path: root/regtest.sh
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'regtest.sh')
1 files changed, 440 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/regtest.sh b/regtest.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..d21edc2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/regtest.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,440 @@
+usage() {
+echo "
+ Run end-to-end tests in parallel.
+ Usage:
+ ./regtest.sh <function name>
+ At the end, it will print an HTML summary.
+ Three main functions are
+ run [<pattern> [<lang>]] - run tests matching <pattern> in
+ parallel. The language
+ of the client to use.
+ run-seq [<pattern> [<lang>]] - ditto, except that tests are run
+ sequentially
+ run-all - run all tests, in parallel
+ Examples:
+ $ ./regtest.sh run-seq unif-small-typical # Run, the unif-small-typical test
+ $ ./regtest.sh run-seq unif-small- # Sequential, the tests containing:
+ # 'unif-small-'
+ $ ./regtest.sh run unif- # Parallel run, matches multiple cases
+ $ ./regtest.sh run-all # Run all tests
+ The <pattern> argument is a regex in 'grep -E' format. (Detail: Don't
+ use $ in the pattern, since it matches the whole spec line and not just the
+ test case name.) The number of processors used in a parallel run is one less
+ than the number of CPUs on the machine.
+# Future speedups:
+# - Reuse the same input -- come up with naming scheme based on params
+# - Reuse the same maps -- ditto, rappor library can cache it
+set -o nounset
+set -o pipefail
+set -o errexit
+. util.sh
+readonly THIS_DIR=$(dirname $0)
+readonly CLIENT_DIR=$REPO_ROOT/client/python
+# subdirs are in _tmp/$impl, which shouldn't overlap with anything else in _tmp
+readonly REGTEST_BASE_DIR=_tmp
+# All the Python tools need this
+print-unique-values() {
+ local num_unique_values=$1
+ seq 1 $num_unique_values | awk '{print "v" $1}'
+# Add some more candidates here. We hope these are estimated at 0.
+# e.g. if add_start=51, and num_additional is 20, show v51-v70
+more-candidates() {
+ local last_true=$1
+ local num_additional=$2
+ local begin
+ local end
+ begin=$(expr $last_true + 1)
+ end=$(expr $last_true + $num_additional)
+ seq $begin $end | awk '{print "v" $1}'
+# Args:
+# unique_values: File of unique true values
+# last_true: last true input, e.g. 50 if we generated "v1" .. "v50".
+# num_additional: additional candidates to generate (starting at 'last_true')
+# to_remove: Regex of true values to omit from the candidates list, or the
+# string 'NONE' if none should be. (Our values look like 'v1', 'v2', etc. so
+# there isn't any ambiguity.)
+print-candidates() {
+ local unique_values=$1
+ local last_true=$2
+ local num_additional=$3
+ local to_remove=$4
+ if test $to_remove = NONE; then
+ cat $unique_values # include all true inputs
+ else
+ egrep -v $to_remove $unique_values # remove some true inputs
+ fi
+ more-candidates $last_true $num_additional
+# Generate a single test case, specified by a line of the test spec.
+# This is a helper function for _run_tests().
+_setup-one-case() {
+ local impl=$1
+ shift # impl is not part of the spec; the next 13 params are
+ local test_case=$1
+ # input params
+ local dist=$2
+ local num_unique_values=$3
+ local num_clients=$4
+ local values_per_client=$5
+ # RAPPOR params
+ local num_bits=$6
+ local num_hashes=$7
+ local num_cohorts=$8
+ local p=$9
+ local q=${10} # need curly braces to get the 10th arg
+ local f=${11}
+ # map params
+ local num_additional=${12}
+ local to_remove=${13}
+ banner 'Setting up parameters and candidate files for '$test_case
+ local case_dir=$REGTEST_BASE_DIR/$impl/$test_case
+ mkdir --verbose -p $case_dir
+ # Save the "spec"
+ echo "$@" > $case_dir/spec.txt
+ local params_path=$case_dir/case_params.csv
+ echo 'k,h,m,p,q,f' > $params_path
+ echo "$num_bits,$num_hashes,$num_cohorts,$p,$q,$f" >> $params_path
+ print-unique-values $num_unique_values > $case_dir/case_unique_values.txt
+ local true_map_path=$case_dir/case_true_map.csv
+ bin/hash_candidates.py \
+ $params_path \
+ < $case_dir/case_unique_values.txt \
+ > $true_map_path
+ # banner "Constructing candidates"
+ print-candidates \
+ $case_dir/case_unique_values.txt $num_unique_values \
+ $num_additional "$to_remove" \
+ > $case_dir/case_candidates.txt
+ # banner "Hashing candidates to get 'map'"
+ bin/hash_candidates.py \
+ $params_path \
+ < $case_dir/case_candidates.txt \
+ > $case_dir/case_map.csv
+# Run a single test instance, specified by <test_name, instance_num>.
+# This is a helper function for _run_tests().
+_run-one-instance() {
+ local test_case=$1
+ local test_instance=$2
+ local impl=$3
+ local case_dir=$REGTEST_BASE_DIR/$impl/$test_case
+ read -r \
+ case_name distr num_unique_values num_clients values_per_client \
+ num_bits num_hashes num_cohorts p q f \
+ num_additional to_remove \
+ < $case_dir/spec.txt
+ local instance_dir=$case_dir/$test_instance
+ mkdir --verbose -p $instance_dir
+ banner "Generating reports (gen_reports.R)"
+ # the TRUE_VALUES_PATH environment variable can be used to avoid
+ # generating new values every time. NOTE: You are responsible for making
+ # sure the params match!
+ local true_values=${TRUE_VALUES_PATH:-}
+ if test -z "$true_values"; then
+ true_values=$instance_dir/case_true_values.csv
+ tests/gen_true_values.R $distr $num_unique_values $num_clients \
+ $values_per_client $num_cohorts \
+ $true_values
+ else
+ # TEMP hack: Make it visible to plot.
+ # TODO: Fix compare_dist.R
+ ln -s -f --verbose \
+ $PWD/$true_values \
+ $instance_dir/case_true_values.csv
+ fi
+ case $impl in
+ python)
+ banner "Running RAPPOR Python client"
+ # Writes encoded "out" file, true histogram, true inputs to
+ # $instance_dir.
+ time tests/rappor_sim.py \
+ --num-bits $num_bits \
+ --num-hashes $num_hashes \
+ --num-cohorts $num_cohorts \
+ -p $p \
+ -q $q \
+ -f $f \
+ < $true_values \
+ > "$instance_dir/case_reports.csv"
+ ;;
+ cpp)
+ banner "Running RAPPOR C++ client (see rappor_sim.log for errors)"
+ time client/cpp/_tmp/rappor_sim \
+ $num_bits \
+ $num_hashes \
+ $num_cohorts \
+ $p \
+ $q \
+ $f \
+ < $true_values \
+ > "$instance_dir/case_reports.csv" \
+ 2>"$instance_dir/rappor_sim.log"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ log "Invalid impl $impl (should be one of python|cpp)"
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+ esac
+ banner "Summing RAPPOR IRR bits to get 'counts'"
+ bin/sum_bits.py \
+ $case_dir/case_params.csv \
+ < $instance_dir/case_reports.csv \
+ > $instance_dir/case_counts.csv
+ local out_dir=${instance_dir}_report
+ mkdir --verbose -p $out_dir
+ # Currently, the summary file shows and aggregates timing of the inference
+ # engine, which excludes R's loading time and reading of the (possibly
+ # substantial) map file. Timing below is more inclusive.
+ TIMEFORMAT='Running compare_dist.R took %R seconds'
+ time {
+ # Input prefix, output dir
+ tests/compare_dist.R -t "Test case: $test_case (instance $test_instance)" \
+ "$case_dir/case" "$instance_dir/case" $out_dir
+ }
+# Like _run-once-case, but log to a file.
+_run-one-instance-logged() {
+ local test_case=$1
+ local test_instance=$2
+ local impl=$3
+ local log_dir=$REGTEST_BASE_DIR/$impl/$test_case/${test_instance}_report
+ mkdir --verbose -p $log_dir
+ log "Started '$test_case' (instance $test_instance) -- logging to $log_dir/log.txt"
+ _run-one-instance "$@" >$log_dir/log.txt 2>&1 \
+ && log "Test case $test_case (instance $test_instance) done" \
+ || log "Test case $test_case (instance $test_instance) failed"
+make-summary() {
+ local dir=$1
+ local impl=$2
+ local filename=results.html
+ tests/make_summary.py $dir $dir/rows.html
+ pushd $dir >/dev/null
+ cat ../../tests/regtest.html \
+ | sed -e '/__TABLE_ROWS__/ r rows.html' -e "s/_IMPL_/$impl/g" \
+ > $filename
+ popd >/dev/null
+ log "Wrote $dir/$filename"
+ log "URL: file://$PWD/$dir/$filename"
+test-error() {
+ local spec_regex=${1:-}
+ log "Some test cases failed"
+ if test -n "$spec_regex"; then
+ log "(Perhaps none matched pattern '$spec_regex')"
+ fi
+ # don't quit just yet
+ # exit 1
+# Assuming the spec file, write a list of test case names (first column) with
+# the instance ids (second column), where instance ids run from 1 to $1.
+# Third column is impl.
+_setup-test-instances() {
+ local instances=$1
+ local impl=$2
+ while read line; do
+ for i in $(seq 1 $instances); do
+ read case_name _ <<< $line # extract the first token
+ echo $case_name $i $impl
+ done
+ done
+# Print the default number of parallel processes, which is max(#CPUs - 1, 1)
+default-processes() {
+ processors=$(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo || echo 4) # Linux-specific
+ if test $processors -gt 1; then # leave one CPU for the OS
+ processors=$(expr $processors - 1)
+ fi
+ echo $processors
+# Args:
+# spec_gen: A program to execute to generate the spec.
+# spec_regex: A pattern selecting the subset of tests to run
+# parallel: Whether the tests are run in parallel (T/F). Sequential
+# runs log to the console; parallel runs log to files.
+# impl: one of python, or cpp
+# instances: A number of times each test case is run
+_run-tests() {
+ local spec_gen=$1
+ local spec_regex="$2" # grep -E format on the spec, can be empty
+ local parallel=$3
+ local impl=${4:-"cpp"}
+ local instances=${5:-1}
+ local regtest_dir=$REGTEST_BASE_DIR/$impl
+ rm -r -f --verbose $regtest_dir
+ mkdir --verbose -p $regtest_dir
+ local func
+ local processors
+ if test $parallel = F; then
+ func=_run-one-instance # output to the console
+ processors=1
+ else
+ func=_run-one-instance-logged
+ # Let the user override with MAX_PROC, in case they don't have enough
+ # memory.
+ processors=${MAX_PROC:-$(default-processes)}
+ log "Running $processors parallel processes"
+ fi
+ local cases_list=$regtest_dir/test-cases.txt
+ # Need -- for regexes that start with -
+ $spec_gen | grep -E -- "$spec_regex" > $cases_list
+ # Generate parameters for all test cases.
+ cat $cases_list \
+ | xargs -l -P $processors -- $0 _setup-one-case $impl \
+ || test-error
+ log "Done generating parameters for all test cases"
+ local instances_list=$regtest_dir/test-instances.txt
+ _setup-test-instances $instances $impl < $cases_list > $instances_list
+ cat $instances_list \
+ | xargs -l -P $processors -- $0 $func || test-error
+ log "Done running all test instances"
+ make-summary $regtest_dir $impl
+# used for most tests
+readonly REGTEST_SPEC=tests/regtest_spec.py
+# Run tests sequentially. NOTE: called by demo.sh.
+run-seq() {
+ local spec_regex=${1:-'^r-'} # grep -E format on the spec
+ shift
+ time _run-tests $REGTEST_SPEC $spec_regex F $@
+# Run tests in parallel
+run() {
+ local spec_regex=${1:-'^r-'} # grep -E format on the spec
+ shift
+ time _run-tests $REGTEST_SPEC $spec_regex T $@
+# Run tests in parallel (7+ minutes on 8 cores)
+run-all() {
+ log "Running all tests. Can take a while."
+ time _run-tests $REGTEST_SPEC '^r-' T cpp
+run-user() {
+ local spec_regex=${1:-}
+ local parallel=T # too much memory
+ time _run-tests tests/user_spec.py "$spec_regex" $parallel cpp
+# Use stable true values
+compare-python-cpp() {
+ local num_unique_values=100
+ local num_clients=10000
+ local values_per_client=10
+ local num_cohorts=64
+ local true_values=$REGTEST_BASE_DIR/stable_true_values.csv
+ tests/gen_true_values.R \
+ exp $num_unique_values $num_clients $values_per_client $num_cohorts \
+ $true_values
+ wc -l $true_values
+ # Run Python and C++ simulation on the same input
+ ./build.sh cpp-client
+ TRUE_VALUES_PATH=$true_values \
+ ./regtest.sh run-seq '^demo3' 1 python
+ TRUE_VALUES_PATH=$true_values \
+ ./regtest.sh run-seq '^demo3' 1 cpp
+ head _tmp/{python,cpp}/demo3/1/case_reports.csv
+if test $# -eq 0 ; then
+ usage
+ "$@"