path: root/tests/gen_counts.R
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Diffstat (limited to 'tests/gen_counts.R')
1 files changed, 213 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/gen_counts.R b/tests/gen_counts.R
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..769677c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/gen_counts.R
@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env Rscript
+# Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+RandomPartition <- function(total, weights) {
+ # Outputs a random partition according to a specified distribution
+ # Args:
+ # total - number of samples
+ # weights - weights that are proportional to the probability density
+ # function of the target distribution
+ # Returns:
+ # a histogram sampled according to the pdf
+ # Example:
+ # > RandomPartition(100, c(3, 2, 1, 0, 1))
+ # [1] 47 24 15 0 14
+ if (any(weights < 0))
+ stop("Probabilities cannot be negative")
+ if (sum(weights) == 0)
+ stop("Probabilities cannot sum up to 0")
+ bins <- length(weights)
+ result <- rep(0, bins)
+ # idiomatic way:
+ # rnd_list <- sample(strs, total, replace = TRUE, weights)
+ # apply(as.array(strs), 1, function(x) length(rnd_list[rnd_list == x]))
+ #
+ # The following is much faster for larger totals. We can replace a loop with
+ # (tail) recusion, but R chokes with the recursion depth > 850.
+ w <- sum(weights)
+ for (i in 1:bins)
+ if (total > 0) { # if total == 0, nothing else to do
+ # invariant: w = sum(weights[i:bins])
+ # rather than computing sum every time leading to quadratic time, keep
+ # updating it
+ # The probability p is clamped to [0, 1] to avoid under/overflow errors.
+ p <- min(max(weights[i] / w, 0), 1)
+ # draw the number of balls falling into the current bin
+ rnd_draw <- rbinom(n = 1, size = total, prob = p)
+ result[i] <- rnd_draw # push rnd_draw balls from total to result[i]
+ total <- total - rnd_draw
+ w <- w - weights[i]
+ }
+ names(result) <- names(weights)
+ return(result)
+GenerateCounts <- function(params, true_map, partition, reports_per_client) {
+ # Fast simulation of the marginal table for RAPPOR reports
+ # Args:
+ # params - parameters of the RAPPOR reporting process
+ # true_map - hashed true inputs
+ # partition - allocation of clients between true values
+ # reports_per_client - number of reports (IRRs) per client
+ if (nrow(true_map) != (params$m * params$k)) {
+ stop(cat("Map does not match the params file!",
+ "mk =", params$m * params$k,
+ "nrow(map):", nrow(true_map),
+ sep = " "))
+ }
+ # For each reporting type computes its allocation to cohorts.
+ # Output is an m x strs matrix.
+ cohorts <- as.matrix(
+ apply(as.data.frame(partition), 1,
+ function(count) RandomPartition(count, rep(1, params$m))))
+ # Expands to (m x k) x strs matrix, where each element (corresponding to the
+ # bit in the aggregate Bloom filter) is repeated k times.
+ expanded <- apply(cohorts, 2, function(vec) rep(vec, each = params$k))
+ # For each bit, the number of clients reporting this bit:
+ clients_per_bit <- rep(apply(cohorts, 1, sum), each = params$k)
+ # Computes the true number of bits set to one BEFORE PRR.
+ true_ones <- apply(expanded * true_map, 1, sum)
+ ones_in_prr <-
+ unlist(lapply(true_ones,
+ function(x) rbinom(n = 1, size = x, prob = 1 - params$f / 2))) +
+ unlist(lapply(clients_per_bit - true_ones, # clients where the bit is 0
+ function(x) rbinom(n = 1, size = x, prob = params$f / 2)))
+ # Number of IRRs where each bit is reported (either as 0 or as 1)
+ reports_per_bit <- clients_per_bit * reports_per_client
+ ones_before_irr <- ones_in_prr * reports_per_client
+ ones_after_irr <-
+ unlist(lapply(ones_before_irr,
+ function(x) rbinom(n = 1, size = x, prob = params$q))) +
+ unlist(lapply(reports_per_bit - ones_before_irr,
+ function(x) rbinom(n = 1, size = x, prob = params$p)))
+ counts <- cbind(apply(cohorts, 1, sum) * reports_per_client,
+ matrix(ones_after_irr, nrow = params$m, ncol = params$k, byrow = TRUE))
+ if(any(is.na(counts)))
+ stop("Failed to generate bit counts. Likely due to integer overflow.")
+ counts
+ComputePdf <- function(distr, range) {
+ # Outputs discrete probability density function for a given distribution
+ # These are the five distributions in gen_sim_input.py
+ if (distr == 'exp') {
+ pdf <- dexp(1:range, rate = 5 / range)
+ } else if (distr == 'gauss') {
+ half <- range / 2
+ left <- -half + 1
+ pdf <- dnorm(left : half, sd = range / 6)
+ } else if (distr == 'unif') {
+ # e.g. for N = 4, weights are [0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25]
+ pdf <- dunif(1:range, max = range)
+ } else if (distr == 'zipf1') {
+ # Since the distrubition defined over a finite set, we allow the parameter
+ # of the Zipf distribution to be 1.
+ pdf <- sapply(1:range, function(x) 1 / x)
+ } else if (distr == 'zipf1.5') {
+ pdf <- sapply(1:range, function(x) 1 / x^1.5)
+ }
+ else {
+ stop(sprintf("Invalid distribution '%s'", distr))
+ }
+ pdf <- pdf / sum(pdf) # normalize
+ pdf
+# Usage:
+# $ ./gen_counts.R exp 10000 1 foo_params.csv foo_true_map.csv foo
+# Inputs:
+# distribution name
+# number of clients
+# reports per client
+# parameters file
+# map file
+# prefix for output files
+# Outputs:
+# foo_counts.csv
+# foo_hist.csv
+# Warning: the number of reports in any cohort must be less than
+# .Machine$integer.max
+main <- function(argv) {
+ distr <- argv[[1]]
+ num_clients <- as.integer(argv[[2]])
+ reports_per_client <- as.integer(argv[[3]])
+ params_file <- argv[[4]]
+ true_map_file <- argv[[5]]
+ out_prefix <- argv[[6]]
+ params <- ReadParameterFile(params_file)
+ true_map <- ReadMapFile(true_map_file, params)
+ num_unique_values <- length(true_map$strs)
+ pdf <- ComputePdf(distr, num_unique_values)
+ # Computes the number of clients reporting each string
+ # according to the pre-specified distribution.
+ partition <- RandomPartition(num_clients, pdf)
+ # Histogram
+ true_hist <- data.frame(string = true_map$strs, count = partition)
+ counts <- GenerateCounts(params, true_map$map, partition, reports_per_client)
+ # Now create a CSV file
+ # Opposite of ReadCountsFile in read_input.R
+ # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6750546/export-csv-without-col-names
+ counts_path <- paste0(out_prefix, '_counts.csv')
+ write.table(counts, file = counts_path,
+ row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, sep = ',')
+ cat(sprintf('Wrote %s\n', counts_path))
+ # TODO: Don't write strings that appear 0 times?
+ hist_path <- paste0(out_prefix, '_hist.csv')
+ write.csv(true_hist, file = hist_path, row.names = FALSE)
+ cat(sprintf('Wrote %s\n', hist_path))
+if (length(sys.frames()) == 0) {
+ main(commandArgs(TRUE))