// Copyright (c) 2016, the R8 project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package com.android.tools.r8.graph; import com.android.tools.r8.dex.IndexedItemCollection; import com.android.tools.r8.dex.MixedSectionCollection; import com.android.tools.r8.graph.DexValue.DexValueAnnotation; import com.android.tools.r8.graph.DexValue.DexValueArray; import com.android.tools.r8.graph.DexValue.DexValueInt; import com.android.tools.r8.graph.DexValue.DexValueMethod; import com.android.tools.r8.graph.DexValue.DexValueNull; import com.android.tools.r8.graph.DexValue.DexValueString; import com.android.tools.r8.graph.DexValue.DexValueType; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; public class DexAnnotation extends DexItem { public static final int VISIBILITY_BUILD = 0x00; public static final int VISIBILITY_RUNTIME = 0x01; public static final int VISIBILITY_SYSTEM = 0x02; public final int visibility; public final DexEncodedAnnotation annotation; public DexAnnotation(int visibility, DexEncodedAnnotation annotation) { this.visibility = visibility; this.annotation = annotation; } @Override public int hashCode() { return visibility + annotation.hashCode() * 3; } @Override public boolean equals(Object other) { if (this == other) { return true; } if (other instanceof DexAnnotation) { DexAnnotation o = (DexAnnotation) other; return (visibility == o.visibility) && annotation.equals(o.annotation); } return false; } @Override public String toString() { return visibility + " " + annotation; } @Override public void collectIndexedItems(IndexedItemCollection indexedItems) { annotation.collectIndexedItems(indexedItems); } @Override void collectMixedSectionItems(MixedSectionCollection mixedItems) { mixedItems.add(this); } public static DexAnnotation createEnclosingClassAnnotation(DexType enclosingClass, DexItemFactory factory) { return createSystemValueAnnotation(factory.annotationEnclosingClass, factory, new DexValueType(enclosingClass)); } public static DexAnnotation createEnclosingMethodAnnotation(DexMethod enclosingMethod, DexItemFactory factory) { return createSystemValueAnnotation(factory.annotationEnclosingMethod, factory, new DexValueMethod(enclosingMethod)); } public static boolean isEnclosingClassAnnotation(DexAnnotation annotation, DexItemFactory factory) { return annotation.annotation.type == factory.annotationEnclosingClass; } public static boolean isEnclosingMethodAnnotation(DexAnnotation annotation, DexItemFactory factory) { return annotation.annotation.type == factory.annotationEnclosingMethod; } public static boolean isInnerClassesAnnotation(DexAnnotation annotation, DexItemFactory factory) { return annotation.annotation.type == factory.annotationMemberClasses || annotation.annotation.type == factory.annotationInnerClass; } public static DexAnnotation createInnerClassAnnotation(String clazz, int access, DexItemFactory factory) { return new DexAnnotation(VISIBILITY_SYSTEM, new DexEncodedAnnotation(factory.annotationInnerClass, new DexAnnotationElement[]{ new DexAnnotationElement( factory.createString("accessFlags"), DexValueInt.create(access)), new DexAnnotationElement( factory.createString("name"), (clazz == null) ? DexValueNull.NULL : new DexValueString(factory.createString(clazz))) })); } public static DexAnnotation createMemberClassesAnnotation(List classes, DexItemFactory factory) { DexValue[] values = new DexValue[classes.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < classes.size(); i++) { values[i] = new DexValueType(classes.get(i)); } return createSystemValueAnnotation(factory.annotationMemberClasses, factory, new DexValueArray(values)); } public static DexAnnotation createSourceDebugExtensionAnnotation(DexValue value, DexItemFactory factory) { return new DexAnnotation(VISIBILITY_SYSTEM, new DexEncodedAnnotation(factory.annotationSourceDebugExtension, new DexAnnotationElement[] { new DexAnnotationElement(factory.createString("value"), value) })); } public static DexAnnotation createMethodParametersAnnotation(DexValue[] names, DexValue[] accessFlags, DexItemFactory factory) { assert names.length == accessFlags.length; return new DexAnnotation(VISIBILITY_SYSTEM, new DexEncodedAnnotation(factory.annotationMethodParameters, new DexAnnotationElement[]{ new DexAnnotationElement( factory.createString("names"), new DexValueArray(names)), new DexAnnotationElement( factory.createString("accessFlags"), new DexValueArray(accessFlags)) })); } public static DexAnnotation createAnnotationDefaultAnnotation(DexType type, List defaults, DexItemFactory factory) { return createSystemValueAnnotation(factory.annotationDefault, factory, new DexValueAnnotation( new DexEncodedAnnotation(type, defaults.toArray(new DexAnnotationElement[defaults.size()]))) ); } public static DexAnnotation createSignatureAnnotation(String signature, DexItemFactory factory) { return createSystemValueAnnotation(factory.annotationSignature, factory, compressSignature(signature, factory)); } public static DexAnnotation createThrowsAnnotation(DexValue[] exceptions, DexItemFactory factory) { return createSystemValueAnnotation(factory.annotationThrows, factory, new DexValueArray(exceptions)); } private static DexAnnotation createSystemValueAnnotation(DexType type, DexItemFactory factory, DexValue value) { return new DexAnnotation(VISIBILITY_SYSTEM, new DexEncodedAnnotation(type, new DexAnnotationElement[]{ new DexAnnotationElement(factory.createString("value"), value) })); } public static boolean isThrowingAnnotation(DexAnnotation annotation, DexItemFactory factory) { return annotation.annotation.type == factory.annotationThrows; } public static boolean isSignatureAnnotation(DexAnnotation annotation, DexItemFactory factory) { return annotation.annotation.type == factory.annotationSignature; } public static boolean isSourceDebugExtension(DexAnnotation annotation, DexItemFactory factory) { return annotation.annotation.type == factory.annotationSourceDebugExtension; } /** * As a simple heuristic for compressing a signature by splitting on fully qualified class names * and make them individual part. All other parts of the signature are simply grouped and separate * the names. * For examples, "()Ljava/lang/List;" splits into: *
   *   ["()", "Ljava/lang/List<", "Lfoo/bar/Baz;", ">;"]
*/ private static DexValue compressSignature(String signature, DexItemFactory factory) { final int length = signature.length(); List parts = new ArrayList<>(); for (int at = 0; at < length; /*at*/) { char c = signature.charAt(at); int endAt = at + 1; if (c == 'L') { // Scan to ';' or '<' and consume them. while (endAt < length) { c = signature.charAt(endAt); if (c == ';' || c == '<') { endAt++; break; } endAt++; } } else { // Scan to 'L' without consuming it. while (endAt < length) { c = signature.charAt(endAt); if (c == 'L') { break; } endAt++; } } parts.add(toDexValue(signature.substring(at, endAt), factory)); at = endAt; } return new DexValueArray(parts.toArray(new DexValue[parts.size()])); } private static DexValue toDexValue(String string, DexItemFactory factory) { return new DexValueString(factory.createString(string)); } }