[package] name = "byteorder" version = "1.4.3" #:version authors = ["Andrew Gallant "] description = "Library for reading/writing numbers in big-endian and little-endian." documentation = "https://docs.rs/byteorder" homepage = "https://github.com/BurntSushi/byteorder" repository = "https://github.com/BurntSushi/byteorder" readme = "README.md" categories = ["encoding", "parsing", "no-std"] keywords = ["byte", "endian", "big-endian", "little-endian", "binary"] license = "Unlicense OR MIT" exclude = ["/ci/*"] edition = "2018" [lib] name = "byteorder" bench = false [dev-dependencies] quickcheck = { version = "0.9.2", default-features = false } rand = "0.7" [features] default = ["std"] std = [] # This feature is no longer used and is DEPRECATED. This crate now # automatically enables i128 support for Rust compilers that support it. The # feature will be removed if and when a new major version is released. i128 = [] [profile.bench] opt-level = 3