use crate::{BackendCoord, BackendStyle, DrawingBackend, DrawingErrorKind}; pub fn draw_line( back: &mut DB, mut from: BackendCoord, mut to: BackendCoord, style: &S, ) -> Result<(), DrawingErrorKind> { if style.color().alpha == 0.0 { return Ok(()); } if style.stroke_width() != 1 { // If the line is wider than 1px, then we need to make it a polygon let v = (i64::from(to.0 - from.0), i64::from(to.1 - from.1)); let l = ((v.0 * v.0 + v.1 * v.1) as f64).sqrt(); if l < 1e-5 { return Ok(()); } let v = (v.0 as f64 / l, v.1 as f64 / l); let r = f64::from(style.stroke_width()) / 2.0; let mut trans = [(v.1 * r, -v.0 * r), (-v.1 * r, v.0 * r)]; let mut vertices = vec![]; for point in [from, to].iter() { for t in trans.iter() { vertices.push(( (f64::from(point.0) + t.0) as i32, (f64::from(point.1) + t.1) as i32, )) } trans.swap(0, 1); } return back.fill_polygon(vertices, style); } if from.0 == to.0 { if from.1 > to.1 { std::mem::swap(&mut from, &mut to); } for y in from.1..=to.1 { check_result!(back.draw_pixel((from.0, y), style.color())); } return Ok(()); } if from.1 == to.1 { if from.0 > to.0 { std::mem::swap(&mut from, &mut to); } for x in from.0..=to.0 { check_result!(back.draw_pixel((x, from.1), style.color())); } return Ok(()); } let steep = (from.0 - to.0).abs() < (from.1 - to.1).abs(); if steep { from = (from.1, from.0); to = (to.1, to.0); } let (from, to) = if from.0 > to.0 { (to, from) } else { (from, to) }; let mut size_limit = back.get_size(); if steep { size_limit = (size_limit.1, size_limit.0); } let grad = f64::from(to.1 - from.1) / f64::from(to.0 - from.0); let mut put_pixel = |(x, y): BackendCoord, b: f64| { if steep { back.draw_pixel((y, x), style.color().mix(b)) } else { back.draw_pixel((x, y), style.color().mix(b)) } }; let y_step_limit = (f64::from(to.1.min(size_limit.1 as i32 - 1).max(0) - from.1) / grad).floor() as i32; let batch_start = (f64::from(from.1.min(size_limit.1 as i32 - 2).max(0) - from.1) / grad) .abs() .ceil() as i32 + from.0; let batch_limit = to.0.min(size_limit.0 as i32 - 2) .min(from.0 + y_step_limit - 1); let mut y = f64::from(from.1) + f64::from(batch_start - from.0) * grad; for x in batch_start..=batch_limit { check_result!(put_pixel((x, y as i32), 1.0 + y.floor() - y)); check_result!(put_pixel((x, y as i32 + 1), y - y.floor())); y += grad; } if to.0 >= batch_limit + 1 && y < f64::from(to.1) { let x = batch_limit as i32 + 1; if 1.0 + y.floor() - y > 1e-5 { check_result!(put_pixel((x, y as i32), 1.0 + y.floor() - y)); } if y - y.floor() > 1e-5 && y + 1.0 < f64::from(to.1) { check_result!(put_pixel((x, y as i32 + 1), y - y.floor())); } } Ok(()) }