//! Parallel iterator types for [standard collections][std::collections] //! //! You will rarely need to interact with this module directly unless you need //! to name one of the iterator types. //! //! [std::collections]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/std/collections/ /// Convert an iterable collection into a parallel iterator by first /// collecting into a temporary `Vec`, then iterating that. macro_rules! into_par_vec { ($t:ty => $iter:ident<$($i:tt),*>, impl $($args:tt)*) => { impl $($args)* IntoParallelIterator for $t { type Item = <$t as IntoIterator>::Item; type Iter = $iter<$($i),*>; fn into_par_iter(self) -> Self::Iter { use std::iter::FromIterator; $iter { inner: Vec::from_iter(self).into_par_iter() } } } }; } pub mod binary_heap; pub mod btree_map; pub mod btree_set; pub mod hash_map; pub mod hash_set; pub mod linked_list; pub mod vec_deque; use self::drain_guard::DrainGuard; mod drain_guard { use crate::iter::ParallelDrainRange; use std::mem; use std::ops::RangeBounds; /// A proxy for draining a collection by converting to a `Vec` and back. /// /// This is used for draining `BinaryHeap` and `VecDeque`, which both have /// zero-allocation conversions to/from `Vec`, though not zero-cost: /// - `BinaryHeap` will heapify from `Vec`, but at least that will be empty. /// - `VecDeque` has to shift items to offset 0 when converting to `Vec`. #[allow(missing_debug_implementations)] pub(super) struct DrainGuard<'a, T, C: From>> { collection: &'a mut C, vec: Vec, } impl<'a, T, C> DrainGuard<'a, T, C> where C: Default + From>, Vec: From, { pub(super) fn new(collection: &'a mut C) -> Self { Self { // Temporarily steal the inner `Vec` so we can drain in place. vec: Vec::from(mem::replace(collection, C::default())), collection, } } } impl<'a, T, C: From>> Drop for DrainGuard<'a, T, C> { fn drop(&mut self) { // Restore the collection from the `Vec` with its original capacity. *self.collection = C::from(mem::replace(&mut self.vec, Vec::new())); } } impl<'a, T, C> ParallelDrainRange for &'a mut DrainGuard<'_, T, C> where T: Send, C: From>, { type Iter = crate::vec::Drain<'a, T>; type Item = T; fn par_drain>(self, range: R) -> Self::Iter { self.vec.par_drain(range) } } }