# Copyright 2016 gRPC authors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import http2_base_server import logging import messages_pb2 # Set the number of padding bytes per data frame to be very large # relative to the number of data bytes for each data frame sent. _LARGE_PADDING_LENGTH = 255 _SMALL_READ_CHUNK_SIZE = 5 class TestDataFramePadding(object): """ In response to an incoming request, this test sends headers, followed by data, followed by a reset stream frame. Client asserts that the RPC failed. Client needs to deliver the complete message to the application layer. """ def __init__(self, use_padding=True): self._base_server = http2_base_server.H2ProtocolBaseServer() self._base_server._handlers['DataReceived'] = self.on_data_received self._base_server._handlers['WindowUpdated'] = self.on_window_update self._base_server._handlers[ 'RequestReceived'] = self.on_request_received # _total_updates maps stream ids to total flow control updates received self._total_updates = {} # zero window updates so far for connection window (stream id '0') self._total_updates[0] = 0 self._read_chunk_size = _SMALL_READ_CHUNK_SIZE if use_padding: self._pad_length = _LARGE_PADDING_LENGTH else: self._pad_length = None def get_base_server(self): return self._base_server def on_data_received(self, event): logging.info('on data received. Stream id: %d. Data length: %d' % (event.stream_id, len(event.data))) self._base_server.on_data_received_default(event) if len(event.data) == 0: return sr = self._base_server.parse_received_data(event.stream_id) stream_bytes = '' # Check if full grpc msg has been read into the recv buffer yet if sr: response_data = self._base_server.default_response_data( sr.response_size) logging.info('Stream id: %d. total resp size: %d' % (event.stream_id, len(response_data))) # Begin sending the response. Add ``self._pad_length`` padding to each # data frame and split the whole message into data frames each carrying # only self._read_chunk_size of data. # The purpose is to have the majority of the data frame response bytes # be padding bytes, since ``self._pad_length`` >> ``self._read_chunk_size``. self._base_server.setup_send(response_data, event.stream_id, pad_length=self._pad_length, read_chunk_size=self._read_chunk_size) def on_request_received(self, event): self._base_server.on_request_received_default(event) logging.info('on request received. Stream id: %s.' % event.stream_id) self._total_updates[event.stream_id] = 0 # Log debug info and try to resume sending on all currently active streams. def on_window_update(self, event): logging.info('on window update. Stream id: %s. Delta: %s' % (event.stream_id, event.delta)) self._total_updates[event.stream_id] += event.delta total = self._total_updates[event.stream_id] logging.info('... - total updates for stream %d : %d' % (event.stream_id, total)) self._base_server.on_window_update_default( event, pad_length=self._pad_length, read_chunk_size=self._read_chunk_size)