use std::{iter::FromIterator, mem}; use proc_macro2::{Group, Spacing, Span, TokenStream, TokenTree}; use quote::{quote, quote_spanned, ToTokens}; use syn::{ parse::{Parse, ParseBuffer, ParseStream}, parse_quote, punctuated::Punctuated, token, visit_mut::{self, VisitMut}, Attribute, ExprPath, ExprStruct, Generics, Ident, Item, Lifetime, LifetimeDef, Macro, PatPath, PatStruct, PatTupleStruct, Path, PathArguments, PredicateType, QSelf, Result, Token, Type, TypeParamBound, TypePath, Variant, Visibility, WherePredicate, }; pub(crate) type Variants = Punctuated; macro_rules! format_err { ($span:expr, $msg:expr $(,)?) => { syn::Error::new_spanned(&$span as &dyn quote::ToTokens, &$msg as &dyn std::fmt::Display) }; ($span:expr, $($tt:tt)*) => { format_err!($span, format!($($tt)*)) }; } macro_rules! bail { ($($tt:tt)*) => { return Err(format_err!($($tt)*)) }; } macro_rules! parse_quote_spanned { ($span:expr => $($tt:tt)*) => { syn::parse2(quote::quote_spanned!($span => $($tt)*)).unwrap_or_else(|e| panic!("{}", e)) }; } /// Determines the lifetime names. Ensure it doesn't overlap with any existing /// lifetime names. pub(crate) fn determine_lifetime_name(lifetime_name: &mut String, generics: &mut Generics) { struct CollectLifetimes(Vec); impl VisitMut for CollectLifetimes { fn visit_lifetime_def_mut(&mut self, def: &mut LifetimeDef) { self.0.push(def.lifetime.to_string()); } } debug_assert!(lifetime_name.starts_with('\'')); let mut lifetimes = CollectLifetimes(Vec::new()); lifetimes.visit_generics_mut(generics); while lifetimes.0.iter().any(|name| name.starts_with(&**lifetime_name)) { lifetime_name.push('_'); } } /// Like `insert_lifetime`, but also generates a bound of the form /// `OriginalType: 'lifetime`. Used when generating the definition /// of a projection type pub(crate) fn insert_lifetime_and_bound( generics: &mut Generics, lifetime: Lifetime, orig_generics: &Generics, orig_ident: &Ident, ) -> WherePredicate { insert_lifetime(generics, lifetime.clone()); let orig_type: Type = parse_quote!(#orig_ident #orig_generics); let mut punct = Punctuated::new(); punct.push(TypeParamBound::Lifetime(lifetime)); WherePredicate::Type(PredicateType { lifetimes: None, bounded_ty: orig_type, colon_token: ::default(), bounds: punct, }) } /// Inserts a `lifetime` at position `0` of `generics.params`. pub(crate) fn insert_lifetime(generics: &mut Generics, lifetime: Lifetime) { generics.lt_token.get_or_insert_with(::default); generics.gt_token.get_or_insert_with(]>::default); generics.params.insert(0, LifetimeDef::new(lifetime).into()); } /// Determines the visibility of the projected types and projection methods. /// /// If given visibility is `pub`, returned visibility is `pub(crate)`. /// Otherwise, returned visibility is the same as given visibility. pub(crate) fn determine_visibility(vis: &Visibility) -> Visibility { if let Visibility::Public(token) = vis { parse_quote_spanned!(token.pub_token.span => pub(crate)) } else { vis.clone() } } /// Checks if `tokens` is an empty `TokenStream`. /// /// This is almost equivalent to `syn::parse2::()`, but produces /// a better error message and does not require ownership of `tokens`. pub(crate) fn parse_as_empty(tokens: &TokenStream) -> Result<()> { if tokens.is_empty() { Ok(()) } else { bail!(tokens, "unexpected token: `{}`", tokens) } } pub(crate) fn respan(node: &T, span: Span) -> T where T: ToTokens + Parse, { let tokens = node.to_token_stream(); let respanned = respan_tokens(tokens, span); syn::parse2(respanned).unwrap() } fn respan_tokens(tokens: TokenStream, span: Span) -> TokenStream { tokens .into_iter() .map(|mut token| { token.set_span(span); token }) .collect() } // ================================================================================================= // extension traits pub(crate) trait SliceExt { fn position_exact(&self, ident: &str) -> Result>; fn find(&self, ident: &str) -> Option<&Attribute>; } impl SliceExt for [Attribute] { /// # Errors /// /// - There are multiple specified attributes. /// - The `Attribute::tokens` field of the specified attribute is not empty. fn position_exact(&self, ident: &str) -> Result> { self.iter() .try_fold((0, None), |(i, mut prev), attr| { if attr.path.is_ident(ident) { if prev.replace(i).is_some() { bail!(attr, "duplicate #[{}] attribute", ident); } parse_as_empty(&attr.tokens)?; } Ok((i + 1, prev)) }) .map(|(_, pos)| pos) } fn find(&self, ident: &str) -> Option<&Attribute> { self.iter().position(|attr| attr.path.is_ident(ident)).map(|i| &self[i]) } } pub(crate) trait ParseBufferExt<'a> { fn parenthesized(self) -> Result>; } impl<'a> ParseBufferExt<'a> for ParseStream<'a> { fn parenthesized(self) -> Result> { let content; let _: token::Paren = syn::parenthesized!(content in self); Ok(content) } } impl<'a> ParseBufferExt<'a> for ParseBuffer<'a> { fn parenthesized(self) -> Result> { let content; let _: token::Paren = syn::parenthesized!(content in self); Ok(content) } } // ================================================================================================= // visitors // Replace `self`/`Self` with `__self`/`self_ty`. // Based on: // - // - pub(crate) struct ReplaceReceiver<'a>(pub(crate) &'a TypePath); impl ReplaceReceiver<'_> { fn self_ty(&self, span: Span) -> TypePath { respan(self.0, span) } fn self_to_qself(&self, qself: &mut Option, path: &mut Path) { if path.leading_colon.is_some() { return; } let first = &path.segments[0]; if first.ident != "Self" || !first.arguments.is_empty() { return; } if path.segments.len() == 1 { self.self_to_expr_path(path); return; } let span = first.ident.span(); *qself = Some(QSelf { lt_token: Token![<](span), ty: Box::new(self.self_ty(span).into()), position: 0, as_token: None, gt_token: Token![>](span), }); path.leading_colon = Some(**path.segments.pairs().next().unwrap().punct().unwrap()); let segments = mem::replace(&mut path.segments, Punctuated::new()); path.segments = segments.into_pairs().skip(1).collect(); } fn self_to_expr_path(&self, path: &mut Path) { if path.leading_colon.is_some() { return; } let first = &path.segments[0]; if first.ident != "Self" || !first.arguments.is_empty() { return; } let self_ty = self.self_ty(first.ident.span()); let variant = mem::replace(path, self_ty.path); for segment in &mut path.segments { if let PathArguments::AngleBracketed(bracketed) = &mut segment.arguments { if bracketed.colon2_token.is_none() && !bracketed.args.is_empty() { bracketed.colon2_token = Some(::default()); } } } if variant.segments.len() > 1 { path.segments.push_punct(::default()); path.segments.extend(variant.segments.into_pairs().skip(1)); } } fn visit_token_stream(&self, tokens: &mut TokenStream) -> bool { let mut out = Vec::new(); let mut modified = false; let mut iter = tokens.clone().into_iter().peekable(); while let Some(tt) = { match tt { TokenTree::Ident(mut ident) => { modified |= prepend_underscore_to_self(&mut ident); if ident == "Self" { modified = true; let self_ty = self.self_ty(ident.span()); match iter.peek() { Some(TokenTree::Punct(p)) if p.as_char() == ':' && p.spacing() == Spacing::Joint => { let next =; match iter.peek() { Some(TokenTree::Punct(p)) if p.as_char() == ':' => { let span = ident.span(); out.extend(quote_spanned!(span=> <#self_ty>)); } _ => out.extend(quote!(#self_ty)), } out.push(next); } _ => out.extend(quote!(#self_ty)), } } else { out.push(TokenTree::Ident(ident)); } } TokenTree::Group(group) => { let mut content =; modified |= self.visit_token_stream(&mut content); let mut new = Group::new(group.delimiter(), content); new.set_span(group.span()); out.push(TokenTree::Group(new)); } other => out.push(other), } } if modified { *tokens = TokenStream::from_iter(out); } modified } } impl VisitMut for ReplaceReceiver<'_> { // `Self` -> `Receiver` fn visit_type_mut(&mut self, ty: &mut Type) { if let Type::Path(node) = ty { if node.qself.is_none() && node.path.is_ident("Self") { *ty = self.self_ty(node.path.segments[0].ident.span()).into(); } else { self.visit_type_path_mut(node); } } else { visit_mut::visit_type_mut(self, ty); } } // `Self::Assoc` -> `::Assoc` fn visit_type_path_mut(&mut self, ty: &mut TypePath) { if ty.qself.is_none() { self.self_to_qself(&mut ty.qself, &mut ty.path); } visit_mut::visit_type_path_mut(self, ty); } // `Self::method` -> `::method` fn visit_expr_path_mut(&mut self, expr: &mut ExprPath) { if expr.qself.is_none() { self.self_to_qself(&mut expr.qself, &mut expr.path); } visit_mut::visit_expr_path_mut(self, expr); } fn visit_expr_struct_mut(&mut self, expr: &mut ExprStruct) { self.self_to_expr_path(&mut expr.path); visit_mut::visit_expr_struct_mut(self, expr); } fn visit_pat_path_mut(&mut self, pat: &mut PatPath) { if pat.qself.is_none() { self.self_to_qself(&mut pat.qself, &mut pat.path); } visit_mut::visit_pat_path_mut(self, pat); } fn visit_pat_struct_mut(&mut self, pat: &mut PatStruct) { self.self_to_expr_path(&mut pat.path); visit_mut::visit_pat_struct_mut(self, pat); } fn visit_pat_tuple_struct_mut(&mut self, pat: &mut PatTupleStruct) { self.self_to_expr_path(&mut pat.path); visit_mut::visit_pat_tuple_struct_mut(self, pat); } fn visit_path_mut(&mut self, path: &mut Path) { if path.segments.len() == 1 { // Replace `self`, but not `self::function`. prepend_underscore_to_self(&mut path.segments[0].ident); } for segment in &mut path.segments { self.visit_path_arguments_mut(&mut segment.arguments); } } fn visit_item_mut(&mut self, item: &mut Item) { match item { // Visit `macro_rules!` because locally defined macros can refer to `self`. Item::Macro(item) if item.mac.path.is_ident("macro_rules") => { self.visit_macro_mut(&mut item.mac); } // Otherwise, do not recurse into nested items. _ => {} } } fn visit_macro_mut(&mut self, mac: &mut Macro) { // We can't tell in general whether `self` inside a macro invocation // refers to the self in the argument list or a different self // introduced within the macro. Heuristic: if the macro input contains // `fn`, then `self` is more likely to refer to something other than the // outer function's self argument. if !contains_fn(mac.tokens.clone()) { self.visit_token_stream(&mut mac.tokens); } } } fn contains_fn(tokens: TokenStream) -> bool { tokens.into_iter().any(|tt| match tt { TokenTree::Ident(ident) => ident == "fn", TokenTree::Group(group) => contains_fn(, _ => false, }) } pub(crate) fn prepend_underscore_to_self(ident: &mut Ident) -> bool { let modified = ident == "self"; if modified { *ident = Ident::new("__self", ident.span()); } modified }