// Copyright 2019 TiKV Project Authors. Licensed under Apache-2.0. use std::ffi::CStr; use std::pin::Pin; use std::sync::Arc; use std::{result, slice}; use crate::grpc_sys::{ self, gpr_clock_type, gpr_timespec, grpc_call_error, grpcwrap_request_call_context, }; use futures::future::Future; use futures::ready; use futures::sink::Sink; use futures::stream::Stream; use futures::task::{Context, Poll}; use parking_lot::Mutex; use super::{RpcStatus, ShareCall, ShareCallHolder, WriteFlags}; use crate::auth_context::AuthContext; use crate::buf::GrpcSlice; use crate::call::{ BatchContext, Call, MessageReader, MethodType, RpcStatusCode, SinkBase, StreamingBase, }; use crate::codec::{DeserializeFn, SerializeFn}; use crate::cq::CompletionQueue; use crate::error::{Error, Result}; use crate::metadata::Metadata; use crate::server::ServerChecker; use crate::server::{BoxHandler, RequestCallContext}; use crate::task::{BatchFuture, CallTag, Executor, Kicker}; use crate::CheckResult; pub struct Deadline { spec: gpr_timespec, } impl Deadline { fn new(spec: gpr_timespec) -> Deadline { let realtime_spec = unsafe { grpc_sys::gpr_convert_clock_type(spec, gpr_clock_type::GPR_CLOCK_REALTIME) }; Deadline { spec: realtime_spec, } } pub fn exceeded(&self) -> bool { unsafe { let now = grpc_sys::gpr_now(gpr_clock_type::GPR_CLOCK_REALTIME); grpc_sys::gpr_time_cmp(now, self.spec) >= 0 } } } /// Context for accepting a request. pub struct RequestContext { ctx: *mut grpcwrap_request_call_context, request_call: Option, } impl RequestContext { pub fn new(rc: RequestCallContext) -> RequestContext { let ctx = unsafe { grpc_sys::grpcwrap_request_call_context_create() }; RequestContext { ctx, request_call: Some(rc), } } /// Try to accept a client side streaming request. /// /// Return error if the request is a client side unary request. pub fn handle_stream_req( self, cq: &CompletionQueue, rc: &mut RequestCallContext, ) -> result::Result<(), Self> { let checker = rc.get_checker(); let handler = unsafe { rc.get_handler(self.method()) }; match handler { Some(handler) => match handler.method_type() { MethodType::Unary | MethodType::ServerStreaming => Err(self), _ => { execute(self, cq, None, handler, checker); Ok(()) } }, None => { execute_unimplemented(self, cq.clone()); Ok(()) } } } /// Accept a client side unary request. /// /// This method should be called after `handle_stream_req`. When handling /// client side unary request, handler will only be called after the unary /// request is received. pub fn handle_unary_req(self, rc: RequestCallContext, _: &CompletionQueue) { // fetch message before calling callback. let tag = Box::new(CallTag::unary_request(self, rc)); let batch_ctx = tag.batch_ctx().unwrap().as_ptr(); let request_ctx = tag.request_ctx().unwrap().as_ptr(); let tag_ptr = Box::into_raw(tag); unsafe { let call = grpc_sys::grpcwrap_request_call_context_get_call(request_ctx); let code = grpc_sys::grpcwrap_call_recv_message(call, batch_ctx, tag_ptr as _); if code != grpc_call_error::GRPC_CALL_OK { Box::from_raw(tag_ptr); // it should not failed. panic!("try to receive message fail: {:?}", code); } } } pub fn take_request_call_context(&mut self) -> Option { self.request_call.take() } pub fn as_ptr(&self) -> *mut grpcwrap_request_call_context { self.ctx } fn call(&self, cq: CompletionQueue) -> Call { unsafe { // It is okay to use a mutable pointer on a immutable reference, `self`, // because grpcwrap_request_call_context_ref_call is thread-safe. let call = grpc_sys::grpcwrap_request_call_context_ref_call(self.ctx); assert!(!call.is_null()); Call::from_raw(call, cq) } } pub fn method(&self) -> &[u8] { let mut len = 0; let method = unsafe { grpc_sys::grpcwrap_request_call_context_method(self.ctx, &mut len) }; unsafe { slice::from_raw_parts(method as _, len) } } fn host(&self) -> &[u8] { let mut len = 0; let host = unsafe { grpc_sys::grpcwrap_request_call_context_host(self.ctx, &mut len) }; unsafe { slice::from_raw_parts(host as _, len) } } fn deadline(&self) -> Deadline { let t = unsafe { grpc_sys::grpcwrap_request_call_context_deadline(self.ctx) }; Deadline::new(t) } fn metadata(&self) -> &Metadata { unsafe { let ptr = grpc_sys::grpcwrap_request_call_context_metadata_array(self.ctx); let arr_ptr: *const Metadata = ptr as _; &*arr_ptr } } fn peer(&self) -> String { unsafe { // RequestContext always holds a reference of the call. let call = grpc_sys::grpcwrap_request_call_context_get_call(self.ctx); let p = grpc_sys::grpc_call_get_peer(call); let peer = CStr::from_ptr(p) .to_str() .expect("valid UTF-8 data") .to_owned(); grpc_sys::gpr_free(p as _); peer } } /// If the server binds in non-secure mode, this will return None fn auth_context(&self) -> Option { unsafe { let call = grpc_sys::grpcwrap_request_call_context_get_call(self.ctx); AuthContext::from_call_ptr(call) } } } impl Drop for RequestContext { fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { grpc_sys::grpcwrap_request_call_context_destroy(self.ctx) } } } /// A context for handling client side unary request. pub struct UnaryRequestContext { request: RequestContext, request_call: Option, batch: BatchContext, } impl UnaryRequestContext { pub fn new(ctx: RequestContext, rc: RequestCallContext) -> UnaryRequestContext { UnaryRequestContext { request: ctx, request_call: Some(rc), batch: BatchContext::new(), } } pub fn batch_ctx(&self) -> &BatchContext { &self.batch } pub fn batch_ctx_mut(&mut self) -> &mut BatchContext { &mut self.batch } pub fn request_ctx(&self) -> &RequestContext { &self.request } pub fn take_request_call_context(&mut self) -> Option { self.request_call.take() } pub fn handle( self, rc: &mut RequestCallContext, cq: &CompletionQueue, reader: Option, ) { let checker = rc.get_checker(); let handler = unsafe { rc.get_handler(self.request.method()).unwrap() }; if reader.is_some() { return execute(self.request, cq, reader, handler, checker); } let status = RpcStatus::new(RpcStatusCode::INTERNAL, Some("No payload".to_owned())); self.request.call(cq.clone()).abort(&status) } } /// A stream for client a streaming call and a duplex streaming call. /// /// The corresponding RPC will be canceled if the stream did not /// finish before dropping. #[must_use = "if unused the RequestStream may immediately cancel the RPC"] pub struct RequestStream { call: Arc>, base: StreamingBase, de: DeserializeFn, } impl RequestStream { fn new(call: Arc>, de: DeserializeFn) -> RequestStream { RequestStream { call, base: StreamingBase::new(None), de, } } } impl Stream for RequestStream { type Item = Result; fn poll_next(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context) -> Poll>> { { let mut call = self.call.lock(); call.check_alive()?; } let t = &mut *self; match ready!(t.base.poll(cx, &mut t.call, false)?) { None => Poll::Ready(None), Some(data) => Poll::Ready(Some((t.de)(data))), } } } impl Drop for RequestStream { /// The corresponding RPC will be canceled if the stream did not /// finish before dropping. fn drop(&mut self) { self.base.on_drop(&mut self.call); } } /// A helper macro used to implement server side unary sink. /// Not using generic here because we don't need to expose /// `CallHolder` or `Call` to caller. // TODO: Use type alias to be friendly for documentation. macro_rules! impl_unary_sink { ($(#[$attr:meta])* $t:ident, $rt:ident, $holder:ty) => { pub struct $rt { call: $holder, cq_f: Option, err: Option, } impl Future for $rt { type Output = Result<()>; fn poll(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context) -> Poll> { if let Some(e) = self.err.take() { return Poll::Ready(Err(e)); } if self.cq_f.is_some() { ready!(Pin::new(self.cq_f.as_mut().unwrap()).poll(cx)?); self.cq_f.take(); } ready!(self.call.call(|c| c.poll_finish(cx))?); Poll::Ready(Ok(())) } } $(#[$attr])* pub struct $t { call: Option<$holder>, write_flags: u32, ser: SerializeFn, } impl $t { fn new(call: $holder, ser: SerializeFn) -> $t { $t { call: Some(call), write_flags: 0, ser, } } pub fn success(self, t: T) -> $rt { self.complete(RpcStatus::ok(), Some(t)) } pub fn fail(self, status: RpcStatus) -> $rt { self.complete(status, None) } fn complete(mut self, status: RpcStatus, t: Option) -> $rt { let mut data = t.as_ref().map(|t| { let mut buf = GrpcSlice::default(); (self.ser)(t, &mut buf); buf }); let write_flags = self.write_flags; let res = self.call.as_mut().unwrap().call(|c| { c.call .start_send_status_from_server(&status, true, &mut data, write_flags) }); let (cq_f, err) = match res { Ok(f) => (Some(f), None), Err(e) => (None, Some(e)), }; $rt { call: self.call.take().unwrap(), cq_f, err, } } } impl Drop for $t { /// The corresponding RPC will be canceled if the sink did not /// send a response before dropping. fn drop(&mut self) { self.call .as_mut() .map(|call| call.call(|c| c.call.cancel())); } } }; } impl_unary_sink!( /// A sink for unary call. /// /// To close the sink properly, you should call [`success`] or [`fail`] before dropping. /// /// [`success`]: #method.success /// [`fail`]: #method.fail #[must_use = "if unused the sink may immediately cancel the RPC"] UnarySink, UnarySinkResult, ShareCall ); impl_unary_sink!( /// A sink for client streaming call. /// /// To close the sink properly, you should call [`success`] or [`fail`] before dropping. /// /// [`success`]: #method.success /// [`fail`]: #method.fail #[must_use = "if unused the sink may immediately cancel the RPC"] ClientStreamingSink, ClientStreamingSinkResult, Arc> ); // A macro helper to implement server side streaming sink. macro_rules! impl_stream_sink { ($(#[$attr:meta])* $t:ident, $ft:ident, $holder:ty) => { $(#[$attr])* pub struct $t { call: Option<$holder>, base: SinkBase, flush_f: Option, status: RpcStatus, flushed: bool, closed: bool, ser: SerializeFn, } impl $t { fn new(call: $holder, ser: SerializeFn) -> $t { $t { call: Some(call), base: SinkBase::new(true), flush_f: None, status: RpcStatus::ok(), flushed: false, closed: false, ser, } } /// By default it always sends messages with their configured buffer hint. But when the /// `enhance_batch` is enabled, messages will be batched together as many as possible. /// The rules are listed as below: /// - All messages except the last one will be sent with `buffer_hint` set to true. /// - The last message will also be sent with `buffer_hint` set to true unless any message is /// offered with buffer hint set to false. /// /// No matter `enhance_batch` is true or false, it's recommended to follow the contract of /// Sink and call `poll_flush` to ensure messages are handled by gRPC C Core. pub fn enhance_batch(&mut self, flag: bool) { self.base.enhance_buffer_strategy = flag; } pub fn set_status(&mut self, status: RpcStatus) { assert!(self.flush_f.is_none()); self.status = status; } pub fn fail(mut self, status: RpcStatus) -> $ft { assert!(self.flush_f.is_none()); let send_metadata = self.base.send_metadata; let res = self.call.as_mut().unwrap().call(|c| { c.call .start_send_status_from_server(&status, send_metadata, &mut None, 0) }); let (fail_f, err) = match res { Ok(f) => (Some(f), None), Err(e) => (None, Some(e)), }; $ft { call: self.call.take().unwrap(), fail_f, err, } } } impl Drop for $t { /// The corresponding RPC will be canceled if the sink did not call /// [`close`] or [`fail`] before dropping. /// /// [`close`]: #method.close /// [`fail`]: #method.fail fn drop(&mut self) { // We did not close it explicitly and it was not dropped in the `fail`. if !self.closed && self.call.is_some() { let mut call = self.call.take().unwrap(); call.call(|c| c.call.cancel()); } } } impl Sink<(T, WriteFlags)> for $t { type Error = Error; #[inline] fn poll_ready(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context) -> Poll> { if let Poll::Ready(_) = self.call.as_mut().unwrap().call(|c| c.poll_finish(cx))? { return Poll::Ready(Err(Error::RemoteStopped)); } Pin::new(&mut self.base).poll_ready(cx) } #[inline] fn start_send(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, (msg, flags): (T, WriteFlags)) -> Result<()> { let t = &mut *self; t.base.start_send(t.call.as_mut().unwrap(), &msg, flags, t.ser) } #[inline] fn poll_flush(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context) -> Poll> { if let Poll::Ready(_) = self.call.as_mut().unwrap().call(|c| c.poll_finish(cx))? { return Poll::Ready(Err(Error::RemoteStopped)); } let t = &mut *self; Pin::new(&mut t.base).poll_flush(cx, t.call.as_mut().unwrap()) } fn poll_close(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context) -> Poll> { if self.flush_f.is_none() { ready!(Pin::new(&mut self.base).poll_ready(cx)?); let send_metadata = self.base.send_metadata; let t = &mut *self; let status = &t.status; let flush_f = t.call.as_mut().unwrap().call(|c| { c.call .start_send_status_from_server(status, send_metadata, &mut None, 0) })?; t.flush_f = Some(flush_f); } if !self.flushed { ready!(Pin::new(self.flush_f.as_mut().unwrap()).poll(cx)?); self.flushed = true; } ready!(self.call.as_mut().unwrap().call(|c| c.poll_finish(cx))?); self.closed = true; Poll::Ready(Ok(())) } } #[must_use = "if unused the sink failure may immediately cancel the RPC"] pub struct $ft { call: $holder, fail_f: Option, err: Option, } impl Future for $ft { type Output = Result<()>; fn poll(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context) -> Poll> { if let Some(e) = self.err.take() { return Poll::Ready(Err(e)); } let readiness = self.call.call(|c| { if c.finished { return Poll::Ready(Ok(())); } c.poll_finish(cx).map(|r| r.map(|_| ())) })?; if let Some(ref mut f) = self.fail_f { ready!(Pin::new(f).poll(cx)?); } self.fail_f.take(); readiness.map(Ok) } } }; } impl_stream_sink!( /// A sink for server streaming call. /// /// To close the sink properly, you should call [`close`] or [`fail`] before dropping. /// /// [`close`]: #method.close /// [`fail`]: #method.fail #[must_use = "if unused the sink may immediately cancel the RPC"] ServerStreamingSink, ServerStreamingSinkFailure, ShareCall ); impl_stream_sink!( /// A sink for duplex streaming call. /// /// To close the sink properly, you should call [`close`] or [`fail`] before dropping. /// /// [`close`]: #method.close /// [`fail`]: #method.fail #[must_use = "if unused the sink may immediately cancel the RPC"] DuplexSink, DuplexSinkFailure, Arc> ); /// A context for rpc handling. pub struct RpcContext<'a> { ctx: RequestContext, executor: Executor<'a>, deadline: Deadline, } impl<'a> RpcContext<'a> { fn new(ctx: RequestContext, cq: &CompletionQueue) -> RpcContext<'_> { RpcContext { deadline: ctx.deadline(), ctx, executor: Executor::new(cq), } } fn kicker(&self) -> Kicker { let call = self.call(); Kicker::from_call(call) } pub(crate) fn call(&self) -> Call { self.ctx.call(self.executor.cq().clone()) } pub fn method(&self) -> &[u8] { self.ctx.method() } pub fn host(&self) -> &[u8] { self.ctx.host() } pub fn deadline(&self) -> &Deadline { &self.deadline } /// Get the initial metadata sent by client. pub fn request_headers(&self) -> &Metadata { self.ctx.metadata() } pub fn peer(&self) -> String { self.ctx.peer() } /// Wrapper around the gRPC Core AuthContext /// /// If the server binds in non-secure mode, this will return None pub fn auth_context(&self) -> Option { self.ctx.auth_context() } /// Spawn the future into current gRPC poll thread. /// /// This can reduce a lot of context switching, but please make /// sure there is no heavy work in the future. pub fn spawn(&self, f: F) where F: Future + Send + 'static, { self.executor.spawn(f, self.kicker()) } } // Following four helper functions are used to create a callback closure. macro_rules! accept_call { ($call:expr) => { match $call.start_server_side() { Err(Error::QueueShutdown) => return, Err(e) => panic!("unexpected error when trying to accept request: {:?}", e), Ok(f) => f, } }; } // Helper function to call a unary handler. pub fn execute_unary( ctx: RpcContext<'_>, ser: SerializeFn, de: DeserializeFn

, payload: MessageReader, f: &mut F, ) where F: FnMut(RpcContext<'_>, P, UnarySink), { let mut call = ctx.call(); let close_f = accept_call!(call); let request = match de(payload) { Ok(f) => f, Err(e) => { let status = RpcStatus::new( RpcStatusCode::INTERNAL, Some(format!("Failed to deserialize response message: {:?}", e)), ); call.abort(&status); return; } }; let sink = UnarySink::new(ShareCall::new(call, close_f), ser); f(ctx, request, sink) } // Helper function to call client streaming handler. pub fn execute_client_streaming( ctx: RpcContext<'_>, ser: SerializeFn, de: DeserializeFn

, f: &mut F, ) where F: FnMut(RpcContext<'_>, RequestStream

, ClientStreamingSink), { let mut call = ctx.call(); let close_f = accept_call!(call); let call = Arc::new(Mutex::new(ShareCall::new(call, close_f))); let req_s = RequestStream::new(call.clone(), de); let sink = ClientStreamingSink::new(call, ser); f(ctx, req_s, sink) } // Helper function to call server streaming handler. pub fn execute_server_streaming( ctx: RpcContext<'_>, ser: SerializeFn, de: DeserializeFn

, payload: MessageReader, f: &mut F, ) where F: FnMut(RpcContext<'_>, P, ServerStreamingSink), { let mut call = ctx.call(); let close_f = accept_call!(call); let request = match de(payload) { Ok(t) => t, Err(e) => { let status = RpcStatus::new( RpcStatusCode::INTERNAL, Some(format!("Failed to deserialize response message: {:?}", e)), ); call.abort(&status); return; } }; let sink = ServerStreamingSink::new(ShareCall::new(call, close_f), ser); f(ctx, request, sink) } // Helper function to call duplex streaming handler. pub fn execute_duplex_streaming( ctx: RpcContext<'_>, ser: SerializeFn, de: DeserializeFn

, f: &mut F, ) where F: FnMut(RpcContext<'_>, RequestStream

, DuplexSink), { let mut call = ctx.call(); let close_f = accept_call!(call); let call = Arc::new(Mutex::new(ShareCall::new(call, close_f))); let req_s = RequestStream::new(call.clone(), de); let sink = DuplexSink::new(call, ser); f(ctx, req_s, sink) } // A helper function used to handle all undefined rpc calls. pub fn execute_unimplemented(ctx: RequestContext, cq: CompletionQueue) { // Suppress needless-pass-by-value. let ctx = ctx; let mut call = ctx.call(cq); accept_call!(call); call.abort(&RpcStatus::new(RpcStatusCode::UNIMPLEMENTED, None)) } // Helper function to call handler. // // Invoked after a request is ready to be handled. fn execute( ctx: RequestContext, cq: &CompletionQueue, payload: Option, f: &mut BoxHandler, mut checkers: Vec>, ) { let rpc_ctx = RpcContext::new(ctx, cq); for handler in checkers.iter_mut() { match handler.check(&rpc_ctx) { CheckResult::Continue => {} CheckResult::Abort(status) => { rpc_ctx.call().abort(&status); return; } } } f.handle(rpc_ctx, payload) }