[package] name = "libloading" # When bumping # * Don’t forget to add an entry to `src/changelog.rs` # * If bumping to an incompatible version, adjust the documentation in `src/lib.rs` version = "0.8.3" authors = ["Simonas Kazlauskas "] license = "ISC" repository = "https://github.com/nagisa/rust_libloading/" documentation = "https://docs.rs/libloading/" readme = "README.mkd" description = "Bindings around the platform's dynamic library loading primitives with greatly improved memory safety." keywords = ["dlopen", "load", "shared", "dylib"] categories = ["api-bindings"] rust-version = "1.56.0" [target.'cfg(windows)'.dependencies.windows-targets] version = ">=0.48, <0.53" [target.'cfg(windows)'.dev-dependencies.windows-sys] version = "0.52" features = ["Win32_Foundation"] [target.'cfg(unix)'.dependencies.cfg-if] version = "1" [dev-dependencies] libc = "0.2" static_assertions = "1.1" [package.metadata.docs.rs] all-features = true rustdoc-args = ["--cfg", "libloading_docs"]