[pytest] norecursedirs=dist build .tox .eggs addopts= --doctest-modules --doctest-glob=pkg_resources/api_tests.txt -r sxX doctest_optionflags=ALLOW_UNICODE ELLIPSIS filterwarnings= # Fail on warnings error ## upstream # Suppress deprecation warning in flake8 ignore:SelectableGroups dict interface is deprecated::flake8 # shopkeep/pytest-black#55 ignore: is not using a cooperative constructor:pytest.PytestDeprecationWarning ignore:The \(fspath. py.path.local\) argument to BlackItem is deprecated.:pytest.PytestDeprecationWarning ignore:BlackItem is an Item subclass and should not be a collector:pytest.PytestWarning # tholo/pytest-flake8#83 ignore: is not using a cooperative constructor:pytest.PytestDeprecationWarning ignore:The \(fspath. py.path.local\) argument to Flake8Item is deprecated.:pytest.PytestDeprecationWarning ignore:Flake8Item is an Item subclass and should not be a collector:pytest.PytestWarning # dbader/pytest-mypy#131 ignore:The \(fspath. py.path.local\) argument to MypyFile is deprecated.:pytest.PytestDeprecationWarning ## end upstream # https://github.com/pypa/setuptools/issues/1823 ignore:bdist_wininst command is deprecated # Suppress this error; unimportant for CI tests ignore:Extraction path is writable by group/others:UserWarning # Suppress weird RuntimeWarning. ignore:Parent module 'setuptools' not found while handling absolute import:RuntimeWarning # Suppress use of bytes for filenames on Windows until fixed #2016 ignore:The Windows bytes API has been deprecated:DeprecationWarning # https://github.com/pypa/setuptools/issues/2823 ignore:setuptools.installer is deprecated. # https://github.com/pypa/setuptools/issues/917 ignore:setup.py install is deprecated. ignore:easy_install command is deprecated. # https://github.com/pypa/setuptools/issues/2497 ignore:.* is an invalid version and will not be supported::pkg_resources # https://github.com/pypa/setuptools/pull/2865#issuecomment-965700112 # ideally would apply to Python 3.10+ when # SETUPTOOLS_USE_DISTUTILS=stdlib but for # https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/discussions/9296 ignore:The distutils.sysconfig module is deprecated, use sysconfig instead ignore:The distutils package is deprecated.* # Workaround for pypa/setuptools#2868 # ideally would apply to PyPy only but for # https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/discussions/9296 ignore:Distutils was imported before setuptools ignore:Setuptools is replacing distutils ignore:Support for project metadata in .pyproject.toml. is still experimental