/* * * Copyright 2015 gRPC authors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ #ifndef GRPC_INTERNAL_COMPILER_PROTOBUF_PLUGIN_H #define GRPC_INTERNAL_COMPILER_PROTOBUF_PLUGIN_H #include "src/compiler/config.h" #include "src/compiler/cpp_generator_helpers.h" #include "src/compiler/python_generator_helpers.h" #include "src/compiler/python_private_generator.h" #include "src/compiler/schema_interface.h" #include // Get leading or trailing comments in a string. template inline std::string GetCommentsHelper(const DescriptorType* desc, bool leading, const std::string& prefix) { return grpc_generator::GetPrefixedComments(desc, leading, prefix); } class ProtoBufMethod : public grpc_generator::Method { public: ProtoBufMethod(const grpc::protobuf::MethodDescriptor* method) : method_(method) {} std::string name() const { return method_->name(); } std::string input_type_name() const { return grpc_cpp_generator::ClassName(method_->input_type(), true); } std::string output_type_name() const { return grpc_cpp_generator::ClassName(method_->output_type(), true); } std::string get_input_type_name() const { return method_->input_type()->file()->name(); } std::string get_output_type_name() const { return method_->output_type()->file()->name(); } // TODO(https://github.com/grpc/grpc/issues/18800): Clean this up. bool get_module_and_message_path_input( std::string* str, std::string generator_file_name, bool generate_in_pb2_grpc, std::string import_prefix, const std::vector& prefixes_to_filter) const final { return grpc_python_generator::GetModuleAndMessagePath( method_->input_type(), str, generator_file_name, generate_in_pb2_grpc, import_prefix, prefixes_to_filter); } bool get_module_and_message_path_output( std::string* str, std::string generator_file_name, bool generate_in_pb2_grpc, std::string import_prefix, const std::vector& prefixes_to_filter) const final { return grpc_python_generator::GetModuleAndMessagePath( method_->output_type(), str, generator_file_name, generate_in_pb2_grpc, import_prefix, prefixes_to_filter); } bool NoStreaming() const { return !method_->client_streaming() && !method_->server_streaming(); } bool ClientStreaming() const { return method_->client_streaming(); } bool ServerStreaming() const { return method_->server_streaming(); } bool BidiStreaming() const { return method_->client_streaming() && method_->server_streaming(); } std::string GetLeadingComments(const std::string prefix) const { return GetCommentsHelper(method_, true, prefix); } std::string GetTrailingComments(const std::string prefix) const { return GetCommentsHelper(method_, false, prefix); } vector GetAllComments() const { return grpc_python_generator::get_all_comments(method_); } private: const grpc::protobuf::MethodDescriptor* method_; }; class ProtoBufService : public grpc_generator::Service { public: ProtoBufService(const grpc::protobuf::ServiceDescriptor* service) : service_(service) {} std::string name() const { return service_->name(); } int method_count() const { return service_->method_count(); } std::unique_ptr method(int i) const { return std::unique_ptr( new ProtoBufMethod(service_->method(i))); } std::string GetLeadingComments(const std::string prefix) const { return GetCommentsHelper(service_, true, prefix); } std::string GetTrailingComments(const std::string prefix) const { return GetCommentsHelper(service_, false, prefix); } vector GetAllComments() const { return grpc_python_generator::get_all_comments(service_); } private: const grpc::protobuf::ServiceDescriptor* service_; }; class ProtoBufPrinter : public grpc_generator::Printer { public: ProtoBufPrinter(std::string* str) : output_stream_(str), printer_(&output_stream_, '$') {} void Print(const std::map& vars, const char* string_template) { printer_.Print(vars, string_template); } void Print(const char* string) { printer_.Print(string); } void PrintRaw(const char* string) { printer_.PrintRaw(string); } void Indent() { printer_.Indent(); } void Outdent() { printer_.Outdent(); } private: grpc::protobuf::io::StringOutputStream output_stream_; grpc::protobuf::io::Printer printer_; }; class ProtoBufFile : public grpc_generator::File { public: ProtoBufFile(const grpc::protobuf::FileDescriptor* file) : file_(file) {} std::string filename() const { return file_->name(); } std::string filename_without_ext() const { return grpc_generator::StripProto(filename()); } std::string package() const { return file_->package(); } std::vector package_parts() const { return grpc_generator::tokenize(package(), "."); } std::string additional_headers() const { return ""; } int service_count() const { return file_->service_count(); } std::unique_ptr service(int i) const { return std::unique_ptr( new ProtoBufService(file_->service(i))); } std::unique_ptr CreatePrinter( std::string* str) const { return std::unique_ptr(new ProtoBufPrinter(str)); } std::string GetLeadingComments(const std::string prefix) const { return GetCommentsHelper(file_, true, prefix); } std::string GetTrailingComments(const std::string prefix) const { return GetCommentsHelper(file_, false, prefix); } vector GetAllComments() const { return grpc_python_generator::get_all_comments(file_); } vector GetImportNames() const { vector proto_names; for (int i = 0; i < file_->dependency_count(); ++i) { const auto& dep = *file_->dependency(i); proto_names.push_back(dep.name()); } return proto_names; } private: const grpc::protobuf::FileDescriptor* file_; }; #endif // GRPC_INTERNAL_COMPILER_PROTOBUF_PLUGIN_H