[package] name = "smallvec" version = "1.10.0" edition = "2018" authors = ["The Servo Project Developers"] license = "MIT OR Apache-2.0" repository = "https://github.com/servo/rust-smallvec" description = "'Small vector' optimization: store up to a small number of items on the stack" keywords = ["small", "vec", "vector", "stack", "no_std"] categories = ["data-structures"] readme = "README.md" documentation = "https://docs.rs/smallvec/" [features] const_generics = [] const_new = ["const_generics"] write = [] union = [] specialization = [] may_dangle = [] # UNSTABLE FEATURES (requires Rust nightly) # Enable to use the #[debugger_visualizer] attribute. debugger_visualizer = [] [dependencies] serde = { version = "1", optional = true, default-features = false } arbitrary = { version = "1", optional = true } [dev_dependencies] bincode = "1.0.1" debugger_test = "0.1.0" debugger_test_parser = "0.1.0" [package.metadata.docs.rs] all-features = true rustdoc-args = ["--cfg", "docsrs"] [[test]] name = "debugger_visualizer" path = "tests/debugger_visualizer.rs" required-features = ["debugger_visualizer"] # Do not run these tests by default. These tests need to # be run with the additional rustc flag `--test-threads=1` # since each test causes a debugger to attach to the current # test process. If multiple debuggers try to attach at the same # time, the test will fail. test = false