//! API for authenticating peer //! Based on https://grpc.github.io/grpc/core/md_doc_server_side_auth.html use std::ffi::CStr; use std::marker::PhantomData; use std::ptr::NonNull; use crate::grpc_sys::{ self, grpc_auth_context, grpc_auth_property, grpc_auth_property_iterator, grpc_call, }; /// To perform server-side authentication, gRPC exposes the authentication context /// for each call. The context exposes important authentication-related information /// about the RPC such as the type of security/authentication type being used and /// the peer identity. /// /// The authentication context is structured as a multi-map of key-value pairs - /// the auth properties. In addition to that, for authenticated RPCs, the set of /// properties corresponding to a selected key will represent the verified identity /// of the caller - the peer identity. /// /// The contents of the auth properties are populated by an auth interceptor within /// gRPC Core. The interceptor also chooses which property key will act as the peer /// identity (e.g. for client certificate authentication this property will be /// `x509_common_name` or `x509_subject_alternative_name`). pub struct AuthContext { ctx: NonNull, } /// Binding to gRPC Core AuthContext impl AuthContext { pub(crate) unsafe fn from_call_ptr(call: *mut grpc_call) -> Option { NonNull::new(grpc_sys::grpc_call_auth_context(call)).map(|ctx| AuthContext { ctx }) } /// The name of the property gRPC Core has chosen as main peer identity property, /// if any. pub fn peer_identity_property_name(&self) -> Option<&str> { unsafe { let p = grpc_sys::grpc_auth_context_peer_identity_property_name(self.ctx.as_ref()); if p.is_null() { None } else { Some(CStr::from_ptr(p).to_str().expect("valid UTF-8 data")) } } } /// `true` if the client has provided a valid certificate (or other auth method /// considered valid by gRPC). /// `false` in non-secure scenarios. pub fn peer_is_authenticated(&self) -> bool { unsafe { grpc_sys::grpc_auth_context_peer_is_authenticated(self.ctx.as_ref()) != 0 } } /// `AuthContext[peer_identity_property_name()]` /// /// There may be several of them (for instance if `x509_subject_alternative_name` is selected) pub fn peer_identity(&self) -> AuthPropertyIter { unsafe { // grpc_auth_context_peer_identity returns empty_iterator when self.ctx is NULL let iter = grpc_sys::grpc_auth_context_peer_identity(self.ctx.as_ref()); AuthPropertyIter { iter, _lifetime: PhantomData, } } } } impl<'a> IntoIterator for &'a AuthContext { type Item = AuthProperty<'a>; type IntoIter = AuthPropertyIter<'a>; /// Iterate over the AuthContext properties fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter { unsafe { // grpc_auth_context_property_iterator returns empty_iterator when self.ctx is NULL let iter = grpc_sys::grpc_auth_context_property_iterator(self.ctx.as_ref()); AuthPropertyIter { iter, _lifetime: PhantomData, } } } } impl Drop for AuthContext { fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { grpc_sys::grpc_auth_context_release(self.ctx.as_ptr()) } } } pub struct AuthPropertyIter<'a> { iter: grpc_auth_property_iterator, _lifetime: PhantomData<&'a grpc_auth_property_iterator>, } impl<'a> Iterator for AuthPropertyIter<'a> { type Item = AuthProperty<'a>; fn next(&mut self) -> Option { // grpc_auth_property_iterator_next returns empty_iterator when self.iter is NULL let prop = unsafe { grpc_sys::grpc_auth_property_iterator_next(&mut self.iter) }; if prop.is_null() { None } else { Some(AuthProperty { prop, _lifetime: PhantomData, }) } } } /// Auth properties are elements of the AuthContext. They have a name /// (a key of type string) and a value which can be a string or binary data. pub struct AuthProperty<'a> { prop: *const grpc_auth_property, _lifetime: PhantomData<&'a grpc_auth_property>, } impl<'a> AuthProperty<'a> { pub fn name(&self) -> &'a str { unsafe { CStr::from_ptr((*self.prop).name) } .to_str() .expect("Auth property name should be valid UTF-8 data") } pub fn value(&self) -> &'a [u8] { unsafe { std::slice::from_raw_parts((*self.prop).value as *const u8, (*self.prop).value_length) } } pub fn value_str(&self) -> Result<&'a str, std::str::Utf8Error> { std::str::from_utf8(self.value()) } }