path: root/README.md
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+This crate provides extension traits for `&[u8]` and `Vec<u8>` that enable
+their use as byte strings, where byte strings are _conventionally_ UTF-8. This
+differs from the standard library's `String` and `str` types in that they are
+not required to be valid UTF-8, but may be fully or partially valid UTF-8.
+[![Build status](https://github.com/BurntSushi/bstr/workflows/ci/badge.svg)](https://github.com/BurntSushi/bstr/actions)
+### Documentation
+### When should I use byte strings?
+See this part of the documentation for more details:
+The short story is that byte strings are useful when it is inconvenient or
+incorrect to require valid UTF-8.
+### Usage
+Add this to your `Cargo.toml`:
+bstr = "0.2"
+### Examples
+The following two examples exhibit both the API features of byte strings and
+the I/O convenience functions provided for reading line-by-line quickly.
+This first example simply shows how to efficiently iterate over lines in
+stdin, and print out lines containing a particular substring:
+use std::error::Error;
+use std::io::{self, Write};
+use bstr::{ByteSlice, io::BufReadExt};
+fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
+ let stdin = io::stdin();
+ let mut stdout = io::BufWriter::new(io::stdout());
+ stdin.lock().for_byte_line_with_terminator(|line| {
+ if line.contains_str("Dimension") {
+ stdout.write_all(line)?;
+ }
+ Ok(true)
+ })?;
+ Ok(())
+This example shows how to count all of the words (Unicode-aware) in stdin,
+use std::error::Error;
+use std::io;
+use bstr::{ByteSlice, io::BufReadExt};
+fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
+ let stdin = io::stdin();
+ let mut words = 0;
+ stdin.lock().for_byte_line_with_terminator(|line| {
+ words += line.words().count();
+ Ok(true)
+ })?;
+ println!("{}", words);
+ Ok(())
+This example shows how to convert a stream on stdin to uppercase without
+performing UTF-8 validation _and_ amortizing allocation. On standard ASCII
+text, this is quite a bit faster than what you can (easily) do with standard
+library APIs. (N.B. Any invalid UTF-8 bytes are passed through unchanged.)
+use std::error::Error;
+use std::io::{self, Write};
+use bstr::{ByteSlice, io::BufReadExt};
+fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
+ let stdin = io::stdin();
+ let mut stdout = io::BufWriter::new(io::stdout());
+ let mut upper = vec![];
+ stdin.lock().for_byte_line_with_terminator(|line| {
+ upper.clear();
+ line.to_uppercase_into(&mut upper);
+ stdout.write_all(&upper)?;
+ Ok(true)
+ })?;
+ Ok(())
+This example shows how to extract the first 10 visual characters (as grapheme
+clusters) from each line, where invalid UTF-8 sequences are generally treated
+as a single character and are passed through correctly:
+use std::error::Error;
+use std::io::{self, Write};
+use bstr::{ByteSlice, io::BufReadExt};
+fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
+ let stdin = io::stdin();
+ let mut stdout = io::BufWriter::new(io::stdout());
+ stdin.lock().for_byte_line_with_terminator(|line| {
+ let end = line
+ .grapheme_indices()
+ .map(|(_, end, _)| end)
+ .take(10)
+ .last()
+ .unwrap_or(line.len());
+ stdout.write_all(line[..end].trim_end())?;
+ stdout.write_all(b"\n")?;
+ Ok(true)
+ })?;
+ Ok(())
+### Cargo features
+This crates comes with a few features that control standard library, serde
+and Unicode support.
+* `std` - **Enabled** by default. This provides APIs that require the standard
+ library, such as `Vec<u8>`.
+* `unicode` - **Enabled** by default. This provides APIs that require sizable
+ Unicode data compiled into the binary. This includes, but is not limited to,
+ grapheme/word/sentence segmenters. When this is disabled, basic support such
+ as UTF-8 decoding is still included.
+* `serde1` - **Disabled** by default. Enables implementations of serde traits
+ for the `BStr` and `BString` types.
+* `serde1-nostd` - **Disabled** by default. Enables implementations of serde
+ traits for the `BStr` type only, intended for use without the standard
+ library. Generally, you either want `serde1` or `serde1-nostd`, not both.
+### Minimum Rust version policy
+This crate's minimum supported `rustc` version (MSRV) is `1.28.0`.
+In general, this crate will be conservative with respect to the minimum
+supported version of Rust. MSRV may be bumped in minor version releases.
+### Future work
+Since this is meant to be a core crate, getting a `1.0` release is a priority.
+My hope is to move to `1.0` within the next year and commit to its API so that
+`bstr` can be used as a public dependency.
+A large part of the API surface area was taken from the standard library, so
+from an API design perspective, a good portion of this crate should be mature.
+The main differences from the standard library are in how the various substring
+search routines work. The standard library provides generic infrastructure for
+supporting different types of searches with a single method, where as this
+library prefers to define new methods for each type of search and drop the
+generic infrastructure.
+Some _probable_ future considerations for APIs include, but are not limited to:
+* A convenience layer on top of the `aho-corasick` crate.
+* Unicode normalization.
+* More sophisticated support for dealing with Unicode case, perhaps by
+ combining the use cases supported by [`caseless`](https://docs.rs/caseless)
+ and [`unicase`](https://docs.rs/unicase).
+* Add facilities for dealing with OS strings and file paths, probably via
+ simple conversion routines.
+Here are some examples that are _probably_ out of scope for this crate:
+* Regular expressions.
+* Unicode collation.
+The exact scope isn't quite clear, but I expect we can iterate on it.
+In general, as stated below, this crate is an experiment in bringing lots of
+related APIs together into a single crate while simultaneously attempting to
+keep the total number of dependencies low. Indeed, every dependency of `bstr`,
+except for `memchr`, is optional.
+### High level motivation
+Strictly speaking, the `bstr` crate provides very little that can't already be
+achieved with the standard library `Vec<u8>`/`&[u8]` APIs and the ecosystem of
+library crates. For example:
+* The standard library's
+ [`Utf8Error`](https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/str/struct.Utf8Error.html)
+ can be used for incremental lossy decoding of `&[u8]`.
+* The
+ [`unicode-segmentation`](https://unicode-rs.github.io/unicode-segmentation/unicode_segmentation/index.html)
+ crate can be used for iterating over graphemes (or words), but is only
+ implemented for `&str` types. One could use `Utf8Error` above to implement
+ grapheme iteration with the same semantics as what `bstr` provides (automatic
+ Unicode replacement codepoint substitution).
+* The [`twoway`](https://docs.rs/twoway) crate can be used for
+ fast substring searching on `&[u8]`.
+So why create `bstr`? Part of the point of the `bstr` crate is to provide a
+uniform API of coupled components instead of relying on users to piece together
+loosely coupled components from the crate ecosystem. For example, if you wanted
+to perform a search and replace in a `Vec<u8>`, then writing the code to do
+that with the `twoway` crate is not that difficult, but it's still additional
+glue code you have to write. This work adds up depending on what you're doing.
+Consider, for example, trimming and splitting, along with their different
+In other words, `bstr` is partially a way of pushing back against the
+micro-crate ecosystem that appears to be evolving. It's not clear to me whether
+this experiment will be successful or not, but it is definitely a goal of
+`bstr` to keep its dependency list lightweight. For example, `serde` is an
+optional dependency because there is no feasible alternative, but `twoway` is
+not, where we instead prefer to implement our own substring search. In service
+of this philosophy, currently, the only required dependency of `bstr` is
+### License
+This project is licensed under either of
+ * Apache License, Version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or
+ https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0)
+ * MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) or
+ https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)
+at your option.
+The data in `src/unicode/data/` is licensed under the Unicode License Agreement
+([LICENSE-UNICODE](https://www.unicode.org/copyright.html#License)), although
+this data is only used in tests.