bar', 'pkg.foo'],
- py_modules=['bar_et', 'bazish'],
- ext_modules=[Extension('bar.ext', ['bar.c'])]
- )
- def testDefaults(self):
- assert not Feature(
- "test", standard=True, remove='x', available=False
- ).include_by_default()
- assert Feature("test", standard=True, remove='x').include_by_default()
- # Feature must have either kwargs, removes, or require_features
- with pytest.raises(DistutilsSetupError):
- Feature("test")
- def testAvailability(self):
- with pytest.raises(DistutilsPlatformError):
- self.dist.features['dwim'].include_in(self.dist)
- def testFeatureOptions(self):
- dist = self.dist
- assert (
- ('with-dwim', None, 'include DWIM') in dist.feature_options
- )
- assert (
- ('without-dwim', None, 'exclude DWIM (default)') in dist.feature_options
- )
- assert (
- ('with-bar', None, 'include bar (default)') in dist.feature_options
- )
- assert (
- ('without-bar', None, 'exclude bar') in dist.feature_options
- )
- assert dist.feature_negopt['without-foo'] == 'with-foo'
- assert dist.feature_negopt['without-bar'] == 'with-bar'
- assert dist.feature_negopt['without-dwim'] == 'with-dwim'
- assert ('without-baz' not in dist.feature_negopt)
- def testUseFeatures(self):
- dist = self.dist
- assert dist.with_foo == 1
- assert dist.with_bar == 0
- assert dist.with_baz == 1
- assert ('bar_et' not in dist.py_modules)
- assert ('pkg.bar' not in dist.packages)
- assert ('pkg.baz' in dist.packages)
- assert ('scripts/baz_it' in dist.scripts)
- assert (('libfoo', 'foo/foofoo.c') in dist.libraries)
- assert dist.ext_modules == []
- assert dist.require_features == [self.req]
- # If we ask for bar, it should fail because we explicitly disabled
- # it on the command line
- with pytest.raises(DistutilsOptionError):
- dist.include_feature('bar')
- def testFeatureWithInvalidRemove(self):
- with pytest.raises(SystemExit):
- makeSetup(features={'x': Feature('x', remove='y')})
class TestCommandTests:
def testTestIsCommand(self):
test_cmd = makeSetup().get_command_obj('test')
@@ -366,3 +295,16 @@ def test_findall_missing_symlink(tmpdir, can_symlink):
os.symlink('foo', 'bar')
found = list(setuptools.findall())
assert found == []
+def test_its_own_wheel_does_not_contain_tests(setuptools_wheel):
+ with ZipFile(setuptools_wheel) as zipfile:
+ contents = [f.replace(os.sep, '/') for f in zipfile.namelist()]
+ for member in contents:
+ assert '/tests/' not in member
+def test_convert_path_deprecated():
+ with pytest.warns(setuptools.SetuptoolsDeprecationWarning):
+ setuptools.convert_path('setuptools/tests')
diff --git a/setuptools/tests/test_test.py b/setuptools/tests/test_test.py
index 960527b..530474d 100644
--- a/setuptools/tests/test_test.py
+++ b/setuptools/tests/test_test.py
@@ -1,131 +1,40 @@
-# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
-from __future__ import unicode_literals
-from distutils import log
-import os
-import sys
import pytest
+from jaraco import path
from setuptools.command.test import test
from setuptools.dist import Distribution
from .textwrap import DALS
-from . import contexts
- from setuptools import setup
- setup(name='foo',
- packages=['name', 'name.space', 'name.space.tests'],
- namespace_packages=['name'],
- test_suite='name.space.tests.test_suite',
- )
- """)
- # -*- coding: Latin-1 -*-
- # Söme Arbiträry Ünicode to test Distribute Issüé 310
- try:
- __import__('pkg_resources').declare_namespace(__name__)
- except ImportError:
- from pkgutil import extend_path
- __path__ = extend_path(__path__, __name__)
- """)
- import unittest
- class TestTest(unittest.TestCase):
- def test_test(self):
- print "Foo" # Should fail under Python 3 unless 2to3 is used
- test_suite = unittest.makeSuite(TestTest)
- """)
-def sample_test(tmpdir_cwd):
- os.makedirs('name/space/tests')
- # setup.py
- with open('setup.py', 'wt') as f:
- f.write(SETUP_PY)
- # name/__init__.py
- with open('name/__init__.py', 'wb') as f:
- f.write(NS_INIT.encode('Latin-1'))
- # name/space/__init__.py
- with open('name/space/__init__.py', 'wt') as f:
- f.write('#empty\n')
- # name/space/tests/__init__.py
- with open('name/space/tests/__init__.py', 'wt') as f:
- f.write(TEST_PY)
-def quiet_log():
- # Running some of the other tests will automatically
- # change the log level to info, messing our output.
- log.set_verbosity(0)
-@pytest.mark.usefixtures('sample_test', 'quiet_log')
-def test_test(capfd):
- params = dict(
- name='foo',
- packages=['name', 'name.space', 'name.space.tests'],
- namespace_packages=['name'],
- test_suite='name.space.tests.test_suite',
- use_2to3=True,
- )
- dist = Distribution(params)
- dist.script_name = 'setup.py'
- cmd = test(dist)
- cmd.ensure_finalized()
- # The test runner calls sys.exit
- with contexts.suppress_exceptions(SystemExit):
- cmd.run()
- out, err = capfd.readouterr()
- assert out == 'Foo\n'
- sys.version_info < (2, 7),
- reason="No discover support for unittest on Python 2.6",
-@pytest.mark.usefixtures('tmpdir_cwd', 'quiet_log')
def test_tests_are_run_once(capfd):
params = dict(
- name='foo',
- with open('setup.py', 'wt') as f:
- f.write('from setuptools import setup; setup(\n')
- for k, v in sorted(params.items()):
- f.write(' %s=%r,\n' % (k, v))
- f.write(')\n')
- os.makedirs('dummy')
- with open('dummy/__init__.py', 'wt'):
- pass
- with open('dummy/test_dummy.py', 'wt') as f:
- f.write(DALS(
- """
- from __future__ import print_function
- import unittest
- class TestTest(unittest.TestCase):
- def test_test(self):
- print('Foo')
- """))
+ files = {
+ 'setup.py':
+ 'from setuptools import setup; setup('
+ + ','.join(f'{name}={params[name]!r}' for name in params)
+ + ')',
+ 'dummy': {
+ '__init__.py': '',
+ 'test_dummy.py': DALS(
+ """
+ import unittest
+ class TestTest(unittest.TestCase):
+ def test_test(self):
+ print('Foo')
+ """
+ ),
+ },
+ }
+ path.build(files)
dist = Distribution(params)
dist.script_name = 'setup.py'
cmd = test(dist)
- # The test runner calls sys.exit
- with contexts.suppress_exceptions(SystemExit):
- cmd.run()
+ cmd.run()
out, err = capfd.readouterr()
- assert out == 'Foo\n'
+ assert out.endswith('Foo\n')
+ assert len(out.split('Foo')) == 2
diff --git a/setuptools/tests/test_upload.py b/setuptools/tests/test_upload.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7586cb2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setuptools/tests/test_upload.py
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+from setuptools.command.upload import upload
+from setuptools.dist import Distribution
+from setuptools.errors import RemovedCommandError
+ from unittest import mock
+except ImportError:
+ import mock
+import pytest
+class TestUpload:
+ def test_upload_exception(self):
+ """Ensure that the register command has been properly removed."""
+ dist = Distribution()
+ dist.dist_files = [(mock.Mock(), mock.Mock(), mock.Mock())]
+ cmd = upload(dist)
+ with pytest.raises(RemovedCommandError):
+ cmd.run()
diff --git a/setuptools/tests/test_upload_docs.py b/setuptools/tests/test_upload_docs.py
deleted file mode 100644
index a26e32a..0000000
--- a/setuptools/tests/test_upload_docs.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-import os
-import zipfile
-import contextlib
-import pytest
-from setuptools.command.upload_docs import upload_docs
-from setuptools.dist import Distribution
-from .textwrap import DALS
-from . import contexts
- """
- from setuptools import setup
- setup(name='foo')
- """)
-def sample_project(tmpdir_cwd):
- # setup.py
- with open('setup.py', 'wt') as f:
- f.write(SETUP_PY)
- os.mkdir('build')
- # A test document.
- with open('build/index.html', 'w') as f:
- f.write("Hello world.")
- # An empty folder.
- os.mkdir('build/empty')
-class TestUploadDocsTest:
- def test_create_zipfile(self):
- """
- Ensure zipfile creation handles common cases, including a folder
- containing an empty folder.
- """
- dist = Distribution()
- cmd = upload_docs(dist)
- cmd.target_dir = cmd.upload_dir = 'build'
- with contexts.tempdir() as tmp_dir:
- tmp_file = os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'foo.zip')
- zip_file = cmd.create_zipfile(tmp_file)
- assert zipfile.is_zipfile(tmp_file)
- with contextlib.closing(zipfile.ZipFile(tmp_file)) as zip_file:
- assert zip_file.namelist() == ['index.html']
- def test_build_multipart(self):
- data = dict(
- a="foo",
- b="bar",
- file=('file.txt', b'content'),
- )
- body, content_type = upload_docs._build_multipart(data)
- assert 'form-data' in content_type
- assert "b'" not in content_type
- assert 'b"' not in content_type
- assert isinstance(body, bytes)
- assert b'foo' in body
- assert b'content' in body
diff --git a/setuptools/tests/test_virtualenv.py b/setuptools/tests/test_virtualenv.py
index b66a311..6535854 100644
--- a/setuptools/tests/test_virtualenv.py
+++ b/setuptools/tests/test_virtualenv.py
@@ -1,94 +1,101 @@
-import glob
import os
import sys
+import subprocess
+from urllib.request import urlopen
+from urllib.error import URLError
-import pytest
-from pytest import yield_fixture
-from pytest_fixture_config import yield_requires_config
+import pathlib
-import pytest_virtualenv
+import pytest
+from . import contexts
from .textwrap import DALS
from .test_easy_install import make_nspkg_sdist
-def pytest_virtualenv_works(virtualenv):
+def pytest_virtualenv_works(venv):
pytest_virtualenv may not work. if it doesn't, skip these
tests. See #1284.
- venv_prefix = virtualenv.run(
- 'python -c "import sys; print(sys.prefix)"',
- capture=True,
- ).strip()
+ venv_prefix = venv.run(["python" , "-c", "import sys; print(sys.prefix)"]).strip()
if venv_prefix == sys.prefix:
pytest.skip("virtualenv is broken (see pypa/setuptools#1284)")
-@yield_requires_config(pytest_virtualenv.CONFIG, ['virtualenv_executable'])
-def bare_virtualenv():
- """ Bare virtualenv (no pip/setuptools/wheel).
- """
- with pytest_virtualenv.VirtualEnv(args=(
- '--no-wheel',
- '--no-pip',
- '--no-setuptools',
- )) as venv:
- yield venv
-SOURCE_DIR = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../..')
-def test_clean_env_install(bare_virtualenv):
+def test_clean_env_install(venv_without_setuptools, setuptools_wheel):
Check setuptools can be installed in a clean environment.
- bare_virtualenv.run(' && '.join((
- 'cd {source}',
- 'python setup.py install',
- )).format(source=SOURCE_DIR))
-def test_pip_upgrade_from_source(virtualenv):
+ cmd = ["python", "-m", "pip", "install", str(setuptools_wheel)]
+ venv_without_setuptools.run(cmd)
+def access_pypi():
+ # Detect if tests are being run without connectivity
+ if not os.environ.get('NETWORK_REQUIRED', False): # pragma: nocover
+ try:
+ urlopen('https://pypi.org', timeout=1)
+ except URLError:
+ # No network, disable most of these tests
+ return False
+ return True
+ 'platform.python_implementation() == "PyPy"',
+ reason="https://github.com/pypa/setuptools/pull/2865#issuecomment-965834995",
+@pytest.mark.skipif(not access_pypi(), reason="no network")
+# ^-- Even when it is not necessary to install a different version of `pip`
+# the build process will still try to download `wheel`, see #3147 and #2986.
+ 'pip_version',
+ [
+ None,
+ pytest.param('pip<20', marks=pytest.mark.xfail(reason='pypa/pip#6599')),
+ 'pip<20.1',
+ 'pip<21',
+ 'pip<22',
+ pytest.param(
+ 'https://github.com/pypa/pip/archive/main.zip',
+ marks=pytest.mark.xfail(reason='#2975'),
+ ),
+ ]
+def test_pip_upgrade_from_source(pip_version, venv_without_setuptools,
+ setuptools_wheel, setuptools_sdist):
Check pip can upgrade setuptools from source.
- dist_dir = virtualenv.workspace
- if sys.version_info < (2, 7):
- # Python 2.6 support was dropped in wheel 0.30.0.
- virtualenv.run('pip install -U "wheel<0.30.0"')
- # Generate source distribution / wheel.
- virtualenv.run(' && '.join((
- 'cd {source}',
- 'python setup.py -q sdist -d {dist}',
- 'python setup.py -q bdist_wheel -d {dist}',
- )).format(source=SOURCE_DIR, dist=dist_dir))
- sdist = glob.glob(os.path.join(dist_dir, '*.zip'))[0]
- wheel = glob.glob(os.path.join(dist_dir, '*.whl'))[0]
- # Then update from wheel.
- virtualenv.run('pip install ' + wheel)
+ # Install pip/wheel, in a venv without setuptools (as it
+ # should not be needed for bootstraping from source)
+ venv = venv_without_setuptools
+ venv.run(["pip", "install", "-U", "wheel"])
+ if pip_version is not None:
+ venv.run(["python", "-m", "pip", "install", "-U", pip_version, "--retries=1"])
+ with pytest.raises(subprocess.CalledProcessError):
+ # Meta-test to make sure setuptools is not installed
+ venv.run(["python", "-c", "import setuptools"])
+ # Then install from wheel.
+ venv.run(["pip", "install", str(setuptools_wheel)])
# And finally try to upgrade from source.
- virtualenv.run('pip install --no-cache-dir --upgrade ' + sdist)
+ venv.run(["pip", "install", "--no-cache-dir", "--upgrade", str(setuptools_sdist)])
-def test_test_command_install_requirements(bare_virtualenv, tmpdir):
+def _check_test_command_install_requirements(venv, tmpdir):
Check the test command will install all required dependencies.
- bare_virtualenv.run(' && '.join((
- 'cd {source}',
- 'python setup.py develop',
- )).format(source=SOURCE_DIR))
def sdist(distname, version):
dist_path = tmpdir.join('%s-%s.tar.gz' % (distname, version))
make_nspkg_sdist(str(dist_path), distname, version)
return dist_path
dependency_links = [
- str(dist_path)
+ pathlib.Path(str(dist_path)).as_uri()
for dist_path in (
sdist('foobar', '2.4'),
sdist('bits', '4.2'),
@@ -131,9 +138,24 @@ def test_test_command_install_requirements(bare_virtualenv, tmpdir):
open('success', 'w').close()
- # Run test command for test package.
- bare_virtualenv.run(' && '.join((
- 'cd {tmpdir}',
- 'python setup.py test -s test',
- )).format(tmpdir=tmpdir))
+ cmd = ["python", 'setup.py', 'test', '-s', 'test']
+ venv.run(cmd, cwd=str(tmpdir))
assert tmpdir.join('success').check()
+def test_test_command_install_requirements(venv, tmpdir, tmpdir_cwd):
+ # Ensure pip/wheel packages are installed.
+ venv.run(["python", "-c", "__import__('pkg_resources').require(['pip', 'wheel'])"])
+ # disable index URL so bits and bobs aren't requested from PyPI
+ with contexts.environment(PYTHONPATH=None, PIP_NO_INDEX="1"):
+ _check_test_command_install_requirements(venv, tmpdir)
+def test_no_missing_dependencies(bare_venv, request):
+ """
+ Quick and dirty test to ensure all external dependencies are vendored.
+ """
+ setuptools_dir = request.config.rootdir
+ for command in ('upload',): # sorted(distutils.command.__all__):
+ bare_venv.run(['python', 'setup.py', command, '-h'], cwd=setuptools_dir)
diff --git a/setuptools/tests/test_wheel.py b/setuptools/tests/test_wheel.py
index 150ac4c..a15c3a4 100644
--- a/setuptools/tests/test_wheel.py
+++ b/setuptools/tests/test_wheel.py
@@ -9,16 +9,20 @@ import contextlib
import glob
import inspect
import os
+import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
+import zipfile
import pytest
+from jaraco import path
from pkg_resources import Distribution, PathMetadata, PY_MAJOR
+from setuptools.extern.packaging.utils import canonicalize_name
+from setuptools.extern.packaging.tags import parse_tag
from setuptools.wheel import Wheel
from .contexts import tempdir
-from .files import build_files
from .textwrap import DALS
@@ -58,6 +62,7 @@ WHEEL_INFO_TESTS = (
('filename', 'info'), WHEEL_INFO_TESTS,
ids=[t[0] for t in WHEEL_INFO_TESTS]
@@ -86,7 +91,7 @@ def build_wheel(extra_file_defs=None, **kwargs):
if extra_file_defs:
with tempdir() as source_dir:
- build_files(file_defs, source_dir)
+ path.build(file_defs, source_dir)
subprocess.check_call((sys.executable, 'setup.py',
'-q', 'bdist_wheel'), cwd=source_dir)
yield glob.glob(os.path.join(source_dir, 'dist', '*.whl'))[0]
@@ -118,11 +123,12 @@ def flatten_tree(tree):
def format_install_tree(tree):
- return {x.format(
- py_version=PY_MAJOR,
- platform=get_platform(),
- shlib_ext=get_config_var('EXT_SUFFIX') or get_config_var('SO'))
- for x in tree}
+ return {
+ x.format(
+ py_version=PY_MAJOR,
+ platform=get_platform(),
+ shlib_ext=get_config_var('EXT_SUFFIX') or get_config_var('SO'))
+ for x in tree}
def _check_wheel_install(filename, install_dir, install_tree_includes,
@@ -142,10 +148,11 @@ def _check_wheel_install(filename, install_dir, install_tree_includes,
if requires_txt is None:
assert not dist.has_metadata('requires.txt')
+ # Order must match to ensure reproducibility.
assert requires_txt == dist.get_metadata('requires.txt').lstrip()
-class Record(object):
+class Record:
def __init__(self, id, **kwargs):
self._id = id
@@ -414,6 +421,38 @@ WHEEL_INSTALL_TESTS = (
+ id='requires_ensure_order',
+ install_requires='''
+ foo
+ bar
+ baz
+ qux
+ ''',
+ extras_require={
+ 'extra': '''
+ foobar>3
+ barbaz>4
+ bazqux>5
+ quxzap>6
+ ''',
+ },
+ requires_txt=DALS(
+ '''
+ foo
+ bar
+ baz
+ qux
+ [extra]
+ foobar>3
+ barbaz>4
+ bazqux>5
+ quxzap>6
+ '''
+ ),
+ ),
+ dict(
'foo': {
@@ -445,6 +484,35 @@ WHEEL_INSTALL_TESTS = (
+ id='empty_namespace_package',
+ file_defs={
+ 'foobar': {
+ '__init__.py':
+ "__import__('pkg_resources').declare_namespace(__name__)",
+ },
+ },
+ setup_kwargs=dict(
+ namespace_packages=['foobar'],
+ packages=['foobar'],
+ ),
+ install_tree=flatten_tree({
+ 'foo-1.0-py{py_version}.egg': [
+ 'foo-1.0-py{py_version}-nspkg.pth',
+ {'EGG-INFO': [
+ 'WHEEL',
+ 'namespace_packages.txt',
+ 'top_level.txt',
+ ]},
+ {'foobar': [
+ '__init__.py',
+ ]},
+ ]
+ }),
+ ),
+ dict(
'foo': {
@@ -482,6 +550,7 @@ WHEEL_INSTALL_TESTS = (
ids=list(params['id'] for params in WHEEL_INSTALL_TESTS),
@@ -506,3 +575,42 @@ def test_wheel_install(params):
_check_wheel_install(filename, install_dir,
install_tree, project_name,
version, requires_txt)
+def test_wheel_install_pep_503():
+ project_name = 'Foo_Bar' # PEP 503 canonicalized name is "foo-bar"
+ version = '1.0'
+ with build_wheel(
+ name=project_name,
+ version=version,
+ ) as filename, tempdir() as install_dir:
+ new_filename = filename.replace(project_name,
+ canonicalize_name(project_name))
+ shutil.move(filename, new_filename)
+ _check_wheel_install(new_filename, install_dir, None,
+ canonicalize_name(project_name),
+ version, None)
+def test_wheel_no_dist_dir():
+ project_name = 'nodistinfo'
+ version = '1.0'
+ wheel_name = '{0}-{1}-py2.py3-none-any.whl'.format(project_name, version)
+ with tempdir() as source_dir:
+ wheel_path = os.path.join(source_dir, wheel_name)
+ # create an empty zip file
+ zipfile.ZipFile(wheel_path, 'w').close()
+ with tempdir() as install_dir:
+ with pytest.raises(ValueError):
+ _check_wheel_install(wheel_path, install_dir, None,
+ project_name,
+ version, None)
+def test_wheel_is_compatible(monkeypatch):
+ def sys_tags():
+ for t in parse_tag('cp36-cp36m-manylinux1_x86_64'):
+ yield t
+ monkeypatch.setattr('setuptools.wheel.sys_tags', sys_tags)
+ assert Wheel(
+ 'onnxruntime-0.1.2-cp36-cp36m-manylinux1_x86_64.whl').is_compatible()
diff --git a/setuptools/tests/test_windows_wrappers.py b/setuptools/tests/test_windows_wrappers.py
index d2871c0..8ac9bd0 100644
--- a/setuptools/tests/test_windows_wrappers.py
+++ b/setuptools/tests/test_windows_wrappers.py
@@ -12,9 +12,8 @@ the script they are to wrap and with the same name as the script they
are to wrap.
-from __future__ import absolute_import
import sys
+import platform
import textwrap
import subprocess
@@ -53,10 +52,20 @@ class WrapperTester:
+def win_launcher_exe(prefix):
+ """ A simple routine to select launcher script based on platform."""
+ assert prefix in ('cli', 'gui')
+ if platform.machine() == "ARM64":
+ return "{}-arm64.exe".format(prefix)
+ else:
+ return "{}-32.exe".format(prefix)
class TestCLI(WrapperTester):
script_name = 'foo-script.py'
- wrapper_source = 'cli-32.exe'
wrapper_name = 'foo.exe'
+ wrapper_source = win_launcher_exe('cli')
script_tmpl = textwrap.dedent("""
import sys
@@ -97,7 +106,8 @@ class TestCLI(WrapperTester):
'arg 4\\',
'arg5 a\\\\b',
- proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE)
+ proc = subprocess.Popen(
+ cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE)
stdout, stderr = proc.communicate('hello\nworld\n'.encode('ascii'))
actual = stdout.decode('ascii').replace('\r\n', '\n')
expected = textwrap.dedent(r"""
@@ -134,7 +144,11 @@ class TestCLI(WrapperTester):
with (tmpdir / 'foo-script.py').open('w') as f:
cmd = [str(tmpdir / 'foo.exe')]
- proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
+ proc = subprocess.Popen(
+ cmd,
+ stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+ stdin=subprocess.PIPE,
+ stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
stdout, stderr = proc.communicate()
actual = stdout.decode('ascii').replace('\r\n', '\n')
expected = textwrap.dedent(r"""
@@ -152,7 +166,7 @@ class TestGUI(WrapperTester):
script_name = 'bar-script.pyw'
- wrapper_source = 'gui-32.exe'
+ wrapper_source = win_launcher_exe('gui')
wrapper_name = 'bar.exe'
script_tmpl = textwrap.dedent("""
@@ -164,7 +178,7 @@ class TestGUI(WrapperTester):
def test_basic(self, tmpdir):
- """Test the GUI version with the simple scipt, bar-script.py"""
+ """Test the GUI version with the simple script, bar-script.py"""
cmd = [
@@ -172,7 +186,9 @@ class TestGUI(WrapperTester):
str(tmpdir / 'test_output.txt'),
'Test Argument',
- proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
+ proc = subprocess.Popen(
+ cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE,
+ stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
stdout, stderr = proc.communicate()
assert not stdout
assert not stderr
diff --git a/setuptools/tests/text.py b/setuptools/tests/text.py
index ad2c624..e05cc63 100644
--- a/setuptools/tests/text.py
+++ b/setuptools/tests/text.py
@@ -1,8 +1,3 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-from __future__ import unicode_literals
class Filenames:
unicode = 'smörbröd.py'
latin_1 = unicode.encode('latin-1')
diff --git a/setuptools/tests/textwrap.py b/setuptools/tests/textwrap.py
index 5cd9e5b..5e39618 100644
--- a/setuptools/tests/textwrap.py
+++ b/setuptools/tests/textwrap.py
@@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
-from __future__ import absolute_import
import textwrap