#![cfg(feature = "alloc")] extern crate nom; use nom::{ branch::alt, bytes::complete::{tag, take}, character::complete::{anychar, char, multispace0, none_of}, combinator::{map, map_opt, map_res, value, verify}, error::ParseError, multi::{fold_many0, separated_list0}, number::complete::double, sequence::{delimited, preceded, separated_pair}, IResult, Parser, }; use std::collections::HashMap; #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Clone)] pub enum JsonValue { Null, Bool(bool), Str(String), Num(f64), Array(Vec), Object(HashMap), } fn boolean(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, bool> { alt((value(false, tag("false")), value(true, tag("true"))))(input) } fn u16_hex(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, u16> { map_res(take(4usize), |s| u16::from_str_radix(s, 16))(input) } fn unicode_escape(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, char> { map_opt( alt(( // Not a surrogate map(verify(u16_hex, |cp| !(0xD800..0xE000).contains(cp)), |cp| { cp as u32 }), // See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UTF-16#Code_points_from_U+010000_to_U+10FFFF for details map( verify( separated_pair(u16_hex, tag("\\u"), u16_hex), |(high, low)| (0xD800..0xDC00).contains(high) && (0xDC00..0xE000).contains(low), ), |(high, low)| { let high_ten = (high as u32) - 0xD800; let low_ten = (low as u32) - 0xDC00; (high_ten << 10) + low_ten + 0x10000 }, ), )), // Could be probably replaced with .unwrap() or _unchecked due to the verify checks std::char::from_u32, )(input) } fn character(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, char> { let (input, c) = none_of("\"")(input)?; if c == '\\' { alt(( map_res(anychar, |c| { Ok(match c { '"' | '\\' | '/' => c, 'b' => '\x08', 'f' => '\x0C', 'n' => '\n', 'r' => '\r', 't' => '\t', _ => return Err(()), }) }), preceded(char('u'), unicode_escape), ))(input) } else { Ok((input, c)) } } fn string(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, String> { delimited( char('"'), fold_many0(character, String::new(), |mut string, c| { string.push(c); string }), char('"'), )(input) } fn ws<'a, O, E: ParseError<&'a str>, F: Parser<&'a str, O, E>>(f: F) -> impl Parser<&'a str, O, E> { delimited(multispace0, f, multispace0) } fn array(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, Vec> { delimited( char('['), ws(separated_list0(ws(char(',')), json_value)), char(']'), )(input) } fn object(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, HashMap> { map( delimited( char('{'), ws(separated_list0( ws(char(',')), separated_pair(string, ws(char(':')), json_value), )), char('}'), ), |key_values| key_values.into_iter().collect(), )(input) } fn json_value(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, JsonValue> { use JsonValue::*; alt(( value(Null, tag("null")), map(boolean, Bool), map(string, Str), map(double, Num), map(array, Array), map(object, Object), ))(input) } fn json(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, JsonValue> { ws(json_value).parse(input) } #[test] fn json_string() { assert_eq!(string("\"\""), Ok(("", "".to_string()))); assert_eq!(string("\"abc\""), Ok(("", "abc".to_string()))); assert_eq!( string("\"abc\\\"\\\\\\/\\b\\f\\n\\r\\t\\u0001\\u2014\u{2014}def\""), Ok(("", "abc\"\\/\x08\x0C\n\r\t\x01β€”β€”def".to_string())), ); assert_eq!(string("\"\\uD83D\\uDE10\""), Ok(("", "😐".to_string()))); assert!(string("\"").is_err()); assert!(string("\"abc").is_err()); assert!(string("\"\\\"").is_err()); assert!(string("\"\\u123\"").is_err()); assert!(string("\"\\uD800\"").is_err()); assert!(string("\"\\uD800\\uD800\"").is_err()); assert!(string("\"\\uDC00\"").is_err()); } #[test] fn json_object() { use JsonValue::*; let input = r#"{"a":42,"b":"x"}"#; let expected = Object( vec![ ("a".to_string(), Num(42.0)), ("b".to_string(), Str("x".to_string())), ] .into_iter() .collect(), ); assert_eq!(json(input), Ok(("", expected))); } #[test] fn json_array() { use JsonValue::*; let input = r#"[42,"x"]"#; let expected = Array(vec![Num(42.0), Str("x".to_string())]); assert_eq!(json(input), Ok(("", expected))); } #[test] fn json_whitespace() { use JsonValue::*; let input = r#" { "null" : null, "true" :true , "false": false , "number" : 123e4 , "string" : " abc 123 " , "array" : [ false , 1 , "two" ] , "object" : { "a" : 1.0 , "b" : "c" } , "empty_array" : [ ] , "empty_object" : { } } "#; assert_eq!( json(input), Ok(( "", Object( vec![ ("null".to_string(), Null), ("true".to_string(), Bool(true)), ("false".to_string(), Bool(false)), ("number".to_string(), Num(123e4)), ("string".to_string(), Str(" abc 123 ".to_string())), ( "array".to_string(), Array(vec![Bool(false), Num(1.0), Str("two".to_string())]) ), ( "object".to_string(), Object( vec![ ("a".to_string(), Num(1.0)), ("b".to_string(), Str("c".to_string())), ] .into_iter() .collect() ) ), ("empty_array".to_string(), Array(vec![]),), ("empty_object".to_string(), Object(HashMap::new()),), ] .into_iter() .collect() ) )) ); }