path: root/grpc/src/core/ext/xds/
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Diffstat (limited to 'grpc/src/core/ext/xds/')
1 files changed, 371 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/grpc/src/core/ext/xds/ b/grpc/src/core/ext/xds/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..89f433f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/grpc/src/core/ext/xds/
@@ -0,0 +1,371 @@
+// Copyright 2018 gRPC authors.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+#include <grpc/support/port_platform.h>
+#include "src/core/ext/xds/xds_endpoint.h"
+#include "absl/memory/memory.h"
+#include "absl/strings/str_cat.h"
+#include "absl/strings/str_join.h"
+#include "envoy/config/core/v3/address.upb.h"
+#include "envoy/config/core/v3/base.upb.h"
+#include "envoy/config/core/v3/health_check.upb.h"
+#include "envoy/config/endpoint/v3/endpoint.upb.h"
+#include "envoy/config/endpoint/v3/endpoint.upbdefs.h"
+#include "envoy/config/endpoint/v3/endpoint_components.upb.h"
+#include "envoy/type/v3/percent.upb.h"
+#include "google/protobuf/wrappers.upb.h"
+#include "upb/text_encode.h"
+#include "upb/upb.h"
+#include "upb/upb.hpp"
+#include "src/core/ext/xds/upb_utils.h"
+#include "src/core/lib/address_utils/parse_address.h"
+#include "src/core/lib/address_utils/sockaddr_utils.h"
+namespace grpc_core {
+// XdsEndpointResource
+std::string XdsEndpointResource::Priority::Locality::ToString() const {
+ std::vector<std::string> endpoint_strings;
+ for (const ServerAddress& endpoint : endpoints) {
+ endpoint_strings.emplace_back(endpoint.ToString());
+ }
+ return absl::StrCat("{name=", name->AsHumanReadableString(),
+ ", lb_weight=", lb_weight, ", endpoints=[",
+ absl::StrJoin(endpoint_strings, ", "), "]}");
+bool XdsEndpointResource::Priority::operator==(const Priority& other) const {
+ if (localities.size() != other.localities.size()) return false;
+ auto it1 = localities.begin();
+ auto it2 = other.localities.begin();
+ while (it1 != localities.end()) {
+ if (*it1->first != *it2->first) return false;
+ if (it1->second != it2->second) return false;
+ ++it1;
+ ++it2;
+ }
+ return true;
+std::string XdsEndpointResource::Priority::ToString() const {
+ std::vector<std::string> locality_strings;
+ for (const auto& p : localities) {
+ locality_strings.emplace_back(p.second.ToString());
+ }
+ return absl::StrCat("[", absl::StrJoin(locality_strings, ", "), "]");
+bool XdsEndpointResource::DropConfig::ShouldDrop(
+ const std::string** category_name) const {
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < drop_category_list_.size(); ++i) {
+ const auto& drop_category = drop_category_list_[i];
+ // Generate a random number in [0, 1000000).
+ const uint32_t random = static_cast<uint32_t>(rand()) % 1000000;
+ if (random < drop_category.parts_per_million) {
+ *category_name = &;
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+std::string XdsEndpointResource::DropConfig::ToString() const {
+ std::vector<std::string> category_strings;
+ for (const DropCategory& category : drop_category_list_) {
+ category_strings.emplace_back(
+ absl::StrCat(, "=", category.parts_per_million));
+ }
+ return absl::StrCat("{[", absl::StrJoin(category_strings, ", "),
+ "], drop_all=", drop_all_, "}");
+std::string XdsEndpointResource::ToString() const {
+ std::vector<std::string> priority_strings;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < priorities.size(); ++i) {
+ const Priority& priority = priorities[i];
+ priority_strings.emplace_back(
+ absl::StrCat("priority ", i, ": ", priority.ToString()));
+ }
+ return absl::StrCat("priorities=[", absl::StrJoin(priority_strings, ", "),
+ "], drop_config=", drop_config->ToString());
+// XdsEndpointResourceType
+namespace {
+void MaybeLogClusterLoadAssignment(
+ const XdsEncodingContext& context,
+ const envoy_config_endpoint_v3_ClusterLoadAssignment* cla) {
+ if (GRPC_TRACE_FLAG_ENABLED(*context.tracer) &&
+ gpr_should_log(GPR_LOG_SEVERITY_DEBUG)) {
+ const upb_MessageDef* msg_type =
+ envoy_config_endpoint_v3_ClusterLoadAssignment_getmsgdef(
+ context.symtab);
+ char buf[10240];
+ upb_TextEncode(cla, msg_type, nullptr, 0, buf, sizeof(buf));
+ gpr_log(GPR_DEBUG, "[xds_client %p] ClusterLoadAssignment: %s",
+ context.client, buf);
+ }
+grpc_error_handle ServerAddressParseAndAppend(
+ const envoy_config_endpoint_v3_LbEndpoint* lb_endpoint,
+ ServerAddressList* list) {
+ // If health_status is not HEALTHY or UNKNOWN, skip this endpoint.
+ const int32_t health_status =
+ envoy_config_endpoint_v3_LbEndpoint_health_status(lb_endpoint);
+ if (health_status != envoy_config_core_v3_UNKNOWN &&
+ health_status != envoy_config_core_v3_HEALTHY) {
+ }
+ // Find the ip:port.
+ const envoy_config_endpoint_v3_Endpoint* endpoint =
+ envoy_config_endpoint_v3_LbEndpoint_endpoint(lb_endpoint);
+ const envoy_config_core_v3_Address* address =
+ envoy_config_endpoint_v3_Endpoint_address(endpoint);
+ const envoy_config_core_v3_SocketAddress* socket_address =
+ envoy_config_core_v3_Address_socket_address(address);
+ std::string address_str = UpbStringToStdString(
+ envoy_config_core_v3_SocketAddress_address(socket_address));
+ uint32_t port = envoy_config_core_v3_SocketAddress_port_value(socket_address);
+ if (GPR_UNLIKELY(port >> 16) != 0) {
+ }
+ // Find load_balancing_weight for the endpoint.
+ const google_protobuf_UInt32Value* load_balancing_weight =
+ envoy_config_endpoint_v3_LbEndpoint_load_balancing_weight(lb_endpoint);
+ const int32_t weight =
+ load_balancing_weight != nullptr
+ ? google_protobuf_UInt32Value_value(load_balancing_weight)
+ : 500;
+ if (weight == 0) {
+ "Invalid endpoint weight of 0.");
+ }
+ // Populate grpc_resolved_address.
+ grpc_resolved_address addr;
+ grpc_error_handle error =
+ grpc_string_to_sockaddr(&addr, address_str.c_str(), port);
+ if (error != GRPC_ERROR_NONE) return error;
+ // Append the address to the list.
+ std::map<const char*, std::unique_ptr<ServerAddress::AttributeInterface>>
+ attributes;
+ attributes[ServerAddressWeightAttribute::kServerAddressWeightAttributeKey] =
+ absl::make_unique<ServerAddressWeightAttribute>(weight);
+ list->emplace_back(addr, nullptr, std::move(attributes));
+grpc_error_handle LocalityParse(
+ const envoy_config_endpoint_v3_LocalityLbEndpoints* locality_lb_endpoints,
+ XdsEndpointResource::Priority::Locality* output_locality,
+ size_t* priority) {
+ // Parse LB weight.
+ const google_protobuf_UInt32Value* lb_weight =
+ envoy_config_endpoint_v3_LocalityLbEndpoints_load_balancing_weight(
+ locality_lb_endpoints);
+ // If LB weight is not specified, it means this locality is assigned no load.
+ // TODO(juanlishen): When we support CDS to configure the inter-locality
+ // policy, we should change the LB weight handling.
+ output_locality->lb_weight =
+ lb_weight != nullptr ? google_protobuf_UInt32Value_value(lb_weight) : 0;
+ if (output_locality->lb_weight == 0) return GRPC_ERROR_NONE;
+ // Parse locality name.
+ const envoy_config_core_v3_Locality* locality =
+ envoy_config_endpoint_v3_LocalityLbEndpoints_locality(
+ locality_lb_endpoints);
+ if (locality == nullptr) {
+ return GRPC_ERROR_CREATE_FROM_STATIC_STRING("Empty locality.");
+ }
+ std::string region =
+ UpbStringToStdString(envoy_config_core_v3_Locality_region(locality));
+ std::string zone =
+ UpbStringToStdString(envoy_config_core_v3_Locality_zone(locality));
+ std::string sub_zone =
+ UpbStringToStdString(envoy_config_core_v3_Locality_sub_zone(locality));
+ output_locality->name = MakeRefCounted<XdsLocalityName>(
+ std::move(region), std::move(zone), std::move(sub_zone));
+ // Parse the addresses.
+ size_t size;
+ const envoy_config_endpoint_v3_LbEndpoint* const* lb_endpoints =
+ envoy_config_endpoint_v3_LocalityLbEndpoints_lb_endpoints(
+ locality_lb_endpoints, &size);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
+ grpc_error_handle error = ServerAddressParseAndAppend(
+ lb_endpoints[i], &output_locality->endpoints);
+ if (error != GRPC_ERROR_NONE) return error;
+ }
+ // Parse the priority.
+ *priority = envoy_config_endpoint_v3_LocalityLbEndpoints_priority(
+ locality_lb_endpoints);
+grpc_error_handle DropParseAndAppend(
+ const envoy_config_endpoint_v3_ClusterLoadAssignment_Policy_DropOverload*
+ drop_overload,
+ XdsEndpointResource::DropConfig* drop_config) {
+ // Get the category.
+ std::string category = UpbStringToStdString(
+ envoy_config_endpoint_v3_ClusterLoadAssignment_Policy_DropOverload_category(
+ drop_overload));
+ if (category.empty()) {
+ return GRPC_ERROR_CREATE_FROM_STATIC_STRING("Empty drop category name");
+ }
+ // Get the drop rate (per million).
+ const envoy_type_v3_FractionalPercent* drop_percentage =
+ envoy_config_endpoint_v3_ClusterLoadAssignment_Policy_DropOverload_drop_percentage(
+ drop_overload);
+ uint32_t numerator =
+ envoy_type_v3_FractionalPercent_numerator(drop_percentage);
+ const auto denominator =
+ static_cast<envoy_type_v3_FractionalPercent_DenominatorType>(
+ envoy_type_v3_FractionalPercent_denominator(drop_percentage));
+ // Normalize to million.
+ switch (denominator) {
+ case envoy_type_v3_FractionalPercent_HUNDRED:
+ numerator *= 10000;
+ break;
+ case envoy_type_v3_FractionalPercent_TEN_THOUSAND:
+ numerator *= 100;
+ break;
+ case envoy_type_v3_FractionalPercent_MILLION:
+ break;
+ default:
+ return GRPC_ERROR_CREATE_FROM_STATIC_STRING("Unknown denominator type");
+ }
+ // Cap numerator to 1000000.
+ numerator = std::min(numerator, 1000000u);
+ drop_config->AddCategory(std::move(category), numerator);
+grpc_error_handle EdsResourceParse(
+ const XdsEncodingContext& /*context*/,
+ const envoy_config_endpoint_v3_ClusterLoadAssignment*
+ cluster_load_assignment,
+ bool /*is_v2*/, XdsEndpointResource* eds_update) {
+ std::vector<grpc_error_handle> errors;
+ // Get the endpoints.
+ size_t locality_size;
+ const envoy_config_endpoint_v3_LocalityLbEndpoints* const* endpoints =
+ envoy_config_endpoint_v3_ClusterLoadAssignment_endpoints(
+ cluster_load_assignment, &locality_size);
+ for (size_t j = 0; j < locality_size; ++j) {
+ size_t priority;
+ XdsEndpointResource::Priority::Locality locality;
+ grpc_error_handle error = LocalityParse(endpoints[j], &locality, &priority);
+ if (error != GRPC_ERROR_NONE) {
+ errors.push_back(error);
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Filter out locality with weight 0.
+ if (locality.lb_weight == 0) continue;
+ // Make sure prorities is big enough. Note that they might not
+ // arrive in priority order.
+ if (eds_update->priorities.size() < priority + 1) {
+ eds_update->priorities.resize(priority + 1);
+ }
+ auto& locality_map = eds_update->priorities[priority].localities;
+ auto it = locality_map.find(;
+ if (it != locality_map.end()) {
+ errors.push_back(GRPC_ERROR_CREATE_FROM_CPP_STRING(absl::StrCat(
+ "duplicate locality ",>AsHumanReadableString(),
+ " found in priority ", priority)));
+ } else {
+ locality_map.emplace(, std::move(locality));
+ }
+ }
+ for (const auto& priority : eds_update->priorities) {
+ if (priority.localities.empty()) {
+ errors.push_back(
+ GRPC_ERROR_CREATE_FROM_STATIC_STRING("sparse priority list"));
+ }
+ }
+ // Get the drop config.
+ eds_update->drop_config = MakeRefCounted<XdsEndpointResource::DropConfig>();
+ const envoy_config_endpoint_v3_ClusterLoadAssignment_Policy* policy =
+ envoy_config_endpoint_v3_ClusterLoadAssignment_policy(
+ cluster_load_assignment);
+ if (policy != nullptr) {
+ size_t drop_size;
+ const envoy_config_endpoint_v3_ClusterLoadAssignment_Policy_DropOverload* const*
+ drop_overload =
+ envoy_config_endpoint_v3_ClusterLoadAssignment_Policy_drop_overloads(
+ policy, &drop_size);
+ for (size_t j = 0; j < drop_size; ++j) {
+ grpc_error_handle error =
+ DropParseAndAppend(drop_overload[j], eds_update->drop_config.get());
+ if (error != GRPC_ERROR_NONE) {
+ errors.push_back(
+ "drop config validation error"),
+ error));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return GRPC_ERROR_CREATE_FROM_VECTOR("errors parsing EDS resource", &errors);
+} // namespace
+absl::StatusOr<XdsResourceType::DecodeResult> XdsEndpointResourceType::Decode(
+ const XdsEncodingContext& context, absl::string_view serialized_resource,
+ bool is_v2) const {
+ // Parse serialized proto.
+ auto* resource = envoy_config_endpoint_v3_ClusterLoadAssignment_parse(
+, serialized_resource.size(), context.arena);
+ if (resource == nullptr) {
+ return absl::InvalidArgumentError(
+ "Can't parse ClusterLoadAssignment resource.");
+ }
+ MaybeLogClusterLoadAssignment(context, resource);
+ // Validate resource.
+ DecodeResult result;
+ = UpbStringToStdString(
+ envoy_config_endpoint_v3_ClusterLoadAssignment_cluster_name(resource));
+ auto endpoint_data = absl::make_unique<ResourceDataSubclass>();
+ grpc_error_handle error =
+ EdsResourceParse(context, resource, is_v2, &endpoint_data->resource);
+ if (error != GRPC_ERROR_NONE) {
+ std::string error_str = grpc_error_std_string(error);
+ if (GRPC_TRACE_FLAG_ENABLED(*context.tracer)) {
+ gpr_log(GPR_ERROR, "[xds_client %p] invalid ClusterLoadAssignment %s: %s",
+ context.client,, error_str.c_str());
+ }
+ result.resource = absl::InvalidArgumentError(error_str);
+ } else {
+ if (GRPC_TRACE_FLAG_ENABLED(*context.tracer)) {
+ gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "[xds_client %p] parsed ClusterLoadAssignment %s: %s",
+ context.client,,
+ endpoint_data->resource.ToString().c_str());
+ }
+ result.resource = std::move(endpoint_data);
+ }
+ return std::move(result);
+} // namespace grpc_core