path: root/src
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
41 files changed, 14364 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/backup.rs b/src/backup.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e095146
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/backup.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,436 @@
+//! `feature = "backup"` Online SQLite backup API.
+//! To create a `Backup`, you must have two distinct `Connection`s - one
+//! for the source (which can be used while the backup is running) and one for
+//! the destination (which cannot). A `Backup` handle exposes three methods:
+//! `step` will attempt to back up a specified number of pages, `progress` gets
+//! the current progress of the backup as of the last call to `step`, and
+//! `run_to_completion` will attempt to back up the entire source database,
+//! allowing you to specify how many pages are backed up at a time and how long
+//! the thread should sleep between chunks of pages.
+//! The following example is equivalent to "Example 2: Online Backup of a
+//! Running Database" from [SQLite's Online Backup API
+//! documentation](https://www.sqlite.org/backup.html).
+//! ```rust,no_run
+//! # use rusqlite::{backup, Connection, Result};
+//! # use std::path::Path;
+//! # use std::time;
+//! fn backup_db<P: AsRef<Path>>(
+//! src: &Connection,
+//! dst: P,
+//! progress: fn(backup::Progress),
+//! ) -> Result<()> {
+//! let mut dst = Connection::open(dst)?;
+//! let backup = backup::Backup::new(src, &mut dst)?;
+//! backup.run_to_completion(5, time::Duration::from_millis(250), Some(progress))
+//! }
+//! ```
+use std::marker::PhantomData;
+use std::path::Path;
+use std::ptr;
+use std::os::raw::c_int;
+use std::thread;
+use std::time::Duration;
+use crate::ffi;
+use crate::error::{error_from_handle, error_from_sqlite_code};
+use crate::{Connection, DatabaseName, Result};
+impl Connection {
+ /// `feature = "backup"` Back up the `name` database to the given
+ /// destination path.
+ ///
+ /// If `progress` is not `None`, it will be called periodically
+ /// until the backup completes.
+ ///
+ /// For more fine-grained control over the backup process (e.g.,
+ /// to sleep periodically during the backup or to back up to an
+ /// already-open database connection), see the `backup` module.
+ ///
+ /// # Failure
+ ///
+ /// Will return `Err` if the destination path cannot be opened
+ /// or if the backup fails.
+ pub fn backup<P: AsRef<Path>>(
+ &self,
+ name: DatabaseName<'_>,
+ dst_path: P,
+ progress: Option<fn(Progress)>,
+ ) -> Result<()> {
+ use self::StepResult::{Busy, Done, Locked, More};
+ let mut dst = Connection::open(dst_path)?;
+ let backup = Backup::new_with_names(self, name, &mut dst, DatabaseName::Main)?;
+ let mut r = More;
+ while r == More {
+ r = backup.step(100)?;
+ if let Some(f) = progress {
+ f(backup.progress());
+ }
+ }
+ match r {
+ Done => Ok(()),
+ Busy => Err(unsafe { error_from_handle(ptr::null_mut(), ffi::SQLITE_BUSY) }),
+ Locked => Err(unsafe { error_from_handle(ptr::null_mut(), ffi::SQLITE_LOCKED) }),
+ More => unreachable!(),
+ }
+ }
+ /// `feature = "backup"` Restore the given source path into the
+ /// `name` database. If `progress` is not `None`, it will be
+ /// called periodically until the restore completes.
+ ///
+ /// For more fine-grained control over the restore process (e.g.,
+ /// to sleep periodically during the restore or to restore from an
+ /// already-open database connection), see the `backup` module.
+ ///
+ /// # Failure
+ ///
+ /// Will return `Err` if the destination path cannot be opened
+ /// or if the restore fails.
+ pub fn restore<P: AsRef<Path>, F: Fn(Progress)>(
+ &mut self,
+ name: DatabaseName<'_>,
+ src_path: P,
+ progress: Option<F>,
+ ) -> Result<()> {
+ use self::StepResult::{Busy, Done, Locked, More};
+ let src = Connection::open(src_path)?;
+ let restore = Backup::new_with_names(&src, DatabaseName::Main, self, name)?;
+ let mut r = More;
+ let mut busy_count = 0i32;
+ 'restore_loop: while r == More || r == Busy {
+ r = restore.step(100)?;
+ if let Some(ref f) = progress {
+ f(restore.progress());
+ }
+ if r == Busy {
+ busy_count += 1;
+ if busy_count >= 3 {
+ break 'restore_loop;
+ }
+ thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(100));
+ }
+ }
+ match r {
+ Done => Ok(()),
+ Busy => Err(unsafe { error_from_handle(ptr::null_mut(), ffi::SQLITE_BUSY) }),
+ Locked => Err(unsafe { error_from_handle(ptr::null_mut(), ffi::SQLITE_LOCKED) }),
+ More => unreachable!(),
+ }
+ }
+/// `feature = "backup"` Possible successful results of calling `Backup::step`.
+#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
+pub enum StepResult {
+ /// The backup is complete.
+ Done,
+ /// The step was successful but there are still more pages that need to be
+ /// backed up.
+ More,
+ /// The step failed because appropriate locks could not be aquired. This is
+ /// not a fatal error - the step can be retried.
+ Busy,
+ /// The step failed because the source connection was writing to the
+ /// database. This is not a fatal error - the step can be retried.
+ Locked,
+/// `feature = "backup"` Struct specifying the progress of a backup. The
+/// percentage completion can be calculated as `(pagecount - remaining) /
+/// pagecount`. The progress of a backup is as of the last call to `step` - if
+/// the source database is modified after a call to `step`, the progress value
+/// will become outdated and potentially incorrect.
+#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
+pub struct Progress {
+ /// Number of pages in the source database that still need to be backed up.
+ pub remaining: c_int,
+ /// Total number of pages in the source database.
+ pub pagecount: c_int,
+/// `feature = "backup"` A handle to an online backup.
+pub struct Backup<'a, 'b> {
+ phantom_from: PhantomData<&'a ()>,
+ phantom_to: PhantomData<&'b ()>,
+ b: *mut ffi::sqlite3_backup,
+impl Backup<'_, '_> {
+ /// Attempt to create a new handle that will allow backups from `from` to
+ /// `to`. Note that `to` is a `&mut` - this is because SQLite forbids any
+ /// API calls on the destination of a backup while the backup is taking
+ /// place.
+ ///
+ /// # Failure
+ ///
+ /// Will return `Err` if the underlying `sqlite3_backup_init` call returns
+ /// `NULL`.
+ pub fn new<'a, 'b>(from: &'a Connection, to: &'b mut Connection) -> Result<Backup<'a, 'b>> {
+ Backup::new_with_names(from, DatabaseName::Main, to, DatabaseName::Main)
+ }
+ /// Attempt to create a new handle that will allow backups from the
+ /// `from_name` database of `from` to the `to_name` database of `to`. Note
+ /// that `to` is a `&mut` - this is because SQLite forbids any API calls on
+ /// the destination of a backup while the backup is taking place.
+ ///
+ /// # Failure
+ ///
+ /// Will return `Err` if the underlying `sqlite3_backup_init` call returns
+ /// `NULL`.
+ pub fn new_with_names<'a, 'b>(
+ from: &'a Connection,
+ from_name: DatabaseName<'_>,
+ to: &'b mut Connection,
+ to_name: DatabaseName<'_>,
+ ) -> Result<Backup<'a, 'b>> {
+ let to_name = to_name.to_cstring()?;
+ let from_name = from_name.to_cstring()?;
+ let to_db = to.db.borrow_mut().db;
+ let b = unsafe {
+ let b = ffi::sqlite3_backup_init(
+ to_db,
+ to_name.as_ptr(),
+ from.db.borrow_mut().db,
+ from_name.as_ptr(),
+ );
+ if b.is_null() {
+ return Err(error_from_handle(to_db, ffi::sqlite3_errcode(to_db)));
+ }
+ b
+ };
+ Ok(Backup {
+ phantom_from: PhantomData,
+ phantom_to: PhantomData,
+ b,
+ })
+ }
+ /// Gets the progress of the backup as of the last call to `step`.
+ pub fn progress(&self) -> Progress {
+ unsafe {
+ Progress {
+ remaining: ffi::sqlite3_backup_remaining(self.b),
+ pagecount: ffi::sqlite3_backup_pagecount(self.b),
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /// Attempts to back up the given number of pages. If `num_pages` is
+ /// negative, will attempt to back up all remaining pages. This will hold a
+ /// lock on the source database for the duration, so it is probably not
+ /// what you want for databases that are currently active (see
+ /// `run_to_completion` for a better alternative).
+ ///
+ /// # Failure
+ ///
+ /// Will return `Err` if the underlying `sqlite3_backup_step` call returns
+ /// an error code other than `DONE`, `OK`, `BUSY`, or `LOCKED`. `BUSY` and
+ /// `LOCKED` are transient errors and are therefore returned as possible
+ /// `Ok` values.
+ pub fn step(&self, num_pages: c_int) -> Result<StepResult> {
+ use self::StepResult::{Busy, Done, Locked, More};
+ let rc = unsafe { ffi::sqlite3_backup_step(self.b, num_pages) };
+ match rc {
+ ffi::SQLITE_DONE => Ok(Done),
+ ffi::SQLITE_OK => Ok(More),
+ ffi::SQLITE_BUSY => Ok(Busy),
+ ffi::SQLITE_LOCKED => Ok(Locked),
+ _ => Err(error_from_sqlite_code(rc, None)),
+ }
+ }
+ /// Attempts to run the entire backup. Will call `step(pages_per_step)` as
+ /// many times as necessary, sleeping for `pause_between_pages` between
+ /// each call to give the source database time to process any pending
+ /// queries. This is a direct implementation of "Example 2: Online Backup
+ /// of a Running Database" from [SQLite's Online Backup API
+ /// documentation](https://www.sqlite.org/backup.html).
+ ///
+ /// If `progress` is not `None`, it will be called after each step with the
+ /// current progress of the backup. Note that is possible the progress may
+ /// not change if the step returns `Busy` or `Locked` even though the
+ /// backup is still running.
+ ///
+ /// # Failure
+ ///
+ /// Will return `Err` if any of the calls to `step` return `Err`.
+ pub fn run_to_completion(
+ &self,
+ pages_per_step: c_int,
+ pause_between_pages: Duration,
+ progress: Option<fn(Progress)>,
+ ) -> Result<()> {
+ use self::StepResult::{Busy, Done, Locked, More};
+ assert!(pages_per_step > 0, "pages_per_step must be positive");
+ loop {
+ let r = self.step(pages_per_step)?;
+ if let Some(progress) = progress {
+ progress(self.progress())
+ }
+ match r {
+ More | Busy | Locked => thread::sleep(pause_between_pages),
+ Done => return Ok(()),
+ }
+ }
+ }
+impl Drop for Backup<'_, '_> {
+ fn drop(&mut self) {
+ unsafe { ffi::sqlite3_backup_finish(self.b) };
+ }
+mod test {
+ use super::Backup;
+ use crate::{Connection, DatabaseName, NO_PARAMS};
+ use std::time::Duration;
+ #[test]
+ fn test_backup() {
+ let src = Connection::open_in_memory().unwrap();
+ let sql = "BEGIN;
+ END;";
+ src.execute_batch(sql).unwrap();
+ let mut dst = Connection::open_in_memory().unwrap();
+ {
+ let backup = Backup::new(&src, &mut dst).unwrap();
+ backup.step(-1).unwrap();
+ }
+ let the_answer: i64 = dst
+ .query_row("SELECT x FROM foo", NO_PARAMS, |r| r.get(0))
+ .unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(42, the_answer);
+ src.execute_batch("INSERT INTO foo VALUES(43)").unwrap();
+ {
+ let backup = Backup::new(&src, &mut dst).unwrap();
+ backup
+ .run_to_completion(5, Duration::from_millis(250), None)
+ .unwrap();
+ }
+ let the_answer: i64 = dst
+ .query_row("SELECT SUM(x) FROM foo", NO_PARAMS, |r| r.get(0))
+ .unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(42 + 43, the_answer);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_backup_temp() {
+ let src = Connection::open_in_memory().unwrap();
+ let sql = "BEGIN;
+ END;";
+ src.execute_batch(sql).unwrap();
+ let mut dst = Connection::open_in_memory().unwrap();
+ {
+ let backup =
+ Backup::new_with_names(&src, DatabaseName::Temp, &mut dst, DatabaseName::Main)
+ .unwrap();
+ backup.step(-1).unwrap();
+ }
+ let the_answer: i64 = dst
+ .query_row("SELECT x FROM foo", NO_PARAMS, |r| r.get(0))
+ .unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(42, the_answer);
+ src.execute_batch("INSERT INTO foo VALUES(43)").unwrap();
+ {
+ let backup =
+ Backup::new_with_names(&src, DatabaseName::Temp, &mut dst, DatabaseName::Main)
+ .unwrap();
+ backup
+ .run_to_completion(5, Duration::from_millis(250), None)
+ .unwrap();
+ }
+ let the_answer: i64 = dst
+ .query_row("SELECT SUM(x) FROM foo", NO_PARAMS, |r| r.get(0))
+ .unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(42 + 43, the_answer);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_backup_attached() {
+ let src = Connection::open_in_memory().unwrap();
+ let sql = "ATTACH DATABASE ':memory:' AS my_attached;
+ CREATE TABLE my_attached.foo(x INTEGER);
+ INSERT INTO my_attached.foo VALUES(42);
+ END;";
+ src.execute_batch(sql).unwrap();
+ let mut dst = Connection::open_in_memory().unwrap();
+ {
+ let backup = Backup::new_with_names(
+ &src,
+ DatabaseName::Attached("my_attached"),
+ &mut dst,
+ DatabaseName::Main,
+ )
+ .unwrap();
+ backup.step(-1).unwrap();
+ }
+ let the_answer: i64 = dst
+ .query_row("SELECT x FROM foo", NO_PARAMS, |r| r.get(0))
+ .unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(42, the_answer);
+ src.execute_batch("INSERT INTO foo VALUES(43)").unwrap();
+ {
+ let backup = Backup::new_with_names(
+ &src,
+ DatabaseName::Attached("my_attached"),
+ &mut dst,
+ DatabaseName::Main,
+ )
+ .unwrap();
+ backup
+ .run_to_completion(5, Duration::from_millis(250), None)
+ .unwrap();
+ }
+ let the_answer: i64 = dst
+ .query_row("SELECT SUM(x) FROM foo", NO_PARAMS, |r| r.get(0))
+ .unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(42 + 43, the_answer);
+ }
diff --git a/src/blob.rs b/src/blob.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f4ca951
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/blob.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,397 @@
+//! `feature = "blob"` Incremental BLOB I/O.
+//! Note that SQLite does not provide API-level access to change the size of a
+//! BLOB; that must be performed through SQL statements.
+//! `Blob` conforms to `std::io::Read`, `std::io::Write`, and `std::io::Seek`,
+//! so it plays nicely with other types that build on these (such as
+//! `std::io::BufReader` and `std::io::BufWriter`). However, you must be
+//! careful with the size of the blob. For example, when using a `BufWriter`,
+//! the `BufWriter` will accept more data than the `Blob`
+//! will allow, so make sure to call `flush` and check for errors. (See the
+//! unit tests in this module for an example.)
+//! ## Example
+//! ```rust
+//! use rusqlite::blob::ZeroBlob;
+//! use rusqlite::{Connection, DatabaseName, NO_PARAMS};
+//! use std::error::Error;
+//! use std::io::{Read, Seek, SeekFrom, Write};
+//! fn main() -> Result<(), Box<Error>> {
+//! let db = Connection::open_in_memory()?;
+//! db.execute_batch("CREATE TABLE test (content BLOB);")?;
+//! db.execute(
+//! "INSERT INTO test (content) VALUES (ZEROBLOB(10))",
+//! )?;
+//! let rowid = db.last_insert_rowid();
+//! let mut blob = db.blob_open(DatabaseName::Main, "test", "content", rowid, false)?;
+//! // Make sure to test that the number of bytes written matches what you expect;
+//! // if you try to write too much, the data will be truncated to the size of the
+//! // BLOB.
+//! let bytes_written = blob.write(b"01234567")?;
+//! assert_eq!(bytes_written, 8);
+//! // Same guidance - make sure you check the number of bytes read!
+//! blob.seek(SeekFrom::Start(0))?;
+//! let mut buf = [0u8; 20];
+//! let bytes_read = blob.read(&mut buf[..])?;
+//! assert_eq!(bytes_read, 10); // note we read 10 bytes because the blob has size 10
+//! db.execute("INSERT INTO test (content) VALUES (?)", &[ZeroBlob(64)])?;
+//! // given a new row ID, we can reopen the blob on that row
+//! let rowid = db.last_insert_rowid();
+//! blob.reopen(rowid)?;
+//! assert_eq!(blob.size(), 64);
+//! Ok(())
+//! }
+//! ```
+use std::cmp::min;
+use std::io;
+use std::ptr;
+use super::ffi;
+use super::types::{ToSql, ToSqlOutput};
+use crate::{Connection, DatabaseName, Result};
+/// `feature = "blob"` Handle to an open BLOB.
+pub struct Blob<'conn> {
+ conn: &'conn Connection,
+ blob: *mut ffi::sqlite3_blob,
+ pos: i32,
+impl Connection {
+ /// `feature = "blob"` Open a handle to the BLOB located in `row_id`,
+ /// `column`, `table` in database `db`.
+ ///
+ /// # Failure
+ ///
+ /// Will return `Err` if `db`/`table`/`column` cannot be converted to a
+ /// C-compatible string or if the underlying SQLite BLOB open call
+ /// fails.
+ pub fn blob_open<'a>(
+ &'a self,
+ db: DatabaseName<'_>,
+ table: &str,
+ column: &str,
+ row_id: i64,
+ read_only: bool,
+ ) -> Result<Blob<'a>> {
+ let mut c = self.db.borrow_mut();
+ let mut blob = ptr::null_mut();
+ let db = db.to_cstring()?;
+ let table = super::str_to_cstring(table)?;
+ let column = super::str_to_cstring(column)?;
+ let rc = unsafe {
+ ffi::sqlite3_blob_open(
+ c.db(),
+ db.as_ptr(),
+ table.as_ptr(),
+ column.as_ptr(),
+ row_id,
+ if read_only { 0 } else { 1 },
+ &mut blob,
+ )
+ };
+ c.decode_result(rc).map(|_| Blob {
+ conn: self,
+ blob,
+ pos: 0,
+ })
+ }
+impl Blob<'_> {
+ /// Move a BLOB handle to a new row.
+ ///
+ /// # Failure
+ ///
+ /// Will return `Err` if the underlying SQLite BLOB reopen call fails.
+ pub fn reopen(&mut self, row: i64) -> Result<()> {
+ let rc = unsafe { ffi::sqlite3_blob_reopen(self.blob, row) };
+ if rc != ffi::SQLITE_OK {
+ return self.conn.decode_result(rc);
+ }
+ self.pos = 0;
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ /// Return the size in bytes of the BLOB.
+ pub fn size(&self) -> i32 {
+ unsafe { ffi::sqlite3_blob_bytes(self.blob) }
+ }
+ /// Close a BLOB handle.
+ ///
+ /// Calling `close` explicitly is not required (the BLOB will be closed
+ /// when the `Blob` is dropped), but it is available so you can get any
+ /// errors that occur.
+ ///
+ /// # Failure
+ ///
+ /// Will return `Err` if the underlying SQLite close call fails.
+ pub fn close(mut self) -> Result<()> {
+ self.close_()
+ }
+ fn close_(&mut self) -> Result<()> {
+ let rc = unsafe { ffi::sqlite3_blob_close(self.blob) };
+ self.blob = ptr::null_mut();
+ self.conn.decode_result(rc)
+ }
+impl io::Read for Blob<'_> {
+ /// Read data from a BLOB incrementally. Will return Ok(0) if the end of
+ /// the blob has been reached.
+ ///
+ /// # Failure
+ ///
+ /// Will return `Err` if the underlying SQLite read call fails.
+ fn read(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> io::Result<usize> {
+ let max_allowed_len = (self.size() - self.pos) as usize;
+ let n = min(buf.len(), max_allowed_len) as i32;
+ if n <= 0 {
+ return Ok(0);
+ }
+ let rc = unsafe { ffi::sqlite3_blob_read(self.blob, buf.as_ptr() as *mut _, n, self.pos) };
+ self.conn
+ .decode_result(rc)
+ .map(|_| {
+ self.pos += n;
+ n as usize
+ })
+ .map_err(|err| io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Other, err))
+ }
+impl io::Write for Blob<'_> {
+ /// Write data into a BLOB incrementally. Will return `Ok(0)` if the end of
+ /// the blob has been reached; consider using `Write::write_all(buf)`
+ /// if you want to get an error if the entirety of the buffer cannot be
+ /// written.
+ ///
+ /// This function may only modify the contents of the BLOB; it is not
+ /// possible to increase the size of a BLOB using this API.
+ ///
+ /// # Failure
+ ///
+ /// Will return `Err` if the underlying SQLite write call fails.
+ fn write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> io::Result<usize> {
+ let max_allowed_len = (self.size() - self.pos) as usize;
+ let n = min(buf.len(), max_allowed_len) as i32;
+ if n <= 0 {
+ return Ok(0);
+ }
+ let rc = unsafe { ffi::sqlite3_blob_write(self.blob, buf.as_ptr() as *mut _, n, self.pos) };
+ self.conn
+ .decode_result(rc)
+ .map(|_| {
+ self.pos += n;
+ n as usize
+ })
+ .map_err(|err| io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Other, err))
+ }
+ fn flush(&mut self) -> io::Result<()> {
+ Ok(())
+ }
+impl io::Seek for Blob<'_> {
+ /// Seek to an offset, in bytes, in BLOB.
+ fn seek(&mut self, pos: io::SeekFrom) -> io::Result<u64> {
+ let pos = match pos {
+ io::SeekFrom::Start(offset) => offset as i64,
+ io::SeekFrom::Current(offset) => i64::from(self.pos) + offset,
+ io::SeekFrom::End(offset) => i64::from(self.size()) + offset,
+ };
+ if pos < 0 {
+ Err(io::Error::new(
+ io::ErrorKind::InvalidInput,
+ "invalid seek to negative position",
+ ))
+ } else if pos > i64::from(self.size()) {
+ Err(io::Error::new(
+ io::ErrorKind::InvalidInput,
+ "invalid seek to position past end of blob",
+ ))
+ } else {
+ self.pos = pos as i32;
+ Ok(pos as u64)
+ }
+ }
+impl Drop for Blob<'_> {
+ fn drop(&mut self) {
+ self.close_();
+ }
+/// `feature = "blob"` BLOB of length N that is filled with zeroes.
+/// Zeroblobs are intended to serve as placeholders for BLOBs whose content is
+/// later written using incremental BLOB I/O routines.
+/// A negative value for the zeroblob results in a zero-length BLOB.
+#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
+pub struct ZeroBlob(pub i32);
+impl ToSql for ZeroBlob {
+ fn to_sql(&self) -> Result<ToSqlOutput<'_>> {
+ let ZeroBlob(length) = *self;
+ Ok(ToSqlOutput::ZeroBlob(length))
+ }
+mod test {
+ use crate::{Connection, DatabaseName, Result};
+ use std::io::{BufRead, BufReader, BufWriter, Read, Seek, SeekFrom, Write};
+ fn db_with_test_blob() -> Result<(Connection, i64)> {
+ let db = Connection::open_in_memory()?;
+ let sql = "BEGIN;
+ CREATE TABLE test (content BLOB);
+ END;";
+ db.execute_batch(sql)?;
+ let rowid = db.last_insert_rowid();
+ Ok((db, rowid))
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_blob() {
+ let (db, rowid) = db_with_test_blob().unwrap();
+ let mut blob = db
+ .blob_open(DatabaseName::Main, "test", "content", rowid, false)
+ .unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(4, blob.write(b"Clob").unwrap());
+ assert_eq!(6, blob.write(b"567890xxxxxx").unwrap()); // cannot write past 10
+ assert_eq!(0, blob.write(b"5678").unwrap()); // still cannot write past 10
+ blob.reopen(rowid).unwrap();
+ blob.close().unwrap();
+ blob = db
+ .blob_open(DatabaseName::Main, "test", "content", rowid, true)
+ .unwrap();
+ let mut bytes = [0u8; 5];
+ assert_eq!(5, blob.read(&mut bytes[..]).unwrap());
+ assert_eq!(&bytes, b"Clob5");
+ assert_eq!(5, blob.read(&mut bytes[..]).unwrap());
+ assert_eq!(&bytes, b"67890");
+ assert_eq!(0, blob.read(&mut bytes[..]).unwrap());
+ blob.seek(SeekFrom::Start(2)).unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(5, blob.read(&mut bytes[..]).unwrap());
+ assert_eq!(&bytes, b"ob567");
+ // only first 4 bytes of `bytes` should be read into
+ blob.seek(SeekFrom::Current(-1)).unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(4, blob.read(&mut bytes[..]).unwrap());
+ assert_eq!(&bytes, b"78907");
+ blob.seek(SeekFrom::End(-6)).unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(5, blob.read(&mut bytes[..]).unwrap());
+ assert_eq!(&bytes, b"56789");
+ blob.reopen(rowid).unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(5, blob.read(&mut bytes[..]).unwrap());
+ assert_eq!(&bytes, b"Clob5");
+ // should not be able to seek negative or past end
+ assert!(blob.seek(SeekFrom::Current(-20)).is_err());
+ assert!(blob.seek(SeekFrom::End(0)).is_ok());
+ assert!(blob.seek(SeekFrom::Current(1)).is_err());
+ // write_all should detect when we return Ok(0) because there is no space left,
+ // and return a write error
+ blob.reopen(rowid).unwrap();
+ assert!(blob.write_all(b"0123456789x").is_err());
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_blob_in_bufreader() {
+ let (db, rowid) = db_with_test_blob().unwrap();
+ let mut blob = db
+ .blob_open(DatabaseName::Main, "test", "content", rowid, false)
+ .unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(8, blob.write(b"one\ntwo\n").unwrap());
+ blob.reopen(rowid).unwrap();
+ let mut reader = BufReader::new(blob);
+ let mut line = String::new();
+ assert_eq!(4, reader.read_line(&mut line).unwrap());
+ assert_eq!("one\n", line);
+ line.truncate(0);
+ assert_eq!(4, reader.read_line(&mut line).unwrap());
+ assert_eq!("two\n", line);
+ line.truncate(0);
+ assert_eq!(2, reader.read_line(&mut line).unwrap());
+ assert_eq!("\0\0", line);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_blob_in_bufwriter() {
+ let (db, rowid) = db_with_test_blob().unwrap();
+ {
+ let blob = db
+ .blob_open(DatabaseName::Main, "test", "content", rowid, false)
+ .unwrap();
+ let mut writer = BufWriter::new(blob);
+ // trying to write too much and then flush should fail
+ assert_eq!(8, writer.write(b"01234567").unwrap());
+ assert_eq!(8, writer.write(b"01234567").unwrap());
+ assert!(writer.flush().is_err());
+ }
+ {
+ // ... but it should've written the first 10 bytes
+ let mut blob = db
+ .blob_open(DatabaseName::Main, "test", "content", rowid, false)
+ .unwrap();
+ let mut bytes = [0u8; 10];
+ assert_eq!(10, blob.read(&mut bytes[..]).unwrap());
+ assert_eq!(b"0123456701", &bytes);
+ }
+ {
+ let blob = db
+ .blob_open(DatabaseName::Main, "test", "content", rowid, false)
+ .unwrap();
+ let mut writer = BufWriter::new(blob);
+ // trying to write_all too much should fail
+ writer.write_all(b"aaaaaaaaaabbbbb").unwrap();
+ assert!(writer.flush().is_err());
+ }
+ {
+ // ... but it should've written the first 10 bytes
+ let mut blob = db
+ .blob_open(DatabaseName::Main, "test", "content", rowid, false)
+ .unwrap();
+ let mut bytes = [0u8; 10];
+ assert_eq!(10, blob.read(&mut bytes[..]).unwrap());
+ assert_eq!(b"aaaaaaaaaa", &bytes);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/busy.rs b/src/busy.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..223df78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/busy.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+///! Busy handler (when the database is locked)
+use std::convert::TryInto;
+use std::mem;
+use std::os::raw::{c_int, c_void};
+use std::panic::catch_unwind;
+use std::ptr;
+use std::time::Duration;
+use crate::ffi;
+use crate::{Connection, InnerConnection, Result};
+impl Connection {
+ /// Set a busy handler that sleeps for a specified amount of time when a
+ /// table is locked. The handler will sleep multiple times until at
+ /// least "ms" milliseconds of sleeping have accumulated.
+ ///
+ /// Calling this routine with an argument equal to zero turns off all busy
+ /// handlers.
+ ///
+ /// There can only be a single busy handler for a particular database
+ /// connection at any given moment. If another busy handler was defined
+ /// (using `busy_handler`) prior to calling this routine, that other
+ /// busy handler is cleared.
+ pub fn busy_timeout(&self, timeout: Duration) -> Result<()> {
+ let ms: i32 = timeout
+ .as_secs()
+ .checked_mul(1000)
+ .and_then(|t| t.checked_add(timeout.subsec_millis().into()))
+ .and_then(|t| t.try_into().ok())
+ .expect("too big");
+ self.db.borrow_mut().busy_timeout(ms)
+ }
+ /// Register a callback to handle `SQLITE_BUSY` errors.
+ ///
+ /// If the busy callback is `None`, then `SQLITE_BUSY is returned
+ /// immediately upon encountering the lock.` The argument to the busy
+ /// handler callback is the number of times that the
+ /// busy handler has been invoked previously for the
+ /// same locking event. If the busy callback returns `false`, then no
+ /// additional attempts are made to access the
+ /// database and `SQLITE_BUSY` is returned to the
+ /// application. If the callback returns `true`, then another attempt
+ /// is made to access the database and the cycle repeats.
+ ///
+ /// There can only be a single busy handler defined for each database
+ /// connection. Setting a new busy handler clears any previously set
+ /// handler. Note that calling `busy_timeout()` or evaluating `PRAGMA
+ /// busy_timeout=N` will change the busy handler and thus
+ /// clear any previously set busy handler.
+ pub fn busy_handler(&self, callback: Option<fn(i32) -> bool>) -> Result<()> {
+ unsafe extern "C" fn busy_handler_callback(p_arg: *mut c_void, count: c_int) -> c_int {
+ let handler_fn: fn(i32) -> bool = mem::transmute(p_arg);
+ if let Ok(true) = catch_unwind(|| handler_fn(count)) {
+ 1
+ } else {
+ 0
+ }
+ }
+ let mut c = self.db.borrow_mut();
+ let r = match callback {
+ Some(f) => unsafe {
+ ffi::sqlite3_busy_handler(c.db(), Some(busy_handler_callback), mem::transmute(f))
+ },
+ None => unsafe { ffi::sqlite3_busy_handler(c.db(), None, ptr::null_mut()) },
+ };
+ c.decode_result(r)
+ }
+impl InnerConnection {
+ fn busy_timeout(&mut self, timeout: c_int) -> Result<()> {
+ let r = unsafe { ffi::sqlite3_busy_timeout(self.db, timeout) };
+ self.decode_result(r)
+ }
+mod test {
+ use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering};
+ use std::sync::mpsc::sync_channel;
+ use std::thread;
+ use std::time::Duration;
+ use crate::{Connection, Error, ErrorCode, Result, TransactionBehavior, NO_PARAMS};
+ #[test]
+ fn test_default_busy() {
+ let temp_dir = tempfile::tempdir().unwrap();
+ let path = temp_dir.path().join("test.db3");
+ let mut db1 = Connection::open(&path).unwrap();
+ let tx1 = db1
+ .transaction_with_behavior(TransactionBehavior::Exclusive)
+ .unwrap();
+ let db2 = Connection::open(&path).unwrap();
+ let r: Result<()> = db2.query_row("PRAGMA schema_version", NO_PARAMS, |_| unreachable!());
+ match r.unwrap_err() {
+ Error::SqliteFailure(err, _) => {
+ assert_eq!(err.code, ErrorCode::DatabaseBusy);
+ }
+ err => panic!("Unexpected error {}", err),
+ }
+ tx1.rollback().unwrap();
+ }
+ #[test]
+ #[ignore] // FIXME: unstable
+ fn test_busy_timeout() {
+ let temp_dir = tempfile::tempdir().unwrap();
+ let path = temp_dir.path().join("test.db3");
+ let db2 = Connection::open(&path).unwrap();
+ db2.busy_timeout(Duration::from_secs(1)).unwrap();
+ let (rx, tx) = sync_channel(0);
+ let child = thread::spawn(move || {
+ let mut db1 = Connection::open(&path).unwrap();
+ let tx1 = db1
+ .transaction_with_behavior(TransactionBehavior::Exclusive)
+ .unwrap();
+ rx.send(1).unwrap();
+ thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(100));
+ tx1.rollback().unwrap();
+ });
+ assert_eq!(tx.recv().unwrap(), 1);
+ let _ = db2
+ .query_row("PRAGMA schema_version", NO_PARAMS, |row| {
+ row.get::<_, i32>(0)
+ })
+ .expect("unexpected error");
+ child.join().unwrap();
+ }
+ #[test]
+ #[ignore] // FIXME: unstable
+ fn test_busy_handler() {
+ lazy_static::lazy_static! {
+ static ref CALLED: AtomicBool = AtomicBool::new(false);
+ }
+ fn busy_handler(_: i32) -> bool {
+ CALLED.store(true, Ordering::Relaxed);
+ thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(100));
+ true
+ }
+ let temp_dir = tempfile::tempdir().unwrap();
+ let path = temp_dir.path().join("test.db3");
+ let db2 = Connection::open(&path).unwrap();
+ db2.busy_handler(Some(busy_handler)).unwrap();
+ let (rx, tx) = sync_channel(0);
+ let child = thread::spawn(move || {
+ let mut db1 = Connection::open(&path).unwrap();
+ let tx1 = db1
+ .transaction_with_behavior(TransactionBehavior::Exclusive)
+ .unwrap();
+ rx.send(1).unwrap();
+ thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(100));
+ tx1.rollback().unwrap();
+ });
+ assert_eq!(tx.recv().unwrap(), 1);
+ let _ = db2
+ .query_row("PRAGMA schema_version", NO_PARAMS, |row| {
+ row.get::<_, i32>(0)
+ })
+ .expect("unexpected error");
+ assert_eq!(CALLED.load(Ordering::Relaxed), true);
+ child.join().unwrap();
+ }
diff --git a/src/cache.rs b/src/cache.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f85c3ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/cache.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,360 @@
+//! Prepared statements cache for faster execution.
+use crate::raw_statement::RawStatement;
+use crate::{Connection, Result, Statement};
+use lru_cache::LruCache;
+use std::cell::RefCell;
+use std::ops::{Deref, DerefMut};
+use std::sync::Arc;
+impl Connection {
+ /// Prepare a SQL statement for execution, returning a previously prepared
+ /// (but not currently in-use) statement if one is available. The
+ /// returned statement will be cached for reuse by future calls to
+ /// `prepare_cached` once it is dropped.
+ ///
+ /// ```rust,no_run
+ /// # use rusqlite::{Connection, Result};
+ /// fn insert_new_people(conn: &Connection) -> Result<()> {
+ /// {
+ /// let mut stmt = conn.prepare_cached("INSERT INTO People (name) VALUES (?)")?;
+ /// stmt.execute(&["Joe Smith"])?;
+ /// }
+ /// {
+ /// // This will return the same underlying SQLite statement handle without
+ /// // having to prepare it again.
+ /// let mut stmt = conn.prepare_cached("INSERT INTO People (name) VALUES (?)")?;
+ /// stmt.execute(&["Bob Jones"])?;
+ /// }
+ /// Ok(())
+ /// }
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// # Failure
+ ///
+ /// Will return `Err` if `sql` cannot be converted to a C-compatible string
+ /// or if the underlying SQLite call fails.
+ pub fn prepare_cached(&self, sql: &str) -> Result<CachedStatement<'_>> {
+ self.cache.get(self, sql)
+ }
+ /// Set the maximum number of cached prepared statements this connection
+ /// will hold. By default, a connection will hold a relatively small
+ /// number of cached statements. If you need more, or know that you
+ /// will not use cached statements, you
+ /// can set the capacity manually using this method.
+ pub fn set_prepared_statement_cache_capacity(&self, capacity: usize) {
+ self.cache.set_capacity(capacity)
+ }
+ /// Remove/finalize all prepared statements currently in the cache.
+ pub fn flush_prepared_statement_cache(&self) {
+ self.cache.flush()
+ }
+/// Prepared statements LRU cache.
+pub struct StatementCache(RefCell<LruCache<Arc<str>, RawStatement>>);
+/// Cacheable statement.
+/// Statement will return automatically to the cache by default.
+/// If you want the statement to be discarded, call `discard()` on it.
+pub struct CachedStatement<'conn> {
+ stmt: Option<Statement<'conn>>,
+ cache: &'conn StatementCache,
+impl<'conn> Deref for CachedStatement<'conn> {
+ type Target = Statement<'conn>;
+ fn deref(&self) -> &Statement<'conn> {
+ self.stmt.as_ref().unwrap()
+ }
+impl<'conn> DerefMut for CachedStatement<'conn> {
+ fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Statement<'conn> {
+ self.stmt.as_mut().unwrap()
+ }
+impl Drop for CachedStatement<'_> {
+ #[allow(unused_must_use)]
+ fn drop(&mut self) {
+ if let Some(stmt) = self.stmt.take() {
+ self.cache.cache_stmt(stmt.into());
+ }
+ }
+impl CachedStatement<'_> {
+ fn new<'conn>(stmt: Statement<'conn>, cache: &'conn StatementCache) -> CachedStatement<'conn> {
+ CachedStatement {
+ stmt: Some(stmt),
+ cache,
+ }
+ }
+ /// Discard the statement, preventing it from being returned to its
+ /// `Connection`'s collection of cached statements.
+ pub fn discard(mut self) {
+ self.stmt = None;
+ }
+impl StatementCache {
+ /// Create a statement cache.
+ pub fn with_capacity(capacity: usize) -> StatementCache {
+ StatementCache(RefCell::new(LruCache::new(capacity)))
+ }
+ fn set_capacity(&self, capacity: usize) {
+ self.0.borrow_mut().set_capacity(capacity)
+ }
+ // Search the cache for a prepared-statement object that implements `sql`.
+ // If no such prepared-statement can be found, allocate and prepare a new one.
+ //
+ // # Failure
+ //
+ // Will return `Err` if no cached statement can be found and the underlying
+ // SQLite prepare call fails.
+ fn get<'conn>(
+ &'conn self,
+ conn: &'conn Connection,
+ sql: &str,
+ ) -> Result<CachedStatement<'conn>> {
+ let trimmed = sql.trim();
+ let mut cache = self.0.borrow_mut();
+ let stmt = match cache.remove(trimmed) {
+ Some(raw_stmt) => Ok(Statement::new(conn, raw_stmt)),
+ None => conn.prepare(trimmed),
+ };
+ stmt.map(|mut stmt| {
+ stmt.stmt.set_statement_cache_key(trimmed);
+ CachedStatement::new(stmt, self)
+ })
+ }
+ // Return a statement to the cache.
+ fn cache_stmt(&self, stmt: RawStatement) {
+ if stmt.is_null() {
+ return;
+ }
+ let mut cache = self.0.borrow_mut();
+ stmt.clear_bindings();
+ if let Some(sql) = stmt.statement_cache_key() {
+ cache.insert(sql, stmt);
+ } else {
+ debug_assert!(
+ false,
+ "bug in statement cache code, statement returned to cache that without key"
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ fn flush(&self) {
+ let mut cache = self.0.borrow_mut();
+ cache.clear()
+ }
+mod test {
+ use super::StatementCache;
+ use crate::{Connection, NO_PARAMS};
+ use fallible_iterator::FallibleIterator;
+ impl StatementCache {
+ fn clear(&self) {
+ self.0.borrow_mut().clear();
+ }
+ fn len(&self) -> usize {
+ self.0.borrow().len()
+ }
+ fn capacity(&self) -> usize {
+ self.0.borrow().capacity()
+ }
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_cache() {
+ let db = Connection::open_in_memory().unwrap();
+ let cache = &db.cache;
+ let initial_capacity = cache.capacity();
+ assert_eq!(0, cache.len());
+ assert!(initial_capacity > 0);
+ let sql = "PRAGMA schema_version";
+ {
+ let mut stmt = db.prepare_cached(sql).unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(0, cache.len());
+ assert_eq!(
+ 0,
+ stmt.query_row(NO_PARAMS, |r| r.get::<_, i64>(0)).unwrap()
+ );
+ }
+ assert_eq!(1, cache.len());
+ {
+ let mut stmt = db.prepare_cached(sql).unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(0, cache.len());
+ assert_eq!(
+ 0,
+ stmt.query_row(NO_PARAMS, |r| r.get::<_, i64>(0)).unwrap()
+ );
+ }
+ assert_eq!(1, cache.len());
+ cache.clear();
+ assert_eq!(0, cache.len());
+ assert_eq!(initial_capacity, cache.capacity());
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_set_capacity() {
+ let db = Connection::open_in_memory().unwrap();
+ let cache = &db.cache;
+ let sql = "PRAGMA schema_version";
+ {
+ let mut stmt = db.prepare_cached(sql).unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(0, cache.len());
+ assert_eq!(
+ 0,
+ stmt.query_row(NO_PARAMS, |r| r.get::<_, i64>(0)).unwrap()
+ );
+ }
+ assert_eq!(1, cache.len());
+ db.set_prepared_statement_cache_capacity(0);
+ assert_eq!(0, cache.len());
+ {
+ let mut stmt = db.prepare_cached(sql).unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(0, cache.len());
+ assert_eq!(
+ 0,
+ stmt.query_row(NO_PARAMS, |r| r.get::<_, i64>(0)).unwrap()
+ );
+ }
+ assert_eq!(0, cache.len());
+ db.set_prepared_statement_cache_capacity(8);
+ {
+ let mut stmt = db.prepare_cached(sql).unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(0, cache.len());
+ assert_eq!(
+ 0,
+ stmt.query_row(NO_PARAMS, |r| r.get::<_, i64>(0)).unwrap()
+ );
+ }
+ assert_eq!(1, cache.len());
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_discard() {
+ let db = Connection::open_in_memory().unwrap();
+ let cache = &db.cache;
+ let sql = "PRAGMA schema_version";
+ {
+ let mut stmt = db.prepare_cached(sql).unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(0, cache.len());
+ assert_eq!(
+ 0,
+ stmt.query_row(NO_PARAMS, |r| r.get::<_, i64>(0)).unwrap()
+ );
+ stmt.discard();
+ }
+ assert_eq!(0, cache.len());
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_ddl() {
+ let db = Connection::open_in_memory().unwrap();
+ db.execute_batch(
+ r#"
+ "#,
+ )
+ .unwrap();
+ let sql = "SELECT * FROM foo";
+ {
+ let mut stmt = db.prepare_cached(sql).unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(
+ Ok(Some(1i32)),
+ stmt.query(NO_PARAMS).unwrap().map(|r| r.get(0)).next()
+ );
+ }
+ db.execute_batch(
+ r#"
+ UPDATE foo SET y = 2;
+ "#,
+ )
+ .unwrap();
+ {
+ let mut stmt = db.prepare_cached(sql).unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(
+ Ok(Some((1i32, 2i32))),
+ stmt.query(NO_PARAMS)
+ .unwrap()
+ .map(|r| Ok((r.get(0)?, r.get(1)?)))
+ .next()
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_connection_close() {
+ let conn = Connection::open_in_memory().unwrap();
+ conn.prepare_cached("SELECT * FROM sqlite_master;").unwrap();
+ conn.close().expect("connection not closed");
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_cache_key() {
+ let db = Connection::open_in_memory().unwrap();
+ let cache = &db.cache;
+ assert_eq!(0, cache.len());
+ //let sql = " PRAGMA schema_version; -- comment";
+ let sql = "PRAGMA schema_version; ";
+ {
+ let mut stmt = db.prepare_cached(sql).unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(0, cache.len());
+ assert_eq!(
+ 0,
+ stmt.query_row(NO_PARAMS, |r| r.get::<_, i64>(0)).unwrap()
+ );
+ }
+ assert_eq!(1, cache.len());
+ {
+ let mut stmt = db.prepare_cached(sql).unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(0, cache.len());
+ assert_eq!(
+ 0,
+ stmt.query_row(NO_PARAMS, |r| r.get::<_, i64>(0)).unwrap()
+ );
+ }
+ assert_eq!(1, cache.len());
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_empty_stmt() {
+ let conn = Connection::open_in_memory().unwrap();
+ conn.prepare_cached("").unwrap();
+ }
diff --git a/src/collation.rs b/src/collation.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..25b8458
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/collation.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
+//! `feature = "collation"` Add, remove, or modify a collation
+use std::cmp::Ordering;
+use std::os::raw::{c_char, c_int, c_void};
+use std::panic::{catch_unwind, UnwindSafe};
+use std::ptr;
+use std::slice;
+use crate::ffi;
+use crate::{str_to_cstring, Connection, InnerConnection, Result};
+// FIXME copy/paste from function.rs
+unsafe extern "C" fn free_boxed_value<T>(p: *mut c_void) {
+ drop(Box::from_raw(p as *mut T));
+impl Connection {
+ /// `feature = "collation"` Add or modify a collation.
+ pub fn create_collation<C>(&self, collation_name: &str, x_compare: C) -> Result<()>
+ where
+ C: Fn(&str, &str) -> Ordering + Send + UnwindSafe + 'static,
+ {
+ self.db
+ .borrow_mut()
+ .create_collation(collation_name, x_compare)
+ }
+ /// `feature = "collation"` Collation needed callback
+ pub fn collation_needed(
+ &self,
+ x_coll_needed: fn(&Connection, &str) -> Result<()>,
+ ) -> Result<()> {
+ self.db.borrow_mut().collation_needed(x_coll_needed)
+ }
+ /// `feature = "collation"` Remove collation.
+ pub fn remove_collation(&self, collation_name: &str) -> Result<()> {
+ self.db.borrow_mut().remove_collation(collation_name)
+ }
+impl InnerConnection {
+ fn create_collation<C>(&mut self, collation_name: &str, x_compare: C) -> Result<()>
+ where
+ C: Fn(&str, &str) -> Ordering + Send + UnwindSafe + 'static,
+ {
+ unsafe extern "C" fn call_boxed_closure<C>(
+ arg1: *mut c_void,
+ arg2: c_int,
+ arg3: *const c_void,
+ arg4: c_int,
+ arg5: *const c_void,
+ ) -> c_int
+ where
+ C: Fn(&str, &str) -> Ordering,
+ {
+ let r = catch_unwind(|| {
+ let boxed_f: *mut C = arg1 as *mut C;
+ assert!(!boxed_f.is_null(), "Internal error - null function pointer");
+ let s1 = {
+ let c_slice = slice::from_raw_parts(arg3 as *const u8, arg2 as usize);
+ String::from_utf8_lossy(c_slice)
+ };
+ let s2 = {
+ let c_slice = slice::from_raw_parts(arg5 as *const u8, arg4 as usize);
+ String::from_utf8_lossy(c_slice)
+ };
+ (*boxed_f)(s1.as_ref(), s2.as_ref())
+ });
+ let t = match r {
+ Err(_) => {
+ return -1; // FIXME How ?
+ }
+ Ok(r) => r,
+ };
+ match t {
+ Ordering::Less => -1,
+ Ordering::Equal => 0,
+ Ordering::Greater => 1,
+ }
+ }
+ let boxed_f: *mut C = Box::into_raw(Box::new(x_compare));
+ let c_name = str_to_cstring(collation_name)?;
+ let flags = ffi::SQLITE_UTF8;
+ let r = unsafe {
+ ffi::sqlite3_create_collation_v2(
+ self.db(),
+ c_name.as_ptr(),
+ flags,
+ boxed_f as *mut c_void,
+ Some(call_boxed_closure::<C>),
+ Some(free_boxed_value::<C>),
+ )
+ };
+ self.decode_result(r)
+ }
+ fn collation_needed(
+ &mut self,
+ x_coll_needed: fn(&Connection, &str) -> Result<()>,
+ ) -> Result<()> {
+ use std::mem;
+ unsafe extern "C" fn collation_needed_callback(
+ arg1: *mut c_void,
+ arg2: *mut ffi::sqlite3,
+ e_text_rep: c_int,
+ arg3: *const c_char,
+ ) {
+ use std::ffi::CStr;
+ use std::str;
+ if e_text_rep != ffi::SQLITE_UTF8 {
+ // TODO: validate
+ return;
+ }
+ let callback: fn(&Connection, &str) -> Result<()> = mem::transmute(arg1);
+ let res = catch_unwind(|| {
+ let conn = Connection::from_handle(arg2).unwrap();
+ let collation_name = {
+ let c_slice = CStr::from_ptr(arg3).to_bytes();
+ str::from_utf8(c_slice).expect("illegal coallation sequence name")
+ };
+ callback(&conn, collation_name)
+ });
+ if res.is_err() {
+ return; // FIXME How ?
+ }
+ }
+ let r = unsafe {
+ ffi::sqlite3_collation_needed(
+ self.db(),
+ mem::transmute(x_coll_needed),
+ Some(collation_needed_callback),
+ )
+ };
+ self.decode_result(r)
+ }
+ fn remove_collation(&mut self, collation_name: &str) -> Result<()> {
+ let c_name = str_to_cstring(collation_name)?;
+ let r = unsafe {
+ ffi::sqlite3_create_collation_v2(
+ self.db(),
+ c_name.as_ptr(),
+ ffi::SQLITE_UTF8,
+ ptr::null_mut(),
+ None,
+ None,
+ )
+ };
+ self.decode_result(r)
+ }
+mod test {
+ use crate::{Connection, Result, NO_PARAMS};
+ use fallible_streaming_iterator::FallibleStreamingIterator;
+ use std::cmp::Ordering;
+ use unicase::UniCase;
+ fn unicase_compare(s1: &str, s2: &str) -> Ordering {
+ UniCase::new(s1).cmp(&UniCase::new(s2))
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_unicase() {
+ let db = Connection::open_in_memory().unwrap();
+ db.create_collation("unicase", unicase_compare).unwrap();
+ collate(db);
+ }
+ fn collate(db: Connection) {
+ db.execute_batch(
+ "CREATE TABLE foo (bar);
+ INSERT INTO foo (bar) VALUES ('Maße');
+ INSERT INTO foo (bar) VALUES ('MASSE');",
+ )
+ .unwrap();
+ let mut stmt = db
+ .prepare("SELECT DISTINCT bar COLLATE unicase FROM foo ORDER BY 1")
+ .unwrap();
+ let rows = stmt.query(NO_PARAMS).unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(rows.count().unwrap(), 1);
+ }
+ fn collation_needed(db: &Connection, collation_name: &str) -> Result<()> {
+ if "unicase" == collation_name {
+ db.create_collation(collation_name, unicase_compare)
+ } else {
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_collation_needed() {
+ let db = Connection::open_in_memory().unwrap();
+ db.collation_needed(collation_needed).unwrap();
+ collate(db);
+ }
diff --git a/src/column.rs b/src/column.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..36ba9c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/column.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
+use std::str;
+use crate::{Error, Result, Row, Rows, Statement};
+/// Information about a column of a SQLite query.
+pub struct Column<'stmt> {
+ name: &'stmt str,
+ decl_type: Option<&'stmt str>,
+impl Column<'_> {
+ /// Returns the name of the column.
+ pub fn name(&self) -> &str {
+ self.name
+ }
+ /// Returns the type of the column (`None` for expression).
+ pub fn decl_type(&self) -> Option<&str> {
+ self.decl_type
+ }
+impl Statement<'_> {
+ /// Get all the column names in the result set of the prepared statement.
+ pub fn column_names(&self) -> Vec<&str> {
+ let n = self.column_count();
+ let mut cols = Vec::with_capacity(n as usize);
+ for i in 0..n {
+ let s = self.column_name_unwrap(i);
+ cols.push(s);
+ }
+ cols
+ }
+ /// Return the number of columns in the result set returned by the prepared
+ /// statement.
+ pub fn column_count(&self) -> usize {
+ self.stmt.column_count()
+ }
+ pub(crate) fn column_name_unwrap(&self, col: usize) -> &str {
+ // Just panic if the bounds are wrong for now, we never call this
+ // without checking first.
+ self.column_name(col).expect("Column out of bounds")
+ }
+ /// Returns the name assigned to a particular column in the result set
+ /// returned by the prepared statement.
+ ///
+ /// ## Failure
+ ///
+ /// Returns an `Error::InvalidColumnIndex` if `idx` is outside the valid
+ /// column range for this row.
+ ///
+ /// Panics when column name is not valid UTF-8.
+ pub fn column_name(&self, col: usize) -> Result<&str> {
+ self.stmt
+ .column_name(col)
+ .ok_or(Error::InvalidColumnIndex(col))
+ .map(|slice| {
+ str::from_utf8(slice.to_bytes()).expect("Invalid UTF-8 sequence in column name")
+ })
+ }
+ /// Returns the column index in the result set for a given column name.
+ ///
+ /// If there is no AS clause then the name of the column is unspecified and
+ /// may change from one release of SQLite to the next.
+ ///
+ /// # Failure
+ ///
+ /// Will return an `Error::InvalidColumnName` when there is no column with
+ /// the specified `name`.
+ pub fn column_index(&self, name: &str) -> Result<usize> {
+ let bytes = name.as_bytes();
+ let n = self.column_count();
+ for i in 0..n {
+ // Note: `column_name` is only fallible if `i` is out of bounds,
+ // which we've already checked.
+ if bytes.eq_ignore_ascii_case(self.stmt.column_name(i).unwrap().to_bytes()) {
+ return Ok(i);
+ }
+ }
+ Err(Error::InvalidColumnName(String::from(name)))
+ }
+ /// Returns a slice describing the columns of the result of the query.
+ pub fn columns(&self) -> Vec<Column> {
+ let n = self.column_count();
+ let mut cols = Vec::with_capacity(n as usize);
+ for i in 0..n {
+ let name = self.column_name_unwrap(i);
+ let slice = self.stmt.column_decltype(i);
+ let decl_type = slice.map(|s| {
+ str::from_utf8(s.to_bytes()).expect("Invalid UTF-8 sequence in column declaration")
+ });
+ cols.push(Column { name, decl_type });
+ }
+ cols
+ }
+impl<'stmt> Rows<'stmt> {
+ /// Get all the column names.
+ pub fn column_names(&self) -> Option<Vec<&str>> {
+ self.stmt.map(Statement::column_names)
+ }
+ /// Return the number of columns.
+ pub fn column_count(&self) -> Option<usize> {
+ self.stmt.map(Statement::column_count)
+ }
+ /// Return the name of the column.
+ pub fn column_name(&self, col: usize) -> Option<Result<&str>> {
+ self.stmt.map(|stmt| stmt.column_name(col))
+ }
+ /// Return the index of the column.
+ pub fn column_index(&self, name: &str) -> Option<Result<usize>> {
+ self.stmt.map(|stmt| stmt.column_index(name))
+ }
+ /// Returns a slice describing the columns of the Rows.
+ pub fn columns(&self) -> Option<Vec<Column>> {
+ self.stmt.map(Statement::columns)
+ }
+impl<'stmt> Row<'stmt> {
+ /// Get all the column names of the Row.
+ pub fn column_names(&self) -> Vec<&str> {
+ self.stmt.column_names()
+ }
+ /// Return the number of columns in the current row.
+ pub fn column_count(&self) -> usize {
+ self.stmt.column_count()
+ }
+ /// Return the name of the column.
+ pub fn column_name(&self, col: usize) -> Result<&str> {
+ self.stmt.column_name(col)
+ }
+ /// Return the index of the column.
+ pub fn column_index(&self, name: &str) -> Result<usize> {
+ self.stmt.column_index(name)
+ }
+ /// Returns a slice describing the columns of the Row.
+ pub fn columns(&self) -> Vec<Column> {
+ self.stmt.columns()
+ }
+mod test {
+ use super::Column;
+ use crate::Connection;
+ #[test]
+ fn test_columns() {
+ let db = Connection::open_in_memory().unwrap();
+ let query = db.prepare("SELECT * FROM sqlite_master").unwrap();
+ let columns = query.columns();
+ let column_names: Vec<&str> = columns.iter().map(Column::name).collect();
+ assert_eq!(
+ column_names.as_slice(),
+ &["type", "name", "tbl_name", "rootpage", "sql"]
+ );
+ let column_types: Vec<Option<&str>> = columns.iter().map(Column::decl_type).collect();
+ assert_eq!(
+ &column_types[..3],
+ &[Some("text"), Some("text"), Some("text"),]
+ );
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_column_name_in_error() {
+ use crate::{types::Type, Error};
+ let db = Connection::open_in_memory().unwrap();
+ db.execute_batch(
+ END;",
+ )
+ .unwrap();
+ let mut stmt = db.prepare("SELECT x as renamed, y FROM foo").unwrap();
+ let mut rows = stmt.query(crate::NO_PARAMS).unwrap();
+ let row = rows.next().unwrap().unwrap();
+ match row.get::<_, String>(0).unwrap_err() {
+ Error::InvalidColumnType(idx, name, ty) => {
+ assert_eq!(idx, 0);
+ assert_eq!(name, "renamed");
+ assert_eq!(ty, Type::Integer);
+ }
+ e => {
+ panic!("Unexpected error type: {:?}", e);
+ }
+ }
+ match row.get::<_, String>("y").unwrap_err() {
+ Error::InvalidColumnType(idx, name, ty) => {
+ assert_eq!(idx, 1);
+ assert_eq!(name, "y");
+ assert_eq!(ty, Type::Null);
+ }
+ e => {
+ panic!("Unexpected error type: {:?}", e);
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/config.rs b/src/config.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..074fed0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/config.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+//! Configure database connections
+use std::os::raw::c_int;
+use crate::ffi;
+use crate::{Connection, Result};
+/// Database Connection Configuration Options
+#[allow(non_snake_case, non_camel_case_types)]
+pub enum DbConfig {
+ //SQLITE_DBCONFIG_MAINDBNAME = 1000, /* const char* */
+ //SQLITE_DBCONFIG_LOOKASIDE = 1001, /* void* int int */
+ #[cfg(feature = "modern_sqlite")]
+ #[cfg(feature = "modern_sqlite")]
+ #[cfg(feature = "modern_sqlite")]
+ SQLITE_DBCONFIG_DQS_DML = 1013, // 3.29.0
+ #[cfg(feature = "modern_sqlite")]
+ SQLITE_DBCONFIG_DQS_DDL = 1014, // 3.29.0
+ #[cfg(feature = "modern_sqlite")]
+ #[cfg(feature = "modern_sqlite")]
+ #[cfg(feature = "modern_sqlite")]
+impl Connection {
+ /// Returns the current value of a `config`.
+ ///
+ /// - SQLITE_DBCONFIG_ENABLE_FKEY: return `false` or `true` to indicate
+ /// whether FK enforcement is off or on
+ /// - SQLITE_DBCONFIG_ENABLE_TRIGGER: return `false` or `true` to indicate
+ /// whether triggers are disabled or enabled
+ /// - SQLITE_DBCONFIG_ENABLE_FTS3_TOKENIZER: return `false` or `true` to
+ /// indicate whether fts3_tokenizer are disabled or enabled
+ /// - SQLITE_DBCONFIG_NO_CKPT_ON_CLOSE: return `false` to indicate
+ /// checkpoints-on-close are not disabled or `true` if they are
+ /// - SQLITE_DBCONFIG_ENABLE_QPSG: return `false` or `true` to indicate
+ /// whether the QPSG is disabled or enabled
+ /// - SQLITE_DBCONFIG_TRIGGER_EQP: return `false` to indicate
+ /// output-for-trigger are not disabled or `true` if it is
+ pub fn db_config(&self, config: DbConfig) -> Result<bool> {
+ let c = self.db.borrow();
+ unsafe {
+ let mut val = 0;
+ check!(ffi::sqlite3_db_config(
+ c.db(),
+ config as c_int,
+ -1,
+ &mut val
+ ));
+ Ok(val != 0)
+ }
+ }
+ /// Make configuration changes to a database connection
+ ///
+ /// - SQLITE_DBCONFIG_ENABLE_FKEY: `false` to disable FK enforcement, `true`
+ /// to enable FK enforcement
+ /// - SQLITE_DBCONFIG_ENABLE_TRIGGER: `false` to disable triggers, `true` to
+ /// enable triggers
+ /// - SQLITE_DBCONFIG_ENABLE_FTS3_TOKENIZER: `false` to disable
+ /// fts3_tokenizer(), `true` to enable fts3_tokenizer()
+ /// - SQLITE_DBCONFIG_NO_CKPT_ON_CLOSE: `false` (the default) to enable
+ /// checkpoints-on-close, `true` to disable them
+ /// - SQLITE_DBCONFIG_ENABLE_QPSG: `false` to disable the QPSG, `true` to
+ /// enable QPSG
+ /// - SQLITE_DBCONFIG_TRIGGER_EQP: `false` to disable output for trigger
+ /// programs, `true` to enable it
+ pub fn set_db_config(&self, config: DbConfig, new_val: bool) -> Result<bool> {
+ let c = self.db.borrow_mut();
+ unsafe {
+ let mut val = 0;
+ check!(ffi::sqlite3_db_config(
+ c.db(),
+ config as c_int,
+ if new_val { 1 } else { 0 },
+ &mut val
+ ));
+ Ok(val != 0)
+ }
+ }
+mod test {
+ use super::DbConfig;
+ use crate::Connection;
+ #[test]
+ fn test_db_config() {
+ let db = Connection::open_in_memory().unwrap();
+ let opposite = !db.db_config(DbConfig::SQLITE_DBCONFIG_ENABLE_FKEY).unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(
+ db.set_db_config(DbConfig::SQLITE_DBCONFIG_ENABLE_FKEY, opposite),
+ Ok(opposite)
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ db.db_config(DbConfig::SQLITE_DBCONFIG_ENABLE_FKEY),
+ Ok(opposite)
+ );
+ let opposite = !db
+ .unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(
+ db.set_db_config(DbConfig::SQLITE_DBCONFIG_ENABLE_TRIGGER, opposite),
+ Ok(opposite)
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ Ok(opposite)
+ );
+ }
diff --git a/src/context.rs b/src/context.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ad0a3ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/context.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+//! Code related to `sqlite3_context` common to `functions` and `vtab` modules.
+use std::os::raw::{c_int, c_void};
+#[cfg(feature = "array")]
+use std::rc::Rc;
+use crate::ffi;
+use crate::ffi::sqlite3_context;
+use crate::str_for_sqlite;
+use crate::types::{ToSqlOutput, ValueRef};
+#[cfg(feature = "array")]
+use crate::vtab::array::{free_array, ARRAY_TYPE};
+pub(crate) unsafe fn set_result(ctx: *mut sqlite3_context, result: &ToSqlOutput<'_>) {
+ let value = match *result {
+ ToSqlOutput::Borrowed(v) => v,
+ ToSqlOutput::Owned(ref v) => ValueRef::from(v),
+ #[cfg(feature = "blob")]
+ ToSqlOutput::ZeroBlob(len) => {
+ return ffi::sqlite3_result_zeroblob(ctx, len);
+ }
+ #[cfg(feature = "array")]
+ ToSqlOutput::Array(ref a) => {
+ return ffi::sqlite3_result_pointer(
+ ctx,
+ Rc::into_raw(a.clone()) as *mut c_void,
+ Some(free_array),
+ );
+ }
+ };
+ match value {
+ ValueRef::Null => ffi::sqlite3_result_null(ctx),
+ ValueRef::Integer(i) => ffi::sqlite3_result_int64(ctx, i),
+ ValueRef::Real(r) => ffi::sqlite3_result_double(ctx, r),
+ ValueRef::Text(s) => {
+ let length = s.len();
+ if length > c_int::max_value() as usize {
+ ffi::sqlite3_result_error_toobig(ctx);
+ } else {
+ let (c_str, len, destructor) = match str_for_sqlite(s) {
+ Ok(c_str) => c_str,
+ // TODO sqlite3_result_error
+ Err(_) => return ffi::sqlite3_result_error_code(ctx, ffi::SQLITE_MISUSE),
+ };
+ ffi::sqlite3_result_text(ctx, c_str, len, destructor);
+ }
+ }
+ ValueRef::Blob(b) => {
+ let length = b.len();
+ if length > c_int::max_value() as usize {
+ ffi::sqlite3_result_error_toobig(ctx);
+ } else if length == 0 {
+ ffi::sqlite3_result_zeroblob(ctx, 0)
+ } else {
+ ffi::sqlite3_result_blob(
+ ctx,
+ b.as_ptr() as *const c_void,
+ length as c_int,
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/error.rs b/src/error.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..35efaf1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/error.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,334 @@
+use crate::types::FromSqlError;
+use crate::types::Type;
+use crate::{errmsg_to_string, ffi};
+use std::error;
+use std::fmt;
+use std::os::raw::c_int;
+use std::path::PathBuf;
+use std::str;
+/// Enum listing possible errors from rusqlite.
+pub enum Error {
+ /// An error from an underlying SQLite call.
+ SqliteFailure(ffi::Error, Option<String>),
+ /// Error reported when attempting to open a connection when SQLite was
+ /// configured to allow single-threaded use only.
+ SqliteSingleThreadedMode,
+ /// Error when the value of a particular column is requested, but it cannot
+ /// be converted to the requested Rust type.
+ FromSqlConversionFailure(usize, Type, Box<dyn error::Error + Send + Sync + 'static>),
+ /// Error when SQLite gives us an integral value outside the range of the
+ /// requested type (e.g., trying to get the value 1000 into a `u8`).
+ /// The associated `usize` is the column index,
+ /// and the associated `i64` is the value returned by SQLite.
+ IntegralValueOutOfRange(usize, i64),
+ /// Error converting a string to UTF-8.
+ Utf8Error(str::Utf8Error),
+ /// Error converting a string to a C-compatible string because it contained
+ /// an embedded nul.
+ NulError(::std::ffi::NulError),
+ /// Error when using SQL named parameters and passing a parameter name not
+ /// present in the SQL.
+ InvalidParameterName(String),
+ /// Error converting a file path to a string.
+ InvalidPath(PathBuf),
+ /// Error returned when an `execute` call returns rows.
+ ExecuteReturnedResults,
+ /// Error when a query that was expected to return at least one row (e.g.,
+ /// for `query_row`) did not return any.
+ QueryReturnedNoRows,
+ /// Error when the value of a particular column is requested, but the index
+ /// is out of range for the statement.
+ InvalidColumnIndex(usize),
+ /// Error when the value of a named column is requested, but no column
+ /// matches the name for the statement.
+ InvalidColumnName(String),
+ /// Error when the value of a particular column is requested, but the type
+ /// of the result in that column cannot be converted to the requested
+ /// Rust type.
+ InvalidColumnType(usize, String, Type),
+ /// Error when a query that was expected to insert one row did not insert
+ /// any or insert many.
+ StatementChangedRows(usize),
+ /// Error returned by `functions::Context::get` when the function argument
+ /// cannot be converted to the requested type.
+ #[cfg(feature = "functions")]
+ InvalidFunctionParameterType(usize, Type),
+ /// Error returned by `vtab::Values::get` when the filter argument cannot
+ /// be converted to the requested type.
+ #[cfg(feature = "vtab")]
+ InvalidFilterParameterType(usize, Type),
+ /// An error case available for implementors of custom user functions (e.g.,
+ /// `create_scalar_function`).
+ #[cfg(feature = "functions")]
+ #[allow(dead_code)]
+ UserFunctionError(Box<dyn error::Error + Send + Sync + 'static>),
+ /// Error available for the implementors of the `ToSql` trait.
+ ToSqlConversionFailure(Box<dyn error::Error + Send + Sync + 'static>),
+ /// Error when the SQL is not a `SELECT`, is not read-only.
+ InvalidQuery,
+ /// An error case available for implementors of custom modules (e.g.,
+ /// `create_module`).
+ #[cfg(feature = "vtab")]
+ #[allow(dead_code)]
+ ModuleError(String),
+ #[cfg(feature = "functions")]
+ UnwindingPanic,
+ /// An error returned when `Context::get_aux` attempts to retrieve data
+ /// of a different type than what had been stored using `Context::set_aux`.
+ #[cfg(feature = "functions")]
+ GetAuxWrongType,
+ /// Error when the SQL contains multiple statements.
+ MultipleStatement,
+ /// Error when the number of bound parameters does not match the number of
+ /// parameters in the query. The first `usize` is how many parameters were
+ /// given, the 2nd is how many were expected.
+ InvalidParameterCount(usize, usize),
+impl PartialEq for Error {
+ fn eq(&self, other: &Error) -> bool {
+ match (self, other) {
+ (Error::SqliteFailure(e1, s1), Error::SqliteFailure(e2, s2)) => e1 == e2 && s1 == s2,
+ (Error::SqliteSingleThreadedMode, Error::SqliteSingleThreadedMode) => true,
+ (Error::IntegralValueOutOfRange(i1, n1), Error::IntegralValueOutOfRange(i2, n2)) => {
+ i1 == i2 && n1 == n2
+ }
+ (Error::Utf8Error(e1), Error::Utf8Error(e2)) => e1 == e2,
+ (Error::NulError(e1), Error::NulError(e2)) => e1 == e2,
+ (Error::InvalidParameterName(n1), Error::InvalidParameterName(n2)) => n1 == n2,
+ (Error::InvalidPath(p1), Error::InvalidPath(p2)) => p1 == p2,
+ (Error::ExecuteReturnedResults, Error::ExecuteReturnedResults) => true,
+ (Error::QueryReturnedNoRows, Error::QueryReturnedNoRows) => true,
+ (Error::InvalidColumnIndex(i1), Error::InvalidColumnIndex(i2)) => i1 == i2,
+ (Error::InvalidColumnName(n1), Error::InvalidColumnName(n2)) => n1 == n2,
+ (Error::InvalidColumnType(i1, n1, t1), Error::InvalidColumnType(i2, n2, t2)) => {
+ i1 == i2 && t1 == t2 && n1 == n2
+ }
+ (Error::StatementChangedRows(n1), Error::StatementChangedRows(n2)) => n1 == n2,
+ #[cfg(feature = "functions")]
+ (
+ Error::InvalidFunctionParameterType(i1, t1),
+ Error::InvalidFunctionParameterType(i2, t2),
+ ) => i1 == i2 && t1 == t2,
+ #[cfg(feature = "vtab")]
+ (
+ Error::InvalidFilterParameterType(i1, t1),
+ Error::InvalidFilterParameterType(i2, t2),
+ ) => i1 == i2 && t1 == t2,
+ (Error::InvalidQuery, Error::InvalidQuery) => true,
+ #[cfg(feature = "vtab")]
+ (Error::ModuleError(s1), Error::ModuleError(s2)) => s1 == s2,
+ #[cfg(feature = "functions")]
+ (Error::UnwindingPanic, Error::UnwindingPanic) => true,
+ #[cfg(feature = "functions")]
+ (Error::GetAuxWrongType, Error::GetAuxWrongType) => true,
+ (Error::InvalidParameterCount(i1, n1), Error::InvalidParameterCount(i2, n2)) => {
+ i1 == i2 && n1 == n2
+ }
+ (..) => false,
+ }
+ }
+impl From<str::Utf8Error> for Error {
+ fn from(err: str::Utf8Error) -> Error {
+ Error::Utf8Error(err)
+ }
+impl From<::std::ffi::NulError> for Error {
+ fn from(err: ::std::ffi::NulError) -> Error {
+ Error::NulError(err)
+ }
+const UNKNOWN_COLUMN: usize = std::usize::MAX;
+/// The conversion isn't precise, but it's convenient to have it
+/// to allow use of `get_raw(…).as_…()?` in callbacks that take `Error`.
+impl From<FromSqlError> for Error {
+ fn from(err: FromSqlError) -> Error {
+ // The error type requires index and type fields, but they aren't known in this
+ // context.
+ match err {
+ FromSqlError::OutOfRange(val) => Error::IntegralValueOutOfRange(UNKNOWN_COLUMN, val),
+ #[cfg(feature = "i128_blob")]
+ FromSqlError::InvalidI128Size(_) => {
+ Error::FromSqlConversionFailure(UNKNOWN_COLUMN, Type::Blob, Box::new(err))
+ }
+ #[cfg(feature = "uuid")]
+ FromSqlError::InvalidUuidSize(_) => {
+ Error::FromSqlConversionFailure(UNKNOWN_COLUMN, Type::Blob, Box::new(err))
+ }
+ FromSqlError::Other(source) => {
+ Error::FromSqlConversionFailure(UNKNOWN_COLUMN, Type::Null, source)
+ }
+ _ => Error::FromSqlConversionFailure(UNKNOWN_COLUMN, Type::Null, Box::new(err)),
+ }
+ }
+impl fmt::Display for Error {
+ fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
+ match *self {
+ Error::SqliteFailure(ref err, None) => err.fmt(f),
+ Error::SqliteFailure(_, Some(ref s)) => write!(f, "{}", s),
+ Error::SqliteSingleThreadedMode => write!(
+ f,
+ "SQLite was compiled or configured for single-threaded use only"
+ ),
+ Error::FromSqlConversionFailure(i, ref t, ref err) => {
+ if i != UNKNOWN_COLUMN {
+ write!(
+ f,
+ "Conversion error from type {} at index: {}, {}",
+ t, i, err
+ )
+ } else {
+ err.fmt(f)
+ }
+ }
+ Error::IntegralValueOutOfRange(col, val) => {
+ if col != UNKNOWN_COLUMN {
+ write!(f, "Integer {} out of range at index {}", val, col)
+ } else {
+ write!(f, "Integer {} out of range", val)
+ }
+ }
+ Error::Utf8Error(ref err) => err.fmt(f),
+ Error::NulError(ref err) => err.fmt(f),
+ Error::InvalidParameterName(ref name) => write!(f, "Invalid parameter name: {}", name),
+ Error::InvalidPath(ref p) => write!(f, "Invalid path: {}", p.to_string_lossy()),
+ Error::ExecuteReturnedResults => {
+ write!(f, "Execute returned results - did you mean to call query?")
+ }
+ Error::QueryReturnedNoRows => write!(f, "Query returned no rows"),
+ Error::InvalidColumnIndex(i) => write!(f, "Invalid column index: {}", i),
+ Error::InvalidColumnName(ref name) => write!(f, "Invalid column name: {}", name),
+ Error::InvalidColumnType(i, ref name, ref t) => write!(
+ f,
+ "Invalid column type {} at index: {}, name: {}",
+ t, i, name
+ ),
+ Error::InvalidParameterCount(i1, n1) => write!(
+ f,
+ "Wrong number of parameters passed to query. Got {}, needed {}",
+ i1, n1
+ ),
+ Error::StatementChangedRows(i) => write!(f, "Query changed {} rows", i),
+ #[cfg(feature = "functions")]
+ Error::InvalidFunctionParameterType(i, ref t) => {
+ write!(f, "Invalid function parameter type {} at index {}", t, i)
+ }
+ #[cfg(feature = "vtab")]
+ Error::InvalidFilterParameterType(i, ref t) => {
+ write!(f, "Invalid filter parameter type {} at index {}", t, i)
+ }
+ #[cfg(feature = "functions")]
+ Error::UserFunctionError(ref err) => err.fmt(f),
+ Error::ToSqlConversionFailure(ref err) => err.fmt(f),
+ Error::InvalidQuery => write!(f, "Query is not read-only"),
+ #[cfg(feature = "vtab")]
+ Error::ModuleError(ref desc) => write!(f, "{}", desc),
+ #[cfg(feature = "functions")]
+ Error::UnwindingPanic => write!(f, "unwinding panic"),
+ #[cfg(feature = "functions")]
+ Error::GetAuxWrongType => write!(f, "get_aux called with wrong type"),
+ Error::MultipleStatement => write!(f, "Multiple statements provided"),
+ }
+ }
+impl error::Error for Error {
+ fn source(&self) -> Option<&(dyn error::Error + 'static)> {
+ match *self {
+ Error::SqliteFailure(ref err, _) => Some(err),
+ Error::Utf8Error(ref err) => Some(err),
+ Error::NulError(ref err) => Some(err),
+ Error::IntegralValueOutOfRange(..)
+ | Error::SqliteSingleThreadedMode
+ | Error::InvalidParameterName(_)
+ | Error::ExecuteReturnedResults
+ | Error::QueryReturnedNoRows
+ | Error::InvalidColumnIndex(_)
+ | Error::InvalidColumnName(_)
+ | Error::InvalidColumnType(..)
+ | Error::InvalidPath(_)
+ | Error::InvalidParameterCount(..)
+ | Error::StatementChangedRows(_)
+ | Error::InvalidQuery
+ | Error::MultipleStatement => None,
+ #[cfg(feature = "functions")]
+ Error::InvalidFunctionParameterType(..) => None,
+ #[cfg(feature = "vtab")]
+ Error::InvalidFilterParameterType(..) => None,
+ #[cfg(feature = "functions")]
+ Error::UserFunctionError(ref err) => Some(&**err),
+ Error::FromSqlConversionFailure(_, _, ref err)
+ | Error::ToSqlConversionFailure(ref err) => Some(&**err),
+ #[cfg(feature = "vtab")]
+ Error::ModuleError(_) => None,
+ #[cfg(feature = "functions")]
+ Error::UnwindingPanic => None,
+ #[cfg(feature = "functions")]
+ Error::GetAuxWrongType => None,
+ }
+ }
+// These are public but not re-exported by lib.rs, so only visible within crate.
+pub fn error_from_sqlite_code(code: c_int, message: Option<String>) -> Error {
+ Error::SqliteFailure(ffi::Error::new(code), message)
+pub unsafe fn error_from_handle(db: *mut ffi::sqlite3, code: c_int) -> Error {
+ let message = if db.is_null() {
+ None
+ } else {
+ Some(errmsg_to_string(ffi::sqlite3_errmsg(db)))
+ };
+ error_from_sqlite_code(code, message)
+macro_rules! check {
+ ($funcall:expr) => {{
+ let rc = $funcall;
+ if rc != crate::ffi::SQLITE_OK {
+ return Err(crate::error::error_from_sqlite_code(rc, None).into());
+ }
+ }};
diff --git a/src/functions.rs b/src/functions.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b364f21
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/functions.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,1036 @@
+//! `feature = "functions"` Create or redefine SQL functions.
+//! # Example
+//! Adding a `regexp` function to a connection in which compiled regular
+//! expressions are cached in a `HashMap`. For an alternative implementation
+//! that uses SQLite's [Function Auxilliary Data](https://www.sqlite.org/c3ref/get_auxdata.html) interface
+//! to avoid recompiling regular expressions, see the unit tests for this
+//! module.
+//! ```rust
+//! use regex::Regex;
+//! use rusqlite::functions::FunctionFlags;
+//! use rusqlite::{Connection, Error, Result, NO_PARAMS};
+//! use std::sync::Arc;
+//! type BoxError = Box<dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync + 'static>;
+//! fn add_regexp_function(db: &Connection) -> Result<()> {
+//! db.create_scalar_function(
+//! "regexp",
+//! 2,
+//! FunctionFlags::SQLITE_UTF8 | FunctionFlags::SQLITE_DETERMINISTIC,
+//! move |ctx| {
+//! assert_eq!(ctx.len(), 2, "called with unexpected number of arguments");
+//! let regexp: Arc<Regex> = ctx
+//! .get_or_create_aux(0, |vr| -> Result<_, BoxError> {
+//! Ok(Regex::new(vr.as_str()?)?)
+//! })?;
+//! let is_match = {
+//! let text = ctx
+//! .get_raw(1)
+//! .as_str()
+//! .map_err(|e| Error::UserFunctionError(e.into()))?;
+//! regexp.is_match(text)
+//! };
+//! Ok(is_match)
+//! },
+//! )
+//! }
+//! fn main() -> Result<()> {
+//! let db = Connection::open_in_memory()?;
+//! add_regexp_function(&db)?;
+//! let is_match: bool = db.query_row(
+//! "SELECT regexp('[aeiou]*', 'aaaaeeeiii')",
+//! |row| row.get(0),
+//! )?;
+//! assert!(is_match);
+//! Ok(())
+//! }
+//! ```
+use std::any::Any;
+use std::os::raw::{c_int, c_void};
+use std::panic::{catch_unwind, RefUnwindSafe, UnwindSafe};
+use std::ptr;
+use std::slice;
+use std::sync::Arc;
+use crate::ffi;
+use crate::ffi::sqlite3_context;
+use crate::ffi::sqlite3_value;
+use crate::context::set_result;
+use crate::types::{FromSql, FromSqlError, ToSql, ValueRef};
+use crate::{str_to_cstring, Connection, Error, InnerConnection, Result};
+unsafe fn report_error(ctx: *mut sqlite3_context, err: &Error) {
+ // Extended constraint error codes were added in SQLite 3.7.16. We don't have
+ // an explicit feature check for that, and this doesn't really warrant one.
+ // We'll use the extended code if we're on the bundled version (since it's
+ // at least 3.17.0) and the normal constraint error code if not.
+ #[cfg(feature = "modern_sqlite")]
+ fn constraint_error_code() -> i32 {
+ }
+ #[cfg(not(feature = "modern_sqlite"))]
+ fn constraint_error_code() -> i32 {
+ }
+ match *err {
+ Error::SqliteFailure(ref err, ref s) => {
+ ffi::sqlite3_result_error_code(ctx, err.extended_code);
+ if let Some(Ok(cstr)) = s.as_ref().map(|s| str_to_cstring(s)) {
+ ffi::sqlite3_result_error(ctx, cstr.as_ptr(), -1);
+ }
+ }
+ _ => {
+ ffi::sqlite3_result_error_code(ctx, constraint_error_code());
+ if let Ok(cstr) = str_to_cstring(&err.to_string()) {
+ ffi::sqlite3_result_error(ctx, cstr.as_ptr(), -1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+unsafe extern "C" fn free_boxed_value<T>(p: *mut c_void) {
+ drop(Box::from_raw(p as *mut T));
+/// `feature = "functions"` Context is a wrapper for the SQLite function
+/// evaluation context.
+pub struct Context<'a> {
+ ctx: *mut sqlite3_context,
+ args: &'a [*mut sqlite3_value],
+impl Context<'_> {
+ /// Returns the number of arguments to the function.
+ pub fn len(&self) -> usize {
+ self.args.len()
+ }
+ /// Returns `true` when there is no argument.
+ pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
+ self.args.is_empty()
+ }
+ /// Returns the `idx`th argument as a `T`.
+ ///
+ /// # Failure
+ ///
+ /// Will panic if `idx` is greater than or equal to `self.len()`.
+ ///
+ /// Will return Err if the underlying SQLite type cannot be converted to a
+ /// `T`.
+ pub fn get<T: FromSql>(&self, idx: usize) -> Result<T> {
+ let arg = self.args[idx];
+ let value = unsafe { ValueRef::from_value(arg) };
+ FromSql::column_result(value).map_err(|err| match err {
+ FromSqlError::InvalidType => {
+ Error::InvalidFunctionParameterType(idx, value.data_type())
+ }
+ FromSqlError::OutOfRange(i) => Error::IntegralValueOutOfRange(idx, i),
+ FromSqlError::Other(err) => {
+ Error::FromSqlConversionFailure(idx, value.data_type(), err)
+ }
+ #[cfg(feature = "i128_blob")]
+ FromSqlError::InvalidI128Size(_) => {
+ Error::FromSqlConversionFailure(idx, value.data_type(), Box::new(err))
+ }
+ #[cfg(feature = "uuid")]
+ FromSqlError::InvalidUuidSize(_) => {
+ Error::FromSqlConversionFailure(idx, value.data_type(), Box::new(err))
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ /// Returns the `idx`th argument as a `ValueRef`.
+ ///
+ /// # Failure
+ ///
+ /// Will panic if `idx` is greater than or equal to `self.len()`.
+ pub fn get_raw(&self, idx: usize) -> ValueRef<'_> {
+ let arg = self.args[idx];
+ unsafe { ValueRef::from_value(arg) }
+ }
+ /// Fetch or insert the the auxilliary data associated with a particular
+ /// parameter. This is intended to be an easier-to-use way of fetching it
+ /// compared to calling `get_aux` and `set_aux` separately.
+ ///
+ /// See https://www.sqlite.org/c3ref/get_auxdata.html for a discussion of
+ /// this feature, or the unit tests of this module for an example.
+ pub fn get_or_create_aux<T, E, F>(&self, arg: c_int, func: F) -> Result<Arc<T>>
+ where
+ T: Send + Sync + 'static,
+ E: Into<Box<dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync + 'static>>,
+ F: FnOnce(ValueRef<'_>) -> Result<T, E>,
+ {
+ if let Some(v) = self.get_aux(arg)? {
+ Ok(v)
+ } else {
+ let vr = self.get_raw(arg as usize);
+ self.set_aux(
+ arg,
+ func(vr).map_err(|e| Error::UserFunctionError(e.into()))?,
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ /// Sets the auxilliary data associated with a particular parameter. See
+ /// https://www.sqlite.org/c3ref/get_auxdata.html for a discussion of
+ /// this feature, or the unit tests of this module for an example.
+ pub fn set_aux<T: Send + Sync + 'static>(&self, arg: c_int, value: T) -> Result<Arc<T>> {
+ let orig: Arc<T> = Arc::new(value);
+ let inner: AuxInner = orig.clone();
+ let outer = Box::new(inner);
+ let raw: *mut AuxInner = Box::into_raw(outer);
+ unsafe {
+ ffi::sqlite3_set_auxdata(
+ self.ctx,
+ arg,
+ raw as *mut _,
+ Some(free_boxed_value::<AuxInner>),
+ )
+ };
+ Ok(orig)
+ }
+ /// Gets the auxilliary data that was associated with a given parameter via
+ /// `set_aux`. Returns `Ok(None)` if no data has been associated, and
+ /// Ok(Some(v)) if it has. Returns an error if the requested type does not
+ /// match.
+ pub fn get_aux<T: Send + Sync + 'static>(&self, arg: c_int) -> Result<Option<Arc<T>>> {
+ let p = unsafe { ffi::sqlite3_get_auxdata(self.ctx, arg) as *const AuxInner };
+ if p.is_null() {
+ Ok(None)
+ } else {
+ let v: AuxInner = AuxInner::clone(unsafe { &*p });
+ v.downcast::<T>()
+ .map(Some)
+ .map_err(|_| Error::GetAuxWrongType)
+ }
+ }
+type AuxInner = Arc<dyn Any + Send + Sync + 'static>;
+/// `feature = "functions"` Aggregate is the callback interface for user-defined
+/// aggregate function.
+/// `A` is the type of the aggregation context and `T` is the type of the final
+/// result. Implementations should be stateless.
+pub trait Aggregate<A, T>
+ A: RefUnwindSafe + UnwindSafe,
+ T: ToSql,
+ /// Initializes the aggregation context. Will be called prior to the first
+ /// call to `step()` to set up the context for an invocation of the
+ /// function. (Note: `init()` will not be called if there are no rows.)
+ fn init(&self) -> A;
+ /// "step" function called once for each row in an aggregate group. May be
+ /// called 0 times if there are no rows.
+ fn step(&self, _: &mut Context<'_>, _: &mut A) -> Result<()>;
+ /// Computes and returns the final result. Will be called exactly once for
+ /// each invocation of the function. If `step()` was called at least
+ /// once, will be given `Some(A)` (the same `A` as was created by
+ /// `init` and given to `step`); if `step()` was not called (because
+ /// the function is running against 0 rows), will be given `None`.
+ fn finalize(&self, _: Option<A>) -> Result<T>;
+/// `feature = "window"` WindowAggregate is the callback interface for
+/// user-defined aggregate window function.
+#[cfg(feature = "window")]
+pub trait WindowAggregate<A, T>: Aggregate<A, T>
+ A: RefUnwindSafe + UnwindSafe,
+ T: ToSql,
+ /// Returns the current value of the aggregate. Unlike xFinal, the
+ /// implementation should not delete any context.
+ fn value(&self, _: Option<&A>) -> Result<T>;
+ /// Removes a row from the current window.
+ fn inverse(&self, _: &mut Context<'_>, _: &mut A) -> Result<()>;
+bitflags::bitflags! {
+ #[doc = "Function Flags."]
+ #[doc = "See [sqlite3_create_function](https://sqlite.org/c3ref/create_function.html) for details."]
+ #[repr(C)]
+ pub struct FunctionFlags: ::std::os::raw::c_int {
+ const SQLITE_UTF8 = ffi::SQLITE_UTF8;
+ const SQLITE_UTF16LE = ffi::SQLITE_UTF16LE;
+ const SQLITE_UTF16BE = ffi::SQLITE_UTF16BE;
+ const SQLITE_UTF16 = ffi::SQLITE_UTF16;
+ const SQLITE_DIRECTONLY = 0x0000_0008_0000; // 3.30.0
+ const SQLITE_SUBTYPE = 0x0000_0010_0000; // 3.30.0
+ const SQLITE_INNOCUOUS = 0x0000_0020_0000; // 3.31.0
+ }
+impl Default for FunctionFlags {
+ fn default() -> FunctionFlags {
+ FunctionFlags::SQLITE_UTF8
+ }
+impl Connection {
+ /// `feature = "functions"` Attach a user-defined scalar function to
+ /// this database connection.
+ ///
+ /// `fn_name` is the name the function will be accessible from SQL.
+ /// `n_arg` is the number of arguments to the function. Use `-1` for a
+ /// variable number. If the function always returns the same value
+ /// given the same input, `deterministic` should be `true`.
+ ///
+ /// The function will remain available until the connection is closed or
+ /// until it is explicitly removed via `remove_function`.
+ ///
+ /// # Example
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use rusqlite::{Connection, Result, NO_PARAMS};
+ /// # use rusqlite::functions::FunctionFlags;
+ /// fn scalar_function_example(db: Connection) -> Result<()> {
+ /// db.create_scalar_function(
+ /// "halve",
+ /// 1,
+ /// FunctionFlags::SQLITE_UTF8 | FunctionFlags::SQLITE_DETERMINISTIC,
+ /// |ctx| {
+ /// let value = ctx.get::<f64>(0)?;
+ /// Ok(value / 2f64)
+ /// },
+ /// )?;
+ ///
+ /// let six_halved: f64 = db.query_row("SELECT halve(6)", NO_PARAMS, |r| r.get(0))?;
+ /// assert_eq!(six_halved, 3f64);
+ /// Ok(())
+ /// }
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// # Failure
+ ///
+ /// Will return Err if the function could not be attached to the connection.
+ pub fn create_scalar_function<F, T>(
+ &self,
+ fn_name: &str,
+ n_arg: c_int,
+ flags: FunctionFlags,
+ x_func: F,
+ ) -> Result<()>
+ where
+ F: FnMut(&Context<'_>) -> Result<T> + Send + UnwindSafe + 'static,
+ T: ToSql,
+ {
+ self.db
+ .borrow_mut()
+ .create_scalar_function(fn_name, n_arg, flags, x_func)
+ }
+ /// `feature = "functions"` Attach a user-defined aggregate function to this
+ /// database connection.
+ ///
+ /// # Failure
+ ///
+ /// Will return Err if the function could not be attached to the connection.
+ pub fn create_aggregate_function<A, D, T>(
+ &self,
+ fn_name: &str,
+ n_arg: c_int,
+ flags: FunctionFlags,
+ aggr: D,
+ ) -> Result<()>
+ where
+ A: RefUnwindSafe + UnwindSafe,
+ D: Aggregate<A, T>,
+ T: ToSql,
+ {
+ self.db
+ .borrow_mut()
+ .create_aggregate_function(fn_name, n_arg, flags, aggr)
+ }
+ /// `feature = "window"` Attach a user-defined aggregate window function to
+ /// this database connection.
+ ///
+ /// See https://sqlite.org/windowfunctions.html#udfwinfunc for more
+ /// information.
+ #[cfg(feature = "window")]
+ pub fn create_window_function<A, W, T>(
+ &self,
+ fn_name: &str,
+ n_arg: c_int,
+ flags: FunctionFlags,
+ aggr: W,
+ ) -> Result<()>
+ where
+ A: RefUnwindSafe + UnwindSafe,
+ W: WindowAggregate<A, T>,
+ T: ToSql,
+ {
+ self.db
+ .borrow_mut()
+ .create_window_function(fn_name, n_arg, flags, aggr)
+ }
+ /// `feature = "functions"` Removes a user-defined function from this
+ /// database connection.
+ ///
+ /// `fn_name` and `n_arg` should match the name and number of arguments
+ /// given to `create_scalar_function` or `create_aggregate_function`.
+ ///
+ /// # Failure
+ ///
+ /// Will return Err if the function could not be removed.
+ pub fn remove_function(&self, fn_name: &str, n_arg: c_int) -> Result<()> {
+ self.db.borrow_mut().remove_function(fn_name, n_arg)
+ }
+impl InnerConnection {
+ fn create_scalar_function<F, T>(
+ &mut self,
+ fn_name: &str,
+ n_arg: c_int,
+ flags: FunctionFlags,
+ x_func: F,
+ ) -> Result<()>
+ where
+ F: FnMut(&Context<'_>) -> Result<T> + Send + UnwindSafe + 'static,
+ T: ToSql,
+ {
+ unsafe extern "C" fn call_boxed_closure<F, T>(
+ ctx: *mut sqlite3_context,
+ argc: c_int,
+ argv: *mut *mut sqlite3_value,
+ ) where
+ F: FnMut(&Context<'_>) -> Result<T>,
+ T: ToSql,
+ {
+ let r = catch_unwind(|| {
+ let boxed_f: *mut F = ffi::sqlite3_user_data(ctx) as *mut F;
+ assert!(!boxed_f.is_null(), "Internal error - null function pointer");
+ let ctx = Context {
+ ctx,
+ args: slice::from_raw_parts(argv, argc as usize),
+ };
+ (*boxed_f)(&ctx)
+ });
+ let t = match r {
+ Err(_) => {
+ report_error(ctx, &Error::UnwindingPanic);
+ return;
+ }
+ Ok(r) => r,
+ };
+ let t = t.as_ref().map(|t| ToSql::to_sql(t));
+ match t {
+ Ok(Ok(ref value)) => set_result(ctx, value),
+ Ok(Err(err)) => report_error(ctx, &err),
+ Err(err) => report_error(ctx, err),
+ }
+ }
+ let boxed_f: *mut F = Box::into_raw(Box::new(x_func));
+ let c_name = str_to_cstring(fn_name)?;
+ let r = unsafe {
+ ffi::sqlite3_create_function_v2(
+ self.db(),
+ c_name.as_ptr(),
+ n_arg,
+ flags.bits(),
+ boxed_f as *mut c_void,
+ Some(call_boxed_closure::<F, T>),
+ None,
+ None,
+ Some(free_boxed_value::<F>),
+ )
+ };
+ self.decode_result(r)
+ }
+ fn create_aggregate_function<A, D, T>(
+ &mut self,
+ fn_name: &str,
+ n_arg: c_int,
+ flags: FunctionFlags,
+ aggr: D,
+ ) -> Result<()>
+ where
+ A: RefUnwindSafe + UnwindSafe,
+ D: Aggregate<A, T>,
+ T: ToSql,
+ {
+ let boxed_aggr: *mut D = Box::into_raw(Box::new(aggr));
+ let c_name = str_to_cstring(fn_name)?;
+ let r = unsafe {
+ ffi::sqlite3_create_function_v2(
+ self.db(),
+ c_name.as_ptr(),
+ n_arg,
+ flags.bits(),
+ boxed_aggr as *mut c_void,
+ None,
+ Some(call_boxed_step::<A, D, T>),
+ Some(call_boxed_final::<A, D, T>),
+ Some(free_boxed_value::<D>),
+ )
+ };
+ self.decode_result(r)
+ }
+ #[cfg(feature = "window")]
+ fn create_window_function<A, W, T>(
+ &mut self,
+ fn_name: &str,
+ n_arg: c_int,
+ flags: FunctionFlags,
+ aggr: W,
+ ) -> Result<()>
+ where
+ A: RefUnwindSafe + UnwindSafe,
+ W: WindowAggregate<A, T>,
+ T: ToSql,
+ {
+ let boxed_aggr: *mut W = Box::into_raw(Box::new(aggr));
+ let c_name = str_to_cstring(fn_name)?;
+ let r = unsafe {
+ ffi::sqlite3_create_window_function(
+ self.db(),
+ c_name.as_ptr(),
+ n_arg,
+ flags.bits(),
+ boxed_aggr as *mut c_void,
+ Some(call_boxed_step::<A, W, T>),
+ Some(call_boxed_final::<A, W, T>),
+ Some(call_boxed_value::<A, W, T>),
+ Some(call_boxed_inverse::<A, W, T>),
+ Some(free_boxed_value::<W>),
+ )
+ };
+ self.decode_result(r)
+ }
+ fn remove_function(&mut self, fn_name: &str, n_arg: c_int) -> Result<()> {
+ let c_name = str_to_cstring(fn_name)?;
+ let r = unsafe {
+ ffi::sqlite3_create_function_v2(
+ self.db(),
+ c_name.as_ptr(),
+ n_arg,
+ ffi::SQLITE_UTF8,
+ ptr::null_mut(),
+ None,
+ None,
+ None,
+ None,
+ )
+ };
+ self.decode_result(r)
+ }
+unsafe fn aggregate_context<A>(ctx: *mut sqlite3_context, bytes: usize) -> Option<*mut *mut A> {
+ let pac = ffi::sqlite3_aggregate_context(ctx, bytes as c_int) as *mut *mut A;
+ if pac.is_null() {
+ return None;
+ }
+ Some(pac)
+unsafe extern "C" fn call_boxed_step<A, D, T>(
+ ctx: *mut sqlite3_context,
+ argc: c_int,
+ argv: *mut *mut sqlite3_value,
+) where
+ A: RefUnwindSafe + UnwindSafe,
+ D: Aggregate<A, T>,
+ T: ToSql,
+ let pac = match aggregate_context(ctx, ::std::mem::size_of::<*mut A>()) {
+ Some(pac) => pac,
+ None => {
+ ffi::sqlite3_result_error_nomem(ctx);
+ return;
+ }
+ };
+ let r = catch_unwind(|| {
+ let boxed_aggr: *mut D = ffi::sqlite3_user_data(ctx) as *mut D;
+ assert!(
+ !boxed_aggr.is_null(),
+ "Internal error - null aggregate pointer"
+ );
+ if (*pac as *mut A).is_null() {
+ *pac = Box::into_raw(Box::new((*boxed_aggr).init()));
+ }
+ let mut ctx = Context {
+ ctx,
+ args: slice::from_raw_parts(argv, argc as usize),
+ };
+ (*boxed_aggr).step(&mut ctx, &mut **pac)
+ });
+ let r = match r {
+ Err(_) => {
+ report_error(ctx, &Error::UnwindingPanic);
+ return;
+ }
+ Ok(r) => r,
+ };
+ match r {
+ Ok(_) => {}
+ Err(err) => report_error(ctx, &err),
+ };
+#[cfg(feature = "window")]
+unsafe extern "C" fn call_boxed_inverse<A, W, T>(
+ ctx: *mut sqlite3_context,
+ argc: c_int,
+ argv: *mut *mut sqlite3_value,
+) where
+ A: RefUnwindSafe + UnwindSafe,
+ W: WindowAggregate<A, T>,
+ T: ToSql,
+ let pac = match aggregate_context(ctx, ::std::mem::size_of::<*mut A>()) {
+ Some(pac) => pac,
+ None => {
+ ffi::sqlite3_result_error_nomem(ctx);
+ return;
+ }
+ };
+ let r = catch_unwind(|| {
+ let boxed_aggr: *mut W = ffi::sqlite3_user_data(ctx) as *mut W;
+ assert!(
+ !boxed_aggr.is_null(),
+ "Internal error - null aggregate pointer"
+ );
+ let mut ctx = Context {
+ ctx,
+ args: slice::from_raw_parts(argv, argc as usize),
+ };
+ (*boxed_aggr).inverse(&mut ctx, &mut **pac)
+ });
+ let r = match r {
+ Err(_) => {
+ report_error(ctx, &Error::UnwindingPanic);
+ return;
+ }
+ Ok(r) => r,
+ };
+ match r {
+ Ok(_) => {}
+ Err(err) => report_error(ctx, &err),
+ };
+unsafe extern "C" fn call_boxed_final<A, D, T>(ctx: *mut sqlite3_context)
+ A: RefUnwindSafe + UnwindSafe,
+ D: Aggregate<A, T>,
+ T: ToSql,
+ // Within the xFinal callback, it is customary to set N=0 in calls to
+ // sqlite3_aggregate_context(C,N) so that no pointless memory allocations occur.
+ let a: Option<A> = match aggregate_context(ctx, 0) {
+ Some(pac) => {
+ if (*pac as *mut A).is_null() {
+ None
+ } else {
+ let a = Box::from_raw(*pac);
+ Some(*a)
+ }
+ }
+ None => None,
+ };
+ let r = catch_unwind(|| {
+ let boxed_aggr: *mut D = ffi::sqlite3_user_data(ctx) as *mut D;
+ assert!(
+ !boxed_aggr.is_null(),
+ "Internal error - null aggregate pointer"
+ );
+ (*boxed_aggr).finalize(a)
+ });
+ let t = match r {
+ Err(_) => {
+ report_error(ctx, &Error::UnwindingPanic);
+ return;
+ }
+ Ok(r) => r,
+ };
+ let t = t.as_ref().map(|t| ToSql::to_sql(t));
+ match t {
+ Ok(Ok(ref value)) => set_result(ctx, value),
+ Ok(Err(err)) => report_error(ctx, &err),
+ Err(err) => report_error(ctx, err),
+ }
+#[cfg(feature = "window")]
+unsafe extern "C" fn call_boxed_value<A, W, T>(ctx: *mut sqlite3_context)
+ A: RefUnwindSafe + UnwindSafe,
+ W: WindowAggregate<A, T>,
+ T: ToSql,
+ // Within the xValue callback, it is customary to set N=0 in calls to
+ // sqlite3_aggregate_context(C,N) so that no pointless memory allocations occur.
+ let a: Option<&A> = match aggregate_context(ctx, 0) {
+ Some(pac) => {
+ if (*pac as *mut A).is_null() {
+ None
+ } else {
+ let a = &**pac;
+ Some(a)
+ }
+ }
+ None => None,
+ };
+ let r = catch_unwind(|| {
+ let boxed_aggr: *mut W = ffi::sqlite3_user_data(ctx) as *mut W;
+ assert!(
+ !boxed_aggr.is_null(),
+ "Internal error - null aggregate pointer"
+ );
+ (*boxed_aggr).value(a)
+ });
+ let t = match r {
+ Err(_) => {
+ report_error(ctx, &Error::UnwindingPanic);
+ return;
+ }
+ Ok(r) => r,
+ };
+ let t = t.as_ref().map(|t| ToSql::to_sql(t));
+ match t {
+ Ok(Ok(ref value)) => set_result(ctx, value),
+ Ok(Err(err)) => report_error(ctx, &err),
+ Err(err) => report_error(ctx, err),
+ }
+mod test {
+ use regex::Regex;
+ use std::f64::EPSILON;
+ use std::os::raw::c_double;
+ #[cfg(feature = "window")]
+ use crate::functions::WindowAggregate;
+ use crate::functions::{Aggregate, Context, FunctionFlags};
+ use crate::{Connection, Error, Result, NO_PARAMS};
+ fn half(ctx: &Context<'_>) -> Result<c_double> {
+ assert_eq!(ctx.len(), 1, "called with unexpected number of arguments");
+ let value = ctx.get::<c_double>(0)?;
+ Ok(value / 2f64)
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_function_half() {
+ let db = Connection::open_in_memory().unwrap();
+ db.create_scalar_function(
+ "half",
+ 1,
+ FunctionFlags::SQLITE_UTF8 | FunctionFlags::SQLITE_DETERMINISTIC,
+ half,
+ )
+ .unwrap();
+ let result: Result<f64> = db.query_row("SELECT half(6)", NO_PARAMS, |r| r.get(0));
+ assert!((3f64 - result.unwrap()).abs() < EPSILON);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_remove_function() {
+ let db = Connection::open_in_memory().unwrap();
+ db.create_scalar_function(
+ "half",
+ 1,
+ FunctionFlags::SQLITE_UTF8 | FunctionFlags::SQLITE_DETERMINISTIC,
+ half,
+ )
+ .unwrap();
+ let result: Result<f64> = db.query_row("SELECT half(6)", NO_PARAMS, |r| r.get(0));
+ assert!((3f64 - result.unwrap()).abs() < EPSILON);
+ db.remove_function("half", 1).unwrap();
+ let result: Result<f64> = db.query_row("SELECT half(6)", NO_PARAMS, |r| r.get(0));
+ assert!(result.is_err());
+ }
+ // This implementation of a regexp scalar function uses SQLite's auxilliary data
+ // (https://www.sqlite.org/c3ref/get_auxdata.html) to avoid recompiling the regular
+ // expression multiple times within one query.
+ fn regexp_with_auxilliary(ctx: &Context<'_>) -> Result<bool> {
+ assert_eq!(ctx.len(), 2, "called with unexpected number of arguments");
+ type BoxError = Box<dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync + 'static>;
+ let regexp: std::sync::Arc<Regex> = ctx
+ .get_or_create_aux(0, |vr| -> Result<_, BoxError> {
+ Ok(Regex::new(vr.as_str()?)?)
+ })?;
+ let is_match = {
+ let text = ctx
+ .get_raw(1)
+ .as_str()
+ .map_err(|e| Error::UserFunctionError(e.into()))?;
+ regexp.is_match(text)
+ };
+ Ok(is_match)
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_function_regexp_with_auxilliary() {
+ let db = Connection::open_in_memory().unwrap();
+ db.execute_batch(
+ CREATE TABLE foo (x string);
+ INSERT INTO foo VALUES ('lisa');
+ INSERT INTO foo VALUES ('lXsi');
+ INSERT INTO foo VALUES ('lisX');
+ END;",
+ )
+ .unwrap();
+ db.create_scalar_function(
+ "regexp",
+ 2,
+ FunctionFlags::SQLITE_UTF8 | FunctionFlags::SQLITE_DETERMINISTIC,
+ regexp_with_auxilliary,
+ )
+ .unwrap();
+ let result: Result<bool> =
+ db.query_row("SELECT regexp('l.s[aeiouy]', 'lisa')", NO_PARAMS, |r| {
+ r.get(0)
+ });
+ assert_eq!(true, result.unwrap());
+ let result: Result<i64> = db.query_row(
+ "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM foo WHERE regexp('l.s[aeiouy]', x) == 1",
+ |r| r.get(0),
+ );
+ assert_eq!(2, result.unwrap());
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_varargs_function() {
+ let db = Connection::open_in_memory().unwrap();
+ db.create_scalar_function(
+ "my_concat",
+ -1,
+ FunctionFlags::SQLITE_UTF8 | FunctionFlags::SQLITE_DETERMINISTIC,
+ |ctx| {
+ let mut ret = String::new();
+ for idx in 0..ctx.len() {
+ let s = ctx.get::<String>(idx)?;
+ ret.push_str(&s);
+ }
+ Ok(ret)
+ },
+ )
+ .unwrap();
+ for &(expected, query) in &[
+ ("", "SELECT my_concat()"),
+ ("onetwo", "SELECT my_concat('one', 'two')"),
+ ("abc", "SELECT my_concat('a', 'b', 'c')"),
+ ] {
+ let result: String = db.query_row(query, NO_PARAMS, |r| r.get(0)).unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(expected, result);
+ }
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_get_aux_type_checking() {
+ let db = Connection::open_in_memory().unwrap();
+ db.create_scalar_function("example", 2, FunctionFlags::default(), |ctx| {
+ if !ctx.get::<bool>(1)? {
+ ctx.set_aux::<i64>(0, 100)?;
+ } else {
+ assert_eq!(ctx.get_aux::<String>(0), Err(Error::GetAuxWrongType));
+ assert_eq!(*ctx.get_aux::<i64>(0).unwrap().unwrap(), 100);
+ }
+ Ok(true)
+ })
+ .unwrap();
+ let res: bool = db
+ .query_row(
+ "SELECT example(0, i) FROM (SELECT 0 as i UNION SELECT 1)",
+ |r| r.get(0),
+ )
+ .unwrap();
+ // Doesn't actually matter, we'll assert in the function if there's a problem.
+ assert!(res);
+ }
+ struct Sum;
+ struct Count;
+ impl Aggregate<i64, Option<i64>> for Sum {
+ fn init(&self) -> i64 {
+ 0
+ }
+ fn step(&self, ctx: &mut Context<'_>, sum: &mut i64) -> Result<()> {
+ *sum += ctx.get::<i64>(0)?;
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ fn finalize(&self, sum: Option<i64>) -> Result<Option<i64>> {
+ Ok(sum)
+ }
+ }
+ impl Aggregate<i64, i64> for Count {
+ fn init(&self) -> i64 {
+ 0
+ }
+ fn step(&self, _ctx: &mut Context<'_>, sum: &mut i64) -> Result<()> {
+ *sum += 1;
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ fn finalize(&self, sum: Option<i64>) -> Result<i64> {
+ Ok(sum.unwrap_or(0))
+ }
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_sum() {
+ let db = Connection::open_in_memory().unwrap();
+ db.create_aggregate_function(
+ "my_sum",
+ 1,
+ FunctionFlags::SQLITE_UTF8 | FunctionFlags::SQLITE_DETERMINISTIC,
+ Sum,
+ )
+ .unwrap();
+ // sum should return NULL when given no columns (contrast with count below)
+ let no_result = "SELECT my_sum(i) FROM (SELECT 2 AS i WHERE 1 <> 1)";
+ let result: Option<i64> = db.query_row(no_result, NO_PARAMS, |r| r.get(0)).unwrap();
+ assert!(result.is_none());
+ let single_sum = "SELECT my_sum(i) FROM (SELECT 2 AS i UNION ALL SELECT 2)";
+ let result: i64 = db.query_row(single_sum, NO_PARAMS, |r| r.get(0)).unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(4, result);
+ let dual_sum = "SELECT my_sum(i), my_sum(j) FROM (SELECT 2 AS i, 1 AS j UNION ALL SELECT \
+ 2, 1)";
+ let result: (i64, i64) = db
+ .query_row(dual_sum, NO_PARAMS, |r| Ok((r.get(0)?, r.get(1)?)))
+ .unwrap();
+ assert_eq!((4, 2), result);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_count() {
+ let db = Connection::open_in_memory().unwrap();
+ db.create_aggregate_function(
+ "my_count",
+ -1,
+ FunctionFlags::SQLITE_UTF8 | FunctionFlags::SQLITE_DETERMINISTIC,
+ Count,
+ )
+ .unwrap();
+ // count should return 0 when given no columns (contrast with sum above)
+ let no_result = "SELECT my_count(i) FROM (SELECT 2 AS i WHERE 1 <> 1)";
+ let result: i64 = db.query_row(no_result, NO_PARAMS, |r| r.get(0)).unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(result, 0);
+ let single_sum = "SELECT my_count(i) FROM (SELECT 2 AS i UNION ALL SELECT 2)";
+ let result: i64 = db.query_row(single_sum, NO_PARAMS, |r| r.get(0)).unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(2, result);
+ }
+ #[cfg(feature = "window")]
+ impl WindowAggregate<i64, Option<i64>> for Sum {
+ fn inverse(&self, ctx: &mut Context<'_>, sum: &mut i64) -> Result<()> {
+ *sum -= ctx.get::<i64>(0)?;
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ fn value(&self, sum: Option<&i64>) -> Result<Option<i64>> {
+ Ok(sum.copied())
+ }
+ }
+ #[test]
+ #[cfg(feature = "window")]
+ fn test_window() {
+ use fallible_iterator::FallibleIterator;
+ let db = Connection::open_in_memory().unwrap();
+ db.create_window_function(
+ "sumint",
+ 1,
+ FunctionFlags::SQLITE_UTF8 | FunctionFlags::SQLITE_DETERMINISTIC,
+ Sum,
+ )
+ .unwrap();
+ db.execute_batch(
+ "CREATE TABLE t3(x, y);
+ INSERT INTO t3 VALUES('a', 4),
+ ('b', 5),
+ ('c', 3),
+ ('d', 8),
+ ('e', 1);",
+ )
+ .unwrap();
+ let mut stmt = db
+ .prepare(
+ "SELECT x, sumint(y) OVER (
+ ) AS sum_y
+ FROM t3 ORDER BY x;",
+ )
+ .unwrap();
+ let results: Vec<(String, i64)> = stmt
+ .query(NO_PARAMS)
+ .unwrap()
+ .map(|row| Ok((row.get("x")?, row.get("sum_y")?)))
+ .collect()
+ .unwrap();
+ let expected = vec![
+ ("a".to_owned(), 9),
+ ("b".to_owned(), 12),
+ ("c".to_owned(), 16),
+ ("d".to_owned(), 12),
+ ("e".to_owned(), 9),
+ ];
+ assert_eq!(expected, results);
+ }
diff --git a/src/hooks.rs b/src/hooks.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ed556f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/hooks.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,310 @@
+//! `feature = "hooks"` Commit, Data Change and Rollback Notification Callbacks
+use std::os::raw::{c_char, c_int, c_void};
+use std::panic::catch_unwind;
+use std::ptr;
+use crate::ffi;
+use crate::{Connection, InnerConnection};
+/// `feature = "hooks"` Action Codes
+#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq)]
+pub enum Action {
+ UNKNOWN = -1,
+impl From<i32> for Action {
+ fn from(code: i32) -> Action {
+ match code {
+ _ => Action::UNKNOWN,
+ }
+ }
+impl Connection {
+ /// `feature = "hooks"` Register a callback function to be invoked whenever
+ /// a transaction is committed.
+ ///
+ /// The callback returns `true` to rollback.
+ pub fn commit_hook<F>(&self, hook: Option<F>)
+ where
+ F: FnMut() -> bool + Send + 'static,
+ {
+ self.db.borrow_mut().commit_hook(hook);
+ }
+ /// `feature = "hooks"` Register a callback function to be invoked whenever
+ /// a transaction is committed.
+ ///
+ /// The callback returns `true` to rollback.
+ pub fn rollback_hook<F>(&self, hook: Option<F>)
+ where
+ F: FnMut() + Send + 'static,
+ {
+ self.db.borrow_mut().rollback_hook(hook);
+ }
+ /// `feature = "hooks"` Register a callback function to be invoked whenever
+ /// a row is updated, inserted or deleted in a rowid table.
+ ///
+ /// The callback parameters are:
+ ///
+ /// - the type of database update (SQLITE_INSERT, SQLITE_UPDATE or
+ /// - the name of the database ("main", "temp", ...),
+ /// - the name of the table that is updated,
+ /// - the ROWID of the row that is updated.
+ pub fn update_hook<F>(&self, hook: Option<F>)
+ where
+ F: FnMut(Action, &str, &str, i64) + Send + 'static,
+ {
+ self.db.borrow_mut().update_hook(hook);
+ }
+impl InnerConnection {
+ pub fn remove_hooks(&mut self) {
+ self.update_hook(None::<fn(Action, &str, &str, i64)>);
+ self.commit_hook(None::<fn() -> bool>);
+ self.rollback_hook(None::<fn()>);
+ }
+ fn commit_hook<F>(&mut self, hook: Option<F>)
+ where
+ F: FnMut() -> bool + Send + 'static,
+ {
+ unsafe extern "C" fn call_boxed_closure<F>(p_arg: *mut c_void) -> c_int
+ where
+ F: FnMut() -> bool,
+ {
+ let r = catch_unwind(|| {
+ let boxed_hook: *mut F = p_arg as *mut F;
+ (*boxed_hook)()
+ });
+ if let Ok(true) = r {
+ 1
+ } else {
+ 0
+ }
+ }
+ // unlike `sqlite3_create_function_v2`, we cannot specify a `xDestroy` with
+ // `sqlite3_commit_hook`. so we keep the `xDestroy` function in
+ // `InnerConnection.free_boxed_hook`.
+ let free_commit_hook = if hook.is_some() {
+ Some(free_boxed_hook::<F> as unsafe fn(*mut c_void))
+ } else {
+ None
+ };
+ let previous_hook = match hook {
+ Some(hook) => {
+ let boxed_hook: *mut F = Box::into_raw(Box::new(hook));
+ unsafe {
+ ffi::sqlite3_commit_hook(
+ self.db(),
+ Some(call_boxed_closure::<F>),
+ boxed_hook as *mut _,
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ _ => unsafe { ffi::sqlite3_commit_hook(self.db(), None, ptr::null_mut()) },
+ };
+ if !previous_hook.is_null() {
+ if let Some(free_boxed_hook) = self.free_commit_hook {
+ unsafe { free_boxed_hook(previous_hook) };
+ }
+ }
+ self.free_commit_hook = free_commit_hook;
+ }
+ fn rollback_hook<F>(&mut self, hook: Option<F>)
+ where
+ F: FnMut() + Send + 'static,
+ {
+ unsafe extern "C" fn call_boxed_closure<F>(p_arg: *mut c_void)
+ where
+ F: FnMut(),
+ {
+ let _ = catch_unwind(|| {
+ let boxed_hook: *mut F = p_arg as *mut F;
+ (*boxed_hook)();
+ });
+ }
+ let free_rollback_hook = if hook.is_some() {
+ Some(free_boxed_hook::<F> as unsafe fn(*mut c_void))
+ } else {
+ None
+ };
+ let previous_hook = match hook {
+ Some(hook) => {
+ let boxed_hook: *mut F = Box::into_raw(Box::new(hook));
+ unsafe {
+ ffi::sqlite3_rollback_hook(
+ self.db(),
+ Some(call_boxed_closure::<F>),
+ boxed_hook as *mut _,
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ _ => unsafe { ffi::sqlite3_rollback_hook(self.db(), None, ptr::null_mut()) },
+ };
+ if !previous_hook.is_null() {
+ if let Some(free_boxed_hook) = self.free_rollback_hook {
+ unsafe { free_boxed_hook(previous_hook) };
+ }
+ }
+ self.free_rollback_hook = free_rollback_hook;
+ }
+ fn update_hook<F>(&mut self, hook: Option<F>)
+ where
+ F: FnMut(Action, &str, &str, i64) + Send + 'static,
+ {
+ unsafe extern "C" fn call_boxed_closure<F>(
+ p_arg: *mut c_void,
+ action_code: c_int,
+ db_str: *const c_char,
+ tbl_str: *const c_char,
+ row_id: i64,
+ ) where
+ F: FnMut(Action, &str, &str, i64),
+ {
+ use std::ffi::CStr;
+ use std::str;
+ let action = Action::from(action_code);
+ let db_name = {
+ let c_slice = CStr::from_ptr(db_str).to_bytes();
+ str::from_utf8(c_slice)
+ };
+ let tbl_name = {
+ let c_slice = CStr::from_ptr(tbl_str).to_bytes();
+ str::from_utf8(c_slice)
+ };
+ let _ = catch_unwind(|| {
+ let boxed_hook: *mut F = p_arg as *mut F;
+ (*boxed_hook)(
+ action,
+ db_name.expect("illegal db name"),
+ tbl_name.expect("illegal table name"),
+ row_id,
+ );
+ });
+ }
+ let free_update_hook = if hook.is_some() {
+ Some(free_boxed_hook::<F> as unsafe fn(*mut c_void))
+ } else {
+ None
+ };
+ let previous_hook = match hook {
+ Some(hook) => {
+ let boxed_hook: *mut F = Box::into_raw(Box::new(hook));
+ unsafe {
+ ffi::sqlite3_update_hook(
+ self.db(),
+ Some(call_boxed_closure::<F>),
+ boxed_hook as *mut _,
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ _ => unsafe { ffi::sqlite3_update_hook(self.db(), None, ptr::null_mut()) },
+ };
+ if !previous_hook.is_null() {
+ if let Some(free_boxed_hook) = self.free_update_hook {
+ unsafe { free_boxed_hook(previous_hook) };
+ }
+ }
+ self.free_update_hook = free_update_hook;
+ }
+unsafe fn free_boxed_hook<F>(p: *mut c_void) {
+ drop(Box::from_raw(p as *mut F));
+mod test {
+ use super::Action;
+ use crate::Connection;
+ use lazy_static::lazy_static;
+ use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering};
+ #[test]
+ fn test_commit_hook() {
+ let db = Connection::open_in_memory().unwrap();
+ lazy_static! {
+ static ref CALLED: AtomicBool = AtomicBool::new(false);
+ }
+ db.commit_hook(Some(|| {
+ CALLED.store(true, Ordering::Relaxed);
+ false
+ }));
+ db.execute_batch("BEGIN; CREATE TABLE foo (t TEXT); COMMIT;")
+ .unwrap();
+ assert!(CALLED.load(Ordering::Relaxed));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_fn_commit_hook() {
+ let db = Connection::open_in_memory().unwrap();
+ fn hook() -> bool {
+ true
+ }
+ db.commit_hook(Some(hook));
+ db.execute_batch("BEGIN; CREATE TABLE foo (t TEXT); COMMIT;")
+ .unwrap_err();
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_rollback_hook() {
+ let db = Connection::open_in_memory().unwrap();
+ lazy_static! {
+ static ref CALLED: AtomicBool = AtomicBool::new(false);
+ }
+ db.rollback_hook(Some(|| {
+ CALLED.store(true, Ordering::Relaxed);
+ }));
+ db.execute_batch("BEGIN; CREATE TABLE foo (t TEXT); ROLLBACK;")
+ .unwrap();
+ assert!(CALLED.load(Ordering::Relaxed));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_update_hook() {
+ let db = Connection::open_in_memory().unwrap();
+ lazy_static! {
+ static ref CALLED: AtomicBool = AtomicBool::new(false);
+ }
+ db.update_hook(Some(|action, db: &str, tbl: &str, row_id| {
+ assert_eq!(Action::SQLITE_INSERT, action);
+ assert_eq!("main", db);
+ assert_eq!("foo", tbl);
+ assert_eq!(1, row_id);
+ CALLED.store(true, Ordering::Relaxed);
+ }));
+ db.execute_batch("CREATE TABLE foo (t TEXT)").unwrap();
+ db.execute_batch("INSERT INTO foo VALUES ('lisa')").unwrap();
+ assert!(CALLED.load(Ordering::Relaxed));
+ }
diff --git a/src/inner_connection.rs b/src/inner_connection.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..95b2d82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/inner_connection.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,435 @@
+use std::ffi::CStr;
+use std::os::raw::{c_char, c_int};
+#[cfg(feature = "load_extension")]
+use std::path::Path;
+use std::ptr;
+use std::str;
+use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering};
+use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
+use super::ffi;
+use super::str_for_sqlite;
+use super::{Connection, InterruptHandle, OpenFlags, Result};
+use crate::error::{error_from_handle, error_from_sqlite_code, Error};
+use crate::raw_statement::RawStatement;
+use crate::statement::Statement;
+use crate::unlock_notify;
+use crate::version::version_number;
+pub struct InnerConnection {
+ pub db: *mut ffi::sqlite3,
+ // It's unsafe to call `sqlite3_close` while another thread is performing
+ // a `sqlite3_interrupt`, and vice versa, so we take this mutex during
+ // those functions. This protects a copy of the `db` pointer (which is
+ // cleared on closing), however the main copy, `db`, is unprotected.
+ // Otherwise, a long running query would prevent calling interrupt, as
+ // interrupt would only acquire the lock after the query's completion.
+ interrupt_lock: Arc<Mutex<*mut ffi::sqlite3>>,
+ #[cfg(feature = "hooks")]
+ pub free_commit_hook: Option<unsafe fn(*mut ::std::os::raw::c_void)>,
+ #[cfg(feature = "hooks")]
+ pub free_rollback_hook: Option<unsafe fn(*mut ::std::os::raw::c_void)>,
+ #[cfg(feature = "hooks")]
+ pub free_update_hook: Option<unsafe fn(*mut ::std::os::raw::c_void)>,
+ owned: bool,
+impl InnerConnection {
+ #[allow(clippy::mutex_atomic)]
+ pub unsafe fn new(db: *mut ffi::sqlite3, owned: bool) -> InnerConnection {
+ InnerConnection {
+ db,
+ interrupt_lock: Arc::new(Mutex::new(db)),
+ #[cfg(feature = "hooks")]
+ free_commit_hook: None,
+ #[cfg(feature = "hooks")]
+ free_rollback_hook: None,
+ #[cfg(feature = "hooks")]
+ free_update_hook: None,
+ owned,
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn open_with_flags(
+ c_path: &CStr,
+ flags: OpenFlags,
+ vfs: Option<&CStr>,
+ ) -> Result<InnerConnection> {
+ #[cfg(not(feature = "bundled"))]
+ ensure_valid_sqlite_version();
+ ensure_safe_sqlite_threading_mode()?;
+ // Replicate the check for sane open flags from SQLite, because the check in
+ // SQLite itself wasn't added until version 3.7.3.
+ debug_assert_eq!(1 << OpenFlags::SQLITE_OPEN_READ_ONLY.bits, 0x02);
+ debug_assert_eq!(1 << OpenFlags::SQLITE_OPEN_READ_WRITE.bits, 0x04);
+ debug_assert_eq!(
+ 1 << (OpenFlags::SQLITE_OPEN_READ_WRITE | OpenFlags::SQLITE_OPEN_CREATE).bits,
+ 0x40
+ );
+ if (1 << (flags.bits & 0x7)) & 0x46 == 0 {
+ return Err(Error::SqliteFailure(
+ ffi::Error::new(ffi::SQLITE_MISUSE),
+ None,
+ ));
+ }
+ let z_vfs = match vfs {
+ Some(c_vfs) => c_vfs.as_ptr(),
+ None => ptr::null(),
+ };
+ unsafe {
+ let mut db: *mut ffi::sqlite3 = ptr::null_mut();
+ let r = ffi::sqlite3_open_v2(c_path.as_ptr(), &mut db, flags.bits(), z_vfs);
+ if r != ffi::SQLITE_OK {
+ let e = if db.is_null() {
+ error_from_sqlite_code(r, Some(c_path.to_string_lossy().to_string()))
+ } else {
+ let mut e = error_from_handle(db, r);
+ if let Error::SqliteFailure(
+ ffi::Error {
+ code: ffi::ErrorCode::CannotOpen,
+ ..
+ },
+ Some(msg),
+ ) = e
+ {
+ e = Error::SqliteFailure(
+ ffi::Error::new(r),
+ Some(format!("{}: {}", msg, c_path.to_string_lossy())),
+ );
+ }
+ ffi::sqlite3_close(db);
+ e
+ };
+ return Err(e);
+ }
+ let r = ffi::sqlite3_busy_timeout(db, 5000);
+ if r != ffi::SQLITE_OK {
+ let e = error_from_handle(db, r);
+ ffi::sqlite3_close(db);
+ return Err(e);
+ }
+ // attempt to turn on extended results code; don't fail if we can't.
+ ffi::sqlite3_extended_result_codes(db, 1);
+ Ok(InnerConnection::new(db, true))
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn db(&self) -> *mut ffi::sqlite3 {
+ self.db
+ }
+ pub fn decode_result(&mut self, code: c_int) -> Result<()> {
+ unsafe { InnerConnection::decode_result_raw(self.db(), code) }
+ }
+ unsafe fn decode_result_raw(db: *mut ffi::sqlite3, code: c_int) -> Result<()> {
+ if code == ffi::SQLITE_OK {
+ Ok(())
+ } else {
+ Err(error_from_handle(db, code))
+ }
+ }
+ #[allow(clippy::mutex_atomic)]
+ pub fn close(&mut self) -> Result<()> {
+ if self.db.is_null() {
+ return Ok(());
+ }
+ self.remove_hooks();
+ let mut shared_handle = self.interrupt_lock.lock().unwrap();
+ assert!(
+ !shared_handle.is_null(),
+ "Bug: Somehow interrupt_lock was cleared before the DB was closed"
+ );
+ if !self.owned {
+ self.db = ptr::null_mut();
+ return Ok(());
+ }
+ unsafe {
+ let r = ffi::sqlite3_close(self.db);
+ // Need to use _raw because _guard has a reference out, and
+ // decode_result takes &mut self.
+ let r = InnerConnection::decode_result_raw(self.db, r);
+ if r.is_ok() {
+ *shared_handle = ptr::null_mut();
+ self.db = ptr::null_mut();
+ }
+ r
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn get_interrupt_handle(&self) -> InterruptHandle {
+ InterruptHandle {
+ db_lock: Arc::clone(&self.interrupt_lock),
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn execute_batch(&mut self, sql: &str) -> Result<()> {
+ // use CString instead of SmallCString because it's probably big.
+ let c_sql = std::ffi::CString::new(sql)?;
+ unsafe {
+ let r = ffi::sqlite3_exec(
+ self.db(),
+ c_sql.as_ptr(),
+ None,
+ ptr::null_mut(),
+ ptr::null_mut(),
+ );
+ self.decode_result(r)
+ }
+ }
+ #[cfg(feature = "load_extension")]
+ pub fn enable_load_extension(&mut self, onoff: c_int) -> Result<()> {
+ let r = unsafe { ffi::sqlite3_enable_load_extension(self.db, onoff) };
+ self.decode_result(r)
+ }
+ #[cfg(feature = "load_extension")]
+ pub fn load_extension(&self, dylib_path: &Path, entry_point: Option<&str>) -> Result<()> {
+ let dylib_str = super::path_to_cstring(dylib_path)?;
+ unsafe {
+ let mut errmsg: *mut c_char = ptr::null_mut();
+ let r = if let Some(entry_point) = entry_point {
+ let c_entry = crate::str_to_cstring(entry_point)?;
+ ffi::sqlite3_load_extension(
+ self.db,
+ dylib_str.as_ptr(),
+ c_entry.as_ptr(),
+ &mut errmsg,
+ )
+ } else {
+ ffi::sqlite3_load_extension(self.db, dylib_str.as_ptr(), ptr::null(), &mut errmsg)
+ };
+ if r == ffi::SQLITE_OK {
+ Ok(())
+ } else {
+ let message = super::errmsg_to_string(errmsg);
+ ffi::sqlite3_free(errmsg as *mut ::std::os::raw::c_void);
+ Err(error_from_sqlite_code(r, Some(message)))
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn last_insert_rowid(&self) -> i64 {
+ unsafe { ffi::sqlite3_last_insert_rowid(self.db()) }
+ }
+ pub fn prepare<'a>(&mut self, conn: &'a Connection, sql: &str) -> Result<Statement<'a>> {
+ let mut c_stmt = ptr::null_mut();
+ let (c_sql, len, _) = str_for_sqlite(sql.as_bytes())?;
+ let mut c_tail = ptr::null();
+ let r = unsafe {
+ if cfg!(feature = "unlock_notify") {
+ let mut rc;
+ loop {
+ rc = ffi::sqlite3_prepare_v2(
+ self.db(),
+ c_sql,
+ len,
+ &mut c_stmt as *mut *mut ffi::sqlite3_stmt,
+ &mut c_tail as *mut *const c_char,
+ );
+ if !unlock_notify::is_locked(self.db, rc) {
+ break;
+ }
+ rc = unlock_notify::wait_for_unlock_notify(self.db);
+ if rc != ffi::SQLITE_OK {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ rc
+ } else {
+ ffi::sqlite3_prepare_v2(
+ self.db(),
+ c_sql,
+ len,
+ &mut c_stmt as *mut *mut ffi::sqlite3_stmt,
+ &mut c_tail as *mut *const c_char,
+ )
+ }
+ };
+ // If there is an error, *ppStmt is set to NULL.
+ self.decode_result(r)?;
+ // If the input text contains no SQL (if the input is an empty string or a
+ // comment) then *ppStmt is set to NULL.
+ let c_stmt: *mut ffi::sqlite3_stmt = c_stmt;
+ let c_tail: *const c_char = c_tail;
+ // TODO ignore spaces, comments, ... at the end
+ let tail = !c_tail.is_null() && unsafe { c_tail != c_sql.offset(len as isize) };
+ Ok(Statement::new(conn, unsafe {
+ RawStatement::new(c_stmt, tail)
+ }))
+ }
+ pub fn changes(&mut self) -> usize {
+ unsafe { ffi::sqlite3_changes(self.db()) as usize }
+ }
+ pub fn is_autocommit(&self) -> bool {
+ unsafe { ffi::sqlite3_get_autocommit(self.db()) != 0 }
+ }
+ #[cfg(feature = "modern_sqlite")] // 3.8.6
+ pub fn is_busy(&self) -> bool {
+ let db = self.db();
+ unsafe {
+ let mut stmt = ffi::sqlite3_next_stmt(db, ptr::null_mut());
+ while !stmt.is_null() {
+ if ffi::sqlite3_stmt_busy(stmt) != 0 {
+ return true;
+ }
+ stmt = ffi::sqlite3_next_stmt(db, stmt);
+ }
+ }
+ false
+ }
+ #[cfg(not(feature = "hooks"))]
+ fn remove_hooks(&mut self) {}
+impl Drop for InnerConnection {
+ #[allow(unused_must_use)]
+ fn drop(&mut self) {
+ use std::thread::panicking;
+ if let Err(e) = self.close() {
+ if panicking() {
+ eprintln!("Error while closing SQLite connection: {:?}", e);
+ } else {
+ panic!("Error while closing SQLite connection: {:?}", e);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+#[cfg(not(feature = "bundled"))]
+static SQLITE_VERSION_CHECK: std::sync::Once = std::sync::Once::new();
+#[cfg(not(feature = "bundled"))]
+pub static BYPASS_VERSION_CHECK: AtomicBool = AtomicBool::new(false);
+#[cfg(not(feature = "bundled"))]
+fn ensure_valid_sqlite_version() {
+ use crate::version::version;
+ SQLITE_VERSION_CHECK.call_once(|| {
+ let version_number = version_number();
+ // Check our hard floor.
+ if version_number < 3_006_008 {
+ panic!("rusqlite requires SQLite 3.6.8 or newer");
+ }
+ // Check that the major version number for runtime and buildtime match.
+ let buildtime_major = ffi::SQLITE_VERSION_NUMBER / 1_000_000;
+ let runtime_major = version_number / 1_000_000;
+ if buildtime_major != runtime_major {
+ panic!(
+ "rusqlite was built against SQLite {} but is running with SQLite {}",
+ str::from_utf8(ffi::SQLITE_VERSION).unwrap(),
+ version()
+ );
+ }
+ if BYPASS_VERSION_CHECK.load(Ordering::Relaxed) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Check that the runtime version number is compatible with the version number
+ // we found at build-time.
+ if version_number < ffi::SQLITE_VERSION_NUMBER {
+ panic!(
+ "\
+rusqlite was built against SQLite {} but the runtime SQLite version is {}. To fix this, either:
+* Recompile rusqlite and link against the SQLite version you are using at runtime, or
+* Call rusqlite::bypass_sqlite_version_check() prior to your first connection attempt. Doing this
+ means you're sure everything will work correctly even though the runtime version is older than
+ the version we found at build time.",
+ str::from_utf8(ffi::SQLITE_VERSION).unwrap(),
+ version()
+ );
+ }
+ });
+#[cfg(not(any(target_arch = "wasm32")))]
+static SQLITE_INIT: std::sync::Once = std::sync::Once::new();
+pub static BYPASS_SQLITE_INIT: AtomicBool = AtomicBool::new(false);
+// threading mode checks are not necessary (and do not work) on target
+// platforms that do not have threading (such as webassembly)
+#[cfg(any(target_arch = "wasm32"))]
+fn ensure_safe_sqlite_threading_mode() -> Result<()> {
+ Ok(())
+#[cfg(not(any(target_arch = "wasm32")))]
+fn ensure_safe_sqlite_threading_mode() -> Result<()> {
+ // Ensure SQLite was compiled in thredsafe mode.
+ if unsafe { ffi::sqlite3_threadsafe() == 0 } {
+ return Err(Error::SqliteSingleThreadedMode);
+ }
+ // Now we know SQLite is _capable_ of being in Multi-thread of Serialized mode,
+ // but it's possible someone configured it to be in Single-thread mode
+ // before calling into us. That would mean we're exposing an unsafe API via
+ // a safe one (in Rust terminology), which is no good. We have two options
+ // to protect against this, depending on the version of SQLite we're linked
+ // with:
+ //
+ // 1. If we're on 3.7.0 or later, we can ask SQLite for a mutex and check for
+ // the magic value 8. This isn't documented, but it's what SQLite
+ // returns for its mutex allocation function in Single-thread mode.
+ // 2. If we're prior to SQLite 3.7.0, AFAIK there's no way to check the
+ // threading mode. The check we perform for >= 3.7.0 will segfault.
+ // Instead, we insist on being able to call sqlite3_config and
+ // sqlite3_initialize ourself, ensuring we know the threading
+ // mode. This will fail if someone else has already initialized SQLite
+ // even if they initialized it safely. That's not ideal either, which is
+ // why we expose bypass_sqlite_initialization above.
+ if version_number() >= 3_007_000 {
+ let is_singlethreaded = unsafe {
+ let mutex_ptr = ffi::sqlite3_mutex_alloc(0);
+ let is_singlethreaded = mutex_ptr as usize == SQLITE_SINGLETHREADED_MUTEX_MAGIC;
+ ffi::sqlite3_mutex_free(mutex_ptr);
+ is_singlethreaded
+ };
+ if is_singlethreaded {
+ Err(Error::SqliteSingleThreadedMode)
+ } else {
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ } else {
+ SQLITE_INIT.call_once(|| {
+ if BYPASS_SQLITE_INIT.load(Ordering::Relaxed) {
+ return;
+ }
+ unsafe {
+ let msg = "\
+Could not ensure safe initialization of SQLite.
+To fix this, either:
+* Upgrade SQLite to at least version 3.7.0
+* Ensure that SQLite has been initialized in Multi-thread or Serialized mode and call
+ rusqlite::bypass_sqlite_initialization() prior to your first connection attempt.";
+ if ffi::sqlite3_config(ffi::SQLITE_CONFIG_MULTITHREAD) != ffi::SQLITE_OK {
+ panic!(msg);
+ }
+ if ffi::sqlite3_initialize() != ffi::SQLITE_OK {
+ panic!(msg);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ Ok(())
+ }
diff --git a/src/lib.rs b/src/lib.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..70dd54e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,1793 @@
+//! Rusqlite is an ergonomic wrapper for using SQLite from Rust. It attempts to
+//! expose an interface similar to [rust-postgres](https://github.com/sfackler/rust-postgres).
+//! ```rust
+//! use rusqlite::{params, Connection, Result};
+//! use time::Timespec;
+//! #[derive(Debug)]
+//! struct Person {
+//! id: i32,
+//! name: String,
+//! time_created: Timespec,
+//! data: Option<Vec<u8>>,
+//! }
+//! fn main() -> Result<()> {
+//! let conn = Connection::open_in_memory()?;
+//! conn.execute(
+//! "CREATE TABLE person (
+//! name TEXT NOT NULL,
+//! time_created TEXT NOT NULL,
+//! data BLOB
+//! )",
+//! params![],
+//! )?;
+//! let me = Person {
+//! id: 0,
+//! name: "Steven".to_string(),
+//! time_created: time::get_time(),
+//! data: None,
+//! };
+//! conn.execute(
+//! "INSERT INTO person (name, time_created, data)
+//! VALUES (?1, ?2, ?3)",
+//! params![me.name, me.time_created, me.data],
+//! )?;
+//! let mut stmt = conn.prepare("SELECT id, name, time_created, data FROM person")?;
+//! let person_iter = stmt.query_map(params![], |row| {
+//! Ok(Person {
+//! id: row.get(0)?,
+//! name: row.get(1)?,
+//! time_created: row.get(2)?,
+//! data: row.get(3)?,
+//! })
+//! })?;
+//! for person in person_iter {
+//! println!("Found person {:?}", person.unwrap());
+//! }
+//! Ok(())
+//! }
+//! ```
+pub use libsqlite3_sys as ffi;
+use std::cell::RefCell;
+use std::convert;
+use std::default::Default;
+use std::ffi::{CStr, CString};
+use std::fmt;
+use std::os::raw::{c_char, c_int};
+use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
+use std::result;
+use std::str;
+use std::sync::atomic::Ordering;
+use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
+use crate::cache::StatementCache;
+use crate::inner_connection::{InnerConnection, BYPASS_SQLITE_INIT};
+use crate::raw_statement::RawStatement;
+use crate::types::ValueRef;
+pub use crate::cache::CachedStatement;
+pub use crate::column::Column;
+pub use crate::error::Error;
+pub use crate::ffi::ErrorCode;
+#[cfg(feature = "hooks")]
+pub use crate::hooks::Action;
+#[cfg(feature = "load_extension")]
+pub use crate::load_extension_guard::LoadExtensionGuard;
+pub use crate::row::{AndThenRows, MappedRows, Row, RowIndex, Rows};
+pub use crate::statement::{Statement, StatementStatus};
+pub use crate::transaction::{DropBehavior, Savepoint, Transaction, TransactionBehavior};
+pub use crate::types::ToSql;
+pub use crate::version::*;
+mod error;
+#[cfg(feature = "backup")]
+pub mod backup;
+#[cfg(feature = "blob")]
+pub mod blob;
+mod busy;
+mod cache;
+#[cfg(feature = "collation")]
+mod collation;
+mod column;
+pub mod config;
+#[cfg(any(feature = "functions", feature = "vtab"))]
+mod context;
+#[cfg(feature = "functions")]
+pub mod functions;
+#[cfg(feature = "hooks")]
+mod hooks;
+mod inner_connection;
+#[cfg(feature = "limits")]
+pub mod limits;
+#[cfg(feature = "load_extension")]
+mod load_extension_guard;
+mod pragma;
+mod raw_statement;
+mod row;
+#[cfg(feature = "session")]
+pub mod session;
+mod statement;
+#[cfg(feature = "trace")]
+pub mod trace;
+mod transaction;
+pub mod types;
+mod unlock_notify;
+mod version;
+#[cfg(feature = "vtab")]
+pub mod vtab;
+pub(crate) mod util;
+pub(crate) use util::SmallCString;
+// Number of cached prepared statements we'll hold on to.
+/// To be used when your statement has no [parameter](https://sqlite.org/lang_expr.html#varparam).
+pub const NO_PARAMS: &[&dyn ToSql] = &[];
+/// A macro making it more convenient to pass heterogeneous lists
+/// of parameters as a `&[&dyn ToSql]`.
+/// # Example
+/// ```rust,no_run
+/// # use rusqlite::{Result, Connection, params};
+/// struct Person {
+/// name: String,
+/// age_in_years: u8,
+/// data: Option<Vec<u8>>,
+/// }
+/// fn add_person(conn: &Connection, person: &Person) -> Result<()> {
+/// conn.execute("INSERT INTO person (name, age_in_years, data)
+/// VALUES (?1, ?2, ?3)",
+/// params![person.name, person.age_in_years, person.data])?;
+/// Ok(())
+/// }
+/// ```
+macro_rules! params {
+ () => {
+ $crate::NO_PARAMS
+ };
+ ($($param:expr),+ $(,)?) => {
+ &[$(&$param as &dyn $crate::ToSql),+] as &[&dyn $crate::ToSql]
+ };
+/// A macro making it more convenient to pass lists of named parameters
+/// as a `&[(&str, &dyn ToSql)]`.
+/// # Example
+/// ```rust,no_run
+/// # use rusqlite::{Result, Connection, named_params};
+/// struct Person {
+/// name: String,
+/// age_in_years: u8,
+/// data: Option<Vec<u8>>,
+/// }
+/// fn add_person(conn: &Connection, person: &Person) -> Result<()> {
+/// conn.execute_named(
+/// "INSERT INTO person (name, age_in_years, data)
+/// VALUES (:name, :age, :data)",
+/// named_params!{
+/// ":name": person.name,
+/// ":age": person.age_in_years,
+/// ":data": person.data,
+/// }
+/// )?;
+/// Ok(())
+/// }
+/// ```
+macro_rules! named_params {
+ () => {
+ &[]
+ };
+ // Note: It's a lot more work to support this as part of the same macro as
+ // `params!`, unfortunately.
+ ($($param_name:literal: $param_val:expr),+ $(,)?) => {
+ &[$(($param_name, &$param_val as &dyn $crate::ToSql)),+]
+ };
+/// A typedef of the result returned by many methods.
+pub type Result<T, E = Error> = result::Result<T, E>;
+/// See the [method documentation](#tymethod.optional).
+pub trait OptionalExtension<T> {
+ /// Converts a `Result<T>` into a `Result<Option<T>>`.
+ ///
+ /// By default, Rusqlite treats 0 rows being returned from a query that is
+ /// expected to return 1 row as an error. This method will
+ /// handle that error, and give you back an `Option<T>` instead.
+ fn optional(self) -> Result<Option<T>>;
+impl<T> OptionalExtension<T> for Result<T> {
+ fn optional(self) -> Result<Option<T>> {
+ match self {
+ Ok(value) => Ok(Some(value)),
+ Err(Error::QueryReturnedNoRows) => Ok(None),
+ Err(e) => Err(e),
+ }
+ }
+unsafe fn errmsg_to_string(errmsg: *const c_char) -> String {
+ let c_slice = CStr::from_ptr(errmsg).to_bytes();
+ String::from_utf8_lossy(c_slice).into_owned()
+fn str_to_cstring(s: &str) -> Result<SmallCString> {
+ Ok(SmallCString::new(s)?)
+/// Returns `Ok((string ptr, len as c_int, SQLITE_STATIC | SQLITE_TRANSIENT))`
+/// normally.
+/// Returns error if the string is too large for sqlite.
+/// The `sqlite3_destructor_type` item is always `SQLITE_TRANSIENT` unless
+/// the string was empty (in which case it's `SQLITE_STATIC`, and the ptr is
+/// static).
+fn str_for_sqlite(s: &[u8]) -> Result<(*const c_char, c_int, ffi::sqlite3_destructor_type)> {
+ let len = len_as_c_int(s.len())?;
+ let (ptr, dtor_info) = if len != 0 {
+ (s.as_ptr() as *const c_char, ffi::SQLITE_TRANSIENT())
+ } else {
+ // Return a pointer guaranteed to live forever
+ ("".as_ptr() as *const c_char, ffi::SQLITE_STATIC())
+ };
+ Ok((ptr, len, dtor_info))
+// Helper to cast to c_int safely, returning the correct error type if the cast
+// failed.
+fn len_as_c_int(len: usize) -> Result<c_int> {
+ if len >= (c_int::max_value() as usize) {
+ Err(Error::SqliteFailure(
+ ffi::Error::new(ffi::SQLITE_TOOBIG),
+ None,
+ ))
+ } else {
+ Ok(len as c_int)
+ }
+fn path_to_cstring(p: &Path) -> Result<CString> {
+ use std::os::unix::ffi::OsStrExt;
+ Ok(CString::new(p.as_os_str().as_bytes())?)
+fn path_to_cstring(p: &Path) -> Result<CString> {
+ let s = p.to_str().ok_or_else(|| Error::InvalidPath(p.to_owned()))?;
+ Ok(CString::new(s)?)
+/// Name for a database within a SQLite connection.
+#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
+pub enum DatabaseName<'a> {
+ /// The main database.
+ Main,
+ /// The temporary database (e.g., any "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE" tables).
+ Temp,
+ /// A database that has been attached via "ATTACH DATABASE ...".
+ Attached(&'a str),
+// Currently DatabaseName is only used by the backup and blob mods, so hide
+// this (private) impl to avoid dead code warnings.
+ feature = "backup",
+ feature = "blob",
+ feature = "session",
+ feature = "modern_sqlite"
+impl DatabaseName<'_> {
+ fn to_cstring(&self) -> Result<util::SmallCString> {
+ use self::DatabaseName::{Attached, Main, Temp};
+ match *self {
+ Main => str_to_cstring("main"),
+ Temp => str_to_cstring("temp"),
+ Attached(s) => str_to_cstring(s),
+ }
+ }
+/// A connection to a SQLite database.
+pub struct Connection {
+ db: RefCell<InnerConnection>,
+ cache: StatementCache,
+ path: Option<PathBuf>,
+unsafe impl Send for Connection {}
+impl Drop for Connection {
+ fn drop(&mut self) {
+ self.flush_prepared_statement_cache();
+ }
+impl Connection {
+ /// Open a new connection to a SQLite database.
+ ///
+ /// `Connection::open(path)` is equivalent to
+ /// `Connection::open_with_flags(path,
+ /// OpenFlags::SQLITE_OPEN_CREATE)`.
+ ///
+ /// ```rust,no_run
+ /// # use rusqlite::{Connection, Result};
+ /// fn open_my_db() -> Result<()> {
+ /// let path = "./my_db.db3";
+ /// let db = Connection::open(&path)?;
+ /// println!("{}", db.is_autocommit());
+ /// Ok(())
+ /// }
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// # Failure
+ ///
+ /// Will return `Err` if `path` cannot be converted to a C-compatible
+ /// string or if the underlying SQLite open call fails.
+ pub fn open<P: AsRef<Path>>(path: P) -> Result<Connection> {
+ let flags = OpenFlags::default();
+ Connection::open_with_flags(path, flags)
+ }
+ /// Open a new connection to an in-memory SQLite database.
+ ///
+ /// # Failure
+ ///
+ /// Will return `Err` if the underlying SQLite open call fails.
+ pub fn open_in_memory() -> Result<Connection> {
+ let flags = OpenFlags::default();
+ Connection::open_in_memory_with_flags(flags)
+ }
+ /// Open a new connection to a SQLite database.
+ ///
+ /// [Database Connection](http://www.sqlite.org/c3ref/open.html) for a description of valid
+ /// flag combinations.
+ ///
+ /// # Failure
+ ///
+ /// Will return `Err` if `path` cannot be converted to a C-compatible
+ /// string or if the underlying SQLite open call fails.
+ pub fn open_with_flags<P: AsRef<Path>>(path: P, flags: OpenFlags) -> Result<Connection> {
+ let c_path = path_to_cstring(path.as_ref())?;
+ InnerConnection::open_with_flags(&c_path, flags, None).map(|db| Connection {
+ db: RefCell::new(db),
+ cache: StatementCache::with_capacity(STATEMENT_CACHE_DEFAULT_CAPACITY),
+ path: Some(path.as_ref().to_path_buf()),
+ })
+ }
+ /// Open a new connection to a SQLite database using the specific flags and
+ /// vfs name.
+ ///
+ /// [Database Connection](http://www.sqlite.org/c3ref/open.html) for a description of valid
+ /// flag combinations.
+ ///
+ /// # Failure
+ ///
+ /// Will return `Err` if either `path` or `vfs` cannot be converted to a
+ /// C-compatible string or if the underlying SQLite open call fails.
+ pub fn open_with_flags_and_vfs<P: AsRef<Path>>(
+ path: P,
+ flags: OpenFlags,
+ vfs: &str,
+ ) -> Result<Connection> {
+ let c_path = path_to_cstring(path.as_ref())?;
+ let c_vfs = str_to_cstring(vfs)?;
+ InnerConnection::open_with_flags(&c_path, flags, Some(&c_vfs)).map(|db| Connection {
+ db: RefCell::new(db),
+ cache: StatementCache::with_capacity(STATEMENT_CACHE_DEFAULT_CAPACITY),
+ path: Some(path.as_ref().to_path_buf()),
+ })
+ }
+ /// Open a new connection to an in-memory SQLite database.
+ ///
+ /// [Database Connection](http://www.sqlite.org/c3ref/open.html) for a description of valid
+ /// flag combinations.
+ ///
+ /// # Failure
+ ///
+ /// Will return `Err` if the underlying SQLite open call fails.
+ pub fn open_in_memory_with_flags(flags: OpenFlags) -> Result<Connection> {
+ Connection::open_with_flags(":memory:", flags)
+ }
+ /// Open a new connection to an in-memory SQLite database using the specific
+ /// flags and vfs name.
+ ///
+ /// [Database Connection](http://www.sqlite.org/c3ref/open.html) for a description of valid
+ /// flag combinations.
+ ///
+ /// # Failure
+ ///
+ /// Will return `Err` if vfs` cannot be converted to a C-compatible
+ /// string or if the underlying SQLite open call fails.
+ pub fn open_in_memory_with_flags_and_vfs(flags: OpenFlags, vfs: &str) -> Result<Connection> {
+ Connection::open_with_flags_and_vfs(":memory:", flags, vfs)
+ }
+ /// Convenience method to run multiple SQL statements (that cannot take any
+ /// parameters).
+ ///
+ /// Uses [sqlite3_exec](http://www.sqlite.org/c3ref/exec.html) under the hood.
+ ///
+ /// ## Example
+ ///
+ /// ```rust,no_run
+ /// # use rusqlite::{Connection, Result};
+ /// fn create_tables(conn: &Connection) -> Result<()> {
+ /// conn.execute_batch(
+ /// "BEGIN;
+ /// CREATE TABLE bar(y TEXT);
+ /// COMMIT;",
+ /// )
+ /// }
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// # Failure
+ ///
+ /// Will return `Err` if `sql` cannot be converted to a C-compatible string
+ /// or if the underlying SQLite call fails.
+ pub fn execute_batch(&self, sql: &str) -> Result<()> {
+ self.db.borrow_mut().execute_batch(sql)
+ }
+ /// Convenience method to prepare and execute a single SQL statement.
+ ///
+ /// On success, returns the number of rows that were changed or inserted or
+ /// deleted (via `sqlite3_changes`).
+ ///
+ /// ## Example
+ ///
+ /// ```rust,no_run
+ /// # use rusqlite::{Connection};
+ /// fn update_rows(conn: &Connection) {
+ /// match conn.execute("UPDATE foo SET bar = 'baz' WHERE qux = ?", &[1i32]) {
+ /// Ok(updated) => println!("{} rows were updated", updated),
+ /// Err(err) => println!("update failed: {}", err),
+ /// }
+ /// }
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// # Failure
+ ///
+ /// Will return `Err` if `sql` cannot be converted to a C-compatible string
+ /// or if the underlying SQLite call fails.
+ pub fn execute<P>(&self, sql: &str, params: P) -> Result<usize>
+ where
+ P: IntoIterator,
+ P::Item: ToSql,
+ {
+ self.prepare(sql)
+ .and_then(|mut stmt| stmt.check_no_tail().and_then(|_| stmt.execute(params)))
+ }
+ /// Convenience method to prepare and execute a single SQL statement with
+ /// named parameter(s).
+ ///
+ /// On success, returns the number of rows that were changed or inserted or
+ /// deleted (via `sqlite3_changes`).
+ ///
+ /// ## Example
+ ///
+ /// ```rust,no_run
+ /// # use rusqlite::{Connection, Result};
+ /// fn insert(conn: &Connection) -> Result<usize> {
+ /// conn.execute_named(
+ /// "INSERT INTO test (name) VALUES (:name)",
+ /// &[(":name", &"one")],
+ /// )
+ /// }
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// # Failure
+ ///
+ /// Will return `Err` if `sql` cannot be converted to a C-compatible string
+ /// or if the underlying SQLite call fails.
+ pub fn execute_named(&self, sql: &str, params: &[(&str, &dyn ToSql)]) -> Result<usize> {
+ self.prepare(sql).and_then(|mut stmt| {
+ stmt.check_no_tail()
+ .and_then(|_| stmt.execute_named(params))
+ })
+ }
+ /// Get the SQLite rowid of the most recent successful INSERT.
+ ///
+ /// Uses [sqlite3_last_insert_rowid](https://www.sqlite.org/c3ref/last_insert_rowid.html) under
+ /// the hood.
+ pub fn last_insert_rowid(&self) -> i64 {
+ self.db.borrow_mut().last_insert_rowid()
+ }
+ /// Convenience method to execute a query that is expected to return a
+ /// single row.
+ ///
+ /// ## Example
+ ///
+ /// ```rust,no_run
+ /// # use rusqlite::{Result,Connection, NO_PARAMS};
+ /// fn preferred_locale(conn: &Connection) -> Result<String> {
+ /// conn.query_row(
+ /// "SELECT value FROM preferences WHERE name='locale'",
+ /// NO_PARAMS,
+ /// |row| row.get(0),
+ /// )
+ /// }
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// If the query returns more than one row, all rows except the first are
+ /// ignored.
+ ///
+ /// Returns `Err(QueryReturnedNoRows)` if no results are returned. If the
+ /// query truly is optional, you can call `.optional()` on the result of
+ /// this to get a `Result<Option<T>>`.
+ ///
+ /// # Failure
+ ///
+ /// Will return `Err` if `sql` cannot be converted to a C-compatible string
+ /// or if the underlying SQLite call fails.
+ pub fn query_row<T, P, F>(&self, sql: &str, params: P, f: F) -> Result<T>
+ where
+ P: IntoIterator,
+ P::Item: ToSql,
+ F: FnOnce(&Row<'_>) -> Result<T>,
+ {
+ let mut stmt = self.prepare(sql)?;
+ stmt.check_no_tail()?;
+ stmt.query_row(params, f)
+ }
+ /// Convenience method to execute a query with named parameter(s) that is
+ /// expected to return a single row.
+ ///
+ /// If the query returns more than one row, all rows except the first are
+ /// ignored.
+ ///
+ /// Returns `Err(QueryReturnedNoRows)` if no results are returned. If the
+ /// query truly is optional, you can call `.optional()` on the result of
+ /// this to get a `Result<Option<T>>`.
+ ///
+ /// # Failure
+ ///
+ /// Will return `Err` if `sql` cannot be converted to a C-compatible string
+ /// or if the underlying SQLite call fails.
+ pub fn query_row_named<T, F>(&self, sql: &str, params: &[(&str, &dyn ToSql)], f: F) -> Result<T>
+ where
+ F: FnOnce(&Row<'_>) -> Result<T>,
+ {
+ let mut stmt = self.prepare(sql)?;
+ stmt.check_no_tail()?;
+ stmt.query_row_named(params, f)
+ }
+ /// Convenience method to execute a query that is expected to return a
+ /// single row, and execute a mapping via `f` on that returned row with
+ /// the possibility of failure. The `Result` type of `f` must implement
+ /// `std::convert::From<Error>`.
+ ///
+ /// ## Example
+ ///
+ /// ```rust,no_run
+ /// # use rusqlite::{Result,Connection, NO_PARAMS};
+ /// fn preferred_locale(conn: &Connection) -> Result<String> {
+ /// conn.query_row_and_then(
+ /// "SELECT value FROM preferences WHERE name='locale'",
+ /// NO_PARAMS,
+ /// |row| row.get(0),
+ /// )
+ /// }
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// If the query returns more than one row, all rows except the first are
+ /// ignored.
+ ///
+ /// # Failure
+ ///
+ /// Will return `Err` if `sql` cannot be converted to a C-compatible string
+ /// or if the underlying SQLite call fails.
+ pub fn query_row_and_then<T, E, P, F>(&self, sql: &str, params: P, f: F) -> Result<T, E>
+ where
+ P: IntoIterator,
+ P::Item: ToSql,
+ F: FnOnce(&Row<'_>) -> Result<T, E>,
+ E: convert::From<Error>,
+ {
+ let mut stmt = self.prepare(sql)?;
+ stmt.check_no_tail()?;
+ let mut rows = stmt.query(params)?;
+ rows.get_expected_row().map_err(E::from).and_then(|r| f(&r))
+ }
+ /// Prepare a SQL statement for execution.
+ ///
+ /// ## Example
+ ///
+ /// ```rust,no_run
+ /// # use rusqlite::{Connection, Result};
+ /// fn insert_new_people(conn: &Connection) -> Result<()> {
+ /// let mut stmt = conn.prepare("INSERT INTO People (name) VALUES (?)")?;
+ /// stmt.execute(&["Joe Smith"])?;
+ /// stmt.execute(&["Bob Jones"])?;
+ /// Ok(())
+ /// }
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// # Failure
+ ///
+ /// Will return `Err` if `sql` cannot be converted to a C-compatible string
+ /// or if the underlying SQLite call fails.
+ pub fn prepare(&self, sql: &str) -> Result<Statement<'_>> {
+ self.db.borrow_mut().prepare(self, sql)
+ }
+ /// Close the SQLite connection.
+ ///
+ /// This is functionally equivalent to the `Drop` implementation for
+ /// `Connection` except that on failure, it returns an error and the
+ /// connection itself (presumably so closing can be attempted again).
+ ///
+ /// # Failure
+ ///
+ /// Will return `Err` if the underlying SQLite call fails.
+ pub fn close(self) -> Result<(), (Connection, Error)> {
+ self.flush_prepared_statement_cache();
+ let r = self.db.borrow_mut().close();
+ r.map_err(move |err| (self, err))
+ }
+ /// `feature = "load_extension"` Enable loading of SQLite extensions.
+ /// Strongly consider using `LoadExtensionGuard` instead of this function.
+ ///
+ /// ## Example
+ ///
+ /// ```rust,no_run
+ /// # use rusqlite::{Connection, Result};
+ /// # use std::path::{Path};
+ /// fn load_my_extension(conn: &Connection) -> Result<()> {
+ /// conn.load_extension_enable()?;
+ /// conn.load_extension(Path::new("my_sqlite_extension"), None)?;
+ /// conn.load_extension_disable()
+ /// }
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// # Failure
+ ///
+ /// Will return `Err` if the underlying SQLite call fails.
+ #[cfg(feature = "load_extension")]
+ pub fn load_extension_enable(&self) -> Result<()> {
+ self.db.borrow_mut().enable_load_extension(1)
+ }
+ /// `feature = "load_extension"` Disable loading of SQLite extensions.
+ ///
+ /// See `load_extension_enable` for an example.
+ ///
+ /// # Failure
+ ///
+ /// Will return `Err` if the underlying SQLite call fails.
+ #[cfg(feature = "load_extension")]
+ pub fn load_extension_disable(&self) -> Result<()> {
+ self.db.borrow_mut().enable_load_extension(0)
+ }
+ /// `feature = "load_extension"` Load the SQLite extension at `dylib_path`.
+ /// `dylib_path` is passed through to `sqlite3_load_extension`, which may
+ /// attempt OS-specific modifications if the file cannot be loaded directly.
+ ///
+ /// If `entry_point` is `None`, SQLite will attempt to find the entry
+ /// point. If it is not `None`, the entry point will be passed through
+ /// to `sqlite3_load_extension`.
+ ///
+ /// ## Example
+ ///
+ /// ```rust,no_run
+ /// # use rusqlite::{Connection, Result, LoadExtensionGuard};
+ /// # use std::path::{Path};
+ /// fn load_my_extension(conn: &Connection) -> Result<()> {
+ /// let _guard = LoadExtensionGuard::new(conn)?;
+ ///
+ /// conn.load_extension("my_sqlite_extension", None)
+ /// }
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// # Failure
+ ///
+ /// Will return `Err` if the underlying SQLite call fails.
+ #[cfg(feature = "load_extension")]
+ pub fn load_extension<P: AsRef<Path>>(
+ &self,
+ dylib_path: P,
+ entry_point: Option<&str>,
+ ) -> Result<()> {
+ self.db
+ .borrow_mut()
+ .load_extension(dylib_path.as_ref(), entry_point)
+ }
+ /// Get access to the underlying SQLite database connection handle.
+ ///
+ /// # Warning
+ ///
+ /// You should not need to use this function. If you do need to, please
+ /// [open an issue on the rusqlite repository](https://github.com/rusqlite/rusqlite/issues) and describe
+ /// your use case.
+ ///
+ /// # Safety
+ ///
+ /// This function is unsafe because it gives you raw access
+ /// to the SQLite connection, and what you do with it could impact the
+ /// safety of this `Connection`.
+ pub unsafe fn handle(&self) -> *mut ffi::sqlite3 {
+ self.db.borrow().db()
+ }
+ /// Create a `Connection` from a raw handle.
+ ///
+ /// The underlying SQLite database connection handle will not be closed when
+ /// the returned connection is dropped/closed.
+ ///
+ /// # Safety
+ ///
+ /// This function is unsafe because improper use may impact the Connection.
+ pub unsafe fn from_handle(db: *mut ffi::sqlite3) -> Result<Connection> {
+ let db_path = db_filename(db);
+ let db = InnerConnection::new(db, false);
+ Ok(Connection {
+ db: RefCell::new(db),
+ cache: StatementCache::with_capacity(STATEMENT_CACHE_DEFAULT_CAPACITY),
+ path: db_path,
+ })
+ }
+ /// Get access to a handle that can be used to interrupt long running
+ /// queries from another thread.
+ pub fn get_interrupt_handle(&self) -> InterruptHandle {
+ self.db.borrow().get_interrupt_handle()
+ }
+ fn decode_result(&self, code: c_int) -> Result<()> {
+ self.db.borrow_mut().decode_result(code)
+ }
+ /// Return the number of rows modified, inserted or deleted by the most
+ /// recently completed INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE statement on the database
+ /// connection.
+ fn changes(&self) -> usize {
+ self.db.borrow_mut().changes()
+ }
+ /// Test for auto-commit mode.
+ /// Autocommit mode is on by default.
+ pub fn is_autocommit(&self) -> bool {
+ self.db.borrow().is_autocommit()
+ }
+ /// Determine if all associated prepared statements have been reset.
+ #[cfg(feature = "modern_sqlite")] // 3.8.6
+ pub fn is_busy(&self) -> bool {
+ self.db.borrow().is_busy()
+ }
+impl fmt::Debug for Connection {
+ fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
+ f.debug_struct("Connection")
+ .field("path", &self.path)
+ .finish()
+ }
+bitflags::bitflags! {
+ #[doc = "Flags for opening SQLite database connections."]
+ #[doc = "See [sqlite3_open_v2](http://www.sqlite.org/c3ref/open.html) for details."]
+ #[repr(C)]
+ pub struct OpenFlags: ::std::os::raw::c_int {
+ const SQLITE_OPEN_URI = 0x0000_0040;
+ const SQLITE_OPEN_MEMORY = 0x0000_0080;
+ const SQLITE_OPEN_SHARED_CACHE = 0x0002_0000;
+ const SQLITE_OPEN_PRIVATE_CACHE = 0x0004_0000;
+ const SQLITE_OPEN_NOFOLLOW = 0x0100_0000;
+ }
+impl Default for OpenFlags {
+ fn default() -> OpenFlags {
+ | OpenFlags::SQLITE_OPEN_URI
+ }
+/// rusqlite's check for a safe SQLite threading mode requires SQLite 3.7.0 or
+/// later. If you are running against a SQLite older than that, rusqlite
+/// attempts to ensure safety by performing configuration and initialization of
+/// SQLite itself the first time you
+/// attempt to open a connection. By default, rusqlite panics if that
+/// initialization fails, since that could mean SQLite has been initialized in
+/// single-thread mode.
+/// If you are encountering that panic _and_ can ensure that SQLite has been
+/// initialized in either multi-thread or serialized mode, call this function
+/// prior to attempting to open a connection and rusqlite's initialization
+/// process will by skipped.
+/// # Safety
+/// This function is unsafe because if you call it and SQLite has actually been
+/// configured to run in single-thread mode,
+/// you may enounter memory errors or data corruption or any number of terrible
+/// things that should not be possible when you're using Rust.
+pub unsafe fn bypass_sqlite_initialization() {
+ BYPASS_SQLITE_INIT.store(true, Ordering::Relaxed);
+/// rusqlite performs a one-time check that the runtime SQLite version is at
+/// least as new as the version of SQLite found when rusqlite was built.
+/// Bypassing this check may be dangerous; e.g., if you use features of SQLite
+/// that are not present in the runtime version.
+/// # Safety
+/// If you are sure the runtime version is compatible with the
+/// build-time version for your usage, you can bypass the version check by
+/// calling this function before your first connection attempt.
+pub unsafe fn bypass_sqlite_version_check() {
+ #[cfg(not(feature = "bundled"))]
+ inner_connection::BYPASS_VERSION_CHECK.store(true, Ordering::Relaxed);
+/// Allows interrupting a long-running computation.
+pub struct InterruptHandle {
+ db_lock: Arc<Mutex<*mut ffi::sqlite3>>,
+unsafe impl Send for InterruptHandle {}
+unsafe impl Sync for InterruptHandle {}
+impl InterruptHandle {
+ /// Interrupt the query currently executing on another thread. This will
+ /// cause that query to fail with a `SQLITE3_INTERRUPT` error.
+ pub fn interrupt(&self) {
+ let db_handle = self.db_lock.lock().unwrap();
+ if !db_handle.is_null() {
+ unsafe { ffi::sqlite3_interrupt(*db_handle) }
+ }
+ }
+#[cfg(feature = "modern_sqlite")] // 3.7.10
+unsafe fn db_filename(db: *mut ffi::sqlite3) -> Option<PathBuf> {
+ let db_name = DatabaseName::Main.to_cstring().unwrap();
+ let db_filename = ffi::sqlite3_db_filename(db, db_name.as_ptr());
+ if db_filename.is_null() {
+ None
+ } else {
+ CStr::from_ptr(db_filename).to_str().ok().map(PathBuf::from)
+ }
+#[cfg(not(feature = "modern_sqlite"))]
+unsafe fn db_filename(_: *mut ffi::sqlite3) -> Option<PathBuf> {
+ None
+mod test {
+ use super::*;
+ use crate::ffi;
+ use fallible_iterator::FallibleIterator;
+ use std::error::Error as StdError;
+ use std::fmt;
+ // this function is never called, but is still type checked; in
+ // particular, calls with specific instantiations will require
+ // that those types are `Send`.
+ #[allow(dead_code, unconditional_recursion)]
+ fn ensure_send<T: Send>() {
+ ensure_send::<Connection>();
+ ensure_send::<InterruptHandle>();
+ }
+ #[allow(dead_code, unconditional_recursion)]
+ fn ensure_sync<T: Sync>() {
+ ensure_sync::<InterruptHandle>();
+ }
+ pub fn checked_memory_handle() -> Connection {
+ Connection::open_in_memory().unwrap()
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_concurrent_transactions_busy_commit() {
+ use std::time::Duration;
+ let tmp = tempfile::tempdir().unwrap();
+ let path = tmp.path().join("transactions.db3");
+ Connection::open(&path)
+ .expect("create temp db")
+ .execute_batch(
+ "
+ )
+ .expect("create temp db");
+ let mut db1 =
+ Connection::open_with_flags(&path, OpenFlags::SQLITE_OPEN_READ_WRITE).unwrap();
+ let mut db2 = Connection::open_with_flags(&path, OpenFlags::SQLITE_OPEN_READ_ONLY).unwrap();
+ db1.busy_timeout(Duration::from_millis(0)).unwrap();
+ db2.busy_timeout(Duration::from_millis(0)).unwrap();
+ {
+ let tx1 = db1.transaction().unwrap();
+ let tx2 = db2.transaction().unwrap();
+ // SELECT first makes sqlite lock with a shared lock
+ tx1.query_row("SELECT x FROM foo LIMIT 1", NO_PARAMS, |_| Ok(()))
+ .unwrap();
+ tx2.query_row("SELECT x FROM foo LIMIT 1", NO_PARAMS, |_| Ok(()))
+ .unwrap();
+ tx1.execute("INSERT INTO foo VALUES(?1)", &[1]).unwrap();
+ let _ = tx2.execute("INSERT INTO foo VALUES(?1)", &[2]);
+ let _ = tx1.commit();
+ let _ = tx2.commit();
+ }
+ let _ = db1
+ .transaction()
+ .expect("commit should have closed transaction");
+ let _ = db2
+ .transaction()
+ .expect("commit should have closed transaction");
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_persistence() {
+ let temp_dir = tempfile::tempdir().unwrap();
+ let path = temp_dir.path().join("test.db3");
+ {
+ let db = Connection::open(&path).unwrap();
+ let sql = "BEGIN;
+ END;";
+ db.execute_batch(sql).unwrap();
+ }
+ let path_string = path.to_str().unwrap();
+ let db = Connection::open(&path_string).unwrap();
+ let the_answer: Result<i64> = db.query_row("SELECT x FROM foo", NO_PARAMS, |r| r.get(0));
+ assert_eq!(42i64, the_answer.unwrap());
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_open() {
+ assert!(Connection::open_in_memory().is_ok());
+ let db = checked_memory_handle();
+ assert!(db.close().is_ok());
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_open_failure() {
+ let filename = "no_such_file.db";
+ let result = Connection::open_with_flags(filename, OpenFlags::SQLITE_OPEN_READ_ONLY);
+ assert!(!result.is_ok());
+ let err = result.err().unwrap();
+ if let Error::SqliteFailure(e, Some(msg)) = err {
+ assert_eq!(ErrorCode::CannotOpen, e.code);
+ assert_eq!(ffi::SQLITE_CANTOPEN, e.extended_code);
+ assert!(
+ msg.contains(filename),
+ "error message '{}' does not contain '{}'",
+ msg,
+ filename
+ );
+ } else {
+ panic!("SqliteFailure expected");
+ }
+ }
+ #[cfg(unix)]
+ #[test]
+ fn test_invalid_unicode_file_names() {
+ use std::ffi::OsStr;
+ use std::fs::File;
+ use std::os::unix::ffi::OsStrExt;
+ let temp_dir = tempfile::tempdir().unwrap();
+ let path = temp_dir.path();
+ if File::create(path.join(OsStr::from_bytes(&[0xFE]))).is_err() {
+ // Skip test, filesystem doesn't support invalid Unicode
+ return;
+ }
+ let db_path = path.join(OsStr::from_bytes(&[0xFF]));
+ {
+ let db = Connection::open(&db_path).unwrap();
+ let sql = "BEGIN;
+ END;";
+ db.execute_batch(sql).unwrap();
+ }
+ let db = Connection::open(&db_path).unwrap();
+ let the_answer: Result<i64> = db.query_row("SELECT x FROM foo", NO_PARAMS, |r| r.get(0));
+ assert_eq!(42i64, the_answer.unwrap());
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_close_retry() {
+ let db = checked_memory_handle();
+ // force the DB to be busy by preparing a statement; this must be done at the
+ // FFI level to allow us to call .close() without dropping the prepared
+ // statement first.
+ let raw_stmt = {
+ use super::str_to_cstring;
+ use std::os::raw::c_int;
+ use std::ptr;
+ let raw_db = db.db.borrow_mut().db;
+ let sql = "SELECT 1";
+ let mut raw_stmt: *mut ffi::sqlite3_stmt = ptr::null_mut();
+ let cstring = str_to_cstring(sql).unwrap();
+ let rc = unsafe {
+ ffi::sqlite3_prepare_v2(
+ raw_db,
+ cstring.as_ptr(),
+ (sql.len() + 1) as c_int,
+ &mut raw_stmt,
+ ptr::null_mut(),
+ )
+ };
+ assert_eq!(rc, ffi::SQLITE_OK);
+ raw_stmt
+ };
+ // now that we have an open statement, trying (and retrying) to close should
+ // fail.
+ let (db, _) = db.close().unwrap_err();
+ let (db, _) = db.close().unwrap_err();
+ let (db, _) = db.close().unwrap_err();
+ // finalize the open statement so a final close will succeed
+ assert_eq!(ffi::SQLITE_OK, unsafe { ffi::sqlite3_finalize(raw_stmt) });
+ db.close().unwrap();
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_open_with_flags() {
+ for bad_flags in &[
+ OpenFlags::empty(),
+ ] {
+ assert!(Connection::open_in_memory_with_flags(*bad_flags).is_err());
+ }
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_execute_batch() {
+ let db = checked_memory_handle();
+ let sql = "BEGIN;
+ END;";
+ db.execute_batch(sql).unwrap();
+ db.execute_batch("UPDATE foo SET x = 3 WHERE x < 3")
+ .unwrap();
+ assert!(db.execute_batch("INVALID SQL").is_err());
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_execute() {
+ let db = checked_memory_handle();
+ db.execute_batch("CREATE TABLE foo(x INTEGER)").unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(
+ 1,
+ db.execute("INSERT INTO foo(x) VALUES (?)", &[1i32])
+ .unwrap()
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ 1,
+ db.execute("INSERT INTO foo(x) VALUES (?)", &[2i32])
+ .unwrap()
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ 3i32,
+ db.query_row::<i32, _, _>("SELECT SUM(x) FROM foo", NO_PARAMS, |r| r.get(0))
+ .unwrap()
+ );
+ }
+ #[test]
+ #[cfg(feature = "extra_check")]
+ fn test_execute_select() {
+ let db = checked_memory_handle();
+ let err = db.execute("SELECT 1 WHERE 1 < ?", &[1i32]).unwrap_err();
+ if err != Error::ExecuteReturnedResults {
+ panic!("Unexpected error: {}", err);
+ }
+ }
+ #[test]
+ #[cfg(feature = "extra_check")]
+ fn test_execute_multiple() {
+ let db = checked_memory_handle();
+ let err = db
+ .execute(
+ )
+ .unwrap_err();
+ match err {
+ Error::MultipleStatement => (),
+ _ => panic!("Unexpected error: {}", err),
+ }
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_prepare_column_names() {
+ let db = checked_memory_handle();
+ db.execute_batch("CREATE TABLE foo(x INTEGER);").unwrap();
+ let stmt = db.prepare("SELECT * FROM foo").unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(stmt.column_count(), 1);
+ assert_eq!(stmt.column_names(), vec!["x"]);
+ let stmt = db.prepare("SELECT x AS a, x AS b FROM foo").unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(stmt.column_count(), 2);
+ assert_eq!(stmt.column_names(), vec!["a", "b"]);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_prepare_execute() {
+ let db = checked_memory_handle();
+ db.execute_batch("CREATE TABLE foo(x INTEGER);").unwrap();
+ let mut insert_stmt = db.prepare("INSERT INTO foo(x) VALUES(?)").unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(insert_stmt.execute(&[1i32]).unwrap(), 1);
+ assert_eq!(insert_stmt.execute(&[2i32]).unwrap(), 1);
+ assert_eq!(insert_stmt.execute(&[3i32]).unwrap(), 1);
+ assert_eq!(insert_stmt.execute(&["hello".to_string()]).unwrap(), 1);
+ assert_eq!(insert_stmt.execute(&["goodbye".to_string()]).unwrap(), 1);
+ assert_eq!(insert_stmt.execute(&[types::Null]).unwrap(), 1);
+ let mut update_stmt = db.prepare("UPDATE foo SET x=? WHERE x<?").unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(update_stmt.execute(&[3i32, 3i32]).unwrap(), 2);
+ assert_eq!(update_stmt.execute(&[3i32, 3i32]).unwrap(), 0);
+ assert_eq!(update_stmt.execute(&[8i32, 8i32]).unwrap(), 3);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_prepare_query() {
+ let db = checked_memory_handle();
+ db.execute_batch("CREATE TABLE foo(x INTEGER);").unwrap();
+ let mut insert_stmt = db.prepare("INSERT INTO foo(x) VALUES(?)").unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(insert_stmt.execute(&[1i32]).unwrap(), 1);
+ assert_eq!(insert_stmt.execute(&[2i32]).unwrap(), 1);
+ assert_eq!(insert_stmt.execute(&[3i32]).unwrap(), 1);
+ let mut query = db
+ .prepare("SELECT x FROM foo WHERE x < ? ORDER BY x DESC")
+ .unwrap();
+ {
+ let mut rows = query.query(&[4i32]).unwrap();
+ let mut v = Vec::<i32>::new();
+ while let Some(row) = rows.next().unwrap() {
+ v.push(row.get(0).unwrap());
+ }
+ assert_eq!(v, [3i32, 2, 1]);
+ }
+ {
+ let mut rows = query.query(&[3i32]).unwrap();
+ let mut v = Vec::<i32>::new();
+ while let Some(row) = rows.next().unwrap() {
+ v.push(row.get(0).unwrap());
+ }
+ assert_eq!(v, [2i32, 1]);
+ }
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_query_map() {
+ let db = checked_memory_handle();
+ let sql = "BEGIN;
+ INSERT INTO foo VALUES(4, \"hello\");
+ INSERT INTO foo VALUES(3, \", \");
+ INSERT INTO foo VALUES(2, \"world\");
+ INSERT INTO foo VALUES(1, \"!\");
+ END;";
+ db.execute_batch(sql).unwrap();
+ let mut query = db.prepare("SELECT x, y FROM foo ORDER BY x DESC").unwrap();
+ let results: Result<Vec<String>> = query
+ .query(NO_PARAMS)
+ .unwrap()
+ .map(|row| row.get(1))
+ .collect();
+ assert_eq!(results.unwrap().concat(), "hello, world!");
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_query_row() {
+ let db = checked_memory_handle();
+ let sql = "BEGIN;
+ END;";
+ db.execute_batch(sql).unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(
+ 10i64,
+ db.query_row::<i64, _, _>("SELECT SUM(x) FROM foo", NO_PARAMS, |r| r.get(0))
+ .unwrap()
+ );
+ let result: Result<i64> =
+ db.query_row("SELECT x FROM foo WHERE x > 5", NO_PARAMS, |r| r.get(0));
+ match result.unwrap_err() {
+ Error::QueryReturnedNoRows => (),
+ err => panic!("Unexpected error {}", err),
+ }
+ let bad_query_result = db.query_row("NOT A PROPER QUERY; test123", NO_PARAMS, |_| Ok(()));
+ assert!(bad_query_result.is_err());
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_optional() {
+ let db = checked_memory_handle();
+ let result: Result<i64> = db.query_row("SELECT 1 WHERE 0 <> 0", NO_PARAMS, |r| r.get(0));
+ let result = result.optional();
+ match result.unwrap() {
+ None => (),
+ _ => panic!("Unexpected result"),
+ }
+ let result: Result<i64> = db.query_row("SELECT 1 WHERE 0 == 0", NO_PARAMS, |r| r.get(0));
+ let result = result.optional();
+ match result.unwrap() {
+ Some(1) => (),
+ _ => panic!("Unexpected result"),
+ }
+ let bad_query_result: Result<i64> =
+ db.query_row("NOT A PROPER QUERY", NO_PARAMS, |r| r.get(0));
+ let bad_query_result = bad_query_result.optional();
+ assert!(bad_query_result.is_err());
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_pragma_query_row() {
+ let db = checked_memory_handle();
+ assert_eq!(
+ "memory",
+ db.query_row::<String, _, _>("PRAGMA journal_mode", NO_PARAMS, |r| r.get(0))
+ .unwrap()
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ "off",
+ db.query_row::<String, _, _>("PRAGMA journal_mode=off", NO_PARAMS, |r| r.get(0))
+ .unwrap()
+ );
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_prepare_failures() {
+ let db = checked_memory_handle();
+ db.execute_batch("CREATE TABLE foo(x INTEGER);").unwrap();
+ let err = db.prepare("SELECT * FROM does_not_exist").unwrap_err();
+ assert!(format!("{}", err).contains("does_not_exist"));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_last_insert_rowid() {
+ let db = checked_memory_handle();
+ db.execute_batch("CREATE TABLE foo(x INTEGER PRIMARY KEY)")
+ .unwrap();
+ db.execute_batch("INSERT INTO foo DEFAULT VALUES").unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(db.last_insert_rowid(), 1);
+ let mut stmt = db.prepare("INSERT INTO foo DEFAULT VALUES").unwrap();
+ for _ in 0i32..9 {
+ stmt.execute(NO_PARAMS).unwrap();
+ }
+ assert_eq!(db.last_insert_rowid(), 10);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_is_autocommit() {
+ let db = checked_memory_handle();
+ assert!(
+ db.is_autocommit(),
+ "autocommit expected to be active by default"
+ );
+ }
+ #[test]
+ #[cfg(feature = "modern_sqlite")]
+ fn test_is_busy() {
+ let db = checked_memory_handle();
+ assert!(!db.is_busy());
+ let mut stmt = db.prepare("PRAGMA schema_version").unwrap();
+ assert!(!db.is_busy());
+ {
+ let mut rows = stmt.query(NO_PARAMS).unwrap();
+ assert!(!db.is_busy());
+ let row = rows.next().unwrap();
+ assert!(db.is_busy());
+ assert!(row.is_some());
+ }
+ assert!(!db.is_busy());
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_statement_debugging() {
+ let db = checked_memory_handle();
+ let query = "SELECT 12345";
+ let stmt = db.prepare(query).unwrap();
+ assert!(format!("{:?}", stmt).contains(query));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_notnull_constraint_error() {
+ // extended error codes for constraints were added in SQLite 3.7.16; if we're
+ // running on our bundled version, we know the extended error code exists.
+ #[cfg(feature = "modern_sqlite")]
+ fn check_extended_code(extended_code: c_int) {
+ assert_eq!(extended_code, ffi::SQLITE_CONSTRAINT_NOTNULL);
+ }
+ #[cfg(not(feature = "modern_sqlite"))]
+ fn check_extended_code(_extended_code: c_int) {}
+ let db = checked_memory_handle();
+ db.execute_batch("CREATE TABLE foo(x NOT NULL)").unwrap();
+ let result = db.execute("INSERT INTO foo (x) VALUES (NULL)", NO_PARAMS);
+ assert!(result.is_err());
+ match result.unwrap_err() {
+ Error::SqliteFailure(err, _) => {
+ assert_eq!(err.code, ErrorCode::ConstraintViolation);
+ check_extended_code(err.extended_code);
+ }
+ err => panic!("Unexpected error {}", err),
+ }
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_version_string() {
+ let n = version_number();
+ let major = n / 1_000_000;
+ let minor = (n % 1_000_000) / 1_000;
+ let patch = n % 1_000;
+ assert!(version().contains(&format!("{}.{}.{}", major, minor, patch)));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ #[cfg(feature = "functions")]
+ fn test_interrupt() {
+ let db = checked_memory_handle();
+ let interrupt_handle = db.get_interrupt_handle();
+ db.create_scalar_function(
+ "interrupt",
+ 0,
+ crate::functions::FunctionFlags::default(),
+ move |_| {
+ interrupt_handle.interrupt();
+ Ok(0)
+ },
+ )
+ .unwrap();
+ let mut stmt = db
+ .prepare("SELECT interrupt() FROM (SELECT 1 UNION SELECT 2 UNION SELECT 3)")
+ .unwrap();
+ let result: Result<Vec<i32>> = stmt.query(NO_PARAMS).unwrap().map(|r| r.get(0)).collect();
+ match result.unwrap_err() {
+ Error::SqliteFailure(err, _) => {
+ assert_eq!(err.code, ErrorCode::OperationInterrupted);
+ }
+ err => {
+ panic!("Unexpected error {}", err);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_interrupt_close() {
+ let db = checked_memory_handle();
+ let handle = db.get_interrupt_handle();
+ handle.interrupt();
+ db.close().unwrap();
+ handle.interrupt();
+ // Look at it's internals to see if we cleared it out properly.
+ let db_guard = handle.db_lock.lock().unwrap();
+ assert!(db_guard.is_null());
+ // It would be nice to test that we properly handle close/interrupt
+ // running at the same time, but it seems impossible to do with any
+ // degree of reliability.
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_get_raw() {
+ let db = checked_memory_handle();
+ db.execute_batch("CREATE TABLE foo(i, x);").unwrap();
+ let vals = ["foobar", "1234", "qwerty"];
+ let mut insert_stmt = db.prepare("INSERT INTO foo(i, x) VALUES(?, ?)").unwrap();
+ for (i, v) in vals.iter().enumerate() {
+ let i_to_insert = i as i64;
+ assert_eq!(insert_stmt.execute(params![i_to_insert, v]).unwrap(), 1);
+ }
+ let mut query = db.prepare("SELECT i, x FROM foo").unwrap();
+ let mut rows = query.query(NO_PARAMS).unwrap();
+ while let Some(row) = rows.next().unwrap() {
+ let i = row.get_raw(0).as_i64().unwrap();
+ let expect = vals[i as usize];
+ let x = row.get_raw("x").as_str().unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(x, expect);
+ }
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_from_handle() {
+ let db = checked_memory_handle();
+ let handle = unsafe { db.handle() };
+ {
+ let db = unsafe { Connection::from_handle(handle) }.unwrap();
+ db.execute_batch("PRAGMA VACUUM").unwrap();
+ }
+ db.close().unwrap();
+ }
+ mod query_and_then_tests {
+ use super::*;
+ #[derive(Debug)]
+ enum CustomError {
+ SomeError,
+ Sqlite(Error),
+ }
+ impl fmt::Display for CustomError {
+ fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> Result<(), fmt::Error> {
+ match *self {
+ CustomError::SomeError => write!(f, "my custom error"),
+ CustomError::Sqlite(ref se) => write!(f, "my custom error: {}", se),
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ impl StdError for CustomError {
+ fn description(&self) -> &str {
+ "my custom error"
+ }
+ fn cause(&self) -> Option<&dyn StdError> {
+ match *self {
+ CustomError::SomeError => None,
+ CustomError::Sqlite(ref se) => Some(se),
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ impl From<Error> for CustomError {
+ fn from(se: Error) -> CustomError {
+ CustomError::Sqlite(se)
+ }
+ }
+ type CustomResult<T> = Result<T, CustomError>;
+ #[test]
+ fn test_query_and_then() {
+ let db = checked_memory_handle();
+ let sql = "BEGIN;
+ INSERT INTO foo VALUES(4, \"hello\");
+ INSERT INTO foo VALUES(3, \", \");
+ INSERT INTO foo VALUES(2, \"world\");
+ INSERT INTO foo VALUES(1, \"!\");
+ END;";
+ db.execute_batch(sql).unwrap();
+ let mut query = db.prepare("SELECT x, y FROM foo ORDER BY x DESC").unwrap();
+ let results: Result<Vec<String>> = query
+ .query_and_then(NO_PARAMS, |row| row.get(1))
+ .unwrap()
+ .collect();
+ assert_eq!(results.unwrap().concat(), "hello, world!");
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_query_and_then_fails() {
+ let db = checked_memory_handle();
+ let sql = "BEGIN;
+ INSERT INTO foo VALUES(4, \"hello\");
+ INSERT INTO foo VALUES(3, \", \");
+ INSERT INTO foo VALUES(2, \"world\");
+ INSERT INTO foo VALUES(1, \"!\");
+ END;";
+ db.execute_batch(sql).unwrap();
+ let mut query = db.prepare("SELECT x, y FROM foo ORDER BY x DESC").unwrap();
+ let bad_type: Result<Vec<f64>> = query
+ .query_and_then(NO_PARAMS, |row| row.get(1))
+ .unwrap()
+ .collect();
+ match bad_type.unwrap_err() {
+ Error::InvalidColumnType(..) => (),
+ err => panic!("Unexpected error {}", err),
+ }
+ let bad_idx: Result<Vec<String>> = query
+ .query_and_then(NO_PARAMS, |row| row.get(3))
+ .unwrap()
+ .collect();
+ match bad_idx.unwrap_err() {
+ Error::InvalidColumnIndex(_) => (),
+ err => panic!("Unexpected error {}", err),
+ }
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_query_and_then_custom_error() {
+ let db = checked_memory_handle();
+ let sql = "BEGIN;
+ INSERT INTO foo VALUES(4, \"hello\");
+ INSERT INTO foo VALUES(3, \", \");
+ INSERT INTO foo VALUES(2, \"world\");
+ INSERT INTO foo VALUES(1, \"!\");
+ END;";
+ db.execute_batch(sql).unwrap();
+ let mut query = db.prepare("SELECT x, y FROM foo ORDER BY x DESC").unwrap();
+ let results: CustomResult<Vec<String>> = query
+ .query_and_then(NO_PARAMS, |row| row.get(1).map_err(CustomError::Sqlite))
+ .unwrap()
+ .collect();
+ assert_eq!(results.unwrap().concat(), "hello, world!");
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_query_and_then_custom_error_fails() {
+ let db = checked_memory_handle();
+ let sql = "BEGIN;
+ INSERT INTO foo VALUES(4, \"hello\");
+ INSERT INTO foo VALUES(3, \", \");
+ INSERT INTO foo VALUES(2, \"world\");
+ INSERT INTO foo VALUES(1, \"!\");
+ END;";
+ db.execute_batch(sql).unwrap();
+ let mut query = db.prepare("SELECT x, y FROM foo ORDER BY x DESC").unwrap();
+ let bad_type: CustomResult<Vec<f64>> = query
+ .query_and_then(NO_PARAMS, |row| row.get(1).map_err(CustomError::Sqlite))
+ .unwrap()
+ .collect();
+ match bad_type.unwrap_err() {
+ CustomError::Sqlite(Error::InvalidColumnType(..)) => (),
+ err => panic!("Unexpected error {}", err),
+ }
+ let bad_idx: CustomResult<Vec<String>> = query
+ .query_and_then(NO_PARAMS, |row| row.get(3).map_err(CustomError::Sqlite))
+ .unwrap()
+ .collect();
+ match bad_idx.unwrap_err() {
+ CustomError::Sqlite(Error::InvalidColumnIndex(_)) => (),
+ err => panic!("Unexpected error {}", err),
+ }
+ let non_sqlite_err: CustomResult<Vec<String>> = query
+ .query_and_then(NO_PARAMS, |_| Err(CustomError::SomeError))
+ .unwrap()
+ .collect();
+ match non_sqlite_err.unwrap_err() {
+ CustomError::SomeError => (),
+ err => panic!("Unexpected error {}", err),
+ }
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_query_row_and_then_custom_error() {
+ let db = checked_memory_handle();
+ let sql = "BEGIN;
+ INSERT INTO foo VALUES(4, \"hello\");
+ END;";
+ db.execute_batch(sql).unwrap();
+ let query = "SELECT x, y FROM foo ORDER BY x DESC";
+ let results: CustomResult<String> = db.query_row_and_then(query, NO_PARAMS, |row| {
+ row.get(1).map_err(CustomError::Sqlite)
+ });
+ assert_eq!(results.unwrap(), "hello");
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_query_row_and_then_custom_error_fails() {
+ let db = checked_memory_handle();
+ let sql = "BEGIN;
+ INSERT INTO foo VALUES(4, \"hello\");
+ END;";
+ db.execute_batch(sql).unwrap();
+ let query = "SELECT x, y FROM foo ORDER BY x DESC";
+ let bad_type: CustomResult<f64> = db.query_row_and_then(query, NO_PARAMS, |row| {
+ row.get(1).map_err(CustomError::Sqlite)
+ });
+ match bad_type.unwrap_err() {
+ CustomError::Sqlite(Error::InvalidColumnType(..)) => (),
+ err => panic!("Unexpected error {}", err),
+ }
+ let bad_idx: CustomResult<String> = db.query_row_and_then(query, NO_PARAMS, |row| {
+ row.get(3).map_err(CustomError::Sqlite)
+ });
+ match bad_idx.unwrap_err() {
+ CustomError::Sqlite(Error::InvalidColumnIndex(_)) => (),
+ err => panic!("Unexpected error {}", err),
+ }
+ let non_sqlite_err: CustomResult<String> =
+ db.query_row_and_then(query, NO_PARAMS, |_| Err(CustomError::SomeError));
+ match non_sqlite_err.unwrap_err() {
+ CustomError::SomeError => (),
+ err => panic!("Unexpected error {}", err),
+ }
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_dynamic() {
+ let db = checked_memory_handle();
+ let sql = "BEGIN;
+ INSERT INTO foo VALUES(4, \"hello\");
+ END;";
+ db.execute_batch(sql).unwrap();
+ db.query_row("SELECT * FROM foo", params![], |r| {
+ assert_eq!(2, r.column_count());
+ Ok(())
+ })
+ .unwrap();
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_dyn_box() {
+ let db = checked_memory_handle();
+ db.execute_batch("CREATE TABLE foo(x INTEGER);").unwrap();
+ let b: Box<dyn ToSql> = Box::new(5);
+ db.execute("INSERT INTO foo VALUES(?)", &[b]).unwrap();
+ db.query_row("SELECT x FROM foo", params![], |r| {
+ assert_eq!(5, r.get_unwrap::<_, i32>(0));
+ Ok(())
+ })
+ .unwrap();
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_params() {
+ let db = checked_memory_handle();
+ db.query_row(
+ ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?,
+ ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?,
+ ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?,
+ ?, ?, ?, ?;",
+ params![
+ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
+ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
+ ],
+ |r| {
+ assert_eq!(1, r.get_unwrap::<_, i32>(0));
+ Ok(())
+ },
+ )
+ .unwrap();
+ }
+ #[test]
+ #[cfg(not(feature = "extra_check"))]
+ fn test_alter_table() {
+ let db = checked_memory_handle();
+ db.execute_batch("CREATE TABLE x(t);").unwrap();
+ // `execute_batch` should be used but `execute` should also work
+ db.execute("ALTER TABLE x RENAME TO y;", params![]).unwrap();
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/limits.rs b/src/limits.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..238ce56
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/limits.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+//! `feature = "limits"` Run-Time Limits
+use std::os::raw::c_int;
+use crate::ffi;
+pub use crate::ffi::Limit;
+use crate::Connection;
+impl Connection {
+ /// `feature = "limits"` Returns the current value of a limit.
+ pub fn limit(&self, limit: Limit) -> i32 {
+ let c = self.db.borrow();
+ unsafe { ffi::sqlite3_limit(c.db(), limit as c_int, -1) }
+ }
+ /// `feature = "limits"` Changes the limit to `new_val`, returning the prior
+ /// value of the limit.
+ pub fn set_limit(&self, limit: Limit, new_val: i32) -> i32 {
+ let c = self.db.borrow_mut();
+ unsafe { ffi::sqlite3_limit(c.db(), limit as c_int, new_val) }
+ }
+mod test {
+ use crate::ffi::Limit;
+ use crate::Connection;
+ #[test]
+ fn test_limit() {
+ let db = Connection::open_in_memory().unwrap();
+ db.set_limit(Limit::SQLITE_LIMIT_LENGTH, 1024);
+ assert_eq!(1024, db.limit(Limit::SQLITE_LIMIT_LENGTH));
+ db.set_limit(Limit::SQLITE_LIMIT_SQL_LENGTH, 1024);
+ assert_eq!(1024, db.limit(Limit::SQLITE_LIMIT_SQL_LENGTH));
+ db.set_limit(Limit::SQLITE_LIMIT_COLUMN, 64);
+ assert_eq!(64, db.limit(Limit::SQLITE_LIMIT_COLUMN));
+ db.set_limit(Limit::SQLITE_LIMIT_EXPR_DEPTH, 256);
+ assert_eq!(256, db.limit(Limit::SQLITE_LIMIT_EXPR_DEPTH));
+ db.set_limit(Limit::SQLITE_LIMIT_COMPOUND_SELECT, 32);
+ assert_eq!(32, db.limit(Limit::SQLITE_LIMIT_COMPOUND_SELECT));
+ db.set_limit(Limit::SQLITE_LIMIT_FUNCTION_ARG, 32);
+ assert_eq!(32, db.limit(Limit::SQLITE_LIMIT_FUNCTION_ARG));
+ db.set_limit(Limit::SQLITE_LIMIT_ATTACHED, 2);
+ assert_eq!(2, db.limit(Limit::SQLITE_LIMIT_ATTACHED));
+ db.set_limit(Limit::SQLITE_LIMIT_LIKE_PATTERN_LENGTH, 128);
+ assert_eq!(128, db.limit(Limit::SQLITE_LIMIT_LIKE_PATTERN_LENGTH));
+ db.set_limit(Limit::SQLITE_LIMIT_VARIABLE_NUMBER, 99);
+ assert_eq!(99, db.limit(Limit::SQLITE_LIMIT_VARIABLE_NUMBER));
+ // SQLITE_LIMIT_TRIGGER_DEPTH was added in SQLite 3.6.18.
+ if crate::version_number() >= 3_006_018 {
+ db.set_limit(Limit::SQLITE_LIMIT_TRIGGER_DEPTH, 32);
+ assert_eq!(32, db.limit(Limit::SQLITE_LIMIT_TRIGGER_DEPTH));
+ }
+ // SQLITE_LIMIT_WORKER_THREADS was added in SQLite 3.8.7.
+ if crate::version_number() >= 3_008_007 {
+ db.set_limit(Limit::SQLITE_LIMIT_WORKER_THREADS, 2);
+ assert_eq!(2, db.limit(Limit::SQLITE_LIMIT_WORKER_THREADS));
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/load_extension_guard.rs b/src/load_extension_guard.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f4f67d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/load_extension_guard.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+use crate::{Connection, Result};
+/// `feature = "load_extension"` RAII guard temporarily enabling SQLite
+/// extensions to be loaded.
+/// ## Example
+/// ```rust,no_run
+/// # use rusqlite::{Connection, Result, LoadExtensionGuard};
+/// # use std::path::{Path};
+/// fn load_my_extension(conn: &Connection) -> Result<()> {
+/// let _guard = LoadExtensionGuard::new(conn)?;
+/// conn.load_extension(Path::new("my_sqlite_extension"), None)
+/// }
+/// ```
+pub struct LoadExtensionGuard<'conn> {
+ conn: &'conn Connection,
+impl LoadExtensionGuard<'_> {
+ /// Attempt to enable loading extensions. Loading extensions will be
+ /// disabled when this guard goes out of scope. Cannot be meaningfully
+ /// nested.
+ pub fn new(conn: &Connection) -> Result<LoadExtensionGuard<'_>> {
+ conn.load_extension_enable()
+ .map(|_| LoadExtensionGuard { conn })
+ }
+impl Drop for LoadExtensionGuard<'_> {
+ fn drop(&mut self) {
+ self.conn.load_extension_disable();
+ }
diff --git a/src/pragma.rs b/src/pragma.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b115f8f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/pragma.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,433 @@
+//! Pragma helpers
+use std::ops::Deref;
+use crate::error::Error;
+use crate::ffi;
+use crate::types::{ToSql, ToSqlOutput, ValueRef};
+use crate::{Connection, DatabaseName, Result, Row, NO_PARAMS};
+pub struct Sql {
+ buf: String,
+impl Sql {
+ pub fn new() -> Sql {
+ Sql { buf: String::new() }
+ }
+ pub fn push_pragma(
+ &mut self,
+ schema_name: Option<DatabaseName<'_>>,
+ pragma_name: &str,
+ ) -> Result<()> {
+ self.push_keyword("PRAGMA")?;
+ self.push_space();
+ if let Some(schema_name) = schema_name {
+ self.push_schema_name(schema_name);
+ self.push_dot();
+ }
+ self.push_keyword(pragma_name)
+ }
+ pub fn push_keyword(&mut self, keyword: &str) -> Result<()> {
+ if !keyword.is_empty() && is_identifier(keyword) {
+ self.buf.push_str(keyword);
+ Ok(())
+ } else {
+ Err(Error::SqliteFailure(
+ ffi::Error::new(ffi::SQLITE_MISUSE),
+ Some(format!("Invalid keyword \"{}\"", keyword)),
+ ))
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn push_schema_name(&mut self, schema_name: DatabaseName<'_>) {
+ match schema_name {
+ DatabaseName::Main => self.buf.push_str("main"),
+ DatabaseName::Temp => self.buf.push_str("temp"),
+ DatabaseName::Attached(s) => self.push_identifier(s),
+ };
+ }
+ pub fn push_identifier(&mut self, s: &str) {
+ if is_identifier(s) {
+ self.buf.push_str(s);
+ } else {
+ self.wrap_and_escape(s, '"');
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn push_value(&mut self, value: &dyn ToSql) -> Result<()> {
+ let value = value.to_sql()?;
+ let value = match value {
+ ToSqlOutput::Borrowed(v) => v,
+ ToSqlOutput::Owned(ref v) => ValueRef::from(v),
+ #[cfg(feature = "blob")]
+ ToSqlOutput::ZeroBlob(_) => {
+ return Err(Error::SqliteFailure(
+ ffi::Error::new(ffi::SQLITE_MISUSE),
+ Some(format!("Unsupported value \"{:?}\"", value)),
+ ));
+ }
+ #[cfg(feature = "array")]
+ ToSqlOutput::Array(_) => {
+ return Err(Error::SqliteFailure(
+ ffi::Error::new(ffi::SQLITE_MISUSE),
+ Some(format!("Unsupported value \"{:?}\"", value)),
+ ));
+ }
+ };
+ match value {
+ ValueRef::Integer(i) => {
+ self.push_int(i);
+ }
+ ValueRef::Real(r) => {
+ self.push_real(r);
+ }
+ ValueRef::Text(s) => {
+ let s = std::str::from_utf8(s)?;
+ self.push_string_literal(s);
+ }
+ _ => {
+ return Err(Error::SqliteFailure(
+ ffi::Error::new(ffi::SQLITE_MISUSE),
+ Some(format!("Unsupported value \"{:?}\"", value)),
+ ));
+ }
+ };
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ pub fn push_string_literal(&mut self, s: &str) {
+ self.wrap_and_escape(s, '\'');
+ }
+ pub fn push_int(&mut self, i: i64) {
+ self.buf.push_str(&i.to_string());
+ }
+ pub fn push_real(&mut self, f: f64) {
+ self.buf.push_str(&f.to_string());
+ }
+ pub fn push_space(&mut self) {
+ self.buf.push(' ');
+ }
+ pub fn push_dot(&mut self) {
+ self.buf.push('.');
+ }
+ pub fn push_equal_sign(&mut self) {
+ self.buf.push('=');
+ }
+ pub fn open_brace(&mut self) {
+ self.buf.push('(');
+ }
+ pub fn close_brace(&mut self) {
+ self.buf.push(')');
+ }
+ pub fn as_str(&self) -> &str {
+ &self.buf
+ }
+ fn wrap_and_escape(&mut self, s: &str, quote: char) {
+ self.buf.push(quote);
+ let chars = s.chars();
+ for ch in chars {
+ // escape `quote` by doubling it
+ if ch == quote {
+ self.buf.push(ch);
+ }
+ self.buf.push(ch)
+ }
+ self.buf.push(quote);
+ }
+impl Deref for Sql {
+ type Target = str;
+ fn deref(&self) -> &str {
+ self.as_str()
+ }
+impl Connection {
+ /// Query the current value of `pragma_name`.
+ ///
+ /// Some pragmas will return multiple rows/values which cannot be retrieved
+ /// with this method.
+ ///
+ /// Prefer [PRAGMA function](https://sqlite.org/pragma.html#pragfunc) introduced in SQLite 3.20:
+ /// `SELECT user_version FROM pragma_user_version;`
+ pub fn pragma_query_value<T, F>(
+ &self,
+ schema_name: Option<DatabaseName<'_>>,
+ pragma_name: &str,
+ f: F,
+ ) -> Result<T>
+ where
+ F: FnOnce(&Row<'_>) -> Result<T>,
+ {
+ let mut query = Sql::new();
+ query.push_pragma(schema_name, pragma_name)?;
+ self.query_row(&query, NO_PARAMS, f)
+ }
+ /// Query the current rows/values of `pragma_name`.
+ ///
+ /// Prefer [PRAGMA function](https://sqlite.org/pragma.html#pragfunc) introduced in SQLite 3.20:
+ /// `SELECT * FROM pragma_collation_list;`
+ pub fn pragma_query<F>(
+ &self,
+ schema_name: Option<DatabaseName<'_>>,
+ pragma_name: &str,
+ mut f: F,
+ ) -> Result<()>
+ where
+ F: FnMut(&Row<'_>) -> Result<()>,
+ {
+ let mut query = Sql::new();
+ query.push_pragma(schema_name, pragma_name)?;
+ let mut stmt = self.prepare(&query)?;
+ let mut rows = stmt.query(NO_PARAMS)?;
+ while let Some(result_row) = rows.next()? {
+ let row = result_row;
+ f(&row)?;
+ }
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ /// Query the current value(s) of `pragma_name` associated to
+ /// `pragma_value`.
+ ///
+ /// This method can be used with query-only pragmas which need an argument
+ /// (e.g. `table_info('one_tbl')`) or pragmas which returns value(s)
+ /// (e.g. `integrity_check`).
+ ///
+ /// Prefer [PRAGMA function](https://sqlite.org/pragma.html#pragfunc) introduced in SQLite 3.20:
+ /// `SELECT * FROM pragma_table_info(?);`
+ pub fn pragma<F>(
+ &self,
+ schema_name: Option<DatabaseName<'_>>,
+ pragma_name: &str,
+ pragma_value: &dyn ToSql,
+ mut f: F,
+ ) -> Result<()>
+ where
+ F: FnMut(&Row<'_>) -> Result<()>,
+ {
+ let mut sql = Sql::new();
+ sql.push_pragma(schema_name, pragma_name)?;
+ // The argument may be either in parentheses
+ // or it may be separated from the pragma name by an equal sign.
+ // The two syntaxes yield identical results.
+ sql.open_brace();
+ sql.push_value(pragma_value)?;
+ sql.close_brace();
+ let mut stmt = self.prepare(&sql)?;
+ let mut rows = stmt.query(NO_PARAMS)?;
+ while let Some(result_row) = rows.next()? {
+ let row = result_row;
+ f(&row)?;
+ }
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ /// Set a new value to `pragma_name`.
+ ///
+ /// Some pragmas will return the updated value which cannot be retrieved
+ /// with this method.
+ pub fn pragma_update(
+ &self,
+ schema_name: Option<DatabaseName<'_>>,
+ pragma_name: &str,
+ pragma_value: &dyn ToSql,
+ ) -> Result<()> {
+ let mut sql = Sql::new();
+ sql.push_pragma(schema_name, pragma_name)?;
+ // The argument may be either in parentheses
+ // or it may be separated from the pragma name by an equal sign.
+ // The two syntaxes yield identical results.
+ sql.push_equal_sign();
+ sql.push_value(pragma_value)?;
+ self.execute_batch(&sql)
+ }
+ /// Set a new value to `pragma_name` and return the updated value.
+ ///
+ /// Only few pragmas automatically return the updated value.
+ pub fn pragma_update_and_check<F, T>(
+ &self,
+ schema_name: Option<DatabaseName<'_>>,
+ pragma_name: &str,
+ pragma_value: &dyn ToSql,
+ f: F,
+ ) -> Result<T>
+ where
+ F: FnOnce(&Row<'_>) -> Result<T>,
+ {
+ let mut sql = Sql::new();
+ sql.push_pragma(schema_name, pragma_name)?;
+ // The argument may be either in parentheses
+ // or it may be separated from the pragma name by an equal sign.
+ // The two syntaxes yield identical results.
+ sql.push_equal_sign();
+ sql.push_value(pragma_value)?;
+ self.query_row(&sql, NO_PARAMS, f)
+ }
+fn is_identifier(s: &str) -> bool {
+ let chars = s.char_indices();
+ for (i, ch) in chars {
+ if i == 0 {
+ if !is_identifier_start(ch) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ } else if !is_identifier_continue(ch) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ true
+fn is_identifier_start(c: char) -> bool {
+ (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') || c == '_' || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || c > '\x7F'
+fn is_identifier_continue(c: char) -> bool {
+ c == '$'
+ || (c >= '0' && c <= '9')
+ || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z')
+ || c == '_'
+ || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z')
+ || c > '\x7F'
+mod test {
+ use super::Sql;
+ use crate::pragma;
+ use crate::{Connection, DatabaseName};
+ #[test]
+ fn pragma_query_value() {
+ let db = Connection::open_in_memory().unwrap();
+ let user_version: i32 = db
+ .pragma_query_value(None, "user_version", |row| row.get(0))
+ .unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(0, user_version);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ #[cfg(feature = "modern_sqlite")]
+ fn pragma_func_query_value() {
+ use crate::NO_PARAMS;
+ let db = Connection::open_in_memory().unwrap();
+ let user_version: i32 = db
+ .query_row(
+ "SELECT user_version FROM pragma_user_version",
+ |row| row.get(0),
+ )
+ .unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(0, user_version);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn pragma_query_no_schema() {
+ let db = Connection::open_in_memory().unwrap();
+ let mut user_version = -1;
+ db.pragma_query(None, "user_version", |row| {
+ user_version = row.get(0)?;
+ Ok(())
+ })
+ .unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(0, user_version);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn pragma_query_with_schema() {
+ let db = Connection::open_in_memory().unwrap();
+ let mut user_version = -1;
+ db.pragma_query(Some(DatabaseName::Main), "user_version", |row| {
+ user_version = row.get(0)?;
+ Ok(())
+ })
+ .unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(0, user_version);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn pragma() {
+ let db = Connection::open_in_memory().unwrap();
+ let mut columns = Vec::new();
+ db.pragma(None, "table_info", &"sqlite_master", |row| {
+ let column: String = row.get(1)?;
+ columns.push(column);
+ Ok(())
+ })
+ .unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(5, columns.len());
+ }
+ #[test]
+ #[cfg(feature = "modern_sqlite")]
+ fn pragma_func() {
+ let db = Connection::open_in_memory().unwrap();
+ let mut table_info = db.prepare("SELECT * FROM pragma_table_info(?)").unwrap();
+ let mut columns = Vec::new();
+ let mut rows = table_info.query(&["sqlite_master"]).unwrap();
+ while let Some(row) = rows.next().unwrap() {
+ let row = row;
+ let column: String = row.get(1).unwrap();
+ columns.push(column);
+ }
+ assert_eq!(5, columns.len());
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn pragma_update() {
+ let db = Connection::open_in_memory().unwrap();
+ db.pragma_update(None, "user_version", &1).unwrap();
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn pragma_update_and_check() {
+ let db = Connection::open_in_memory().unwrap();
+ let journal_mode: String = db
+ .pragma_update_and_check(None, "journal_mode", &"OFF", |row| row.get(0))
+ .unwrap();
+ assert_eq!("off", &journal_mode);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn is_identifier() {
+ assert!(pragma::is_identifier("full"));
+ assert!(pragma::is_identifier("r2d2"));
+ assert!(!pragma::is_identifier("sp ce"));
+ assert!(!pragma::is_identifier("semi;colon"));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn double_quote() {
+ let mut sql = Sql::new();
+ sql.push_schema_name(DatabaseName::Attached(r#"schema";--"#));
+ assert_eq!(r#""schema"";--""#, sql.as_str());
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn wrap_and_escape() {
+ let mut sql = Sql::new();
+ sql.push_string_literal("value'; --");
+ assert_eq!("'value''; --'", sql.as_str());
+ }
diff --git a/src/raw_statement.rs b/src/raw_statement.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..893ac8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/raw_statement.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+use super::ffi;
+use super::unlock_notify;
+use super::StatementStatus;
+#[cfg(feature = "modern_sqlite")]
+use crate::util::SqliteMallocString;
+use std::ffi::CStr;
+use std::os::raw::c_int;
+use std::ptr;
+use std::sync::Arc;
+// Private newtype for raw sqlite3_stmts that finalize themselves when dropped.
+pub struct RawStatement {
+ ptr: *mut ffi::sqlite3_stmt,
+ tail: bool,
+ // Cached indices of named parameters, computed on the fly.
+ cache: crate::util::ParamIndexCache,
+ // Cached SQL (trimmed) that we use as the key when we're in the statement
+ // cache. This is None for statements which didn't come from the statement
+ // cache.
+ //
+ // This is probably the same as `self.sql()` in most cases, but we don't
+ // care either way -- It's a better cache key as it is anyway since it's the
+ // actual source we got from rust.
+ //
+ // One example of a case where the result of `sqlite_sql` and the value in
+ // `statement_cache_key` might differ is if the statement has a `tail`.
+ statement_cache_key: Option<Arc<str>>,
+impl RawStatement {
+ pub unsafe fn new(stmt: *mut ffi::sqlite3_stmt, tail: bool) -> RawStatement {
+ RawStatement {
+ ptr: stmt,
+ tail,
+ cache: Default::default(),
+ statement_cache_key: None,
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn is_null(&self) -> bool {
+ self.ptr.is_null()
+ }
+ pub(crate) fn set_statement_cache_key(&mut self, p: impl Into<Arc<str>>) {
+ self.statement_cache_key = Some(p.into());
+ }
+ pub(crate) fn statement_cache_key(&self) -> Option<Arc<str>> {
+ self.statement_cache_key.clone()
+ }
+ pub unsafe fn ptr(&self) -> *mut ffi::sqlite3_stmt {
+ self.ptr
+ }
+ pub fn column_count(&self) -> usize {
+ // Note: Can't cache this as it changes if the schema is altered.
+ unsafe { ffi::sqlite3_column_count(self.ptr) as usize }
+ }
+ pub fn column_type(&self, idx: usize) -> c_int {
+ unsafe { ffi::sqlite3_column_type(self.ptr, idx as c_int) }
+ }
+ pub fn column_decltype(&self, idx: usize) -> Option<&CStr> {
+ unsafe {
+ let decltype = ffi::sqlite3_column_decltype(self.ptr, idx as c_int);
+ if decltype.is_null() {
+ None
+ } else {
+ Some(CStr::from_ptr(decltype))
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn column_name(&self, idx: usize) -> Option<&CStr> {
+ let idx = idx as c_int;
+ if idx < 0 || idx >= self.column_count() as c_int {
+ return None;
+ }
+ unsafe {
+ let ptr = ffi::sqlite3_column_name(self.ptr, idx);
+ // If ptr is null here, it's an OOM, so there's probably nothing
+ // meaningful we can do. Just assert instead of returning None.
+ assert!(
+ !ptr.is_null(),
+ "Null pointer from sqlite3_column_name: Out of memory?"
+ );
+ Some(CStr::from_ptr(ptr))
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn step(&self) -> c_int {
+ if cfg!(feature = "unlock_notify") {
+ let db = unsafe { ffi::sqlite3_db_handle(self.ptr) };
+ let mut rc;
+ loop {
+ rc = unsafe { ffi::sqlite3_step(self.ptr) };
+ if unsafe { !unlock_notify::is_locked(db, rc) } {
+ break;
+ }
+ rc = unsafe { unlock_notify::wait_for_unlock_notify(db) };
+ if rc != ffi::SQLITE_OK {
+ break;
+ }
+ self.reset();
+ }
+ rc
+ } else {
+ unsafe { ffi::sqlite3_step(self.ptr) }
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn reset(&self) -> c_int {
+ unsafe { ffi::sqlite3_reset(self.ptr) }
+ }
+ pub fn bind_parameter_count(&self) -> usize {
+ unsafe { ffi::sqlite3_bind_parameter_count(self.ptr) as usize }
+ }
+ pub fn bind_parameter_index(&self, name: &str) -> Option<usize> {
+ self.cache.get_or_insert_with(name, |param_cstr| {
+ let r = unsafe { ffi::sqlite3_bind_parameter_index(self.ptr, param_cstr.as_ptr()) };
+ match r {
+ 0 => None,
+ i => Some(i as usize),
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ pub fn clear_bindings(&self) -> c_int {
+ unsafe { ffi::sqlite3_clear_bindings(self.ptr) }
+ }
+ pub fn sql(&self) -> Option<&CStr> {
+ if self.ptr.is_null() {
+ None
+ } else {
+ Some(unsafe { CStr::from_ptr(ffi::sqlite3_sql(self.ptr)) })
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn finalize(mut self) -> c_int {
+ self.finalize_()
+ }
+ fn finalize_(&mut self) -> c_int {
+ let r = unsafe { ffi::sqlite3_finalize(self.ptr) };
+ self.ptr = ptr::null_mut();
+ r
+ }
+ #[cfg(feature = "modern_sqlite")] // 3.7.4
+ pub fn readonly(&self) -> bool {
+ unsafe { ffi::sqlite3_stmt_readonly(self.ptr) != 0 }
+ }
+ #[cfg(feature = "modern_sqlite")] // 3.14.0
+ pub(crate) fn expanded_sql(&self) -> Option<SqliteMallocString> {
+ unsafe { SqliteMallocString::from_raw(ffi::sqlite3_expanded_sql(self.ptr)) }
+ }
+ pub fn get_status(&self, status: StatementStatus, reset: bool) -> i32 {
+ assert!(!self.ptr.is_null());
+ unsafe { ffi::sqlite3_stmt_status(self.ptr, status as i32, reset as i32) }
+ }
+ pub fn has_tail(&self) -> bool {
+ self.tail
+ }
+impl Drop for RawStatement {
+ fn drop(&mut self) {
+ self.finalize_();
+ }
diff --git a/src/row.rs b/src/row.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c45f38e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/row.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,336 @@
+use fallible_iterator::FallibleIterator;
+use fallible_streaming_iterator::FallibleStreamingIterator;
+use std::convert;
+use super::{Error, Result, Statement};
+use crate::types::{FromSql, FromSqlError, ValueRef};
+/// An handle for the resulting rows of a query.
+pub struct Rows<'stmt> {
+ pub(crate) stmt: Option<&'stmt Statement<'stmt>>,
+ row: Option<Row<'stmt>>,
+impl<'stmt> Rows<'stmt> {
+ fn reset(&mut self) {
+ if let Some(stmt) = self.stmt.take() {
+ stmt.reset();
+ }
+ }
+ /// Attempt to get the next row from the query. Returns `Ok(Some(Row))` if
+ /// there is another row, `Err(...)` if there was an error
+ /// getting the next row, and `Ok(None)` if all rows have been retrieved.
+ ///
+ /// ## Note
+ ///
+ /// This interface is not compatible with Rust's `Iterator` trait, because
+ /// the lifetime of the returned row is tied to the lifetime of `self`.
+ /// This is a fallible "streaming iterator". For a more natural interface,
+ /// consider using `query_map` or `query_and_then` instead, which
+ /// return types that implement `Iterator`.
+ #[allow(clippy::should_implement_trait)] // cannot implement Iterator
+ pub fn next(&mut self) -> Result<Option<&Row<'stmt>>> {
+ self.advance()?;
+ Ok((*self).get())
+ }
+ pub fn map<F, B>(self, f: F) -> Map<'stmt, F>
+ where
+ F: FnMut(&Row<'_>) -> Result<B>,
+ {
+ Map { rows: self, f }
+ }
+ /// Map over this `Rows`, converting it to a [`MappedRows`], which
+ /// implements `Iterator`.
+ pub fn mapped<F, B>(self, f: F) -> MappedRows<'stmt, F>
+ where
+ F: FnMut(&Row<'_>) -> Result<B>,
+ {
+ MappedRows { rows: self, map: f }
+ }
+ /// Map over this `Rows` with a fallible function, converting it to a
+ /// [`AndThenRows`], which implements `Iterator` (instead of
+ /// `FallibleStreamingIterator`).
+ pub fn and_then<F, T, E>(self, f: F) -> AndThenRows<'stmt, F>
+ where
+ F: FnMut(&Row<'_>) -> Result<T, E>,
+ {
+ AndThenRows { rows: self, map: f }
+ }
+impl<'stmt> Rows<'stmt> {
+ pub(crate) fn new(stmt: &'stmt Statement<'stmt>) -> Rows<'stmt> {
+ Rows {
+ stmt: Some(stmt),
+ row: None,
+ }
+ }
+ pub(crate) fn get_expected_row(&mut self) -> Result<&Row<'stmt>> {
+ match self.next()? {
+ Some(row) => Ok(row),
+ None => Err(Error::QueryReturnedNoRows),
+ }
+ }
+impl Drop for Rows<'_> {
+ fn drop(&mut self) {
+ self.reset();
+ }
+pub struct Map<'stmt, F> {
+ rows: Rows<'stmt>,
+ f: F,
+impl<F, B> FallibleIterator for Map<'_, F>
+ F: FnMut(&Row<'_>) -> Result<B>,
+ type Error = Error;
+ type Item = B;
+ fn next(&mut self) -> Result<Option<B>> {
+ match self.rows.next()? {
+ Some(v) => Ok(Some((self.f)(v)?)),
+ None => Ok(None),
+ }
+ }
+/// An iterator over the mapped resulting rows of a query.
+pub struct MappedRows<'stmt, F> {
+ rows: Rows<'stmt>,
+ map: F,
+impl<'stmt, T, F> MappedRows<'stmt, F>
+ F: FnMut(&Row<'_>) -> Result<T>,
+ pub(crate) fn new(rows: Rows<'stmt>, f: F) -> MappedRows<'stmt, F> {
+ MappedRows { rows, map: f }
+ }
+impl<T, F> Iterator for MappedRows<'_, F>
+ F: FnMut(&Row<'_>) -> Result<T>,
+ type Item = Result<T>;
+ fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Result<T>> {
+ let map = &mut self.map;
+ self.rows
+ .next()
+ .transpose()
+ .map(|row_result| row_result.and_then(|row| (map)(&row)))
+ }
+/// An iterator over the mapped resulting rows of a query, with an Error type
+/// unifying with Error.
+pub struct AndThenRows<'stmt, F> {
+ rows: Rows<'stmt>,
+ map: F,
+impl<'stmt, T, E, F> AndThenRows<'stmt, F>
+ F: FnMut(&Row<'_>) -> Result<T, E>,
+ pub(crate) fn new(rows: Rows<'stmt>, f: F) -> AndThenRows<'stmt, F> {
+ AndThenRows { rows, map: f }
+ }
+impl<T, E, F> Iterator for AndThenRows<'_, F>
+ E: convert::From<Error>,
+ F: FnMut(&Row<'_>) -> Result<T, E>,
+ type Item = Result<T, E>;
+ fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
+ let map = &mut self.map;
+ self.rows
+ .next()
+ .transpose()
+ .map(|row_result| row_result.map_err(E::from).and_then(|row| (map)(&row)))
+ }
+impl<'stmt> FallibleStreamingIterator for Rows<'stmt> {
+ type Error = Error;
+ type Item = Row<'stmt>;
+ fn advance(&mut self) -> Result<()> {
+ match self.stmt {
+ Some(ref stmt) => match stmt.step() {
+ Ok(true) => {
+ self.row = Some(Row { stmt });
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ Ok(false) => {
+ self.reset();
+ self.row = None;
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ Err(e) => {
+ self.reset();
+ self.row = None;
+ Err(e)
+ }
+ },
+ None => {
+ self.row = None;
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ fn get(&self) -> Option<&Row<'stmt>> {
+ self.row.as_ref()
+ }
+/// A single result row of a query.
+pub struct Row<'stmt> {
+ pub(crate) stmt: &'stmt Statement<'stmt>,
+impl<'stmt> Row<'stmt> {
+ /// Get the value of a particular column of the result row.
+ ///
+ /// ## Failure
+ ///
+ /// Panics if calling `row.get(idx)` would return an error,
+ /// including:
+ ///
+ /// * If the underlying SQLite column type is not a valid type as a source
+ /// for `T`
+ /// * If the underlying SQLite integral value is outside the range
+ /// representable by `T`
+ /// * If `idx` is outside the range of columns in the returned query
+ pub fn get_unwrap<I: RowIndex, T: FromSql>(&self, idx: I) -> T {
+ self.get(idx).unwrap()
+ }
+ /// Get the value of a particular column of the result row.
+ ///
+ /// ## Failure
+ ///
+ /// Returns an `Error::InvalidColumnType` if the underlying SQLite column
+ /// type is not a valid type as a source for `T`.
+ ///
+ /// Returns an `Error::InvalidColumnIndex` if `idx` is outside the valid
+ /// column range for this row.
+ ///
+ /// Returns an `Error::InvalidColumnName` if `idx` is not a valid column
+ /// name for this row.
+ ///
+ /// If the result type is i128 (which requires the `i128_blob` feature to be
+ /// enabled), and the underlying SQLite column is a blob whose size is not
+ /// 16 bytes, `Error::InvalidColumnType` will also be returned.
+ pub fn get<I: RowIndex, T: FromSql>(&self, idx: I) -> Result<T> {
+ let idx = idx.idx(self.stmt)?;
+ let value = self.stmt.value_ref(idx);
+ FromSql::column_result(value).map_err(|err| match err {
+ FromSqlError::InvalidType => Error::InvalidColumnType(
+ idx,
+ self.stmt.column_name_unwrap(idx).into(),
+ value.data_type(),
+ ),
+ FromSqlError::OutOfRange(i) => Error::IntegralValueOutOfRange(idx, i),
+ FromSqlError::Other(err) => {
+ Error::FromSqlConversionFailure(idx as usize, value.data_type(), err)
+ }
+ #[cfg(feature = "i128_blob")]
+ FromSqlError::InvalidI128Size(_) => Error::InvalidColumnType(
+ idx,
+ self.stmt.column_name_unwrap(idx).into(),
+ value.data_type(),
+ ),
+ #[cfg(feature = "uuid")]
+ FromSqlError::InvalidUuidSize(_) => Error::InvalidColumnType(
+ idx,
+ self.stmt.column_name_unwrap(idx).into(),
+ value.data_type(),
+ ),
+ })
+ }
+ /// Get the value of a particular column of the result row as a `ValueRef`,
+ /// allowing data to be read out of a row without copying.
+ ///
+ /// This `ValueRef` is valid only as long as this Row, which is enforced by
+ /// it's lifetime. This means that while this method is completely safe,
+ /// it can be somewhat difficult to use, and most callers will be better
+ /// served by `get` or `get`.
+ ///
+ /// ## Failure
+ ///
+ /// Returns an `Error::InvalidColumnIndex` if `idx` is outside the valid
+ /// column range for this row.
+ ///
+ /// Returns an `Error::InvalidColumnName` if `idx` is not a valid column
+ /// name for this row.
+ pub fn get_raw_checked<I: RowIndex>(&self, idx: I) -> Result<ValueRef<'_>> {
+ let idx = idx.idx(self.stmt)?;
+ // Narrowing from `ValueRef<'stmt>` (which `self.stmt.value_ref(idx)`
+ // returns) to `ValueRef<'a>` is needed because it's only valid until
+ // the next call to sqlite3_step.
+ let val_ref = self.stmt.value_ref(idx);
+ Ok(val_ref)
+ }
+ /// Get the value of a particular column of the result row as a `ValueRef`,
+ /// allowing data to be read out of a row without copying.
+ ///
+ /// This `ValueRef` is valid only as long as this Row, which is enforced by
+ /// it's lifetime. This means that while this method is completely safe,
+ /// it can be difficult to use, and most callers will be better served by
+ /// `get` or `get`.
+ ///
+ /// ## Failure
+ ///
+ /// Panics if calling `row.get_raw_checked(idx)` would return an error,
+ /// including:
+ ///
+ /// * If `idx` is outside the range of columns in the returned query.
+ /// * If `idx` is not a valid column name for this row.
+ pub fn get_raw<I: RowIndex>(&self, idx: I) -> ValueRef<'_> {
+ self.get_raw_checked(idx).unwrap()
+ }
+/// A trait implemented by types that can index into columns of a row.
+pub trait RowIndex {
+ /// Returns the index of the appropriate column, or `None` if no such
+ /// column exists.
+ fn idx(&self, stmt: &Statement<'_>) -> Result<usize>;
+impl RowIndex for usize {
+ #[inline]
+ fn idx(&self, stmt: &Statement<'_>) -> Result<usize> {
+ if *self >= stmt.column_count() {
+ Err(Error::InvalidColumnIndex(*self))
+ } else {
+ Ok(*self)
+ }
+ }
+impl RowIndex for &'_ str {
+ #[inline]
+ fn idx(&self, stmt: &Statement<'_>) -> Result<usize> {
+ stmt.column_index(*self)
+ }
diff --git a/src/session.rs b/src/session.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b4782b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/session.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,909 @@
+//! `feature = "session"` [Session Extension](https://sqlite.org/sessionintro.html)
+use std::ffi::CStr;
+use std::io::{Read, Write};
+use std::marker::PhantomData;
+use std::os::raw::{c_char, c_int, c_uchar, c_void};
+use std::panic::{catch_unwind, RefUnwindSafe};
+use std::ptr;
+use std::slice::{from_raw_parts, from_raw_parts_mut};
+use fallible_streaming_iterator::FallibleStreamingIterator;
+use crate::error::error_from_sqlite_code;
+use crate::ffi;
+use crate::hooks::Action;
+use crate::types::ValueRef;
+use crate::{errmsg_to_string, str_to_cstring, Connection, DatabaseName, Result};
+// https://sqlite.org/session.html
+/// `feature = "session"` An instance of this object is a session that can be
+/// used to record changes to a database.
+pub struct Session<'conn> {
+ phantom: PhantomData<&'conn ()>,
+ s: *mut ffi::sqlite3_session,
+ filter: Option<Box<dyn Fn(&str) -> bool>>,
+impl Session<'_> {
+ /// Create a new session object
+ pub fn new<'conn>(db: &'conn Connection) -> Result<Session<'conn>> {
+ Session::new_with_name(db, DatabaseName::Main)
+ }
+ /// Create a new session object
+ pub fn new_with_name<'conn>(
+ db: &'conn Connection,
+ name: DatabaseName<'_>,
+ ) -> Result<Session<'conn>> {
+ let name = name.to_cstring()?;
+ let db = db.db.borrow_mut().db;
+ let mut s: *mut ffi::sqlite3_session = ptr::null_mut();
+ check!(unsafe { ffi::sqlite3session_create(db, name.as_ptr(), &mut s) });
+ Ok(Session {
+ phantom: PhantomData,
+ s,
+ filter: None,
+ })
+ }
+ /// Set a table filter
+ pub fn table_filter<F>(&mut self, filter: Option<F>)
+ where
+ F: Fn(&str) -> bool + Send + RefUnwindSafe + 'static,
+ {
+ unsafe extern "C" fn call_boxed_closure<F>(
+ p_arg: *mut c_void,
+ tbl_str: *const c_char,
+ ) -> c_int
+ where
+ F: Fn(&str) -> bool + RefUnwindSafe,
+ {
+ use std::str;
+ let boxed_filter: *mut F = p_arg as *mut F;
+ let tbl_name = {
+ let c_slice = CStr::from_ptr(tbl_str).to_bytes();
+ str::from_utf8(c_slice)
+ };
+ if let Ok(true) =
+ catch_unwind(|| (*boxed_filter)(tbl_name.expect("non-utf8 table name")))
+ {
+ 1
+ } else {
+ 0
+ }
+ }
+ match filter {
+ Some(filter) => {
+ let boxed_filter = Box::new(filter);
+ unsafe {
+ ffi::sqlite3session_table_filter(
+ self.s,
+ Some(call_boxed_closure::<F>),
+ &*boxed_filter as *const F as *mut _,
+ );
+ }
+ self.filter = Some(boxed_filter);
+ }
+ _ => {
+ unsafe { ffi::sqlite3session_table_filter(self.s, None, ptr::null_mut()) }
+ self.filter = None;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ /// Attach a table. `None` means all tables.
+ pub fn attach(&mut self, table: Option<&str>) -> Result<()> {
+ let table = if let Some(table) = table {
+ Some(str_to_cstring(table)?)
+ } else {
+ None
+ };
+ let table = table.as_ref().map(|s| s.as_ptr()).unwrap_or(ptr::null());
+ unsafe { check!(ffi::sqlite3session_attach(self.s, table)) };
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ /// Generate a Changeset
+ pub fn changeset(&mut self) -> Result<Changeset> {
+ let mut n = 0;
+ let mut cs: *mut c_void = ptr::null_mut();
+ check!(unsafe { ffi::sqlite3session_changeset(self.s, &mut n, &mut cs) });
+ Ok(Changeset { cs, n })
+ }
+ /// Write the set of changes represented by this session to `output`.
+ pub fn changeset_strm(&mut self, output: &mut dyn Write) -> Result<()> {
+ let output_ref = &output;
+ check!(unsafe {
+ ffi::sqlite3session_changeset_strm(
+ self.s,
+ Some(x_output),
+ output_ref as *const &mut dyn Write as *mut c_void,
+ )
+ });
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ /// Generate a Patchset
+ pub fn patchset(&mut self) -> Result<Changeset> {
+ let mut n = 0;
+ let mut ps: *mut c_void = ptr::null_mut();
+ check!(unsafe { ffi::sqlite3session_patchset(self.s, &mut n, &mut ps) });
+ // TODO Validate: same struct
+ Ok(Changeset { cs: ps, n })
+ }
+ /// Write the set of patches represented by this session to `output`.
+ pub fn patchset_strm(&mut self, output: &mut dyn Write) -> Result<()> {
+ let output_ref = &output;
+ check!(unsafe {
+ ffi::sqlite3session_patchset_strm(
+ self.s,
+ Some(x_output),
+ output_ref as *const &mut dyn Write as *mut c_void,
+ )
+ });
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ /// Load the difference between tables.
+ pub fn diff(&mut self, from: DatabaseName<'_>, table: &str) -> Result<()> {
+ let from = from.to_cstring()?;
+ let table = str_to_cstring(table)?;
+ let table = table.as_ptr();
+ unsafe {
+ let mut errmsg = ptr::null_mut();
+ let r =
+ ffi::sqlite3session_diff(self.s, from.as_ptr(), table, &mut errmsg as *mut *mut _);
+ if r != ffi::SQLITE_OK {
+ let errmsg: *mut c_char = errmsg;
+ let message = errmsg_to_string(&*errmsg);
+ ffi::sqlite3_free(errmsg as *mut ::std::os::raw::c_void);
+ return Err(error_from_sqlite_code(r, Some(message)));
+ }
+ }
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ /// Test if a changeset has recorded any changes
+ pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
+ unsafe { ffi::sqlite3session_isempty(self.s) != 0 }
+ }
+ /// Query the current state of the session
+ pub fn is_enabled(&self) -> bool {
+ unsafe { ffi::sqlite3session_enable(self.s, -1) != 0 }
+ }
+ /// Enable or disable the recording of changes
+ pub fn set_enabled(&mut self, enabled: bool) {
+ unsafe {
+ ffi::sqlite3session_enable(self.s, if enabled { 1 } else { 0 });
+ }
+ }
+ /// Query the current state of the indirect flag
+ pub fn is_indirect(&self) -> bool {
+ unsafe { ffi::sqlite3session_indirect(self.s, -1) != 0 }
+ }
+ /// Set or clear the indirect change flag
+ pub fn set_indirect(&mut self, indirect: bool) {
+ unsafe {
+ ffi::sqlite3session_indirect(self.s, if indirect { 1 } else { 0 });
+ }
+ }
+impl Drop for Session<'_> {
+ fn drop(&mut self) {
+ if self.filter.is_some() {
+ self.table_filter(None::<fn(&str) -> bool>);
+ }
+ unsafe { ffi::sqlite3session_delete(self.s) };
+ }
+/// `feature = "session"` Invert a changeset
+pub fn invert_strm(input: &mut dyn Read, output: &mut dyn Write) -> Result<()> {
+ let input_ref = &input;
+ let output_ref = &output;
+ check!(unsafe {
+ ffi::sqlite3changeset_invert_strm(
+ Some(x_input),
+ input_ref as *const &mut dyn Read as *mut c_void,
+ Some(x_output),
+ output_ref as *const &mut dyn Write as *mut c_void,
+ )
+ });
+ Ok(())
+/// `feature = "session"` Combine two changesets
+pub fn concat_strm(
+ input_a: &mut dyn Read,
+ input_b: &mut dyn Read,
+ output: &mut dyn Write,
+) -> Result<()> {
+ let input_a_ref = &input_a;
+ let input_b_ref = &input_b;
+ let output_ref = &output;
+ check!(unsafe {
+ ffi::sqlite3changeset_concat_strm(
+ Some(x_input),
+ input_a_ref as *const &mut dyn Read as *mut c_void,
+ Some(x_input),
+ input_b_ref as *const &mut dyn Read as *mut c_void,
+ Some(x_output),
+ output_ref as *const &mut dyn Write as *mut c_void,
+ )
+ });
+ Ok(())
+/// `feature = "session"` Changeset or Patchset
+pub struct Changeset {
+ cs: *mut c_void,
+ n: c_int,
+impl Changeset {
+ /// Invert a changeset
+ pub fn invert(&self) -> Result<Changeset> {
+ let mut n = 0;
+ let mut cs = ptr::null_mut();
+ check!(unsafe {
+ ffi::sqlite3changeset_invert(self.n, self.cs, &mut n, &mut cs as *mut *mut _)
+ });
+ Ok(Changeset { cs, n })
+ }
+ /// Create an iterator to traverse a changeset
+ pub fn iter(&self) -> Result<ChangesetIter<'_>> {
+ let mut it = ptr::null_mut();
+ check!(unsafe { ffi::sqlite3changeset_start(&mut it as *mut *mut _, self.n, self.cs) });
+ Ok(ChangesetIter {
+ phantom: PhantomData,
+ it,
+ item: None,
+ })
+ }
+ /// Concatenate two changeset objects
+ pub fn concat(a: &Changeset, b: &Changeset) -> Result<Changeset> {
+ let mut n = 0;
+ let mut cs = ptr::null_mut();
+ check!(unsafe {
+ ffi::sqlite3changeset_concat(a.n, a.cs, b.n, b.cs, &mut n, &mut cs as *mut *mut _)
+ });
+ Ok(Changeset { cs, n })
+ }
+impl Drop for Changeset {
+ fn drop(&mut self) {
+ unsafe {
+ ffi::sqlite3_free(self.cs);
+ }
+ }
+/// `feature = "session"` Cursor for iterating over the elements of a changeset
+/// or patchset.
+pub struct ChangesetIter<'changeset> {
+ phantom: PhantomData<&'changeset ()>,
+ it: *mut ffi::sqlite3_changeset_iter,
+ item: Option<ChangesetItem>,
+impl ChangesetIter<'_> {
+ /// Create an iterator on `input`
+ pub fn start_strm<'input>(input: &&'input mut dyn Read) -> Result<ChangesetIter<'input>> {
+ let mut it = ptr::null_mut();
+ check!(unsafe {
+ ffi::sqlite3changeset_start_strm(
+ &mut it as *mut *mut _,
+ Some(x_input),
+ input as *const &mut dyn Read as *mut c_void,
+ )
+ });
+ Ok(ChangesetIter {
+ phantom: PhantomData,
+ it,
+ item: None,
+ })
+ }
+impl FallibleStreamingIterator for ChangesetIter<'_> {
+ type Error = crate::error::Error;
+ type Item = ChangesetItem;
+ fn advance(&mut self) -> Result<()> {
+ let rc = unsafe { ffi::sqlite3changeset_next(self.it) };
+ match rc {
+ ffi::SQLITE_ROW => {
+ self.item = Some(ChangesetItem { it: self.it });
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ ffi::SQLITE_DONE => {
+ self.item = None;
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ code => Err(error_from_sqlite_code(code, None)),
+ }
+ }
+ fn get(&self) -> Option<&ChangesetItem> {
+ self.item.as_ref()
+ }
+/// `feature = "session"`
+pub struct Operation<'item> {
+ table_name: &'item str,
+ number_of_columns: i32,
+ code: Action,
+ indirect: bool,
+impl Operation<'_> {
+ pub fn table_name(&self) -> &str {
+ self.table_name
+ }
+ pub fn number_of_columns(&self) -> i32 {
+ self.number_of_columns
+ }
+ pub fn code(&self) -> Action {
+ self.code
+ }
+ pub fn indirect(&self) -> bool {
+ self.indirect
+ }
+impl Drop for ChangesetIter<'_> {
+ fn drop(&mut self) {
+ unsafe {
+ ffi::sqlite3changeset_finalize(self.it);
+ }
+ }
+/// `feature = "session"` An item passed to a conflict-handler by
+/// `Connection::apply`, or an item generated by `ChangesetIter::next`.
+// TODO enum ? Delete, Insert, Update, ...
+pub struct ChangesetItem {
+ it: *mut ffi::sqlite3_changeset_iter,
+impl ChangesetItem {
+ /// Obtain conflicting row values
+ ///
+ /// May only be called with an `SQLITE_CHANGESET_DATA` or
+ /// `SQLITE_CHANGESET_CONFLICT` conflict handler callback.
+ pub fn conflict(&self, col: usize) -> Result<ValueRef<'_>> {
+ unsafe {
+ let mut p_value: *mut ffi::sqlite3_value = ptr::null_mut();
+ check!(ffi::sqlite3changeset_conflict(
+ self.it,
+ col as i32,
+ &mut p_value,
+ ));
+ Ok(ValueRef::from_value(p_value))
+ }
+ }
+ /// Determine the number of foreign key constraint violations
+ ///
+ /// May only be called with an `SQLITE_CHANGESET_FOREIGN_KEY` conflict
+ /// handler callback.
+ pub fn fk_conflicts(&self) -> Result<i32> {
+ unsafe {
+ let mut p_out = 0;
+ check!(ffi::sqlite3changeset_fk_conflicts(self.it, &mut p_out));
+ Ok(p_out)
+ }
+ }
+ /// Obtain new.* Values
+ ///
+ /// May only be called if the type of change is either `SQLITE_UPDATE` or
+ pub fn new_value(&self, col: usize) -> Result<ValueRef<'_>> {
+ unsafe {
+ let mut p_value: *mut ffi::sqlite3_value = ptr::null_mut();
+ check!(ffi::sqlite3changeset_new(self.it, col as i32, &mut p_value,));
+ Ok(ValueRef::from_value(p_value))
+ }
+ }
+ /// Obtain old.* Values
+ ///
+ /// May only be called if the type of change is either `SQLITE_DELETE` or
+ pub fn old_value(&self, col: usize) -> Result<ValueRef<'_>> {
+ unsafe {
+ let mut p_value: *mut ffi::sqlite3_value = ptr::null_mut();
+ check!(ffi::sqlite3changeset_old(self.it, col as i32, &mut p_value,));
+ Ok(ValueRef::from_value(p_value))
+ }
+ }
+ /// Obtain the current operation
+ pub fn op(&self) -> Result<Operation<'_>> {
+ let mut number_of_columns = 0;
+ let mut code = 0;
+ let mut indirect = 0;
+ let tab = unsafe {
+ let mut pz_tab: *const c_char = ptr::null();
+ check!(ffi::sqlite3changeset_op(
+ self.it,
+ &mut pz_tab,
+ &mut number_of_columns,
+ &mut code,
+ &mut indirect
+ ));
+ CStr::from_ptr(pz_tab)
+ };
+ let table_name = tab.to_str()?;
+ Ok(Operation {
+ table_name,
+ number_of_columns,
+ code: Action::from(code),
+ indirect: indirect != 0,
+ })
+ }
+ /// Obtain the primary key definition of a table
+ pub fn pk(&self) -> Result<&[u8]> {
+ let mut number_of_columns = 0;
+ unsafe {
+ let mut pks: *mut c_uchar = ptr::null_mut();
+ check!(ffi::sqlite3changeset_pk(
+ self.it,
+ &mut pks,
+ &mut number_of_columns
+ ));
+ Ok(from_raw_parts(pks, number_of_columns as usize))
+ }
+ }
+/// `feature = "session"` Used to combine two or more changesets or
+/// patchsets
+pub struct Changegroup {
+ cg: *mut ffi::sqlite3_changegroup,
+impl Changegroup {
+ pub fn new() -> Result<Self> {
+ let mut cg = ptr::null_mut();
+ check!(unsafe { ffi::sqlite3changegroup_new(&mut cg) });
+ Ok(Changegroup { cg })
+ }
+ /// Add a changeset
+ pub fn add(&mut self, cs: &Changeset) -> Result<()> {
+ check!(unsafe { ffi::sqlite3changegroup_add(self.cg, cs.n, cs.cs) });
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ /// Add a changeset read from `input` to this change group.
+ pub fn add_stream(&mut self, input: &mut dyn Read) -> Result<()> {
+ let input_ref = &input;
+ check!(unsafe {
+ ffi::sqlite3changegroup_add_strm(
+ self.cg,
+ Some(x_input),
+ input_ref as *const &mut dyn Read as *mut c_void,
+ )
+ });
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ /// Obtain a composite Changeset
+ pub fn output(&mut self) -> Result<Changeset> {
+ let mut n = 0;
+ let mut output: *mut c_void = ptr::null_mut();
+ check!(unsafe { ffi::sqlite3changegroup_output(self.cg, &mut n, &mut output) });
+ Ok(Changeset { cs: output, n })
+ }
+ /// Write the combined set of changes to `output`.
+ pub fn output_strm(&mut self, output: &mut dyn Write) -> Result<()> {
+ let output_ref = &output;
+ check!(unsafe {
+ ffi::sqlite3changegroup_output_strm(
+ self.cg,
+ Some(x_output),
+ output_ref as *const &mut dyn Write as *mut c_void,
+ )
+ });
+ Ok(())
+ }
+impl Drop for Changegroup {
+ fn drop(&mut self) {
+ unsafe {
+ ffi::sqlite3changegroup_delete(self.cg);
+ }
+ }
+impl Connection {
+ /// `feature = "session"` Apply a changeset to a database
+ pub fn apply<F, C>(&self, cs: &Changeset, filter: Option<F>, conflict: C) -> Result<()>
+ where
+ F: Fn(&str) -> bool + Send + RefUnwindSafe + 'static,
+ C: Fn(ConflictType, ChangesetItem) -> ConflictAction + Send + RefUnwindSafe + 'static,
+ {
+ let db = self.db.borrow_mut().db;
+ let filtered = filter.is_some();
+ let tuple = &mut (filter, conflict);
+ check!(unsafe {
+ if filtered {
+ ffi::sqlite3changeset_apply(
+ db,
+ cs.n,
+ cs.cs,
+ Some(call_filter::<F, C>),
+ Some(call_conflict::<F, C>),
+ tuple as *mut (Option<F>, C) as *mut c_void,
+ )
+ } else {
+ ffi::sqlite3changeset_apply(
+ db,
+ cs.n,
+ cs.cs,
+ None,
+ Some(call_conflict::<F, C>),
+ tuple as *mut (Option<F>, C) as *mut c_void,
+ )
+ }
+ });
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ /// `feature = "session"` Apply a changeset to a database
+ pub fn apply_strm<F, C>(
+ &self,
+ input: &mut dyn Read,
+ filter: Option<F>,
+ conflict: C,
+ ) -> Result<()>
+ where
+ F: Fn(&str) -> bool + Send + RefUnwindSafe + 'static,
+ C: Fn(ConflictType, ChangesetItem) -> ConflictAction + Send + RefUnwindSafe + 'static,
+ {
+ let input_ref = &input;
+ let db = self.db.borrow_mut().db;
+ let filtered = filter.is_some();
+ let tuple = &mut (filter, conflict);
+ check!(unsafe {
+ if filtered {
+ ffi::sqlite3changeset_apply_strm(
+ db,
+ Some(x_input),
+ input_ref as *const &mut dyn Read as *mut c_void,
+ Some(call_filter::<F, C>),
+ Some(call_conflict::<F, C>),
+ tuple as *mut (Option<F>, C) as *mut c_void,
+ )
+ } else {
+ ffi::sqlite3changeset_apply_strm(
+ db,
+ Some(x_input),
+ input_ref as *const &mut dyn Read as *mut c_void,
+ None,
+ Some(call_conflict::<F, C>),
+ tuple as *mut (Option<F>, C) as *mut c_void,
+ )
+ }
+ });
+ Ok(())
+ }
+/// `feature = "session"` Constants passed to the conflict handler
+#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
+pub enum ConflictType {
+ UNKNOWN = -1,
+impl From<i32> for ConflictType {
+ fn from(code: i32) -> ConflictType {
+ match code {
+ _ => ConflictType::UNKNOWN,
+ }
+ }
+/// `feature = "session"` Constants returned by the conflict handler
+#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
+pub enum ConflictAction {
+unsafe extern "C" fn call_filter<F, C>(p_ctx: *mut c_void, tbl_str: *const c_char) -> c_int
+ F: Fn(&str) -> bool + Send + RefUnwindSafe + 'static,
+ C: Fn(ConflictType, ChangesetItem) -> ConflictAction + Send + RefUnwindSafe + 'static,
+ use std::str;
+ let tuple: *mut (Option<F>, C) = p_ctx as *mut (Option<F>, C);
+ let tbl_name = {
+ let c_slice = CStr::from_ptr(tbl_str).to_bytes();
+ str::from_utf8(c_slice)
+ };
+ match *tuple {
+ (Some(ref filter), _) => {
+ if let Ok(true) = catch_unwind(|| filter(tbl_name.expect("illegal table name"))) {
+ 1
+ } else {
+ 0
+ }
+ }
+ _ => unimplemented!(),
+ }
+unsafe extern "C" fn call_conflict<F, C>(
+ p_ctx: *mut c_void,
+ e_conflict: c_int,
+ p: *mut ffi::sqlite3_changeset_iter,
+) -> c_int
+ F: Fn(&str) -> bool + Send + RefUnwindSafe + 'static,
+ C: Fn(ConflictType, ChangesetItem) -> ConflictAction + Send + RefUnwindSafe + 'static,
+ let tuple: *mut (Option<F>, C) = p_ctx as *mut (Option<F>, C);
+ let conflict_type = ConflictType::from(e_conflict);
+ let item = ChangesetItem { it: p };
+ if let Ok(action) = catch_unwind(|| (*tuple).1(conflict_type, item)) {
+ action as c_int
+ } else {
+ }
+unsafe extern "C" fn x_input(p_in: *mut c_void, data: *mut c_void, len: *mut c_int) -> c_int {
+ if p_in.is_null() {
+ return ffi::SQLITE_MISUSE;
+ }
+ let bytes: &mut [u8] = from_raw_parts_mut(data as *mut u8, *len as usize);
+ let input = p_in as *mut &mut dyn Read;
+ match (*input).read(bytes) {
+ Ok(n) => {
+ *len = n as i32; // TODO Validate: n = 0 may not mean the reader will always no longer be able to
+ // produce bytes.
+ ffi::SQLITE_OK
+ }
+ Err(_) => ffi::SQLITE_IOERR_READ, // TODO check if err is a (ru)sqlite Error => propagate
+ }
+unsafe extern "C" fn x_output(p_out: *mut c_void, data: *const c_void, len: c_int) -> c_int {
+ if p_out.is_null() {
+ return ffi::SQLITE_MISUSE;
+ }
+ // The sessions module never invokes an xOutput callback with the third
+ // parameter set to a value less than or equal to zero.
+ let bytes: &[u8] = from_raw_parts(data as *const u8, len as usize);
+ let output = p_out as *mut &mut dyn Write;
+ match (*output).write_all(bytes) {
+ Ok(_) => ffi::SQLITE_OK,
+ Err(_) => ffi::SQLITE_IOERR_WRITE, // TODO check if err is a (ru)sqlite Error => propagate
+ }
+mod test {
+ use fallible_streaming_iterator::FallibleStreamingIterator;
+ use std::io::Read;
+ use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering};
+ use super::{Changeset, ChangesetIter, ConflictAction, ConflictType, Session};
+ use crate::hooks::Action;
+ use crate::Connection;
+ fn one_changeset() -> Changeset {
+ let db = Connection::open_in_memory().unwrap();
+ db.execute_batch("CREATE TABLE foo(t TEXT PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL);")
+ .unwrap();
+ let mut session = Session::new(&db).unwrap();
+ assert!(session.is_empty());
+ session.attach(None).unwrap();
+ db.execute("INSERT INTO foo (t) VALUES (?);", &["bar"])
+ .unwrap();
+ session.changeset().unwrap()
+ }
+ fn one_changeset_strm() -> Vec<u8> {
+ let db = Connection::open_in_memory().unwrap();
+ db.execute_batch("CREATE TABLE foo(t TEXT PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL);")
+ .unwrap();
+ let mut session = Session::new(&db).unwrap();
+ assert!(session.is_empty());
+ session.attach(None).unwrap();
+ db.execute("INSERT INTO foo (t) VALUES (?);", &["bar"])
+ .unwrap();
+ let mut output = Vec::new();
+ session.changeset_strm(&mut output).unwrap();
+ output
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_changeset() {
+ let changeset = one_changeset();
+ let mut iter = changeset.iter().unwrap();
+ let item = iter.next().unwrap();
+ assert!(item.is_some());
+ let item = item.unwrap();
+ let op = item.op().unwrap();
+ assert_eq!("foo", op.table_name());
+ assert_eq!(1, op.number_of_columns());
+ assert_eq!(Action::SQLITE_INSERT, op.code());
+ assert_eq!(false, op.indirect());
+ let pk = item.pk().unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(&[1], pk);
+ let new_value = item.new_value(0).unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(Ok("bar"), new_value.as_str());
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_changeset_strm() {
+ let output = one_changeset_strm();
+ assert!(!output.is_empty());
+ assert_eq!(14, output.len());
+ let input: &mut dyn Read = &mut output.as_slice();
+ let mut iter = ChangesetIter::start_strm(&input).unwrap();
+ let item = iter.next().unwrap();
+ assert!(item.is_some());
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_changeset_apply() {
+ let changeset = one_changeset();
+ let db = Connection::open_in_memory().unwrap();
+ db.execute_batch("CREATE TABLE foo(t TEXT PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL);")
+ .unwrap();
+ lazy_static::lazy_static! {
+ static ref CALLED: AtomicBool = AtomicBool::new(false);
+ }
+ db.apply(
+ &changeset,
+ None::<fn(&str) -> bool>,
+ |_conflict_type, _item| {
+ CALLED.store(true, Ordering::Relaxed);
+ },
+ )
+ .unwrap();
+ assert!(!CALLED.load(Ordering::Relaxed));
+ let check = db
+ .query_row("SELECT 1 FROM foo WHERE t = ?", &["bar"], |row| {
+ row.get::<_, i32>(0)
+ })
+ .unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(1, check);
+ // conflict expected when same changeset applied again on the same db
+ db.apply(
+ &changeset,
+ None::<fn(&str) -> bool>,
+ |conflict_type, item| {
+ CALLED.store(true, Ordering::Relaxed);
+ assert_eq!(ConflictType::SQLITE_CHANGESET_CONFLICT, conflict_type);
+ let conflict = item.conflict(0).unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(Ok("bar"), conflict.as_str());
+ },
+ )
+ .unwrap();
+ assert!(CALLED.load(Ordering::Relaxed));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_changeset_apply_strm() {
+ let output = one_changeset_strm();
+ let db = Connection::open_in_memory().unwrap();
+ db.execute_batch("CREATE TABLE foo(t TEXT PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL);")
+ .unwrap();
+ let mut input = output.as_slice();
+ db.apply_strm(
+ &mut input,
+ None::<fn(&str) -> bool>,
+ |_conflict_type, _item| ConflictAction::SQLITE_CHANGESET_OMIT,
+ )
+ .unwrap();
+ let check = db
+ .query_row("SELECT 1 FROM foo WHERE t = ?", &["bar"], |row| {
+ row.get::<_, i32>(0)
+ })
+ .unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(1, check);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_session_empty() {
+ let db = Connection::open_in_memory().unwrap();
+ db.execute_batch("CREATE TABLE foo(t TEXT PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL);")
+ .unwrap();
+ let mut session = Session::new(&db).unwrap();
+ assert!(session.is_empty());
+ session.attach(None).unwrap();
+ db.execute("INSERT INTO foo (t) VALUES (?);", &["bar"])
+ .unwrap();
+ assert!(!session.is_empty());
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_session_set_enabled() {
+ let db = Connection::open_in_memory().unwrap();
+ let mut session = Session::new(&db).unwrap();
+ assert!(session.is_enabled());
+ session.set_enabled(false);
+ assert!(!session.is_enabled());
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_session_set_indirect() {
+ let db = Connection::open_in_memory().unwrap();
+ let mut session = Session::new(&db).unwrap();
+ assert!(!session.is_indirect());
+ session.set_indirect(true);
+ assert!(session.is_indirect());
+ }
diff --git a/src/statement.rs b/src/statement.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cd05ef6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/statement.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,1245 @@
+use std::iter::IntoIterator;
+use std::os::raw::{c_int, c_void};
+#[cfg(feature = "array")]
+use std::rc::Rc;
+use std::slice::from_raw_parts;
+use std::{convert, fmt, mem, ptr, str};
+use super::ffi;
+use super::{len_as_c_int, str_for_sqlite};
+use super::{
+ AndThenRows, Connection, Error, MappedRows, RawStatement, Result, Row, Rows, ValueRef,
+use crate::types::{ToSql, ToSqlOutput};
+#[cfg(feature = "array")]
+use crate::vtab::array::{free_array, ARRAY_TYPE};
+/// A prepared statement.
+pub struct Statement<'conn> {
+ conn: &'conn Connection,
+ pub(crate) stmt: RawStatement,
+impl Statement<'_> {
+ /// Execute the prepared statement.
+ ///
+ /// On success, returns the number of rows that were changed or inserted or
+ /// deleted (via `sqlite3_changes`).
+ ///
+ /// ## Example
+ ///
+ /// ```rust,no_run
+ /// # use rusqlite::{Connection, Result};
+ /// fn update_rows(conn: &Connection) -> Result<()> {
+ /// let mut stmt = conn.prepare("UPDATE foo SET bar = 'baz' WHERE qux = ?")?;
+ ///
+ /// stmt.execute(&[1i32])?;
+ /// stmt.execute(&[2i32])?;
+ ///
+ /// Ok(())
+ /// }
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// # Failure
+ ///
+ /// Will return `Err` if binding parameters fails, the executed statement
+ /// returns rows (in which case `query` should be used instead), or the
+ /// underlying SQLite call fails.
+ pub fn execute<P>(&mut self, params: P) -> Result<usize>
+ where
+ P: IntoIterator,
+ P::Item: ToSql,
+ {
+ self.bind_parameters(params)?;
+ self.execute_with_bound_parameters()
+ }
+ /// Execute the prepared statement with named parameter(s). If any
+ /// parameters that were in the prepared statement are not included in
+ /// `params`, they will continue to use the most-recently bound value
+ /// from a previous call to `execute_named`, or `NULL` if they have
+ /// never been bound.
+ ///
+ /// On success, returns the number of rows that were changed or inserted or
+ /// deleted (via `sqlite3_changes`).
+ ///
+ /// ## Example
+ ///
+ /// ```rust,no_run
+ /// # use rusqlite::{Connection, Result};
+ /// fn insert(conn: &Connection) -> Result<usize> {
+ /// let mut stmt = conn.prepare("INSERT INTO test (name) VALUES (:name)")?;
+ /// stmt.execute_named(&[(":name", &"one")])
+ /// }
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// Note, the `named_params` macro is provided for syntactic convenience,
+ /// and so the above example could also be written as:
+ ///
+ /// ```rust,no_run
+ /// # use rusqlite::{Connection, Result, named_params};
+ /// fn insert(conn: &Connection) -> Result<usize> {
+ /// let mut stmt = conn.prepare("INSERT INTO test (name) VALUES (:name)")?;
+ /// stmt.execute_named(named_params!{":name": "one"})
+ /// }
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// # Failure
+ ///
+ /// Will return `Err` if binding parameters fails, the executed statement
+ /// returns rows (in which case `query` should be used instead), or the
+ /// underlying SQLite call fails.
+ pub fn execute_named(&mut self, params: &[(&str, &dyn ToSql)]) -> Result<usize> {
+ self.bind_parameters_named(params)?;
+ self.execute_with_bound_parameters()
+ }
+ /// Execute an INSERT and return the ROWID.
+ ///
+ /// # Note
+ ///
+ /// This function is a convenience wrapper around `execute()` intended for
+ /// queries that insert a single item. It is possible to misuse this
+ /// function in a way that it cannot detect, such as by calling it on a
+ /// statement which _updates_ a single
+ /// item rather than inserting one. Please don't do that.
+ ///
+ /// # Failure
+ ///
+ /// Will return `Err` if no row is inserted or many rows are inserted.
+ pub fn insert<P>(&mut self, params: P) -> Result<i64>
+ where
+ P: IntoIterator,
+ P::Item: ToSql,
+ {
+ let changes = self.execute(params)?;
+ match changes {
+ 1 => Ok(self.conn.last_insert_rowid()),
+ _ => Err(Error::StatementChangedRows(changes)),
+ }
+ }
+ /// Execute the prepared statement, returning a handle to the resulting
+ /// rows.
+ ///
+ /// Due to lifetime restricts, the rows handle returned by `query` does not
+ /// implement the `Iterator` trait. Consider using `query_map` or
+ /// `query_and_then` instead, which do.
+ ///
+ /// ## Example
+ ///
+ /// ```rust,no_run
+ /// # use rusqlite::{Connection, Result, NO_PARAMS};
+ /// fn get_names(conn: &Connection) -> Result<Vec<String>> {
+ /// let mut stmt = conn.prepare("SELECT name FROM people")?;
+ /// let mut rows = stmt.query(NO_PARAMS)?;
+ ///
+ /// let mut names = Vec::new();
+ /// while let Some(row) = rows.next()? {
+ /// names.push(row.get(0)?);
+ /// }
+ ///
+ /// Ok(names)
+ /// }
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// ## Failure
+ ///
+ /// Will return `Err` if binding parameters fails.
+ pub fn query<P>(&mut self, params: P) -> Result<Rows<'_>>
+ where
+ P: IntoIterator,
+ P::Item: ToSql,
+ {
+ self.check_readonly()?;
+ self.bind_parameters(params)?;
+ Ok(Rows::new(self))
+ }
+ /// Execute the prepared statement with named parameter(s), returning a
+ /// handle for the resulting rows. If any parameters that were in the
+ /// prepared statement are not included in `params`, they will continue
+ /// to use the most-recently bound value from a previous
+ /// call to `query_named`, or `NULL` if they have never been bound.
+ ///
+ /// ## Example
+ ///
+ /// ```rust,no_run
+ /// # use rusqlite::{Connection, Result};
+ /// fn query(conn: &Connection) -> Result<()> {
+ /// let mut stmt = conn.prepare("SELECT * FROM test where name = :name")?;
+ /// let mut rows = stmt.query_named(&[(":name", &"one")])?;
+ /// while let Some(row) = rows.next()? {
+ /// // ...
+ /// }
+ /// Ok(())
+ /// }
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// Note, the `named_params!` macro is provided for syntactic convenience,
+ /// and so the above example could also be written as:
+ ///
+ /// ```rust,no_run
+ /// # use rusqlite::{Connection, Result, named_params};
+ /// fn query(conn: &Connection) -> Result<()> {
+ /// let mut stmt = conn.prepare("SELECT * FROM test where name = :name")?;
+ /// let mut rows = stmt.query_named(named_params!{ ":name": "one" })?;
+ /// while let Some(row) = rows.next()? {
+ /// // ...
+ /// }
+ /// Ok(())
+ /// }
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// # Failure
+ ///
+ /// Will return `Err` if binding parameters fails.
+ pub fn query_named(&mut self, params: &[(&str, &dyn ToSql)]) -> Result<Rows<'_>> {
+ self.check_readonly()?;
+ self.bind_parameters_named(params)?;
+ Ok(Rows::new(self))
+ }
+ /// Executes the prepared statement and maps a function over the resulting
+ /// rows, returning an iterator over the mapped function results.
+ ///
+ /// ## Example
+ ///
+ /// ```rust,no_run
+ /// # use rusqlite::{Connection, Result, NO_PARAMS};
+ /// fn get_names(conn: &Connection) -> Result<Vec<String>> {
+ /// let mut stmt = conn.prepare("SELECT name FROM people")?;
+ /// let rows = stmt.query_map(NO_PARAMS, |row| row.get(0))?;
+ ///
+ /// let mut names = Vec::new();
+ /// for name_result in rows {
+ /// names.push(name_result?);
+ /// }
+ ///
+ /// Ok(names)
+ /// }
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// ## Failure
+ ///
+ /// Will return `Err` if binding parameters fails.
+ pub fn query_map<T, P, F>(&mut self, params: P, f: F) -> Result<MappedRows<'_, F>>
+ where
+ P: IntoIterator,
+ P::Item: ToSql,
+ F: FnMut(&Row<'_>) -> Result<T>,
+ {
+ let rows = self.query(params)?;
+ Ok(MappedRows::new(rows, f))
+ }
+ /// Execute the prepared statement with named parameter(s), returning an
+ /// iterator over the result of calling the mapping function over the
+ /// query's rows. If any parameters that were in the prepared statement
+ /// are not included in `params`, they will continue to use the
+ /// most-recently bound value from a previous call to `query_named`,
+ /// or `NULL` if they have never been bound.
+ ///
+ /// ## Example
+ ///
+ /// ```rust,no_run
+ /// # use rusqlite::{Connection, Result};
+ /// fn get_names(conn: &Connection) -> Result<Vec<String>> {
+ /// let mut stmt = conn.prepare("SELECT name FROM people WHERE id = :id")?;
+ /// let rows = stmt.query_map_named(&[(":id", &"one")], |row| row.get(0))?;
+ ///
+ /// let mut names = Vec::new();
+ /// for name_result in rows {
+ /// names.push(name_result?);
+ /// }
+ ///
+ /// Ok(names)
+ /// }
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// ## Failure
+ ///
+ /// Will return `Err` if binding parameters fails.
+ pub fn query_map_named<T, F>(
+ &mut self,
+ params: &[(&str, &dyn ToSql)],
+ f: F,
+ ) -> Result<MappedRows<'_, F>>
+ where
+ F: FnMut(&Row<'_>) -> Result<T>,
+ {
+ let rows = self.query_named(params)?;
+ Ok(MappedRows::new(rows, f))
+ }
+ /// Executes the prepared statement and maps a function over the resulting
+ /// rows, where the function returns a `Result` with `Error` type
+ /// implementing `std::convert::From<Error>` (so errors can be unified).
+ ///
+ /// # Failure
+ ///
+ /// Will return `Err` if binding parameters fails.
+ pub fn query_and_then<T, E, P, F>(&mut self, params: P, f: F) -> Result<AndThenRows<'_, F>>
+ where
+ P: IntoIterator,
+ P::Item: ToSql,
+ E: convert::From<Error>,
+ F: FnMut(&Row<'_>) -> Result<T, E>,
+ {
+ let rows = self.query(params)?;
+ Ok(AndThenRows::new(rows, f))
+ }
+ /// Execute the prepared statement with named parameter(s), returning an
+ /// iterator over the result of calling the mapping function over the
+ /// query's rows. If any parameters that were in the prepared statement
+ /// are not included in
+ /// `params`, they will
+ /// continue to use the most-recently bound value from a previous call
+ /// to `query_named`, or `NULL` if they have never been bound.
+ ///
+ /// ## Example
+ ///
+ /// ```rust,no_run
+ /// # use rusqlite::{Connection, Result};
+ /// struct Person {
+ /// name: String,
+ /// };
+ ///
+ /// fn name_to_person(name: String) -> Result<Person> {
+ /// // ... check for valid name
+ /// Ok(Person { name: name })
+ /// }
+ ///
+ /// fn get_names(conn: &Connection) -> Result<Vec<Person>> {
+ /// let mut stmt = conn.prepare("SELECT name FROM people WHERE id = :id")?;
+ /// let rows =
+ /// stmt.query_and_then_named(&[(":id", &"one")], |row| name_to_person(row.get(0)?))?;
+ ///
+ /// let mut persons = Vec::new();
+ /// for person_result in rows {
+ /// persons.push(person_result?);
+ /// }
+ ///
+ /// Ok(persons)
+ /// }
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// ## Failure
+ ///
+ /// Will return `Err` if binding parameters fails.
+ pub fn query_and_then_named<T, E, F>(
+ &mut self,
+ params: &[(&str, &dyn ToSql)],
+ f: F,
+ ) -> Result<AndThenRows<'_, F>>
+ where
+ E: convert::From<Error>,
+ F: FnMut(&Row<'_>) -> Result<T, E>,
+ {
+ let rows = self.query_named(params)?;
+ Ok(AndThenRows::new(rows, f))
+ }
+ /// Return `true` if a query in the SQL statement it executes returns one
+ /// or more rows and `false` if the SQL returns an empty set.
+ pub fn exists<P>(&mut self, params: P) -> Result<bool>
+ where
+ P: IntoIterator,
+ P::Item: ToSql,
+ {
+ let mut rows = self.query(params)?;
+ let exists = rows.next()?.is_some();
+ Ok(exists)
+ }
+ /// Convenience method to execute a query that is expected to return a
+ /// single row.
+ ///
+ /// If the query returns more than one row, all rows except the first are
+ /// ignored.
+ ///
+ /// Returns `Err(QueryReturnedNoRows)` if no results are returned. If the
+ /// query truly is optional, you can call `.optional()` on the result of
+ /// this to get a `Result<Option<T>>`.
+ ///
+ /// # Failure
+ ///
+ /// Will return `Err` if the underlying SQLite call fails.
+ pub fn query_row<T, P, F>(&mut self, params: P, f: F) -> Result<T>
+ where
+ P: IntoIterator,
+ P::Item: ToSql,
+ F: FnOnce(&Row<'_>) -> Result<T>,
+ {
+ let mut rows = self.query(params)?;
+ rows.get_expected_row().and_then(|r| f(&r))
+ }
+ /// Convenience method to execute a query with named parameter(s) that is
+ /// expected to return a single row.
+ ///
+ /// If the query returns more than one row, all rows except the first are
+ /// ignored.
+ ///
+ /// Returns `Err(QueryReturnedNoRows)` if no results are returned. If the
+ /// query truly is optional, you can call `.optional()` on the result of
+ /// this to get a `Result<Option<T>>`.
+ ///
+ /// # Failure
+ ///
+ /// Will return `Err` if `sql` cannot be converted to a C-compatible string
+ /// or if the underlying SQLite call fails.
+ pub fn query_row_named<T, F>(&mut self, params: &[(&str, &dyn ToSql)], f: F) -> Result<T>
+ where
+ F: FnOnce(&Row<'_>) -> Result<T>,
+ {
+ let mut rows = self.query_named(params)?;
+ rows.get_expected_row().and_then(|r| f(&r))
+ }
+ /// Consumes the statement.
+ ///
+ /// Functionally equivalent to the `Drop` implementation, but allows
+ /// callers to see any errors that occur.
+ ///
+ /// # Failure
+ ///
+ /// Will return `Err` if the underlying SQLite call fails.
+ pub fn finalize(mut self) -> Result<()> {
+ self.finalize_()
+ }
+ /// Return the (one-based) index of an SQL parameter given its name.
+ ///
+ /// Note that the initial ":" or "$" or "@" or "?" used to specify the
+ /// parameter is included as part of the name.
+ ///
+ /// ```rust,no_run
+ /// # use rusqlite::{Connection, Result};
+ /// fn example(conn: &Connection) -> Result<()> {
+ /// let stmt = conn.prepare("SELECT * FROM test WHERE name = :example")?;
+ /// let index = stmt.parameter_index(":example")?;
+ /// assert_eq!(index, Some(1));
+ /// Ok(())
+ /// }
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// # Failure
+ ///
+ /// Will return Err if `name` is invalid. Will return Ok(None) if the name
+ /// is valid but not a bound parameter of this statement.
+ pub fn parameter_index(&self, name: &str) -> Result<Option<usize>> {
+ Ok(self.stmt.bind_parameter_index(name))
+ }
+ fn bind_parameters<P>(&mut self, params: P) -> Result<()>
+ where
+ P: IntoIterator,
+ P::Item: ToSql,
+ {
+ let expected = self.stmt.bind_parameter_count();
+ let mut index = 0;
+ for p in params.into_iter() {
+ index += 1; // The leftmost SQL parameter has an index of 1.
+ if index > expected {
+ break;
+ }
+ self.bind_parameter(&p, index)?;
+ }
+ if index != expected {
+ Err(Error::InvalidParameterCount(expected, index))
+ } else {
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ }
+ fn bind_parameters_named(&mut self, params: &[(&str, &dyn ToSql)]) -> Result<()> {
+ for &(name, value) in params {
+ if let Some(i) = self.parameter_index(name)? {
+ self.bind_parameter(value, i)?;
+ } else {
+ return Err(Error::InvalidParameterName(name.into()));
+ }
+ }
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ /// Return the number of parameters that can be bound to this statement.
+ pub fn parameter_count(&self) -> usize {
+ self.stmt.bind_parameter_count()
+ }
+ /// Low level API to directly bind a parameter to a given index.
+ ///
+ /// Note that the index is one-based, that is, the first parameter index is
+ /// 1 and not 0. This is consistent with the SQLite API and the values given
+ /// to parameters bound as `?NNN`.
+ ///
+ /// The valid values for `one_based_col_index` begin at `1`, and end at
+ /// [`Statement::parameter_count`], inclusive.
+ ///
+ /// # Caveats
+ ///
+ /// This should not generally be used, but is available for special cases
+ /// such as:
+ ///
+ /// - binding parameters where a gap exists.
+ /// - binding named and positional parameters in the same query.
+ /// - separating parameter binding from query execution.
+ ///
+ /// Statements that have had their parameters bound this way should be
+ /// queried or executed by [`Statement::raw_query`] or
+ /// [`Statement::raw_execute`]. Other functions are not guaranteed to work.
+ ///
+ /// # Example
+ ///
+ /// ```rust,no_run
+ /// # use rusqlite::{Connection, Result};
+ /// fn query(conn: &Connection) -> Result<()> {
+ /// let mut stmt = conn.prepare("SELECT * FROM test WHERE name = :name AND value > ?2")?;
+ /// let name_index = stmt.parameter_index(":name")?.expect("No such parameter");
+ /// stmt.raw_bind_parameter(name_index, "foo")?;
+ /// stmt.raw_bind_parameter(2, 100)?;
+ /// let mut rows = stmt.raw_query();
+ /// while let Some(row) = rows.next()? {
+ /// // ...
+ /// }
+ /// Ok(())
+ /// }
+ /// ```
+ pub fn raw_bind_parameter<T: ToSql>(
+ &mut self,
+ one_based_col_index: usize,
+ param: T,
+ ) -> Result<()> {
+ // This is the same as `bind_parameter` but slightly more ergonomic and
+ // correctly takes `&mut self`.
+ self.bind_parameter(&param, one_based_col_index)
+ }
+ /// Low level API to execute a statement given that all parameters were
+ /// bound explicitly with the [`Statement::raw_bind_parameter`] API.
+ ///
+ /// # Caveats
+ ///
+ /// Any unbound parameters will have `NULL` as their value.
+ ///
+ /// This should not generally be used outside of special cases, and
+ /// functions in the [`Statement::execute`] family should be preferred.
+ ///
+ /// # Failure
+ ///
+ /// Will return `Err` if the executed statement returns rows (in which case
+ /// `query` should be used instead), or the underlying SQLite call fails.
+ pub fn raw_execute(&mut self) -> Result<usize> {
+ self.execute_with_bound_parameters()
+ }
+ /// Low level API to get `Rows` for this query given that all parameters
+ /// were bound explicitly with the [`Statement::raw_bind_parameter`] API.
+ ///
+ /// # Caveats
+ ///
+ /// Any unbound parameters will have `NULL` as their value.
+ ///
+ /// This should not generally be used outside of special cases, and
+ /// functions in the [`Statement::query`] family should be preferred.
+ ///
+ /// Note that if the SQL does not return results, [`Statement::raw_execute`]
+ /// should be used instead.
+ pub fn raw_query(&mut self) -> Rows<'_> {
+ Rows::new(self)
+ }
+ fn bind_parameter(&self, param: &dyn ToSql, col: usize) -> Result<()> {
+ let value = param.to_sql()?;
+ let ptr = unsafe { self.stmt.ptr() };
+ let value = match value {
+ ToSqlOutput::Borrowed(v) => v,
+ ToSqlOutput::Owned(ref v) => ValueRef::from(v),
+ #[cfg(feature = "blob")]
+ ToSqlOutput::ZeroBlob(len) => {
+ return self
+ .conn
+ .decode_result(unsafe { ffi::sqlite3_bind_zeroblob(ptr, col as c_int, len) });
+ }
+ #[cfg(feature = "array")]
+ ToSqlOutput::Array(a) => {
+ return self.conn.decode_result(unsafe {
+ ffi::sqlite3_bind_pointer(
+ ptr,
+ col as c_int,
+ Rc::into_raw(a) as *mut c_void,
+ Some(free_array),
+ )
+ });
+ }
+ };
+ self.conn.decode_result(match value {
+ ValueRef::Null => unsafe { ffi::sqlite3_bind_null(ptr, col as c_int) },
+ ValueRef::Integer(i) => unsafe { ffi::sqlite3_bind_int64(ptr, col as c_int, i) },
+ ValueRef::Real(r) => unsafe { ffi::sqlite3_bind_double(ptr, col as c_int, r) },
+ ValueRef::Text(s) => unsafe {
+ let (c_str, len, destructor) = str_for_sqlite(s)?;
+ ffi::sqlite3_bind_text(ptr, col as c_int, c_str, len, destructor)
+ },
+ ValueRef::Blob(b) => unsafe {
+ let length = len_as_c_int(b.len())?;
+ if length == 0 {
+ ffi::sqlite3_bind_zeroblob(ptr, col as c_int, 0)
+ } else {
+ ffi::sqlite3_bind_blob(
+ ptr,
+ col as c_int,
+ b.as_ptr() as *const c_void,
+ length,
+ )
+ }
+ },
+ })
+ }
+ fn execute_with_bound_parameters(&mut self) -> Result<usize> {
+ self.check_update()?;
+ let r = self.stmt.step();
+ self.stmt.reset();
+ match r {
+ ffi::SQLITE_DONE => Ok(self.conn.changes()),
+ ffi::SQLITE_ROW => Err(Error::ExecuteReturnedResults),
+ _ => Err(self.conn.decode_result(r).unwrap_err()),
+ }
+ }
+ fn finalize_(&mut self) -> Result<()> {
+ let mut stmt = unsafe { RawStatement::new(ptr::null_mut(), false) };
+ mem::swap(&mut stmt, &mut self.stmt);
+ self.conn.decode_result(stmt.finalize())
+ }
+ #[cfg(not(feature = "modern_sqlite"))]
+ #[inline]
+ fn check_readonly(&self) -> Result<()> {
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ #[cfg(feature = "modern_sqlite")]
+ #[inline]
+ fn check_readonly(&self) -> Result<()> {
+ /*if !self.stmt.readonly() { does not work for PRAGMA
+ return Err(Error::InvalidQuery);
+ }*/
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ #[cfg(all(feature = "modern_sqlite", feature = "extra_check"))]
+ #[inline]
+ fn check_update(&self) -> Result<()> {
+ // sqlite3_column_count works for DML but not for DDL (ie ALTER)
+ if self.column_count() > 0 || self.stmt.readonly() {
+ return Err(Error::ExecuteReturnedResults);
+ }
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ #[cfg(all(not(feature = "modern_sqlite"), feature = "extra_check"))]
+ #[inline]
+ fn check_update(&self) -> Result<()> {
+ // sqlite3_column_count works for DML but not for DDL (ie ALTER)
+ if self.column_count() > 0 {
+ return Err(Error::ExecuteReturnedResults);
+ }
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ #[cfg(not(feature = "extra_check"))]
+ #[inline]
+ fn check_update(&self) -> Result<()> {
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ /// Returns a string containing the SQL text of prepared statement with
+ /// bound parameters expanded.
+ #[cfg(feature = "modern_sqlite")]
+ pub fn expanded_sql(&self) -> Option<String> {
+ self.stmt
+ .expanded_sql()
+ .map(|s| s.to_string_lossy().to_string())
+ }
+ /// Get the value for one of the status counters for this statement.
+ pub fn get_status(&self, status: StatementStatus) -> i32 {
+ self.stmt.get_status(status, false)
+ }
+ /// Reset the value of one of the status counters for this statement,
+ /// returning the value it had before resetting.
+ pub fn reset_status(&self, status: StatementStatus) -> i32 {
+ self.stmt.get_status(status, true)
+ }
+ #[cfg(feature = "extra_check")]
+ pub(crate) fn check_no_tail(&self) -> Result<()> {
+ if self.stmt.has_tail() {
+ Err(Error::MultipleStatement)
+ } else {
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ }
+ #[cfg(not(feature = "extra_check"))]
+ #[inline]
+ pub(crate) fn check_no_tail(&self) -> Result<()> {
+ Ok(())
+ }
+impl Into<RawStatement> for Statement<'_> {
+ fn into(mut self) -> RawStatement {
+ let mut stmt = unsafe { RawStatement::new(ptr::null_mut(), false) };
+ mem::swap(&mut stmt, &mut self.stmt);
+ stmt
+ }
+impl fmt::Debug for Statement<'_> {
+ fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
+ let sql = if self.stmt.is_null() {
+ Ok("")
+ } else {
+ str::from_utf8(self.stmt.sql().unwrap().to_bytes())
+ };
+ f.debug_struct("Statement")
+ .field("conn", self.conn)
+ .field("stmt", &self.stmt)
+ .field("sql", &sql)
+ .finish()
+ }
+impl Drop for Statement<'_> {
+ #[allow(unused_must_use)]
+ fn drop(&mut self) {
+ self.finalize_();
+ }
+impl Statement<'_> {
+ pub(crate) fn new(conn: &Connection, stmt: RawStatement) -> Statement<'_> {
+ Statement { conn, stmt }
+ }
+ pub(crate) fn value_ref(&self, col: usize) -> ValueRef<'_> {
+ let raw = unsafe { self.stmt.ptr() };
+ match self.stmt.column_type(col) {
+ ffi::SQLITE_NULL => ValueRef::Null,
+ ffi::SQLITE_INTEGER => {
+ ValueRef::Integer(unsafe { ffi::sqlite3_column_int64(raw, col as c_int) })
+ }
+ ffi::SQLITE_FLOAT => {
+ ValueRef::Real(unsafe { ffi::sqlite3_column_double(raw, col as c_int) })
+ }
+ ffi::SQLITE_TEXT => {
+ let s = unsafe {
+ // Quoting from "Using SQLite" book:
+ // To avoid problems, an application should first extract the desired type using
+ // a sqlite3_column_xxx() function, and then call the
+ // appropriate sqlite3_column_bytes() function.
+ let text = ffi::sqlite3_column_text(raw, col as c_int);
+ let len = ffi::sqlite3_column_bytes(raw, col as c_int);
+ assert!(
+ !text.is_null(),
+ "unexpected SQLITE_TEXT column type with NULL data"
+ );
+ from_raw_parts(text as *const u8, len as usize)
+ };
+ ValueRef::Text(s)
+ }
+ ffi::SQLITE_BLOB => {
+ let (blob, len) = unsafe {
+ (
+ ffi::sqlite3_column_blob(raw, col as c_int),
+ ffi::sqlite3_column_bytes(raw, col as c_int),
+ )
+ };
+ assert!(
+ len >= 0,
+ "unexpected negative return from sqlite3_column_bytes"
+ );
+ if len > 0 {
+ assert!(
+ !blob.is_null(),
+ "unexpected SQLITE_BLOB column type with NULL data"
+ );
+ ValueRef::Blob(unsafe { from_raw_parts(blob as *const u8, len as usize) })
+ } else {
+ // The return value from sqlite3_column_blob() for a zero-length BLOB
+ // is a NULL pointer.
+ ValueRef::Blob(&[])
+ }
+ }
+ _ => unreachable!("sqlite3_column_type returned invalid value"),
+ }
+ }
+ pub(crate) fn step(&self) -> Result<bool> {
+ match self.stmt.step() {
+ ffi::SQLITE_ROW => Ok(true),
+ ffi::SQLITE_DONE => Ok(false),
+ code => Err(self.conn.decode_result(code).unwrap_err()),
+ }
+ }
+ pub(crate) fn reset(&self) -> c_int {
+ self.stmt.reset()
+ }
+/// Prepared statement status counters.
+/// See https://www.sqlite.org/c3ref/c_stmtstatus_counter.html
+/// for explanations of each.
+/// Note that depending on your version of SQLite, all of these
+/// may not be available.
+#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
+pub enum StatementStatus {
+ FullscanStep = 1,
+ /// Equivalent to SQLITE_STMTSTATUS_SORT
+ Sort = 2,
+ AutoIndex = 3,
+ VmStep = 4,
+ RePrepare = 5,
+ /// Equivalent to SQLITE_STMTSTATUS_RUN
+ Run = 6,
+ MemUsed = 99,
+mod test {
+ use crate::types::ToSql;
+ use crate::{Connection, Error, Result, NO_PARAMS};
+ #[test]
+ fn test_execute_named() {
+ let db = Connection::open_in_memory().unwrap();
+ db.execute_batch("CREATE TABLE foo(x INTEGER)").unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(
+ db.execute_named("INSERT INTO foo(x) VALUES (:x)", &[(":x", &1i32)])
+ .unwrap(),
+ 1
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ db.execute_named("INSERT INTO foo(x) VALUES (:x)", &[(":x", &2i32)])
+ .unwrap(),
+ 1
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ 3i32,
+ db.query_row_named::<i32, _>(
+ "SELECT SUM(x) FROM foo WHERE x > :x",
+ &[(":x", &0i32)],
+ |r| r.get(0)
+ )
+ .unwrap()
+ );
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_stmt_execute_named() {
+ let db = Connection::open_in_memory().unwrap();
+ db.execute_batch(sql).unwrap();
+ let mut stmt = db
+ .prepare("INSERT INTO test (name) VALUES (:name)")
+ .unwrap();
+ stmt.execute_named(&[(":name", &"one")]).unwrap();
+ let mut stmt = db
+ .prepare("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM test WHERE name = :name")
+ .unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(
+ 1i32,
+ stmt.query_row_named::<i32, _>(&[(":name", &"one")], |r| r.get(0))
+ .unwrap()
+ );
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_query_named() {
+ let db = Connection::open_in_memory().unwrap();
+ let sql = r#"
+ INSERT INTO test(id, name) VALUES (1, "one");
+ "#;
+ db.execute_batch(sql).unwrap();
+ let mut stmt = db
+ .prepare("SELECT id FROM test where name = :name")
+ .unwrap();
+ let mut rows = stmt.query_named(&[(":name", &"one")]).unwrap();
+ let id: Result<i32> = rows.next().unwrap().unwrap().get(0);
+ assert_eq!(Ok(1), id);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_query_map_named() {
+ let db = Connection::open_in_memory().unwrap();
+ let sql = r#"
+ INSERT INTO test(id, name) VALUES (1, "one");
+ "#;
+ db.execute_batch(sql).unwrap();
+ let mut stmt = db
+ .prepare("SELECT id FROM test where name = :name")
+ .unwrap();
+ let mut rows = stmt
+ .query_map_named(&[(":name", &"one")], |row| {
+ let id: Result<i32> = row.get(0);
+ id.map(|i| 2 * i)
+ })
+ .unwrap();
+ let doubled_id: i32 = rows.next().unwrap().unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(2, doubled_id);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_query_and_then_named() {
+ let db = Connection::open_in_memory().unwrap();
+ let sql = r#"
+ INSERT INTO test(id, name) VALUES (1, "one");
+ INSERT INTO test(id, name) VALUES (2, "one");
+ "#;
+ db.execute_batch(sql).unwrap();
+ let mut stmt = db
+ .prepare("SELECT id FROM test where name = :name ORDER BY id ASC")
+ .unwrap();
+ let mut rows = stmt
+ .query_and_then_named(&[(":name", &"one")], |row| {
+ let id: i32 = row.get(0)?;
+ if id == 1 {
+ Ok(id)
+ } else {
+ Err(Error::SqliteSingleThreadedMode)
+ }
+ })
+ .unwrap();
+ // first row should be Ok
+ let doubled_id: i32 = rows.next().unwrap().unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(1, doubled_id);
+ // second row should be Err
+ #[allow(clippy::match_wild_err_arm)]
+ match rows.next().unwrap() {
+ Ok(_) => panic!("invalid Ok"),
+ Err(Error::SqliteSingleThreadedMode) => (),
+ Err(_) => panic!("invalid Err"),
+ }
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_unbound_parameters_are_null() {
+ let db = Connection::open_in_memory().unwrap();
+ let sql = "CREATE TABLE test (x TEXT, y TEXT)";
+ db.execute_batch(sql).unwrap();
+ let mut stmt = db
+ .prepare("INSERT INTO test (x, y) VALUES (:x, :y)")
+ .unwrap();
+ stmt.execute_named(&[(":x", &"one")]).unwrap();
+ let result: Option<String> = db
+ .query_row("SELECT y FROM test WHERE x = 'one'", NO_PARAMS, |row| {
+ row.get(0)
+ })
+ .unwrap();
+ assert!(result.is_none());
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_raw_binding() -> Result<()> {
+ let db = Connection::open_in_memory().unwrap();
+ db.execute_batch("CREATE TABLE test (name TEXT, value INTEGER)")?;
+ {
+ let mut stmt = db.prepare("INSERT INTO test (name, value) VALUES (:name, ?3)")?;
+ let name_idx = stmt.parameter_index(":name")?.unwrap();
+ stmt.raw_bind_parameter(name_idx, "example")?;
+ stmt.raw_bind_parameter(3, 50i32)?;
+ let n = stmt.raw_execute()?;
+ assert_eq!(n, 1);
+ }
+ {
+ let mut stmt = db.prepare("SELECT name, value FROM test WHERE value = ?2")?;
+ stmt.raw_bind_parameter(2, 50)?;
+ let mut rows = stmt.raw_query();
+ {
+ let row = rows.next()?.unwrap();
+ let name: String = row.get(0)?;
+ assert_eq!(name, "example");
+ let value: i32 = row.get(1)?;
+ assert_eq!(value, 50);
+ }
+ assert!(rows.next()?.is_none());
+ }
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_unbound_parameters_are_reused() {
+ let db = Connection::open_in_memory().unwrap();
+ let sql = "CREATE TABLE test (x TEXT, y TEXT)";
+ db.execute_batch(sql).unwrap();
+ let mut stmt = db
+ .prepare("INSERT INTO test (x, y) VALUES (:x, :y)")
+ .unwrap();
+ stmt.execute_named(&[(":x", &"one")]).unwrap();
+ stmt.execute_named(&[(":y", &"two")]).unwrap();
+ let result: String = db
+ .query_row("SELECT x FROM test WHERE y = 'two'", NO_PARAMS, |row| {
+ row.get(0)
+ })
+ .unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(result, "one");
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_insert() {
+ let db = Connection::open_in_memory().unwrap();
+ db.execute_batch("CREATE TABLE foo(x INTEGER UNIQUE)")
+ .unwrap();
+ let mut stmt = db
+ .prepare("INSERT OR IGNORE INTO foo (x) VALUES (?)")
+ .unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(stmt.insert(&[1i32]).unwrap(), 1);
+ assert_eq!(stmt.insert(&[2i32]).unwrap(), 2);
+ match stmt.insert(&[1i32]).unwrap_err() {
+ Error::StatementChangedRows(0) => (),
+ err => panic!("Unexpected error {}", err),
+ }
+ let mut multi = db
+ .prepare("INSERT INTO foo (x) SELECT 3 UNION ALL SELECT 4")
+ .unwrap();
+ match multi.insert(NO_PARAMS).unwrap_err() {
+ Error::StatementChangedRows(2) => (),
+ err => panic!("Unexpected error {}", err),
+ }
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_insert_different_tables() {
+ // Test for https://github.com/rusqlite/rusqlite/issues/171
+ let db = Connection::open_in_memory().unwrap();
+ db.execute_batch(
+ r"
+ ",
+ )
+ .unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(
+ db.prepare("INSERT INTO foo VALUES (10)")
+ .unwrap()
+ .insert(NO_PARAMS)
+ .unwrap(),
+ 1
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ db.prepare("INSERT INTO bar VALUES (10)")
+ .unwrap()
+ .insert(NO_PARAMS)
+ .unwrap(),
+ 1
+ );
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_exists() {
+ let db = Connection::open_in_memory().unwrap();
+ let sql = "BEGIN;
+ END;";
+ db.execute_batch(sql).unwrap();
+ let mut stmt = db.prepare("SELECT 1 FROM foo WHERE x = ?").unwrap();
+ assert!(stmt.exists(&[1i32]).unwrap());
+ assert!(stmt.exists(&[2i32]).unwrap());
+ assert!(!stmt.exists(&[0i32]).unwrap());
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_query_row() {
+ let db = Connection::open_in_memory().unwrap();
+ let sql = "BEGIN;
+ END;";
+ db.execute_batch(sql).unwrap();
+ let mut stmt = db.prepare("SELECT y FROM foo WHERE x = ?").unwrap();
+ let y: Result<i64> = stmt.query_row(&[1i32], |r| r.get(0));
+ assert_eq!(3i64, y.unwrap());
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_query_by_column_name() {
+ let db = Connection::open_in_memory().unwrap();
+ let sql = "BEGIN;
+ END;";
+ db.execute_batch(sql).unwrap();
+ let mut stmt = db.prepare("SELECT y FROM foo").unwrap();
+ let y: Result<i64> = stmt.query_row(NO_PARAMS, |r| r.get("y"));
+ assert_eq!(3i64, y.unwrap());
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_query_by_column_name_ignore_case() {
+ let db = Connection::open_in_memory().unwrap();
+ let sql = "BEGIN;
+ END;";
+ db.execute_batch(sql).unwrap();
+ let mut stmt = db.prepare("SELECT y as Y FROM foo").unwrap();
+ let y: Result<i64> = stmt.query_row(NO_PARAMS, |r| r.get("y"));
+ assert_eq!(3i64, y.unwrap());
+ }
+ #[test]
+ #[cfg(feature = "modern_sqlite")]
+ fn test_expanded_sql() {
+ let db = Connection::open_in_memory().unwrap();
+ let stmt = db.prepare("SELECT ?").unwrap();
+ stmt.bind_parameter(&1, 1).unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(Some("SELECT 1".to_owned()), stmt.expanded_sql());
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_bind_parameters() {
+ let db = Connection::open_in_memory().unwrap();
+ // dynamic slice:
+ db.query_row(
+ "SELECT ?1, ?2, ?3",
+ &[&1u8 as &dyn ToSql, &"one", &Some("one")],
+ |row| row.get::<_, u8>(0),
+ )
+ .unwrap();
+ // existing collection:
+ let data = vec![1, 2, 3];
+ db.query_row("SELECT ?1, ?2, ?3", &data, |row| row.get::<_, u8>(0))
+ .unwrap();
+ db.query_row("SELECT ?1, ?2, ?3", data.as_slice(), |row| {
+ row.get::<_, u8>(0)
+ })
+ .unwrap();
+ db.query_row("SELECT ?1, ?2, ?3", data, |row| row.get::<_, u8>(0))
+ .unwrap();
+ use std::collections::BTreeSet;
+ let data: BTreeSet<String> = ["one", "two", "three"]
+ .iter()
+ .map(|s| (*s).to_string())
+ .collect();
+ db.query_row("SELECT ?1, ?2, ?3", &data, |row| row.get::<_, String>(0))
+ .unwrap();
+ let data = [0; 3];
+ db.query_row("SELECT ?1, ?2, ?3", &data, |row| row.get::<_, u8>(0))
+ .unwrap();
+ db.query_row("SELECT ?1, ?2, ?3", data.iter(), |row| row.get::<_, u8>(0))
+ .unwrap();
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_empty_stmt() {
+ let conn = Connection::open_in_memory().unwrap();
+ let mut stmt = conn.prepare("").unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(0, stmt.column_count());
+ assert!(stmt.parameter_index("test").is_ok());
+ assert!(stmt.step().is_err());
+ stmt.reset();
+ assert!(stmt.execute(NO_PARAMS).is_err());
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_comment_stmt() {
+ let conn = Connection::open_in_memory().unwrap();
+ conn.prepare("/*SELECT 1;*/").unwrap();
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_comment_and_sql_stmt() {
+ let conn = Connection::open_in_memory().unwrap();
+ let stmt = conn.prepare("/*...*/ SELECT 1;").unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(1, stmt.column_count());
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_semi_colon_stmt() {
+ let conn = Connection::open_in_memory().unwrap();
+ let stmt = conn.prepare(";").unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(0, stmt.column_count());
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_utf16_conversion() {
+ let db = Connection::open_in_memory().unwrap();
+ db.pragma_update(None, "encoding", &"UTF-16le").unwrap();
+ let encoding: String = db
+ .pragma_query_value(None, "encoding", |row| row.get(0))
+ .unwrap();
+ assert_eq!("UTF-16le", encoding);
+ db.execute_batch("CREATE TABLE foo(x TEXT)").unwrap();
+ let expected = "テスト";
+ db.execute("INSERT INTO foo(x) VALUES (?)", &[&expected])
+ .unwrap();
+ let actual: String = db
+ .query_row("SELECT x FROM foo", NO_PARAMS, |row| row.get(0))
+ .unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(expected, actual);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_nul_byte() {
+ let db = Connection::open_in_memory().unwrap();
+ let expected = "a\x00b";
+ let actual: String = db
+ .query_row("SELECT ?", &[&expected], |row| row.get(0))
+ .unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(expected, actual);
+ }
diff --git a/src/trace.rs b/src/trace.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..39ef69f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/trace.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+//! `feature = "trace"` Tracing and profiling functions. Error and warning log.
+use std::ffi::{CStr, CString};
+use std::mem;
+use std::os::raw::{c_char, c_int, c_void};
+use std::panic::catch_unwind;
+use std::ptr;
+use std::time::Duration;
+use super::ffi;
+use crate::error::error_from_sqlite_code;
+use crate::{Connection, Result};
+/// `feature = "trace"` Set up the process-wide SQLite error logging callback.
+/// # Safety
+/// This function is marked unsafe for two reasons:
+/// * The function is not threadsafe. No other SQLite calls may be made while
+/// `config_log` is running, and multiple threads may not call `config_log`
+/// simultaneously.
+/// * The provided `callback` itself function has two requirements:
+/// * It must not invoke any SQLite calls.
+/// * It must be threadsafe if SQLite is used in a multithreaded way.
+/// cf [The Error And Warning Log](http://sqlite.org/errlog.html).
+pub unsafe fn config_log(callback: Option<fn(c_int, &str)>) -> Result<()> {
+ extern "C" fn log_callback(p_arg: *mut c_void, err: c_int, msg: *const c_char) {
+ let c_slice = unsafe { CStr::from_ptr(msg).to_bytes() };
+ let callback: fn(c_int, &str) = unsafe { mem::transmute(p_arg) };
+ let s = String::from_utf8_lossy(c_slice);
+ let _ = catch_unwind(|| callback(err, &s));
+ }
+ let rc = match callback {
+ Some(f) => {
+ let p_arg: *mut c_void = mem::transmute(f);
+ ffi::sqlite3_config(
+ log_callback as extern "C" fn(_, _, _),
+ p_arg,
+ )
+ }
+ None => {
+ let nullptr: *mut c_void = ptr::null_mut();
+ ffi::sqlite3_config(ffi::SQLITE_CONFIG_LOG, nullptr, nullptr)
+ }
+ };
+ if rc == ffi::SQLITE_OK {
+ Ok(())
+ } else {
+ Err(error_from_sqlite_code(rc, None))
+ }
+/// `feature = "trace"` Write a message into the error log established by
+/// `config_log`.
+pub fn log(err_code: c_int, msg: &str) {
+ let msg = CString::new(msg).expect("SQLite log messages cannot contain embedded zeroes");
+ unsafe {
+ ffi::sqlite3_log(err_code, b"%s\0" as *const _ as *const c_char, msg.as_ptr());
+ }
+impl Connection {
+ /// `feature = "trace"` Register or clear a callback function that can be
+ /// used for tracing the execution of SQL statements.
+ ///
+ /// Prepared statement placeholders are replaced/logged with their assigned
+ /// values. There can only be a single tracer defined for each database
+ /// connection. Setting a new tracer clears the old one.
+ pub fn trace(&mut self, trace_fn: Option<fn(&str)>) {
+ unsafe extern "C" fn trace_callback(p_arg: *mut c_void, z_sql: *const c_char) {
+ let trace_fn: fn(&str) = mem::transmute(p_arg);
+ let c_slice = CStr::from_ptr(z_sql).to_bytes();
+ let s = String::from_utf8_lossy(c_slice);
+ let _ = catch_unwind(|| trace_fn(&s));
+ }
+ let c = self.db.borrow_mut();
+ match trace_fn {
+ Some(f) => unsafe {
+ ffi::sqlite3_trace(c.db(), Some(trace_callback), mem::transmute(f));
+ },
+ None => unsafe {
+ ffi::sqlite3_trace(c.db(), None, ptr::null_mut());
+ },
+ }
+ }
+ /// `feature = "trace"` Register or clear a callback function that can be
+ /// used for profiling the execution of SQL statements.
+ ///
+ /// There can only be a single profiler defined for each database
+ /// connection. Setting a new profiler clears the old one.
+ pub fn profile(&mut self, profile_fn: Option<fn(&str, Duration)>) {
+ unsafe extern "C" fn profile_callback(
+ p_arg: *mut c_void,
+ z_sql: *const c_char,
+ nanoseconds: u64,
+ ) {
+ let profile_fn: fn(&str, Duration) = mem::transmute(p_arg);
+ let c_slice = CStr::from_ptr(z_sql).to_bytes();
+ let s = String::from_utf8_lossy(c_slice);
+ const NANOS_PER_SEC: u64 = 1_000_000_000;
+ let duration = Duration::new(
+ nanoseconds / NANOS_PER_SEC,
+ (nanoseconds % NANOS_PER_SEC) as u32,
+ );
+ let _ = catch_unwind(|| profile_fn(&s, duration));
+ }
+ let c = self.db.borrow_mut();
+ match profile_fn {
+ Some(f) => unsafe {
+ ffi::sqlite3_profile(c.db(), Some(profile_callback), mem::transmute(f))
+ },
+ None => unsafe { ffi::sqlite3_profile(c.db(), None, ptr::null_mut()) },
+ };
+ }
+mod test {
+ use lazy_static::lazy_static;
+ use std::sync::Mutex;
+ use std::time::Duration;
+ use crate::Connection;
+ #[test]
+ fn test_trace() {
+ lazy_static! {
+ static ref TRACED_STMTS: Mutex<Vec<String>> = Mutex::new(Vec::new());
+ }
+ fn tracer(s: &str) {
+ let mut traced_stmts = TRACED_STMTS.lock().unwrap();
+ traced_stmts.push(s.to_owned());
+ }
+ let mut db = Connection::open_in_memory().unwrap();
+ db.trace(Some(tracer));
+ {
+ let _ = db.query_row("SELECT ?", &[1i32], |_| Ok(()));
+ let _ = db.query_row("SELECT ?", &["hello"], |_| Ok(()));
+ }
+ db.trace(None);
+ {
+ let _ = db.query_row("SELECT ?", &[2i32], |_| Ok(()));
+ let _ = db.query_row("SELECT ?", &["goodbye"], |_| Ok(()));
+ }
+ let traced_stmts = TRACED_STMTS.lock().unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(traced_stmts.len(), 2);
+ assert_eq!(traced_stmts[0], "SELECT 1");
+ assert_eq!(traced_stmts[1], "SELECT 'hello'");
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_profile() {
+ lazy_static! {
+ static ref PROFILED: Mutex<Vec<(String, Duration)>> = Mutex::new(Vec::new());
+ }
+ fn profiler(s: &str, d: Duration) {
+ let mut profiled = PROFILED.lock().unwrap();
+ profiled.push((s.to_owned(), d));
+ }
+ let mut db = Connection::open_in_memory().unwrap();
+ db.profile(Some(profiler));
+ db.execute_batch("PRAGMA application_id = 1").unwrap();
+ db.profile(None);
+ db.execute_batch("PRAGMA application_id = 2").unwrap();
+ let profiled = PROFILED.lock().unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(profiled.len(), 1);
+ assert_eq!(profiled[0].0, "PRAGMA application_id = 1");
+ }
diff --git a/src/transaction.rs b/src/transaction.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e1b806e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/transaction.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,667 @@
+use crate::{Connection, Result};
+use std::ops::Deref;
+/// Options for transaction behavior. See [BEGIN
+/// TRANSACTION](http://www.sqlite.org/lang_transaction.html) for details.
+#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
+pub enum TransactionBehavior {
+ Deferred,
+ Immediate,
+ Exclusive,
+/// Options for how a Transaction or Savepoint should behave when it is dropped.
+#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
+pub enum DropBehavior {
+ /// Roll back the changes. This is the default.
+ Rollback,
+ /// Commit the changes.
+ Commit,
+ /// Do not commit or roll back changes - this will leave the transaction or
+ /// savepoint open, so should be used with care.
+ Ignore,
+ /// Panic. Used to enforce intentional behavior during development.
+ Panic,
+/// Represents a transaction on a database connection.
+/// ## Note
+/// Transactions will roll back by default. Use `commit` method to explicitly
+/// commit the transaction, or use `set_drop_behavior` to change what happens
+/// when the transaction is dropped.
+/// ## Example
+/// ```rust,no_run
+/// # use rusqlite::{Connection, Result};
+/// # fn do_queries_part_1(_conn: &Connection) -> Result<()> { Ok(()) }
+/// # fn do_queries_part_2(_conn: &Connection) -> Result<()> { Ok(()) }
+/// fn perform_queries(conn: &mut Connection) -> Result<()> {
+/// let tx = conn.transaction()?;
+/// do_queries_part_1(&tx)?; // tx causes rollback if this fails
+/// do_queries_part_2(&tx)?; // tx causes rollback if this fails
+/// tx.commit()
+/// }
+/// ```
+pub struct Transaction<'conn> {
+ conn: &'conn Connection,
+ drop_behavior: DropBehavior,
+/// Represents a savepoint on a database connection.
+/// ## Note
+/// Savepoints will roll back by default. Use `commit` method to explicitly
+/// commit the savepoint, or use `set_drop_behavior` to change what happens
+/// when the savepoint is dropped.
+/// ## Example
+/// ```rust,no_run
+/// # use rusqlite::{Connection, Result};
+/// # fn do_queries_part_1(_conn: &Connection) -> Result<()> { Ok(()) }
+/// # fn do_queries_part_2(_conn: &Connection) -> Result<()> { Ok(()) }
+/// fn perform_queries(conn: &mut Connection) -> Result<()> {
+/// let sp = conn.savepoint()?;
+/// do_queries_part_1(&sp)?; // sp causes rollback if this fails
+/// do_queries_part_2(&sp)?; // sp causes rollback if this fails
+/// sp.commit()
+/// }
+/// ```
+pub struct Savepoint<'conn> {
+ conn: &'conn Connection,
+ name: String,
+ depth: u32,
+ drop_behavior: DropBehavior,
+ committed: bool,
+impl Transaction<'_> {
+ /// Begin a new transaction. Cannot be nested; see `savepoint` for nested
+ /// transactions.
+ ///
+ /// Even though we don't mutate the connection, we take a `&mut Connection`
+ /// so as to prevent nested transactions on the same connection. For cases
+ /// where this is unacceptable, [`Transaction::new_unchecked`] is available.
+ pub fn new(conn: &mut Connection, behavior: TransactionBehavior) -> Result<Transaction<'_>> {
+ Self::new_unchecked(conn, behavior)
+ }
+ /// Begin a new transaction, failing if a transaction is open.
+ ///
+ /// If a transaction is already open, this will return an error. Where
+ /// possible, [`Transaction::new`] should be preferred, as it provides a
+ /// compile-time guarantee that transactions are not nested.
+ pub fn new_unchecked(
+ conn: &Connection,
+ behavior: TransactionBehavior,
+ ) -> Result<Transaction<'_>> {
+ let query = match behavior {
+ TransactionBehavior::Deferred => "BEGIN DEFERRED",
+ TransactionBehavior::Immediate => "BEGIN IMMEDIATE",
+ TransactionBehavior::Exclusive => "BEGIN EXCLUSIVE",
+ };
+ conn.execute_batch(query).map(move |_| Transaction {
+ conn,
+ drop_behavior: DropBehavior::Rollback,
+ })
+ }
+ /// Starts a new [savepoint](http://www.sqlite.org/lang_savepoint.html), allowing nested
+ /// transactions.
+ ///
+ /// ## Note
+ ///
+ /// Just like outer level transactions, savepoint transactions rollback by
+ /// default.
+ ///
+ /// ## Example
+ ///
+ /// ```rust,no_run
+ /// # use rusqlite::{Connection, Result};
+ /// # fn perform_queries_part_1_succeeds(_conn: &Connection) -> bool { true }
+ /// fn perform_queries(conn: &mut Connection) -> Result<()> {
+ /// let mut tx = conn.transaction()?;
+ ///
+ /// {
+ /// let sp = tx.savepoint()?;
+ /// if perform_queries_part_1_succeeds(&sp) {
+ /// sp.commit()?;
+ /// }
+ /// // otherwise, sp will rollback
+ /// }
+ ///
+ /// tx.commit()
+ /// }
+ /// ```
+ pub fn savepoint(&mut self) -> Result<Savepoint<'_>> {
+ Savepoint::with_depth(self.conn, 1)
+ }
+ /// Create a new savepoint with a custom savepoint name. See `savepoint()`.
+ pub fn savepoint_with_name<T: Into<String>>(&mut self, name: T) -> Result<Savepoint<'_>> {
+ Savepoint::with_depth_and_name(self.conn, 1, name)
+ }
+ /// Get the current setting for what happens to the transaction when it is
+ /// dropped.
+ pub fn drop_behavior(&self) -> DropBehavior {
+ self.drop_behavior
+ }
+ /// Configure the transaction to perform the specified action when it is
+ /// dropped.
+ pub fn set_drop_behavior(&mut self, drop_behavior: DropBehavior) {
+ self.drop_behavior = drop_behavior
+ }
+ /// A convenience method which consumes and commits a transaction.
+ pub fn commit(mut self) -> Result<()> {
+ self.commit_()
+ }
+ fn commit_(&mut self) -> Result<()> {
+ self.conn.execute_batch("COMMIT")?;
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ /// A convenience method which consumes and rolls back a transaction.
+ pub fn rollback(mut self) -> Result<()> {
+ self.rollback_()
+ }
+ fn rollback_(&mut self) -> Result<()> {
+ self.conn.execute_batch("ROLLBACK")?;
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ /// Consumes the transaction, committing or rolling back according to the
+ /// current setting (see `drop_behavior`).
+ ///
+ /// Functionally equivalent to the `Drop` implementation, but allows
+ /// callers to see any errors that occur.
+ pub fn finish(mut self) -> Result<()> {
+ self.finish_()
+ }
+ fn finish_(&mut self) -> Result<()> {
+ if self.conn.is_autocommit() {
+ return Ok(());
+ }
+ match self.drop_behavior() {
+ DropBehavior::Commit => self.commit_().or_else(|_| self.rollback_()),
+ DropBehavior::Rollback => self.rollback_(),
+ DropBehavior::Ignore => Ok(()),
+ DropBehavior::Panic => panic!("Transaction dropped unexpectedly."),
+ }
+ }
+impl Deref for Transaction<'_> {
+ type Target = Connection;
+ fn deref(&self) -> &Connection {
+ self.conn
+ }
+impl Drop for Transaction<'_> {
+ fn drop(&mut self) {
+ self.finish_();
+ }
+impl Savepoint<'_> {
+ fn with_depth_and_name<T: Into<String>>(
+ conn: &Connection,
+ depth: u32,
+ name: T,
+ ) -> Result<Savepoint<'_>> {
+ let name = name.into();
+ conn.execute_batch(&format!("SAVEPOINT {}", name))
+ .map(|_| Savepoint {
+ conn,
+ name,
+ depth,
+ drop_behavior: DropBehavior::Rollback,
+ committed: false,
+ })
+ }
+ fn with_depth(conn: &Connection, depth: u32) -> Result<Savepoint<'_>> {
+ let name = format!("_rusqlite_sp_{}", depth);
+ Savepoint::with_depth_and_name(conn, depth, name)
+ }
+ /// Begin a new savepoint. Can be nested.
+ pub fn new(conn: &mut Connection) -> Result<Savepoint<'_>> {
+ Savepoint::with_depth(conn, 0)
+ }
+ /// Begin a new savepoint with a user-provided savepoint name.
+ pub fn with_name<T: Into<String>>(conn: &mut Connection, name: T) -> Result<Savepoint<'_>> {
+ Savepoint::with_depth_and_name(conn, 0, name)
+ }
+ /// Begin a nested savepoint.
+ pub fn savepoint(&mut self) -> Result<Savepoint<'_>> {
+ Savepoint::with_depth(self.conn, self.depth + 1)
+ }
+ /// Begin a nested savepoint with a user-provided savepoint name.
+ pub fn savepoint_with_name<T: Into<String>>(&mut self, name: T) -> Result<Savepoint<'_>> {
+ Savepoint::with_depth_and_name(self.conn, self.depth + 1, name)
+ }
+ /// Get the current setting for what happens to the savepoint when it is
+ /// dropped.
+ pub fn drop_behavior(&self) -> DropBehavior {
+ self.drop_behavior
+ }
+ /// Configure the savepoint to perform the specified action when it is
+ /// dropped.
+ pub fn set_drop_behavior(&mut self, drop_behavior: DropBehavior) {
+ self.drop_behavior = drop_behavior
+ }
+ /// A convenience method which consumes and commits a savepoint.
+ pub fn commit(mut self) -> Result<()> {
+ self.commit_()
+ }
+ fn commit_(&mut self) -> Result<()> {
+ self.conn.execute_batch(&format!("RELEASE {}", self.name))?;
+ self.committed = true;
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ /// A convenience method which rolls back a savepoint.
+ ///
+ /// ## Note
+ ///
+ /// Unlike `Transaction`s, savepoints remain active after they have been
+ /// rolled back, and can be rolled back again or committed.
+ pub fn rollback(&mut self) -> Result<()> {
+ self.conn
+ .execute_batch(&format!("ROLLBACK TO {}", self.name))
+ }
+ /// Consumes the savepoint, committing or rolling back according to the
+ /// current setting (see `drop_behavior`).
+ ///
+ /// Functionally equivalent to the `Drop` implementation, but allows
+ /// callers to see any errors that occur.
+ pub fn finish(mut self) -> Result<()> {
+ self.finish_()
+ }
+ fn finish_(&mut self) -> Result<()> {
+ if self.committed {
+ return Ok(());
+ }
+ match self.drop_behavior() {
+ DropBehavior::Commit => self.commit_().or_else(|_| self.rollback()),
+ DropBehavior::Rollback => self.rollback(),
+ DropBehavior::Ignore => Ok(()),
+ DropBehavior::Panic => panic!("Savepoint dropped unexpectedly."),
+ }
+ }
+impl Deref for Savepoint<'_> {
+ type Target = Connection;
+ fn deref(&self) -> &Connection {
+ self.conn
+ }
+impl Drop for Savepoint<'_> {
+ fn drop(&mut self) {
+ self.finish_();
+ }
+impl Connection {
+ /// Begin a new transaction with the default behavior (DEFERRED).
+ ///
+ /// The transaction defaults to rolling back when it is dropped. If you
+ /// want the transaction to commit, you must call `commit` or
+ /// `set_drop_behavior(DropBehavior::Commit)`.
+ ///
+ /// ## Example
+ ///
+ /// ```rust,no_run
+ /// # use rusqlite::{Connection, Result};
+ /// # fn do_queries_part_1(_conn: &Connection) -> Result<()> { Ok(()) }
+ /// # fn do_queries_part_2(_conn: &Connection) -> Result<()> { Ok(()) }
+ /// fn perform_queries(conn: &mut Connection) -> Result<()> {
+ /// let tx = conn.transaction()?;
+ ///
+ /// do_queries_part_1(&tx)?; // tx causes rollback if this fails
+ /// do_queries_part_2(&tx)?; // tx causes rollback if this fails
+ ///
+ /// tx.commit()
+ /// }
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// # Failure
+ ///
+ /// Will return `Err` if the underlying SQLite call fails.
+ pub fn transaction(&mut self) -> Result<Transaction<'_>> {
+ Transaction::new(self, TransactionBehavior::Deferred)
+ }
+ /// Begin a new transaction with a specified behavior.
+ ///
+ /// See `transaction`.
+ ///
+ /// # Failure
+ ///
+ /// Will return `Err` if the underlying SQLite call fails.
+ pub fn transaction_with_behavior(
+ &mut self,
+ behavior: TransactionBehavior,
+ ) -> Result<Transaction<'_>> {
+ Transaction::new(self, behavior)
+ }
+ /// Begin a new transaction with the default behavior (DEFERRED).
+ ///
+ /// Attempt to open a nested transaction will result in a SQLite error.
+ /// `Connection::transaction` prevents this at compile time by taking `&mut
+ /// self`, but `Connection::unchecked_transaction()` may be used to defer
+ /// the checking until runtime.
+ ///
+ /// See [`Connection::transaction`] and [`Transaction::new_unchecked`]
+ /// (which can be used if the default transaction behavior is undesirable).
+ ///
+ /// ## Example
+ ///
+ /// ```rust,no_run
+ /// # use rusqlite::{Connection, Result};
+ /// # use std::rc::Rc;
+ /// # fn do_queries_part_1(_conn: &Connection) -> Result<()> { Ok(()) }
+ /// # fn do_queries_part_2(_conn: &Connection) -> Result<()> { Ok(()) }
+ /// fn perform_queries(conn: Rc<Connection>) -> Result<()> {
+ /// let tx = conn.unchecked_transaction()?;
+ ///
+ /// do_queries_part_1(&tx)?; // tx causes rollback if this fails
+ /// do_queries_part_2(&tx)?; // tx causes rollback if this fails
+ ///
+ /// tx.commit()
+ /// }
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// # Failure
+ ///
+ /// Will return `Err` if the underlying SQLite call fails. The specific
+ /// error returned if transactions are nested is currently unspecified.
+ pub fn unchecked_transaction(&self) -> Result<Transaction<'_>> {
+ Transaction::new_unchecked(self, TransactionBehavior::Deferred)
+ }
+ /// Begin a new savepoint with the default behavior (DEFERRED).
+ ///
+ /// The savepoint defaults to rolling back when it is dropped. If you want
+ /// the savepoint to commit, you must call `commit` or
+ /// `set_drop_behavior(DropBehavior::Commit)`.
+ ///
+ /// ## Example
+ ///
+ /// ```rust,no_run
+ /// # use rusqlite::{Connection, Result};
+ /// # fn do_queries_part_1(_conn: &Connection) -> Result<()> { Ok(()) }
+ /// # fn do_queries_part_2(_conn: &Connection) -> Result<()> { Ok(()) }
+ /// fn perform_queries(conn: &mut Connection) -> Result<()> {
+ /// let sp = conn.savepoint()?;
+ ///
+ /// do_queries_part_1(&sp)?; // sp causes rollback if this fails
+ /// do_queries_part_2(&sp)?; // sp causes rollback if this fails
+ ///
+ /// sp.commit()
+ /// }
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// # Failure
+ ///
+ /// Will return `Err` if the underlying SQLite call fails.
+ pub fn savepoint(&mut self) -> Result<Savepoint<'_>> {
+ Savepoint::new(self)
+ }
+ /// Begin a new savepoint with a specified name.
+ ///
+ /// See `savepoint`.
+ ///
+ /// # Failure
+ ///
+ /// Will return `Err` if the underlying SQLite call fails.
+ pub fn savepoint_with_name<T: Into<String>>(&mut self, name: T) -> Result<Savepoint<'_>> {
+ Savepoint::with_name(self, name)
+ }
+mod test {
+ use super::DropBehavior;
+ use crate::{Connection, Error, NO_PARAMS};
+ fn checked_memory_handle() -> Connection {
+ let db = Connection::open_in_memory().unwrap();
+ db.execute_batch("CREATE TABLE foo (x INTEGER)").unwrap();
+ db
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_drop() {
+ let mut db = checked_memory_handle();
+ {
+ let tx = db.transaction().unwrap();
+ tx.execute_batch("INSERT INTO foo VALUES(1)").unwrap();
+ // default: rollback
+ }
+ {
+ let mut tx = db.transaction().unwrap();
+ tx.execute_batch("INSERT INTO foo VALUES(2)").unwrap();
+ tx.set_drop_behavior(DropBehavior::Commit)
+ }
+ {
+ let tx = db.transaction().unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(
+ 2i32,
+ tx.query_row::<i32, _, _>("SELECT SUM(x) FROM foo", NO_PARAMS, |r| r.get(0))
+ .unwrap()
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ fn assert_nested_tx_error(e: crate::Error) {
+ if let Error::SqliteFailure(e, Some(m)) = &e {
+ assert_eq!(e.extended_code, crate::ffi::SQLITE_ERROR);
+ // FIXME: Not ideal...
+ assert_eq!(e.code, crate::ErrorCode::Unknown);
+ assert!(m.contains("transaction"));
+ } else {
+ panic!("Unexpected error type: {:?}", e);
+ }
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_unchecked_nesting() {
+ let db = checked_memory_handle();
+ {
+ let tx = db.unchecked_transaction().unwrap();
+ let e = tx.unchecked_transaction().unwrap_err();
+ assert_nested_tx_error(e);
+ // default: rollback
+ }
+ {
+ let tx = db.unchecked_transaction().unwrap();
+ tx.execute_batch("INSERT INTO foo VALUES(1)").unwrap();
+ // Ensure this doesn't interfere with ongoing transaction
+ let e = tx.unchecked_transaction().unwrap_err();
+ assert_nested_tx_error(e);
+ tx.execute_batch("INSERT INTO foo VALUES(1)").unwrap();
+ tx.commit().unwrap();
+ }
+ assert_eq!(
+ 2i32,
+ db.query_row::<i32, _, _>("SELECT SUM(x) FROM foo", NO_PARAMS, |r| r.get(0))
+ .unwrap()
+ );
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_explicit_rollback_commit() {
+ let mut db = checked_memory_handle();
+ {
+ let mut tx = db.transaction().unwrap();
+ {
+ let mut sp = tx.savepoint().unwrap();
+ sp.execute_batch("INSERT INTO foo VALUES(1)").unwrap();
+ sp.rollback().unwrap();
+ sp.execute_batch("INSERT INTO foo VALUES(2)").unwrap();
+ sp.commit().unwrap();
+ }
+ tx.commit().unwrap();
+ }
+ {
+ let tx = db.transaction().unwrap();
+ tx.execute_batch("INSERT INTO foo VALUES(4)").unwrap();
+ tx.commit().unwrap();
+ }
+ {
+ let tx = db.transaction().unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(
+ 6i32,
+ tx.query_row::<i32, _, _>("SELECT SUM(x) FROM foo", NO_PARAMS, |r| r.get(0))
+ .unwrap()
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_savepoint() {
+ let mut db = checked_memory_handle();
+ {
+ let mut tx = db.transaction().unwrap();
+ tx.execute_batch("INSERT INTO foo VALUES(1)").unwrap();
+ assert_current_sum(1, &tx);
+ tx.set_drop_behavior(DropBehavior::Commit);
+ {
+ let mut sp1 = tx.savepoint().unwrap();
+ sp1.execute_batch("INSERT INTO foo VALUES(2)").unwrap();
+ assert_current_sum(3, &sp1);
+ // will rollback sp1
+ {
+ let mut sp2 = sp1.savepoint().unwrap();
+ sp2.execute_batch("INSERT INTO foo VALUES(4)").unwrap();
+ assert_current_sum(7, &sp2);
+ // will rollback sp2
+ {
+ let sp3 = sp2.savepoint().unwrap();
+ sp3.execute_batch("INSERT INTO foo VALUES(8)").unwrap();
+ assert_current_sum(15, &sp3);
+ sp3.commit().unwrap();
+ // committed sp3, but will be erased by sp2 rollback
+ }
+ assert_current_sum(15, &sp2);
+ }
+ assert_current_sum(3, &sp1);
+ }
+ assert_current_sum(1, &tx);
+ }
+ assert_current_sum(1, &db);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_ignore_drop_behavior() {
+ let mut db = checked_memory_handle();
+ let mut tx = db.transaction().unwrap();
+ {
+ let mut sp1 = tx.savepoint().unwrap();
+ insert(1, &sp1);
+ sp1.rollback().unwrap();
+ insert(2, &sp1);
+ {
+ let mut sp2 = sp1.savepoint().unwrap();
+ sp2.set_drop_behavior(DropBehavior::Ignore);
+ insert(4, &sp2);
+ }
+ assert_current_sum(6, &sp1);
+ sp1.commit().unwrap();
+ }
+ assert_current_sum(6, &tx);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_savepoint_names() {
+ let mut db = checked_memory_handle();
+ {
+ let mut sp1 = db.savepoint_with_name("my_sp").unwrap();
+ insert(1, &sp1);
+ assert_current_sum(1, &sp1);
+ {
+ let mut sp2 = sp1.savepoint_with_name("my_sp").unwrap();
+ sp2.set_drop_behavior(DropBehavior::Commit);
+ insert(2, &sp2);
+ assert_current_sum(3, &sp2);
+ sp2.rollback().unwrap();
+ assert_current_sum(1, &sp2);
+ insert(4, &sp2);
+ }
+ assert_current_sum(5, &sp1);
+ sp1.rollback().unwrap();
+ {
+ let mut sp2 = sp1.savepoint_with_name("my_sp").unwrap();
+ sp2.set_drop_behavior(DropBehavior::Ignore);
+ insert(8, &sp2);
+ }
+ assert_current_sum(8, &sp1);
+ sp1.commit().unwrap();
+ }
+ assert_current_sum(8, &db);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_rc() {
+ use std::rc::Rc;
+ let mut conn = Connection::open_in_memory().unwrap();
+ let rc_txn = Rc::new(conn.transaction().unwrap());
+ // This will compile only if Transaction is Debug
+ Rc::try_unwrap(rc_txn).unwrap();
+ }
+ fn insert(x: i32, conn: &Connection) {
+ conn.execute("INSERT INTO foo VALUES(?)", &[x]).unwrap();
+ }
+ fn assert_current_sum(x: i32, conn: &Connection) {
+ let i = conn
+ .query_row::<i32, _, _>("SELECT SUM(x) FROM foo", NO_PARAMS, |r| r.get(0))
+ .unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(x, i);
+ }
diff --git a/src/types/chrono.rs b/src/types/chrono.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3cba1e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/types/chrono.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,280 @@
+//! Convert most of the [Time Strings](http://sqlite.org/lang_datefunc.html) to chrono types.
+use std::borrow::Cow;
+use chrono::{DateTime, Local, NaiveDate, NaiveDateTime, NaiveTime, TimeZone, Utc};
+use crate::types::{FromSql, FromSqlError, FromSqlResult, ToSql, ToSqlOutput, ValueRef};
+use crate::Result;
+/// ISO 8601 calendar date without timezone => "YYYY-MM-DD"
+impl ToSql for NaiveDate {
+ fn to_sql(&self) -> Result<ToSqlOutput<'_>> {
+ let date_str = self.format("%Y-%m-%d").to_string();
+ Ok(ToSqlOutput::from(date_str))
+ }
+/// "YYYY-MM-DD" => ISO 8601 calendar date without timezone.
+impl FromSql for NaiveDate {
+ fn column_result(value: ValueRef<'_>) -> FromSqlResult<Self> {
+ value
+ .as_str()
+ .and_then(|s| match NaiveDate::parse_from_str(s, "%Y-%m-%d") {
+ Ok(dt) => Ok(dt),
+ Err(err) => Err(FromSqlError::Other(Box::new(err))),
+ })
+ }
+/// ISO 8601 time without timezone => "HH:MM:SS.SSS"
+impl ToSql for NaiveTime {
+ fn to_sql(&self) -> Result<ToSqlOutput<'_>> {
+ let date_str = self.format("%H:%M:%S%.f").to_string();
+ Ok(ToSqlOutput::from(date_str))
+ }
+/// "HH:MM"/"HH:MM:SS"/"HH:MM:SS.SSS" => ISO 8601 time without timezone.
+impl FromSql for NaiveTime {
+ fn column_result(value: ValueRef<'_>) -> FromSqlResult<Self> {
+ value.as_str().and_then(|s| {
+ let fmt = match s.len() {
+ 5 => "%H:%M",
+ 8 => "%H:%M:%S",
+ _ => "%H:%M:%S%.f",
+ };
+ match NaiveTime::parse_from_str(s, fmt) {
+ Ok(dt) => Ok(dt),
+ Err(err) => Err(FromSqlError::Other(Box::new(err))),
+ }
+ })
+ }
+/// ISO 8601 combined date and time without timezone =>
+impl ToSql for NaiveDateTime {
+ fn to_sql(&self) -> Result<ToSqlOutput<'_>> {
+ let date_str = self.format("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%.f").to_string();
+ Ok(ToSqlOutput::from(date_str))
+ }
+/// "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS"/"YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.SSS" => ISO 8601 combined date
+/// and time without timezone. ("YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS"/"YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.SSS"
+/// also supported)
+impl FromSql for NaiveDateTime {
+ fn column_result(value: ValueRef<'_>) -> FromSqlResult<Self> {
+ value.as_str().and_then(|s| {
+ let fmt = if s.len() >= 11 && s.as_bytes()[10] == b'T' {
+ "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%.f"
+ } else {
+ "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S%.f"
+ };
+ match NaiveDateTime::parse_from_str(s, fmt) {
+ Ok(dt) => Ok(dt),
+ Err(err) => Err(FromSqlError::Other(Box::new(err))),
+ }
+ })
+ }
+/// Date and time with time zone => UTC RFC3339 timestamp
+/// ("YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.SSS+00:00").
+impl<Tz: TimeZone> ToSql for DateTime<Tz> {
+ fn to_sql(&self) -> Result<ToSqlOutput<'_>> {
+ Ok(ToSqlOutput::from(self.with_timezone(&Utc).to_rfc3339()))
+ }
+/// RFC3339 ("YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.SSS[+-]HH:MM") into `DateTime<Utc>`.
+impl FromSql for DateTime<Utc> {
+ fn column_result(value: ValueRef<'_>) -> FromSqlResult<Self> {
+ {
+ // Try to parse value as rfc3339 first.
+ let s = value.as_str()?;
+ // If timestamp looks space-separated, make a copy and replace it with 'T'.
+ let s = if s.len() >= 11 && s.as_bytes()[10] == b' ' {
+ let mut s = s.to_string();
+ unsafe {
+ let sbytes = s.as_mut_vec();
+ sbytes[10] = b'T';
+ }
+ Cow::Owned(s)
+ } else {
+ Cow::Borrowed(s)
+ };
+ if let Ok(dt) = DateTime::parse_from_rfc3339(&s) {
+ return Ok(dt.with_timezone(&Utc));
+ }
+ }
+ // Couldn't parse as rfc3339 - fall back to NaiveDateTime.
+ NaiveDateTime::column_result(value).map(|dt| Utc.from_utc_datetime(&dt))
+ }
+/// RFC3339 ("YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.SSS[+-]HH:MM") into `DateTime<Local>`.
+impl FromSql for DateTime<Local> {
+ fn column_result(value: ValueRef<'_>) -> FromSqlResult<Self> {
+ let utc_dt = DateTime::<Utc>::column_result(value)?;
+ Ok(utc_dt.with_timezone(&Local))
+ }
+mod test {
+ use crate::{Connection, Result, NO_PARAMS};
+ use chrono::{DateTime, Duration, Local, NaiveDate, NaiveDateTime, NaiveTime, TimeZone, Utc};
+ fn checked_memory_handle() -> Connection {
+ let db = Connection::open_in_memory().unwrap();
+ db.execute_batch("CREATE TABLE foo (t TEXT, i INTEGER, f FLOAT, b BLOB)")
+ .unwrap();
+ db
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_naive_date() {
+ let db = checked_memory_handle();
+ let date = NaiveDate::from_ymd(2016, 2, 23);
+ db.execute("INSERT INTO foo (t) VALUES (?)", &[&date])
+ .unwrap();
+ let s: String = db
+ .query_row("SELECT t FROM foo", NO_PARAMS, |r| r.get(0))
+ .unwrap();
+ assert_eq!("2016-02-23", s);
+ let t: NaiveDate = db
+ .query_row("SELECT t FROM foo", NO_PARAMS, |r| r.get(0))
+ .unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(date, t);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_naive_time() {
+ let db = checked_memory_handle();
+ let time = NaiveTime::from_hms(23, 56, 4);
+ db.execute("INSERT INTO foo (t) VALUES (?)", &[&time])
+ .unwrap();
+ let s: String = db
+ .query_row("SELECT t FROM foo", NO_PARAMS, |r| r.get(0))
+ .unwrap();
+ assert_eq!("23:56:04", s);
+ let v: NaiveTime = db
+ .query_row("SELECT t FROM foo", NO_PARAMS, |r| r.get(0))
+ .unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(time, v);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_naive_date_time() {
+ let db = checked_memory_handle();
+ let date = NaiveDate::from_ymd(2016, 2, 23);
+ let time = NaiveTime::from_hms(23, 56, 4);
+ let dt = NaiveDateTime::new(date, time);
+ db.execute("INSERT INTO foo (t) VALUES (?)", &[&dt])
+ .unwrap();
+ let s: String = db
+ .query_row("SELECT t FROM foo", NO_PARAMS, |r| r.get(0))
+ .unwrap();
+ assert_eq!("2016-02-23T23:56:04", s);
+ let v: NaiveDateTime = db
+ .query_row("SELECT t FROM foo", NO_PARAMS, |r| r.get(0))
+ .unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(dt, v);
+ db.execute("UPDATE foo set b = datetime(t)", NO_PARAMS)
+ .unwrap(); // "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS"
+ let hms: NaiveDateTime = db
+ .query_row("SELECT b FROM foo", NO_PARAMS, |r| r.get(0))
+ .unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(dt, hms);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_date_time_utc() {
+ let db = checked_memory_handle();
+ let date = NaiveDate::from_ymd(2016, 2, 23);
+ let time = NaiveTime::from_hms_milli(23, 56, 4, 789);
+ let dt = NaiveDateTime::new(date, time);
+ let utc = Utc.from_utc_datetime(&dt);
+ db.execute("INSERT INTO foo (t) VALUES (?)", &[&utc])
+ .unwrap();
+ let s: String = db
+ .query_row("SELECT t FROM foo", NO_PARAMS, |r| r.get(0))
+ .unwrap();
+ assert_eq!("2016-02-23T23:56:04.789+00:00", s);
+ let v1: DateTime<Utc> = db
+ .query_row("SELECT t FROM foo", NO_PARAMS, |r| r.get(0))
+ .unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(utc, v1);
+ let v2: DateTime<Utc> = db
+ .query_row("SELECT '2016-02-23 23:56:04.789'", NO_PARAMS, |r| r.get(0))
+ .unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(utc, v2);
+ let v3: DateTime<Utc> = db
+ .query_row("SELECT '2016-02-23 23:56:04'", NO_PARAMS, |r| r.get(0))
+ .unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(utc - Duration::milliseconds(789), v3);
+ let v4: DateTime<Utc> = db
+ .query_row("SELECT '2016-02-23 23:56:04.789+00:00'", NO_PARAMS, |r| {
+ r.get(0)
+ })
+ .unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(utc, v4);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_date_time_local() {
+ let db = checked_memory_handle();
+ let date = NaiveDate::from_ymd(2016, 2, 23);
+ let time = NaiveTime::from_hms_milli(23, 56, 4, 789);
+ let dt = NaiveDateTime::new(date, time);
+ let local = Local.from_local_datetime(&dt).single().unwrap();
+ db.execute("INSERT INTO foo (t) VALUES (?)", &[&local])
+ .unwrap();
+ // Stored string should be in UTC
+ let s: String = db
+ .query_row("SELECT t FROM foo", NO_PARAMS, |r| r.get(0))
+ .unwrap();
+ assert!(s.ends_with("+00:00"));
+ let v: DateTime<Local> = db
+ .query_row("SELECT t FROM foo", NO_PARAMS, |r| r.get(0))
+ .unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(local, v);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_sqlite_functions() {
+ let db = checked_memory_handle();
+ let result: Result<NaiveTime> =
+ db.query_row("SELECT CURRENT_TIME", NO_PARAMS, |r| r.get(0));
+ assert!(result.is_ok());
+ let result: Result<NaiveDate> =
+ db.query_row("SELECT CURRENT_DATE", NO_PARAMS, |r| r.get(0));
+ assert!(result.is_ok());
+ let result: Result<NaiveDateTime> =
+ db.query_row("SELECT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP", NO_PARAMS, |r| r.get(0));
+ assert!(result.is_ok());
+ let result: Result<DateTime<Utc>> =
+ db.query_row("SELECT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP", NO_PARAMS, |r| r.get(0));
+ assert!(result.is_ok());
+ }
diff --git a/src/types/from_sql.rs b/src/types/from_sql.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e8eadc5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/types/from_sql.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,272 @@
+use super::{Value, ValueRef};
+use std::error::Error;
+use std::fmt;
+/// Enum listing possible errors from `FromSql` trait.
+pub enum FromSqlError {
+ /// Error when an SQLite value is requested, but the type of the result
+ /// cannot be converted to the requested Rust type.
+ InvalidType,
+ /// Error when the i64 value returned by SQLite cannot be stored into the
+ /// requested type.
+ OutOfRange(i64),
+ /// `feature = "i128_blob"` Error returned when reading an `i128` from a
+ /// blob with a size other than 16. Only available when the `i128_blob`
+ /// feature is enabled.
+ #[cfg(feature = "i128_blob")]
+ InvalidI128Size(usize),
+ /// `feature = "uuid"` Error returned when reading a `uuid` from a blob with
+ /// a size other than 16. Only available when the `uuid` feature is enabled.
+ #[cfg(feature = "uuid")]
+ InvalidUuidSize(usize),
+ /// An error case available for implementors of the `FromSql` trait.
+ Other(Box<dyn Error + Send + Sync + 'static>),
+impl PartialEq for FromSqlError {
+ fn eq(&self, other: &FromSqlError) -> bool {
+ match (self, other) {
+ (FromSqlError::InvalidType, FromSqlError::InvalidType) => true,
+ (FromSqlError::OutOfRange(n1), FromSqlError::OutOfRange(n2)) => n1 == n2,
+ #[cfg(feature = "i128_blob")]
+ (FromSqlError::InvalidI128Size(s1), FromSqlError::InvalidI128Size(s2)) => s1 == s2,
+ #[cfg(feature = "uuid")]
+ (FromSqlError::InvalidUuidSize(s1), FromSqlError::InvalidUuidSize(s2)) => s1 == s2,
+ (..) => false,
+ }
+ }
+impl fmt::Display for FromSqlError {
+ fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
+ match *self {
+ FromSqlError::InvalidType => write!(f, "Invalid type"),
+ FromSqlError::OutOfRange(i) => write!(f, "Value {} out of range", i),
+ #[cfg(feature = "i128_blob")]
+ FromSqlError::InvalidI128Size(s) => {
+ write!(f, "Cannot read 128bit value out of {} byte blob", s)
+ }
+ #[cfg(feature = "uuid")]
+ FromSqlError::InvalidUuidSize(s) => {
+ write!(f, "Cannot read UUID value out of {} byte blob", s)
+ }
+ FromSqlError::Other(ref err) => err.fmt(f),
+ }
+ }
+impl Error for FromSqlError {
+ fn source(&self) -> Option<&(dyn Error + 'static)> {
+ if let FromSqlError::Other(ref err) = self {
+ Some(&**err)
+ } else {
+ None
+ }
+ }
+/// Result type for implementors of the `FromSql` trait.
+pub type FromSqlResult<T> = Result<T, FromSqlError>;
+/// A trait for types that can be created from a SQLite value.
+/// Note that `FromSql` and `ToSql` are defined for most integral types, but
+/// not `u64` or `usize`. This is intentional; SQLite returns integers as
+/// signed 64-bit values, which cannot fully represent the range of these
+/// types. Rusqlite would have to
+/// decide how to handle negative values: return an error or reinterpret as a
+/// very large postive numbers, neither of which
+/// is guaranteed to be correct for everyone. Callers can work around this by
+/// fetching values as i64 and then doing the interpretation themselves or by
+/// defining a newtype and implementing `FromSql`/`ToSql` for it.
+pub trait FromSql: Sized {
+ fn column_result(value: ValueRef<'_>) -> FromSqlResult<Self>;
+impl FromSql for isize {
+ fn column_result(value: ValueRef<'_>) -> FromSqlResult<Self> {
+ i64::column_result(value).and_then(|i| {
+ if i < isize::min_value() as i64 || i > isize::max_value() as i64 {
+ Err(FromSqlError::OutOfRange(i))
+ } else {
+ Ok(i as isize)
+ }
+ })
+ }
+macro_rules! from_sql_integral(
+ ($t:ident) => (
+ impl FromSql for $t {
+ fn column_result(value: ValueRef<'_>) -> FromSqlResult<Self> {
+ i64::column_result(value).and_then(|i| {
+ if i < i64::from($t::min_value()) || i > i64::from($t::max_value()) {
+ Err(FromSqlError::OutOfRange(i))
+ } else {
+ Ok(i as $t)
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ )
+impl FromSql for i64 {
+ fn column_result(value: ValueRef<'_>) -> FromSqlResult<Self> {
+ value.as_i64()
+ }
+impl FromSql for f64 {
+ fn column_result(value: ValueRef<'_>) -> FromSqlResult<Self> {
+ match value {
+ ValueRef::Integer(i) => Ok(i as f64),
+ ValueRef::Real(f) => Ok(f),
+ _ => Err(FromSqlError::InvalidType),
+ }
+ }
+impl FromSql for bool {
+ fn column_result(value: ValueRef<'_>) -> FromSqlResult<Self> {
+ i64::column_result(value).map(|i| match i {
+ 0 => false,
+ _ => true,
+ })
+ }
+impl FromSql for String {
+ fn column_result(value: ValueRef<'_>) -> FromSqlResult<Self> {
+ value.as_str().map(ToString::to_string)
+ }
+impl FromSql for Box<str> {
+ fn column_result(value: ValueRef<'_>) -> FromSqlResult<Self> {
+ value.as_str().map(Into::into)
+ }
+impl FromSql for std::rc::Rc<str> {
+ fn column_result(value: ValueRef<'_>) -> FromSqlResult<Self> {
+ value.as_str().map(Into::into)
+ }
+impl FromSql for std::sync::Arc<str> {
+ fn column_result(value: ValueRef<'_>) -> FromSqlResult<Self> {
+ value.as_str().map(Into::into)
+ }
+impl FromSql for Vec<u8> {
+ fn column_result(value: ValueRef<'_>) -> FromSqlResult<Self> {
+ value.as_blob().map(|b| b.to_vec())
+ }
+#[cfg(feature = "i128_blob")]
+impl FromSql for i128 {
+ fn column_result(value: ValueRef<'_>) -> FromSqlResult<Self> {
+ use byteorder::{BigEndian, ByteOrder};
+ value.as_blob().and_then(|bytes| {
+ if bytes.len() == 16 {
+ Ok(BigEndian::read_i128(bytes) ^ (1i128 << 127))
+ } else {
+ Err(FromSqlError::InvalidI128Size(bytes.len()))
+ }
+ })
+ }
+#[cfg(feature = "uuid")]
+impl FromSql for uuid::Uuid {
+ fn column_result(value: ValueRef<'_>) -> FromSqlResult<Self> {
+ value
+ .as_blob()
+ .and_then(|bytes| {
+ uuid::Builder::from_slice(bytes)
+ .map_err(|_| FromSqlError::InvalidUuidSize(bytes.len()))
+ })
+ .map(|mut builder| builder.build())
+ }
+impl<T: FromSql> FromSql for Option<T> {
+ fn column_result(value: ValueRef<'_>) -> FromSqlResult<Self> {
+ match value {
+ ValueRef::Null => Ok(None),
+ _ => FromSql::column_result(value).map(Some),
+ }
+ }
+impl FromSql for Value {
+ fn column_result(value: ValueRef<'_>) -> FromSqlResult<Self> {
+ Ok(value.into())
+ }
+mod test {
+ use super::FromSql;
+ use crate::{Connection, Error};
+ fn checked_memory_handle() -> Connection {
+ Connection::open_in_memory().unwrap()
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_integral_ranges() {
+ let db = checked_memory_handle();
+ fn check_ranges<T>(db: &Connection, out_of_range: &[i64], in_range: &[i64])
+ where
+ T: Into<i64> + FromSql + ::std::fmt::Debug,
+ {
+ for n in out_of_range {
+ let err = db
+ .query_row("SELECT ?", &[n], |r| r.get::<_, T>(0))
+ .unwrap_err();
+ match err {
+ Error::IntegralValueOutOfRange(_, value) => assert_eq!(*n, value),
+ _ => panic!("unexpected error: {}", err),
+ }
+ }
+ for n in in_range {
+ assert_eq!(
+ *n,
+ db.query_row("SELECT ?", &[n], |r| r.get::<_, T>(0))
+ .unwrap()
+ .into()
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ check_ranges::<i8>(&db, &[-129, 128], &[-128, 0, 1, 127]);
+ check_ranges::<i16>(&db, &[-32769, 32768], &[-32768, -1, 0, 1, 32767]);
+ check_ranges::<i32>(
+ &db,
+ &[-2_147_483_649, 2_147_483_648],
+ &[-2_147_483_648, -1, 0, 1, 2_147_483_647],
+ );
+ check_ranges::<u8>(&db, &[-2, -1, 256], &[0, 1, 255]);
+ check_ranges::<u16>(&db, &[-2, -1, 65536], &[0, 1, 65535]);
+ check_ranges::<u32>(&db, &[-2, -1, 4_294_967_296], &[0, 1, 4_294_967_295]);
+ }
diff --git a/src/types/mod.rs b/src/types/mod.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d79ff82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/types/mod.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,363 @@
+//! Traits dealing with SQLite data types.
+//! SQLite uses a [dynamic type system](https://www.sqlite.org/datatype3.html). Implementations of
+//! the `ToSql` and `FromSql` traits are provided for the basic types that
+//! SQLite provides methods for:
+//! * Integers (`i32` and `i64`; SQLite uses `i64` internally, so getting an
+//! `i32` will truncate if the value is too large or too small).
+//! * Reals (`f64`)
+//! * Strings (`String` and `&str`)
+//! * Blobs (`Vec<u8>` and `&[u8]`)
+//! Additionally, because it is such a common data type, implementations are
+//! provided for `time::Timespec` that use the RFC 3339 date/time format,
+//! `"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ"`, to store time values as strings. These values
+//! can be parsed by SQLite's builtin
+//! [datetime](https://www.sqlite.org/lang_datefunc.html) functions. If you
+//! want different storage for timespecs, you can use a newtype. For example, to
+//! store timespecs as `f64`s:
+//! ```rust
+//! use rusqlite::types::{FromSql, FromSqlResult, ToSql, ToSqlOutput, ValueRef};
+//! use rusqlite::Result;
+//! pub struct TimespecSql(pub time::Timespec);
+//! impl FromSql for TimespecSql {
+//! fn column_result(value: ValueRef) -> FromSqlResult<Self> {
+//! f64::column_result(value).map(|as_f64| {
+//! TimespecSql(time::Timespec {
+//! sec: as_f64.trunc() as i64,
+//! nsec: (as_f64.fract() * 1.0e9) as i32,
+//! })
+//! })
+//! }
+//! }
+//! impl ToSql for TimespecSql {
+//! fn to_sql(&self) -> Result<ToSqlOutput> {
+//! let TimespecSql(ts) = *self;
+//! let as_f64 = ts.sec as f64 + (ts.nsec as f64) / 1.0e9;
+//! Ok(as_f64.into())
+//! }
+//! }
+//! ```
+//! `ToSql` and `FromSql` are also implemented for `Option<T>` where `T`
+//! implements `ToSql` or `FromSql` for the cases where you want to know if a
+//! value was NULL (which gets translated to `None`).
+pub use self::from_sql::{FromSql, FromSqlError, FromSqlResult};
+pub use self::to_sql::{ToSql, ToSqlOutput};
+pub use self::value::Value;
+pub use self::value_ref::ValueRef;
+use std::fmt;
+#[cfg(feature = "chrono")]
+mod chrono;
+mod from_sql;
+#[cfg(feature = "serde_json")]
+mod serde_json;
+mod time;
+mod to_sql;
+#[cfg(feature = "url")]
+mod url;
+mod value;
+mod value_ref;
+/// Empty struct that can be used to fill in a query parameter as `NULL`.
+/// ## Example
+/// ```rust,no_run
+/// # use rusqlite::{Connection, Result};
+/// # use rusqlite::types::{Null};
+/// fn insert_null(conn: &Connection) -> Result<usize> {
+/// conn.execute("INSERT INTO people (name) VALUES (?)", &[Null])
+/// }
+/// ```
+#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
+pub struct Null;
+#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
+pub enum Type {
+ Null,
+ Integer,
+ Real,
+ Text,
+ Blob,
+impl fmt::Display for Type {
+ fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
+ match *self {
+ Type::Null => write!(f, "Null"),
+ Type::Integer => write!(f, "Integer"),
+ Type::Real => write!(f, "Real"),
+ Type::Text => write!(f, "Text"),
+ Type::Blob => write!(f, "Blob"),
+ }
+ }
+mod test {
+ use super::Value;
+ use crate::{Connection, Error, NO_PARAMS};
+ use std::f64::EPSILON;
+ use std::os::raw::{c_double, c_int};
+ fn checked_memory_handle() -> Connection {
+ let db = Connection::open_in_memory().unwrap();
+ db.execute_batch("CREATE TABLE foo (b BLOB, t TEXT, i INTEGER, f FLOAT, n)")
+ .unwrap();
+ db
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_blob() {
+ let db = checked_memory_handle();
+ let v1234 = vec![1u8, 2, 3, 4];
+ db.execute("INSERT INTO foo(b) VALUES (?)", &[&v1234])
+ .unwrap();
+ let v: Vec<u8> = db
+ .query_row("SELECT b FROM foo", NO_PARAMS, |r| r.get(0))
+ .unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(v, v1234);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_empty_blob() {
+ let db = checked_memory_handle();
+ let empty = vec![];
+ db.execute("INSERT INTO foo(b) VALUES (?)", &[&empty])
+ .unwrap();
+ let v: Vec<u8> = db
+ .query_row("SELECT b FROM foo", NO_PARAMS, |r| r.get(0))
+ .unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(v, empty);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_str() {
+ let db = checked_memory_handle();
+ let s = "hello, world!";
+ db.execute("INSERT INTO foo(t) VALUES (?)", &[&s]).unwrap();
+ let from: String = db
+ .query_row("SELECT t FROM foo", NO_PARAMS, |r| r.get(0))
+ .unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(from, s);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_string() {
+ let db = checked_memory_handle();
+ let s = "hello, world!";
+ db.execute("INSERT INTO foo(t) VALUES (?)", &[s.to_owned()])
+ .unwrap();
+ let from: String = db
+ .query_row("SELECT t FROM foo", NO_PARAMS, |r| r.get(0))
+ .unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(from, s);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_value() {
+ let db = checked_memory_handle();
+ db.execute("INSERT INTO foo(i) VALUES (?)", &[Value::Integer(10)])
+ .unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(
+ 10i64,
+ db.query_row::<i64, _, _>("SELECT i FROM foo", NO_PARAMS, |r| r.get(0))
+ .unwrap()
+ );
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_option() {
+ let db = checked_memory_handle();
+ let s = Some("hello, world!");
+ let b = Some(vec![1u8, 2, 3, 4]);
+ db.execute("INSERT INTO foo(t) VALUES (?)", &[&s]).unwrap();
+ db.execute("INSERT INTO foo(b) VALUES (?)", &[&b]).unwrap();
+ let mut stmt = db
+ .prepare("SELECT t, b FROM foo ORDER BY ROWID ASC")
+ .unwrap();
+ let mut rows = stmt.query(NO_PARAMS).unwrap();
+ {
+ let row1 = rows.next().unwrap().unwrap();
+ let s1: Option<String> = row1.get_unwrap(0);
+ let b1: Option<Vec<u8>> = row1.get_unwrap(1);
+ assert_eq!(s.unwrap(), s1.unwrap());
+ assert!(b1.is_none());
+ }
+ {
+ let row2 = rows.next().unwrap().unwrap();
+ let s2: Option<String> = row2.get_unwrap(0);
+ let b2: Option<Vec<u8>> = row2.get_unwrap(1);
+ assert!(s2.is_none());
+ assert_eq!(b, b2);
+ }
+ }
+ #[test]
+ #[allow(clippy::cognitive_complexity)]
+ fn test_mismatched_types() {
+ fn is_invalid_column_type(err: Error) -> bool {
+ match err {
+ Error::InvalidColumnType(..) => true,
+ _ => false,
+ }
+ }
+ let db = checked_memory_handle();
+ db.execute(
+ "INSERT INTO foo(b, t, i, f) VALUES (X'0102', 'text', 1, 1.5)",
+ )
+ .unwrap();
+ let mut stmt = db.prepare("SELECT b, t, i, f, n FROM foo").unwrap();
+ let mut rows = stmt.query(NO_PARAMS).unwrap();
+ let row = rows.next().unwrap().unwrap();
+ // check the correct types come back as expected
+ assert_eq!(vec![1, 2], row.get::<_, Vec<u8>>(0).unwrap());
+ assert_eq!("text", row.get::<_, String>(1).unwrap());
+ assert_eq!(1, row.get::<_, c_int>(2).unwrap());
+ assert!((1.5 - row.get::<_, c_double>(3).unwrap()).abs() < EPSILON);
+ assert!(row.get::<_, Option<c_int>>(4).unwrap().is_none());
+ assert!(row.get::<_, Option<c_double>>(4).unwrap().is_none());
+ assert!(row.get::<_, Option<String>>(4).unwrap().is_none());
+ // check some invalid types
+ // 0 is actually a blob (Vec<u8>)
+ assert!(is_invalid_column_type(
+ row.get::<_, c_int>(0).err().unwrap()
+ ));
+ assert!(is_invalid_column_type(
+ row.get::<_, c_int>(0).err().unwrap()
+ ));
+ assert!(is_invalid_column_type(row.get::<_, i64>(0).err().unwrap()));
+ assert!(is_invalid_column_type(
+ row.get::<_, c_double>(0).err().unwrap()
+ ));
+ assert!(is_invalid_column_type(
+ row.get::<_, String>(0).err().unwrap()
+ ));
+ assert!(is_invalid_column_type(
+ row.get::<_, time::Timespec>(0).err().unwrap()
+ ));
+ assert!(is_invalid_column_type(
+ row.get::<_, Option<c_int>>(0).err().unwrap()
+ ));
+ // 1 is actually a text (String)
+ assert!(is_invalid_column_type(
+ row.get::<_, c_int>(1).err().unwrap()
+ ));
+ assert!(is_invalid_column_type(row.get::<_, i64>(1).err().unwrap()));
+ assert!(is_invalid_column_type(
+ row.get::<_, c_double>(1).err().unwrap()
+ ));
+ assert!(is_invalid_column_type(
+ row.get::<_, Vec<u8>>(1).err().unwrap()
+ ));
+ assert!(is_invalid_column_type(
+ row.get::<_, Option<c_int>>(1).err().unwrap()
+ ));
+ // 2 is actually an integer
+ assert!(is_invalid_column_type(
+ row.get::<_, String>(2).err().unwrap()
+ ));
+ assert!(is_invalid_column_type(
+ row.get::<_, Vec<u8>>(2).err().unwrap()
+ ));
+ assert!(is_invalid_column_type(
+ row.get::<_, Option<String>>(2).err().unwrap()
+ ));
+ // 3 is actually a float (c_double)
+ assert!(is_invalid_column_type(
+ row.get::<_, c_int>(3).err().unwrap()
+ ));
+ assert!(is_invalid_column_type(row.get::<_, i64>(3).err().unwrap()));
+ assert!(is_invalid_column_type(
+ row.get::<_, String>(3).err().unwrap()
+ ));
+ assert!(is_invalid_column_type(
+ row.get::<_, Vec<u8>>(3).err().unwrap()
+ ));
+ assert!(is_invalid_column_type(
+ row.get::<_, Option<c_int>>(3).err().unwrap()
+ ));
+ // 4 is actually NULL
+ assert!(is_invalid_column_type(
+ row.get::<_, c_int>(4).err().unwrap()
+ ));
+ assert!(is_invalid_column_type(row.get::<_, i64>(4).err().unwrap()));
+ assert!(is_invalid_column_type(
+ row.get::<_, c_double>(4).err().unwrap()
+ ));
+ assert!(is_invalid_column_type(
+ row.get::<_, String>(4).err().unwrap()
+ ));
+ assert!(is_invalid_column_type(
+ row.get::<_, Vec<u8>>(4).err().unwrap()
+ ));
+ assert!(is_invalid_column_type(
+ row.get::<_, time::Timespec>(4).err().unwrap()
+ ));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_dynamic_type() {
+ use super::Value;
+ let db = checked_memory_handle();
+ db.execute(
+ "INSERT INTO foo(b, t, i, f) VALUES (X'0102', 'text', 1, 1.5)",
+ )
+ .unwrap();
+ let mut stmt = db.prepare("SELECT b, t, i, f, n FROM foo").unwrap();
+ let mut rows = stmt.query(NO_PARAMS).unwrap();
+ let row = rows.next().unwrap().unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(Value::Blob(vec![1, 2]), row.get::<_, Value>(0).unwrap());
+ assert_eq!(
+ Value::Text(String::from("text")),
+ row.get::<_, Value>(1).unwrap()
+ );
+ assert_eq!(Value::Integer(1), row.get::<_, Value>(2).unwrap());
+ match row.get::<_, Value>(3).unwrap() {
+ Value::Real(val) => assert!((1.5 - val).abs() < EPSILON),
+ x => panic!("Invalid Value {:?}", x),
+ }
+ assert_eq!(Value::Null, row.get::<_, Value>(4).unwrap());
+ }
diff --git a/src/types/serde_json.rs b/src/types/serde_json.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..abaecda
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/types/serde_json.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+//! `ToSql` and `FromSql` implementation for JSON `Value`.
+use serde_json::Value;
+use crate::types::{FromSql, FromSqlError, FromSqlResult, ToSql, ToSqlOutput, ValueRef};
+use crate::Result;
+/// Serialize JSON `Value` to text.
+impl ToSql for Value {
+ fn to_sql(&self) -> Result<ToSqlOutput<'_>> {
+ Ok(ToSqlOutput::from(serde_json::to_string(self).unwrap()))
+ }
+/// Deserialize text/blob to JSON `Value`.
+impl FromSql for Value {
+ fn column_result(value: ValueRef<'_>) -> FromSqlResult<Self> {
+ match value {
+ ValueRef::Text(s) => serde_json::from_slice(s),
+ ValueRef::Blob(b) => serde_json::from_slice(b),
+ _ => return Err(FromSqlError::InvalidType),
+ }
+ .map_err(|err| FromSqlError::Other(Box::new(err)))
+ }
+mod test {
+ use crate::types::ToSql;
+ use crate::{Connection, NO_PARAMS};
+ fn checked_memory_handle() -> Connection {
+ let db = Connection::open_in_memory().unwrap();
+ db.execute_batch("CREATE TABLE foo (t TEXT, b BLOB)")
+ .unwrap();
+ db
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_json_value() {
+ let db = checked_memory_handle();
+ let json = r#"{"foo": 13, "bar": "baz"}"#;
+ let data: serde_json::Value = serde_json::from_str(json).unwrap();
+ db.execute(
+ "INSERT INTO foo (t, b) VALUES (?, ?)",
+ &[&data as &dyn ToSql, &json.as_bytes()],
+ )
+ .unwrap();
+ let t: serde_json::Value = db
+ .query_row("SELECT t FROM foo", NO_PARAMS, |r| r.get(0))
+ .unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(data, t);
+ let b: serde_json::Value = db
+ .query_row("SELECT b FROM foo", NO_PARAMS, |r| r.get(0))
+ .unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(data, b);
+ }
diff --git a/src/types/time.rs b/src/types/time.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..097b22a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/types/time.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+use crate::types::{FromSql, FromSqlError, FromSqlResult, ToSql, ToSqlOutput, ValueRef};
+use crate::Result;
+const CURRENT_TIMESTAMP_FMT: &str = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S";
+const SQLITE_DATETIME_FMT: &str = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ";
+const SQLITE_DATETIME_FMT_LEGACY: &str = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S:%f %Z";
+impl ToSql for time::Timespec {
+ fn to_sql(&self) -> Result<ToSqlOutput<'_>> {
+ let time_string = time::at_utc(*self)
+ .unwrap()
+ .to_string();
+ Ok(ToSqlOutput::from(time_string))
+ }
+impl FromSql for time::Timespec {
+ fn column_result(value: ValueRef<'_>) -> FromSqlResult<Self> {
+ value
+ .as_str()
+ .and_then(|s| {
+ match s.len() {
+ 19 => time::strptime(s, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP_FMT),
+ _ => time::strptime(s, SQLITE_DATETIME_FMT).or_else(|err| {
+ time::strptime(s, SQLITE_DATETIME_FMT_LEGACY).or_else(|_| Err(err))
+ }),
+ }
+ .or_else(|err| Err(FromSqlError::Other(Box::new(err))))
+ })
+ .map(|tm| tm.to_timespec())
+ }
+mod test {
+ use crate::{Connection, Result, NO_PARAMS};
+ fn checked_memory_handle() -> Connection {
+ let db = Connection::open_in_memory().unwrap();
+ db.execute_batch("CREATE TABLE foo (t TEXT, i INTEGER, f FLOAT)")
+ .unwrap();
+ db
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_timespec() {
+ let db = checked_memory_handle();
+ let mut ts_vec = vec![];
+ ts_vec.push(time::Timespec::new(10_000, 0)); //January 1, 1970 2:46:40 AM
+ ts_vec.push(time::Timespec::new(10_000, 1000)); //January 1, 1970 2:46:40 AM (and one microsecond)
+ ts_vec.push(time::Timespec::new(1_500_391_124, 1_000_000)); //July 18, 2017
+ ts_vec.push(time::Timespec::new(2_000_000_000, 2_000_000)); //May 18, 2033
+ ts_vec.push(time::Timespec::new(3_000_000_000, 999_999_999)); //January 24, 2065
+ ts_vec.push(time::Timespec::new(10_000_000_000, 0)); //November 20, 2286
+ for ts in ts_vec {
+ db.execute("INSERT INTO foo(t) VALUES (?)", &[&ts]).unwrap();
+ let from: time::Timespec = db
+ .query_row("SELECT t FROM foo", NO_PARAMS, |r| r.get(0))
+ .unwrap();
+ db.execute("DELETE FROM foo", NO_PARAMS).unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(from, ts);
+ }
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_sqlite_functions() {
+ let db = checked_memory_handle();
+ let result: Result<time::Timespec> =
+ db.query_row("SELECT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP", NO_PARAMS, |r| r.get(0));
+ assert!(result.is_ok());
+ }
diff --git a/src/types/to_sql.rs b/src/types/to_sql.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bec53f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/types/to_sql.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,376 @@
+use super::{Null, Value, ValueRef};
+#[cfg(feature = "array")]
+use crate::vtab::array::Array;
+use crate::Result;
+use std::borrow::Cow;
+/// `ToSqlOutput` represents the possible output types for implementors of the
+/// `ToSql` trait.
+#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
+pub enum ToSqlOutput<'a> {
+ /// A borrowed SQLite-representable value.
+ Borrowed(ValueRef<'a>),
+ /// An owned SQLite-representable value.
+ Owned(Value),
+ /// `feature = "blob"` A BLOB of the given length that is filled with
+ /// zeroes.
+ #[cfg(feature = "blob")]
+ ZeroBlob(i32),
+ /// `feature = "array"`
+ #[cfg(feature = "array")]
+ Array(Array),
+// Generically allow any type that can be converted into a ValueRef
+// to be converted into a ToSqlOutput as well.
+impl<'a, T: ?Sized> From<&'a T> for ToSqlOutput<'a>
+ &'a T: Into<ValueRef<'a>>,
+ fn from(t: &'a T) -> Self {
+ ToSqlOutput::Borrowed(t.into())
+ }
+// We cannot also generically allow any type that can be converted
+// into a Value to be converted into a ToSqlOutput because of
+// coherence rules (https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/pull/46192),
+// so we'll manually implement it for all the types we know can
+// be converted into Values.
+macro_rules! from_value(
+ ($t:ty) => (
+ impl From<$t> for ToSqlOutput<'_> {
+ fn from(t: $t) -> Self { ToSqlOutput::Owned(t.into())}
+ }
+ )
+// It would be nice if we could avoid the heap allocation (of the `Vec`) that
+// `i128` needs in `Into<Value>`, but it's probably fine for the moment, and not
+// worth adding another case to Value.
+#[cfg(feature = "i128_blob")]
+#[cfg(feature = "uuid")]
+impl ToSql for ToSqlOutput<'_> {
+ fn to_sql(&self) -> Result<ToSqlOutput<'_>> {
+ Ok(match *self {
+ ToSqlOutput::Borrowed(v) => ToSqlOutput::Borrowed(v),
+ ToSqlOutput::Owned(ref v) => ToSqlOutput::Borrowed(ValueRef::from(v)),
+ #[cfg(feature = "blob")]
+ ToSqlOutput::ZeroBlob(i) => ToSqlOutput::ZeroBlob(i),
+ #[cfg(feature = "array")]
+ ToSqlOutput::Array(ref a) => ToSqlOutput::Array(a.clone()),
+ })
+ }
+/// A trait for types that can be converted into SQLite values.
+pub trait ToSql {
+ fn to_sql(&self) -> Result<ToSqlOutput<'_>>;
+impl<T: ToSql + ToOwned + ?Sized> ToSql for Cow<'_, T> {
+ fn to_sql(&self) -> Result<ToSqlOutput<'_>> {
+ self.as_ref().to_sql()
+ }
+impl<T: ToSql + ?Sized> ToSql for Box<T> {
+ fn to_sql(&self) -> Result<ToSqlOutput<'_>> {
+ self.as_ref().to_sql()
+ }
+impl<T: ToSql + ?Sized> ToSql for std::rc::Rc<T> {
+ fn to_sql(&self) -> Result<ToSqlOutput<'_>> {
+ self.as_ref().to_sql()
+ }
+impl<T: ToSql + ?Sized> ToSql for std::sync::Arc<T> {
+ fn to_sql(&self) -> Result<ToSqlOutput<'_>> {
+ self.as_ref().to_sql()
+ }
+// We should be able to use a generic impl like this:
+// impl<T: Copy> ToSql for T where T: Into<Value> {
+// fn to_sql(&self) -> Result<ToSqlOutput> {
+// Ok(ToSqlOutput::from((*self).into()))
+// }
+// }
+// instead of the following macro, but this runs afoul of
+// https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/30191 and reports conflicting
+// implementations even when there aren't any.
+macro_rules! to_sql_self(
+ ($t:ty) => (
+ impl ToSql for $t {
+ fn to_sql(&self) -> Result<ToSqlOutput<'_>> {
+ Ok(ToSqlOutput::from(*self))
+ }
+ }
+ )
+#[cfg(feature = "i128_blob")]
+#[cfg(feature = "uuid")]
+impl<T: ?Sized> ToSql for &'_ T
+ T: ToSql,
+ fn to_sql(&self) -> Result<ToSqlOutput<'_>> {
+ (*self).to_sql()
+ }
+impl ToSql for String {
+ fn to_sql(&self) -> Result<ToSqlOutput<'_>> {
+ Ok(ToSqlOutput::from(self.as_str()))
+ }
+impl ToSql for str {
+ fn to_sql(&self) -> Result<ToSqlOutput<'_>> {
+ Ok(ToSqlOutput::from(self))
+ }
+impl ToSql for Vec<u8> {
+ fn to_sql(&self) -> Result<ToSqlOutput<'_>> {
+ Ok(ToSqlOutput::from(self.as_slice()))
+ }
+impl ToSql for [u8] {
+ fn to_sql(&self) -> Result<ToSqlOutput<'_>> {
+ Ok(ToSqlOutput::from(self))
+ }
+impl ToSql for Value {
+ fn to_sql(&self) -> Result<ToSqlOutput<'_>> {
+ Ok(ToSqlOutput::from(self))
+ }
+impl<T: ToSql> ToSql for Option<T> {
+ fn to_sql(&self) -> Result<ToSqlOutput<'_>> {
+ match *self {
+ None => Ok(ToSqlOutput::from(Null)),
+ Some(ref t) => t.to_sql(),
+ }
+ }
+mod test {
+ use super::ToSql;
+ fn is_to_sql<T: ToSql>() {}
+ #[test]
+ fn test_integral_types() {
+ is_to_sql::<i8>();
+ is_to_sql::<i16>();
+ is_to_sql::<i32>();
+ is_to_sql::<i64>();
+ is_to_sql::<u8>();
+ is_to_sql::<u16>();
+ is_to_sql::<u32>();
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_cow_str() {
+ use std::borrow::Cow;
+ let s = "str";
+ let cow: Cow<str> = Cow::Borrowed(s);
+ let r = cow.to_sql();
+ assert!(r.is_ok());
+ let cow: Cow<str> = Cow::Owned::<str>(String::from(s));
+ let r = cow.to_sql();
+ assert!(r.is_ok());
+ // Ensure this compiles.
+ let _p: &[&dyn ToSql] = crate::params![cow];
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_box_dyn() {
+ let s: Box<dyn ToSql> = Box::new("Hello world!");
+ let _s: &[&dyn ToSql] = crate::params![s];
+ let r = ToSql::to_sql(&s);
+ assert!(r.is_ok());
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_box_deref() {
+ let s: Box<str> = "Hello world!".into();
+ let _s: &[&dyn ToSql] = crate::params![s];
+ let r = s.to_sql();
+ assert!(r.is_ok());
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_box_direct() {
+ let s: Box<str> = "Hello world!".into();
+ let _s: &[&dyn ToSql] = crate::params![s];
+ let r = ToSql::to_sql(&s);
+ assert!(r.is_ok());
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_cells() {
+ use std::{rc::Rc, sync::Arc};
+ let source_str: Box<str> = "Hello world!".into();
+ let s: Rc<Box<str>> = Rc::new(source_str.clone());
+ let _s: &[&dyn ToSql] = crate::params![s];
+ let r = s.to_sql();
+ assert!(r.is_ok());
+ let s: Arc<Box<str>> = Arc::new(source_str.clone());
+ let _s: &[&dyn ToSql] = crate::params![s];
+ let r = s.to_sql();
+ assert!(r.is_ok());
+ let s: Arc<str> = Arc::from(&*source_str);
+ let _s: &[&dyn ToSql] = crate::params![s];
+ let r = s.to_sql();
+ assert!(r.is_ok());
+ let s: Arc<dyn ToSql> = Arc::new(source_str.clone());
+ let _s: &[&dyn ToSql] = crate::params![s];
+ let r = s.to_sql();
+ assert!(r.is_ok());
+ let s: Rc<str> = Rc::from(&*source_str);
+ let _s: &[&dyn ToSql] = crate::params![s];
+ let r = s.to_sql();
+ assert!(r.is_ok());
+ let s: Rc<dyn ToSql> = Rc::new(source_str);
+ let _s: &[&dyn ToSql] = crate::params![s];
+ let r = s.to_sql();
+ assert!(r.is_ok());
+ }
+ #[cfg(feature = "i128_blob")]
+ #[test]
+ fn test_i128() {
+ use crate::{Connection, NO_PARAMS};
+ use std::i128;
+ let db = Connection::open_in_memory().unwrap();
+ db.execute_batch("CREATE TABLE foo (i128 BLOB, desc TEXT)")
+ .unwrap();
+ db.execute(
+ "
+ INSERT INTO foo(i128, desc) VALUES
+ (?, 'zero'),
+ (?, 'neg one'), (?, 'neg two'),
+ (?, 'pos one'), (?, 'pos two'),
+ (?, 'min'), (?, 'max')",
+ &[0i128, -1i128, -2i128, 1i128, 2i128, i128::MIN, i128::MAX],
+ )
+ .unwrap();
+ let mut stmt = db
+ .prepare("SELECT i128, desc FROM foo ORDER BY i128 ASC")
+ .unwrap();
+ let res = stmt
+ .query_map(NO_PARAMS, |row| {
+ Ok((row.get::<_, i128>(0)?, row.get::<_, String>(1)?))
+ })
+ .unwrap()
+ .collect::<Result<Vec<_>, _>>()
+ .unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(
+ res,
+ &[
+ (i128::MIN, "min".to_owned()),
+ (-2, "neg two".to_owned()),
+ (-1, "neg one".to_owned()),
+ (0, "zero".to_owned()),
+ (1, "pos one".to_owned()),
+ (2, "pos two".to_owned()),
+ (i128::MAX, "max".to_owned()),
+ ]
+ );
+ }
+ #[cfg(feature = "uuid")]
+ #[test]
+ fn test_uuid() {
+ use crate::{params, Connection};
+ use uuid::Uuid;
+ let db = Connection::open_in_memory().unwrap();
+ db.execute_batch("CREATE TABLE foo (id BLOB CHECK(length(id) = 16), label TEXT);")
+ .unwrap();
+ let id = Uuid::new_v4();
+ db.execute(
+ "INSERT INTO foo (id, label) VALUES (?, ?)",
+ params![id, "target"],
+ )
+ .unwrap();
+ let mut stmt = db
+ .prepare("SELECT id, label FROM foo WHERE id = ?")
+ .unwrap();
+ let mut rows = stmt.query(params![id]).unwrap();
+ let row = rows.next().unwrap().unwrap();
+ let found_id: Uuid = row.get_unwrap(0);
+ let found_label: String = row.get_unwrap(1);
+ assert_eq!(found_id, id);
+ assert_eq!(found_label, "target");
+ }
diff --git a/src/types/url.rs b/src/types/url.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c9c63a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/types/url.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+//! `ToSql` and `FromSql` implementation for [`url::Url`].
+use crate::types::{FromSql, FromSqlError, FromSqlResult, ToSql, ToSqlOutput, ValueRef};
+use crate::Result;
+use url::Url;
+/// Serialize `Url` to text.
+impl ToSql for Url {
+ fn to_sql(&self) -> Result<ToSqlOutput<'_>> {
+ Ok(ToSqlOutput::from(self.as_str()))
+ }
+/// Deserialize text to `Url`.
+impl FromSql for Url {
+ fn column_result(value: ValueRef<'_>) -> FromSqlResult<Self> {
+ match value {
+ ValueRef::Text(s) => {
+ let s = std::str::from_utf8(s).map_err(|e| FromSqlError::Other(Box::new(e)))?;
+ Url::parse(s).map_err(|e| FromSqlError::Other(Box::new(e)))
+ }
+ _ => Err(FromSqlError::InvalidType),
+ }
+ }
+mod test {
+ use crate::{params, Connection, Error, Result};
+ use url::{ParseError, Url};
+ fn checked_memory_handle() -> Connection {
+ let db = Connection::open_in_memory().unwrap();
+ db.execute_batch("CREATE TABLE urls (i INTEGER, v TEXT)")
+ .unwrap();
+ db
+ }
+ fn get_url(db: &Connection, id: i64) -> Result<Url> {
+ db.query_row("SELECT v FROM urls WHERE i = ?", params![id], |r| r.get(0))
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_sql_url() {
+ let db = &checked_memory_handle();
+ let url0 = Url::parse("http://www.example1.com").unwrap();
+ let url1 = Url::parse("http://www.example1.com/👌").unwrap();
+ let url2 = "http://www.example2.com/👌";
+ db.execute(
+ "INSERT INTO urls (i, v) VALUES (0, ?), (1, ?), (2, ?), (3, ?)",
+ // also insert a non-hex encoded url (which might be present if it was
+ // inserted separately)
+ params![url0, url1, url2, "illegal"],
+ )
+ .unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(get_url(db, 0).unwrap(), url0);
+ assert_eq!(get_url(db, 1).unwrap(), url1);
+ // Should successfully read it, even though it wasn't inserted as an
+ // escaped url.
+ let out_url2: Url = get_url(db, 2).unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(out_url2, Url::parse(url2).unwrap());
+ // Make sure the conversion error comes through correctly.
+ let err = get_url(db, 3).unwrap_err();
+ match err {
+ Error::FromSqlConversionFailure(_, _, e) => {
+ assert_eq!(
+ *e.downcast::<ParseError>().unwrap(),
+ ParseError::RelativeUrlWithoutBase,
+ );
+ }
+ e => {
+ panic!("Expected conversion failure, got {}", e);
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/types/value.rs b/src/types/value.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..332d78b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/types/value.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+use super::{Null, Type};
+/// Owning [dynamic type value](http://sqlite.org/datatype3.html). Value's type is typically
+/// dictated by SQLite (not by the caller).
+/// See [`ValueRef`](enum.ValueRef.html) for a non-owning dynamic type value.
+#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
+pub enum Value {
+ /// The value is a `NULL` value.
+ Null,
+ /// The value is a signed integer.
+ Integer(i64),
+ /// The value is a floating point number.
+ Real(f64),
+ /// The value is a text string.
+ Text(String),
+ /// The value is a blob of data
+ Blob(Vec<u8>),
+impl From<Null> for Value {
+ fn from(_: Null) -> Value {
+ Value::Null
+ }
+impl From<bool> for Value {
+ fn from(i: bool) -> Value {
+ Value::Integer(i as i64)
+ }
+impl From<isize> for Value {
+ fn from(i: isize) -> Value {
+ Value::Integer(i as i64)
+ }
+#[cfg(feature = "i128_blob")]
+impl From<i128> for Value {
+ fn from(i: i128) -> Value {
+ use byteorder::{BigEndian, ByteOrder};
+ let mut buf = vec![0u8; 16];
+ // We store these biased (e.g. with the most significant bit flipped)
+ // so that comparisons with negative numbers work properly.
+ BigEndian::write_i128(&mut buf, i ^ (1i128 << 127));
+ Value::Blob(buf)
+ }
+#[cfg(feature = "uuid")]
+impl From<uuid::Uuid> for Value {
+ fn from(id: uuid::Uuid) -> Value {
+ Value::Blob(id.as_bytes().to_vec())
+ }
+macro_rules! from_i64(
+ ($t:ty) => (
+ impl From<$t> for Value {
+ fn from(i: $t) -> Value {
+ Value::Integer(i64::from(i))
+ }
+ }
+ )
+impl From<i64> for Value {
+ fn from(i: i64) -> Value {
+ Value::Integer(i)
+ }
+impl From<f64> for Value {
+ fn from(f: f64) -> Value {
+ Value::Real(f)
+ }
+impl From<String> for Value {
+ fn from(s: String) -> Value {
+ Value::Text(s)
+ }
+impl From<Vec<u8>> for Value {
+ fn from(v: Vec<u8>) -> Value {
+ Value::Blob(v)
+ }
+impl<T> From<Option<T>> for Value
+ T: Into<Value>,
+ fn from(v: Option<T>) -> Value {
+ match v {
+ Some(x) => x.into(),
+ None => Value::Null,
+ }
+ }
+impl Value {
+ pub fn data_type(&self) -> Type {
+ match *self {
+ Value::Null => Type::Null,
+ Value::Integer(_) => Type::Integer,
+ Value::Real(_) => Type::Real,
+ Value::Text(_) => Type::Text,
+ Value::Blob(_) => Type::Blob,
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/types/value_ref.rs b/src/types/value_ref.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..80d2457
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/types/value_ref.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+use super::{Type, Value};
+use crate::types::{FromSqlError, FromSqlResult};
+/// A non-owning [dynamic type value](http://sqlite.org/datatype3.html). Typically the
+/// memory backing this value is owned by SQLite.
+/// See [`Value`](enum.Value.html) for an owning dynamic type value.
+#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
+pub enum ValueRef<'a> {
+ /// The value is a `NULL` value.
+ Null,
+ /// The value is a signed integer.
+ Integer(i64),
+ /// The value is a floating point number.
+ Real(f64),
+ /// The value is a text string.
+ Text(&'a [u8]),
+ /// The value is a blob of data
+ Blob(&'a [u8]),
+impl ValueRef<'_> {
+ pub fn data_type(&self) -> Type {
+ match *self {
+ ValueRef::Null => Type::Null,
+ ValueRef::Integer(_) => Type::Integer,
+ ValueRef::Real(_) => Type::Real,
+ ValueRef::Text(_) => Type::Text,
+ ValueRef::Blob(_) => Type::Blob,
+ }
+ }
+impl<'a> ValueRef<'a> {
+ /// If `self` is case `Integer`, returns the integral value. Otherwise,
+ /// returns `Err(Error::InvalidColumnType)`.
+ pub fn as_i64(&self) -> FromSqlResult<i64> {
+ match *self {
+ ValueRef::Integer(i) => Ok(i),
+ _ => Err(FromSqlError::InvalidType),
+ }
+ }
+ /// If `self` is case `Real`, returns the floating point value. Otherwise,
+ /// returns `Err(Error::InvalidColumnType)`.
+ pub fn as_f64(&self) -> FromSqlResult<f64> {
+ match *self {
+ ValueRef::Real(f) => Ok(f),
+ _ => Err(FromSqlError::InvalidType),
+ }
+ }
+ /// If `self` is case `Text`, returns the string value. Otherwise, returns
+ /// `Err(Error::InvalidColumnType)`.
+ pub fn as_str(&self) -> FromSqlResult<&'a str> {
+ match *self {
+ ValueRef::Text(t) => {
+ std::str::from_utf8(t).map_err(|e| FromSqlError::Other(Box::new(e)))
+ }
+ _ => Err(FromSqlError::InvalidType),
+ }
+ }
+ /// If `self` is case `Blob`, returns the byte slice. Otherwise, returns
+ /// `Err(Error::InvalidColumnType)`.
+ pub fn as_blob(&self) -> FromSqlResult<&'a [u8]> {
+ match *self {
+ ValueRef::Blob(b) => Ok(b),
+ _ => Err(FromSqlError::InvalidType),
+ }
+ }
+impl From<ValueRef<'_>> for Value {
+ fn from(borrowed: ValueRef<'_>) -> Value {
+ match borrowed {
+ ValueRef::Null => Value::Null,
+ ValueRef::Integer(i) => Value::Integer(i),
+ ValueRef::Real(r) => Value::Real(r),
+ ValueRef::Text(s) => {
+ let s = std::str::from_utf8(s).expect("invalid UTF-8");
+ Value::Text(s.to_string())
+ }
+ ValueRef::Blob(b) => Value::Blob(b.to_vec()),
+ }
+ }
+impl<'a> From<&'a str> for ValueRef<'a> {
+ fn from(s: &str) -> ValueRef<'_> {
+ ValueRef::Text(s.as_bytes())
+ }
+impl<'a> From<&'a [u8]> for ValueRef<'a> {
+ fn from(s: &[u8]) -> ValueRef<'_> {
+ ValueRef::Blob(s)
+ }
+impl<'a> From<&'a Value> for ValueRef<'a> {
+ fn from(value: &'a Value) -> ValueRef<'a> {
+ match *value {
+ Value::Null => ValueRef::Null,
+ Value::Integer(i) => ValueRef::Integer(i),
+ Value::Real(r) => ValueRef::Real(r),
+ Value::Text(ref s) => ValueRef::Text(s.as_bytes()),
+ Value::Blob(ref b) => ValueRef::Blob(b),
+ }
+ }
+impl<'a, T> From<Option<T>> for ValueRef<'a>
+ T: Into<ValueRef<'a>>,
+ fn from(s: Option<T>) -> ValueRef<'a> {
+ match s {
+ Some(x) => x.into(),
+ None => ValueRef::Null,
+ }
+ }
+#[cfg(any(feature = "functions", feature = "session", feature = "vtab"))]
+impl<'a> ValueRef<'a> {
+ pub(crate) unsafe fn from_value(value: *mut crate::ffi::sqlite3_value) -> ValueRef<'a> {
+ use crate::ffi;
+ use std::slice::from_raw_parts;
+ match ffi::sqlite3_value_type(value) {
+ ffi::SQLITE_NULL => ValueRef::Null,
+ ffi::SQLITE_INTEGER => ValueRef::Integer(ffi::sqlite3_value_int64(value)),
+ ffi::SQLITE_FLOAT => ValueRef::Real(ffi::sqlite3_value_double(value)),
+ ffi::SQLITE_TEXT => {
+ let text = ffi::sqlite3_value_text(value);
+ let len = ffi::sqlite3_value_bytes(value);
+ assert!(
+ !text.is_null(),
+ "unexpected SQLITE_TEXT value type with NULL data"
+ );
+ let s = from_raw_parts(text as *const u8, len as usize);
+ ValueRef::Text(s)
+ }
+ ffi::SQLITE_BLOB => {
+ let (blob, len) = (
+ ffi::sqlite3_value_blob(value),
+ ffi::sqlite3_value_bytes(value),
+ );
+ assert!(
+ len >= 0,
+ "unexpected negative return from sqlite3_value_bytes"
+ );
+ if len > 0 {
+ assert!(
+ !blob.is_null(),
+ "unexpected SQLITE_BLOB value type with NULL data"
+ );
+ ValueRef::Blob(from_raw_parts(blob as *const u8, len as usize))
+ } else {
+ // The return value from sqlite3_value_blob() for a zero-length BLOB
+ // is a NULL pointer.
+ ValueRef::Blob(&[])
+ }
+ }
+ _ => unreachable!("sqlite3_value_type returned invalid value"),
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/unlock_notify.rs b/src/unlock_notify.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..af2a06c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/unlock_notify.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+//! [Unlock Notification](http://sqlite.org/unlock_notify.html)
+use std::os::raw::c_int;
+#[cfg(feature = "unlock_notify")]
+use std::os::raw::c_void;
+#[cfg(feature = "unlock_notify")]
+use std::panic::catch_unwind;
+#[cfg(feature = "unlock_notify")]
+use std::sync::{Condvar, Mutex};
+use crate::ffi;
+#[cfg(feature = "unlock_notify")]
+struct UnlockNotification {
+ cond: Condvar, // Condition variable to wait on
+ mutex: Mutex<bool>, // Mutex to protect structure
+#[cfg(feature = "unlock_notify")]
+impl UnlockNotification {
+ fn new() -> UnlockNotification {
+ UnlockNotification {
+ cond: Condvar::new(),
+ mutex: Mutex::new(false),
+ }
+ }
+ fn fired(&self) {
+ let mut flag = self.mutex.lock().unwrap();
+ *flag = true;
+ self.cond.notify_one();
+ }
+ fn wait(&self) {
+ let mut fired = self.mutex.lock().unwrap();
+ while !*fired {
+ fired = self.cond.wait(fired).unwrap();
+ }
+ }
+/// This function is an unlock-notify callback
+#[cfg(feature = "unlock_notify")]
+unsafe extern "C" fn unlock_notify_cb(ap_arg: *mut *mut c_void, n_arg: c_int) {
+ use std::slice::from_raw_parts;
+ let args = from_raw_parts(ap_arg as *const &UnlockNotification, n_arg as usize);
+ for un in args {
+ let _ = catch_unwind(std::panic::AssertUnwindSafe(|| un.fired()));
+ }
+#[cfg(feature = "unlock_notify")]
+pub unsafe fn is_locked(db: *mut ffi::sqlite3, rc: c_int) -> bool {
+ || (rc & 0xFF) == ffi::SQLITE_LOCKED
+ && ffi::sqlite3_extended_errcode(db) == ffi::SQLITE_LOCKED_SHAREDCACHE
+/// This function assumes that an SQLite API call (either `sqlite3_prepare_v2()`
+/// or `sqlite3_step()`) has just returned `SQLITE_LOCKED`. The argument is the
+/// associated database connection.
+/// This function calls `sqlite3_unlock_notify()` to register for an
+/// unlock-notify callback, then blocks until that callback is delivered
+/// and returns `SQLITE_OK`. The caller should then retry the failed operation.
+/// Or, if `sqlite3_unlock_notify()` indicates that to block would deadlock
+/// the system, then this function returns `SQLITE_LOCKED` immediately. In
+/// this case the caller should not retry the operation and should roll
+/// back the current transaction (if any).
+#[cfg(feature = "unlock_notify")]
+pub unsafe fn wait_for_unlock_notify(db: *mut ffi::sqlite3) -> c_int {
+ let un = UnlockNotification::new();
+ /* Register for an unlock-notify callback. */
+ let rc = ffi::sqlite3_unlock_notify(
+ db,
+ Some(unlock_notify_cb),
+ &un as *const UnlockNotification as *mut c_void,
+ );
+ debug_assert!(
+ rc == ffi::SQLITE_LOCKED || rc == ffi::SQLITE_LOCKED_SHAREDCACHE || rc == ffi::SQLITE_OK
+ );
+ if rc == ffi::SQLITE_OK {
+ un.wait();
+ }
+ rc
+#[cfg(not(feature = "unlock_notify"))]
+pub unsafe fn is_locked(_db: *mut ffi::sqlite3, _rc: c_int) -> bool {
+ unreachable!()
+#[cfg(not(feature = "unlock_notify"))]
+pub unsafe fn wait_for_unlock_notify(_db: *mut ffi::sqlite3) -> c_int {
+ unreachable!()
+#[cfg(feature = "unlock_notify")]
+mod test {
+ use crate::{Connection, OpenFlags, Result, Transaction, TransactionBehavior, NO_PARAMS};
+ use std::sync::mpsc::sync_channel;
+ use std::thread;
+ use std::time;
+ #[test]
+ fn test_unlock_notify() {
+ let url = "file::memory:?cache=shared";
+ let flags = OpenFlags::SQLITE_OPEN_READ_WRITE | OpenFlags::SQLITE_OPEN_URI;
+ let db1 = Connection::open_with_flags(url, flags).unwrap();
+ db1.execute_batch("CREATE TABLE foo (x)").unwrap();
+ let (rx, tx) = sync_channel(0);
+ let child = thread::spawn(move || {
+ let mut db2 = Connection::open_with_flags(url, flags).unwrap();
+ let tx2 = Transaction::new(&mut db2, TransactionBehavior::Immediate).unwrap();
+ tx2.execute_batch("INSERT INTO foo VALUES (42)").unwrap();
+ rx.send(1).unwrap();
+ let ten_millis = time::Duration::from_millis(10);
+ thread::sleep(ten_millis);
+ tx2.commit().unwrap();
+ });
+ assert_eq!(tx.recv().unwrap(), 1);
+ let the_answer: Result<i64> = db1.query_row("SELECT x FROM foo", NO_PARAMS, |r| r.get(0));
+ assert_eq!(42i64, the_answer.unwrap());
+ child.join().unwrap();
+ }
diff --git a/src/util/mod.rs b/src/util/mod.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2b8dcfd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/mod.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+// Internal utilities
+pub(crate) mod param_cache;
+mod small_cstr;
+pub(crate) use param_cache::ParamIndexCache;
+pub(crate) use small_cstr::SmallCString;
+// Doesn't use any modern features or vtab stuff, but is only used by them.
+#[cfg(any(feature = "modern_sqlite", feature = "vtab"))]
+mod sqlite_string;
+#[cfg(any(feature = "modern_sqlite", feature = "vtab"))]
+pub(crate) use sqlite_string::SqliteMallocString;
diff --git a/src/util/param_cache.rs b/src/util/param_cache.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6faced9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/param_cache.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+use super::SmallCString;
+use std::cell::RefCell;
+use std::collections::BTreeMap;
+/// Maps parameter names to parameter indices.
+#[derive(Default, Clone, Debug)]
+// BTreeMap seems to do better here unless we want to pull in a custom hash
+// function.
+pub(crate) struct ParamIndexCache(RefCell<BTreeMap<SmallCString, usize>>);
+impl ParamIndexCache {
+ pub fn get_or_insert_with<F>(&self, s: &str, func: F) -> Option<usize>
+ where
+ F: FnOnce(&std::ffi::CStr) -> Option<usize>,
+ {
+ let mut cache = self.0.borrow_mut();
+ // Avoid entry API, needs allocation to test membership.
+ if let Some(v) = cache.get(s) {
+ return Some(*v);
+ }
+ // If there's an internal nul in the name it couldn't have been a
+ // parameter, so early return here is ok.
+ let name = SmallCString::new(s).ok()?;
+ let val = func(&name)?;
+ cache.insert(name, val);
+ Some(val)
+ }
+mod test {
+ use super::*;
+ #[test]
+ fn test_cache() {
+ let p = ParamIndexCache::default();
+ let v = p.get_or_insert_with("foo", |cstr| {
+ assert_eq!(cstr.to_str().unwrap(), "foo");
+ Some(3)
+ });
+ assert_eq!(v, Some(3));
+ let v = p.get_or_insert_with("foo", |_| {
+ panic!("shouldn't be called this time");
+ });
+ assert_eq!(v, Some(3));
+ let v = p.get_or_insert_with("gar\0bage", |_| {
+ panic!("shouldn't be called here either");
+ });
+ assert_eq!(v, None);
+ let v = p.get_or_insert_with("bar", |cstr| {
+ assert_eq!(cstr.to_str().unwrap(), "bar");
+ None
+ });
+ assert_eq!(v, None);
+ let v = p.get_or_insert_with("bar", |cstr| {
+ assert_eq!(cstr.to_str().unwrap(), "bar");
+ Some(30)
+ });
+ assert_eq!(v, Some(30));
+ }
diff --git a/src/util/small_cstr.rs b/src/util/small_cstr.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bc4d9cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/small_cstr.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+use smallvec::{smallvec, SmallVec};
+use std::ffi::{CStr, CString, NulError};
+/// Similar to std::ffi::CString, but avoids heap allocating if the string is
+/// small enough. Also guarantees it's input is UTF-8 -- used for cases where we
+/// need to pass a NUL-terminated string to SQLite, and we have a `&str`.
+#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
+pub(crate) struct SmallCString(smallvec::SmallVec<[u8; 16]>);
+impl SmallCString {
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn new(s: &str) -> Result<Self, NulError> {
+ if s.as_bytes().contains(&0u8) {
+ return Err(Self::fabricate_nul_error(s));
+ }
+ let mut buf = SmallVec::with_capacity(s.len() + 1);
+ buf.extend_from_slice(s.as_bytes());
+ buf.push(0);
+ let res = Self(buf);
+ res.debug_checks();
+ Ok(res)
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn as_str(&self) -> &str {
+ self.debug_checks();
+ // Constructor takes a &str so this is safe.
+ unsafe { std::str::from_utf8_unchecked(self.as_bytes_without_nul()) }
+ }
+ /// Get the bytes not including the NUL terminator. E.g. the bytes which
+ /// make up our `str`:
+ /// - `SmallCString::new("foo").as_bytes_without_nul() == b"foo"`
+ /// - `SmallCString::new("foo").as_bytes_with_nul() == b"foo\0"
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn as_bytes_without_nul(&self) -> &[u8] {
+ self.debug_checks();
+ &self.0[..self.len()]
+ }
+ /// Get the bytes behind this str *including* the NUL terminator. This
+ /// should never return an empty slice.
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn as_bytes_with_nul(&self) -> &[u8] {
+ self.debug_checks();
+ &self.0
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ #[cfg(debug_assertions)]
+ fn debug_checks(&self) {
+ debug_assert_ne!(self.0.len(), 0);
+ debug_assert_eq!(self.0[self.0.len() - 1], 0);
+ let strbytes = &self.0[..(self.0.len() - 1)];
+ debug_assert!(!strbytes.contains(&0));
+ debug_assert!(std::str::from_utf8(strbytes).is_ok());
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ #[cfg(not(debug_assertions))]
+ fn debug_checks(&self) {}
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn len(&self) -> usize {
+ debug_assert_ne!(self.0.len(), 0);
+ self.0.len() - 1
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ #[allow(unused)] // clippy wants this function.
+ pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
+ self.len() == 0
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn as_cstr(&self) -> &CStr {
+ let bytes = self.as_bytes_with_nul();
+ debug_assert!(CStr::from_bytes_with_nul(bytes).is_ok());
+ unsafe { CStr::from_bytes_with_nul_unchecked(bytes) }
+ }
+ #[cold]
+ fn fabricate_nul_error(b: &str) -> NulError {
+ CString::new(b).unwrap_err()
+ }
+impl Default for SmallCString {
+ #[inline]
+ fn default() -> Self {
+ Self(smallvec![0])
+ }
+impl std::fmt::Debug for SmallCString {
+ fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
+ f.debug_tuple("SmallCString").field(&self.as_str()).finish()
+ }
+impl std::ops::Deref for SmallCString {
+ type Target = CStr;
+ #[inline]
+ fn deref(&self) -> &CStr {
+ self.as_cstr()
+ }
+impl PartialEq<SmallCString> for str {
+ #[inline]
+ fn eq(&self, s: &SmallCString) -> bool {
+ s.as_bytes_without_nul() == self.as_bytes()
+ }
+impl PartialEq<str> for SmallCString {
+ #[inline]
+ fn eq(&self, s: &str) -> bool {
+ self.as_bytes_without_nul() == s.as_bytes()
+ }
+impl std::borrow::Borrow<str> for SmallCString {
+ #[inline]
+ fn borrow(&self) -> &str {
+ self.as_str()
+ }
+mod test {
+ use super::*;
+ #[test]
+ fn test_small_cstring() {
+ // We don't go through the normal machinery for default, so make sure
+ // things work.
+ assert_eq!(SmallCString::default().0, SmallCString::new("").unwrap().0);
+ assert_eq!(SmallCString::new("foo").unwrap().len(), 3);
+ assert_eq!(
+ SmallCString::new("foo").unwrap().as_bytes_with_nul(),
+ b"foo\0"
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ SmallCString::new("foo").unwrap().as_bytes_without_nul(),
+ b"foo",
+ );
+ assert_eq!(SmallCString::new("😀").unwrap().len(), 4);
+ assert_eq!(
+ SmallCString::new("😀").unwrap().0.as_slice(),
+ b"\xf0\x9f\x98\x80\0",
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ SmallCString::new("😀").unwrap().as_bytes_without_nul(),
+ b"\xf0\x9f\x98\x80",
+ );
+ assert_eq!(SmallCString::new("").unwrap().len(), 0);
+ assert!(SmallCString::new("").unwrap().is_empty());
+ assert_eq!(SmallCString::new("").unwrap().0.as_slice(), b"\0");
+ assert_eq!(SmallCString::new("").unwrap().as_bytes_without_nul(), b"");
+ assert!(SmallCString::new("\0").is_err());
+ assert!(SmallCString::new("\0abc").is_err());
+ assert!(SmallCString::new("abc\0").is_err());
+ }
diff --git a/src/util/sqlite_string.rs b/src/util/sqlite_string.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..18d462e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/sqlite_string.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
+// This is used when either vtab or modern-sqlite is on. Different methods are
+// used in each feature. Avoid having to track this for each function. We will
+// still warn for anything that's not used by either, though.
+ not(all(feature = "vtab", feature = "modern-sqlite")),
+ allow(dead_code)
+use crate::ffi;
+use std::marker::PhantomData;
+use std::os::raw::{c_char, c_int};
+use std::ptr::NonNull;
+/// A string we own that's allocated on the SQLite heap. Automatically calls
+/// `sqlite3_free` when dropped, unless `into_raw` (or `into_inner`) is called
+/// on it. If constructed from a rust string, `sqlite3_malloc` is used.
+/// It has identical representation to a nonnull `*mut c_char`, so you can use
+/// it transparently as one. It's nonnull, so Option<SqliteMallocString> can be
+/// used for nullable ones (it's still just one pointer).
+/// Most strings shouldn't use this! Only places where the string needs to be
+/// freed with `sqlite3_free`. This includes `sqlite3_extended_sql` results,
+/// some error message pointers... Note that misuse is extremely dangerous!
+/// Note that this is *not* a lossless interface. Incoming strings with internal
+/// NULs are modified, and outgoing strings which are non-UTF8 are modified.
+/// This seems unavoidable -- it tries very hard to not panic.
+pub(crate) struct SqliteMallocString {
+ ptr: NonNull<c_char>,
+ _boo: PhantomData<Box<[c_char]>>,
+// This is owned data for a primitive type, and thus it's safe to implement
+// these. That said, nothing needs them, and they make things easier to misuse.
+// unsafe impl Send for SqliteMallocString {}
+// unsafe impl Sync for SqliteMallocString {}
+impl SqliteMallocString {
+ /// SAFETY: Caller must be certain that `m` a nul-terminated c string
+ /// allocated by sqlite3_malloc, and that SQLite expects us to free it!
+ #[inline]
+ pub(crate) unsafe fn from_raw_nonnull(ptr: NonNull<c_char>) -> Self {
+ Self {
+ ptr,
+ _boo: PhantomData,
+ }
+ }
+ /// SAFETY: Caller must be certain that `m` a nul-terminated c string
+ /// allocated by sqlite3_malloc, and that SQLite expects us to free it!
+ #[inline]
+ pub(crate) unsafe fn from_raw(ptr: *mut c_char) -> Option<Self> {
+ NonNull::new(ptr).map(|p| Self::from_raw_nonnull(p))
+ }
+ /// Get the pointer behind `self`. After this is called, we no longer manage
+ /// it.
+ #[inline]
+ pub(crate) fn into_inner(self) -> NonNull<c_char> {
+ let p = self.ptr;
+ std::mem::forget(self);
+ p
+ }
+ /// Get the pointer behind `self`. After this is called, we no longer manage
+ /// it.
+ #[inline]
+ pub(crate) fn into_raw(self) -> *mut c_char {
+ self.into_inner().as_ptr()
+ }
+ /// Borrow the pointer behind `self`. We still manage it when this function
+ /// returns. If you want to relinquish ownership, use `into_raw`.
+ #[inline]
+ pub(crate) fn as_ptr(&self) -> *const c_char {
+ self.ptr.as_ptr()
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ pub(crate) fn as_cstr(&self) -> &std::ffi::CStr {
+ unsafe { std::ffi::CStr::from_ptr(self.as_ptr()) }
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ pub(crate) fn to_string_lossy(&self) -> std::borrow::Cow<'_, str> {
+ self.as_cstr().to_string_lossy()
+ }
+ /// Convert `s` into a SQLite string.
+ ///
+ /// This should almost never be done except for cases like error messages or
+ /// other strings that SQLite frees.
+ ///
+ /// If `s` contains internal NULs, we'll replace them with
+ ///
+ /// Except for debug_asserts which may trigger during testing, this function
+ /// never panics. If we hit integer overflow or the allocation fails, we
+ /// call `handle_alloc_error` which aborts the program after calling a
+ /// global hook.
+ ///
+ /// This means it's safe to use in extern "C" functions even outside of
+ /// catch_unwind.
+ pub(crate) fn from_str(s: &str) -> Self {
+ use std::convert::TryFrom;
+ let s = if s.as_bytes().contains(&0) {
+ std::borrow::Cow::Owned(make_nonnull(s))
+ } else {
+ std::borrow::Cow::Borrowed(s)
+ };
+ debug_assert!(!s.as_bytes().contains(&0));
+ let bytes: &[u8] = s.as_ref().as_bytes();
+ let src_ptr: *const c_char = bytes.as_ptr().cast();
+ let src_len = bytes.len();
+ let maybe_len_plus_1 = s.len().checked_add(1).and_then(|v| c_int::try_from(v).ok());
+ unsafe {
+ let res_ptr = maybe_len_plus_1
+ .and_then(|len_to_alloc| {
+ // `>` because we added 1.
+ debug_assert!(len_to_alloc > 0);
+ debug_assert_eq!((len_to_alloc - 1) as usize, src_len);
+ NonNull::new(ffi::sqlite3_malloc(len_to_alloc) as *mut c_char)
+ })
+ .unwrap_or_else(|| {
+ use std::alloc::{handle_alloc_error, Layout};
+ // Report via handle_alloc_error so that it can be handled with any
+ // other allocation errors and properly diagnosed.
+ //
+ // This is safe:
+ // - `align` is never 0
+ // - `align` is always a power of 2.
+ // - `size` needs no realignment because it's guaranteed to be
+ // aligned (everything is aligned to 1)
+ // - `size` is also never zero, although this function doesn't actually require it now.
+ let layout = Layout::from_size_align_unchecked(s.len().saturating_add(1), 1);
+ // Note: This call does not return.
+ handle_alloc_error(layout);
+ });
+ let buf: *mut c_char = res_ptr.as_ptr() as *mut c_char;
+ src_ptr.copy_to_nonoverlapping(buf, src_len);
+ buf.add(src_len).write(0);
+ debug_assert_eq!(std::ffi::CStr::from_ptr(res_ptr.as_ptr()).to_bytes(), bytes);
+ Self::from_raw_nonnull(res_ptr)
+ }
+ }
+const NUL_REPLACE: &str = "␀";
+fn make_nonnull(v: &str) -> String {
+ v.replace('\0', NUL_REPLACE)
+impl Drop for SqliteMallocString {
+ fn drop(&mut self) {
+ unsafe { ffi::sqlite3_free(self.ptr.as_ptr().cast()) };
+ }
+impl std::fmt::Debug for SqliteMallocString {
+ fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
+ self.to_string_lossy().fmt(f)
+ }
+impl std::fmt::Display for SqliteMallocString {
+ fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
+ self.to_string_lossy().fmt(f)
+ }
+mod test {
+ use super::*;
+ #[test]
+ fn test_from_str() {
+ let to_check = [
+ ("", ""),
+ ("\0", "␀"),
+ ("␀", "␀"),
+ ("\0bar", "␀bar"),
+ ("foo\0bar", "foo␀bar"),
+ ("foo\0", "foo␀"),
+ ("a\0b\0c\0\0d", "a␀b␀c␀␀d"),
+ ("foobar0123", "foobar0123"),
+ ];
+ for &(input, output) in &to_check {
+ let s = SqliteMallocString::from_str(input);
+ assert_eq!(s.to_string_lossy(), output);
+ assert_eq!(s.as_cstr().to_str().unwrap(), output);
+ }
+ }
+ // This will trigger an asan error if into_raw still freed the ptr.
+ #[test]
+ fn test_lossy() {
+ let p = SqliteMallocString::from_str("abcd").into_raw();
+ // Make invalid
+ let s = unsafe {
+ p.cast::<u8>().write(b'\xff');
+ SqliteMallocString::from_raw(p).unwrap()
+ };
+ assert_eq!(s.to_string_lossy().as_ref(), "\u{FFFD}bcd");
+ }
+ // This will trigger an asan error if into_raw still freed the ptr.
+ #[test]
+ fn test_into_raw() {
+ let mut v = vec![];
+ for i in 0..1000 {
+ v.push(SqliteMallocString::from_str(&i.to_string()).into_raw());
+ v.push(SqliteMallocString::from_str(&format!("abc {} 😀", i)).into_raw());
+ }
+ unsafe {
+ for (i, s) in v.chunks_mut(2).enumerate() {
+ let s0 = std::mem::replace(&mut s[0], std::ptr::null_mut());
+ let s1 = std::mem::replace(&mut s[1], std::ptr::null_mut());
+ assert_eq!(
+ std::ffi::CStr::from_ptr(s0).to_str().unwrap(),
+ &i.to_string()
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ std::ffi::CStr::from_ptr(s1).to_str().unwrap(),
+ &format!("abc {} 😀", i)
+ );
+ let _ = SqliteMallocString::from_raw(s0).unwrap();
+ let _ = SqliteMallocString::from_raw(s1).unwrap();
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/version.rs b/src/version.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..215900b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/version.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+use crate::ffi;
+use std::ffi::CStr;
+/// Returns the SQLite version as an integer; e.g., `3016002` for version
+/// 3.16.2.
+/// See [`sqlite3_libversion_number()`](https://www.sqlite.org/c3ref/libversion.html).
+pub fn version_number() -> i32 {
+ unsafe { ffi::sqlite3_libversion_number() }
+/// Returns the SQLite version as a string; e.g., `"3.16.2"` for version 3.16.2.
+/// See [`sqlite3_libversion()`](https://www.sqlite.org/c3ref/libversion.html).
+pub fn version() -> &'static str {
+ let cstr = unsafe { CStr::from_ptr(ffi::sqlite3_libversion()) };
+ cstr.to_str()
+ .expect("SQLite version string is not valid UTF8 ?!")
diff --git a/src/vtab/array.rs b/src/vtab/array.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1ade815
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/vtab/array.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
+//! `feature = "array"` Array Virtual Table.
+//! Note: `rarray`, not `carray` is the name of the table valued function we
+//! define.
+//! Port of [carray](http://www.sqlite.org/cgi/src/finfo?name=ext/misc/carray.c)
+//! C extension: https://www.sqlite.org/carray.html
+//! # Example
+//! ```rust,no_run
+//! # use rusqlite::{types::Value, Connection, Result, params};
+//! # use std::rc::Rc;
+//! fn example(db: &Connection) -> Result<()> {
+//! // Note: This should be done once (usually when opening the DB).
+//! rusqlite::vtab::array::load_module(&db)?;
+//! let v = [1i64, 2, 3, 4];
+//! // Note: A `Rc<Vec<Value>>` must be used as the parameter.
+//! let values = Rc::new(v.iter().copied().map(Value::from).collect::<Vec<Value>>());
+//! let mut stmt = db.prepare("SELECT value from rarray(?);")?;
+//! let rows = stmt.query_map(params![values], |row| row.get::<_, i64>(0))?;
+//! for value in rows {
+//! println!("{}", value?);
+//! }
+//! Ok(())
+//! }
+//! ```
+use std::default::Default;
+use std::os::raw::{c_char, c_int, c_void};
+use std::rc::Rc;
+use crate::ffi;
+use crate::types::{ToSql, ToSqlOutput, Value};
+use crate::vtab::{
+ eponymous_only_module, Context, IndexConstraintOp, IndexInfo, VTab, VTabConnection, VTabCursor,
+ Values,
+use crate::{Connection, Result};
+// http://sqlite.org/bindptr.html
+pub(crate) const ARRAY_TYPE: *const c_char = b"rarray\0" as *const u8 as *const c_char;
+pub(crate) unsafe extern "C" fn free_array(p: *mut c_void) {
+ let _: Array = Rc::from_raw(p as *const Vec<Value>);
+pub type Array = Rc<Vec<Value>>;
+impl ToSql for Array {
+ fn to_sql(&self) -> Result<ToSqlOutput<'_>> {
+ Ok(ToSqlOutput::Array(self.clone()))
+ }
+/// `feature = "array"` Register the "rarray" module.
+pub fn load_module(conn: &Connection) -> Result<()> {
+ let aux: Option<()> = None;
+ conn.create_module("rarray", eponymous_only_module::<ArrayTab>(), aux)
+// Column numbers
+// const CARRAY_COLUMN_VALUE : c_int = 0;
+const CARRAY_COLUMN_POINTER: c_int = 1;
+/// An instance of the Array virtual table
+struct ArrayTab {
+ /// Base class. Must be first
+ base: ffi::sqlite3_vtab,
+unsafe impl VTab for ArrayTab {
+ type Aux = ();
+ type Cursor = ArrayTabCursor;
+ fn connect(
+ _: &mut VTabConnection,
+ _aux: Option<&()>,
+ _args: &[&[u8]],
+ ) -> Result<(String, ArrayTab)> {
+ let vtab = ArrayTab {
+ base: ffi::sqlite3_vtab::default(),
+ };
+ Ok(("CREATE TABLE x(value,pointer hidden)".to_owned(), vtab))
+ }
+ fn best_index(&self, info: &mut IndexInfo) -> Result<()> {
+ // Index of the pointer= constraint
+ let mut ptr_idx = None;
+ for (i, constraint) in info.constraints().enumerate() {
+ if !constraint.is_usable() {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if constraint.operator() != IndexConstraintOp::SQLITE_INDEX_CONSTRAINT_EQ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if let CARRAY_COLUMN_POINTER = constraint.column() {
+ ptr_idx = Some(i);
+ }
+ }
+ if let Some(ptr_idx) = ptr_idx {
+ {
+ let mut constraint_usage = info.constraint_usage(ptr_idx);
+ constraint_usage.set_argv_index(1);
+ constraint_usage.set_omit(true);
+ }
+ info.set_estimated_cost(1f64);
+ info.set_estimated_rows(100);
+ info.set_idx_num(1);
+ } else {
+ info.set_estimated_cost(2_147_483_647f64);
+ info.set_estimated_rows(2_147_483_647);
+ info.set_idx_num(0);
+ }
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ fn open(&self) -> Result<ArrayTabCursor> {
+ Ok(ArrayTabCursor::new())
+ }
+/// A cursor for the Array virtual table
+struct ArrayTabCursor {
+ /// Base class. Must be first
+ base: ffi::sqlite3_vtab_cursor,
+ /// The rowid
+ row_id: i64,
+ /// Pointer to the array of values ("pointer")
+ ptr: Option<Array>,
+impl ArrayTabCursor {
+ fn new() -> ArrayTabCursor {
+ ArrayTabCursor {
+ base: ffi::sqlite3_vtab_cursor::default(),
+ row_id: 0,
+ ptr: None,
+ }
+ }
+ fn len(&self) -> i64 {
+ match self.ptr {
+ Some(ref a) => a.len() as i64,
+ _ => 0,
+ }
+ }
+unsafe impl VTabCursor for ArrayTabCursor {
+ fn filter(&mut self, idx_num: c_int, _idx_str: Option<&str>, args: &Values<'_>) -> Result<()> {
+ if idx_num > 0 {
+ self.ptr = args.get_array(0)?;
+ } else {
+ self.ptr = None;
+ }
+ self.row_id = 1;
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ fn next(&mut self) -> Result<()> {
+ self.row_id += 1;
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ fn eof(&self) -> bool {
+ self.row_id > self.len()
+ }
+ fn column(&self, ctx: &mut Context, i: c_int) -> Result<()> {
+ match i {
+ _ => {
+ if let Some(ref array) = self.ptr {
+ let value = &array[(self.row_id - 1) as usize];
+ ctx.set_result(&value)
+ } else {
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ fn rowid(&self) -> Result<i64> {
+ Ok(self.row_id)
+ }
+mod test {
+ use crate::types::Value;
+ use crate::vtab::array;
+ use crate::Connection;
+ use std::rc::Rc;
+ #[test]
+ fn test_array_module() {
+ let db = Connection::open_in_memory().unwrap();
+ array::load_module(&db).unwrap();
+ let v = vec![1i64, 2, 3, 4];
+ let values: Vec<Value> = v.into_iter().map(Value::from).collect();
+ let ptr = Rc::new(values);
+ {
+ let mut stmt = db.prepare("SELECT value from rarray(?);").unwrap();
+ let rows = stmt.query_map(&[&ptr], |row| row.get::<_, i64>(0)).unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(2, Rc::strong_count(&ptr));
+ let mut count = 0;
+ for (i, value) in rows.enumerate() {
+ assert_eq!(i as i64, value.unwrap() - 1);
+ count += 1;
+ }
+ assert_eq!(4, count);
+ }
+ assert_eq!(1, Rc::strong_count(&ptr));
+ }
diff --git a/src/vtab/csvtab.rs b/src/vtab/csvtab.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d8a4c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/vtab/csvtab.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,411 @@
+//! `feature = "csvtab"` CSV Virtual Table.
+//! Port of [csv](http://www.sqlite.org/cgi/src/finfo?name=ext/misc/csv.c) C
+//! extension: https://www.sqlite.org/csv.html
+//! # Example
+//! ```rust,no_run
+//! # use rusqlite::{Connection, Result};
+//! fn example() -> Result<()> {
+//! // Note: This should be done once (usually when opening the DB).
+//! let db = Connection::open_in_memory()?;
+//! rusqlite::vtab::csvtab::load_module(&db)?;
+//! // Assum3e my_csv.csv
+//! let schema = "
+//! CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE my_csv_data
+//! USING csv(filename = 'my_csv.csv')
+//! ";
+//! db.execute_batch(schema)?;
+//! // Now the `my_csv_data` (virtual) table can be queried as normal...
+//! Ok(())
+//! }
+//! ```
+use std::fs::File;
+use std::os::raw::c_int;
+use std::path::Path;
+use std::str;
+use crate::ffi;
+use crate::types::Null;
+use crate::vtab::{
+ dequote, escape_double_quote, parse_boolean, read_only_module, Context, CreateVTab, IndexInfo,
+ VTab, VTabConnection, VTabCursor, Values,
+use crate::{Connection, Error, Result};
+/// `feature = "csvtab"` Register the "csv" module.
+/// ```sql
+/// filename=FILENAME -- Name of file containing CSV content
+/// [, schema=SCHEMA] -- Alternative CSV schema. 'CREATE TABLE x(col1 TEXT NOT NULL, col2 INT, ...);'
+/// [, header=YES|NO] -- First row of CSV defines the names of columns if "yes". Default "no".
+/// [, columns=N] -- Assume the CSV file contains N columns.
+/// [, delimiter=C] -- CSV delimiter. Default ','.
+/// [, quote=C] -- CSV quote. Default '"'. 0 means no quote.
+/// );
+/// ```
+pub fn load_module(conn: &Connection) -> Result<()> {
+ let aux: Option<()> = None;
+ conn.create_module("csv", read_only_module::<CSVTab>(), aux)
+/// An instance of the CSV virtual table
+struct CSVTab {
+ /// Base class. Must be first
+ base: ffi::sqlite3_vtab,
+ /// Name of the CSV file
+ filename: String,
+ has_headers: bool,
+ delimiter: u8,
+ quote: u8,
+ /// Offset to start of data
+ offset_first_row: csv::Position,
+impl CSVTab {
+ fn reader(&self) -> Result<csv::Reader<File>, csv::Error> {
+ csv::ReaderBuilder::new()
+ .has_headers(self.has_headers)
+ .delimiter(self.delimiter)
+ .quote(self.quote)
+ .from_path(&self.filename)
+ }
+ fn parameter(c_slice: &[u8]) -> Result<(&str, &str)> {
+ let arg = str::from_utf8(c_slice)?.trim();
+ let mut split = arg.split('=');
+ if let Some(key) = split.next() {
+ if let Some(value) = split.next() {
+ let param = key.trim();
+ let value = dequote(value);
+ return Ok((param, value));
+ }
+ }
+ Err(Error::ModuleError(format!("illegal argument: '{}'", arg)))
+ }
+ fn parse_byte(arg: &str) -> Option<u8> {
+ if arg.len() == 1 {
+ arg.bytes().next()
+ } else {
+ None
+ }
+ }
+unsafe impl VTab for CSVTab {
+ type Aux = ();
+ type Cursor = CSVTabCursor;
+ fn connect(
+ _: &mut VTabConnection,
+ _aux: Option<&()>,
+ args: &[&[u8]],
+ ) -> Result<(String, CSVTab)> {
+ if args.len() < 4 {
+ return Err(Error::ModuleError("no CSV file specified".to_owned()));
+ }
+ let mut vtab = CSVTab {
+ base: ffi::sqlite3_vtab::default(),
+ filename: "".to_owned(),
+ has_headers: false,
+ delimiter: b',',
+ quote: b'"',
+ offset_first_row: csv::Position::new(),
+ };
+ let mut schema = None;
+ let mut n_col = None;
+ let args = &args[3..];
+ for c_slice in args {
+ let (param, value) = CSVTab::parameter(c_slice)?;
+ match param {
+ "filename" => {
+ if !Path::new(value).exists() {
+ return Err(Error::ModuleError(format!(
+ "file '{}' does not exist",
+ value
+ )));
+ }
+ vtab.filename = value.to_owned();
+ }
+ "schema" => {
+ schema = Some(value.to_owned());
+ }
+ "columns" => {
+ if let Ok(n) = value.parse::<u16>() {
+ if n_col.is_some() {
+ return Err(Error::ModuleError(
+ "more than one 'columns' parameter".to_owned(),
+ ));
+ } else if n == 0 {
+ return Err(Error::ModuleError(
+ "must have at least one column".to_owned(),
+ ));
+ }
+ n_col = Some(n);
+ } else {
+ return Err(Error::ModuleError(format!(
+ "unrecognized argument to 'columns': {}",
+ value
+ )));
+ }
+ }
+ "header" => {
+ if let Some(b) = parse_boolean(value) {
+ vtab.has_headers = b;
+ } else {
+ return Err(Error::ModuleError(format!(
+ "unrecognized argument to 'header': {}",
+ value
+ )));
+ }
+ }
+ "delimiter" => {
+ if let Some(b) = CSVTab::parse_byte(value) {
+ vtab.delimiter = b;
+ } else {
+ return Err(Error::ModuleError(format!(
+ "unrecognized argument to 'delimiter': {}",
+ value
+ )));
+ }
+ }
+ "quote" => {
+ if let Some(b) = CSVTab::parse_byte(value) {
+ if b == b'0' {
+ vtab.quote = 0;
+ } else {
+ vtab.quote = b;
+ }
+ } else {
+ return Err(Error::ModuleError(format!(
+ "unrecognized argument to 'quote': {}",
+ value
+ )));
+ }
+ }
+ _ => {
+ return Err(Error::ModuleError(format!(
+ "unrecognized parameter '{}'",
+ param
+ )));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if vtab.filename.is_empty() {
+ return Err(Error::ModuleError("no CSV file specified".to_owned()));
+ }
+ let mut cols: Vec<String> = Vec::new();
+ if vtab.has_headers || (n_col.is_none() && schema.is_none()) {
+ let mut reader = vtab.reader()?;
+ if vtab.has_headers {
+ {
+ let headers = reader.headers()?;
+ // headers ignored if cols is not empty
+ if n_col.is_none() && schema.is_none() {
+ cols = headers
+ .into_iter()
+ .map(|header| escape_double_quote(&header).into_owned())
+ .collect();
+ }
+ }
+ vtab.offset_first_row = reader.position().clone();
+ } else {
+ let mut record = csv::ByteRecord::new();
+ if reader.read_byte_record(&mut record)? {
+ for (i, _) in record.iter().enumerate() {
+ cols.push(format!("c{}", i));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else if let Some(n_col) = n_col {
+ for i in 0..n_col {
+ cols.push(format!("c{}", i));
+ }
+ }
+ if cols.is_empty() && schema.is_none() {
+ return Err(Error::ModuleError("no column specified".to_owned()));
+ }
+ if schema.is_none() {
+ let mut sql = String::from("CREATE TABLE x(");
+ for (i, col) in cols.iter().enumerate() {
+ sql.push('"');
+ sql.push_str(col);
+ sql.push_str("\" TEXT");
+ if i == cols.len() - 1 {
+ sql.push_str(");");
+ } else {
+ sql.push_str(", ");
+ }
+ }
+ schema = Some(sql);
+ }
+ Ok((schema.unwrap(), vtab))
+ }
+ // Only a forward full table scan is supported.
+ fn best_index(&self, info: &mut IndexInfo) -> Result<()> {
+ info.set_estimated_cost(1_000_000.);
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ fn open(&self) -> Result<CSVTabCursor> {
+ Ok(CSVTabCursor::new(self.reader()?))
+ }
+impl CreateVTab for CSVTab {}
+/// A cursor for the CSV virtual table
+struct CSVTabCursor {
+ /// Base class. Must be first
+ base: ffi::sqlite3_vtab_cursor,
+ /// The CSV reader object
+ reader: csv::Reader<File>,
+ /// Current cursor position used as rowid
+ row_number: usize,
+ /// Values of the current row
+ cols: csv::StringRecord,
+ eof: bool,
+impl CSVTabCursor {
+ fn new(reader: csv::Reader<File>) -> CSVTabCursor {
+ CSVTabCursor {
+ base: ffi::sqlite3_vtab_cursor::default(),
+ reader,
+ row_number: 0,
+ cols: csv::StringRecord::new(),
+ eof: false,
+ }
+ }
+ /// Accessor to the associated virtual table.
+ fn vtab(&self) -> &CSVTab {
+ unsafe { &*(self.base.pVtab as *const CSVTab) }
+ }
+unsafe impl VTabCursor for CSVTabCursor {
+ // Only a full table scan is supported. So `filter` simply rewinds to
+ // the beginning.
+ fn filter(
+ &mut self,
+ _idx_num: c_int,
+ _idx_str: Option<&str>,
+ _args: &Values<'_>,
+ ) -> Result<()> {
+ {
+ let offset_first_row = self.vtab().offset_first_row.clone();
+ self.reader.seek(offset_first_row)?;
+ }
+ self.row_number = 0;
+ self.next()
+ }
+ fn next(&mut self) -> Result<()> {
+ {
+ self.eof = self.reader.is_done();
+ if self.eof {
+ return Ok(());
+ }
+ self.eof = !self.reader.read_record(&mut self.cols)?;
+ }
+ self.row_number += 1;
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ fn eof(&self) -> bool {
+ self.eof
+ }
+ fn column(&self, ctx: &mut Context, col: c_int) -> Result<()> {
+ if col < 0 || col as usize >= self.cols.len() {
+ return Err(Error::ModuleError(format!(
+ "column index out of bounds: {}",
+ col
+ )));
+ }
+ if self.cols.is_empty() {
+ return ctx.set_result(&Null);
+ }
+ // TODO Affinity
+ ctx.set_result(&self.cols[col as usize].to_owned())
+ }
+ fn rowid(&self) -> Result<i64> {
+ Ok(self.row_number as i64)
+ }
+impl From<csv::Error> for Error {
+ fn from(err: csv::Error) -> Error {
+ Error::ModuleError(err.to_string())
+ }
+mod test {
+ use crate::vtab::csvtab;
+ use crate::{Connection, Result, NO_PARAMS};
+ use fallible_iterator::FallibleIterator;
+ #[test]
+ fn test_csv_module() {
+ let db = Connection::open_in_memory().unwrap();
+ csvtab::load_module(&db).unwrap();
+ db.execute_batch("CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE vtab USING csv(filename='test.csv', header=yes)")
+ .unwrap();
+ {
+ let mut s = db.prepare("SELECT rowid, * FROM vtab").unwrap();
+ {
+ let headers = s.column_names();
+ assert_eq!(vec!["rowid", "colA", "colB", "colC"], headers);
+ }
+ let ids: Result<Vec<i32>> = s
+ .query(NO_PARAMS)
+ .unwrap()
+ .map(|row| row.get::<_, i32>(0))
+ .collect();
+ let sum = ids.unwrap().iter().sum::<i32>();
+ assert_eq!(sum, 15);
+ }
+ db.execute_batch("DROP TABLE vtab").unwrap();
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_csv_cursor() {
+ let db = Connection::open_in_memory().unwrap();
+ csvtab::load_module(&db).unwrap();
+ db.execute_batch("CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE vtab USING csv(filename='test.csv', header=yes)")
+ .unwrap();
+ {
+ let mut s = db
+ .prepare(
+ "SELECT v1.rowid, v1.* FROM vtab v1 NATURAL JOIN vtab v2 WHERE \
+ v1.rowid < v2.rowid",
+ )
+ .unwrap();
+ let mut rows = s.query(NO_PARAMS).unwrap();
+ let row = rows.next().unwrap().unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(row.get_unwrap::<_, i32>(0), 2);
+ }
+ db.execute_batch("DROP TABLE vtab").unwrap();
+ }
diff --git a/src/vtab/mod.rs b/src/vtab/mod.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5b47c65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/vtab/mod.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,1066 @@
+//! `feature = "vtab"` Create virtual tables.
+//! Follow these steps to create your own virtual table:
+//! 1. Write implemenation of `VTab` and `VTabCursor` traits.
+//! 2. Create an instance of the `Module` structure specialized for `VTab` impl.
+//! from step 1.
+//! 3. Register your `Module` structure using `Connection.create_module`.
+//! 4. Run a `CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE` command that specifies the new module in the
+//! `USING` clause.
+//! (See [SQLite doc](http://sqlite.org/vtab.html))
+use std::borrow::Cow::{self, Borrowed, Owned};
+use std::marker::PhantomData;
+use std::marker::Sync;
+use std::os::raw::{c_char, c_int, c_void};
+use std::ptr;
+use std::slice;
+use crate::context::set_result;
+use crate::error::error_from_sqlite_code;
+use crate::ffi;
+pub use crate::ffi::{sqlite3_vtab, sqlite3_vtab_cursor};
+use crate::types::{FromSql, FromSqlError, ToSql, ValueRef};
+use crate::{str_to_cstring, Connection, Error, InnerConnection, Result};
+// let conn: Connection = ...;
+// let mod: Module = ...; // VTab builder
+// conn.create_module("module", mod);
+// conn.execute("CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE foo USING module(...)");
+// \-> Module::xcreate
+// |-> let vtab: VTab = ...; // on the heap
+// \-> conn.declare_vtab("CREATE TABLE foo (...)");
+// conn = Connection::open(...);
+// \-> Module::xconnect
+// |-> let vtab: VTab = ...; // on the heap
+// \-> conn.declare_vtab("CREATE TABLE foo (...)");
+// conn.close();
+// \-> vtab.xdisconnect
+// conn.execute("DROP TABLE foo");
+// \-> vtab.xDestroy
+// let stmt = conn.prepare("SELECT ... FROM foo WHERE ...");
+// \-> vtab.xbestindex
+// stmt.query().next();
+// \-> vtab.xopen
+// |-> let cursor: VTabCursor = ...; // on the heap
+// |-> cursor.xfilter or xnext
+// |-> cursor.xeof
+// \-> if not eof { cursor.column or xrowid } else { cursor.xclose }
+// db: *mut ffi::sqlite3 => VTabConnection
+// module: *const ffi::sqlite3_module => Module
+// aux: *mut c_void => Module::Aux
+// ffi::sqlite3_vtab => VTab
+// ffi::sqlite3_vtab_cursor => VTabCursor
+/// `feature = "vtab"` Virtual table module
+/// (See [SQLite doc](https://sqlite.org/c3ref/module.html))
+pub struct Module<T: VTab> {
+ base: ffi::sqlite3_module,
+ phantom: PhantomData<T>,
+unsafe impl<T: VTab> Send for Module<T> {}
+unsafe impl<T: VTab> Sync for Module<T> {}
+union ModuleZeroHack {
+ bytes: [u8; std::mem::size_of::<ffi::sqlite3_module>()],
+ module: ffi::sqlite3_module,
+// Used as a trailing initializer for sqlite3_module -- this way we avoid having
+// the build fail if buildtime_bindgen is on. This is safe, as bindgen-generated
+// structs are allowed to be zeroed.
+const ZERO_MODULE: ffi::sqlite3_module = unsafe {
+ ModuleZeroHack {
+ bytes: [0u8; std::mem::size_of::<ffi::sqlite3_module>()],
+ }
+ .module
+/// `feature = "vtab"` Create a read-only virtual table implementation.
+/// Step 2 of [Creating New Virtual Table Implementations](https://sqlite.org/vtab.html#creating_new_virtual_table_implementations).
+pub fn read_only_module<T: CreateVTab>() -> &'static Module<T> {
+ // The xConnect and xCreate methods do the same thing, but they must be
+ // different so that the virtual table is not an eponymous virtual table.
+ &Module {
+ base: ffi::sqlite3_module {
+ // We don't use V3
+ iVersion: 2, // We don't use V2 or V3 features in read_only_module types
+ xCreate: Some(rust_create::<T>),
+ xConnect: Some(rust_connect::<T>),
+ xBestIndex: Some(rust_best_index::<T>),
+ xDisconnect: Some(rust_disconnect::<T>),
+ xDestroy: Some(rust_destroy::<T>),
+ xOpen: Some(rust_open::<T>),
+ xClose: Some(rust_close::<T::Cursor>),
+ xFilter: Some(rust_filter::<T::Cursor>),
+ xNext: Some(rust_next::<T::Cursor>),
+ xEof: Some(rust_eof::<T::Cursor>),
+ xColumn: Some(rust_column::<T::Cursor>),
+ xRowid: Some(rust_rowid::<T::Cursor>),
+ xUpdate: None,
+ xBegin: None,
+ xSync: None,
+ xCommit: None,
+ xRollback: None,
+ xFindFunction: None,
+ xRename: None,
+ xSavepoint: None,
+ xRelease: None,
+ xRollbackTo: None,
+ },
+ phantom: PhantomData::<T>,
+ }
+/// `feature = "vtab"` Create an eponymous only virtual table implementation.
+/// Step 2 of [Creating New Virtual Table Implementations](https://sqlite.org/vtab.html#creating_new_virtual_table_implementations).
+pub fn eponymous_only_module<T: VTab>() -> &'static Module<T> {
+ // A virtual table is eponymous if its xCreate method is the exact same function
+ // as the xConnect method For eponymous-only virtual tables, the xCreate
+ // method is NULL
+ &Module {
+ base: ffi::sqlite3_module {
+ // We don't use V3
+ iVersion: 2,
+ xCreate: None,
+ xConnect: Some(rust_connect::<T>),
+ xBestIndex: Some(rust_best_index::<T>),
+ xDisconnect: Some(rust_disconnect::<T>),
+ xDestroy: None,
+ xOpen: Some(rust_open::<T>),
+ xClose: Some(rust_close::<T::Cursor>),
+ xFilter: Some(rust_filter::<T::Cursor>),
+ xNext: Some(rust_next::<T::Cursor>),
+ xEof: Some(rust_eof::<T::Cursor>),
+ xColumn: Some(rust_column::<T::Cursor>),
+ xRowid: Some(rust_rowid::<T::Cursor>),
+ xUpdate: None,
+ xBegin: None,
+ xSync: None,
+ xCommit: None,
+ xRollback: None,
+ xFindFunction: None,
+ xRename: None,
+ xSavepoint: None,
+ xRelease: None,
+ xRollbackTo: None,
+ },
+ phantom: PhantomData::<T>,
+ }
+/// `feature = "vtab"`
+pub struct VTabConnection(*mut ffi::sqlite3);
+impl VTabConnection {
+ // TODO sqlite3_vtab_config (http://sqlite.org/c3ref/vtab_config.html)
+ // TODO sqlite3_vtab_on_conflict (http://sqlite.org/c3ref/vtab_on_conflict.html)
+ /// Get access to the underlying SQLite database connection handle.
+ ///
+ /// # Warning
+ ///
+ /// You should not need to use this function. If you do need to, please
+ /// [open an issue on the rusqlite repository](https://github.com/rusqlite/rusqlite/issues) and describe
+ /// your use case.
+ ///
+ /// # Safety
+ ///
+ /// This function is unsafe because it gives you raw access
+ /// to the SQLite connection, and what you do with it could impact the
+ /// safety of this `Connection`.
+ pub unsafe fn handle(&mut self) -> *mut ffi::sqlite3 {
+ self.0
+ }
+/// `feature = "vtab"` Virtual table instance trait.
+/// # Safety
+/// The first item in a struct implementing VTab must be
+/// `rusqlite::sqlite3_vtab`, and the struct must be `#[repr(C)]`.
+/// ```rust,ignore
+/// #[repr(C)]
+/// struct MyTab {
+/// /// Base class. Must be first
+/// base: ffi::sqlite3_vtab,
+/// /* Virtual table implementations will typically add additional fields */
+/// }
+/// ```
+/// (See [SQLite doc](https://sqlite.org/c3ref/vtab.html))
+pub unsafe trait VTab: Sized {
+ type Aux;
+ type Cursor: VTabCursor;
+ /// Establish a new connection to an existing virtual table.
+ ///
+ /// (See [SQLite doc](https://sqlite.org/vtab.html#the_xconnect_method))
+ fn connect(
+ db: &mut VTabConnection,
+ aux: Option<&Self::Aux>,
+ args: &[&[u8]],
+ ) -> Result<(String, Self)>;
+ /// Determine the best way to access the virtual table.
+ /// (See [SQLite doc](https://sqlite.org/vtab.html#the_xbestindex_method))
+ fn best_index(&self, info: &mut IndexInfo) -> Result<()>;
+ /// Create a new cursor used for accessing a virtual table.
+ /// (See [SQLite doc](https://sqlite.org/vtab.html#the_xopen_method))
+ fn open(&self) -> Result<Self::Cursor>;
+/// `feature = "vtab"` Non-eponymous virtual table instance trait.
+/// (See [SQLite doc](https://sqlite.org/c3ref/vtab.html))
+pub trait CreateVTab: VTab {
+ /// Create a new instance of a virtual table in response to a CREATE VIRTUAL
+ /// TABLE statement. The `db` parameter is a pointer to the SQLite
+ /// database connection that is executing the CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE
+ /// statement.
+ ///
+ /// Call `connect` by default.
+ /// (See [SQLite doc](https://sqlite.org/vtab.html#the_xcreate_method))
+ fn create(
+ db: &mut VTabConnection,
+ aux: Option<&Self::Aux>,
+ args: &[&[u8]],
+ ) -> Result<(String, Self)> {
+ Self::connect(db, aux, args)
+ }
+ /// Destroy the underlying table implementation. This method undoes the work
+ /// of `create`.
+ ///
+ /// Do nothing by default.
+ /// (See [SQLite doc](https://sqlite.org/vtab.html#the_xdestroy_method))
+ fn destroy(&self) -> Result<()> {
+ Ok(())
+ }
+/// `feature = "vtab"` Index constraint operator.
+#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
+#[allow(non_snake_case, non_camel_case_types)]
+pub enum IndexConstraintOp {
+impl From<u8> for IndexConstraintOp {
+ fn from(code: u8) -> IndexConstraintOp {
+ match code {
+ 2 => IndexConstraintOp::SQLITE_INDEX_CONSTRAINT_EQ,
+ 4 => IndexConstraintOp::SQLITE_INDEX_CONSTRAINT_GT,
+ 8 => IndexConstraintOp::SQLITE_INDEX_CONSTRAINT_LE,
+ 16 => IndexConstraintOp::SQLITE_INDEX_CONSTRAINT_LT,
+ 32 => IndexConstraintOp::SQLITE_INDEX_CONSTRAINT_GE,
+ 65 => IndexConstraintOp::SQLITE_INDEX_CONSTRAINT_LIKE,
+ 66 => IndexConstraintOp::SQLITE_INDEX_CONSTRAINT_GLOB,
+ 68 => IndexConstraintOp::SQLITE_INDEX_CONSTRAINT_NE,
+ 72 => IndexConstraintOp::SQLITE_INDEX_CONSTRAINT_IS,
+ }
+ }
+/// `feature = "vtab"` Pass information into and receive the reply from the
+/// `VTab.best_index` method.
+/// (See [SQLite doc](http://sqlite.org/c3ref/index_info.html))
+pub struct IndexInfo(*mut ffi::sqlite3_index_info);
+impl IndexInfo {
+ /// Record WHERE clause constraints.
+ pub fn constraints(&self) -> IndexConstraintIter<'_> {
+ let constraints =
+ unsafe { slice::from_raw_parts((*self.0).aConstraint, (*self.0).nConstraint as usize) };
+ IndexConstraintIter {
+ iter: constraints.iter(),
+ }
+ }
+ /// Information about the ORDER BY clause.
+ pub fn order_bys(&self) -> OrderByIter<'_> {
+ let order_bys =
+ unsafe { slice::from_raw_parts((*self.0).aOrderBy, (*self.0).nOrderBy as usize) };
+ OrderByIter {
+ iter: order_bys.iter(),
+ }
+ }
+ /// Number of terms in the ORDER BY clause
+ pub fn num_of_order_by(&self) -> usize {
+ unsafe { (*self.0).nOrderBy as usize }
+ }
+ pub fn constraint_usage(&mut self, constraint_idx: usize) -> IndexConstraintUsage<'_> {
+ let constraint_usages = unsafe {
+ slice::from_raw_parts_mut((*self.0).aConstraintUsage, (*self.0).nConstraint as usize)
+ };
+ IndexConstraintUsage(&mut constraint_usages[constraint_idx])
+ }
+ /// Number used to identify the index
+ pub fn set_idx_num(&mut self, idx_num: c_int) {
+ unsafe {
+ (*self.0).idxNum = idx_num;
+ }
+ }
+ /// True if output is already ordered
+ pub fn set_order_by_consumed(&mut self, order_by_consumed: bool) {
+ unsafe {
+ (*self.0).orderByConsumed = if order_by_consumed { 1 } else { 0 };
+ }
+ }
+ /// Estimated cost of using this index
+ pub fn set_estimated_cost(&mut self, estimated_ost: f64) {
+ unsafe {
+ (*self.0).estimatedCost = estimated_ost;
+ }
+ }
+ /// Estimated number of rows returned.
+ #[cfg(feature = "modern_sqlite")] // SQLite >= 3.8.2
+ pub fn set_estimated_rows(&mut self, estimated_rows: i64) {
+ unsafe {
+ (*self.0).estimatedRows = estimated_rows;
+ }
+ }
+ // TODO idxFlags
+ // TODO colUsed
+ // TODO sqlite3_vtab_collation (http://sqlite.org/c3ref/vtab_collation.html)
+/// `feature = "vtab"`
+pub struct IndexConstraintIter<'a> {
+ iter: slice::Iter<'a, ffi::sqlite3_index_constraint>,
+impl<'a> Iterator for IndexConstraintIter<'a> {
+ type Item = IndexConstraint<'a>;
+ fn next(&mut self) -> Option<IndexConstraint<'a>> {
+ self.iter.next().map(|raw| IndexConstraint(raw))
+ }
+ fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {
+ self.iter.size_hint()
+ }
+/// `feature = "vtab"` WHERE clause constraint.
+pub struct IndexConstraint<'a>(&'a ffi::sqlite3_index_constraint);
+impl IndexConstraint<'_> {
+ /// Column constrained. -1 for ROWID
+ pub fn column(&self) -> c_int {
+ self.0.iColumn
+ }
+ /// Constraint operator
+ pub fn operator(&self) -> IndexConstraintOp {
+ IndexConstraintOp::from(self.0.op)
+ }
+ /// True if this constraint is usable
+ pub fn is_usable(&self) -> bool {
+ self.0.usable != 0
+ }
+/// `feature = "vtab"` Information about what parameters to pass to
+/// `VTabCursor.filter`.
+pub struct IndexConstraintUsage<'a>(&'a mut ffi::sqlite3_index_constraint_usage);
+impl IndexConstraintUsage<'_> {
+ /// if `argv_index` > 0, constraint is part of argv to `VTabCursor.filter`
+ pub fn set_argv_index(&mut self, argv_index: c_int) {
+ self.0.argvIndex = argv_index;
+ }
+ /// if `omit`, do not code a test for this constraint
+ pub fn set_omit(&mut self, omit: bool) {
+ self.0.omit = if omit { 1 } else { 0 };
+ }
+/// `feature = "vtab"`
+pub struct OrderByIter<'a> {
+ iter: slice::Iter<'a, ffi::sqlite3_index_info_sqlite3_index_orderby>,
+impl<'a> Iterator for OrderByIter<'a> {
+ type Item = OrderBy<'a>;
+ fn next(&mut self) -> Option<OrderBy<'a>> {
+ self.iter.next().map(|raw| OrderBy(raw))
+ }
+ fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {
+ self.iter.size_hint()
+ }
+/// `feature = "vtab"` A column of the ORDER BY clause.
+pub struct OrderBy<'a>(&'a ffi::sqlite3_index_info_sqlite3_index_orderby);
+impl OrderBy<'_> {
+ /// Column number
+ pub fn column(&self) -> c_int {
+ self.0.iColumn
+ }
+ /// True for DESC. False for ASC.
+ pub fn is_order_by_desc(&self) -> bool {
+ self.0.desc != 0
+ }
+/// `feature = "vtab"` Virtual table cursor trait.
+/// Implementations must be like:
+/// ```rust,ignore
+/// #[repr(C)]
+/// struct MyTabCursor {
+/// /// Base class. Must be first
+/// base: ffi::sqlite3_vtab_cursor,
+/// /* Virtual table implementations will typically add additional fields */
+/// }
+/// ```
+/// (See [SQLite doc](https://sqlite.org/c3ref/vtab_cursor.html))
+pub unsafe trait VTabCursor: Sized {
+ /// Begin a search of a virtual table.
+ /// (See [SQLite doc](https://sqlite.org/vtab.html#the_xfilter_method))
+ fn filter(&mut self, idx_num: c_int, idx_str: Option<&str>, args: &Values<'_>) -> Result<()>;
+ /// Advance cursor to the next row of a result set initiated by `filter`.
+ /// (See [SQLite doc](https://sqlite.org/vtab.html#the_xnext_method))
+ fn next(&mut self) -> Result<()>;
+ /// Must return `false` if the cursor currently points to a valid row of
+ /// data, or `true` otherwise.
+ /// (See [SQLite doc](https://sqlite.org/vtab.html#the_xeof_method))
+ fn eof(&self) -> bool;
+ /// Find the value for the `i`-th column of the current row.
+ /// `i` is zero-based so the first column is numbered 0.
+ /// May return its result back to SQLite using one of the specified `ctx`.
+ /// (See [SQLite doc](https://sqlite.org/vtab.html#the_xcolumn_method))
+ fn column(&self, ctx: &mut Context, i: c_int) -> Result<()>;
+ /// Return the rowid of row that the cursor is currently pointing at.
+ /// (See [SQLite doc](https://sqlite.org/vtab.html#the_xrowid_method))
+ fn rowid(&self) -> Result<i64>;
+/// `feature = "vtab"` Context is used by `VTabCursor.column` to specify the
+/// cell value.
+pub struct Context(*mut ffi::sqlite3_context);
+impl Context {
+ pub fn set_result<T: ToSql>(&mut self, value: &T) -> Result<()> {
+ let t = value.to_sql()?;
+ unsafe { set_result(self.0, &t) };
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ // TODO sqlite3_vtab_nochange (http://sqlite.org/c3ref/vtab_nochange.html)
+/// `feature = "vtab"` Wrapper to `VTabCursor.filter` arguments, the values
+/// requested by `VTab.best_index`.
+pub struct Values<'a> {
+ args: &'a [*mut ffi::sqlite3_value],
+impl Values<'_> {
+ pub fn len(&self) -> usize {
+ self.args.len()
+ }
+ pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
+ self.args.is_empty()
+ }
+ pub fn get<T: FromSql>(&self, idx: usize) -> Result<T> {
+ let arg = self.args[idx];
+ let value = unsafe { ValueRef::from_value(arg) };
+ FromSql::column_result(value).map_err(|err| match err {
+ FromSqlError::InvalidType => Error::InvalidFilterParameterType(idx, value.data_type()),
+ FromSqlError::Other(err) => {
+ Error::FromSqlConversionFailure(idx, value.data_type(), err)
+ }
+ FromSqlError::OutOfRange(i) => Error::IntegralValueOutOfRange(idx, i),
+ #[cfg(feature = "i128_blob")]
+ FromSqlError::InvalidI128Size(_) => {
+ Error::InvalidColumnType(idx, idx.to_string(), value.data_type())
+ }
+ #[cfg(feature = "uuid")]
+ FromSqlError::InvalidUuidSize(_) => {
+ Error::FromSqlConversionFailure(idx, value.data_type(), Box::new(err))
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ // `sqlite3_value_type` returns `SQLITE_NULL` for pointer.
+ // So it seems not possible to enhance `ValueRef::from_value`.
+ #[cfg(feature = "array")]
+ pub(crate) fn get_array(&self, idx: usize) -> Result<Option<array::Array>> {
+ use crate::types::Value;
+ let arg = self.args[idx];
+ let ptr = unsafe { ffi::sqlite3_value_pointer(arg, array::ARRAY_TYPE) };
+ if ptr.is_null() {
+ Ok(None)
+ } else {
+ Ok(Some(unsafe {
+ let rc = array::Array::from_raw(ptr as *const Vec<Value>);
+ let array = rc.clone();
+ array::Array::into_raw(rc); // don't consume it
+ array
+ }))
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn iter(&self) -> ValueIter<'_> {
+ ValueIter {
+ iter: self.args.iter(),
+ }
+ }
+impl<'a> IntoIterator for &'a Values<'a> {
+ type IntoIter = ValueIter<'a>;
+ type Item = ValueRef<'a>;
+ fn into_iter(self) -> ValueIter<'a> {
+ self.iter()
+ }
+pub struct ValueIter<'a> {
+ iter: slice::Iter<'a, *mut ffi::sqlite3_value>,
+impl<'a> Iterator for ValueIter<'a> {
+ type Item = ValueRef<'a>;
+ fn next(&mut self) -> Option<ValueRef<'a>> {
+ self.iter
+ .next()
+ .map(|&raw| unsafe { ValueRef::from_value(raw) })
+ }
+ fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {
+ self.iter.size_hint()
+ }
+impl Connection {
+ /// `feature = "vtab"` Register a virtual table implementation.
+ ///
+ /// Step 3 of [Creating New Virtual Table
+ /// Implementations](https://sqlite.org/vtab.html#creating_new_virtual_table_implementations).
+ pub fn create_module<T: VTab>(
+ &self,
+ module_name: &str,
+ module: &'static Module<T>,
+ aux: Option<T::Aux>,
+ ) -> Result<()> {
+ self.db.borrow_mut().create_module(module_name, module, aux)
+ }
+impl InnerConnection {
+ fn create_module<T: VTab>(
+ &mut self,
+ module_name: &str,
+ module: &'static Module<T>,
+ aux: Option<T::Aux>,
+ ) -> Result<()> {
+ let c_name = str_to_cstring(module_name)?;
+ let r = match aux {
+ Some(aux) => {
+ let boxed_aux: *mut T::Aux = Box::into_raw(Box::new(aux));
+ unsafe {
+ ffi::sqlite3_create_module_v2(
+ self.db(),
+ c_name.as_ptr(),
+ &module.base,
+ boxed_aux as *mut c_void,
+ Some(free_boxed_value::<T::Aux>),
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ None => unsafe {
+ ffi::sqlite3_create_module_v2(
+ self.db(),
+ c_name.as_ptr(),
+ &module.base,
+ ptr::null_mut(),
+ None,
+ )
+ },
+ };
+ self.decode_result(r)
+ }
+/// `feature = "vtab"` Escape double-quote (`"`) character occurences by
+/// doubling them (`""`).
+pub fn escape_double_quote(identifier: &str) -> Cow<'_, str> {
+ if identifier.contains('"') {
+ // escape quote by doubling them
+ Owned(identifier.replace("\"", "\"\""))
+ } else {
+ Borrowed(identifier)
+ }
+/// `feature = "vtab"` Dequote string
+pub fn dequote(s: &str) -> &str {
+ if s.len() < 2 {
+ return s;
+ }
+ match s.bytes().next() {
+ Some(b) if b == b'"' || b == b'\'' => match s.bytes().rev().next() {
+ Some(e) if e == b => &s[1..s.len() - 1],
+ _ => s,
+ },
+ _ => s,
+ }
+/// `feature = "vtab"` The boolean can be one of:
+/// ```text
+/// 1 yes true on
+/// 0 no false off
+/// ```
+pub fn parse_boolean(s: &str) -> Option<bool> {
+ if s.eq_ignore_ascii_case("yes")
+ || s.eq_ignore_ascii_case("on")
+ || s.eq_ignore_ascii_case("true")
+ || s.eq("1")
+ {
+ Some(true)
+ } else if s.eq_ignore_ascii_case("no")
+ || s.eq_ignore_ascii_case("off")
+ || s.eq_ignore_ascii_case("false")
+ || s.eq("0")
+ {
+ Some(false)
+ } else {
+ None
+ }
+// FIXME copy/paste from function.rs
+unsafe extern "C" fn free_boxed_value<T>(p: *mut c_void) {
+ let _: Box<T> = Box::from_raw(p as *mut T);
+unsafe extern "C" fn rust_create<T>(
+ db: *mut ffi::sqlite3,
+ aux: *mut c_void,
+ argc: c_int,
+ argv: *const *const c_char,
+ pp_vtab: *mut *mut ffi::sqlite3_vtab,
+ err_msg: *mut *mut c_char,
+) -> c_int
+ T: CreateVTab,
+ use std::ffi::CStr;
+ let mut conn = VTabConnection(db);
+ let aux = aux as *mut T::Aux;
+ let args = slice::from_raw_parts(argv, argc as usize);
+ let vec = args
+ .iter()
+ .map(|&cs| CStr::from_ptr(cs).to_bytes()) // FIXME .to_str() -> Result<&str, Utf8Error>
+ .collect::<Vec<_>>();
+ match T::create(&mut conn, aux.as_ref(), &vec[..]) {
+ Ok((sql, vtab)) => match ::std::ffi::CString::new(sql) {
+ Ok(c_sql) => {
+ let rc = ffi::sqlite3_declare_vtab(db, c_sql.as_ptr());
+ if rc == ffi::SQLITE_OK {
+ let boxed_vtab: *mut T = Box::into_raw(Box::new(vtab));
+ *pp_vtab = boxed_vtab as *mut ffi::sqlite3_vtab;
+ ffi::SQLITE_OK
+ } else {
+ let err = error_from_sqlite_code(rc, None);
+ *err_msg = alloc(&err.to_string());
+ rc
+ }
+ }
+ Err(err) => {
+ *err_msg = alloc(&err.to_string());
+ }
+ },
+ Err(Error::SqliteFailure(err, s)) => {
+ if let Some(s) = s {
+ *err_msg = alloc(&s);
+ }
+ err.extended_code
+ }
+ Err(err) => {
+ *err_msg = alloc(&err.to_string());
+ }
+ }
+unsafe extern "C" fn rust_connect<T>(
+ db: *mut ffi::sqlite3,
+ aux: *mut c_void,
+ argc: c_int,
+ argv: *const *const c_char,
+ pp_vtab: *mut *mut ffi::sqlite3_vtab,
+ err_msg: *mut *mut c_char,
+) -> c_int
+ T: VTab,
+ use std::ffi::CStr;
+ let mut conn = VTabConnection(db);
+ let aux = aux as *mut T::Aux;
+ let args = slice::from_raw_parts(argv, argc as usize);
+ let vec = args
+ .iter()
+ .map(|&cs| CStr::from_ptr(cs).to_bytes()) // FIXME .to_str() -> Result<&str, Utf8Error>
+ .collect::<Vec<_>>();
+ match T::connect(&mut conn, aux.as_ref(), &vec[..]) {
+ Ok((sql, vtab)) => match ::std::ffi::CString::new(sql) {
+ Ok(c_sql) => {
+ let rc = ffi::sqlite3_declare_vtab(db, c_sql.as_ptr());
+ if rc == ffi::SQLITE_OK {
+ let boxed_vtab: *mut T = Box::into_raw(Box::new(vtab));
+ *pp_vtab = boxed_vtab as *mut ffi::sqlite3_vtab;
+ ffi::SQLITE_OK
+ } else {
+ let err = error_from_sqlite_code(rc, None);
+ *err_msg = alloc(&err.to_string());
+ rc
+ }
+ }
+ Err(err) => {
+ *err_msg = alloc(&err.to_string());
+ }
+ },
+ Err(Error::SqliteFailure(err, s)) => {
+ if let Some(s) = s {
+ *err_msg = alloc(&s);
+ }
+ err.extended_code
+ }
+ Err(err) => {
+ *err_msg = alloc(&err.to_string());
+ }
+ }
+unsafe extern "C" fn rust_best_index<T>(
+ vtab: *mut ffi::sqlite3_vtab,
+ info: *mut ffi::sqlite3_index_info,
+) -> c_int
+ T: VTab,
+ let vt = vtab as *mut T;
+ let mut idx_info = IndexInfo(info);
+ match (*vt).best_index(&mut idx_info) {
+ Ok(_) => ffi::SQLITE_OK,
+ Err(Error::SqliteFailure(err, s)) => {
+ if let Some(err_msg) = s {
+ set_err_msg(vtab, &err_msg);
+ }
+ err.extended_code
+ }
+ Err(err) => {
+ set_err_msg(vtab, &err.to_string());
+ }
+ }
+unsafe extern "C" fn rust_disconnect<T>(vtab: *mut ffi::sqlite3_vtab) -> c_int
+ T: VTab,
+ if vtab.is_null() {
+ return ffi::SQLITE_OK;
+ }
+ let vtab = vtab as *mut T;
+ let _: Box<T> = Box::from_raw(vtab);
+ ffi::SQLITE_OK
+unsafe extern "C" fn rust_destroy<T>(vtab: *mut ffi::sqlite3_vtab) -> c_int
+ T: CreateVTab,
+ if vtab.is_null() {
+ return ffi::SQLITE_OK;
+ }
+ let vt = vtab as *mut T;
+ match (*vt).destroy() {
+ Ok(_) => {
+ let _: Box<T> = Box::from_raw(vt);
+ ffi::SQLITE_OK
+ }
+ Err(Error::SqliteFailure(err, s)) => {
+ if let Some(err_msg) = s {
+ set_err_msg(vtab, &err_msg);
+ }
+ err.extended_code
+ }
+ Err(err) => {
+ set_err_msg(vtab, &err.to_string());
+ }
+ }
+unsafe extern "C" fn rust_open<T>(
+ vtab: *mut ffi::sqlite3_vtab,
+ pp_cursor: *mut *mut ffi::sqlite3_vtab_cursor,
+) -> c_int
+ T: VTab,
+ let vt = vtab as *mut T;
+ match (*vt).open() {
+ Ok(cursor) => {
+ let boxed_cursor: *mut T::Cursor = Box::into_raw(Box::new(cursor));
+ *pp_cursor = boxed_cursor as *mut ffi::sqlite3_vtab_cursor;
+ ffi::SQLITE_OK
+ }
+ Err(Error::SqliteFailure(err, s)) => {
+ if let Some(err_msg) = s {
+ set_err_msg(vtab, &err_msg);
+ }
+ err.extended_code
+ }
+ Err(err) => {
+ set_err_msg(vtab, &err.to_string());
+ }
+ }
+unsafe extern "C" fn rust_close<C>(cursor: *mut ffi::sqlite3_vtab_cursor) -> c_int
+ C: VTabCursor,
+ let cr = cursor as *mut C;
+ let _: Box<C> = Box::from_raw(cr);
+ ffi::SQLITE_OK
+unsafe extern "C" fn rust_filter<C>(
+ cursor: *mut ffi::sqlite3_vtab_cursor,
+ idx_num: c_int,
+ idx_str: *const c_char,
+ argc: c_int,
+ argv: *mut *mut ffi::sqlite3_value,
+) -> c_int
+ C: VTabCursor,
+ use std::ffi::CStr;
+ use std::str;
+ let idx_name = if idx_str.is_null() {
+ None
+ } else {
+ let c_slice = CStr::from_ptr(idx_str).to_bytes();
+ Some(str::from_utf8_unchecked(c_slice))
+ };
+ let args = slice::from_raw_parts_mut(argv, argc as usize);
+ let values = Values { args };
+ let cr = cursor as *mut C;
+ cursor_error(cursor, (*cr).filter(idx_num, idx_name, &values))
+unsafe extern "C" fn rust_next<C>(cursor: *mut ffi::sqlite3_vtab_cursor) -> c_int
+ C: VTabCursor,
+ let cr = cursor as *mut C;
+ cursor_error(cursor, (*cr).next())
+unsafe extern "C" fn rust_eof<C>(cursor: *mut ffi::sqlite3_vtab_cursor) -> c_int
+ C: VTabCursor,
+ let cr = cursor as *mut C;
+ (*cr).eof() as c_int
+unsafe extern "C" fn rust_column<C>(
+ cursor: *mut ffi::sqlite3_vtab_cursor,
+ ctx: *mut ffi::sqlite3_context,
+ i: c_int,
+) -> c_int
+ C: VTabCursor,
+ let cr = cursor as *mut C;
+ let mut ctxt = Context(ctx);
+ result_error(ctx, (*cr).column(&mut ctxt, i))
+unsafe extern "C" fn rust_rowid<C>(
+ cursor: *mut ffi::sqlite3_vtab_cursor,
+ p_rowid: *mut ffi::sqlite3_int64,
+) -> c_int
+ C: VTabCursor,
+ let cr = cursor as *mut C;
+ match (*cr).rowid() {
+ Ok(rowid) => {
+ *p_rowid = rowid;
+ ffi::SQLITE_OK
+ }
+ err => cursor_error(cursor, err),
+ }
+/// Virtual table cursors can set an error message by assigning a string to
+/// `zErrMsg`.
+unsafe fn cursor_error<T>(cursor: *mut ffi::sqlite3_vtab_cursor, result: Result<T>) -> c_int {
+ match result {
+ Ok(_) => ffi::SQLITE_OK,
+ Err(Error::SqliteFailure(err, s)) => {
+ if let Some(err_msg) = s {
+ set_err_msg((*cursor).pVtab, &err_msg);
+ }
+ err.extended_code
+ }
+ Err(err) => {
+ set_err_msg((*cursor).pVtab, &err.to_string());
+ }
+ }
+/// Virtual tables methods can set an error message by assigning a string to
+/// `zErrMsg`.
+unsafe fn set_err_msg(vtab: *mut ffi::sqlite3_vtab, err_msg: &str) {
+ if !(*vtab).zErrMsg.is_null() {
+ ffi::sqlite3_free((*vtab).zErrMsg as *mut c_void);
+ }
+ (*vtab).zErrMsg = alloc(err_msg);
+/// To raise an error, the `column` method should use this method to set the
+/// error message and return the error code.
+unsafe fn result_error<T>(ctx: *mut ffi::sqlite3_context, result: Result<T>) -> c_int {
+ match result {
+ Ok(_) => ffi::SQLITE_OK,
+ Err(Error::SqliteFailure(err, s)) => {
+ match err.extended_code {
+ ffi::SQLITE_TOOBIG => {
+ ffi::sqlite3_result_error_toobig(ctx);
+ }
+ ffi::SQLITE_NOMEM => {
+ ffi::sqlite3_result_error_nomem(ctx);
+ }
+ code => {
+ ffi::sqlite3_result_error_code(ctx, code);
+ if let Some(Ok(cstr)) = s.map(|s| str_to_cstring(&s)) {
+ ffi::sqlite3_result_error(ctx, cstr.as_ptr(), -1);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ err.extended_code
+ }
+ Err(err) => {
+ ffi::sqlite3_result_error_code(ctx, ffi::SQLITE_ERROR);
+ if let Ok(cstr) = str_to_cstring(&err.to_string()) {
+ ffi::sqlite3_result_error(ctx, cstr.as_ptr(), -1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// Space to hold this string must be obtained
+// from an SQLite memory allocation function
+fn alloc(s: &str) -> *mut c_char {
+ crate::util::SqliteMallocString::from_str(s).into_raw()
+#[cfg(feature = "array")]
+pub mod array;
+#[cfg(feature = "csvtab")]
+pub mod csvtab;
+#[cfg(feature = "series")]
+pub mod series; // SQLite >= 3.9.0
+mod test {
+ #[test]
+ fn test_dequote() {
+ assert_eq!("", super::dequote(""));
+ assert_eq!("'", super::dequote("'"));
+ assert_eq!("\"", super::dequote("\""));
+ assert_eq!("'\"", super::dequote("'\""));
+ assert_eq!("", super::dequote("''"));
+ assert_eq!("", super::dequote("\"\""));
+ assert_eq!("x", super::dequote("'x'"));
+ assert_eq!("x", super::dequote("\"x\""));
+ assert_eq!("x", super::dequote("x"));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_parse_boolean() {
+ assert_eq!(None, super::parse_boolean(""));
+ assert_eq!(Some(true), super::parse_boolean("1"));
+ assert_eq!(Some(true), super::parse_boolean("yes"));
+ assert_eq!(Some(true), super::parse_boolean("on"));
+ assert_eq!(Some(true), super::parse_boolean("true"));
+ assert_eq!(Some(false), super::parse_boolean("0"));
+ assert_eq!(Some(false), super::parse_boolean("no"));
+ assert_eq!(Some(false), super::parse_boolean("off"));
+ assert_eq!(Some(false), super::parse_boolean("false"));
+ }
diff --git a/src/vtab/series.rs b/src/vtab/series.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dfc8e69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/vtab/series.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
+//! `feature = "series"` Generate series virtual table.
+//! Port of C [generate series
+//! "function"](http://www.sqlite.org/cgi/src/finfo?name=ext/misc/series.c):
+//! https://www.sqlite.org/series.html
+use std::default::Default;
+use std::os::raw::c_int;
+use crate::ffi;
+use crate::types::Type;
+use crate::vtab::{
+ eponymous_only_module, Context, IndexConstraintOp, IndexInfo, VTab, VTabConnection, VTabCursor,
+ Values,
+use crate::{Connection, Result};
+/// `feature = "series"` Register the "generate_series" module.
+pub fn load_module(conn: &Connection) -> Result<()> {
+ let aux: Option<()> = None;
+ conn.create_module("generate_series", eponymous_only_module::<SeriesTab>(), aux)
+// Column numbers
+// const SERIES_COLUMN_VALUE : c_int = 0;
+const SERIES_COLUMN_START: c_int = 1;
+const SERIES_COLUMN_STOP: c_int = 2;
+const SERIES_COLUMN_STEP: c_int = 3;
+bitflags::bitflags! {
+ #[repr(C)]
+ struct QueryPlanFlags: ::std::os::raw::c_int {
+ // start = $value -- constraint exists
+ const START = 1;
+ // stop = $value -- constraint exists
+ const STOP = 2;
+ // step = $value -- constraint exists
+ const STEP = 4;
+ // output in descending order
+ const DESC = 8;
+ // Both start and stop
+ const BOTH = QueryPlanFlags::START.bits | QueryPlanFlags::STOP.bits;
+ }
+/// An instance of the Series virtual table
+struct SeriesTab {
+ /// Base class. Must be first
+ base: ffi::sqlite3_vtab,
+unsafe impl VTab for SeriesTab {
+ type Aux = ();
+ type Cursor = SeriesTabCursor;
+ fn connect(
+ _: &mut VTabConnection,
+ _aux: Option<&()>,
+ _args: &[&[u8]],
+ ) -> Result<(String, SeriesTab)> {
+ let vtab = SeriesTab {
+ base: ffi::sqlite3_vtab::default(),
+ };
+ Ok((
+ "CREATE TABLE x(value,start hidden,stop hidden,step hidden)".to_owned(),
+ vtab,
+ ))
+ }
+ fn best_index(&self, info: &mut IndexInfo) -> Result<()> {
+ // The query plan bitmask
+ let mut idx_num: QueryPlanFlags = QueryPlanFlags::empty();
+ // Index of the start= constraint
+ let mut start_idx = None;
+ // Index of the stop= constraint
+ let mut stop_idx = None;
+ // Index of the step= constraint
+ let mut step_idx = None;
+ for (i, constraint) in info.constraints().enumerate() {
+ if !constraint.is_usable() {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if constraint.operator() != IndexConstraintOp::SQLITE_INDEX_CONSTRAINT_EQ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ match constraint.column() {
+ start_idx = Some(i);
+ idx_num |= QueryPlanFlags::START;
+ }
+ stop_idx = Some(i);
+ idx_num |= QueryPlanFlags::STOP;
+ }
+ step_idx = Some(i);
+ idx_num |= QueryPlanFlags::STEP;
+ }
+ _ => {}
+ };
+ }
+ let mut num_of_arg = 0;
+ if let Some(start_idx) = start_idx {
+ num_of_arg += 1;
+ let mut constraint_usage = info.constraint_usage(start_idx);
+ constraint_usage.set_argv_index(num_of_arg);
+ constraint_usage.set_omit(true);
+ }
+ if let Some(stop_idx) = stop_idx {
+ num_of_arg += 1;
+ let mut constraint_usage = info.constraint_usage(stop_idx);
+ constraint_usage.set_argv_index(num_of_arg);
+ constraint_usage.set_omit(true);
+ }
+ if let Some(step_idx) = step_idx {
+ num_of_arg += 1;
+ let mut constraint_usage = info.constraint_usage(step_idx);
+ constraint_usage.set_argv_index(num_of_arg);
+ constraint_usage.set_omit(true);
+ }
+ if idx_num.contains(QueryPlanFlags::BOTH) {
+ // Both start= and stop= boundaries are available.
+ info.set_estimated_cost(f64::from(
+ 2 - if idx_num.contains(QueryPlanFlags::STEP) {
+ 1
+ } else {
+ 0
+ },
+ ));
+ info.set_estimated_rows(1000);
+ let order_by_consumed = {
+ let mut order_bys = info.order_bys();
+ if let Some(order_by) = order_bys.next() {
+ if order_by.is_order_by_desc() {
+ idx_num |= QueryPlanFlags::DESC;
+ }
+ true
+ } else {
+ false
+ }
+ };
+ if order_by_consumed {
+ info.set_order_by_consumed(true);
+ }
+ } else {
+ info.set_estimated_cost(2_147_483_647f64);
+ info.set_estimated_rows(2_147_483_647);
+ }
+ info.set_idx_num(idx_num.bits());
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ fn open(&self) -> Result<SeriesTabCursor> {
+ Ok(SeriesTabCursor::new())
+ }
+/// A cursor for the Series virtual table
+struct SeriesTabCursor {
+ /// Base class. Must be first
+ base: ffi::sqlite3_vtab_cursor,
+ /// True to count down rather than up
+ is_desc: bool,
+ /// The rowid
+ row_id: i64,
+ /// Current value ("value")
+ value: i64,
+ /// Mimimum value ("start")
+ min_value: i64,
+ /// Maximum value ("stop")
+ max_value: i64,
+ /// Increment ("step")
+ step: i64,
+impl SeriesTabCursor {
+ fn new() -> SeriesTabCursor {
+ SeriesTabCursor::default()
+ }
+unsafe impl VTabCursor for SeriesTabCursor {
+ fn filter(&mut self, idx_num: c_int, _idx_str: Option<&str>, args: &Values<'_>) -> Result<()> {
+ let idx_num = QueryPlanFlags::from_bits_truncate(idx_num);
+ let mut i = 0;
+ if idx_num.contains(QueryPlanFlags::START) {
+ self.min_value = args.get(i)?;
+ i += 1;
+ } else {
+ self.min_value = 0;
+ }
+ if idx_num.contains(QueryPlanFlags::STOP) {
+ self.max_value = args.get(i)?;
+ i += 1;
+ } else {
+ self.max_value = 0xffff_ffff;
+ }
+ if idx_num.contains(QueryPlanFlags::STEP) {
+ self.step = args.get(i)?;
+ if self.step < 1 {
+ self.step = 1;
+ }
+ } else {
+ self.step = 1;
+ };
+ for arg in args.iter() {
+ if arg.data_type() == Type::Null {
+ // If any of the constraints have a NULL value, then return no rows.
+ self.min_value = 1;
+ self.max_value = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ self.is_desc = idx_num.contains(QueryPlanFlags::DESC);
+ if self.is_desc {
+ self.value = self.max_value;
+ if self.step > 0 {
+ self.value -= (self.max_value - self.min_value) % self.step;
+ }
+ } else {
+ self.value = self.min_value;
+ }
+ self.row_id = 1;
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ fn next(&mut self) -> Result<()> {
+ if self.is_desc {
+ self.value -= self.step;
+ } else {
+ self.value += self.step;
+ }
+ self.row_id += 1;
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ fn eof(&self) -> bool {
+ if self.is_desc {
+ self.value < self.min_value
+ } else {
+ self.value > self.max_value
+ }
+ }
+ fn column(&self, ctx: &mut Context, i: c_int) -> Result<()> {
+ let x = match i {
+ SERIES_COLUMN_START => self.min_value,
+ SERIES_COLUMN_STOP => self.max_value,
+ SERIES_COLUMN_STEP => self.step,
+ _ => self.value,
+ };
+ ctx.set_result(&x)
+ }
+ fn rowid(&self) -> Result<i64> {
+ Ok(self.row_id)
+ }
+mod test {
+ use crate::ffi;
+ use crate::vtab::series;
+ use crate::{Connection, NO_PARAMS};
+ #[test]
+ fn test_series_module() {
+ let version = unsafe { ffi::sqlite3_libversion_number() };
+ if version < 3_008_012 {
+ return;
+ }
+ let db = Connection::open_in_memory().unwrap();
+ series::load_module(&db).unwrap();
+ let mut s = db.prepare("SELECT * FROM generate_series(0,20,5)").unwrap();
+ let series = s.query_map(NO_PARAMS, |row| row.get::<_, i32>(0)).unwrap();
+ let mut expected = 0;
+ for value in series {
+ assert_eq!(expected, value.unwrap());
+ expected += 5;
+ }
+ }