// Original code (./struct-default.rs): // // ```rust // #![allow(dead_code)] // // use pin_project::pin_project; // // #[pin_project(project_replace)] // struct Struct { // #[pin] // pinned: T, // unpinned: U, // } // // fn main() {} // ``` #![allow(dead_code, unused_imports, unused_parens, unknown_lints, renamed_and_removed_lints)] #![allow(clippy::needless_lifetimes)] use pin_project::pin_project; // #[pin_project(project_replace)] struct Struct { // #[pin] pinned: T, unpinned: U, } const _: () = { struct __StructProjection<'pin, T, U> where Struct: 'pin, { pinned: ::pin_project::__private::Pin<&'pin mut (T)>, unpinned: &'pin mut (U), } struct __StructProjectionRef<'pin, T, U> where Struct: 'pin, { pinned: ::pin_project::__private::Pin<&'pin (T)>, unpinned: &'pin (U), } struct __StructProjectionOwned { pinned: ::pin_project::__private::PhantomData, unpinned: U, } impl Struct { fn project<'pin>( self: ::pin_project::__private::Pin<&'pin mut Self>, ) -> __StructProjection<'pin, T, U> { unsafe { let Self { pinned, unpinned } = self.get_unchecked_mut(); __StructProjection { pinned: ::pin_project::__private::Pin::new_unchecked(pinned), unpinned, } } } fn project_ref<'pin>( self: ::pin_project::__private::Pin<&'pin Self>, ) -> __StructProjectionRef<'pin, T, U> { unsafe { let Self { pinned, unpinned } = self.get_ref(); __StructProjectionRef { pinned: ::pin_project::__private::Pin::new_unchecked(pinned), unpinned, } } } fn project_replace( self: ::pin_project::__private::Pin<&mut Self>, __replacement: Self, ) -> __StructProjectionOwned { unsafe { let __self_ptr: *mut Self = self.get_unchecked_mut(); // Destructors will run in reverse order, so next create a guard to overwrite // `self` with the replacement value without calling destructors. let __guard = ::pin_project::__private::UnsafeOverwriteGuard { target: __self_ptr, value: ::pin_project::__private::ManuallyDrop::new(__replacement), }; let Self { pinned, unpinned } = &mut *__self_ptr; // First, extract all the unpinned fields let __result = __StructProjectionOwned { pinned: ::pin_project::__private::PhantomData, unpinned: ::pin_project::__private::ptr::read(unpinned), }; // Now create guards to drop all the pinned fields // // Due to a compiler bug (https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/47949) // this must be in its own scope, or else `__result` will not be dropped // if any of the destructors panic. { let __guard = ::pin_project::__private::UnsafeDropInPlaceGuard(pinned); } // Finally, return the result __result } } } // Ensure that it's impossible to use pin projections on a #[repr(packed)] // struct. // // See ./struct-default-expanded.rs and https://github.com/taiki-e/pin-project/pull/34 // for details. #[forbid(unaligned_references, safe_packed_borrows)] fn __assert_not_repr_packed(this: &Struct) { let _ = &this.pinned; let _ = &this.unpinned; } // Automatically create the appropriate conditional `Unpin` implementation. // // See ./struct-default-expanded.rs and https://github.com/taiki-e/pin-project/pull/53. // for details. struct __Struct<'pin, T, U> { __pin_project_use_generics: ::pin_project::__private::AlwaysUnpin< 'pin, (::pin_project::__private::PhantomData, ::pin_project::__private::PhantomData), >, __field0: T, } impl<'pin, T, U> ::pin_project::__private::Unpin for Struct where __Struct<'pin, T, U>: ::pin_project::__private::Unpin { } // A dummy impl of `UnsafeUnpin`, to ensure that the user cannot implement it. #[doc(hidden)] unsafe impl<'pin, T, U> ::pin_project::UnsafeUnpin for Struct where __Struct<'pin, T, U>: ::pin_project::__private::Unpin { } // Ensure that struct does not implement `Drop`. // // See ./struct-default-expanded.rs for details. trait StructMustNotImplDrop {} #[allow(clippy::drop_bounds, drop_bounds)] impl StructMustNotImplDrop for T {} impl StructMustNotImplDrop for Struct {} // A dummy impl of `PinnedDrop`, to ensure that users don't accidentally // write a non-functional `PinnedDrop` impls. #[doc(hidden)] impl ::pin_project::__private::PinnedDrop for Struct { unsafe fn drop(self: ::pin_project::__private::Pin<&mut Self>) {} } }; fn main() {}