diff options
authorChih-Hung Hsieh <chh@google.com>2019-10-29 11:20:20 -0700
committerandroid-build-merger <android-build-merger@google.com>2019-10-29 11:20:20 -0700
commitec06d6de3a92f954f0677cc471e9e47ee8feea14 (patch)
parent01f0fbb7fddcc04c30905cdc29669505e1baa260 (diff)
parentf790783e0e661ee737b736de847da5230b70766b (diff)
Use released syn-0.15.42 at crates.io am: ec8f5e4e5d am: e7d1f08620
am: f790783e0e Change-Id: I28cbe2a8480ff6ccb5d590ac7141a15dce759de0
53 files changed, 153 insertions, 9256 deletions
diff --git a/.cargo_vcs_info.json b/.cargo_vcs_info.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..86ad91ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.cargo_vcs_info.json
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+ "git": {
+ "sha1": "b48a2b922e19968c3335fa8fd5a27eadbfa4414f"
+ }
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
deleted file mode 100644
index aba0fb5d..00000000
--- a/.gitignore
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 19b988d4..00000000
--- a/.travis.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-sudo: false
-language: rust
- - nightly
- - stable
- - beta
- - 1.15.1
- - set -o errexit
- - shopt -s expand_aliases
- - alias build="cargo build ${TARGET+--target=$TARGET}"
- - build --no-default-features
- - build
- - build --features full
- - build --features 'fold visit visit-mut'
- - build --features 'full fold visit visit-mut'
- - build --no-default-features --features derive
- - build --no-default-features --features 'derive parsing'
- - build --no-default-features --features 'derive printing'
- - build --no-default-features --features 'proc-macro parsing printing'
- - build --no-default-features --features full
- - build --no-default-features --features 'full parsing'
- - build --no-default-features --features 'full printing'
- - build --no-default-features --features 'full parsing printing'
- - build --no-default-features --features 'fold visit visit-mut parsing printing'
- - build --no-default-features --features 'full fold visit visit-mut parsing printing'
- include:
- - rust: nightly
- name: Tests
- script:
- - cargo test --all-features --release
- - rust: nightly
- name: Examples
- script:
- - cargo check --manifest-path examples/dump-syntax/Cargo.toml
- - cargo check --manifest-path examples/heapsize/example/Cargo.toml
- - cargo check --manifest-path examples/lazy-static/example/Cargo.toml
- - cargo check --manifest-path examples/trace-var/example/Cargo.toml
- - rust: nightly
- name: Codegen
- script:
- - (cd codegen && cargo run)
- - git diff --exit-code
- - rust: nightly
- name: Minimal versions
- script:
- - cargo update -Z minimal-versions
- - cargo build --all-features
- - rust: nightly
- name: Clippy
- script:
- - rustup component add clippy || travis_terminate 0
- - cargo clippy --all-features
- - rust: nightly
- name: WebAssembly
- env: TARGET=wasm32-unknown-unknown
- install:
- - rustup target add "${TARGET}"
- allow_failures:
- - rust: nightly
- name: Clippy
- fast_finish: true
- global:
- - RUST_MIN_STACK=20000000
diff --git a/Android.bp b/Android.bp
index 8cecd082..c8b90376 100644
--- a/Android.bp
+++ b/Android.bp
@@ -1,23 +1,32 @@
+// This file is generated by cargo2android.py.
rust_library_rlib {
name: "libsyn",
- deny_warnings: false,
+ host_supported: true,
crate_name: "syn",
- edition: "2015",
srcs: ["src/lib.rs"],
- host_supported: true,
+ edition: "2015",
features: [
- "full",
- "visit-mut",
+ "clone-impls",
+ "default",
+ "full",
- "clone-impls",
+ "quote",
+ "visit-mut",
+ ],
+ flags: [
+ "--cfg syn_can_call_macro_by_path",
+ "--cfg syn_can_match_trailing_dollar",
+ "--cfg syn_can_use_associated_constants",
+ "--cfg syn_can_use_thread_id",
+ "--cfg syn_disable_nightly_tests",
rlibs: [
- "libunicode_xid",
+ "libunicode_xid",
diff --git a/Cargo.toml b/Cargo.toml
index b518df96..4d756199 100644
--- a/Cargo.toml
+++ b/Cargo.toml
@@ -1,69 +1,82 @@
+# When uploading crates to the registry Cargo will automatically
+# "normalize" Cargo.toml files for maximal compatibility
+# with all versions of Cargo and also rewrite `path` dependencies
+# to registry (e.g., crates.io) dependencies
+# If you believe there's an error in this file please file an
+# issue against the rust-lang/cargo repository. If you're
+# editing this file be aware that the upstream Cargo.toml
+# will likely look very different (and much more reasonable)
name = "syn"
-version = "0.15.42" # don't forget to update html_root_url and syn.json
+version = "0.15.42"
authors = ["David Tolnay <dtolnay@gmail.com>"]
-license = "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
+include = ["/benches/**", "/build.rs", "/Cargo.toml", "/LICENSE-APACHE", "/LICENSE-MIT", "/README.md", "/src/**", "/tests/**"]
description = "Parser for Rust source code"
-repository = "https://github.com/dtolnay/syn"
documentation = "https://docs.rs/syn"
-categories = ["development-tools::procedural-macro-helpers"]
readme = "README.md"
-include = [
- "/benches/**",
- "/build.rs",
- "/Cargo.toml",
- "/README.md",
- "/src/**",
- "/tests/**",
-default = ["derive", "parsing", "printing", "clone-impls", "proc-macro"]
-derive = []
-full = []
-parsing = []
-printing = ["quote"]
-visit = []
-visit-mut = []
-fold = []
-clone-impls = []
-extra-traits = []
-proc-macro = ["proc-macro2/proc-macro", "quote/proc-macro"]
-proc-macro2 = { version = "0.4.4", default-features = false }
-quote = { version = "0.6", optional = true, default-features = false }
-unicode-xid = "0.1"
+categories = ["development-tools::procedural-macro-helpers"]
+license = "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
+repository = "https://github.com/dtolnay/syn"
+all-features = true
-insta = "0.8"
-rayon = "1.0"
-ref-cast = "0.2"
-regex = "1.0"
-termcolor = "1.0"
-walkdir = "2.1"
+all-features = true
name = "rust"
-edition = "2018"
harness = false
required-features = ["full", "parsing"]
+edition = "2018"
name = "file"
-edition = "2018"
required-features = ["full", "parsing"]
+edition = "2018"
+version = "0.4.4"
+default-features = false
-all-features = true
+version = "0.6"
+optional = true
+default-features = false
-all-features = true
+version = "0.1"
+version = "0.8"
+version = "1.0"
+version = "0.2"
+version = "1.0"
+version = "1.0"
-travis-ci = { repository = "dtolnay/syn" }
+version = "2.1"
-members = ["dev", "json"]
+clone-impls = []
+default = ["derive", "parsing", "printing", "clone-impls", "proc-macro"]
+derive = []
+extra-traits = []
+fold = []
+full = []
+parsing = []
+printing = ["quote"]
+proc-macro = ["proc-macro2/proc-macro", "quote/proc-macro"]
+visit = []
+visit-mut = []
+repository = "dtolnay/syn"
diff --git a/Cargo.toml.orig b/Cargo.toml.orig
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b518df96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Cargo.toml.orig
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+name = "syn"
+version = "0.15.42" # don't forget to update html_root_url and syn.json
+authors = ["David Tolnay <dtolnay@gmail.com>"]
+license = "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
+description = "Parser for Rust source code"
+repository = "https://github.com/dtolnay/syn"
+documentation = "https://docs.rs/syn"
+categories = ["development-tools::procedural-macro-helpers"]
+readme = "README.md"
+include = [
+ "/benches/**",
+ "/build.rs",
+ "/Cargo.toml",
+ "/README.md",
+ "/src/**",
+ "/tests/**",
+default = ["derive", "parsing", "printing", "clone-impls", "proc-macro"]
+derive = []
+full = []
+parsing = []
+printing = ["quote"]
+visit = []
+visit-mut = []
+fold = []
+clone-impls = []
+extra-traits = []
+proc-macro = ["proc-macro2/proc-macro", "quote/proc-macro"]
+proc-macro2 = { version = "0.4.4", default-features = false }
+quote = { version = "0.6", optional = true, default-features = false }
+unicode-xid = "0.1"
+insta = "0.8"
+rayon = "1.0"
+ref-cast = "0.2"
+regex = "1.0"
+termcolor = "1.0"
+walkdir = "2.1"
+name = "rust"
+edition = "2018"
+harness = false
+required-features = ["full", "parsing"]
+name = "file"
+edition = "2018"
+required-features = ["full", "parsing"]
+all-features = true
+all-features = true
+travis-ci = { repository = "dtolnay/syn" }
+members = ["dev", "json"]
diff --git a/appveyor.yml b/appveyor.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 020c8ac6..00000000
--- a/appveyor.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
- matrix:
- - TARGET: x86_64-pc-windows-msvc
- - ps: Start-FileDownload "https://static.rust-lang.org/dist/rust-nightly-${env:TARGET}.exe"
- - rust-nightly-%TARGET%.exe /VERYSILENT /NORESTART /DIR="C:\Program Files (x86)\Rust"
- - SET PATH=%PATH%;C:\Program Files (x86)\Rust\bin
- - SET PATH=%PATH%;C:\MinGW\bin
- - rustc -V
- - cargo -V
-build: false
- - cargo build --all-features
diff --git a/codegen/Cargo.toml b/codegen/Cargo.toml
deleted file mode 100644
index 2828494b..00000000
--- a/codegen/Cargo.toml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-name = "syn-internal-codegen"
-version = "0.0.0"
-authors = ["Nika Layzell <nika@thelayzells.com>"]
-edition = "2018"
-publish = false # this is an internal crate which should never be published
-syn = { path = "..", features = ["full", "extra-traits"] }
-quote = "0.6"
-failure = "0.1"
-indexmap = { version = "1.0", features = ["serde-1"] }
-inflections = "1.1"
-proc-macro2 = "0.4"
-rustfmt = { package = "rustfmt-nightly", git = "https://github.com/rust-lang-nursery/rustfmt" }
-serde = { version = "1.0.88", features = ["derive"] }
-serde_json = "1.0.38"
-toml = "0.4.10"
-semver = { version = "0.9", features = ["serde"] }
-syn-codegen = { path = "../json" }
-# Prefer that `cargo clean` in syn's directory does not require a rebuild of
-# rustfmt in the codegen directory.
diff --git a/codegen/README.md b/codegen/README.md
deleted file mode 100644
index df46bd25..00000000
--- a/codegen/README.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-# syn_codegen
-This is an internal (not published on crates.io) crate which is used to generate
-the files in the `gen/` directory of `syn`. It is used to ensure that the
-implementations for `Fold`, `Visit`, and `VisitMut` remain in sync with the
-actual AST.
-To run this program, run `cargo run` in this directory, and the `gen/` folder
-will be re-generated.
-This program is slow, and is therefore not run when building `syn` as part of
-the build script to save on compile time.
diff --git a/codegen/src/debug.rs b/codegen/src/debug.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index f4578104..00000000
--- a/codegen/src/debug.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,291 +0,0 @@
-use crate::error::Result;
-use crate::file;
-use proc_macro2::{Ident, Span, TokenStream};
-use quote::quote;
-use syn::Index;
-use syn_codegen::{Data, Definitions, Node, Type};
-const DEBUG_SRC: &str = "../tests/debug/gen.rs";
-fn rust_type(ty: &Type) -> TokenStream {
- match ty {
- Type::Syn(ty) => {
- let ident = Ident::new(ty, Span::call_site());
- quote!(syn::#ident)
- }
- Type::Std(ty) => {
- let ident = Ident::new(ty, Span::call_site());
- quote!(#ident)
- }
- Type::Ext(ty) => {
- let ident = Ident::new(ty, Span::call_site());
- quote!(proc_macro2::#ident)
- }
- Type::Token(ty) | Type::Group(ty) => {
- let ident = Ident::new(ty, Span::call_site());
- quote!(syn::token::#ident)
- }
- Type::Punctuated(ty) => {
- let element = rust_type(&ty.element);
- let punct = Ident::new(&ty.punct, Span::call_site());
- quote!(syn::punctuated::Punctuated<#element, #punct>)
- }
- Type::Option(ty) => {
- let inner = rust_type(ty);
- quote!(Option<#inner>)
- }
- Type::Box(ty) => {
- let inner = rust_type(ty);
- quote!(Box<#inner>)
- }
- Type::Vec(ty) => {
- let inner = rust_type(ty);
- quote!(Vec<#inner>)
- }
- Type::Tuple(ty) => {
- let inner = ty.iter().map(rust_type);
- quote!((#(#inner,)*))
- }
- }
-fn is_printable(ty: &Type) -> bool {
- match ty {
- Type::Ext(name) => name != "Span",
- Type::Box(ty) => is_printable(ty),
- Type::Tuple(ty) => ty.iter().any(is_printable),
- Type::Token(_) | Type::Group(_) => false,
- Type::Syn(_) | Type::Std(_) | Type::Punctuated(_) | Type::Option(_) | Type::Vec(_) => true,
- }
-fn format_field(val: &TokenStream, ty: &Type) -> Option<TokenStream> {
- if !is_printable(ty) {
- return None;
- }
- let format = match ty {
- Type::Option(ty) => {
- let inner = quote!(_val);
- let format = format_field(&inner, ty).map(|format| {
- quote! {
- formatter.write_str("(")?;
- Debug::fmt(#format, formatter)?;
- formatter.write_str(")")?;
- }
- });
- let ty = rust_type(ty);
- quote!({
- #[derive(RefCast)]
- #[repr(transparent)]
- struct Print(Option<#ty>);
- impl Debug for Print {
- fn fmt(&self, formatter: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
- match &self.0 {
- Some(#inner) => {
- formatter.write_str("Some")?;
- #format
- Ok(())
- }
- None => formatter.write_str("None"),
- }
- }
- }
- Print::ref_cast(#val)
- })
- }
- Type::Tuple(ty) => {
- let printable: Vec<TokenStream> = ty
- .iter()
- .enumerate()
- .filter_map(|(i, ty)| {
- let index = Index::from(i);
- let val = quote!(&#val.#index);
- format_field(&val, ty)
- })
- .collect();
- if printable.len() == 1 {
- printable.into_iter().next().unwrap()
- } else {
- quote! {
- &(#(#printable),*)
- }
- }
- }
- _ => quote! { Lite(#val) },
- };
- Some(format)
-fn syntax_tree_enum<'a>(outer: &str, inner: &str, fields: &'a [Type]) -> Option<&'a str> {
- if fields.len() != 1 {
- return None;
- }
- const WHITELIST: &[&str] = &["PathArguments", "Visibility"];
- match &fields[0] {
- Type::Syn(ty) if WHITELIST.contains(&outer) || outer.to_owned() + inner == *ty => Some(ty),
- _ => None,
- }
-fn lookup<'a>(defs: &'a Definitions, name: &str) -> &'a Node {
- for node in &defs.types {
- if node.ident == name {
- return node;
- }
- }
- panic!("not found: {}", name)
-fn expand_impl_body(defs: &Definitions, node: &Node, name: &str) -> TokenStream {
- let ident = Ident::new(&node.ident, Span::call_site());
- match &node.data {
- Data::Enum(variants) => {
- let arms = variants.iter().map(|(v, fields)| {
- let variant = Ident::new(v, Span::call_site());
- if fields.is_empty() {
- quote! {
- syn::#ident::#variant => formatter.write_str(#v),
- }
- } else if let Some(inner) = syntax_tree_enum(name, v, fields) {
- let path = format!("{}::{}", name, v);
- let format = expand_impl_body(defs, lookup(defs, inner), &path);
- quote! {
- syn::#ident::#variant(_val) => {
- #format
- }
- }
- } else if fields.len() == 1 {
- let ty = &fields[0];
- let val = quote!(_val);
- let format = format_field(&val, ty).map(|format| {
- quote! {
- formatter.write_str("(")?;
- Debug::fmt(#format, formatter)?;
- formatter.write_str(")")?;
- }
- });
- quote! {
- syn::#ident::#variant(_val) => {
- formatter.write_str(#v)?;
- #format
- Ok(())
- }
- }
- } else {
- let pats = (0..fields.len())
- .map(|i| Ident::new(&format!("_v{}", i), Span::call_site()));
- let fields = fields.iter().enumerate().filter_map(|(i, ty)| {
- let index = Ident::new(&format!("_v{}", i), Span::call_site());
- let val = quote!(#index);
- let format = format_field(&val, ty)?;
- Some(quote! {
- formatter.field(#format);
- })
- });
- quote! {
- syn::#ident::#variant(#(#pats),*) => {
- let mut formatter = formatter.debug_tuple(#v);
- #(#fields)*
- formatter.finish()
- }
- }
- }
- });
- quote! {
- match _val {
- #(#arms)*
- }
- }
- }
- Data::Struct(fields) => {
- let fields = fields.iter().filter_map(|(f, ty)| {
- let ident = Ident::new(f, Span::call_site());
- if let Type::Option(ty) = ty {
- let inner = quote!(_val);
- let format = format_field(&inner, ty).map(|format| {
- quote! {
- let #inner = &self.0;
- formatter.write_str("(")?;
- Debug::fmt(#format, formatter)?;
- formatter.write_str(")")?;
- }
- });
- let ty = rust_type(ty);
- Some(quote! {
- if let Some(val) = &_val.#ident {
- #[derive(RefCast)]
- #[repr(transparent)]
- struct Print(#ty);
- impl Debug for Print {
- fn fmt(&self, formatter: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
- formatter.write_str("Some")?;
- #format
- Ok(())
- }
- }
- formatter.field(#f, Print::ref_cast(val));
- }
- })
- } else {
- let val = quote!(&_val.#ident);
- let format = format_field(&val, ty)?;
- let mut call = quote! {
- formatter.field(#f, #format);
- };
- if let Type::Vec(_) | Type::Punctuated(_) = ty {
- call = quote! {
- if !_val.#ident.is_empty() {
- #call
- }
- };
- }
- Some(call)
- }
- });
- quote! {
- let mut formatter = formatter.debug_struct(#name);
- #(#fields)*
- formatter.finish()
- }
- }
- Data::Private => {
- quote! {
- write!(formatter, "{:?}", _val.value())
- }
- }
- }
-fn expand_impl(defs: &Definitions, node: &Node) -> TokenStream {
- let ident = Ident::new(&node.ident, Span::call_site());
- let body = expand_impl_body(defs, node, &node.ident);
- quote! {
- impl Debug for Lite<syn::#ident> {
- fn fmt(&self, formatter: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
- let _val = &self.value;
- #body
- }
- }
- }
-pub fn generate(defs: &Definitions) -> Result<()> {
- let mut impls = TokenStream::new();
- for node in &defs.types {
- impls.extend(expand_impl(&defs, node));
- }
- file::write(
- quote! {
- use super::{Lite, RefCast};
- use std::fmt::{self, Debug};
- #impls
- },
- )?;
- Ok(())
diff --git a/codegen/src/error.rs b/codegen/src/error.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index 0b3f191d..00000000
--- a/codegen/src/error.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-use std::fmt::{self, Display};
-use std::io;
-pub type Result<T> = std::result::Result<T, Error>;
-pub enum Error {
- Io(io::Error),
- Json(serde_json::Error),
- Rustfmt(rustfmt::ErrorKind),
- Syn(syn::Error),
- Toml(toml::de::Error),
-impl Display for Error {
- fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
- use self::Error::*;
- match self {
- Io(e) => write!(f, "{}", e),
- Json(e) => write!(f, "{}", e),
- Rustfmt(e) => write!(f, "{}", e),
- Syn(e) => write!(f, "{}", e),
- Toml(e) => write!(f, "{}", e),
- }
- }
-impl std::error::Error for Error {}
-impl From<io::Error> for Error {
- fn from(e: io::Error) -> Self {
- Error::Io(e)
- }
-impl From<rustfmt::ErrorKind> for Error {
- fn from(e: rustfmt::ErrorKind) -> Self {
- Error::Rustfmt(e)
- }
-impl From<serde_json::Error> for Error {
- fn from(e: serde_json::Error) -> Self {
- Error::Json(e)
- }
-impl From<syn::Error> for Error {
- fn from(e: syn::Error) -> Self {
- Error::Syn(e)
- }
-impl From<toml::de::Error> for Error {
- fn from(e: toml::de::Error) -> Self {
- Error::Toml(e)
- }
diff --git a/codegen/src/file.rs b/codegen/src/file.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index 8029afe3..00000000
--- a/codegen/src/file.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-use crate::error::Result;
-use proc_macro2::TokenStream;
-use std::fs;
-use std::io::Write;
-use std::path::Path;
-pub fn write<P: AsRef<Path>>(path: P, content: TokenStream) -> Result<()> {
- let mut formatted = Vec::new();
- writeln!(formatted, "// This file is @generated by syn-internal-codegen.")?;
- writeln!(formatted, "// It is not intended for manual editing.")?;
- writeln!(formatted)?;
- let mut config = rustfmt::Config::default();
- config.set().emit_mode(rustfmt::EmitMode::Stdout);
- config.set().verbose(rustfmt::Verbosity::Quiet);
- config.set().format_macro_matchers(true);
- config.set().normalize_doc_attributes(true);
- let mut session = rustfmt::Session::new(config, Some(&mut formatted));
- session.format(rustfmt::Input::Text(content.to_string()))?;
- drop(session);
- if path.as_ref().is_file() && fs::read(&path)? == formatted {
- return Ok(());
- }
- fs::write(path, formatted)?;
- Ok(())
diff --git a/codegen/src/fold.rs b/codegen/src/fold.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index 21e8f3bf..00000000
--- a/codegen/src/fold.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,262 +0,0 @@
-use crate::error::Result;
-use crate::{file, full, gen};
-use proc_macro2::{Ident, Span, TokenStream};
-use quote::quote;
-use syn::Index;
-use syn_codegen::{Data, Definitions, Features, Node, Type};
-const FOLD_SRC: &str = "../src/gen/fold.rs";
-fn simple_visit(item: &str, name: &TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
- let ident = gen::under_name(item);
- let method = Ident::new(&format!("fold_{}", ident), Span::call_site());
- quote! {
- _visitor.#method(#name)
- }
-fn visit(
- ty: &Type,
- features: &Features,
- defs: &Definitions,
- name: &TokenStream,
-) -> Option<TokenStream> {
- match ty {
- Type::Box(t) => {
- let res = visit(t, features, defs, &quote!(*#name))?;
- Some(quote! {
- Box::new(#res)
- })
- }
- Type::Vec(t) => {
- let operand = quote!(it);
- let val = visit(t, features, defs, &operand)?;
- Some(quote! {
- FoldHelper::lift(#name, |it| { #val })
- })
- }
- Type::Punctuated(p) => {
- let operand = quote!(it);
- let val = visit(&p.element, features, defs, &operand)?;
- Some(quote! {
- FoldHelper::lift(#name, |it| { #val })
- })
- }
- Type::Option(t) => {
- let it = quote!(it);
- let val = visit(t, features, defs, &it)?;
- Some(quote! {
- (#name).map(|it| { #val })
- })
- }
- Type::Tuple(t) => {
- let mut code = TokenStream::new();
- for (i, elem) in t.iter().enumerate() {
- let i = Index::from(i);
- let it = quote!((#name).#i);
- let val = visit(elem, features, defs, &it).unwrap_or(it);
- code.extend(val);
- code.extend(quote!(,));
- }
- Some(quote! {
- (#code)
- })
- }
- Type::Token(t) => {
- let repr = &defs.tokens[t];
- let is_keyword = repr.chars().next().unwrap().is_alphabetic();
- let spans = if is_keyword {
- quote!(span)
- } else {
- quote!(spans)
- };
- let ty: TokenStream = syn::parse_str(&format!("Token![{}]", repr)).unwrap();
- Some(quote! {
- #ty(tokens_helper(_visitor, &#name.#spans))
- })
- }
- Type::Group(t) => {
- let ty = Ident::new(t, Span::call_site());
- Some(quote! {
- #ty(tokens_helper(_visitor, &#name.span))
- })
- }
- Type::Syn(t) => {
- fn requires_full(features: &Features) -> bool {
- features.any.contains("full") && features.any.len() == 1
- }
- let mut res = simple_visit(t, name);
- let target = defs.types.iter().find(|ty| ty.ident == *t).unwrap();
- if requires_full(&target.features) && !requires_full(features) {
- res = quote!(full!(#res));
- }
- Some(res)
- }
- Type::Ext(t) if gen::TERMINAL_TYPES.contains(&&t[..]) => Some(simple_visit(t, name)),
- Type::Ext(_) | Type::Std(_) => None,
- }
-fn node(traits: &mut TokenStream, impls: &mut TokenStream, s: &Node, defs: &Definitions) {
- let under_name = gen::under_name(&s.ident);
- let ty = Ident::new(&s.ident, Span::call_site());
- let fold_fn = Ident::new(&format!("fold_{}", under_name), Span::call_site());
- let mut fold_impl = TokenStream::new();
- match &s.data {
- Data::Enum(variants) => {
- let mut fold_variants = TokenStream::new();
- for (variant, fields) in variants {
- let variant_ident = Ident::new(variant, Span::call_site());
- if fields.is_empty() {
- fold_variants.extend(quote! {
- #ty::#variant_ident => {
- #ty::#variant_ident
- }
- });
- } else {
- let mut bind_fold_fields = TokenStream::new();
- let mut fold_fields = TokenStream::new();
- for (idx, ty) in fields.iter().enumerate() {
- let name = format!("_binding_{}", idx);
- let binding = Ident::new(&name, Span::call_site());
- bind_fold_fields.extend(quote! {
- #binding,
- });
- let owned_binding = quote!(#binding);
- fold_fields.extend(
- visit(ty, &s.features, defs, &owned_binding).unwrap_or(owned_binding),
- );
- fold_fields.extend(quote!(,));
- }
- fold_variants.extend(quote! {
- #ty::#variant_ident(#bind_fold_fields) => {
- #ty::#variant_ident(
- #fold_fields
- )
- }
- });
- }
- }
- fold_impl.extend(quote! {
- match _i {
- #fold_variants
- }
- });
- }
- Data::Struct(fields) => {
- let mut fold_fields = TokenStream::new();
- for (field, ty) in fields {
- let id = Ident::new(&field, Span::call_site());
- let ref_toks = quote!(_i.#id);
- let fold = visit(&ty, &s.features, defs, &ref_toks).unwrap_or(ref_toks);
- fold_fields.extend(quote! {
- #id: #fold,
- });
- }
- if !fields.is_empty() {
- fold_impl.extend(quote! {
- #ty {
- #fold_fields
- }
- })
- } else {
- if ty == "Ident" {
- fold_impl.extend(quote! {
- let mut _i = _i;
- let span = _visitor.fold_span(_i.span());
- _i.set_span(span);
- });
- }
- fold_impl.extend(quote! {
- _i
- });
- }
- }
- Data::Private => {
- if ty == "Ident" {
- fold_impl.extend(quote! {
- let mut _i = _i;
- let span = _visitor.fold_span(_i.span());
- _i.set_span(span);
- });
- }
- fold_impl.extend(quote! {
- _i
- });
- }
- }
- let fold_span_only =
- s.data == Data::Private && !gen::TERMINAL_TYPES.contains(&s.ident.as_str());
- if fold_span_only {
- fold_impl = quote! {
- let span = _visitor.fold_span(_i.span());
- let mut _i = _i;
- _i.set_span(span);
- _i
- };
- }
- traits.extend(quote! {
- fn #fold_fn(&mut self, i: #ty) -> #ty {
- #fold_fn(self, i)
- }
- });
- impls.extend(quote! {
- pub fn #fold_fn<V: Fold + ?Sized>(
- _visitor: &mut V, _i: #ty
- ) -> #ty {
- #fold_impl
- }
- });
-pub fn generate(defs: &Definitions) -> Result<()> {
- let (traits, impls) = gen::traverse(defs, node);
- let full_macro = full::get_macro();
- file::write(
- quote! {
- // Unreachable code is generated sometimes without the full feature.
- #![allow(unreachable_code)]
- use *;
- #[cfg(any(feature = "full", feature = "derive"))]
- use token::{Brace, Bracket, Paren, Group};
- use proc_macro2::Span;
- #[cfg(any(feature = "full", feature = "derive"))]
- use gen::helper::fold::*;
- #full_macro
- /// Syntax tree traversal to transform the nodes of an owned syntax tree.
- ///
- /// See the [module documentation] for details.
- ///
- /// [module documentation]: self
- ///
- /// *This trait is available if Syn is built with the `"fold"` feature.*
- pub trait Fold {
- #traits
- }
- #impls
- },
- )?;
- Ok(())
diff --git a/codegen/src/full.rs b/codegen/src/full.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index a4100318..00000000
--- a/codegen/src/full.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-use proc_macro2::TokenStream;
-use quote::quote;
-pub fn get_macro() -> TokenStream {
- quote! {
- #[cfg(feature = "full")]
- macro_rules! full {
- ($e:expr) => {
- $e
- };
- }
- #[cfg(all(feature = "derive", not(feature = "full")))]
- macro_rules! full {
- ($e:expr) => {
- unreachable!()
- };
- }
- }
diff --git a/codegen/src/gen.rs b/codegen/src/gen.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index ba86fbf0..00000000
--- a/codegen/src/gen.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-use inflections::Inflect;
-use proc_macro2::{Ident, Span, TokenStream};
-use quote::quote;
-use syn_codegen::{Data, Definitions, Features, Node};
-pub const TERMINAL_TYPES: &[&str] = &["Span", "Ident"];
-pub fn under_name(name: &str) -> Ident {
- Ident::new(&name.to_snake_case(), Span::call_site())
-pub fn traverse(
- defs: &Definitions,
- node: fn(&mut TokenStream, &mut TokenStream, &Node, &Definitions),
-) -> (TokenStream, TokenStream) {
- let mut traits = TokenStream::new();
- let mut impls = TokenStream::new();
- for s in &defs.types {
- let features = &s.features.any;
- let features = match features.len() {
- 0 => quote!(),
- 1 => quote!(#[cfg(feature = #(#features)*)]),
- _ => quote!(#[cfg(any(#(feature = #features),*))]),
- };
- traits.extend(features.clone());
- impls.extend(features);
- node(&mut traits, &mut impls, s, defs);
- }
- for tt in TERMINAL_TYPES {
- let s = Node {
- ident: tt.to_string(),
- features: Features::default(),
- data: Data::Private,
- };
- node(&mut traits, &mut impls, &s, defs);
- }
- (traits, impls)
diff --git a/codegen/src/json.rs b/codegen/src/json.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index e202bbec..00000000
--- a/codegen/src/json.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-use crate::error::Result;
-use std::fs;
-use std::path::Path;
-use syn_codegen::Definitions;
-pub fn generate(defs: &Definitions) -> Result<()> {
- let mut j = serde_json::to_string_pretty(&defs)?;
- j.push('\n');
- let check: Definitions = serde_json::from_str(&j)?;
- assert_eq!(*defs, check);
- let codegen_root = Path::new(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR"));
- let json_path = codegen_root.join("../syn.json");
- fs::write(json_path, j)?;
- Ok(())
diff --git a/codegen/src/main.rs b/codegen/src/main.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index 3dc73836..00000000
--- a/codegen/src/main.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-// This crate crawls the Syn source directory to find all structs and enums that
-// form the Syn syntax tree.
-// A machine-readable representation of the syntax tree is saved to syn.json in
-// the repo root for other code generation tools to consume. The syn-codegen
-// crate (https://docs.rs/syn-codegen/) provides the data structures for parsing
-// and making use of syn.json from Rust code.
-// Finally this crate generates the Visit, VisitMut, and Fold traits in Syn
-// programmatically from the syntax tree description.
-#![recursion_limit = "128"]
-mod debug;
-mod error;
-mod file;
-mod fold;
-mod full;
-mod gen;
-mod json;
-mod operand;
-mod parse;
-mod version;
-mod visit;
-mod visit_mut;
-use crate::error::Result;
-use std::process;
-fn main() {
- if let Err(err) = do_main() {
- let _ = eprintln!("error: {}", err);
- process::exit(1);
- }
-fn do_main() -> Result<()> {
- let defs = parse::parse()?;
- json::generate(&defs)?;
- fold::generate(&defs)?;
- visit::generate(&defs)?;
- visit_mut::generate(&defs)?;
- debug::generate(&defs)?;
- Ok(())
diff --git a/codegen/src/operand.rs b/codegen/src/operand.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index db3bd187..00000000
--- a/codegen/src/operand.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-use proc_macro2::TokenStream;
-use quote::quote;
-pub enum Operand {
- Borrowed(TokenStream),
- Owned(TokenStream),
-pub use self::Operand::*;
-impl Operand {
- pub fn tokens(&self) -> &TokenStream {
- match self {
- Borrowed(n) | Owned(n) => n,
- }
- }
- pub fn ref_tokens(&self) -> TokenStream {
- match self {
- Borrowed(n) => n.clone(),
- Owned(n) => quote!(&#n),
- }
- }
- pub fn ref_mut_tokens(&self) -> TokenStream {
- match self {
- Borrowed(n) => n.clone(),
- Owned(n) => quote!(&mut #n),
- }
- }
- pub fn owned_tokens(&self) -> TokenStream {
- match self {
- Borrowed(n) => quote!(*#n),
- Owned(n) => n.clone(),
- }
- }
diff --git a/codegen/src/parse.rs b/codegen/src/parse.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index 81ce58f2..00000000
--- a/codegen/src/parse.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,642 +0,0 @@
-use crate::error::Result;
-use crate::version;
-use indexmap::IndexMap;
-use quote::quote;
-use syn::parse::Parser;
-use syn::{parse_quote, Data, DataStruct, DeriveInput, Ident, Item};
-use syn_codegen as types;
-use std::collections::BTreeMap;
-use std::fs::File;
-use std::io::Read;
-use std::path::Path;
-const SYN_CRATE_ROOT: &str = "../src/lib.rs";
-const TOKEN_SRC: &str = "../src/token.rs";
-const IGNORED_MODS: &[&str] = &["fold", "visit", "visit_mut"];
-const EXTRA_TYPES: &[&str] = &["Lifetime"];
-// NOTE: BTreeMap is used here instead of HashMap to have deterministic output.
-type ItemLookup = BTreeMap<Ident, AstItem>;
-type TokenLookup = BTreeMap<String, String>;
-/// Parse the contents of `src` and return a list of AST types.
-pub fn parse() -> Result<types::Definitions> {
- let mut item_lookup = BTreeMap::new();
- load_file(SYN_CRATE_ROOT, &[], &mut item_lookup)?;
- let token_lookup = load_token_file(TOKEN_SRC)?;
- let version = version::get()?;
- let types = item_lookup
- .values()
- .map(|item| introspect_item(item, &item_lookup, &token_lookup))
- .collect();
- let tokens = token_lookup
- .into_iter()
- .map(|(name, ty)| (ty, name))
- .collect();
- Ok(types::Definitions {
- version,
- types,
- tokens,
- })
-/// Data extracted from syn source
-pub struct AstItem {
- ast: DeriveInput,
- features: Vec<syn::Attribute>,
-fn introspect_item(item: &AstItem, items: &ItemLookup, tokens: &TokenLookup) -> types::Node {
- let features = introspect_features(&item.features);
- match &item.ast.data {
- Data::Enum(ref data) => types::Node {
- ident: item.ast.ident.to_string(),
- features,
- data: types::Data::Enum(introspect_enum(data, items, tokens)),
- },
- Data::Struct(ref data) => types::Node {
- ident: item.ast.ident.to_string(),
- features,
- data: {
- if data.fields.iter().all(|f| is_pub(&f.vis)) {
- types::Data::Struct(introspect_struct(data, items, tokens))
- } else {
- types::Data::Private
- }
- },
- },
- Data::Union(..) => panic!("Union not supported"),
- }
-fn introspect_enum(
- item: &syn::DataEnum,
- items: &ItemLookup,
- tokens: &TokenLookup,
-) -> types::Variants {
- item.variants
- .iter()
- .map(|variant| {
- let fields = match &variant.fields {
- syn::Fields::Unnamed(fields) => fields
- .unnamed
- .iter()
- .map(|field| introspect_type(&field.ty, items, tokens))
- .collect(),
- syn::Fields::Unit => vec![],
- _ => panic!("Enum representation not supported"),
- };
- (variant.ident.to_string(), fields)
- })
- .collect()
-fn introspect_struct(
- item: &syn::DataStruct,
- items: &ItemLookup,
- tokens: &TokenLookup,
-) -> types::Fields {
- match &item.fields {
- syn::Fields::Named(fields) => fields
- .named
- .iter()
- .map(|field| {
- (
- field.ident.as_ref().unwrap().to_string(),
- introspect_type(&field.ty, items, tokens),
- )
- })
- .collect(),
- syn::Fields::Unit => IndexMap::new(),
- _ => panic!("Struct representation not supported"),
- }
-fn introspect_type(item: &syn::Type, items: &ItemLookup, tokens: &TokenLookup) -> types::Type {
- match item {
- syn::Type::Path(syn::TypePath {
- qself: None,
- ref path,
- }) => {
- let last = path.segments.last().unwrap().into_value();
- let string = last.ident.to_string();
- match string.as_str() {
- "Option" => {
- let nested = introspect_type(first_arg(&last.arguments), items, tokens);
- types::Type::Option(Box::new(nested))
- }
- "Punctuated" => {
- let nested = introspect_type(first_arg(&last.arguments), items, tokens);
- let punct = match introspect_type(last_arg(&last.arguments), items, tokens) {
- types::Type::Token(s) => s,
- _ => panic!(),
- };
- types::Type::Punctuated(types::Punctuated {
- element: Box::new(nested),
- punct,
- })
- }
- "Vec" => {
- let nested = introspect_type(first_arg(&last.arguments), items, tokens);
- types::Type::Vec(Box::new(nested))
- }
- "Box" => {
- let nested = introspect_type(first_arg(&last.arguments), items, tokens);
- types::Type::Box(Box::new(nested))
- }
- "Brace" | "Bracket" | "Paren" | "Group" => types::Type::Group(string),
- "TokenStream" | "Literal" | "Ident" | "Span" => types::Type::Ext(string),
- "String" | "u32" | "usize" | "bool" => types::Type::Std(string),
- _ => {
- if items.get(&last.ident).is_some() {
- types::Type::Syn(string)
- } else {
- unimplemented!("{}", string);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- syn::Type::Tuple(syn::TypeTuple { ref elems, .. }) => {
- let tys = elems
- .iter()
- .map(|ty| introspect_type(&ty, items, tokens))
- .collect();
- types::Type::Tuple(tys)
- }
- syn::Type::Macro(syn::TypeMacro { ref mac })
- if mac.path.segments.last().unwrap().into_value().ident == "Token" =>
- {
- let content = mac.tts.to_string();
- let ty = tokens.get(&content).unwrap().to_string();
- types::Type::Token(ty)
- }
- _ => panic!("{}", quote!(#item).to_string()),
- }
-fn introspect_features(attrs: &[syn::Attribute]) -> types::Features {
- let mut ret = types::Features::default();
- for attr in attrs {
- if !attr.path.is_ident("cfg") {
- continue;
- }
- let features = parsing::parse_features.parse2(attr.tts.clone()).unwrap();
- if ret.any.is_empty() {
- ret = features;
- } else if ret.any.len() < features.any.len() {
- assert!(ret.any.iter().all(|f| features.any.contains(f)));
- } else {
- assert!(features.any.iter().all(|f| ret.any.contains(f)));
- ret = features;
- }
- }
- ret
-fn is_pub(vis: &syn::Visibility) -> bool {
- match vis {
- syn::Visibility::Public(_) => true,
- _ => false,
- }
-fn first_arg(params: &syn::PathArguments) -> &syn::Type {
- let data = match *params {
- syn::PathArguments::AngleBracketed(ref data) => data,
- _ => panic!("Expected at least 1 type argument here"),
- };
- match **data
- .args
- .first()
- .expect("Expected at least 1 type argument here")
- .value()
- {
- syn::GenericArgument::Type(ref ty) => ty,
- _ => panic!("Expected at least 1 type argument here"),
- }
-fn last_arg(params: &syn::PathArguments) -> &syn::Type {
- let data = match *params {
- syn::PathArguments::AngleBracketed(ref data) => data,
- _ => panic!("Expected at least 1 type argument here"),
- };
- match **data
- .args
- .last()
- .expect("Expected at least 1 type argument here")
- .value()
- {
- syn::GenericArgument::Type(ref ty) => ty,
- _ => panic!("Expected at least 1 type argument here"),
- }
-mod parsing {
- use super::{AstItem, TokenLookup};
- use proc_macro2::{TokenStream, TokenTree};
- use quote::quote;
- use syn;
- use syn::parse::{Parse, ParseStream, Result};
- use syn::*;
- use syn_codegen as types;
- use std::collections::{BTreeMap, BTreeSet};
- fn peek_tag(input: ParseStream, tag: &str) -> bool {
- let ahead = input.fork();
- ahead.parse::<Token![#]>().is_ok()
- && ahead
- .parse::<Ident>()
- .map(|ident| ident == tag)
- .unwrap_or(false)
- }
- // Parses #full - returns #[cfg(feature = "full")] if it is present, and
- // nothing otherwise.
- fn full(input: ParseStream) -> Vec<syn::Attribute> {
- if peek_tag(input, "full") {
- input.parse::<Token![#]>().unwrap();
- input.parse::<Ident>().unwrap();
- vec![parse_quote!(#[cfg(feature = "full")])]
- } else {
- vec![]
- }
- }
- fn skip_manual_extra_traits(input: ParseStream) {
- if peek_tag(input, "manual_extra_traits") {
- input.parse::<Token![#]>().unwrap();
- input.parse::<Ident>().unwrap();
- }
- }
- // Parses a simple AstStruct without the `pub struct` prefix.
- fn ast_struct_inner(input: ParseStream) -> Result<AstItem> {
- let ident: Ident = input.parse()?;
- let features = full(input);
- skip_manual_extra_traits(input);
- let rest: TokenStream = input.parse()?;
- Ok(AstItem {
- ast: syn::parse2(quote! {
- pub struct #ident #rest
- })?,
- features,
- })
- }
- // ast_struct! parsing
- pub struct AstStruct(pub(super) Vec<AstItem>);
- impl Parse for AstStruct {
- fn parse(input: ParseStream) -> Result<Self> {
- input.call(Attribute::parse_outer)?;
- input.parse::<Token![pub]>()?;
- input.parse::<Token![struct]>()?;
- let res = input.call(ast_struct_inner)?;
- Ok(AstStruct(vec![res]))
- }
- }
- fn no_visit(input: ParseStream) -> bool {
- if peek_tag(input, "no_visit") {
- input.parse::<Token![#]>().unwrap();
- input.parse::<Ident>().unwrap();
- true
- } else {
- false
- }
- }
- // ast_enum! parsing
- pub struct AstEnum(pub Vec<AstItem>);
- impl Parse for AstEnum {
- fn parse(input: ParseStream) -> Result<Self> {
- input.call(Attribute::parse_outer)?;
- input.parse::<Token![pub]>()?;
- input.parse::<Token![enum]>()?;
- let ident: Ident = input.parse()?;
- let no_visit = no_visit(input);
- let rest: TokenStream = input.parse()?;
- Ok(AstEnum(if no_visit {
- vec![]
- } else {
- vec![AstItem {
- ast: syn::parse2(quote! {
- pub enum #ident #rest
- })?,
- features: vec![],
- }]
- }))
- }
- }
- // A single variant of an ast_enum_of_structs!
- struct EosVariant {
- name: Ident,
- member: Option<Path>,
- inner: Option<AstItem>,
- }
- fn eos_variant(input: ParseStream) -> Result<EosVariant> {
- input.call(Attribute::parse_outer)?;
- input.parse::<Token![pub]>()?;
- let variant: Ident = input.parse()?;
- let (member, inner) = if input.peek(token::Paren) {
- let content;
- parenthesized!(content in input);
- if content.fork().call(ast_struct_inner).is_ok() {
- let item = content.call(ast_struct_inner)?;
- (Some(Path::from(item.ast.ident.clone())), Some(item))
- } else {
- let path: Path = content.parse()?;
- (Some(path), None)
- }
- } else {
- (None, None)
- };
- input.parse::<Token![,]>()?;
- Ok(EosVariant {
- name: variant,
- member,
- inner,
- })
- }
- // ast_enum_of_structs! parsing
- pub struct AstEnumOfStructs(pub Vec<AstItem>);
- impl Parse for AstEnumOfStructs {
- fn parse(input: ParseStream) -> Result<Self> {
- input.call(Attribute::parse_outer)?;
- input.parse::<Token![pub]>()?;
- input.parse::<Token![enum]>()?;
- let ident: Ident = input.parse()?;
- let content;
- braced!(content in input);
- let mut variants = Vec::new();
- while !content.is_empty() {
- variants.push(content.call(eos_variant)?);
- }
- if let Some(ident) = input.parse::<Option<Ident>>()? {
- assert_eq!(ident, "do_not_generate_to_tokens");
- }
- let enum_item = {
- let variants = variants.iter().map(|v| {
- let name = v.name.clone();
- match v.member {
- Some(ref member) => quote!(#name(#member)),
- None => quote!(#name),
- }
- });
- parse_quote! {
- pub enum #ident {
- #(#variants),*
- }
- }
- };
- let mut items = vec![AstItem {
- ast: enum_item,
- features: vec![],
- }];
- items.extend(variants.into_iter().filter_map(|v| v.inner));
- Ok(AstEnumOfStructs(items))
- }
- }
- mod kw {
- syn::custom_keyword!(macro_rules);
- syn::custom_keyword!(Token);
- }
- pub fn parse_token_macro(input: ParseStream) -> Result<TokenLookup> {
- input.parse::<TokenTree>()?;
- input.parse::<Token![=>]>()?;
- let definition;
- braced!(definition in input);
- definition.call(Attribute::parse_outer)?;
- definition.parse::<kw::macro_rules>()?;
- definition.parse::<Token![!]>()?;
- definition.parse::<kw::Token>()?;
- let rules;
- braced!(rules in definition);
- input.parse::<Token![;]>()?;
- let mut tokens = BTreeMap::new();
- while !rules.peek(Token![$]) {
- let pattern;
- parenthesized!(pattern in rules);
- let token = pattern.parse::<TokenStream>()?.to_string();
- rules.parse::<Token![=>]>()?;
- let expansion;
- braced!(expansion in rules);
- rules.parse::<Token![;]>()?;
- expansion.parse::<Token![$]>()?;
- let path: Path = expansion.parse()?;
- let ty = path.segments.last().unwrap().into_value().ident.to_string();
- tokens.insert(token, ty.to_string());
- }
- rules.parse::<TokenStream>()?;
- tokens.insert("$".to_owned(), "Dollar".to_owned());
- Ok(tokens)
- }
- fn parse_feature(input: ParseStream) -> Result<String> {
- let i: syn::Ident = input.parse()?;
- assert_eq!(i, "feature");
- input.parse::<Token![=]>()?;
- let s = input.parse::<syn::LitStr>()?;
- Ok(s.value())
- }
- pub fn parse_features(input: ParseStream) -> Result<types::Features> {
- let mut features = BTreeSet::new();
- let level_1;
- parenthesized!(level_1 in input);
- let i: syn::Ident = level_1.fork().parse()?;
- if i == "any" {
- level_1.parse::<syn::Ident>()?;
- let level_2;
- parenthesized!(level_2 in level_1);
- while !level_2.is_empty() {
- features.insert(parse_feature(&level_2)?);
- if !level_2.is_empty() {
- level_2.parse::<Token![,]>()?;
- }
- }
- } else if i == "feature" {
- features.insert(parse_feature(&level_1)?);
- assert!(level_1.is_empty());
- } else {
- panic!("{:?}", i);
- }
- assert!(input.is_empty());
- Ok(types::Features { any: features })
- }
-fn get_features(attrs: &[syn::Attribute], base: &[syn::Attribute]) -> Vec<syn::Attribute> {
- let mut ret = base.to_owned();
- for attr in attrs {
- if attr.path.is_ident("cfg") {
- ret.push(attr.clone());
- }
- }
- ret
-fn load_file<P: AsRef<Path>>(
- name: P,
- features: &[syn::Attribute],
- lookup: &mut ItemLookup,
-) -> Result<()> {
- let name = name.as_ref();
- let parent = name.parent().expect("no parent path");
- let mut f = File::open(name)?;
- let mut src = String::new();
- f.read_to_string(&mut src)?;
- // Parse the file
- let file = syn::parse_file(&src)?;
- // Collect all of the interesting AstItems declared in this file or submodules.
- 'items: for item in file.items {
- match item {
- Item::Mod(item) => {
- // Don't inspect inline modules.
- if item.content.is_some() {
- continue;
- }
- // We don't want to try to load the generated rust files and
- // parse them, so we ignore them here.
- for name in IGNORED_MODS {
- if item.ident == name {
- continue 'items;
- }
- }
- // Lookup any #[cfg()] attributes on the module and add them to
- // the feature set.
- //
- // The derive module is weird because it is built with either
- // `full` or `derive` but exported only under `derive`.
- let features = if item.ident == "derive" {
- vec![parse_quote!(#[cfg(feature = "derive")])]
- } else {
- get_features(&item.attrs, features)
- };
- // Look up the submodule file, and recursively parse it.
- // XXX: Only handles same-directory .rs file submodules.
- let path = parent.join(&format!("{}.rs", item.ident));
- load_file(path, &features, lookup)?;
- }
- Item::Macro(item) => {
- // Lookip any #[cfg()] attributes directly on the macro
- // invocation, and add them to the feature set.
- let features = get_features(&item.attrs, features);
- // Try to parse the AstItem declaration out of the item.
- let tts = &item.mac.tts;
- let found = if item.mac.path.is_ident("ast_struct") {
- syn::parse2::<parsing::AstStruct>(quote!(#tts))?.0
- } else if item.mac.path.is_ident("ast_enum") {
- syn::parse2::<parsing::AstEnum>(quote!(#tts))?.0
- } else if item.mac.path.is_ident("ast_enum_of_structs") {
- syn::parse2::<parsing::AstEnumOfStructs>(quote!(#tts))?.0
- } else {
- continue;
- };
- // Record our features on the parsed AstItems.
- for mut item in found {
- item.features.extend(features.clone());
- lookup.insert(item.ast.ident.clone(), item);
- }
- }
- Item::Struct(item) => {
- let ident = item.ident;
- if EXTRA_TYPES.contains(&&ident.to_string()[..]) {
- lookup.insert(
- ident.clone(),
- AstItem {
- ast: DeriveInput {
- ident,
- vis: item.vis,
- attrs: item.attrs,
- generics: item.generics,
- data: Data::Struct(DataStruct {
- fields: item.fields,
- struct_token: item.struct_token,
- semi_token: item.semi_token,
- }),
- },
- features: features.to_owned(),
- },
- );
- }
- }
- _ => {}
- }
- }
- Ok(())
-fn load_token_file<P: AsRef<Path>>(name: P) -> Result<TokenLookup> {
- let name = name.as_ref();
- let mut f = File::open(name)?;
- let mut src = String::new();
- f.read_to_string(&mut src)?;
- let file = syn::parse_file(&src)?;
- for item in file.items {
- match item {
- Item::Macro(item) => {
- match item.ident {
- Some(ref i) if i == "export_token_macro" => {}
- _ => continue,
- }
- let tokens = item.mac.parse_body_with(parsing::parse_token_macro)?;
- return Ok(tokens);
- }
- _ => {}
- }
- }
- panic!("failed to parse Token macro")
diff --git a/codegen/src/version.rs b/codegen/src/version.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index 7ccca608..00000000
--- a/codegen/src/version.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-use crate::error::Result;
-use semver::Version;
-use serde::Deserialize;
-use std::fs;
-use std::path::Path;
-pub fn get() -> Result<Version> {
- let codegen_root = Path::new(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR"));
- let syn_cargo_toml = codegen_root.join("../Cargo.toml");
- let manifest = fs::read_to_string(syn_cargo_toml)?;
- let parsed: Manifest = toml::from_str(&manifest)?;
- Ok(parsed.package.version)
-#[derive(Debug, Deserialize)]
-struct Manifest {
- package: Package,
-#[derive(Debug, Deserialize)]
-struct Package {
- version: Version,
diff --git a/codegen/src/visit.rs b/codegen/src/visit.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index 5d6fbee1..00000000
--- a/codegen/src/visit.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,236 +0,0 @@
-use crate::error::Result;
-use crate::operand::{Borrowed, Operand, Owned};
-use crate::{file, full, gen};
-use proc_macro2::{Ident, Span, TokenStream};
-use quote::quote;
-use syn::Index;
-use syn_codegen::{Data, Definitions, Features, Node, Type};
-const VISIT_SRC: &str = "../src/gen/visit.rs";
-fn simple_visit(item: &str, name: &Operand) -> TokenStream {
- let ident = gen::under_name(item);
- let method = Ident::new(&format!("visit_{}", ident), Span::call_site());
- let name = name.ref_tokens();
- quote! {
- _visitor.#method(#name)
- }
-fn noop_visit(name: &Operand) -> TokenStream {
- let name = name.tokens();
- quote! {
- skip!(#name)
- }
-fn visit(
- ty: &Type,
- features: &Features,
- defs: &Definitions,
- name: &Operand,
-) -> Option<TokenStream> {
- match ty {
- Type::Box(t) => {
- let name = name.owned_tokens();
- visit(t, features, defs, &Owned(quote!(*#name)))
- }
- Type::Vec(t) => {
- let operand = Borrowed(quote!(it));
- let val = visit(t, features, defs, &operand)?;
- let name = name.ref_tokens();
- Some(quote! {
- for it in #name {
- #val
- }
- })
- }
- Type::Punctuated(p) => {
- let operand = Borrowed(quote!(it));
- let val = visit(&p.element, features, defs, &operand)?;
- let name = name.ref_tokens();
- Some(quote! {
- for el in Punctuated::pairs(#name) {
- let it = el.value();
- #val
- }
- })
- }
- Type::Option(t) => {
- let it = Borrowed(quote!(it));
- let val = visit(t, features, defs, &it)?;
- let name = name.owned_tokens();
- Some(quote! {
- if let Some(ref it) = #name {
- #val
- }
- })
- }
- Type::Tuple(t) => {
- let mut code = TokenStream::new();
- for (i, elem) in t.iter().enumerate() {
- let name = name.tokens();
- let i = Index::from(i);
- let it = Owned(quote!((#name).#i));
- let val = visit(elem, features, defs, &it).unwrap_or_else(|| noop_visit(&it));
- code.extend(val);
- code.extend(quote!(;));
- }
- Some(code)
- }
- Type::Token(t) => {
- let name = name.tokens();
- let repr = &defs.tokens[t];
- let is_keyword = repr.chars().next().unwrap().is_alphabetic();
- let spans = if is_keyword {
- quote!(span)
- } else {
- quote!(spans)
- };
- Some(quote! {
- tokens_helper(_visitor, &#name.#spans)
- })
- }
- Type::Group(_) => {
- let name = name.tokens();
- Some(quote! {
- tokens_helper(_visitor, &#name.span)
- })
- }
- Type::Syn(t) => {
- fn requires_full(features: &Features) -> bool {
- features.any.contains("full") && features.any.len() == 1
- }
- let mut res = simple_visit(t, name);
- let target = defs.types.iter().find(|ty| ty.ident == *t).unwrap();
- if requires_full(&target.features) && !requires_full(features) {
- res = quote!(full!(#res));
- }
- Some(res)
- }
- Type::Ext(t) if gen::TERMINAL_TYPES.contains(&&t[..]) => Some(simple_visit(t, name)),
- Type::Ext(_) | Type::Std(_) => None,
- }
-fn node(traits: &mut TokenStream, impls: &mut TokenStream, s: &Node, defs: &Definitions) {
- let under_name = gen::under_name(&s.ident);
- let ty = Ident::new(&s.ident, Span::call_site());
- let visit_fn = Ident::new(&format!("visit_{}", under_name), Span::call_site());
- let mut visit_impl = TokenStream::new();
- match &s.data {
- Data::Enum(variants) => {
- let mut visit_variants = TokenStream::new();
- for (variant, fields) in variants {
- let variant_ident = Ident::new(variant, Span::call_site());
- if fields.is_empty() {
- visit_variants.extend(quote! {
- #ty::#variant_ident => {}
- });
- } else {
- let mut bind_visit_fields = TokenStream::new();
- let mut visit_fields = TokenStream::new();
- for (idx, ty) in fields.iter().enumerate() {
- let name = format!("_binding_{}", idx);
- let binding = Ident::new(&name, Span::call_site());
- bind_visit_fields.extend(quote! {
- ref #binding,
- });
- let borrowed_binding = Borrowed(quote!(#binding));
- visit_fields.extend(
- visit(ty, &s.features, defs, &borrowed_binding)
- .unwrap_or_else(|| noop_visit(&borrowed_binding)),
- );
- visit_fields.extend(quote!(;));
- }
- visit_variants.extend(quote! {
- #ty::#variant_ident(#bind_visit_fields) => {
- #visit_fields
- }
- });
- }
- }
- visit_impl.extend(quote! {
- match *_i {
- #visit_variants
- }
- });
- }
- Data::Struct(fields) => {
- for (field, ty) in fields {
- let id = Ident::new(&field, Span::call_site());
- let ref_toks = Owned(quote!(_i.#id));
- let visit_field = visit(&ty, &s.features, defs, &ref_toks)
- .unwrap_or_else(|| noop_visit(&ref_toks));
- visit_impl.extend(quote! {
- #visit_field;
- });
- }
- }
- Data::Private => {}
- }
- traits.extend(quote! {
- fn #visit_fn(&mut self, i: &'ast #ty) {
- #visit_fn(self, i)
- }
- });
- impls.extend(quote! {
- pub fn #visit_fn<'ast, V: Visit<'ast> + ?Sized>(
- _visitor: &mut V, _i: &'ast #ty
- ) {
- #visit_impl
- }
- });
-pub fn generate(defs: &Definitions) -> Result<()> {
- let (traits, impls) = gen::traverse(defs, node);
- let full_macro = full::get_macro();
- file::write(
- quote! {
- #![cfg_attr(feature = "cargo-clippy", allow(trivially_copy_pass_by_ref))]
- use *;
- #[cfg(any(feature = "full", feature = "derive"))]
- use punctuated::Punctuated;
- use proc_macro2::Span;
- #[cfg(any(feature = "full", feature = "derive"))]
- use gen::helper::visit::*;
- #full_macro
- #[cfg(any(feature = "full", feature = "derive"))]
- macro_rules! skip {
- ($($tt:tt)*) => {};
- }
- /// Syntax tree traversal to walk a shared borrow of a syntax tree.
- ///
- /// See the [module documentation] for details.
- ///
- /// [module documentation]: self
- ///
- /// *This trait is available if Syn is built with the `"visit"` feature.*
- pub trait Visit<'ast> {
- #traits
- }
- #impls
- },
- )?;
- Ok(())
diff --git a/codegen/src/visit_mut.rs b/codegen/src/visit_mut.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index 4cfb2be0..00000000
--- a/codegen/src/visit_mut.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,235 +0,0 @@
-use crate::error::Result;
-use crate::operand::{Borrowed, Operand, Owned};
-use crate::{file, full, gen};
-use proc_macro2::{Ident, Span, TokenStream};
-use quote::quote;
-use syn::Index;
-use syn_codegen::{Data, Definitions, Features, Node, Type};
-const VISIT_MUT_SRC: &str = "../src/gen/visit_mut.rs";
-fn simple_visit(item: &str, name: &Operand) -> TokenStream {
- let ident = gen::under_name(item);
- let method = Ident::new(&format!("visit_{}_mut", ident), Span::call_site());
- let name = name.ref_mut_tokens();
- quote! {
- _visitor.#method(#name)
- }
-fn noop_visit(name: &Operand) -> TokenStream {
- let name = name.tokens();
- quote! {
- skip!(#name)
- }
-fn visit(
- ty: &Type,
- features: &Features,
- defs: &Definitions,
- name: &Operand,
-) -> Option<TokenStream> {
- match ty {
- Type::Box(t) => {
- let name = name.owned_tokens();
- visit(t, features, defs, &Owned(quote!(*#name)))
- }
- Type::Vec(t) => {
- let operand = Borrowed(quote!(it));
- let val = visit(t, features, defs, &operand)?;
- let name = name.ref_mut_tokens();
- Some(quote! {
- for it in #name {
- #val
- }
- })
- }
- Type::Punctuated(p) => {
- let operand = Borrowed(quote!(it));
- let val = visit(&p.element, features, defs, &operand)?;
- let name = name.ref_mut_tokens();
- Some(quote! {
- for mut el in Punctuated::pairs_mut(#name) {
- let it = el.value_mut();
- #val
- }
- })
- }
- Type::Option(t) => {
- let it = Borrowed(quote!(it));
- let val = visit(t, features, defs, &it)?;
- let name = name.owned_tokens();
- Some(quote! {
- if let Some(ref mut it) = #name {
- #val
- }
- })
- }
- Type::Tuple(t) => {
- let mut code = TokenStream::new();
- for (i, elem) in t.iter().enumerate() {
- let name = name.tokens();
- let i = Index::from(i);
- let it = Owned(quote!((#name).#i));
- let val = visit(elem, features, defs, &it).unwrap_or_else(|| noop_visit(&it));
- code.extend(val);
- code.extend(quote!(;));
- }
- Some(code)
- }
- Type::Token(t) => {
- let name = name.tokens();
- let repr = &defs.tokens[t];
- let is_keyword = repr.chars().next().unwrap().is_alphabetic();
- let spans = if is_keyword {
- quote!(span)
- } else {
- quote!(spans)
- };
- Some(quote! {
- tokens_helper(_visitor, &mut #name.#spans)
- })
- }
- Type::Group(_) => {
- let name = name.tokens();
- Some(quote! {
- tokens_helper(_visitor, &mut #name.span)
- })
- }
- Type::Syn(t) => {
- fn requires_full(features: &Features) -> bool {
- features.any.contains("full") && features.any.len() == 1
- }
- let mut res = simple_visit(t, name);
- let target = defs.types.iter().find(|ty| ty.ident == *t).unwrap();
- if requires_full(&target.features) && !requires_full(features) {
- res = quote!(full!(#res));
- }
- Some(res)
- }
- Type::Ext(t) if gen::TERMINAL_TYPES.contains(&&t[..]) => Some(simple_visit(t, name)),
- Type::Ext(_) | Type::Std(_) => None,
- }
-fn node(traits: &mut TokenStream, impls: &mut TokenStream, s: &Node, defs: &Definitions) {
- let under_name = gen::under_name(&s.ident);
- let ty = Ident::new(&s.ident, Span::call_site());
- let visit_mut_fn = Ident::new(&format!("visit_{}_mut", under_name), Span::call_site());
- let mut visit_mut_impl = TokenStream::new();
- match &s.data {
- Data::Enum(variants) => {
- let mut visit_mut_variants = TokenStream::new();
- for (variant, fields) in variants {
- let variant_ident = Ident::new(variant, Span::call_site());
- if fields.is_empty() {
- visit_mut_variants.extend(quote! {
- #ty::#variant_ident => {}
- });
- } else {
- let mut bind_visit_mut_fields = TokenStream::new();
- let mut visit_mut_fields = TokenStream::new();
- for (idx, ty) in fields.iter().enumerate() {
- let name = format!("_binding_{}", idx);
- let binding = Ident::new(&name, Span::call_site());
- bind_visit_mut_fields.extend(quote! {
- ref mut #binding,
- });
- let borrowed_binding = Borrowed(quote!(#binding));
- visit_mut_fields.extend(
- visit(ty, &s.features, defs, &borrowed_binding)
- .unwrap_or_else(|| noop_visit(&borrowed_binding)),
- );
- visit_mut_fields.extend(quote!(;));
- }
- visit_mut_variants.extend(quote! {
- #ty::#variant_ident(#bind_visit_mut_fields) => {
- #visit_mut_fields
- }
- });
- }
- }
- visit_mut_impl.extend(quote! {
- match *_i {
- #visit_mut_variants
- }
- });
- }
- Data::Struct(fields) => {
- for (field, ty) in fields {
- let id = Ident::new(&field, Span::call_site());
- let ref_toks = Owned(quote!(_i.#id));
- let visit_mut_field = visit(&ty, &s.features, defs, &ref_toks)
- .unwrap_or_else(|| noop_visit(&ref_toks));
- visit_mut_impl.extend(quote! {
- #visit_mut_field;
- });
- }
- }
- Data::Private => {}
- }
- traits.extend(quote! {
- fn #visit_mut_fn(&mut self, i: &mut #ty) {
- #visit_mut_fn(self, i)
- }
- });
- impls.extend(quote! {
- pub fn #visit_mut_fn<V: VisitMut + ?Sized>(
- _visitor: &mut V, _i: &mut #ty
- ) {
- #visit_mut_impl
- }
- });
-pub fn generate(defs: &Definitions) -> Result<()> {
- let (traits, impls) = gen::traverse(defs, node);
- let full_macro = full::get_macro();
- file::write(
- quote! {
- use *;
- #[cfg(any(feature = "full", feature = "derive"))]
- use punctuated::Punctuated;
- use proc_macro2::Span;
- #[cfg(any(feature = "full", feature = "derive"))]
- use gen::helper::visit_mut::*;
- #full_macro
- #[cfg(any(feature = "full", feature = "derive"))]
- macro_rules! skip {
- ($($tt:tt)*) => {};
- }
- /// Syntax tree traversal to mutate an exclusive borrow of a syntax tree in
- /// place.
- ///
- /// See the [module documentation] for details.
- ///
- /// [module documentation]: self
- ///
- /// *This trait is available if Syn is built with the `"visit-mut"` feature.*
- pub trait VisitMut {
- #traits
- }
- #impls
- },
- )?;
- Ok(())
diff --git a/dev/Cargo.toml b/dev/Cargo.toml
deleted file mode 100644
index f4dc1284..00000000
--- a/dev/Cargo.toml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-name = "syn-dev"
-version = "0.0.0"
-authors = ["David Tolnay <dtolnay@gmail.com>"]
-edition = "2018"
-publish = false
-path = "parse.rs"
-proc-macro = true
-path = "main.rs"
-name = "syn-dev"
-quote = "0.6"
-path = ".."
-default-features = false
-features = ["parsing", "full", "extra-traits", "proc-macro"]
diff --git a/dev/README.md b/dev/README.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 91b98460..00000000
--- a/dev/README.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-A little project skeleton for troubleshooting Syn's parsers during development,
-especially when adding support for new Rust syntax.
-Place a sample of the syntax you are working on into main.rs and then run `cargo
-check` to try parsing it, revealing the resulting syntax tree or else showing
-the position and error message if the input fails to parse.
diff --git a/dev/main.rs b/dev/main.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index eb675465..00000000
--- a/dev/main.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-syn_dev::r#mod! {
- // Write Rust code here and run `cargo check` to have Syn parse it.
diff --git a/dev/parse.rs b/dev/parse.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index 2a925505..00000000
--- a/dev/parse.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-extern crate proc_macro;
-use proc_macro::TokenStream;
-use quote::quote;
-use syn::File;
-pub fn r#mod(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
- let compile_error = syn::parse::<File>(input)
- .map(|file| println!("{:#?}", file))
- .map_err(|err| err.to_compile_error())
- .err();
- TokenStream::from(quote! {
- #compile_error
- fn main() {}
- })
diff --git a/examples/README.md b/examples/README.md
deleted file mode 100644
index ea59c021..00000000
--- a/examples/README.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-### [`dump-syntax`](dump-syntax)
-Little utility to parse a Rust source file into a `syn::File` and print out a
-debug representation of the syntax tree.
-### [`heapsize`](heapsize)
-A complete working implementation of a custom derive. Works on any Rust compiler
-### [`lazy-static`](lazy-static)
-An example of parsing a custom syntax within a `functionlike!(...)` procedural
-macro. Demonstrates how to trigger custom warnings and error messages on
-individual tokens of the input.
-### [`trace-var`](trace-var)
-An attribute procedural macro that uses a syntax tree traversal to transform
-certain syntax tree nodes in a function body.
diff --git a/examples/dump-syntax/Cargo.toml b/examples/dump-syntax/Cargo.toml
deleted file mode 100644
index 619a2dea..00000000
--- a/examples/dump-syntax/Cargo.toml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-name = "dump-syntax"
-version = "0.0.0"
-authors = ["David Tolnay <dtolnay@gmail.com>"]
-edition = "2018"
-publish = false
-proc-macro2 = { version = "0.4.27", features = ["span-locations"] }
-colored = "1.7"
-path = "../.."
-default-features = false
-features = ["parsing", "full", "extra-traits"]
diff --git a/examples/dump-syntax/README.md b/examples/dump-syntax/README.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 37c84d80..00000000
--- a/examples/dump-syntax/README.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-Parse a Rust source file into a `syn::File` and print out a debug representation
-of the syntax tree.
-Use the following command from this directory to test this program by running it
-on its own source code:
-cargo run -- src/main.rs
-The output will begin with:
-File {
- shebang: None,
- attrs: [
- Attribute {
- pound_token: Pound,
- style: Inner(
- Bang
- ),
- bracket_token: Bracket,
- path: Path {
- leading_colon: None,
- segments: [
- ...
diff --git a/examples/dump-syntax/src/main.rs b/examples/dump-syntax/src/main.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index 240b7a29..00000000
--- a/examples/dump-syntax/src/main.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,149 +0,0 @@
-//! Parse a Rust source file into a `syn::File` and print out a debug
-//! representation of the syntax tree.
-//! Use the following command from this directory to test this program by
-//! running it on its own source code:
-//! cargo run -- src/main.rs
-//! The output will begin with:
-//! File {
-//! shebang: None,
-//! attrs: [
-//! Attribute {
-//! pound_token: Pound,
-//! style: Inner(
-//! ...
-//! }
-use std::borrow::Cow;
-use std::env;
-use std::ffi::OsStr;
-use std::fmt::{self, Display};
-use std::fs;
-use std::io::{self, Write};
-use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
-use std::process;
-use colored::Colorize;
-enum Error {
- IncorrectUsage,
- ReadFile(io::Error),
- ParseFile {
- error: syn::Error,
- filepath: PathBuf,
- source_code: String,
- },
-impl Display for Error {
- fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
- use self::Error::*;
- match self {
- IncorrectUsage => write!(f, "Usage: dump-syntax path/to/filename.rs"),
- ReadFile(error) => write!(f, "Unable to read file: {}", error),
- ParseFile {
- error,
- filepath,
- source_code,
- } => render_location(f, error, filepath, source_code),
- }
- }
-fn main() {
- if let Err(error) = try_main() {
- let _ = writeln!(io::stderr(), "{}", error);
- process::exit(1);
- }
-fn try_main() -> Result<(), Error> {
- let mut args = env::args_os();
- let _ = args.next(); // executable name
- let filepath = match (args.next(), args.next()) {
- (Some(arg), None) => PathBuf::from(arg),
- _ => return Err(Error::IncorrectUsage),
- };
- let code = fs::read_to_string(&filepath).map_err(Error::ReadFile)?;
- let syntax = syn::parse_file(&code).map_err({
- |error| Error::ParseFile {
- error,
- filepath,
- source_code: code,
- }
- })?;
- println!("{:#?}", syntax);
- Ok(())
-// Render a rustc-style error message, including colors.
-// error: Syn unable to parse file
-// --> main.rs:40:17
-// |
-// 40 | fn fmt(&self formatter: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
-// | ^^^^^^^^^ expected `,`
-fn render_location(
- formatter: &mut fmt::Formatter,
- err: &syn::Error,
- filepath: &Path,
- code: &str,
-) -> fmt::Result {
- let start = err.span().start();
- let mut end = err.span().end();
- if start.line == end.line && start.column == end.column {
- return render_fallback(formatter, err);
- }
- let code_line = match code.lines().nth(start.line - 1) {
- Some(line) => line,
- None => return render_fallback(formatter, err),
- };
- if end.line > start.line {
- end.line = start.line;
- end.column = code_line.len();
- }
- let filename = filepath
- .file_name()
- .map(OsStr::to_string_lossy)
- .unwrap_or(Cow::Borrowed("main.rs"));
- write!(
- formatter,
- "\n\
- {error}{header}\n\
- {indent}{arrow} {filename}:{linenum}:{colnum}\n\
- {indent} {pipe}\n\
- {label} {pipe} {code}\n\
- {indent} {pipe} {offset}{underline} {message}\n\
- ",
- error = "error".red().bold(),
- header = ": Syn unable to parse file".bold(),
- indent = " ".repeat(start.line.to_string().len()),
- arrow = "-->".blue().bold(),
- filename = filename,
- linenum = start.line,
- colnum = start.column,
- pipe = "|".blue().bold(),
- label = start.line.to_string().blue().bold(),
- code = code_line.trim_end(),
- offset = " ".repeat(start.column),
- underline = "^".repeat(end.column - start.column).red().bold(),
- message = err.to_string().red(),
- )
-fn render_fallback(formatter: &mut fmt::Formatter, err: &syn::Error) -> fmt::Result {
- write!(formatter, "Unable to parse file: {}", err)
diff --git a/examples/heapsize/Cargo.toml b/examples/heapsize/Cargo.toml
deleted file mode 100644
index 9b192140..00000000
--- a/examples/heapsize/Cargo.toml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-members = ["example", "heapsize", "heapsize_derive"]
diff --git a/examples/heapsize/README.md b/examples/heapsize/README.md
deleted file mode 100644
index a1f32d96..00000000
--- a/examples/heapsize/README.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-A complete working implementation of a custom derive. Written in Rust 2018 style
-but otherwise works on any Rust compiler 1.15+.
-- [`heapsize/src/lib.rs`](heapsize/src/lib.rs)
-- [`heapsize_derive/src/lib.rs`](heapsize_derive/src/lib.rs)
-- [`example/src/main.rs`](example/src/main.rs)
-We are deriving the `HeapSize` trait which computes an estimate of the amount of
-heap memory owned by a value.
-pub trait HeapSize {
- /// Total number of bytes of heap memory owned by `self`.
- fn heap_size_of_children(&self) -> usize;
-The custom derive allows users to write `#[derive(HeapSize)]` on data structures
-in their program.
-struct Demo<'a, T: ?Sized> {
- a: Box<T>,
- b: u8,
- c: &'a str,
- d: String,
-The trait impl generated by the custom derive here would look like:
-impl<'a, T: ?Sized + heapsize::HeapSize> heapsize::HeapSize for Demo<'a, T> {
- fn heap_size_of_children(&self) -> usize {
- 0 + heapsize::HeapSize::heap_size_of_children(&self.a)
- + heapsize::HeapSize::heap_size_of_children(&self.b)
- + heapsize::HeapSize::heap_size_of_children(&self.c)
- + heapsize::HeapSize::heap_size_of_children(&self.d)
- }
-The implementation of `heapsize_derive` demonstrates some attention to "spans"
-of error messages. For each subexpression in the generated code we apply the
-span of the input fragment under which we would want to trigger a compiler error
-if the subexpression fails to compile. In this example, each recursive call to
-`heap_size_of_children` is associated with the span of the corresponding struct
-field. Thus we get errors in the right place if any of the field types do not
-implement the `HeapSize` trait.
-error[E0277]: the trait bound `std::thread::Thread: HeapSize` is not satisfied
- --> src/main.rs:7:5
- |
-7 | bad: std::thread::Thread,
- | ^^^ the trait `HeapSize` is not implemented for `std::thread::Thread`
-Some unstable APIs in the `proc-macro2` crate let us improve this further by
-joining together the span of the field name and the field type. There is no
-difference in our code -- everything is as shown in this directory -- but
-building the example crate with `cargo build` shows errors like the one above
-and building with `RUSTFLAGS='--cfg procmacro2_semver_exempt' cargo build` is
-able to show errors like the following.
-error[E0277]: the trait bound `std::thread::Thread: HeapSize` is not satisfied
- --> src/main.rs:7:5
- |
-7 | bad: std::thread::Thread,
- | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ the trait `HeapSize` is not implemented for `std::thread::Thread`
diff --git a/examples/heapsize/example/Cargo.toml b/examples/heapsize/example/Cargo.toml
deleted file mode 100644
index 85c7699c..00000000
--- a/examples/heapsize/example/Cargo.toml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-name = "heapsize_example"
-version = "0.0.0"
-authors = ["David Tolnay <dtolnay@gmail.com>"]
-edition = "2018"
-publish = false
-heapsize = { path = "../heapsize" }
diff --git a/examples/heapsize/example/src/main.rs b/examples/heapsize/example/src/main.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index 9332b11c..00000000
--- a/examples/heapsize/example/src/main.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-use heapsize::HeapSize;
-struct Demo<'a, T: ?Sized> {
- a: Box<T>,
- b: u8,
- c: &'a str,
- d: String,
-fn main() {
- let demo = Demo {
- a: b"bytestring".to_vec().into_boxed_slice(),
- b: 255,
- c: "&'static str",
- d: "String".to_owned(),
- };
- // 10 + 0 + 0 + 6 = 16
- println!(
- "heap size = {} + {} + {} + {} = {}",
- demo.a.heap_size_of_children(),
- demo.b.heap_size_of_children(),
- demo.c.heap_size_of_children(),
- demo.d.heap_size_of_children(),
- demo.heap_size_of_children()
- );
diff --git a/examples/heapsize/heapsize/Cargo.toml b/examples/heapsize/heapsize/Cargo.toml
deleted file mode 100644
index 27bb9541..00000000
--- a/examples/heapsize/heapsize/Cargo.toml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-name = "heapsize"
-version = "0.0.0"
-authors = ["David Tolnay <dtolnay@gmail.com>"]
-edition = "2018"
-publish = false
-heapsize_derive = { path = "../heapsize_derive" }
diff --git a/examples/heapsize/heapsize/src/lib.rs b/examples/heapsize/heapsize/src/lib.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index 30bb6d60..00000000
--- a/examples/heapsize/heapsize/src/lib.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-use std::mem;
-pub use heapsize_derive::*;
-pub trait HeapSize {
- /// Total number of bytes of heap memory owned by `self`.
- ///
- /// Does not include the size of `self` itself, which may or may not be on
- /// the heap. Includes only children of `self`, meaning things pointed to by
- /// `self`.
- fn heap_size_of_children(&self) -> usize;
-// In a real version of this library there would be lots more impls here, but
-// here are some interesting ones.
-impl HeapSize for u8 {
- /// A `u8` does not own any heap memory.
- fn heap_size_of_children(&self) -> usize {
- 0
- }
-impl HeapSize for String {
- /// A `String` owns enough heap memory to hold its reserved capacity.
- fn heap_size_of_children(&self) -> usize {
- self.capacity()
- }
-impl<T> HeapSize for Box<T>
- T: ?Sized + HeapSize,
- /// A `Box` owns however much heap memory was allocated to hold the value of
- /// type `T` that we placed on the heap, plus transitively however much `T`
- /// itself owns.
- fn heap_size_of_children(&self) -> usize {
- mem::size_of_val(&**self) + (**self).heap_size_of_children()
- }
-impl<T> HeapSize for [T]
- T: HeapSize,
- /// Sum of heap memory owned by each element of a dynamically sized slice of
- /// `T`.
- fn heap_size_of_children(&self) -> usize {
- self.iter().map(HeapSize::heap_size_of_children).sum()
- }
-impl<'a, T> HeapSize for &'a T
- T: ?Sized,
- /// A shared reference does not own heap memory.
- fn heap_size_of_children(&self) -> usize {
- 0
- }
diff --git a/examples/heapsize/heapsize_derive/Cargo.toml b/examples/heapsize/heapsize_derive/Cargo.toml
deleted file mode 100644
index 6958c326..00000000
--- a/examples/heapsize/heapsize_derive/Cargo.toml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-name = "heapsize_derive"
-version = "0.0.0"
-authors = ["David Tolnay <dtolnay@gmail.com>"]
-edition = "2018"
-publish = false
-proc-macro = true
-proc-macro2 = "0.4"
-quote = "0.6"
-syn = { path = "../../.." }
diff --git a/examples/heapsize/heapsize_derive/src/lib.rs b/examples/heapsize/heapsize_derive/src/lib.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index 9176b29a..00000000
--- a/examples/heapsize/heapsize_derive/src/lib.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
-extern crate proc_macro;
-use proc_macro2::TokenStream;
-use quote::{quote, quote_spanned};
-use syn::spanned::Spanned;
-use syn::{parse_macro_input, parse_quote, Data, DeriveInput, Fields, GenericParam, Generics, Index};
-pub fn derive_heap_size(input: proc_macro::TokenStream) -> proc_macro::TokenStream {
- // Parse the input tokens into a syntax tree.
- let input = parse_macro_input!(input as DeriveInput);
- // Used in the quasi-quotation below as `#name`.
- let name = input.ident;
- // Add a bound `T: HeapSize` to every type parameter T.
- let generics = add_trait_bounds(input.generics);
- let (impl_generics, ty_generics, where_clause) = generics.split_for_impl();
- // Generate an expression to sum up the heap size of each field.
- let sum = heap_size_sum(&input.data);
- let expanded = quote! {
- // The generated impl.
- impl #impl_generics heapsize::HeapSize for #name #ty_generics #where_clause {
- fn heap_size_of_children(&self) -> usize {
- #sum
- }
- }
- };
- // Hand the output tokens back to the compiler.
- proc_macro::TokenStream::from(expanded)
-// Add a bound `T: HeapSize` to every type parameter T.
-fn add_trait_bounds(mut generics: Generics) -> Generics {
- for param in &mut generics.params {
- if let GenericParam::Type(ref mut type_param) = *param {
- type_param.bounds.push(parse_quote!(heapsize::HeapSize));
- }
- }
- generics
-// Generate an expression to sum up the heap size of each field.
-fn heap_size_sum(data: &Data) -> TokenStream {
- match *data {
- Data::Struct(ref data) => {
- match data.fields {
- Fields::Named(ref fields) => {
- // Expands to an expression like
- //
- // 0 + self.x.heap_size() + self.y.heap_size() + self.z.heap_size()
- //
- // but using fully qualified function call syntax.
- //
- // We take some care to use the span of each `syn::Field` as
- // the span of the corresponding `heap_size_of_children`
- // call. This way if one of the field types does not
- // implement `HeapSize` then the compiler's error message
- // underlines which field it is. An example is shown in the
- // readme of the parent directory.
- let recurse = fields.named.iter().map(|f| {
- let name = &f.ident;
- quote_spanned! {f.span()=>
- heapsize::HeapSize::heap_size_of_children(&self.#name)
- }
- });
- quote! {
- 0 #(+ #recurse)*
- }
- }
- Fields::Unnamed(ref fields) => {
- // Expands to an expression like
- //
- // 0 + self.0.heap_size() + self.1.heap_size() + self.2.heap_size()
- let recurse = fields.unnamed.iter().enumerate().map(|(i, f)| {
- let index = Index::from(i);
- quote_spanned! {f.span()=>
- heapsize::HeapSize::heap_size_of_children(&self.#index)
- }
- });
- quote! {
- 0 #(+ #recurse)*
- }
- }
- Fields::Unit => {
- // Unit structs cannot own more than 0 bytes of heap memory.
- quote!(0)
- }
- }
- }
- Data::Enum(_) | Data::Union(_) => unimplemented!(),
- }
diff --git a/examples/lazy-static/Cargo.toml b/examples/lazy-static/Cargo.toml
deleted file mode 100644
index 586e547f..00000000
--- a/examples/lazy-static/Cargo.toml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-members = ["example", "lazy-static"]
diff --git a/examples/lazy-static/README.md b/examples/lazy-static/README.md
deleted file mode 100644
index bc645854..00000000
--- a/examples/lazy-static/README.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-An example of parsing a custom syntax within a `functionlike!(...)` procedural
-macro. Demonstrates how to trigger custom warnings and error messages on
-individual tokens of the input.
-- [`lazy-static/src/lib.rs`](lazy-static/src/lib.rs)
-- [`example/src/main.rs`](example/src/main.rs)
-The library implements a `lazy_static!` macro similar to the one from the real
-[`lazy_static`](https://docs.rs/lazy_static/1.0.0/lazy_static/) crate on
-lazy_static! {
- static ref USERNAME: Regex = Regex::new("^[a-z0-9_-]{3,16}$").unwrap();
-Compile and run the example by doing `cargo run` in the directory of the
-`example` crate.
-The implementation shows how to trigger custom warnings and error messages on
-the macro input. For example if you try adding an uncreatively named `FOO` lazy
-static, the macro will scold you with the following warning.
-warning: come on, pick a more creative name
- --> src/main.rs:10:16
- |
-10 | static ref FOO: String = "lazy_static".to_owned();
- | ^^^
-And if you try to lazily initialize `() = ()`, the macro will outright refuse to
-compile it for you.
-error: I can't think of a legitimate use for lazily initializing the value `()`
- --> src/main.rs:10:27
- |
-10 | static ref UNIT: () = ();
- | ^^
diff --git a/examples/lazy-static/example/Cargo.toml b/examples/lazy-static/example/Cargo.toml
deleted file mode 100644
index 716b08c0..00000000
--- a/examples/lazy-static/example/Cargo.toml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-name = "example"
-version = "0.0.0"
-authors = ["David Tolnay <dtolnay@gmail.com>"]
-edition = "2018"
-publish = false
-lazy_static = { path = "../lazy-static" }
-regex = "0.2"
diff --git a/examples/lazy-static/example/src/main.rs b/examples/lazy-static/example/src/main.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index c4f64af9..00000000
--- a/examples/lazy-static/example/src/main.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-use lazy_static::lazy_static;
-use regex::Regex;
-lazy_static! {
- static ref USERNAME: Regex = {
- println!("Compiling username regex...");
- Regex::new("^[a-z0-9_-]{3,16}$").unwrap()
- };
-fn main() {
- println!("Let's validate some usernames.");
- validate("fergie");
- validate("will.i.am");
-fn validate(name: &str) {
- // The USERNAME regex is compiled lazily the first time its value is accessed.
- println!("is_match({:?}): {}", name, USERNAME.is_match(name));
diff --git a/examples/lazy-static/lazy-static/Cargo.toml b/examples/lazy-static/lazy-static/Cargo.toml
deleted file mode 100644
index c1a9dfc1..00000000
--- a/examples/lazy-static/lazy-static/Cargo.toml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-name = "lazy_static"
-version = "0.0.0"
-authors = ["David Tolnay <dtolnay@gmail.com>"]
-edition = "2018"
-publish = false
-proc-macro = true
-syn = { path = "../../../", features = ["full"] }
-quote = "0.6"
-proc-macro2 = { version = "0.4", features = ["nightly"] }
diff --git a/examples/lazy-static/lazy-static/src/lib.rs b/examples/lazy-static/lazy-static/src/lib.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index 5481a30a..00000000
--- a/examples/lazy-static/lazy-static/src/lib.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
-#![recursion_limit = "128"]
-extern crate proc_macro;
-use self::proc_macro::TokenStream;
-use quote::{quote, quote_spanned};
-use syn::parse::{Parse, ParseStream, Result};
-use syn::spanned::Spanned;
-use syn::{parse_macro_input, Expr, Ident, Token, Type, Visibility};
-/// Parses the following syntax, which aligns with the input of the real
-/// `lazy_static` crate.
-/// lazy_static! {
-/// $VISIBILITY static ref $NAME: $TYPE = $EXPR;
-/// }
-/// For example:
-/// lazy_static! {
-/// static ref USERNAME: Regex = Regex::new("^[a-z0-9_-]{3,16}$").unwrap();
-/// }
-struct LazyStatic {
- visibility: Visibility,
- name: Ident,
- ty: Type,
- init: Expr,
-impl Parse for LazyStatic {
- fn parse(input: ParseStream) -> Result<Self> {
- let visibility: Visibility = input.parse()?;
- input.parse::<Token![static]>()?;
- input.parse::<Token![ref]>()?;
- let name: Ident = input.parse()?;
- input.parse::<Token![:]>()?;
- let ty: Type = input.parse()?;
- input.parse::<Token![=]>()?;
- let init: Expr = input.parse()?;
- input.parse::<Token![;]>()?;
- Ok(LazyStatic {
- visibility,
- name,
- ty,
- init,
- })
- }
-pub fn lazy_static(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
- let LazyStatic {
- visibility,
- name,
- ty,
- init,
- } = parse_macro_input!(input as LazyStatic);
- // The warning looks like this.
- //
- // warning: come on, pick a more creative name
- // --> src/main.rs:10:16
- // |
- // 10 | static ref FOO: String = "lazy_static".to_owned();
- // | ^^^
- if name == "FOO" {
- name.span()
- .unwrap()
- .warning("come on, pick a more creative name")
- .emit();
- }
- // The error looks like this.
- //
- // error: I can't think of a legitimate use for lazily initializing the value `()`
- // --> src/main.rs:10:27
- // |
- // 10 | static ref UNIT: () = ();
- // | ^^
- if let Expr::Tuple(ref init) = init {
- if init.elems.is_empty() {
- init.span()
- .unwrap()
- .error("I can't think of a legitimate use for lazily initializing the value `()`")
- .emit();
- return TokenStream::new();
- }
- }
- // Assert that the static type implements Sync. If not, user sees an error
- // message like the following. We span this assertion with the field type's
- // line/column so that the error message appears in the correct place.
- //
- // error[E0277]: the trait bound `*const (): std::marker::Sync` is not satisfied
- // --> src/main.rs:10:21
- // |
- // 10 | static ref PTR: *const () = &();
- // | ^^^^^^^^^ `*const ()` cannot be shared between threads safely
- let assert_sync = quote_spanned! {ty.span()=>
- struct _AssertSync where #ty: std::marker::Sync;
- };
- // Check for Sized. Not vital to check here, but the error message is less
- // confusing this way than if they get a Sized error in one of our
- // implementation details where it assumes Sized.
- //
- // error[E0277]: the trait bound `str: std::marker::Sized` is not satisfied
- // --> src/main.rs:10:19
- // |
- // 10 | static ref A: str = "";
- // | ^^^ `str` does not have a constant size known at compile-time
- let assert_sized = quote_spanned! {ty.span()=>
- struct _AssertSized where #ty: std::marker::Sized;
- };
- let init_ptr = quote_spanned! {init.span()=>
- Box::into_raw(Box::new(#init))
- };
- let expanded = quote! {
- #visibility struct #name;
- impl std::ops::Deref for #name {
- type Target = #ty;
- fn deref(&self) -> &#ty {
- #assert_sync
- #assert_sized
- static ONCE: std::sync::Once = std::sync::ONCE_INIT;
- static mut VALUE: *mut #ty = 0 as *mut #ty;
- unsafe {
- ONCE.call_once(|| VALUE = #init_ptr);
- }
- }
- }
- };
- TokenStream::from(expanded)
diff --git a/examples/trace-var/Cargo.toml b/examples/trace-var/Cargo.toml
deleted file mode 100644
index b54454d5..00000000
--- a/examples/trace-var/Cargo.toml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-members = ["example", "trace-var"]
diff --git a/examples/trace-var/README.md b/examples/trace-var/README.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 09f5f1ac..00000000
--- a/examples/trace-var/README.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-An example of an attribute procedural macro. The `#[trace_var(...)]` attribute
-prints the value of the given variables each time they are reassigned.
-- [`trace-var/src/lib.rs`](trace-var/src/lib.rs)
-- [`example/src/main.rs`](example/src/main.rs)
-Consider the following factorial implementation.
-#[trace_var(p, n)]
-fn factorial(mut n: u64) -> u64 {
- let mut p = 1;
- while n > 1 {
- p *= n;
- n -= 1;
- }
- p
-Invoking this with `factorial(8)` prints all the values of `p` and `n` during
-the execution of the function.
-p = 1
-p = 8
-n = 7
-p = 56
-n = 6
-p = 336
-n = 5
-p = 1680
-n = 4
-p = 6720
-n = 3
-p = 20160
-n = 2
-p = 40320
-n = 1
-The procedural macro uses a syntax tree [`Fold`] to rewrite every `let`
-statement and assignment expression in the following way:
-[`Fold`]: https://docs.rs/syn/0.15/syn/fold/trait.Fold.html
-// Before
-let VAR = INIT;
-// After
-let VAR = { let VAR = INIT; println!("VAR = {:?}", VAR); VAR };
-// Before
-// After
-{ VAR = INIT; println!("VAR = {:?}", VAR); }
diff --git a/examples/trace-var/example/Cargo.toml b/examples/trace-var/example/Cargo.toml
deleted file mode 100644
index d2ad6502..00000000
--- a/examples/trace-var/example/Cargo.toml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-name = "example"
-version = "0.0.0"
-authors = ["David Tolnay <dtolnay@gmail.com>"]
-edition = "2018"
-publish = false
-trace-var = { path = "../trace-var" }
diff --git a/examples/trace-var/example/src/main.rs b/examples/trace-var/example/src/main.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index da2c10b8..00000000
--- a/examples/trace-var/example/src/main.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-use trace_var::trace_var;
-fn main() {
- println!("{}", factorial(8));
-#[trace_var(p, n)]
-fn factorial(mut n: u64) -> u64 {
- let mut p = 1;
- while n > 1 {
- p *= n;
- n -= 1;
- }
- p
diff --git a/examples/trace-var/trace-var/Cargo.toml b/examples/trace-var/trace-var/Cargo.toml
deleted file mode 100644
index 0228ed5b..00000000
--- a/examples/trace-var/trace-var/Cargo.toml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-name = "trace-var"
-version = "0.0.0"
-authors = ["David Tolnay <dtolnay@gmail.com>"]
-edition = "2018"
-publish = false
-proc-macro = true
-syn = { path = "../../../", features = ["full", "fold"] }
-quote = "0.6"
-proc-macro2 = { version = "0.4", features = ["nightly"] }
diff --git a/examples/trace-var/trace-var/src/lib.rs b/examples/trace-var/trace-var/src/lib.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index 606c87a6..00000000
--- a/examples/trace-var/trace-var/src/lib.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,186 +0,0 @@
-extern crate proc_macro;
-use self::proc_macro::TokenStream;
-use quote::{quote, ToTokens};
-use std::collections::HashSet as Set;
-use syn::fold::{self, Fold};
-use syn::parse::{Parse, ParseStream, Result};
-use syn::punctuated::Punctuated;
-use syn::{parse_macro_input, parse_quote, Expr, Ident, ItemFn, Local, Pat, Stmt, Token};
-/// Parses a list of variable names separated by commas.
-/// a, b, c
-/// This is how the compiler passes in arguments to our attribute -- it is
-/// everything inside the delimiters after the attribute name.
-/// #[trace_var(a, b, c)]
-/// ^^^^^^^
-struct Args {
- vars: Set<Ident>,
-impl Parse for Args {
- fn parse(input: ParseStream) -> Result<Self> {
- let vars = Punctuated::<Ident, Token![,]>::parse_terminated(input)?;
- Ok(Args {
- vars: vars.into_iter().collect(),
- })
- }
-impl Args {
- /// Determines whether the given `Expr` is a path referring to one of the
- /// variables we intend to print. Expressions are used as the left-hand side
- /// of the assignment operator.
- fn should_print_expr(&self, e: &Expr) -> bool {
- match *e {
- Expr::Path(ref e) => {
- if e.path.leading_colon.is_some() {
- false
- } else if e.path.segments.len() != 1 {
- false
- } else {
- let first = e.path.segments.first().unwrap();
- let segment = first.value();
- self.vars.contains(&segment.ident) && segment.arguments.is_empty()
- }
- }
- _ => false,
- }
- }
- /// Determines whether the given `Pat` is an identifier equal to one of the
- /// variables we intend to print. Patterns are used as the left-hand side of
- /// a `let` binding.
- fn should_print_pat(&self, p: &Punctuated<Pat, Token![|]>) -> bool {
- if p.len() != 1 {
- return false;
- }
- match p[0] {
- Pat::Ident(ref p) => self.vars.contains(&p.ident),
- _ => false,
- }
- }
- /// Produces an expression that assigns the right-hand side to the left-hand
- /// side and then prints the value.
- ///
- /// // Before
- /// VAR = INIT
- ///
- /// // After
- /// { VAR = INIT; println!("VAR = {:?}", VAR); }
- fn assign_and_print(&mut self, left: Expr, op: &ToTokens, right: Expr) -> Expr {
- let right = fold::fold_expr(self, right);
- parse_quote!({
- #left #op #right;
- println!(concat!(stringify!(#left), " = {:?}"), #left);
- })
- }
- /// Produces a let-binding that assigns the right-hand side to the left-hand
- /// side and then prints the value.
- ///
- /// // Before
- /// let VAR = INIT;
- ///
- /// // After
- /// let VAR = { let VAR = INIT; println!("VAR = {:?}", VAR); VAR };
- fn let_and_print(&mut self, local: Local) -> Stmt {
- let Local { pats, ty, init, .. } = local;
- let pat = &pats[0];
- let ty = ty.map(|(colon_token, ty)| quote!(#colon_token #ty));
- let init = self.fold_expr(*init.unwrap().1);
- let ident = match *pat {
- Pat::Ident(ref p) => &p.ident,
- _ => unreachable!(),
- };
- parse_quote! {
- let #pat #ty = {
- #[allow(unused_mut)]
- let #pat = #init;
- println!(concat!(stringify!(#ident), " = {:?}"), #ident);
- #ident
- };
- }
- }
-/// The `Fold` trait is a way to traverse an owned syntax tree and replace some
-/// of its nodes.
-/// Syn provides two other syntax tree traversal traits: `Visit` which walks a
-/// shared borrow of a syntax tree, and `VisitMut` which walks an exclusive
-/// borrow of a syntax tree and can mutate it in place.
-/// All three traits have a method corresponding to each type of node in Syn's
-/// syntax tree. All of these methods have default no-op implementations that
-/// simply recurse on any child nodes. We can override only those methods for
-/// which we want non-default behavior. In this case the traversal needs to
-/// transform `Expr` and `Stmt` nodes.
-impl Fold for Args {
- fn fold_expr(&mut self, e: Expr) -> Expr {
- match e {
- Expr::Assign(e) => {
- if self.should_print_expr(&e.left) {
- self.assign_and_print(*e.left, &e.eq_token, *e.right)
- } else {
- Expr::Assign(fold::fold_expr_assign(self, e))
- }
- }
- Expr::AssignOp(e) => {
- if self.should_print_expr(&e.left) {
- self.assign_and_print(*e.left, &e.op, *e.right)
- } else {
- Expr::AssignOp(fold::fold_expr_assign_op(self, e))
- }
- }
- _ => fold::fold_expr(self, e),
- }
- }
- fn fold_stmt(&mut self, s: Stmt) -> Stmt {
- match s {
- Stmt::Local(s) => {
- if s.init.is_some() && self.should_print_pat(&s.pats) {
- self.let_and_print(s)
- } else {
- Stmt::Local(fold::fold_local(self, s))
- }
- }
- _ => fold::fold_stmt(self, s),
- }
- }
-/// Attribute to print the value of the given variables each time they are
-/// reassigned.
-/// # Example
-/// ```
-/// #[trace_var(p, n)]
-/// fn factorial(mut n: u64) -> u64 {
-/// let mut p = 1;
-/// while n > 1 {
-/// p *= n;
-/// n -= 1;
-/// }
-/// p
-/// }
-/// ```
-pub fn trace_var(args: TokenStream, input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
- let input = parse_macro_input!(input as ItemFn);
- // Parse the list of variables the user wanted to print.
- let mut args = parse_macro_input!(args as Args);
- // Use a syntax tree traversal to transform the function body.
- let output = args.fold_item_fn(input);
- // Hand the resulting function body back to the compiler.
- TokenStream::from(quote!(#output))
diff --git a/json/Cargo.toml b/json/Cargo.toml
deleted file mode 100644
index 77104dc8..00000000
--- a/json/Cargo.toml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-name = "syn-codegen"
-version = "0.1.0"
-authors = ["David Tolnay <dtolnay@gmail.com>"]
-edition = "2018"
-license = "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
-description = "Syntax tree describing Syn's syntax tree"
-repository = "https://github.com/dtolnay/syn"
-documentation = "https://docs.rs/syn-codegen"
-categories = ["development-tools::procedural-macro-helpers"]
-indexmap = { version = "1.0", features = ["serde-1"] }
-semver = { version = "0.9", features = ["serde"] }
-serde = { version = "1.0.88", features = ["derive"] }
-serde_json = "1.0"
diff --git a/json/src/lib.rs b/json/src/lib.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index be0ac5fc..00000000
--- a/json/src/lib.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,203 +0,0 @@
-//! # Data structures that describe Syn's syntax tree.
-//! The Syn syntax tree is made up of more than 200 types. Occasionally it can
-//! come up that you need to implement some behavior across them all.
-//! - For example [the Rust integration for AST Explorer][astexplorer] wants to
-//! turn a syntax tree from Syn into a JavaScript value understood by the
-//! platform's existing cross-language syntax tree visualization code.
-//! [astexplorer]: https://astexplorer.net/#/gist/388150a52f74d45a355d2b5e865ded96/0c6d563f28d900472f699c21a1845ad20ae9927f
-//! - As another example from within Syn itself, the traits and implementations
-//! of the [`visit`], [`visit_mut`], and [`fold`] modules can be generated
-//! programmatically from a description of the syntax tree.
-//! [`visit`]: https://docs.rs/syn/0.15/syn/visit/index.html
-//! [`visit_mut`]: https://docs.rs/syn/0.15/syn/visit_mut/index.html
-//! [`fold`]: https://docs.rs/syn/0.15/syn/fold/index.html
-//! To make this type of code as easy as possible to implement in any language,
-//! every Syn release comes with a machine-readable description of that version
-//! of the syntax tree as a JSON file [syn.json]. This `syn-codegen` crate
-//! provides the canonical data structures for parsing and making use of the
-//! representation in syn.json from Rust code.
-//! [syn.json]: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dtolnay/syn/master/syn.json
-//! ## Example
-//! ```
-//! use syn_codegen::Definitions;
-//! # const IGNORE: &str = stringify! {
-//! const SYN: &str = include_str!("syn.json");
-//! # };
-//! # const SYN: &str = include_str!("../../syn.json");
-//! fn main() {
-//! let defs: Definitions = serde_json::from_str(SYN).unwrap();
-//! for node in &defs.types {
-//! println!("syn::{}", node.ident);
-//! }
-//! }
-//! ```
-use indexmap::IndexMap;
-use semver::Version;
-use serde::{Deserialize, Deserializer, Serialize};
-use std::collections::{BTreeMap, BTreeSet};
-/// Top-level content of the syntax tree description.
-#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Serialize, Deserialize)]
-pub struct Definitions {
- /// The Syn version whose syntax tree is described by this data.
- pub version: Version,
- /// Syntax tree types defined by Syn.
- pub types: Vec<Node>,
- /// Token types defined by Syn (keywords as well as punctuation).
- ///
- /// The keys in the map are the Rust type name for the token. The values in
- /// the map are the printed token representation.
- ///
- /// These tokens are accessible in the Syn public API as `syn::token::#name`
- /// or alternatively `syn::Token![#repr]`.
- pub tokens: BTreeMap<String, String>,
-/// Syntax tree type defined by Syn.
-#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Serialize, Deserialize)]
-pub struct Node {
- /// Name of the type.
- ///
- /// This type is accessible in the Syn public API as `syn::#name`.
- pub ident: String,
- /// Features behind which this type is cfg gated.
- pub features: Features,
- /// Content of the data structure.
- #[serde(
- flatten,
- skip_serializing_if = "is_private",
- deserialize_with = "private_if_absent"
- )]
- pub data: Data,
-/// Content of a syntax tree data structure.
-#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Serialize, Deserialize)]
-pub enum Data {
- /// This is an opaque type with no publicy accessible structure.
- Private,
- /// This type is a braced struct with named fields.
- #[serde(rename = "fields")]
- Struct(Fields),
- /// This type is an enum.
- #[serde(rename = "variants")]
- Enum(Variants),
-/// Fields of a braced struct syntax tree node with named fields.
-/// The keys in the map are the field names.
-pub type Fields = IndexMap<String, Type>;
-/// Variants of an enum syntax tree node.
-/// The keys in the map are the variant names.
-/// Variants are unit variants if they hold no data and tuple variants
-/// otherwise. The Syn syntax tree does not make use of braced variants.
-pub type Variants = IndexMap<String, Vec<Type>>;
-/// Type of a struct field or tuple variant field in the syntax tree.
-#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Serialize, Deserialize)]
-#[serde(rename_all = "lowercase")]
-pub enum Type {
- /// Syntax tree type defined by Syn.
- ///
- /// This name will match the ident of some `Node`.
- Syn(String),
- /// Type defined by the Rust language or standard library.
- ///
- /// All such types used by Syn are accessible in the Rust prelude and can be
- /// used without a qualifying path in most Rust code.
- Std(String),
- /// Type defined by proc-macro2.
- ///
- /// The type is accessible in the proc-macro2 public API as
- /// `proc_macro2::#name`.
- #[serde(rename = "proc_macro2")]
- Ext(String),
- /// Keyword or punctuation token type defined by Syn.
- ///
- /// This name will match one of the keys in the `tokens` map.
- Token(String),
- /// Grouping token defined by Syn.
- ///
- /// The type is accessible in the Syn public API as `syn::token::#name`.
- Group(String),
- /// Punctuated list.
- ///
- /// This refers to `syn::punctuated::Punctuated<T, P>` with the specified
- /// element type and punctuation.
- Punctuated(Punctuated),
- /// `std::option::Option`
- Option(Box<Type>),
- /// `std::boxed::Box`
- Box(Box<Type>),
- /// `std::vec::Vec`
- Vec(Box<Type>),
- /// Rust tuple with two or more fields.
- Tuple(Vec<Type>),
-/// Type of a punctuated list.
-/// This refers to `syn::punctuated::Punctuated<#element, #punct>`.
-/// The punct string will match one of the keys in the `tokens` map.
-#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Serialize, Deserialize)]
-pub struct Punctuated {
- pub element: Box<Type>,
- pub punct: String,
-/// Features behind which a syntax tree type is cfg gated.
-#[derive(Debug, Default, PartialEq, Serialize, Deserialize)]
-pub struct Features {
- /// Type is accessible if at least one of these features is enabled against
- /// the Syn dependency.
- pub any: BTreeSet<String>,
-fn is_private(data: &Data) -> bool {
- match data {
- Data::Private => true,
- Data::Struct(_) | Data::Enum(_) => false,
- }
-fn private_if_absent<'de, D>(deserializer: D) -> Result<Data, D::Error>
- D: Deserializer<'de>,
- let option = Option::deserialize(deserializer)?;
- Ok(option.unwrap_or(Data::Private))
diff --git a/syn.json b/syn.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 8d35d4a7..00000000
--- a/syn.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5834 +0,0 @@
- "version": "0.15.42",
- "types": [
- {
- "ident": "Abi",
- "features": {
- "any": [
- "derive",
- "full"
- ]
- },
- "fields": {
- "extern_token": {
- "token": "Extern"
- },
- "name": {
- "option": {
- "syn": "LitStr"
- }
- }
- }
- },
- {
- "ident": "AngleBracketedGenericArguments",
- "features": {
- "any": [
- "derive",
- "full"
- ]
- },
- "fields": {
- "colon2_token": {
- "option": {
- "token": "Colon2"
- }
- },
- "lt_token": {
- "token": "Lt"
- },
- "args": {
- "punctuated": {
- "element": {
- "syn": "GenericArgument"
- },
- "punct": "Comma"
- }
- },
- "gt_token": {
- "token": "Gt"
- }
- }
- },
- {
- "ident": "ArgCaptured",
- "features": {
- "any": [
- "full"
- ]
- },
- "fields": {
- "pat": {
- "syn": "Pat"
- },
- "colon_token": {
- "token": "Colon"
- },
- "ty": {
- "syn": "Type"
- }
- }
- },
- {
- "ident": "ArgSelf",
- "features": {
- "any": [
- "full"
- ]
- },
- "fields": {
- "mutability": {
- "option": {
- "token": "Mut"
- }
- },
- "self_token": {
- "token": "SelfValue"
- }
- }
- },
- {
- "ident": "ArgSelfRef",
- "features": {
- "any": [
- "full"
- ]
- },
- "fields": {
- "and_token": {
- "token": "And"
- },
- "lifetime": {
- "option": {
- "syn": "Lifetime"
- }
- },
- "mutability": {
- "option": {
- "token": "Mut"
- }
- },
- "self_token": {
- "token": "SelfValue"
- }
- }
- },
- {
- "ident": "Arm",
- "features": {
- "any": [
- "full"
- ]
- },
- "fields": {
- "attrs": {
- "vec": {
- "syn": "Attribute"
- }
- },
- "leading_vert": {
- "option": {
- "token": "Or"
- }
- },
- "pats": {
- "punctuated": {
- "element": {
- "syn": "Pat"
- },
- "punct": "Or"
- }
- },
- "guard": {
- "option": {
- "tuple": [
- {
- "token": "If"
- },
- {
- "box": {
- "syn": "Expr"
- }
- }
- ]
- }
- },
- "fat_arrow_token": {
- "token": "FatArrow"
- },
- "body": {
- "box": {
- "syn": "Expr"
- }
- },
- "comma": {
- "option": {
- "token": "Comma"
- }
- }
- }
- },
- {
- "ident": "AttrStyle",
- "features": {
- "any": [
- "derive",
- "full"
- ]
- },
- "variants": {
- "Outer": [],
- "Inner": [
- {
- "token": "Bang"
- }
- ]
- }
- },
- {
- "ident": "Attribute",
- "features": {
- "any": [
- "derive",
- "full"
- ]
- },
- "fields": {
- "pound_token": {
- "token": "Pound"
- },
- "style": {
- "syn": "AttrStyle"
- },
- "bracket_token": {
- "group": "Bracket"
- },
- "path": {
- "syn": "Path"
- },
- "tts": {
- "proc_macro2": "TokenStream"
- }
- }
- },
- {
- "ident": "BareFnArg",
- "features": {
- "any": [
- "derive",
- "full"
- ]
- },
- "fields": {
- "name": {
- "option": {
- "tuple": [
- {
- "syn": "BareFnArgName"
- },
- {
- "token": "Colon"
- }
- ]
- }
- },
- "ty": {
- "syn": "Type"
- }
- }
- },
- {
- "ident": "BareFnArgName",
- "features": {
- "any": [
- "derive",
- "full"
- ]
- },
- "variants": {
- "Named": [
- {
- "proc_macro2": "Ident"
- }
- ],
- "Wild": [
- {
- "token": "Underscore"
- }
- ]
- }
- },
- {
- "ident": "BinOp",
- "features": {
- "any": [
- "derive",
- "full"
- ]
- },
- "variants": {
- "Add": [
- {
- "token": "Add"
- }
- ],
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- "features": {
- "any": [
- "full"
- ]
- },
- "fields": {
- "brace_token": {
- "group": "Brace"
- },
- "items": {
- "punctuated": {
- "element": {
- "syn": "UseTree"
- },
- "punct": "Comma"
- }
- }
- }
- },
- {
- "ident": "UseName",
- "features": {
- "any": [
- "full"
- ]
- },
- "fields": {
- "ident": {
- "proc_macro2": "Ident"
- }
- }
- },
- {
- "ident": "UsePath",
- "features": {
- "any": [
- "full"
- ]
- },
- "fields": {
- "ident": {
- "proc_macro2": "Ident"
- },
- "colon2_token": {
- "token": "Colon2"
- },
- "tree": {
- "box": {
- "syn": "UseTree"
- }
- }
- }
- },
- {
- "ident": "UseRename",
- "features": {
- "any": [
- "full"
- ]
- },
- "fields": {
- "ident": {
- "proc_macro2": "Ident"
- },
- "as_token": {
- "token": "As"
- },
- "rename": {
- "proc_macro2": "Ident"
- }
- }
- },
- {
- "ident": "UseTree",
- "features": {
- "any": [
- "full"
- ]
- },
- "variants": {
- "Path": [
- {
- "syn": "UsePath"
- }
- ],
- "Name": [
- {
- "syn": "UseName"
- }
- ],
- "Rename": [
- {
- "syn": "UseRename"
- }
- ],
- "Glob": [
- {
- "syn": "UseGlob"
- }
- ],
- "Group": [
- {
- "syn": "UseGroup"
- }
- ]
- }
- },
- {
- "ident": "Variant",
- "features": {
- "any": [
- "derive",
- "full"
- ]
- },
- "fields": {
- "attrs": {
- "vec": {
- "syn": "Attribute"
- }
- },
- "ident": {
- "proc_macro2": "Ident"
- },
- "fields": {
- "syn": "Fields"
- },
- "discriminant": {
- "option": {
- "tuple": [
- {
- "token": "Eq"
- },
- {
- "syn": "Expr"
- }
- ]
- }
- }
- }
- },
- {
- "ident": "VisCrate",
- "features": {
- "any": [
- "derive",
- "full"
- ]
- },
- "fields": {
- "crate_token": {
- "token": "Crate"
- }
- }
- },
- {
- "ident": "VisPublic",
- "features": {
- "any": [
- "derive",
- "full"
- ]
- },
- "fields": {
- "pub_token": {
- "token": "Pub"
- }
- }
- },
- {
- "ident": "VisRestricted",
- "features": {
- "any": [
- "derive",
- "full"
- ]
- },
- "fields": {
- "pub_token": {
- "token": "Pub"
- },
- "paren_token": {
- "group": "Paren"
- },
- "in_token": {
- "option": {
- "token": "In"
- }
- },
- "path": {
- "box": {
- "syn": "Path"
- }
- }
- }
- },
- {
- "ident": "Visibility",
- "features": {
- "any": [
- "derive",
- "full"
- ]
- },
- "variants": {
- "Public": [
- {
- "syn": "VisPublic"
- }
- ],
- "Crate": [
- {
- "syn": "VisCrate"
- }
- ],
- "Restricted": [
- {
- "syn": "VisRestricted"
- }
- ],
- "Inherited": []
- }
- },
- {
- "ident": "WhereClause",
- "features": {
- "any": [
- "derive",
- "full"
- ]
- },
- "fields": {
- "where_token": {
- "token": "Where"
- },
- "predicates": {
- "punctuated": {
- "element": {
- "syn": "WherePredicate"
- },
- "punct": "Comma"
- }
- }
- }
- },
- {
- "ident": "WherePredicate",
- "features": {
- "any": [
- "derive",
- "full"
- ]
- },
- "variants": {
- "Type": [
- {
- "syn": "PredicateType"
- }
- ],
- "Lifetime": [
- {
- "syn": "PredicateLifetime"
- }
- ],
- "Eq": [
- {
- "syn": "PredicateEq"
- }
- ]
- }
- }
- ],
- "tokens": {
- "Abstract": "abstract",
- "Add": "+",
- "AddEq": "+=",
- "And": "&",
- "AndAnd": "&&",
- "AndEq": "&=",
- "As": "as",
- "Async": "async",
- "At": "@",
- "Auto": "auto",
- "Bang": "!",
- "Become": "become",
- "Box": "box",
- "Break": "break",
- "Caret": "^",
- "CaretEq": "^=",
- "Colon": ":",
- "Colon2": "::",
- "Comma": ",",
- "Const": "const",
- "Continue": "continue",
- "Crate": "crate",
- "Default": "default",
- "Div": "/",
- "DivEq": "/=",
- "Do": "do",
- "Dollar": "$",
- "Dot": ".",
- "Dot2": "..",
- "Dot3": "...",
- "DotDotEq": "..=",
- "Dyn": "dyn",
- "Else": "else",
- "Enum": "enum",
- "Eq": "=",
- "EqEq": "==",
- "Existential": "existential",
- "Extern": "extern",
- "FatArrow": "=>",
- "Final": "final",
- "Fn": "fn",
- "For": "for",
- "Ge": ">=",
- "Gt": ">",
- "If": "if",
- "Impl": "impl",
- "In": "in",
- "LArrow": "<-",
- "Le": "<=",
- "Let": "let",
- "Loop": "loop",
- "Lt": "<",
- "Macro": "macro",
- "Match": "match",
- "Mod": "mod",
- "Move": "move",
- "MulEq": "*=",
- "Mut": "mut",
- "Ne": "!=",
- "Or": "|",
- "OrEq": "|=",
- "OrOr": "||",
- "Override": "override",
- "Pound": "#",
- "Priv": "priv",
- "Pub": "pub",
- "Question": "?",
- "RArrow": "->",
- "Ref": "ref",
- "Rem": "%",
- "RemEq": "%=",
- "Return": "return",
- "SelfType": "Self",
- "SelfValue": "self",
- "Semi": ";",
- "Shl": "<<",
- "ShlEq": "<<=",
- "Shr": ">>",
- "ShrEq": ">>=",
- "Star": "*",
- "Static": "static",
- "Struct": "struct",
- "Sub": "-",
- "SubEq": "-=",
- "Super": "super",
- "Tilde": "~",
- "Trait": "trait",
- "Try": "try",
- "Type": "type",
- "Typeof": "typeof",
- "Underscore": "_",
- "Union": "union",
- "Unsafe": "unsafe",
- "Unsized": "unsized",
- "Use": "use",
- "Virtual": "virtual",
- "Where": "where",
- "While": "while",
- "Yield": "yield"
- }