path: root/grpc/third_party/xxhash/doc/xxhash.cry
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Diffstat (limited to 'grpc/third_party/xxhash/doc/xxhash.cry')
1 files changed, 206 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/grpc/third_party/xxhash/doc/xxhash.cry b/grpc/third_party/xxhash/doc/xxhash.cry
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..984e1c8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/grpc/third_party/xxhash/doc/xxhash.cry
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
+module xxhash where
+ * The 32-bit variant of xxHash. The first argument is the sequence
+ * of L bytes to hash. The second argument is a seed value.
+ */
+XXH32 : {L} (fin L) => [L][8] -> [32] -> [32]
+XXH32 input seed = XXH32_avalanche acc1
+ where (stripes16 # stripes4 # stripes1) = input
+ accR = foldl XXH32_rounds (XXH32_init seed) (split stripes16 : [L/16][16][8])
+ accL = `(L % 2^^32) + if (`L:Integer) < 16
+ then seed + PRIME32_5
+ else XXH32_converge accR
+ acc4 = foldl XXH32_digest4 accL (split stripes4 : [(L%16)/4][4][8])
+ acc1 = foldl XXH32_digest1 acc4 (stripes1 : [L%4][8])
+ * The 64-bit variant of xxHash. The first argument is the sequence
+ * of L bytes to hash. The second argument is a seed value.
+ */
+XXH64 : {L} (fin L) => [L][8] -> [64] -> [64]
+XXH64 input seed = XXH64_avalanche acc1
+ where (stripes32 # stripes8 # stripes4 # stripes1) = input
+ accR = foldl XXH64_rounds (XXH64_init seed) (split stripes32 : [L/32][32][8])
+ accL = `(L % 2^^64) + if (`L:Integer) < 32
+ then seed + PRIME64_5
+ else XXH64_converge accR
+ acc8 = foldl XXH64_digest8 accL (split stripes8 : [(L%32)/8][8][8])
+ acc4 = foldl XXH64_digest4 acc8 (split stripes4 : [(L%8)/4][4][8])
+ acc1 = foldl XXH64_digest1 acc4 (stripes1 : [L%4][8])
+ //Utility functions
+ /**
+ * Combines a sequence of bytes into a word using the little-endian
+ * convention.
+ */
+ toLE bytes = join (reverse bytes)
+ //32-bit xxHash helper functions
+ //32-bit prime number constants
+ PRIME32_1 = 0x9E3779B1 : [32]
+ PRIME32_2 = 0x85EBCA77 : [32]
+ PRIME32_3 = 0xC2B2AE3D : [32]
+ PRIME32_4 = 0x27D4EB2F : [32]
+ PRIME32_5 = 0x165667B1 : [32]
+ /**
+ * The property shows that the hexadecimal representation of the
+ * PRIME32 constants is the same as the binary representation.
+ */
+ property PRIME32s_as_bits_correct =
+ (PRIME32_1 == 0b10011110001101110111100110110001) /\
+ (PRIME32_2 == 0b10000101111010111100101001110111) /\
+ (PRIME32_3 == 0b11000010101100101010111000111101) /\
+ (PRIME32_4 == 0b00100111110101001110101100101111) /\
+ (PRIME32_5 == 0b00010110010101100110011110110001)
+ /**
+ * This function initializes the four internal accumulators of XXH32.
+ */
+ XXH32_init : [32] -> [4][32]
+ XXH32_init seed = [acc1, acc2, acc3, acc4]
+ where acc1 = seed + PRIME32_1 + PRIME32_2
+ acc2 = seed + PRIME32_2
+ acc3 = seed + 0
+ acc4 = seed - PRIME32_1
+ /**
+ * This processes a single lane of the main round function of XXH32.
+ */
+ XXH32_round : [32] -> [32] -> [32]
+ XXH32_round accN laneN = ((accN + laneN * PRIME32_2) <<< 13) * PRIME32_1
+ /**
+ * This is the main round function of XXH32 and processes a stripe,
+ * i.e. 4 lanes with 4 bytes each.
+ */
+ XXH32_rounds : [4][32] -> [16][8] -> [4][32]
+ XXH32_rounds accs stripe =
+ [ XXH32_round accN (toLE laneN) | accN <- accs | laneN <- split stripe ]
+ /**
+ * This function combines the four lane accumulators into a single
+ * 32-bit value.
+ */
+ XXH32_converge : [4][32] -> [32]
+ XXH32_converge [acc1, acc2, acc3, acc4] =
+ (acc1 <<< 1) + (acc2 <<< 7) + (acc3 <<< 12) + (acc4 <<< 18)
+ /**
+ * This function digests a four byte lane
+ */
+ XXH32_digest4 : [32] -> [4][8] -> [32]
+ XXH32_digest4 acc lane = ((acc + toLE lane * PRIME32_3) <<< 17) * PRIME32_4
+ /**
+ * This function digests a single byte lane
+ */
+ XXH32_digest1 : [32] -> [8] -> [32]
+ XXH32_digest1 acc lane = ((acc + (0 # lane) * PRIME32_5) <<< 11) * PRIME32_1
+ /**
+ * This function ensures that all input bits have a chance to impact
+ * any bit in the output digest, resulting in an unbiased
+ * distribution.
+ */
+ XXH32_avalanche : [32] -> [32]
+ XXH32_avalanche acc0 = acc5
+ where acc1 = acc0 ^ (acc0 >> 15)
+ acc2 = acc1 * PRIME32_2
+ acc3 = acc2 ^ (acc2 >> 13)
+ acc4 = acc3 * PRIME32_3
+ acc5 = acc4 ^ (acc4 >> 16)
+ //64-bit xxHash helper functions
+ //64-bit prime number constants
+ PRIME64_1 = 0x9E3779B185EBCA87 : [64]
+ PRIME64_2 = 0xC2B2AE3D27D4EB4F : [64]
+ PRIME64_3 = 0x165667B19E3779F9 : [64]
+ PRIME64_4 = 0x85EBCA77C2B2AE63 : [64]
+ PRIME64_5 = 0x27D4EB2F165667C5 : [64]
+ /**
+ * The property shows that the hexadecimal representation of the
+ * PRIME64 constants is the same as the binary representation.
+ */
+ property PRIME64s_as_bits_correct =
+ (PRIME64_1 == 0b1001111000110111011110011011000110000101111010111100101010000111) /\
+ (PRIME64_2 == 0b1100001010110010101011100011110100100111110101001110101101001111) /\
+ (PRIME64_3 == 0b0001011001010110011001111011000110011110001101110111100111111001) /\
+ (PRIME64_4 == 0b1000010111101011110010100111011111000010101100101010111001100011) /\
+ (PRIME64_5 == 0b0010011111010100111010110010111100010110010101100110011111000101)
+ /**
+ * This function initializes the four internal accumulators of XXH64.
+ */
+ XXH64_init : [64] -> [4][64]
+ XXH64_init seed = [acc1, acc2, acc3, acc4]
+ where acc1 = seed + PRIME64_1 + PRIME64_2
+ acc2 = seed + PRIME64_2
+ acc3 = seed + 0
+ acc4 = seed - PRIME64_1
+ /**
+ * This processes a single lane of the main round function of XXH64.
+ */
+ XXH64_round : [64] -> [64] -> [64]
+ XXH64_round accN laneN = ((accN + laneN * PRIME64_2) <<< 31) * PRIME64_1
+ /**
+ * This is the main round function of XXH64 and processes a stripe,
+ * i.e. 4 lanes with 8 bytes each.
+ */
+ XXH64_rounds : [4][64] -> [32][8] -> [4][64]
+ XXH64_rounds accs stripe =
+ [ XXH64_round accN (toLE laneN) | accN <- accs | laneN <- split stripe ]
+ /**
+ * This is a helper function, used to merge the four lane accumulators.
+ */
+ mergeAccumulator : [64] -> [64] -> [64]
+ mergeAccumulator acc accN = (acc ^ XXH64_round 0 accN) * PRIME64_1 + PRIME64_4
+ /**
+ * This function combines the four lane accumulators into a single
+ * 64-bit value.
+ */
+ XXH64_converge : [4][64] -> [64]
+ XXH64_converge [acc1, acc2, acc3, acc4] =
+ foldl mergeAccumulator ((acc1 <<< 1) + (acc2 <<< 7) + (acc3 <<< 12) + (acc4 <<< 18)) [acc1, acc2, acc3, acc4]
+ /**
+ * This function digests an eight byte lane
+ */
+ XXH64_digest8 : [64] -> [8][8] -> [64]
+ XXH64_digest8 acc lane = ((acc ^ XXH64_round 0 (toLE lane)) <<< 27) * PRIME64_1 + PRIME64_4
+ /**
+ * This function digests a four byte lane
+ */
+ XXH64_digest4 : [64] -> [4][8] -> [64]
+ XXH64_digest4 acc lane = ((acc ^ (0 # toLE lane) * PRIME64_1) <<< 23) * PRIME64_2 + PRIME64_3
+ /**
+ * This function digests a single byte lane
+ */
+ XXH64_digest1 : [64] -> [8] -> [64]
+ XXH64_digest1 acc lane = ((acc ^ (0 # lane) * PRIME64_5) <<< 11) * PRIME64_1
+ /**
+ * This function ensures that all input bits have a chance to impact
+ * any bit in the output digest, resulting in an unbiased
+ * distribution.
+ */
+ XXH64_avalanche : [64] -> [64]
+ XXH64_avalanche acc0 = acc5
+ where acc1 = acc0 ^ (acc0 >> 33)
+ acc2 = acc1 * PRIME64_2
+ acc3 = acc2 ^ (acc2 >> 29)
+ acc4 = acc3 * PRIME64_3
+ acc5 = acc4 ^ (acc4 >> 32)