path: root/grpc/spm-core-include
diff options
authorJoel Galenson <>2021-06-21 17:11:55 -0700
committerJoel Galenson <>2021-06-21 17:26:52 -0700
commit2c22405ca1892f0aea3d123d3391034f9a383073 (patch)
treec139d6aabd0ebb3c9f2113026caa79251ce8463f /grpc/spm-core-include
parent6f65f18de43a918103ccec861094e1803552dd80 (diff)
Upgrade rust/crates/grpcio-sys to 0.9.0+1.38.0android-s-beta-4android-s-beta-3android-s-beta-4
Test: make Change-Id: I216e32d09b497864276eaa4743f6c88722cebe14
Diffstat (limited to 'grpc/spm-core-include')
11 files changed, 599 insertions, 26 deletions
diff --git a/grpc/spm-core-include/grpc/event_engine/ b/grpc/spm-core-include/grpc/event_engine/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b2d4fef8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/grpc/spm-core-include/grpc/event_engine/
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+# gRPC EventEngine
+An EventEngine handles all cross-platform I/O, task execution, and DNS
+resolution for gRPC. A default, cross-platform implementation is provided with
+gRPC, but part of the intent here is to provide an interface for external
+integrators to bring their own functionality. This allows for integration with
+external event loops, siloing I/O and task execution between channels or
+servers, and other custom integrations that were previously unsupported.
+*WARNING*: This is experimental code and is subject to change.
+## High level expectations of an EventEngine implementation
+### Provide their own I/O threads
+EventEngines are expected to internally create whatever threads are required to
+perform I/O and execute callbacks. For example, an EventEngine implementation
+may want to spawn separate thread pools for polling and callback execution.
+### Provisioning data buffers via Slice allocation
+At a high level, gRPC provides a `ResourceQuota` system that allows gRPC to
+reclaim memory and degrade gracefully when memory reaches application-defined
+thresholds. To enable this feature, the memory allocation of read/write buffers
+within an EventEngine must be acquired in the form of Slices from
+SliceAllocators. This is covered more fully in the gRFC and code.
+### Documentating expectations around callback execution
+Some callbacks may be expensive to run. EventEngines should decide on and
+document whether callback execution might block polling operations. This way,
+application developers can plan accordingly (e.g., run their expensive callbacks
+on a separate thread if necessary).
+### Handling concurrent usage
+Assume that gRPC may use an EventEngine concurrently across multiple threads.
+## TODO: documentation
+* Example usage
+* Link to gRFC
diff --git a/grpc/spm-core-include/grpc/event_engine/channel_args.h b/grpc/spm-core-include/grpc/event_engine/channel_args.h
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index 00000000..d809b1fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/grpc/spm-core-include/grpc/event_engine/channel_args.h
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+// Copyright 2021 The gRPC Authors
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+#include <grpc/support/port_platform.h>
+namespace grpc_event_engine {
+namespace experimental {
+// TODO(hork): define
+class ChannelArgs;
+} // namespace experimental
+} // namespace grpc_event_engine
diff --git a/grpc/spm-core-include/grpc/event_engine/event_engine.h b/grpc/spm-core-include/grpc/event_engine/event_engine.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cdb59662
--- /dev/null
+++ b/grpc/spm-core-include/grpc/event_engine/event_engine.h
@@ -0,0 +1,336 @@
+// Copyright 2021 The gRPC Authors
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+#include <grpc/support/port_platform.h>
+#include <functional>
+#include <vector>
+#include "absl/status/status.h"
+#include "absl/status/statusor.h"
+#include "absl/time/time.h"
+#include "grpc/event_engine/channel_args.h"
+#include "grpc/event_engine/port.h"
+#include "grpc/event_engine/slice_allocator.h"
+// TODO(hork): explicitly define lifetimes and ownership of all objects.
+// TODO(hork): Define the Endpoint::Write metrics collection system
+namespace grpc_event_engine {
+namespace experimental {
+/// The EventEngine encapsulates all platform-specific behaviors related to low
+/// level network I/O, timers, asynchronous execution, and DNS resolution.
+/// This interface allows developers to provide their own event management and
+/// network stacks. Motivating uses cases for supporting custom EventEngines
+/// include the ability to hook into external event loops, and using different
+/// EventEngine instances for each channel to better insulate network I/O and
+/// callback processing from other channels.
+/// A default cross-platform EventEngine instance is provided by gRPC.
+/// gRPC takes shared ownership of EventEngines via std::shared_ptrs to ensure
+/// that the engines remain available until they are no longer needed. Depending
+/// on the use case, engines may live until gRPC is shut down.
+/// EXAMPLE USAGE (Not yet implemented)
+/// Custom EventEngines can be specified per channel, and allow configuration
+/// for both clients and servers. To set a custom EventEngine for a client
+/// channel, you can do something like the following:
+/// ChannelArguments args;
+/// std::shared_ptr<EventEngine> engine = std::make_shared<MyEngine>(...);
+/// args.SetEventEngine(engine);
+/// MyAppClient client(grpc::CreateCustomChannel(
+/// "localhost:50051", grpc::InsecureChannelCredentials(), args));
+/// A gRPC server can use a custom EventEngine by calling the
+/// ServerBuilder::SetEventEngine method:
+/// ServerBuilder builder;
+/// std::shared_ptr<EventEngine> engine = std::make_shared<MyEngine>(...);
+/// builder.SetEventEngine(engine);
+/// std::unique_ptr<Server> server(builder.BuildAndStart());
+/// server->Wait();
+class EventEngine {
+ public:
+ /// A basic callable function. The first argument to all callbacks is an
+ /// absl::Status indicating the status of the operation associated with this
+ /// callback. Each EventEngine method that takes a callback parameter, defines
+ /// the expected sets and meanings of statuses for that use case.
+ using Callback = std::function<void(absl::Status)>;
+ /// A callback handle, used to cancel a callback.
+ struct TaskHandle {
+ intptr_t key;
+ };
+ /// A thin wrapper around a platform-specific sockaddr type. A sockaddr struct
+ /// exists on all platforms that gRPC supports.
+ ///
+ /// Platforms are expected to provide definitions for:
+ /// * sockaddr
+ /// * sockaddr_in
+ /// * sockaddr_in6
+ class ResolvedAddress {
+ public:
+ static constexpr socklen_t MAX_SIZE_BYTES = 128;
+ ResolvedAddress(const sockaddr* address, socklen_t size);
+ const struct sockaddr* address() const;
+ socklen_t size() const;
+ private:
+ char address_[MAX_SIZE_BYTES];
+ socklen_t size_;
+ };
+ /// An Endpoint represents one end of a connection between a gRPC client and
+ /// server. Endpoints are created when connections are established, and
+ /// Endpoint operations are gRPC's primary means of communication.
+ ///
+ /// Endpoints must use the provided SliceAllocator for all data buffer memory
+ /// allocations. gRPC allows applications to set memory constraints per
+ /// Channel or Server, and the implementation depends on all dynamic memory
+ /// allocation being handled by the quota system.
+ class Endpoint {
+ public:
+ /// The Endpoint destructor is responsible for shutting down all connections
+ /// and invoking all pending read or write callbacks with an error status.
+ virtual ~Endpoint() = default;
+ /// Read data from the Endpoint.
+ ///
+ /// When data is available on the connection, that data is moved into the
+ /// \a buffer, and the \a on_read callback is called. The caller must ensure
+ /// that the callback has access to the buffer when executed later.
+ /// Ownership of the buffer is not transferred. Valid slices *may* be placed
+ /// into the buffer even if the callback is invoked with a non-OK Status.
+ ///
+ /// For failed read operations, implementations should pass the appropriate
+ /// statuses to \a on_read. For example, callbacks might expect to receive
+ /// DEADLINE_EXCEEDED when the deadline is exceeded, and CANCELLED on
+ /// endpoint shutdown.
+ virtual void Read(Callback on_read, SliceBuffer* buffer,
+ absl::Time deadline) = 0;
+ /// Write data out on the connection.
+ ///
+ /// \a on_writable is called when the connection is ready for more data. The
+ /// Slices within the \a data buffer may be mutated at will by the Endpoint
+ /// until \a on_writable is called. The \a data SliceBuffer will remain
+ /// valid after calling \a Write, but its state is otherwise undefined.
+ ///
+ /// For failed write operations, implementations should pass the appropriate
+ /// statuses to \a on_writable. For example, callbacks might expect to
+ /// receive DEADLINE_EXCEEDED when the deadline is exceeded, and CANCELLED
+ /// on endpoint shutdown.
+ virtual void Write(Callback on_writable, SliceBuffer* data,
+ absl::Time deadline) = 0;
+ // TODO(hork): define status codes for the callback
+ // TODO(hork): define cleanup operations, lifetimes, responsibilities.
+ virtual void Close(Callback on_close) = 0;
+ /// These methods return an address in the format described in DNSResolver.
+ /// The returned values are owned by the Endpoint and are expected to remain
+ /// valid for the life of the Endpoint.
+ virtual const ResolvedAddress* GetPeerAddress() const = 0;
+ virtual const ResolvedAddress* GetLocalAddress() const = 0;
+ };
+ /// Called when a new connection is established.
+ ///
+ /// If the connection attempt was not successful, implementations should pass
+ /// the appropriate statuses to this callback. For example, callbacks might
+ /// expect to receive DEADLINE_EXCEEDED statuses when appropriate, or
+ /// CANCELLED statuses on EventEngine shutdown.
+ using OnConnectCallback =
+ std::function<void(absl::StatusOr<std::unique_ptr<Endpoint>>)>;
+ /// An EventEngine Listener listens for incoming connection requests from gRPC
+ /// clients and initiates request processing once connections are established.
+ class Listener {
+ public:
+ /// Called when the listener has accepted a new client connection.
+ using AcceptCallback = std::function<void(std::unique_ptr<Endpoint>)>;
+ virtual ~Listener() = default;
+ /// Bind an address/port to this Listener.
+ ///
+ /// It is expected that multiple addresses/ports can be bound to this
+ /// Listener before Listener::Start has been called. Returns either the
+ /// bound port or an appropriate error status.
+ virtual absl::StatusOr<int> Bind(const ResolvedAddress& addr) = 0;
+ virtual absl::Status Start() = 0;
+ };
+ /// Factory method to create a network listener / server.
+ ///
+ /// Once a \a Listener is created and started, the \a on_accept callback will
+ /// be called once asynchronously for each established connection. Note that
+ /// unlike other callbacks, there is no status code parameter since the
+ /// callback will only be called in healthy scenarios where connections can be
+ /// accepted.
+ ///
+ /// This method may return a non-OK status immediately if an error was
+ /// encountered in any synchronous steps required to create the Listener. In
+ /// this case, \a on_shutdown will never be called.
+ ///
+ /// If this method returns a Listener, then \a on_shutdown will be invoked
+ /// exactly once, when the Listener is shut down. The status passed to it will
+ /// indicate if there was a problem during shutdown.
+ ///
+ /// The provided \a SliceAllocatorFactory is used to create \a SliceAllocators
+ /// for Endpoint construction.
+ virtual absl::StatusOr<std::unique_ptr<Listener>> CreateListener(
+ Listener::AcceptCallback on_accept, Callback on_shutdown,
+ const ChannelArgs& args,
+ SliceAllocatorFactory slice_allocator_factory) = 0;
+ /// Creates a client network connection to a remote network listener.
+ ///
+ /// \a Connect may return an error status immediately if there was a failure
+ /// in the synchronous part of establishing a connection. In that event, the
+ /// \a on_connect callback *will not* have been executed. Otherwise, it is
+ /// expected that the \a on_connect callback will be asynchronously executed
+ /// exactly once by the EventEngine.
+ ///
+ /// Implementation Note: it is important that the \a slice_allocator be used
+ /// for all read/write buffer allocations in the EventEngine implementation.
+ /// This allows gRPC's \a ResourceQuota system to monitor and control memory
+ /// usage with graceful degradation mechanisms. Please see the \a
+ /// SliceAllocator API for more information.
+ virtual absl::Status Connect(OnConnectCallback on_connect,
+ const ResolvedAddress& addr,
+ const ChannelArgs& args,
+ SliceAllocator slice_allocator,
+ absl::Time deadline) = 0;
+ /// The DNSResolver that provides asynchronous resolution.
+ class DNSResolver {
+ public:
+ /// A task handle for DNS Resolution requests.
+ struct LookupTaskHandle {
+ intptr_t key;
+ };
+ /// A DNS SRV record type.
+ struct SRVRecord {
+ std::string host;
+ int port = 0;
+ int priority = 0;
+ int weight = 0;
+ };
+ /// Called with the collection of sockaddrs that were resolved from a given
+ /// target address.
+ using LookupHostnameCallback =
+ std::function<void(absl::StatusOr<std::vector<ResolvedAddress>>)>;
+ /// Called with a collection of SRV records.
+ using LookupSRVCallback =
+ std::function<void(absl::StatusOr<std::vector<SRVRecord>>)>;
+ /// Called with the result of a TXT record lookup
+ using LookupTXTCallback = std::function<void(absl::StatusOr<std::string>)>;
+ virtual ~DNSResolver() = default;
+ /// Asynchronously resolve an address.
+ ///
+ /// \a default_port may be a non-numeric named service port, and will only
+ /// be used if \a address does not already contain a port component.
+ ///
+ /// When the lookup is complete, the \a on_resolve callback will be invoked
+ /// with a status indicating the success or failure of the lookup.
+ /// Implementations should pass the appropriate statuses to the callback.
+ /// For example, callbacks might expect to receive DEADLINE_EXCEEDED when
+ /// the deadline is exceeded or CANCELLED if the lookup was cancelled.
+ virtual LookupTaskHandle LookupHostname(LookupHostnameCallback on_resolve,
+ absl::string_view address,
+ absl::string_view default_port,
+ absl::Time deadline) = 0;
+ /// Asynchronously perform an SRV record lookup.
+ ///
+ /// \a on_resolve has the same meaning and expectations as \a
+ /// LookupHostname's \a on_resolve callback.
+ virtual LookupTaskHandle LookupSRV(LookupSRVCallback on_resolve,
+ absl::string_view name,
+ absl::Time deadline) = 0;
+ /// Asynchronously perform a TXT record lookup.
+ ///
+ /// \a on_resolve has the same meaning and expectations as \a
+ /// LookupHostname's \a on_resolve callback.
+ virtual LookupTaskHandle LookupTXT(LookupTXTCallback on_resolve,
+ absl::string_view name,
+ absl::Time deadline) = 0;
+ /// Cancel an asynchronous lookup operation.
+ virtual void TryCancelLookup(LookupTaskHandle handle) = 0;
+ };
+ virtual ~EventEngine() = default;
+ // TODO(hork): define return status codes
+ /// Retrieves an instance of a DNSResolver.
+ virtual absl::StatusOr<std::unique_ptr<DNSResolver>> GetDNSResolver() = 0;
+ /// Intended for future expansion of Task run functionality.
+ struct RunOptions {};
+ // TODO(hork): consider recommendation to make TaskHandle an output arg
+ /// Run a callback as soon as possible.
+ ///
+ /// The \a fn callback's \a status argument is used to indicate whether it was
+ /// executed normally. For example, the status may be CANCELLED if
+ /// \a TryCancel was called, or if the EventEngine is being shut down.
+ virtual TaskHandle Run(Callback fn, RunOptions opts) = 0;
+ /// Synonymous with scheduling an alarm to run at time \a when.
+ ///
+ /// The callback \a fn will execute when either when time \a when arrives
+ /// (receiving status OK), or when the \a fn is cancelled (reveiving status
+ /// CANCELLED). The callback is guaranteed to be called exactly once.
+ virtual TaskHandle RunAt(absl::Time when, Callback fn, RunOptions opts) = 0;
+ /// Immediately tries to cancel a callback.
+ /// Note that this is a "best effort" cancellation. No guarantee is made that
+ /// the callback will be cancelled, the call could be in any stage.
+ ///
+ /// There are three scenarios in which we may cancel a scheduled function:
+ /// 1. We cancel the execution before it has run.
+ /// 2. The callback has already run.
+ /// 3. We can't cancel it because it is "in flight".
+ ///
+ /// In all cases, the cancellation is still considered successful, the
+ /// callback will be run exactly once from either cancellation or from its
+ /// activation.
+ virtual void TryCancel(TaskHandle handle) = 0;
+ /// Immediately run all callbacks with status indicating the shutdown. Every
+ /// EventEngine is expected to shut down exactly once. No new callbacks/tasks
+ /// should be scheduled after shutdown has begun, no new connections should be
+ /// created.
+ ///
+ /// If the \a on_shutdown_complete callback is given a non-OK status, errors
+ /// are expected to be unrecoverable. For example, an implementation could
+ /// warn callers about leaks if memory cannot be freed within a certain
+ /// timeframe.
+ virtual void Shutdown(Callback on_shutdown_complete) = 0;
+/// Lazily instantiate and return a default global EventEngine instance if no
+/// custom instance is provided. If a custom EventEngine is provided for every
+/// channel/server via ChannelArgs, this method should never be called, and the
+/// default instance will never be instantiated.
+std::shared_ptr<EventEngine> GetDefaultEventEngine();
+} // namespace experimental
+} // namespace grpc_event_engine
diff --git a/grpc/spm-core-include/grpc/event_engine/port.h b/grpc/spm-core-include/grpc/event_engine/port.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c24b8f90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/grpc/spm-core-include/grpc/event_engine/port.h
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+// Copyright 2021 The gRPC Authors
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+#include <grpc/support/port_platform.h>
+// Platform-specific sockaddr includes
+#ifdef GRPC_UV
+#include <uv.h>
+#elif defined(GPR_ANDROID) || defined(GPR_LINUX) || defined(GPR_APPLE) || \
+ defined(GPR_FREEBSD) || defined(GPR_OPENBSD) || defined(GPR_SOLARIS) || \
+ defined(GPR_AIX) || defined(GPR_NACL) || defined(GPR_FUCHSIA) || \
+#include <netdb.h>
+#include <netinet/in.h>
+#include <sys/socket.h>
+#elif defined(GPR_WINDOWS)
+#include <winsock2.h>
+#include <ws2tcpip.h>
+// must be included after the above
+#include <mswsock.h>
diff --git a/grpc/spm-core-include/grpc/event_engine/slice_allocator.h b/grpc/spm-core-include/grpc/event_engine/slice_allocator.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4370cd51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/grpc/spm-core-include/grpc/event_engine/slice_allocator.h
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+// Copyright 2021 The gRPC Authors
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+#include <grpc/support/port_platform.h>
+#include <functional>
+#include "absl/status/status.h"
+// forward-declaring an internal struct, not used publicly.
+struct grpc_resource_quota;
+struct grpc_resource_user;
+namespace grpc_event_engine {
+namespace experimental {
+// TODO(nnoble): forward declared here, needs definition.
+class SliceBuffer;
+class SliceAllocator {
+ public:
+ // gRPC-internal constructor
+ explicit SliceAllocator(grpc_resource_user* user);
+ // Not copyable
+ SliceAllocator(SliceAllocator& other) = delete;
+ SliceAllocator& operator=(const SliceAllocator& other) = delete;
+ // Moveable
+ SliceAllocator(SliceAllocator&& other) = default;
+ SliceAllocator& operator=(SliceAllocator&& other) = default;
+ ~SliceAllocator();
+ using AllocateCallback =
+ std::function<void(absl::Status, SliceBuffer* buffer)>;
+ // TODO(hork): explain what happens under resource exhaustion.
+ /// Requests \a size bytes from gRPC, and populates \a dest with the allocated
+ /// slices. Ownership of the \a SliceBuffer is not transferred.
+ absl::Status Allocate(size_t size, SliceBuffer* dest,
+ SliceAllocator::AllocateCallback cb);
+ private:
+ grpc_resource_user* resource_user_;
+class SliceAllocatorFactory {
+ public:
+ // gRPC-internal constructor
+ explicit SliceAllocatorFactory(grpc_resource_quota* quota);
+ // Not copyable
+ SliceAllocatorFactory(SliceAllocatorFactory& other) = delete;
+ SliceAllocatorFactory& operator=(const SliceAllocatorFactory& other) = delete;
+ // Moveable
+ SliceAllocatorFactory(SliceAllocatorFactory&& other) = default;
+ SliceAllocatorFactory& operator=(SliceAllocatorFactory&& other) = default;
+ ~SliceAllocatorFactory();
+ /// On Endpoint creation, call \a CreateSliceAllocator with the name of the
+ /// endpoint peer (a URI string, most likely). Note: \a peer_name must outlive
+ /// the Endpoint.
+ SliceAllocator CreateSliceAllocator(absl::string_view peer_name);
+ private:
+ grpc_resource_quota* resource_quota_;
+} // namespace experimental
+} // namespace grpc_event_engine
diff --git a/grpc/spm-core-include/grpc/grpc.h b/grpc/spm-core-include/grpc/grpc.h
index 09bb1061..f4408e11 100644
--- a/grpc/spm-core-include/grpc/grpc.h
+++ b/grpc/spm-core-include/grpc/grpc.h
@@ -411,10 +411,20 @@ GRPCAPI void grpc_server_register_completion_queue(grpc_server* server,
grpc_completion_queue* cq,
void* reserved);
+// There might be more methods added later, so users should take care to memset
+// this to 0 before using it.
+typedef struct {
+ void (*on_serving_status_update)(void* user_data, const char* uri,
+ grpc_status_code code,
+ const char* error_message);
+ void* user_data;
+} grpc_server_xds_status_notifier;
typedef struct grpc_server_config_fetcher grpc_server_config_fetcher;
/** EXPERIMENTAL. Creates an xDS config fetcher. */
-GRPCAPI grpc_server_config_fetcher* grpc_server_config_fetcher_xds_create();
+GRPCAPI grpc_server_config_fetcher* grpc_server_config_fetcher_xds_create(
+ grpc_server_xds_status_notifier notifier, const grpc_channel_args* args);
/** EXPERIMENTAL. Destroys a config fetcher. */
GRPCAPI void grpc_server_config_fetcher_destroy(
@@ -495,6 +505,10 @@ GRPCAPI void grpc_resource_quota_resize(grpc_resource_quota* resource_quota,
GRPCAPI void grpc_resource_quota_set_max_threads(
grpc_resource_quota* resource_quota, int new_max_threads);
+/** EXPERIMENTAL. Dumps xDS configs as a serialized ClientConfig proto.
+ The full name of the proto is envoy.service.status.v3.ClientConfig. */
+GRPCAPI grpc_slice grpc_dump_xds_configs();
/** Fetch a vtable for a grpc_channel_arg that points to a grpc_resource_quota
GRPCAPI const grpc_arg_pointer_vtable* grpc_resource_quota_arg_vtable(void);
diff --git a/grpc/spm-core-include/grpc/grpc_security.h b/grpc/spm-core-include/grpc/grpc_security.h
index c1d72955..b5dafe1b 100644
--- a/grpc/spm-core-include/grpc/grpc_security.h
+++ b/grpc/spm-core-include/grpc/grpc_security.h
@@ -856,8 +856,8 @@ GRPCAPI grpc_tls_credentials_options* grpc_tls_credentials_options_create(void);
* Sets the options of whether to request and verify client certs. This should
- * be called only on the server side. It returns 1 on success and 0 on failure.
- * It is used for experimental purpose for now and subject to change.
+ * be called only on the server side. It is used for experimental purpose for
+ * now and subject to change.
GRPCAPI void grpc_tls_credentials_options_set_cert_request_type(
grpc_tls_credentials_options* options,
@@ -868,8 +868,7 @@ GRPCAPI void grpc_tls_credentials_options_set_cert_request_type(
* hostname check, etc. This should be called only on the client side. If
* |server_verification_option| is not GRPC_TLS_SERVER_VERIFICATION, use of a
* custom authorization check (grpc_tls_server_authorization_check_config) is
- * mandatory. It returns 1 on success and 0 on failure. It is used for
- * experimental purpose for now and subject to change.
+ * mandatory. It is used for experimental purpose for now and subject to change.
GRPCAPI void grpc_tls_credentials_options_set_server_verification_option(
grpc_tls_credentials_options* options,
@@ -878,7 +877,6 @@ GRPCAPI void grpc_tls_credentials_options_set_server_verification_option(
* Sets the credential provider in the options.
* The |options| will implicitly take a new ref to the |provider|.
- * It returns 1 on success and 0 on failure.
* It is used for experimental purpose for now and subject to change.
GRPCAPI void grpc_tls_credentials_options_set_certificate_provider(
@@ -887,8 +885,14 @@ GRPCAPI void grpc_tls_credentials_options_set_certificate_provider(
* If set, gRPC stack will keep watching the root certificates with
- * name |root_cert_name|. It returns 1 on success and 0 on failure. It is used
- * for experimental purpose for now and subject to change.
+ * name |root_cert_name|.
+ * If this is not set on the client side, we will use the root certificates
+ * stored in the default system location, since client side must provide root
+ * certificates in TLS.
+ * If this is not set on the server side, we will not watch any root certificate
+ * updates, and assume no root certificates needed for the server(single-side
+ * TLS). Default root certs on the server side is not supported.
+ * It is used for experimental purpose for now and subject to change.
GRPCAPI void grpc_tls_credentials_options_watch_root_certs(
grpc_tls_credentials_options* options);
@@ -903,8 +907,9 @@ GRPCAPI void grpc_tls_credentials_options_set_root_cert_name(
* If set, gRPC stack will keep watching the identity key-cert pairs
- * with name |identity_cert_name|. It returns 1 on success and 0 on failure. It
- * is used for experimental purpose for now and subject to change.
+ * with name |identity_cert_name|.
+ * This is required on the server side, and optional on the client side.
+ * It is used for experimental purpose for now and subject to change.
GRPCAPI void grpc_tls_credentials_options_watch_identity_key_cert_pairs(
grpc_tls_credentials_options* options);
@@ -920,8 +925,8 @@ GRPCAPI void grpc_tls_credentials_options_set_identity_cert_name(
* Sets the configuration for a custom authorization check performed at the end
* of the handshake. The |options| will implicitly take a new ref to the
- * |config|. It returns 1 on success and 0 on failure. It is used for
- * experimental purpose for now and subject to change.
+ * |config|.
+ * It is used for experimental purpose for now and subject to change.
GRPCAPI void grpc_tls_credentials_options_set_server_authorization_check_config(
grpc_tls_credentials_options* options,
diff --git a/grpc/spm-core-include/grpc/grpc_security_constants.h b/grpc/spm-core-include/grpc/grpc_security_constants.h
index a62f7675..4d7f0788 100644
--- a/grpc/spm-core-include/grpc/grpc_security_constants.h
+++ b/grpc/spm-core-include/grpc/grpc_security_constants.h
@@ -29,10 +29,24 @@ extern "C" {
#define GRPC_X509_CN_PROPERTY_NAME "x509_common_name"
#define GRPC_X509_SAN_PROPERTY_NAME "x509_subject_alternative_name"
#define GRPC_X509_PEM_CERT_PROPERTY_NAME "x509_pem_cert"
+// Please note that internally, we just faithfully pass whatever value we got by
+// calling SSL_get_peer_cert_chain() in OpenSSL/BoringSSL. This will mean in
+// OpenSSL, the following conditions might apply:
+// 1. On the client side, this property returns the full certificate chain. On
+// the server side, this property will return the certificate chain without the
+// leaf certificate. Application can use GRPC_X509_PEM_CERT_PROPERTY_NAME to
+// get the peer leaf certificate.
+// 2. If the session is resumed, this property could be empty for OpenSSL (but
+// not for BoringSSL).
+// For more, please refer to the official OpenSSL manual:
#define GRPC_X509_PEM_CERT_CHAIN_PROPERTY_NAME "x509_pem_cert_chain"
#define GRPC_SSL_SESSION_REUSED_PROPERTY "ssl_session_reused"
+#define GRPC_PEER_DNS_PROPERTY_NAME "peer_dns"
#define GRPC_PEER_SPIFFE_ID_PROPERTY_NAME "peer_spiffe_id"
+#define GRPC_PEER_EMAIL_PROPERTY_NAME "peer_email"
+#define GRPC_PEER_IP_PROPERTY_NAME "peer_ip"
/** Environment variable that points to the default SSL roots file. This file
must be a PEM encoded file with all the roots such as the one that can be
diff --git a/grpc/spm-core-include/grpc/impl/codegen/grpc_types.h b/grpc/spm-core-include/grpc/impl/codegen/grpc_types.h
index d67a9e97..9cf6d837 100644
--- a/grpc/spm-core-include/grpc/impl/codegen/grpc_types.h
+++ b/grpc/spm-core-include/grpc/impl/codegen/grpc_types.h
@@ -353,6 +353,17 @@ typedef struct {
/* Timeout in milliseconds to use for calls to the grpclb load balancer.
If 0 or unset, the balancer calls will have no deadline. */
#define GRPC_ARG_GRPCLB_CALL_TIMEOUT_MS "grpc.grpclb_call_timeout_ms"
+/* Specifies the xDS bootstrap config as a JSON string.
+ This option allows controlling the bootstrap configuration on a
+ per-channel basis, which is useful in tests. However, this results
+ in having a separate xDS client instance per channel rather than
+ using the global instance, which is not the intended way to use xDS.
+ Currently, this will (a) add unnecessary load on the xDS server and
+ (b) break use of CSDS, and there may be additional side effects in
+ the future. */
+ "grpc.TEST_ONLY_DO_NOT_USE_IN_PROD.xds_bootstrap_config"
/* Timeout in milliseconds to wait for the serverlist from the grpclb load
balancer before using fallback backend addresses from the resolver.
If 0, enter fallback mode immediately. Default value is 10000. */
diff --git a/grpc/spm-core-include/grpc/impl/codegen/port_platform.h b/grpc/spm-core-include/grpc/impl/codegen/port_platform.h
index c1bada11..387639bf 100644
--- a/grpc/spm-core-include/grpc/impl/codegen/port_platform.h
+++ b/grpc/spm-core-include/grpc/impl/codegen/port_platform.h
@@ -39,6 +39,11 @@
+ * Defines GRPC_ERROR_IS_ABSEIL_STATUS to use absl::Status for grpc_error_handle
+ */
/* Get windows.h included everywhere (we need it) */
#if defined(_WIN64) || defined(WIN64) || defined(_WIN32) || defined(WIN32)
@@ -366,6 +371,7 @@
#define GPR_ARCH_32 1
#endif /* _LP64 */
#elif defined(__Fuchsia__)
+#define GRPC_ARES 0
#define GPR_FUCHSIA 1
#define GPR_ARCH_64 1
#define GPR_PLATFORM_STRING "fuchsia"
@@ -387,6 +393,7 @@
#define GPR_POSIX_TIME 1
+#define GRPC_ROOT_PEM_PATH "/config/ssl/cert.pem"
#error "Could not auto-detect platform"
diff --git a/grpc/spm-core-include/grpc/module.modulemap b/grpc/spm-core-include/grpc/module.modulemap
index 06c1e977..40606e56 100644
--- a/grpc/spm-core-include/grpc/module.modulemap
+++ b/grpc/spm-core-include/grpc/module.modulemap
@@ -2,6 +2,15 @@
framework module grpc {
umbrella header "grpc.h"
+header "byte_buffer.h"
+ header "byte_buffer_reader.h"
+ header "census.h"
+ header "compression.h"
+ header "fork.h"
+ header "grpc.h"
+ header "grpc_posix.h"
+ header "grpc_security.h"
+ header "grpc_security_constants.h"
header "impl/codegen/atm.h"
header "impl/codegen/byte_buffer.h"
header "impl/codegen/byte_buffer_reader.h"
@@ -19,6 +28,10 @@ framework module grpc {
header "impl/codegen/sync.h"
header "impl/codegen/sync_abseil.h"
header "impl/codegen/sync_generic.h"
+ header "load_reporting.h"
+ header "slice.h"
+ header "slice_buffer.h"
+ header "status.h"
header "support/alloc.h"
header "support/atm.h"
header "support/cpu.h"
@@ -31,22 +44,9 @@ framework module grpc {
header "support/sync_generic.h"
header "support/thd_id.h"
header "support/time.h"
- header "byte_buffer.h"
- header "byte_buffer_reader.h"
- header "census.h"
- header "compression.h"
- header "fork.h"
- header "grpc.h"
- header "grpc_posix.h"
- header "grpc_security.h"
- header "grpc_security_constants.h"
- header "load_reporting.h"
- header "slice.h"
- header "slice_buffer.h"
- header "status.h"
header "support/workaround_list.h"
- textual header "impl/codegen/atm_gcc_atomic.h"
+textual header "impl/codegen/atm_gcc_atomic.h"
textual header "impl/codegen/atm_gcc_sync.h"
textual header "impl/codegen/atm_windows.h"
textual header "impl/codegen/sync_custom.h"