#[macro_use] extern crate serde_derive; extern crate serde; extern crate serde_xml_rs; use serde::Deserialize; use serde_xml_rs::{from_str, to_string, EventReader, ParserConfig}; #[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq)] struct Item { name: String, source: String, } #[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq)] enum Node { Boolean(bool), Identifier { value: String, index: u32 }, EOF, } #[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq)] struct Nodes { #[serde(rename = "$value")] items: Vec, } #[test] fn basic_struct() { let src = r#"BananaStore"#; let should_be = Item { name: "Banana".to_string(), source: "Store".to_string(), }; let item: Item = from_str(src).unwrap(); assert_eq!(item, should_be); let reserialized_item = to_string(&item).unwrap(); assert_eq!(src, reserialized_item); } #[test] #[ignore] fn round_trip_list_of_enums() { // Construct some inputs let nodes = Nodes { items: vec![ Node::Boolean(true), Node::Identifier { value: "foo".to_string(), index: 5, }, Node::EOF, ], }; let should_be = r#" true foo 5 "#; let serialized_nodes = to_string(&nodes).unwrap(); assert_eq!(serialized_nodes, should_be); // Then turn it back into a `Nodes` struct and make sure it's the same // as the original let deserialized_nodes: Nodes = from_str(serialized_nodes.as_str()).unwrap(); assert_eq!(deserialized_nodes, nodes); } #[test] fn whitespace_preserving_config() { // Test a configuration which does not clip whitespace from tags let src = r#" space banana fantasy costco "#; let item_should_be = Item { name: " space banana ".to_string(), source: " fantasy costco ".to_string(), }; let config = ParserConfig::new() .trim_whitespace(false) .whitespace_to_characters(false); let mut deserializer = serde_xml_rs::Deserializer::new(EventReader::new_with_config(src.as_bytes(), config)); let item = Item::deserialize(&mut deserializer).unwrap(); assert_eq!(item, item_should_be); // Space outside values is not preserved. let serialized_should_be = " space banana fantasy costco "; let reserialized_item = to_string(&item).unwrap(); assert_eq!(reserialized_item, serialized_should_be); }