path: root/nearby/presence/handle_map/src/lib.rs
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1 files changed, 608 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/nearby/presence/handle_map/src/lib.rs b/nearby/presence/handle_map/src/lib.rs
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+// Copyright 2023 Google LLC
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+//! A thread-safe implementation of a map for managing object handles,
+//! a safer alternative to raw pointers for FFI interop.
+#![cfg_attr(not(test), no_std)]
+extern crate alloc;
+extern crate core;
+use alloc::boxed::Box;
+use alloc::vec::Vec;
+use core::ops::{Deref, DerefMut};
+use core::sync::atomic::Ordering;
+use hashbrown::hash_map::EntryRef;
+use portable_atomic::{AtomicU32, AtomicU64};
+use spin::lock_api::*;
+mod tests;
+/// A RAII read lock guard for an object in a [`HandleMap`]
+/// pointed-to by a given [`Handle`]. When this struct is
+/// dropped, the underlying read lock on the associated
+/// shard will be dropped.
+pub struct ObjectReadGuard<'a, T> {
+ guard: lock_api::MappedRwLockReadGuard<'a, spin::RwLock<()>, T>,
+impl<'a, T> Deref for ObjectReadGuard<'a, T> {
+ type Target = T;
+ fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
+ self.guard.deref()
+ }
+/// A RAII read-write lock guard for an object in a [`HandleMap`]
+/// pointed-to by a given [`Handle`]. When this struct is
+/// dropped, the underlying read-write lock on the associated
+/// shard will be dropped.
+pub struct ObjectReadWriteGuard<'a, T> {
+ guard: lock_api::MappedRwLockWriteGuard<'a, spin::RwLock<()>, T>,
+impl<'a, T> Deref for ObjectReadWriteGuard<'a, T> {
+ type Target = T;
+ fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
+ self.guard.deref()
+ }
+impl<'a, T> DerefMut for ObjectReadWriteGuard<'a, T> {
+ fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Target {
+ self.guard.deref_mut()
+ }
+/// FFI-transmissible structure expressing the dimensions
+/// (max # of allocatable slots, number of shards) of a handle-map
+/// to be used upon initialization.
+#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
+pub struct HandleMapDimensions {
+ /// The number of shards which are employed
+ /// by the associated handle-map.
+ pub num_shards: u8,
+ /// The maximum number of active handles which may be
+ /// stored within the associated handle-map.
+ pub max_active_handles: u32,
+/// Trait for marker structs containing information about a
+/// given [`SingletonHandleMap`], including the underlying
+/// object type and the dimensions of the map.
+/// Used primarily to enforce type-level constraints
+/// on `SingletoneHandleMap`s, including
+/// ensuring that they are truly singletons.
+pub trait SingletonHandleMapInfo {
+ /// The underlying kind of object pointed-to by handles
+ /// derived from the associated handle-map.
+ type Object: Send + Sync;
+ /// Gets the dimensions of the corresponding handle-map.
+ fn dimensions(&self) -> HandleMapDimensions;
+ /// Gets a static reference to the global handle-map
+ fn get_handle_map() -> &'static HandleMap<Self::Object>;
+/// An individual handle to be given out by a [`HandleMap`].
+/// This representation is untyped, and just a wrapper
+/// around a handle-id, in contrast to implementors of `HandleLike`.
+#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
+pub struct Handle {
+ handle_id: u64,
+impl From<&Handle> for Handle {
+ fn from(handle: &Handle) -> Self {
+ *handle
+ }
+impl Handle {
+ /// Constructs a handle wrapping the given ID.
+ ///
+ /// No validity checks are done on the wrapped ID
+ /// to ensure that the given ID is active in
+ /// any specific handle-map, and the type
+ /// of the handle is not represented.
+ ///
+ /// As a result, this method is only useful for
+ /// allowing access to handles from an FFI layer.
+ pub fn from_id(handle_id: u64) -> Self {
+ Self { handle_id }
+ }
+ /// Gets the ID for this handle.
+ ///
+ /// Since the underlying handle is un-typed,`
+ /// this method is only suitable for
+ /// transmitting handles across an FFI layer.
+ pub fn get_id(&self) -> u64 {
+ self.handle_id
+ }
+ /// Derives the shard index from the handle id
+ fn get_shard_index(&self, num_shards: u8) -> usize {
+ (self.handle_id % (num_shards as u64)) as usize
+ }
+/// Error raised when attempting to allocate into a full handle-map.
+pub struct HandleMapFullError;
+/// Internal error enum for failed allocations into a given shard.
+enum ShardAllocationError<T, F: FnOnce() -> T> {
+ /// Error for when the entry for the handle is occupied,
+ /// in which case we spit out the object-provider to try again
+ /// with a new handle-id.
+ EntryOccupied(F),
+ /// Error for when we would exceed the maximum number of allocations.
+ ExceedsAllocationLimit,
+/// Error raised when the entry for a given [`Handle`] doesn't exist.
+pub struct HandleNotPresentError;
+/// Wrapper around a `HandleMap` which is specifically tailored for maintaining
+/// a global singleton `'static` reference to a handle-map.
+/// The wrapper handles initialization of the singleton in a const-context
+/// and subsequent accesses to ensure that the underlying map is always
+/// initialized upon attempts to access it.
+pub struct SingletonHandleMap<I: SingletonHandleMapInfo> {
+ info: I,
+ wrapped: spin::once::Once<HandleMap<I::Object>, spin::relax::Spin>,
+impl<I: SingletonHandleMapInfo> SingletonHandleMap<I> {
+ /// Constructs a new global handle-map using the given
+ /// singleton handle-map info. This method is callable
+ /// from a `const`-context to allow it to be used to initialize
+ /// `static` variables.
+ pub const fn with_info(info: I) -> Self {
+ Self { info, wrapped: spin::once::Once::new() }
+ }
+ /// Initialize the handle-map if it's not already initialized,
+ /// and return a reference to the result.
+ pub fn get(&self) -> &HandleMap<I::Object> {
+ self.wrapped.call_once(|| {
+ let dimensions = self.info.dimensions();
+ HandleMap::with_dimensions(dimensions)
+ })
+ }
+/// A thread-safe mapping from "handle"s [like pointers, but safer]
+/// to underlying structures, supporting allocations, reads, writes,
+/// and deallocations of objects behind handles.
+pub struct HandleMap<T: Send + Sync> {
+ /// The dimensions of this handle-map
+ dimensions: HandleMapDimensions,
+ /// The individually-lockable "shards" of the handle-map,
+ /// among which the keys will be roughly uniformly-distributed.
+ handle_map_shards: Box<[HandleMapShard<T>]>,
+ /// An atomically-incrementing counter which tracks the
+ /// next handle ID which allocations will attempt to use.
+ new_handle_id_counter: AtomicU64,
+ /// An atomic integer roughly tracking the number of
+ /// currently-outstanding allocated entries in this
+ /// handle-map among all [`HandleMapShard`]s.
+ outstanding_allocations_counter: AtomicU32,
+impl<T: Send + Sync> HandleMap<T> {
+ /// Creates a new handle-map with the given `HandleMapDimensions`.
+ pub fn with_dimensions(dimensions: HandleMapDimensions) -> Self {
+ let mut handle_map_shards = Vec::with_capacity(dimensions.num_shards as usize);
+ for _ in 0..dimensions.num_shards {
+ handle_map_shards.push(HandleMapShard::default());
+ }
+ let handle_map_shards = handle_map_shards.into_boxed_slice();
+ Self {
+ dimensions,
+ handle_map_shards,
+ new_handle_id_counter: AtomicU64::new(0),
+ outstanding_allocations_counter: AtomicU32::new(0),
+ }
+ }
+impl<T: Send + Sync> HandleMap<T> {
+ /// Allocates a new object within the given handle-map, returning
+ /// a handle to the location it was stored at. This operation
+ /// may fail if attempting to allocate over the `dimensions.max_active_handles`
+ /// limit imposed on the handle-map, in which case this method
+ /// will return a `HandleMapFullError`.
+ pub fn allocate(
+ &self,
+ initial_value_provider: impl FnOnce() -> T,
+ ) -> Result<Handle, HandleMapFullError> {
+ let mut initial_value_provider = initial_value_provider;
+ loop {
+ // Increment the new-handle-ID counter using relaxed memory ordering,
+ // since the only invariant that we want to enforce is that concurrently-running
+ // threads always get distinct new handle-ids.
+ let new_handle_id = self.new_handle_id_counter.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed);
+ let new_handle = Handle::from_id(new_handle_id);
+ let shard_index = new_handle.get_shard_index(self.dimensions.num_shards);
+ // Now, check the shard to see if we can actually allocate into it.
+ let shard_allocate_result = self.handle_map_shards[shard_index].try_allocate(
+ new_handle,
+ initial_value_provider,
+ &self.outstanding_allocations_counter,
+ self.dimensions.max_active_handles,
+ );
+ match shard_allocate_result {
+ Ok(_) => {
+ return Ok(new_handle);
+ }
+ Err(ShardAllocationError::ExceedsAllocationLimit) => {
+ return Err(HandleMapFullError);
+ }
+ Err(ShardAllocationError::EntryOccupied(thrown_back_provider)) => {
+ // We need to do the whole thing again with a new ID
+ initial_value_provider = thrown_back_provider;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /// Gets a read-only reference to an object within the given handle-map,
+ /// if the given handle is present. Otherwise, returns [`HandleNotPresentError`].
+ pub fn get(&self, handle: Handle) -> Result<ObjectReadGuard<T>, HandleNotPresentError> {
+ let shard_index = handle.get_shard_index(self.dimensions.num_shards);
+ self.handle_map_shards[shard_index].get(handle)
+ }
+ /// Gets a read+write reference to an object within the given handle-map,
+ /// if the given handle is present. Otherwise, returns [`HandleNotPresentError`].
+ pub fn get_mut(
+ &self,
+ handle: Handle,
+ ) -> Result<ObjectReadWriteGuard<T>, HandleNotPresentError> {
+ let shard_index = handle.get_shard_index(self.dimensions.num_shards);
+ self.handle_map_shards[shard_index].get_mut(handle)
+ }
+ /// Removes the object pointed to by the given handle in
+ /// the handle-map, returning the removed object if it
+ /// exists. Otherwise, returns [`HandleNotPresentError`].
+ pub fn deallocate(&self, handle: Handle) -> Result<T, HandleNotPresentError> {
+ let shard_index = handle.get_shard_index(self.dimensions.num_shards);
+ self.handle_map_shards[shard_index]
+ .deallocate(handle, &self.outstanding_allocations_counter)
+ }
+ /// Gets the actual number of elements stored in the entire map.
+ /// Only suitable for single-threaded sections of tests.
+ #[cfg(test)]
+ pub(crate) fn len(&self) -> usize {
+ self.handle_map_shards.iter().map(|s| s.len()).sum()
+ }
+ /// Sets the new-handle-id counter to the given value.
+ /// Only suitable for tests.
+ #[cfg(test)]
+ pub(crate) fn set_new_handle_id_counter(&mut self, value: u64) {
+ self.new_handle_id_counter = AtomicU64::new(value);
+ }
+// Bunch o' type aliases to make talking about them much easier in the shard code.
+type ShardMapType<T> = hashbrown::HashMap<Handle, T>;
+type ShardReadWriteLock<T> = RwLock<ShardMapType<T>>;
+type ShardReadGuard<'a, T> = RwLockReadGuard<'a, ShardMapType<T>>;
+type ShardUpgradableReadGuard<'a, T> = RwLockUpgradableReadGuard<'a, ShardMapType<T>>;
+type ShardReadWriteGuard<'a, T> = RwLockWriteGuard<'a, ShardMapType<T>>;
+/// An individual handle-map shard, which is ultimately
+/// just a hash-map behind a lock.
+pub(crate) struct HandleMapShard<T: Send + Sync> {
+ data: RwLock<ShardMapType<T>>,
+impl<T: Send + Sync> Default for HandleMapShard<T> {
+ fn default() -> Self {
+ Self { data: RwLock::new(hashbrown::HashMap::new()) }
+ }
+impl<T: Send + Sync> HandleMapShard<T> {
+ fn get(&self, handle: Handle) -> Result<ObjectReadGuard<T>, HandleNotPresentError> {
+ let map_read_guard = ShardReadWriteLock::<T>::read(&self.data);
+ let read_only_map_ref = map_read_guard.deref();
+ if read_only_map_ref.contains_key(&handle) {
+ let object_read_guard = ShardReadGuard::<T>::map(map_read_guard, move |map_ref| {
+ // We know that the entry exists, since we've locked the
+ // shard and already checked that it exists prior to
+ // handing out this new, mapped read-lock.
+ map_ref.get(&handle).unwrap()
+ });
+ Ok(ObjectReadGuard { guard: object_read_guard })
+ } else {
+ // Auto-drop the read guard, and return an error
+ Err(HandleNotPresentError)
+ }
+ }
+ /// Gets a read-write guard on the entire shard map if an entry for the given
+ /// handle exists, but if not, yield [`HandleNotPresentError`].
+ fn get_read_write_guard_if_entry_exists(
+ &self,
+ handle: Handle,
+ ) -> Result<ShardReadWriteGuard<T>, HandleNotPresentError> {
+ // Start with an upgradable read lock and then upgrade to a write lock.
+ // By doing this, we prevent new readers from entering (see `spin` documentation)
+ let map_upgradable_read_guard = ShardReadWriteLock::<T>::upgradable_read(&self.data);
+ let read_only_map_ref = map_upgradable_read_guard.deref();
+ if read_only_map_ref.contains_key(&handle) {
+ // If we know that the entry exists, and we're currently
+ // holding a read-lock, we know that we're safe to request
+ // an upgrade to a write lock, since only one write or
+ // upgradable read lock can be outstanding at any one time.
+ let map_read_write_guard =
+ ShardUpgradableReadGuard::<T>::upgrade(map_upgradable_read_guard);
+ Ok(map_read_write_guard)
+ } else {
+ // Auto-drop the read guard, we don't need to allow a write.
+ Err(HandleNotPresentError)
+ }
+ }
+ fn get_mut(&self, handle: Handle) -> Result<ObjectReadWriteGuard<T>, HandleNotPresentError> {
+ let map_read_write_guard = self.get_read_write_guard_if_entry_exists(handle)?;
+ // Expose only the pointed-to object with a mapped read-write guard
+ let object_read_write_guard =
+ ShardReadWriteGuard::<T>::map(map_read_write_guard, move |map_ref| {
+ // Already checked that the entry exists while holding the lock
+ map_ref.get_mut(&handle).unwrap()
+ });
+ Ok(ObjectReadWriteGuard { guard: object_read_write_guard })
+ }
+ fn deallocate(
+ &self,
+ handle: Handle,
+ outstanding_allocations_counter: &AtomicU32,
+ ) -> Result<T, HandleNotPresentError> {
+ let mut map_read_write_guard = self.get_read_write_guard_if_entry_exists(handle)?;
+ // We don't need to worry about double-decrements, since the above call
+ // got us an upgradable read guard for our read, which means it's the only
+ // outstanding upgradeable guard on the shard. See `spin` documentation.
+ // Remove the pointed-to object from the map, and return it,
+ // releasing the lock when the guard goes out of scope.
+ let removed_object = map_read_write_guard.deref_mut().remove(&handle).unwrap();
+ // Decrement the allocations counter. Release ordering because we want
+ // to ensure that clearing the map entry never gets re-ordered to after when
+ // this counter gets decremented.
+ outstanding_allocations_counter.sub(1, Ordering::Release);
+ Ok(removed_object)
+ }
+ fn try_allocate<F>(
+ &self,
+ handle: Handle,
+ object_provider: F,
+ outstanding_allocations_counter: &AtomicU32,
+ max_active_handles: u32,
+ ) -> Result<(), ShardAllocationError<T, F>>
+ where
+ F: FnOnce() -> T,
+ {
+ // Use an upgradeable read guard -> write guard to provide greater fairness
+ // toward writers (see `spin` documentation)
+ let map_upgradable_read_guard = ShardReadWriteLock::<T>::upgradable_read(&self.data);
+ let mut map_read_write_guard =
+ ShardUpgradableReadGuard::<T>::upgrade(map_upgradable_read_guard);
+ match map_read_write_guard.entry_ref(&handle) {
+ EntryRef::Occupied(_) => {
+ // We've already allocated for that handle-id, so yield
+ // the object provider back to the caller.
+ Err(ShardAllocationError::EntryOccupied(object_provider))
+ }
+ EntryRef::Vacant(vacant_entry) => {
+ // An entry is open, but we haven't yet checked the allocations count.
+ // Try to increment the total allocations count atomically.
+ // Use acquire ordering on a successful bump, because we don't want
+ // to invoke the allocation closure before we have a guaranteed slot.
+ // On the other hand, upon failure, we don't care about ordering
+ // of surrounding operations, and so we use a relaxed ordering there.
+ let allocation_count_bump_result = outstanding_allocations_counter.fetch_update(
+ Ordering::Acquire,
+ Ordering::Relaxed,
+ |old_total_allocations| {
+ if old_total_allocations >= max_active_handles {
+ None
+ } else {
+ Some(old_total_allocations + 1)
+ }
+ },
+ );
+ match allocation_count_bump_result {
+ Ok(_) => {
+ // We're good to actually allocate
+ let object = object_provider();
+ vacant_entry.insert(object);
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ Err(_) => {
+ // The allocation would cause us to exceed the allowed allocations,
+ // so release all locks and error.
+ Err(ShardAllocationError::ExceedsAllocationLimit)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /// Gets the actual number of elements stored in this shard.
+ /// Only suitable for single-threaded sections of tests.
+ #[cfg(test)]
+ fn len(&self) -> usize {
+ let guard = ShardReadWriteLock::<T>::read(&self.data);
+ guard.deref().len()
+ }
+/// Externally-facing trait for things which behave like handle-map handles
+/// with a globally-defined handle-map for the type.
+pub trait HandleLike: Sized {
+ /// The underlying object type pointed-to by this handle
+ type Object: Send + Sync;
+ /// Tries to allocate a new handle using the given provider
+ /// to construct the underlying stored object as a new
+ /// entry into the global handle table for this type.
+ fn allocate(
+ initial_value_provider: impl FnOnce() -> Self::Object,
+ ) -> Result<Self, HandleMapFullError>;
+ /// Gets a RAII read-guard on the contents behind this handle.
+ fn get(&self) -> Result<ObjectReadGuard<Self::Object>, HandleNotPresentError>;
+ /// Gets a RAII read-write guard on the contents behind this handle.
+ fn get_mut(&self) -> Result<ObjectReadWriteGuard<Self::Object>, HandleNotPresentError>;
+ /// Deallocates the contents behind this handle.
+ fn deallocate(self) -> Result<Self::Object, HandleNotPresentError>;
+/// `declare_handle_map! { handle_module_name, handle_type_name, wrapped_type,
+/// map_dimension_provider }`
+/// Declares a new public module with name `handle_module_name` which includes a new type
+/// `handle_type_name` which is `#[repr(C)]` and represents FFI-accessible handles
+/// to values of type `wrapped_type`.
+/// Internal to the generated module, a new static `SingletonHandleMap` is created, where the
+/// maximum number of active handles and the number of shards are given by
+/// the dimensions returned by evaluation of the `map_dimension_provider` expression.
+/// Note: `map_dimension_provider` will be evaluated within the defined module's scope,
+/// so you will likely need to use `super` to refer to definitions in the enclosing scope.
+/// # Example
+/// The following code defines an FFI-safe type `StringHandle` which references
+/// the `String` data-type, and uses it to define a (contrived)
+/// function `sample` which will print "Hello World".
+/// ```
+/// mod sample {
+/// use core::ops::Deref;
+/// use handle_map::{declare_handle_map, HandleMapDimensions, HandleLike};
+/// fn get_string_handle_map_dimensions() -> HandleMapDimensions {
+/// HandleMapDimensions {
+/// num_shards: 8,
+/// max_active_handles: 100,
+/// }
+/// }
+/// declare_handle_map! { string_handle, StringHandle, String,
+/// super::get_string_handle_map_dimensions() }
+/// use string_handle::StringHandle;
+/// fn sample() {
+/// // Note: this method could panic if there are
+/// // more than 99 outstanding handles.
+/// // Allocate a new string-handle pointing to the string "Hello"
+/// let handle = StringHandle::allocate(|| { "Hello".to_string() }).unwrap();
+/// {
+/// // Obtain a write-guard on the contents of our handle
+/// let mut handle_write_guard = handle.get_mut().unwrap();
+/// handle_write_guard.push_str(" World");
+/// // Write guard is auto-dropped at the end of this block.
+/// }
+/// {
+/// // Obtain a read-guard on the contents of our handle.
+/// // Note that we had to ensure that the write-guard was
+/// // dropped prior to doing this, or else execution
+/// // could potentially hang.
+/// let handle_read_guard = handle.get().unwrap();
+/// println!("{}", handle_read_guard.deref());
+/// }
+/// // Clean up the data behind the created handle
+/// handle.deallocate().unwrap();
+/// }
+/// }
+/// ```
+macro_rules! declare_handle_map {
+ ($handle_module_name:ident, $handle_type_name:ident, $wrapped_type:ty,
+ $map_dimension_provider:expr) => {
+ #[doc = concat!("Macro-generated (via `handle_map::declare_handle_map!`) module",
+ " which defines the `", stringify!($handle_module_name), "::",
+ stringify!($handle_type_name), "` FFI-transmissible handle type ",
+ " which references values of type `", stringify!($wrapped_type), "`.")]
+ pub mod $handle_module_name {
+ use $crate::SingletonHandleMapInfo;
+ struct SingletonInfo;
+ static GLOBAL_HANDLE_MAP: $crate::SingletonHandleMap<SingletonInfo> =
+ $crate::SingletonHandleMap::with_info(SingletonInfo);
+ impl $crate::SingletonHandleMapInfo for SingletonInfo {
+ type Object = $wrapped_type;
+ fn dimensions(&self) -> $crate::HandleMapDimensions {
+ $map_dimension_provider
+ }
+ fn get_handle_map() -> &'static $crate::HandleMap<$wrapped_type> {
+ }
+ }
+ #[doc = concat!("A `#[repr(C)]` handle to a value of type `",
+ stringify!($wrapped_type), "`.")]
+ #[repr(C)]
+ #[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
+ pub struct $handle_type_name {
+ handle_id: u64,
+ }
+ impl $handle_type_name {
+ fn get_as_handle(&self) -> $crate::Handle {
+ $crate::Handle::from_id(self.handle_id)
+ }
+ }
+ impl $crate::HandleLike for $handle_type_name {
+ type Object = $wrapped_type;
+ fn allocate(initial_value_provider: impl FnOnce() -> $wrapped_type,
+ ) -> Result<Self, $crate::HandleMapFullError> {
+ SingletonInfo::get_handle_map().allocate(initial_value_provider)
+ .map(|derived_handle| Self {
+ handle_id: derived_handle.get_id(),
+ })
+ }
+ fn get(&self) -> Result<$crate::ObjectReadGuard<$wrapped_type>, $crate::HandleNotPresentError> {
+ SingletonInfo::get_handle_map().get(self.get_as_handle())
+ }
+ fn get_mut(&self) -> Result<$crate::ObjectReadWriteGuard<$wrapped_type>, $crate::HandleNotPresentError> {
+ SingletonInfo::get_handle_map().get_mut(self.get_as_handle())
+ }
+ fn deallocate(self) -> Result<$wrapped_type, $crate::HandleNotPresentError> {
+ SingletonInfo::get_handle_map().deallocate(self.get_as_handle())
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }