use std::fmt; use super::lazy_buffer::LazyBuffer; use alloc::vec::Vec; /// An iterator to iterate through all the `k`-length combinations in an iterator. /// /// See [`.combinations()`](../trait.Itertools.html#method.combinations) for more information. #[must_use = "iterator adaptors are lazy and do nothing unless consumed"] pub struct Combinations { indices: Vec, pool: LazyBuffer, first: bool, } impl Clone for Combinations where I: Clone + Iterator, I::Item: Clone, { clone_fields!(indices, pool, first); } impl fmt::Debug for Combinations where I: Iterator + fmt::Debug, I::Item: fmt::Debug, { debug_fmt_fields!(Combinations, indices, pool, first); } /// Create a new `Combinations` from a clonable iterator. pub fn combinations(iter: I, k: usize) -> Combinations where I: Iterator { let mut pool = LazyBuffer::new(iter); pool.prefill(k); Combinations { indices: (0..k).collect(), pool, first: true, } } impl Combinations { /// Returns the length of a combination produced by this iterator. #[inline] pub fn k(&self) -> usize { self.indices.len() } /// Returns the (current) length of the pool from which combination elements are /// selected. This value can change between invocations of [`next`]. /// /// [`next`]: #[inline] pub fn n(&self) -> usize { self.pool.len() } /// Returns a reference to the source iterator. #[inline] pub(crate) fn src(&self) -> &I { & } /// Resets this `Combinations` back to an initial state for combinations of length /// `k` over the same pool data source. If `k` is larger than the current length /// of the data pool an attempt is made to prefill the pool so that it holds `k` /// elements. pub(crate) fn reset(&mut self, k: usize) { self.first = true; if k < self.indices.len() { self.indices.truncate(k); for i in 0..k { self.indices[i] = i; } } else { for i in 0..self.indices.len() { self.indices[i] = i; } self.indices.extend(self.indices.len()..k); self.pool.prefill(k); } } } impl Iterator for Combinations where I: Iterator, I::Item: Clone { type Item = Vec; fn next(&mut self) -> Option { if self.first { if self.k() > self.n() { return None; } self.first = false; } else if self.indices.is_empty() { return None; } else { // Scan from the end, looking for an index to increment let mut i: usize = self.indices.len() - 1; // Check if we need to consume more from the iterator if self.indices[i] == self.pool.len() - 1 { self.pool.get_next(); // may change pool size } while self.indices[i] == i + self.pool.len() - self.indices.len() { if i > 0 { i -= 1; } else { // Reached the last combination return None; } } // Increment index, and reset the ones to its right self.indices[i] += 1; for j in i+1..self.indices.len() { self.indices[j] = self.indices[j - 1] + 1; } } // Create result vector based on the indices Some(self.indices.iter().map(|i| self.pool[*i].clone()).collect()) } }