path: root/nearby/presence/ldt/benches/ldt_scan.rs
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Diffstat (limited to 'nearby/presence/ldt/benches/ldt_scan.rs')
1 files changed, 386 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/nearby/presence/ldt/benches/ldt_scan.rs b/nearby/presence/ldt/benches/ldt_scan.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..da846f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nearby/presence/ldt/benches/ldt_scan.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,386 @@
+// Copyright 2022 Google LLC
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+use criterion::{black_box, criterion_group, criterion_main, Criterion};
+use crypto_provider_rustcrypto::RustCrypto;
+use ctr::cipher::{KeyIvInit as _, StreamCipher as _, StreamCipherSeek as _};
+use ldt::{DefaultPadder, Ldt, LdtKey, Mix, Padder, Swap, XorPadder};
+use ldt_tbc::TweakableBlockCipher;
+use rand::SeedableRng as _;
+use sha2::Digest as _;
+use std::marker;
+use subtle::ConstantTimeEq as _;
+use xts_aes::{XtsAes128, XtsAes256};
+pub fn ldt_scan(c: &mut Criterion) {
+ for &num_keys in &[1_usize, 10, 1000] {
+ c.bench_function(&format!("LDT-XTS-AES-128/SHA-256/{num_keys} keys"), |b| {
+ let mut state = build_bench_state::<_, sha2::Sha256>(
+ ldt_factory::<16, XtsAes128<RustCrypto>, Swap, DefaultPadder>(),
+ num_keys,
+ 24,
+ );
+ b.iter(|| black_box(state.scan()));
+ });
+ c.bench_function(
+ &format!("LDT-XTS-AES-128/SHA-256/XOR pad/{num_keys} keys"),
+ |b| {
+ let mut state = build_bench_state::<_, sha2::Sha256>(
+ ldt_factory::<
+ 16,
+ XtsAes128<RustCrypto>,
+ Swap,
+ XorPadder<{ crypto_provider::aes::BLOCK_SIZE }>,
+ >(),
+ num_keys,
+ 24,
+ );
+ b.iter(|| black_box(state.scan()));
+ },
+ );
+ c.bench_function(&format!("LDT-XTS-AES-256/SHA-256/{num_keys} keys",), |b| {
+ let mut state = build_bench_state::<_, sha2::Sha256>(
+ ldt_factory::<16, XtsAes256<RustCrypto>, Swap, DefaultPadder>(),
+ num_keys,
+ 24,
+ );
+ b.iter(|| black_box(state.scan()));
+ });
+ c.bench_function(&format!("AES-CTR-128/SHA-256/{num_keys} keys",), |b| {
+ let mut state = build_bench_state::<_, sha2::Sha256>(AesCtrFactory {}, num_keys, 24);
+ b.iter(|| black_box(state.scan()));
+ });
+ c.bench_function(
+ &format!("LDT-XTS-AES-128/BLAKE2b-512/{num_keys} keys",),
+ |b| {
+ let mut state = build_bench_state::<_, blake2::Blake2b512>(
+ ldt_factory::<16, XtsAes128<RustCrypto>, Swap, DefaultPadder>(),
+ num_keys,
+ 24,
+ );
+ b.iter(|| black_box(state.scan()));
+ },
+ );
+ c.bench_function(
+ &format!("LDT-XTS-AES-128/BLAKE2s-256/{num_keys} keys",),
+ |b| {
+ let mut state = build_bench_state::<_, blake2::Blake2s256>(
+ ldt_factory::<16, XtsAes128<RustCrypto>, Swap, DefaultPadder>(),
+ num_keys,
+ 24,
+ );
+ b.iter(|| black_box(state.scan()));
+ },
+ );
+ }
+criterion_group!(benches, ldt_scan);
+struct LdtBenchState<C: ScanCipher, D: ScanDigest> {
+ scenarios: Vec<ScanScenario<C, D>>,
+ unfindable_ciphertext: Vec<u8>,
+ decrypt_buf: Vec<u8>,
+/// How much of the plaintext should be hashed for subsequent matching
+const MATCH_LEN: usize = 16;
+impl<C: ScanCipher, D: ScanDigest> LdtBenchState<C, D> {
+ fn scan(&mut self) -> bool {
+ let ciphertext = &self.unfindable_ciphertext;
+ let mut hasher = D::new();
+ let mut hash_output = D::new_output();
+ self.scenarios.iter_mut().any(|scenario| {
+ hasher.reset();
+ self.decrypt_buf.clear();
+ self.decrypt_buf.extend_from_slice(ciphertext);
+ scenario.cipher.decrypt(&mut self.decrypt_buf[..]);
+ // see if we decrypted to plaintext associated with this ldt / key
+ hasher.update(&self.decrypt_buf[..MATCH_LEN]);
+ hasher.finalize_and_reset(&mut hash_output);
+ D::constant_time_compare(&scenario.plaintext_prefix_hash, &hash_output)
+ })
+ }
+fn build_bench_state<F: ScanCipherFactory, D: ScanDigest>(
+ factory: F,
+ keys: usize,
+ plaintext_len: usize,
+) -> LdtBenchState<F::Cipher, D> {
+ let mut rng = rand::rngs::StdRng::from_entropy();
+ let scenarios = (0..keys)
+ .map(|_| random_ldt_scenario::<_, _, D>(&factory, &mut rng, plaintext_len))
+ .collect::<Vec<_>>();
+ LdtBenchState {
+ scenarios,
+ unfindable_ciphertext: random_vec(&mut rng, plaintext_len),
+ decrypt_buf: Vec::with_capacity(plaintext_len),
+ }
+struct ScanScenario<C: ScanCipher, D: ScanDigest> {
+ cipher: C,
+ plaintext_prefix_hash: D::Output,
+fn random_ldt_scenario<R: rand::Rng + rand::CryptoRng, F: ScanCipherFactory, D: ScanDigest>(
+ factory: &F,
+ rng: &mut R,
+ plaintext_len: usize,
+) -> ScanScenario<F::Cipher, D> {
+ let cipher = factory.build_cipher(rng);
+ let plaintext = random_vec(rng, plaintext_len);
+ let mut hasher = D::new();
+ let mut plaintext_prefix_hash = D::new_output();
+ hasher.update(&plaintext[..MATCH_LEN]);
+ hasher.finalize_and_reset(&mut plaintext_prefix_hash);
+ ScanScenario {
+ cipher,
+ plaintext_prefix_hash,
+ }
+fn random_vec<R: rand::Rng>(rng: &mut R, len: usize) -> Vec<u8> {
+ let mut bytes = Vec::<u8>::new();
+ bytes.extend((0..len).into_iter().map(|_| rng.gen::<u8>()));
+ bytes
+trait ScanCipher {
+ fn encrypt(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]);
+ fn decrypt(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]);
+trait ScanCipherFactory {
+ type Cipher: ScanCipher;
+ fn build_cipher<R: rand::Rng + rand::CryptoRng>(&self, key_rng: &mut R) -> Self::Cipher;
+/// A wrapper that lets us avoid percolating the need to specify a bogus and type-confused padder
+/// for ciphers that don't use one.
+struct LdtScanCipher<const B: usize, T: TweakableBlockCipher<B>, M: Mix, P: Padder<B, T>> {
+ ldt: Ldt<B, T, M>,
+ padder: P,
+impl<const B: usize, T: TweakableBlockCipher<B>, M: Mix, P: Padder<B, T>> ScanCipher
+ for LdtScanCipher<B, T, M, P>
+ fn encrypt(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) {
+ self.ldt.encrypt(buf, &self.padder).unwrap();
+ }
+ fn decrypt(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) {
+ self.ldt.decrypt(buf, &self.padder).unwrap();
+ }
+fn ldt_factory<
+ const B: usize,
+ T: TweakableBlockCipher<B>,
+ M: Mix,
+ P: Padder<B, T> + RandomPadder,
+>() -> LdtXtsAesFactory<B, T, M, P> {
+ LdtXtsAesFactory {
+ padder_phantom: marker::PhantomData,
+ key_phantom: marker::PhantomData,
+ mix_phantom: marker::PhantomData,
+ }
+struct LdtXtsAesFactory<
+ const B: usize,
+ T: TweakableBlockCipher<B>,
+ M: Mix,
+ P: Padder<B, T> + RandomPadder,
+> {
+ padder_phantom: marker::PhantomData<P>,
+ key_phantom: marker::PhantomData<T>,
+ mix_phantom: marker::PhantomData<M>,
+impl<const B: usize, T, P, M> ScanCipherFactory for LdtXtsAesFactory<B, T, M, P>
+ T: TweakableBlockCipher<B>,
+ P: Padder<B, T> + RandomPadder,
+ M: Mix,
+ type Cipher = LdtScanCipher<B, T, M, P>;
+ fn build_cipher<R: rand::Rng + rand::CryptoRng>(&self, key_rng: &mut R) -> Self::Cipher {
+ let key: LdtKey<T::Key> = LdtKey::from_random(key_rng);
+ LdtScanCipher {
+ ldt: Ldt::new(&key),
+ padder: P::generate(key_rng),
+ }
+ }
+/// A helper trait for making padders from an RNG
+trait RandomPadder {
+ fn generate<R: rand::Rng>(rng: &mut R) -> Self;
+impl RandomPadder for DefaultPadder {
+ fn generate<R: rand::Rng>(_rng: &mut R) -> Self {
+ Self::default()
+ }
+impl<const T: usize> RandomPadder for XorPadder<T> {
+ fn generate<R: rand::Rng>(rng: &mut R) -> Self {
+ let mut salt = [0_u8; T];
+ rng.fill(&mut salt[..]);
+ salt.into()
+ }
+type Aes128Ctr64LE = ctr::Ctr64LE<aes::Aes128>;
+impl ScanCipher for Aes128Ctr64LE {
+ fn encrypt(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) {
+ self.seek(0);
+ self.apply_keystream(buf)
+ }
+ fn decrypt(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) {
+ self.seek(0);
+ self.apply_keystream(buf)
+ }
+struct AesCtrFactory {}
+impl ScanCipherFactory for AesCtrFactory {
+ type Cipher = Aes128Ctr64LE;
+ fn build_cipher<R: rand::Rng>(&self, key_rng: &mut R) -> Self::Cipher {
+ let mut key = [0_u8; 16];
+ key_rng.fill(&mut key);
+ let iv = [0_u8; 16];
+ Aes128Ctr64LE::new(&key.into(), &iv.into())
+ }
+trait ScanDigest {
+ type Output;
+ fn new() -> Self;
+ fn reset(&mut self);
+ fn new_output() -> Self::Output;
+ fn update(&mut self, data: &[u8]);
+ fn finalize_and_reset(&mut self, out: &mut Self::Output);
+ fn constant_time_compare(a: &Self::Output, b: &Self::Output) -> bool;
+impl ScanDigest for sha2::Sha256 {
+ type Output = sha2::digest::generic_array::GenericArray<u8, sha2::digest::consts::U32>;
+ fn new() -> Self {
+ <Self as sha2::digest::Digest>::new()
+ }
+ fn reset(&mut self) {
+ <Self as sha2::digest::Digest>::reset(self)
+ }
+ fn new_output() -> Self::Output {
+ Self::Output::default()
+ }
+ fn update(&mut self, data: &[u8]) {
+ <Self as sha2::digest::Digest>::update(self, data);
+ }
+ fn finalize_and_reset(&mut self, out: &mut Self::Output) {
+ self.finalize_into_reset(out);
+ }
+ fn constant_time_compare(a: &Self::Output, b: &Self::Output) -> bool {
+ a.ct_eq(b).into()
+ }
+impl ScanDigest for blake2::Blake2b512 {
+ type Output = blake2::digest::generic_array::GenericArray<u8, blake2::digest::consts::U64>;
+ fn new() -> Self {
+ <Self as blake2::digest::Digest>::new()
+ }
+ fn reset(&mut self) {
+ <Self as blake2::digest::Digest>::reset(self)
+ }
+ fn new_output() -> Self::Output {
+ Self::Output::default()
+ }
+ fn update(&mut self, data: &[u8]) {
+ <Self as blake2::digest::Digest>::update(self, data)
+ }
+ fn finalize_and_reset(&mut self, out: &mut Self::Output) {
+ self.finalize_into_reset(out)
+ }
+ fn constant_time_compare(a: &Self::Output, b: &Self::Output) -> bool {
+ a.ct_eq(b).into()
+ }
+impl ScanDigest for blake2::Blake2s256 {
+ type Output = blake2::digest::generic_array::GenericArray<u8, blake2::digest::consts::U32>;
+ fn new() -> Self {
+ <Self as blake2::digest::Digest>::new()
+ }
+ fn reset(&mut self) {
+ <Self as blake2::digest::Digest>::reset(self)
+ }
+ fn new_output() -> Self::Output {
+ Self::Output::default()
+ }
+ fn update(&mut self, data: &[u8]) {
+ <Self as blake2::digest::Digest>::update(self, data)
+ }
+ fn finalize_and_reset(&mut self, out: &mut Self::Output) {
+ self.finalize_into_reset(out)
+ }
+ fn constant_time_compare(a: &Self::Output, b: &Self::Output) -> bool {
+ a.ct_eq(b).into()
+ }