#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright 2017 gRPC authors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Run tests using docker images in Google Container Registry per matrix.""" from __future__ import print_function import argparse import atexit import json import multiprocessing import os import re import subprocess import sys import uuid # Language Runtime Matrix import client_matrix python_util_dir = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../run_tests/python_utils')) sys.path.append(python_util_dir) import dockerjob import jobset import report_utils import upload_test_results _TEST_TIMEOUT_SECONDS = 60 _PULL_IMAGE_TIMEOUT_SECONDS = 15 * 60 _MAX_PARALLEL_DOWNLOADS = 6 _LANGUAGES = list(client_matrix.LANG_RUNTIME_MATRIX.keys()) # All gRPC release tags, flattened, deduped and sorted. _RELEASES = sorted( list( set(release for release_dict in list(client_matrix.LANG_RELEASE_MATRIX.values()) for release in list(release_dict.keys())))) argp = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Run interop tests.') argp.add_argument('-j', '--jobs', default=multiprocessing.cpu_count(), type=int) argp.add_argument('--gcr_path', default='gcr.io/grpc-testing', help='Path of docker images in Google Container Registry') argp.add_argument('--release', default='all', choices=['all'] + _RELEASES, help='Release tags to test. When testing all ' 'releases defined in client_matrix.py, use "all".') argp.add_argument('-l', '--language', choices=['all'] + sorted(_LANGUAGES), nargs='+', default=['all'], help='Languages to test') argp.add_argument( '--keep', action='store_true', help='keep the created local images after finishing the tests.') argp.add_argument('--report_file', default='report.xml', help='The result file to create.') argp.add_argument('--allow_flakes', default=False, action='store_const', const=True, help=('Allow flaky tests to show as passing (re-runs failed ' 'tests up to five times)')) argp.add_argument('--bq_result_table', default='', type=str, nargs='?', help='Upload test results to a specified BQ table.') # Requests will be routed through specified VIP by default. # See go/grpc-interop-tests (internal-only) for details. argp.add_argument('--server_host', default='', type=str, nargs='?', help='The gateway to backend services.') def _get_test_images_for_lang(lang, release_arg, image_path_prefix): """Find docker images for a language across releases and runtimes. Returns dictionary of list of (, ) keyed by runtime. """ if release_arg == 'all': # Use all defined releases for given language releases = client_matrix.get_release_tags(lang) else: # Look for a particular release. if release_arg not in client_matrix.get_release_tags(lang): jobset.message('SKIPPED', 'release %s for %s is not defined' % (release_arg, lang), do_newline=True) return {} releases = [release_arg] # Image tuples keyed by runtime. images = {} for tag in releases: for runtime in client_matrix.get_runtimes_for_lang_release(lang, tag): image_name = '%s/grpc_interop_%s:%s' % (image_path_prefix, runtime, tag) image_tuple = (tag, image_name) if runtime not in images: images[runtime] = [] images[runtime].append(image_tuple) return images def _read_test_cases_file(lang, runtime, release): """Read test cases from a bash-like file and return a list of commands""" # Check to see if we need to use a particular version of test cases. release_info = client_matrix.LANG_RELEASE_MATRIX[lang].get(release) if release_info: testcases_file = release_info.testcases_file if not testcases_file: # TODO(jtattermusch): remove the double-underscore, it is pointless testcases_file = '%s__master' % lang # For csharp, the testcases file used depends on the runtime # TODO(jtattermusch): remove this odd specialcase if lang == 'csharp' and runtime == 'csharpcoreclr': testcases_file = testcases_file.replace('csharp_', 'csharpcoreclr_') testcases_filepath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'testcases', testcases_file) lines = [] with open(testcases_filepath) as f: for line in f.readlines(): line = re.sub('\\#.*$', '', line) # remove hash comments line = line.strip() if line and not line.startswith('echo'): # Each non-empty line is a treated as a test case command lines.append(line) return lines def _cleanup_docker_image(image): jobset.message('START', 'Cleanup docker image %s' % image, do_newline=True) dockerjob.remove_image(image, skip_nonexistent=True) args = argp.parse_args() # caches test cases (list of JobSpec) loaded from file. Keyed by lang and runtime. def _generate_test_case_jobspecs(lang, runtime, release, suite_name): """Returns the list of test cases from testcase files per lang/release.""" testcase_lines = _read_test_cases_file(lang, runtime, release) job_spec_list = [] for line in testcase_lines: print("Creating jobspec with cmdline '{}'".format(line)) # TODO(jtattermusch): revisit the logic for updating test case commands # what it currently being done seems fragile. # Extract test case name from the command line m = re.search(r'--test_case=(\w+)', line) testcase_name = m.group(1) if m else 'unknown_test' # Extract the server name from the command line if '--server_host_override=' in line: m = re.search( r'--server_host_override=((.*).sandbox.googleapis.com)', line) else: m = re.search(r'--server_host=((.*).sandbox.googleapis.com)', line) server = m.group(1) if m else 'unknown_server' server_short = m.group(2) if m else 'unknown_server' # replace original server_host argument assert '--server_host=' in line line = re.sub(r'--server_host=[^ ]*', r'--server_host=%s' % args.server_host, line) # some interop tests don't set server_host_override (see #17407), # but we need to use it if different host is set via cmdline args. if args.server_host != server and not '--server_host_override=' in line: line = re.sub(r'(--server_host=[^ ]*)', r'\1 --server_host_override=%s' % server, line) spec = jobset.JobSpec(cmdline=line, shortname='%s:%s:%s:%s' % (suite_name, lang, server_short, testcase_name), timeout_seconds=_TEST_TIMEOUT_SECONDS, shell=True, flake_retries=5 if args.allow_flakes else 0) job_spec_list.append(spec) return job_spec_list def _pull_image_for_lang(lang, image, release): """Pull an image for a given language form the image registry.""" cmdline = [ 'time gcloud docker -- pull %s && time docker run --rm=true %s /bin/true' % (image, image) ] return jobset.JobSpec(cmdline=cmdline, shortname='pull_image_{}'.format(image), timeout_seconds=_PULL_IMAGE_TIMEOUT_SECONDS, shell=True, flake_retries=2) def _test_release(lang, runtime, release, image, xml_report_tree, skip_tests): total_num_failures = 0 suite_name = '%s__%s_%s' % (lang, runtime, release) job_spec_list = _generate_test_case_jobspecs(lang, runtime, release, suite_name) if not job_spec_list: jobset.message('FAILED', 'No test cases were found.', do_newline=True) total_num_failures += 1 else: num_failures, resultset = jobset.run(job_spec_list, newline_on_success=True, add_env={'docker_image': image}, maxjobs=args.jobs, skip_jobs=skip_tests) if args.bq_result_table and resultset: upload_test_results.upload_interop_results_to_bq( resultset, args.bq_result_table) if skip_tests: jobset.message('FAILED', 'Tests were skipped', do_newline=True) total_num_failures += 1 if num_failures: total_num_failures += num_failures report_utils.append_junit_xml_results(xml_report_tree, resultset, 'grpc_interop_matrix', suite_name, str(uuid.uuid4())) return total_num_failures def _run_tests_for_lang(lang, runtime, images, xml_report_tree): """Find and run all test cases for a language. images is a list of (, ) tuple. """ skip_tests = False total_num_failures = 0 max_pull_jobs = min(args.jobs, _MAX_PARALLEL_DOWNLOADS) max_chunk_size = max_pull_jobs chunk_count = (len(images) + max_chunk_size) // max_chunk_size for chunk_index in range(chunk_count): chunk_start = chunk_index * max_chunk_size chunk_size = min(max_chunk_size, len(images) - chunk_start) chunk_end = chunk_start + chunk_size pull_specs = [] if not skip_tests: for release, image in images[chunk_start:chunk_end]: pull_specs.append(_pull_image_for_lang(lang, image, release)) # NOTE(rbellevi): We batch docker pull operations to maximize # parallelism, without letting the disk usage grow unbounded. pull_failures, _ = jobset.run(pull_specs, newline_on_success=True, maxjobs=max_pull_jobs) if pull_failures: jobset.message( 'FAILED', 'Image download failed. Skipping tests for language "%s"' % lang, do_newline=True) skip_tests = True for release, image in images[chunk_start:chunk_end]: total_num_failures += _test_release(lang, runtime, release, image, xml_report_tree, skip_tests) if not args.keep: for _, image in images[chunk_start:chunk_end]: _cleanup_docker_image(image) if not total_num_failures: jobset.message('SUCCESS', 'All {} tests passed'.format(lang), do_newline=True) else: jobset.message('FAILED', 'Some {} tests failed'.format(lang), do_newline=True) return total_num_failures languages = args.language if args.language != ['all'] else _LANGUAGES total_num_failures = 0 _xml_report_tree = report_utils.new_junit_xml_tree() for lang in languages: docker_images = _get_test_images_for_lang(lang, args.release, args.gcr_path) for runtime in sorted(docker_images.keys()): total_num_failures += _run_tests_for_lang(lang, runtime, docker_images[runtime], _xml_report_tree) report_utils.create_xml_report_file(_xml_report_tree, args.report_file) if total_num_failures: sys.exit(1) sys.exit(0)