path: root/grpc/third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/strings/internal/cord_rep_ring.h
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1 files changed, 589 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/grpc/third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/strings/internal/cord_rep_ring.h b/grpc/third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/strings/internal/cord_rep_ring.h
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+++ b/grpc/third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/strings/internal/cord_rep_ring.h
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+// Copyright 2020 The Abseil Authors
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+#include <cassert>
+#include <cstddef>
+#include <cstdint>
+#include <iosfwd>
+#include <limits>
+#include <memory>
+#include "absl/container/internal/layout.h"
+#include "absl/strings/internal/cord_internal.h"
+#include "absl/strings/internal/cord_rep_flat.h"
+namespace absl {
+namespace cord_internal {
+// See
+#ifdef __clang__
+#pragma clang diagnostic push
+#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wshadow"
+#if __has_warning("-Wshadow-field")
+#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wshadow-field"
+// All operations modifying a ring buffer are implemented as static methods
+// requiring a CordRepRing instance with a reference adopted by the method.
+// The methods return the modified ring buffer, which may be equal to the input
+// if the input was not shared, and having large enough capacity to accommodate
+// any newly added node(s). Otherwise, a copy of the input rep with the new
+// node(s) added is returned.
+// Any modification on non shared ring buffers with enough capacity will then
+// require minimum atomic operations. Caller should where possible provide
+// reasonable `extra` hints for both anticipated extra `flat` byte space, as
+// well as anticipated extra nodes required for complex operations.
+// Example of code creating a ring buffer, adding some data to it,
+// and discarding the buffer when done:
+// void FunWithRings() {
+// // Create ring with 3 flats
+// CordRep* flat = CreateFlat("Hello");
+// CordRepRing* ring = CordRepRing::Create(flat, 2);
+// ring = CordRepRing::Append(ring, CreateFlat(" "));
+// ring = CordRepRing::Append(ring, CreateFlat("world"));
+// DoSomethingWithRing(ring);
+// CordRep::Unref(ring);
+// }
+// Example of code Copying an existing ring buffer and modifying it:
+// void MoreFunWithRings(CordRepRing* src) {
+// CordRepRing* ring = CordRep::Ref(src)->ring();
+// ring = CordRepRing::Append(ring, CreateFlat("Hello"));
+// ring = CordRepRing::Append(ring, CreateFlat(" "));
+// ring = CordRepRing::Append(ring, CreateFlat("world"));
+// DoSomethingWithRing(ring);
+// CordRep::Unref(ring);
+// }
+class CordRepRing : public CordRep {
+ public:
+ // `pos_type` represents a 'logical position'. A CordRepRing instance has a
+ // `begin_pos` (default 0), and each node inside the buffer will have an
+ // `end_pos` which is the `end_pos` of the previous node (or `begin_pos`) plus
+ // this node's length. The purpose is to allow for a binary search on this
+ // position, while allowing O(1) prepend and append operations.
+ using pos_type = size_t;
+ // `index_type` is the type for the `head`, `tail` and `capacity` indexes.
+ // Ring buffers are limited to having no more than four billion entries.
+ using index_type = uint32_t;
+ // `offset_type` is the type for the data offset inside a child rep's data.
+ using offset_type = uint32_t;
+ // Position holds the node index and relative offset into the node for
+ // some physical offset in the contained data as returned by the Find()
+ // and FindTail() methods.
+ struct Position {
+ index_type index;
+ size_t offset;
+ };
+ // The maximum # of child nodes that can be hosted inside a CordRepRing.
+ static constexpr size_t kMaxCapacity = (std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max)();
+ // CordRepring can not be default constructed, moved, copied or assigned.
+ CordRepRing() = delete;
+ CordRepRing(const CordRepRing&) = delete;
+ CordRepRing& operator=(const CordRepRing&) = delete;
+ // Returns true if this instance is valid, false if some or all of the
+ // invariants are broken. Intended for debug purposes only.
+ // `output` receives an explanation of the broken invariants.
+ bool IsValid(std::ostream& output) const;
+ // Returns the size in bytes for a CordRepRing with `capacity' entries.
+ static constexpr size_t AllocSize(size_t capacity);
+ // Returns the distance in bytes from `pos` to `end_pos`.
+ static constexpr size_t Distance(pos_type pos, pos_type end_pos);
+ // Creates a new ring buffer from the provided `rep`. Adopts a reference
+ // on `rep`. The returned ring buffer has a capacity of at least `extra + 1`
+ static CordRepRing* Create(CordRep* child, size_t extra = 0);
+ // `head`, `tail` and `capacity` indexes defining the ring buffer boundaries.
+ index_type head() const { return head_; }
+ index_type tail() const { return tail_; }
+ index_type capacity() const { return capacity_; }
+ // Returns the number of entries in this instance.
+ index_type entries() const { return entries(head_, tail_); }
+ // Returns the logical begin position of this instance.
+ pos_type begin_pos() const { return begin_pos_; }
+ // Returns the number of entries for a given head-tail range.
+ // Requires `head` and `tail` values to be less than `capacity()`.
+ index_type entries(index_type head, index_type tail) const {
+ assert(head < capacity_ && tail < capacity_);
+ return tail - head + ((tail > head) ? 0 : capacity_);
+ }
+ // Returns the logical end position of entry `index`.
+ pos_type const& entry_end_pos(index_type index) const {
+ assert(IsValidIndex(index));
+ return Layout::Partial().Pointer<0>(data_)[index];
+ }
+ // Returns the child pointer of entry `index`.
+ CordRep* const& entry_child(index_type index) const {
+ assert(IsValidIndex(index));
+ return Layout::Partial(capacity()).Pointer<1>(data_)[index];
+ }
+ // Returns the data offset of entry `index`
+ offset_type const& entry_data_offset(index_type index) const {
+ assert(IsValidIndex(index));
+ return Layout::Partial(capacity(), capacity()).Pointer<2>(data_)[index];
+ }
+ // Appends the provided child node to the `rep` instance.
+ // Adopts a reference from `rep` and `child` which may not be null.
+ // If the provided child is a FLAT or EXTERNAL node, or a SUBSTRING node
+ // containing a FLAT or EXTERNAL node, then flat or external the node is added
+ // 'as is', with an offset added for the SUBSTRING case.
+ // If the provided child is a RING or CONCAT tree, or a SUBSTRING of a RING or
+ // CONCAT tree, then all child nodes not excluded by any start offset or
+ // length values are added recursively.
+ static CordRepRing* Append(CordRepRing* rep, CordRep* child);
+ // Appends the provided string data to the `rep` instance.
+ // This function will attempt to utilize any remaining capacity in the last
+ // node of the input if that node is not shared (directly or indirectly), and
+ // of type FLAT. Remaining data will be added as one or more FLAT nodes.
+ // Any last node added to the ring buffer will be allocated with up to
+ // `extra` bytes of capacity for (anticipated) subsequent append actions.
+ static CordRepRing* Append(CordRepRing* rep, string_view data,
+ size_t extra = 0);
+ // Prepends the provided child node to the `rep` instance.
+ // Adopts a reference from `rep` and `child` which may not be null.
+ // If the provided child is a FLAT or EXTERNAL node, or a SUBSTRING node
+ // containing a FLAT or EXTERNAL node, then flat or external the node is
+ // prepended 'as is', with an optional offset added for the SUBSTRING case.
+ // If the provided child is a RING or CONCAT tree, or a SUBSTRING of a RING
+ // or CONCAT tree, then all child nodes not excluded by any start offset or
+ // length values are added recursively.
+ static CordRepRing* Prepend(CordRepRing* rep, CordRep* child);
+ // Prepends the provided string data to the `rep` instance.
+ // This function will attempt to utilize any remaining capacity in the first
+ // node of the input if that node is not shared (directly or indirectly), and
+ // of type FLAT. Remaining data will be added as one or more FLAT nodes.
+ // Any first node prepnded to the ring buffer will be allocated with up to
+ // `extra` bytes of capacity for (anticipated) subsequent prepend actions.
+ static CordRepRing* Prepend(CordRepRing* rep, string_view data,
+ size_t extra = 0);
+ // Returns a span referencing potentially unused capacity in the last node.
+ // The returned span may be empty if no such capacity is available, or if the
+ // current instance is shared. Else, a span of size `n <= size` is returned.
+ // If non empty, the ring buffer is adjusted to the new length, with the newly
+ // added capacity left uninitialized. Callers should assign a value to the
+ // entire span before any other operations on this instance.
+ Span<char> GetAppendBuffer(size_t size);
+ // Returns a span referencing potentially unused capacity in the first node.
+ // This function is identical to GetAppendBuffer except that it returns a span
+ // referencing up to `size` capacity directly before the existing data.
+ Span<char> GetPrependBuffer(size_t size);
+ // Returns a cord ring buffer containing `length` bytes of data starting at
+ // `offset`. If the input is not shared, this function will remove all head
+ // and tail child nodes outside of the requested range, and adjust the new
+ // head and tail nodes as required. If the input is shared, this function
+ // returns a new instance sharing some or all of the nodes from the input.
+ static CordRepRing* SubRing(CordRepRing* r, size_t offset, size_t length,
+ size_t extra = 0);
+ // Returns a cord ring buffer with the first `length` bytes removed.
+ // If the input is not shared, this function will remove all head child nodes
+ // fully inside the first `length` bytes, and adjust the new head as required.
+ // If the input is shared, this function returns a new instance sharing some
+ // or all of the nodes from the input.
+ static CordRepRing* RemoveSuffix(CordRepRing* r, size_t length,
+ size_t extra = 0);
+ // Returns a cord ring buffer with the last `length` bytes removed.
+ // If the input is not shared, this function will remove all head child nodes
+ // fully inside the first `length` bytes, and adjust the new head as required.
+ // If the input is shared, this function returns a new instance sharing some
+ // or all of the nodes from the input.
+ static CordRepRing* RemovePrefix(CordRepRing* r, size_t len,
+ size_t extra = 0);
+ // Returns the character at `offset`. Requires that `offset < length`.
+ char GetCharacter(size_t offset) const;
+ // Testing only: set capacity to requested capacity.
+ void SetCapacityForTesting(size_t capacity);
+ // Returns the CordRep data pointer for the provided CordRep.
+ // Requires that the provided `rep` is either a FLAT or EXTERNAL CordRep.
+ static const char* GetLeafData(const CordRep* rep);
+ // Returns the CordRep data pointer for the provided CordRep.
+ // Requires that `rep` is either a FLAT, EXTERNAL, or SUBSTRING CordRep.
+ static const char* GetRepData(const CordRep* rep);
+ // Advances the provided position, wrapping around capacity as needed.
+ // Requires `index` < capacity()
+ inline index_type advance(index_type index) const;
+ // Advances the provided position by 'n`, wrapping around capacity as needed.
+ // Requires `index` < capacity() and `n` <= capacity.
+ inline index_type advance(index_type index, index_type n) const;
+ // Retreats the provided position, wrapping around 0 as needed.
+ // Requires `index` < capacity()
+ inline index_type retreat(index_type index) const;
+ // Retreats the provided position by 'n', wrapping around 0 as needed.
+ // Requires `index` < capacity()
+ inline index_type retreat(index_type index, index_type n) const;
+ // Returns the logical begin position of entry `index`
+ pos_type const& entry_begin_pos(index_type index) const {
+ return (index == head_) ? begin_pos_ : entry_end_pos(retreat(index));
+ }
+ // Returns the physical start offset of entry `index`
+ size_t entry_start_offset(index_type index) const {
+ return Distance(begin_pos_, entry_begin_pos(index));
+ }
+ // Returns the physical end offset of entry `index`
+ size_t entry_end_offset(index_type index) const {
+ return Distance(begin_pos_, entry_end_pos(index));
+ }
+ // Returns the data length for entry `index`
+ size_t entry_length(index_type index) const {
+ return Distance(entry_begin_pos(index), entry_end_pos(index));
+ }
+ // Returns the data for entry `index`
+ absl::string_view entry_data(index_type index) const;
+ // Returns the position for `offset` as {index, prefix}. `index` holds the
+ // index of the entry at the specified offset and `prefix` holds the relative
+ // offset inside that entry.
+ // Requires `offset` < length.
+ //
+ // For example we can implement GetCharacter(offset) as:
+ // char GetCharacter(size_t offset) {
+ // Position pos = this->Find(offset);
+ // return this->entry_data(pos.pos)[pos.offset];
+ // }
+ inline Position Find(size_t offset) const;
+ // Find starting at `head`
+ inline Position Find(index_type head, size_t offset) const;
+ // Returns the tail position for `offset` as {tail index, suffix}.
+ // `tail index` holds holds the index of the entry holding the offset directly
+ // before 'offset` advanced by one. 'suffix` holds the relative offset from
+ // that relative offset in the entry to the end of the entry.
+ // For example, FindTail(length) will return {tail(), 0}, FindTail(length - 5)
+ // will return {retreat(tail), 5)} provided the preceding entry contains at
+ // least 5 bytes of data.
+ // Requires offset >= 1 && offset <= length.
+ //
+ // This function is very useful in functions that need to clip the end of some
+ // ring buffer such as 'RemovePrefix'.
+ // For example, we could implement RemovePrefix for non shared instances as:
+ // void RemoveSuffix(size_t n) {
+ // Position pos = FindTail(length - n);
+ // UnrefEntries(pos.pos, this->tail_);
+ // this->tail_ = pos.pos;
+ // entry(retreat(pos.pos)).end_pos -= pos.offset;
+ // }
+ inline Position FindTail(size_t offset) const;
+ // Find tail starting at `head`
+ inline Position FindTail(index_type head, size_t offset) const;
+ // Invokes f(index_type index) for each entry inside the range [head, tail>
+ template <typename F>
+ void ForEach(index_type head, index_type tail, F&& f) const {
+ index_type n1 = (tail > head) ? tail : capacity_;
+ for (index_type i = head; i < n1; ++i) f(i);
+ if (tail <= head) {
+ for (index_type i = 0; i < tail; ++i) f(i);
+ }
+ }
+ // Invokes f(index_type index) for each entry inside this instance.
+ template <typename F>
+ void ForEach(F&& f) const {
+ ForEach(head_, tail_, std::forward<F>(f));
+ }
+ // Dump this instance's data tp stream `s` in human readable format, excluding
+ // the actual data content itself. Intended for debug purposes only.
+ friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& s, const CordRepRing& rep);
+ private:
+ enum class AddMode { kAppend, kPrepend };
+ using Layout = container_internal::Layout<pos_type, CordRep*, offset_type>;
+ class Filler;
+ class Transaction;
+ class CreateTransaction;
+ static constexpr size_t kLayoutAlignment = Layout::Partial().Alignment();
+ // Creates a new CordRepRing.
+ explicit CordRepRing(index_type capacity) : capacity_(capacity) {}
+ // Returns true if `index` is a valid index into this instance.
+ bool IsValidIndex(index_type index) const;
+ // Debug use only: validates the provided CordRepRing invariants.
+ // Verification of all CordRepRing methods can be enabled by defining
+ // Verification is VERY expensive, so only do it for debugging purposes.
+ static CordRepRing* Validate(CordRepRing* rep, const char* file = nullptr,
+ int line = 0);
+ // Allocates a CordRepRing large enough to hold `capacity + extra' entries.
+ // The returned capacity may be larger if the allocated memory allows for it.
+ // The maximum capacity of a CordRepRing is capped at kMaxCapacity.
+ // Throws `std::length_error` if `capacity + extra' exceeds kMaxCapacity.
+ static CordRepRing* New(size_t capacity, size_t extra);
+ // Deallocates (but does not destroy) the provided ring buffer.
+ static void Delete(CordRepRing* rep);
+ // Destroys the provided ring buffer, decrementing the reference count of all
+ // contained child CordReps. The provided 1\`rep` should have a ref count of
+ // one (pre decrement destroy call observing `refcount.IsOne()`) or zero (post
+ // decrement destroy call observing `!refcount.Decrement()`).
+ static void Destroy(CordRepRing* rep);
+ // Returns a mutable reference to the logical end position array.
+ pos_type* entry_end_pos() {
+ return Layout::Partial().Pointer<0>(data_);
+ }
+ // Returns a mutable reference to the child pointer array.
+ CordRep** entry_child() {
+ return Layout::Partial(capacity()).Pointer<1>(data_);
+ }
+ // Returns a mutable reference to the data offset array.
+ offset_type* entry_data_offset() {
+ return Layout::Partial(capacity(), capacity()).Pointer<2>(data_);
+ }
+ // Find implementations for the non fast path 0 / length cases.
+ Position FindSlow(index_type head, size_t offset) const;
+ Position FindTailSlow(index_type head, size_t offset) const;
+ // Finds the index of the first node that is inside a reasonable distance
+ // of the node at `offset` from which we can continue with a linear search.
+ template <bool wrap>
+ index_type FindBinary(index_type head, index_type tail, size_t offset) const;
+ // Fills the current (initialized) instance from the provided source, copying
+ // entries [head, tail). Adds a reference to copied entries if `ref` is true.
+ template <bool ref>
+ void Fill(const CordRepRing* src, index_type head, index_type tail);
+ // Create a copy of 'rep', copying all entries [head, tail), allocating room
+ // for `extra` entries. Adds a reference on all copied entries.
+ static CordRepRing* Copy(CordRepRing* rep, index_type head, index_type tail,
+ size_t extra = 0);
+ // Returns a Mutable CordRepRing reference from `rep` with room for at least
+ // `extra` additional nodes. Adopts a reference count from `rep`.
+ // This function will return `rep` if, and only if:
+ // - rep.entries + extra <= rep.capacity
+ // - rep.refcount == 1
+ // Otherwise, this function will create a new copy of `rep` with additional
+ // capacity to satisfy `extra` extra nodes, and unref the old `rep` instance.
+ //
+ // If a new CordRepRing can not be allocated, or the new capacity would exceed
+ // the maxmimum capacity, then the input is consumed only, and an exception is
+ // thrown.
+ static CordRepRing* Mutable(CordRepRing* rep, size_t extra);
+ // Slow path for Append(CordRepRing* rep, CordRep* child). This function is
+ // exercised if the provided `child` in Append() is not a leaf node, i.e., a
+ // ring buffer or old (concat) cord tree.
+ static CordRepRing* AppendSlow(CordRepRing* rep, CordRep* child);
+ // Appends the provided leaf node. Requires `child` to be FLAT or EXTERNAL.
+ static CordRepRing* AppendLeaf(CordRepRing* rep, CordRep* child,
+ size_t offset, size_t length);
+ // Prepends the provided leaf node. Requires `child` to be FLAT or EXTERNAL.
+ static CordRepRing* PrependLeaf(CordRepRing* rep, CordRep* child,
+ size_t offset, size_t length);
+ // Slow path for Prepend(CordRepRing* rep, CordRep* child). This function is
+ // exercised if the provided `child` in Prepend() is not a leaf node, i.e., a
+ // ring buffer or old (concat) cord tree.
+ static CordRepRing* PrependSlow(CordRepRing* rep, CordRep* child);
+ // Slow path for Create(CordRep* child, size_t extra). This function is
+ // exercised if the provided `child` in Prepend() is not a leaf node, i.e., a
+ // ring buffer or old (concat) cord tree.
+ static CordRepRing* CreateSlow(CordRep* child, size_t extra);
+ // Creates a new ring buffer from the provided `child` leaf node. Requires
+ // `child` to be FLAT or EXTERNAL. on `rep`.
+ // The returned ring buffer has a capacity of at least `1 + extra`
+ static CordRepRing* CreateFromLeaf(CordRep* child, size_t offset,
+ size_t length, size_t extra);
+ // Appends or prepends (depending on AddMode) the ring buffer in `ring' to
+ // `rep` starting at `offset` with length `length`.
+ template <AddMode mode>
+ static CordRepRing* AddRing(CordRepRing* rep, CordRepRing* ring,
+ size_t offset, size_t length);
+ // Increases the data offset for entry `index` by `n`.
+ void AddDataOffset(index_type index, size_t n);
+ // Descreases the length for entry `index` by `n`.
+ void SubLength(index_type index, size_t n);
+ index_type head_;
+ index_type tail_;
+ index_type capacity_;
+ pos_type begin_pos_;
+ alignas(kLayoutAlignment) char data_[kLayoutAlignment];
+ friend struct CordRep;
+constexpr size_t CordRepRing::AllocSize(size_t capacity) {
+ return sizeof(CordRepRing) - sizeof(data_) +
+ Layout(capacity, capacity, capacity).AllocSize();
+inline constexpr size_t CordRepRing::Distance(pos_type pos, pos_type end_pos) {
+ return (end_pos - pos);
+inline const char* CordRepRing::GetLeafData(const CordRep* rep) {
+ return rep->tag != EXTERNAL ? rep->flat()->Data() : rep->external()->base;
+inline const char* CordRepRing::GetRepData(const CordRep* rep) {
+ if (rep->tag >= FLAT) return rep->flat()->Data();
+ if (rep->tag == EXTERNAL) return rep->external()->base;
+ return GetLeafData(rep->substring()->child) + rep->substring()->start;
+inline CordRepRing::index_type CordRepRing::advance(index_type index) const {
+ assert(index < capacity_);
+ return ++index == capacity_ ? 0 : index;
+inline CordRepRing::index_type CordRepRing::advance(index_type index,
+ index_type n) const {
+ assert(index < capacity_ && n <= capacity_);
+ return (index += n) >= capacity_ ? index - capacity_ : index;
+inline CordRepRing::index_type CordRepRing::retreat(index_type index) const {
+ assert(index < capacity_);
+ return (index > 0 ? index : capacity_) - 1;
+inline CordRepRing::index_type CordRepRing::retreat(index_type index,
+ index_type n) const {
+ assert(index < capacity_ && n <= capacity_);
+ return index >= n ? index - n : capacity_ - n + index;
+inline absl::string_view CordRepRing::entry_data(index_type index) const {
+ size_t data_offset = entry_data_offset(index);
+ return {GetRepData(entry_child(index)) + data_offset, entry_length(index)};
+inline bool CordRepRing::IsValidIndex(index_type index) const {
+ if (index >= capacity_) return false;
+ return (tail_ > head_) ? (index >= head_ && index < tail_)
+ : (index >= head_ || index < tail_);
+inline CordRepRing* CordRepRing::Validate(CordRepRing* rep,
+ const char* /*file*/, int /*line*/) {
+ return rep;
+inline CordRepRing::Position CordRepRing::Find(size_t offset) const {
+ assert(offset < length);
+ return (offset == 0) ? Position{head_, 0} : FindSlow(head_, offset);
+inline CordRepRing::Position CordRepRing::Find(index_type head,
+ size_t offset) const {
+ assert(offset < length);
+ assert(IsValidIndex(head) && offset >= entry_start_offset(head));
+ return (offset == 0) ? Position{head_, 0} : FindSlow(head, offset);
+inline CordRepRing::Position CordRepRing::FindTail(size_t offset) const {
+ assert(offset > 0 && offset <= length);
+ return (offset == length) ? Position{tail_, 0} : FindTailSlow(head_, offset);
+inline CordRepRing::Position CordRepRing::FindTail(index_type head,
+ size_t offset) const {
+ assert(offset > 0 && offset <= length);
+ assert(IsValidIndex(head) && offset >= entry_start_offset(head) + 1);
+ return (offset == length) ? Position{tail_, 0} : FindTailSlow(head, offset);
+// Now that CordRepRing is defined, we can define CordRep's helper casts:
+inline CordRepRing* CordRep::ring() {
+ assert(tag == RING);
+ return static_cast<CordRepRing*>(this);
+inline const CordRepRing* CordRep::ring() const {
+ assert(tag == RING);
+ return static_cast<const CordRepRing*>(this);
+std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& s, const CordRepRing& rep);
+#ifdef __clang__
+#pragma clang diagnostic pop
+} // namespace cord_internal
+} // namespace absl