path: root/src/runtime/task/join.rs
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authorJoel Galenson <jgalenson@google.com>2020-10-05 08:16:15 -0700
committerJoel Galenson <jgalenson@google.com>2020-10-05 08:16:15 -0700
commitf03b3ba785a6d336884bfc525046906f8c2a9904 (patch)
tree14e2bd707d8d152ea0476ec9e686deb2a2f55b34 /src/runtime/task/join.rs
parent40b8b369b069afb314a9d4bb92be1bdd038979f8 (diff)
Import tokio-0.2.22
Test: None Change-Id: Iea7ee5e62819c9b16dbfad05a6146775df72506a
Diffstat (limited to 'src/runtime/task/join.rs')
1 files changed, 156 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/runtime/task/join.rs b/src/runtime/task/join.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3c4aabb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/runtime/task/join.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+use crate::runtime::task::RawTask;
+use std::fmt;
+use std::future::Future;
+use std::marker::PhantomData;
+use std::pin::Pin;
+use std::task::{Context, Poll};
+doc_rt_core! {
+ /// An owned permission to join on a task (await its termination).
+ ///
+ /// This can be thought of as the equivalent of [`std::thread::JoinHandle`] for
+ /// a task rather than a thread.
+ ///
+ /// A `JoinHandle` *detaches* the associated task when it is dropped, which
+ /// means that there is no longer any handle to the task, and no way to `join`
+ /// on it.
+ ///
+ /// This `struct` is created by the [`task::spawn`] and [`task::spawn_blocking`]
+ /// functions.
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// Creation from [`task::spawn`]:
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// use tokio::task;
+ ///
+ /// # async fn doc() {
+ /// let join_handle: task::JoinHandle<_> = task::spawn(async {
+ /// // some work here
+ /// });
+ /// # }
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// Creation from [`task::spawn_blocking`]:
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// use tokio::task;
+ ///
+ /// # async fn doc() {
+ /// let join_handle: task::JoinHandle<_> = task::spawn_blocking(|| {
+ /// // some blocking work here
+ /// });
+ /// # }
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// Child being detached and outliving its parent:
+ ///
+ /// ```no_run
+ /// use tokio::task;
+ /// use tokio::time;
+ /// use std::time::Duration;
+ ///
+ /// # #[tokio::main] async fn main() {
+ /// let original_task = task::spawn(async {
+ /// let _detached_task = task::spawn(async {
+ /// // Here we sleep to make sure that the first task returns before.
+ /// time::delay_for(Duration::from_millis(10)).await;
+ /// // This will be called, even though the JoinHandle is dropped.
+ /// println!("♫ Still alive ♫");
+ /// });
+ /// });
+ ///
+ /// original_task.await.expect("The task being joined has panicked");
+ /// println!("Original task is joined.");
+ ///
+ /// // We make sure that the new task has time to run, before the main
+ /// // task returns.
+ ///
+ /// time::delay_for(Duration::from_millis(1000)).await;
+ /// # }
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// [`task::spawn`]: crate::task::spawn()
+ /// [`task::spawn_blocking`]: crate::task::spawn_blocking
+ /// [`std::thread::JoinHandle`]: std::thread::JoinHandle
+ pub struct JoinHandle<T> {
+ raw: Option<RawTask>,
+ _p: PhantomData<T>,
+ }
+unsafe impl<T: Send> Send for JoinHandle<T> {}
+unsafe impl<T: Send> Sync for JoinHandle<T> {}
+impl<T> JoinHandle<T> {
+ pub(super) fn new(raw: RawTask) -> JoinHandle<T> {
+ JoinHandle {
+ raw: Some(raw),
+ _p: PhantomData,
+ }
+ }
+impl<T> Unpin for JoinHandle<T> {}
+impl<T> Future for JoinHandle<T> {
+ type Output = super::Result<T>;
+ fn poll(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Self::Output> {
+ let mut ret = Poll::Pending;
+ // Keep track of task budget
+ let coop = ready!(crate::coop::poll_proceed(cx));
+ // Raw should always be set. If it is not, this is due to polling after
+ // completion
+ let raw = self
+ .raw
+ .as_ref()
+ .expect("polling after `JoinHandle` already completed");
+ // Try to read the task output. If the task is not yet complete, the
+ // waker is stored and is notified once the task does complete.
+ //
+ // The function must go via the vtable, which requires erasing generic
+ // types. To do this, the function "return" is placed on the stack
+ // **before** calling the function and is passed into the function using
+ // `*mut ()`.
+ //
+ // Safety:
+ //
+ // The type of `T` must match the task's output type.
+ unsafe {
+ raw.try_read_output(&mut ret as *mut _ as *mut (), cx.waker());
+ }
+ if ret.is_ready() {
+ coop.made_progress();
+ }
+ ret
+ }
+impl<T> Drop for JoinHandle<T> {
+ fn drop(&mut self) {
+ if let Some(raw) = self.raw.take() {
+ if raw.header().state.drop_join_handle_fast().is_ok() {
+ return;
+ }
+ raw.drop_join_handle_slow();
+ }
+ }
+impl<T> fmt::Debug for JoinHandle<T>
+ T: fmt::Debug,
+ fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
+ fmt.debug_struct("JoinHandle").finish()
+ }