#!/bin/sh -ex cd "$(dirname "$0")" die() { echo "$@" >&2 exit 1 } protoc_ver=$(protoc --version) case "$protoc_ver" in "libprotoc 3"*) ;; *) die "you need to use protobuf 3 to regenerate .rs from .proto" ;; esac cargo build --manifest-path=../protobuf-codegen/Cargo.toml cargo build --manifest-path=../protoc-bin-vendored/Cargo.toml --bin protoc-bin-which PROTOC=$(cargo run --manifest-path=../protoc-bin-vendored/Cargo.toml --bin protoc-bin-which) where_am_i=$( cd .. pwd ) rm -rf tmp-generated mkdir tmp-generated case $(uname) in Linux) exe_suffix="" ;; MSYS_NT*) exe_suffix=".exe" ;; esac "$PROTOC" \ --plugin=protoc-gen-rust="$where_am_i/target/debug/protoc-gen-rust$exe_suffix" \ --rust_out tmp-generated \ --rust_opt 'serde_derive=true inside_protobuf=true' \ -I../proto \ -I../protoc-bin-vendored/include \ ../protoc-bin-vendored/include/google/protobuf/*.proto \ ../protoc-bin-vendored/include/google/protobuf/compiler/* \ ../proto/rustproto.proto mv tmp-generated/descriptor.rs tmp-generated/plugin.rs tmp-generated/rustproto.rs src/ mv tmp-generated/*.rs src/well_known_types/ ( cd src/well_known_types exec >mod.rs echo "// This file is generated. Do not edit" echo '//! Generated code for "well known types"' echo "//!" echo "//! [This document](https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/docs/reference/google.protobuf) describes these types." mod_list() { # shellcheck disable=SC2010 ls | grep -v mod.rs | sed -e 's,\.rs$,,' } echo mod_list | sed -e 's,^,mod ,; s,$,;,' echo mod_list | while read -r mod; do echo "pub use self::$mod::*;" done ) # vim: set ts=4 sw=4 et: