path: root/nearby/presence/README.md
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+# What is this?
+Implementations of XTS and LDT for Nearby Presence "v0" advertisements.
+See the appendix below for more details on XTS and LDT.
+## Project structure
+*Note all new crates follow the convention of using underscore `_` instead of hyphen `-` in crate names
+### `ldt`
+An implementation
+of [`LDT`](https://luca-giuzzi.unibs.it/corsi/Support/papers-cryptography/1619-2007-NIST-Submission.pdf)
+ which can use `xts-aes` as its tweakable block cipher.
+ ### `ldt_tbc`
+The Tweakable Block Cipher traits for use in LDT. These traits have implementations in the `xts_aes`
+### `ldt_np_adv`
+Higher-level wrapper around the core LDT algorithm that does key derivation and
+payload validation the way Nearby Presence advertisements need.
+### `ldt_np_adv_ffi`
+C API for rust library, currently exposes C/C++ clients the needed API's to use the NP specific LDT rust implementation.
+For an example of how to integrate with these API's see program in `ldt_np_c_sample`
+### `ldt_np_c_sample`
+Sample c program which provides its own OpenSSL based AES implementation to encrypt data through the LDT rust implementation
+An example of how to interface with the `ldt_np_adv_ffi` API's
+### `np_hkdf`
+The Key Derivation functions used for creating keys used by nearby presence from a key_seed
+### `xts_aes`
+An implementation
+of [`XTS-AES`](https://luca-giuzzi.unibs.it/corsi/Support/papers-cryptography/1619-2007-NIST-Submission.pdf)
+## Setup for MacOS local development
+brew install protobuf rapidjson google-benchmark
+We depend on OpenSSL of version at least 3.0.5 being installed on your machine to build the fuzzers, for macOS run:
+brew install openssl@3
+Your build system may still be picking up an older version so you will have to symlink to the brew installed version:
+brew link --force openssl
+The in-box version of Clang which comes from XCode developer tools does not have a fuzzer runtime so we will have to use our own
+brew install llvm
+then to override the default version it needs to come before it in $PATH. first find your path:
+$(brew --prefix llvm)/bin
+then add this to the beginning of your path
+echo 'export PATH="/opt/homebrew/opt/llvm/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bash_profile
+export PATH="/opt/homebrew/opt/llvm/bin:$PATH"
+verify success with:
+clang --version
+it should display the path to the homebrew version and not the xcode version.
+## Examples
+Examples use [clap](https://docs.rs/clap/latest/clap/) for nice CLIs, so try
+running with `--help` to see all args.
+*Note:* the examples are in the `ldt` crate, so `cd` into that first.
+### `ldt_prp`
+Confirm that LDT is, in fact, behaving as a PRP. That is, flipping one bit in
+the ciphertext is on average going to flip half of the bits in the decrypted
+plaintext, and that a change to the first `n` bytes of plaintext is increasingly
+likely to be detected as `n` increases.
+cargo run --release --example ldt_prp -- \
+ --trials 1000000 \
+ --check-leading-bytes 16
+### `ldt_benchmark`
+For interactive exploration of LDT performance looking for a needle in a
+haystack of ciphertexts.
+cargo run --release --example ldt_benchmark -- \
+ --trials 500 \
+ --keys 1000
+### `ldt_np_c_sample`
+From the root directory run the following commands to build and run the C sample.
+mkdir -p cmake-build && cd cmake-build
+cmake ..
+### `ldt_np_c_sample/tests`
+Test cases for the ldt_np_adv_ffi C API which are built alongside the sample, use the following commands to run the tests, from root of repo:
+mkdir -p cmake-build && cd cmake-build
+cd ldt_np_c_sample/tests && ctest
+you can then view the output of the tests in `ldt_np_c_sample/tests/Testing/Temporary/LastTest.log`
+To run the benchmarks:
+## Fuzzing
+To build all the fuzzers, run `scripts/build-fuzzers.sh`.
+### Rust
+Crates with fuzzers: `ldt`, `ldt_np_adv`, `xts_aes`
+- `cd` to a crate's directory
+- `cargo fuzz list` to list available fuzzers
+- `cargo fuzz run [fuzzer name]` to run a fuzzer
+### C
+Build w/ cmake as per `ldt_np_c_sample` instructions. Fuzzers will be in `np_ffi_fuzz` in the build directory.
+## Cross-compilation for Android
+- Add the 64bit ARM target to the stable and nightly toolchains:
+ - `rustup target add aarch64-linux-android`
+ - `rustup target add aarch64-linux-android --toolchain nightly`
+- Install the v22 NDK that still links against `libgcc` the way rust's stdlib
+ expects.
+ - Newer NDKs use `libunwind` instead, which can be used just fine if you
+ build your own rust stdlib, but for our purposes there's no problem with
+ just using NDK 22
+ - `./sdkmanager --install platform-tools 'ndk;22.0.7026061'`
+- Configure the linker used for the ARMv8 Android target to be the NDK's linker.
+ - `export CARGO_TARGET_AARCH64_LINUX_ANDROID_LINKER=$ANDROID_HOME/ndk/22.0.7026061/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin/aarch64-linux-android30-clang`
+ - `export PKG_CONFIG_SYSROOT_DIR=$ANDROID_HOME/ndk/22.0.7026061/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/sysroot`
+- See if everything builds, using the nightly toolchain for the moment to
+ convince the `aes` crate to use intrinsics on aarch64
+ - `cargo +nightly build --workspace --all-targets --target aarch64-linux-android`
+ - `cargo +nightly bench --workspace --no-run --target aarch64-linux-android`
+- Prepare a place for the benchmark to be on the phone
+ - `adb shell`
+ - then
+ - `mkdir -p /data/local/tmp/np && cd /data/local/tmp/np`
+ - Leave the shell on the phone open so you can use it to run the benchmark.
+- Find the benchmark binary in the build products
+ - Use whatever directory you configured as the `target-dir` in
+ `.cargo/config.toml` initially, and look for the file without the
+ trailing `.d`.
+ - `find TARGET_DIR -name 'ldt_scan*' | grep android`
+ - Copy the file to the phone
+ - `adb push FILE_FOUND_ABOVE /data/local/tmp/np/`
+- In your `adb shell`, run the benchmark
+ - `./ldt_scan-... --bench`
+### Building min-sized release cross-compiled for Android
+- Copy and paste the following into your `~/.cargo/config.toml`, replacing with a path to your NDK and Host OS
+# Replace this with a path to your ndk version and the prebuilt toolchain for your Host OS
+linker = "Library/Android/sdk/ndk/23.2.8568313/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/darwin-x86_64/bin/aarch64-linux-android21-clang"
+- then run:
+`cargo +nightly build -Z build-std=core,alloc -Z build-std-features=panic_immediate_abort --target aarch64-linux-android --profile release-min-size`
+## Appendix
+### XTS
+spec: [The XTS-AES Tweakable Block Cipher - An Extract from IEEE Std 1619-2007](https://luca-giuzzi.unibs.it/corsi/Support/papers-cryptography/1619-2007-NIST-Submission.pdf)
+XTS is a scheme for turning a block cipher (AES in this case) into a _tweakable_
+block cipher. Tweakable block ciphers incorporate a _tweak_ which is cheaper to
+change than the key, with the assumption being that the tweak will change with
+each block or sequence of blocks. XTS-AES in particular is used in disk
+encryption, where the sector number or the like might be incorporated into the
+tweak to prevent the same data in different places on the disk being encrypted
+into the same ciphertext.
+### LDT
+LDT is the current state of the art in length
+doublers: [Efficient Length Doubling From Tweakable Block Ciphers](https://eprint.iacr.org/2017/841.pdf)
+. It builds on top of a tweakable block cipher, which is why we also have an XTS
+A length doubler is a way of adapting a block cipher to act as a secure PRP (
+pseudo random permutation) on data of lengths in `[block size, 2 * block size)`.
+For comparison, block ciphers act as PRPs on one block at a time rather than the
+whole message. Wide block modes would also work, but have higher overhead.
+We use a length doubler in Nearby Presence so that changing any ciphertext bit
+should flip each bit in the decrypted plaintext with 50% probability for each
+bit, making it possible to detect changes anywhere because it is very unlikely
+for none of the bit flips to affect the metadata key (which has a known digest).