# THIS FILE IS AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED BY CARGO # # When uploading crates to the registry Cargo will automatically # "normalize" Cargo.toml files for maximal compatibility # with all versions of Cargo and also rewrite `path` dependencies # to registry (e.g., crates.io) dependencies # # If you believe there's an error in this file please file an # issue against the rust-lang/cargo repository. If you're # editing this file be aware that the upstream Cargo.toml # will likely look very different (and much more reasonable) [package] edition = "2018" name = "tokio" version = "0.3.1" authors = ["Tokio Contributors "] description = "An event-driven, non-blocking I/O platform for writing asynchronous I/O\nbacked applications.\n" homepage = "https://tokio.rs" documentation = "https://docs.rs/tokio/0.3.1/tokio/" readme = "README.md" keywords = ["io", "async", "non-blocking", "futures"] categories = ["asynchronous", "network-programming"] license = "MIT" repository = "https://github.com/tokio-rs/tokio" [package.metadata.docs.rs] all-features = true rustdoc-args = ["--cfg", "docsrs"] [package.metadata.playground] features = ["full"] [dependencies.bytes] version = "0.6.0" optional = true [dependencies.fnv] version = "1.0.6" optional = true [dependencies.futures-core] version = "0.3.0" optional = true [dependencies.lazy_static] version = "1.0.2" optional = true [dependencies.memchr] version = "2.2" optional = true [dependencies.mio] version = "0.7.3" optional = true [dependencies.num_cpus] version = "1.8.0" optional = true [dependencies.parking_lot] version = "0.11.0" optional = true [dependencies.pin-project-lite] version = "0.1.1" [dependencies.slab] version = "0.4.1" optional = true [dependencies.tokio-macros] version = "0.3.0" optional = true [dependencies.tracing] version = "0.1.16" features = ["std"] optional = true default-features = false [dev-dependencies.futures] version = "0.3.0" features = ["async-await"] [dev-dependencies.proptest] version = "0.9.4" [dev-dependencies.tempfile] version = "3.1.0" [dev-dependencies.tokio-test] version = "0.3.0" [features] default = [] fs = [] full = ["fs", "io-util", "io-std", "macros", "net", "parking_lot", "process", "rt", "rt-multi-thread", "signal", "stream", "sync", "time"] io-std = [] io-util = ["memchr", "bytes"] macros = ["tokio-macros"] net = ["lazy_static", "libc", "mio/os-poll", "mio/tcp", "mio/udp", "mio/uds"] process = ["bytes", "lazy_static", "libc", "mio/os-poll", "mio/os-util", "mio/uds", "signal-hook-registry", "winapi/threadpoollegacyapiset"] rt = ["slab"] rt-multi-thread = ["num_cpus", "rt"] signal = ["lazy_static", "libc", "mio/os-poll", "mio/uds", "signal-hook-registry", "winapi/consoleapi"] stream = ["futures-core"] sync = ["fnv"] test-util = [] time = [] [target."cfg(loom)".dev-dependencies.loom] version = "0.3.5" features = ["futures", "checkpoint"] [target."cfg(unix)".dependencies.libc] version = "0.2.42" optional = true [target."cfg(unix)".dependencies.signal-hook-registry] version = "1.1.1" optional = true [target."cfg(windows)".dependencies.winapi] version = "0.3.8" optional = true default-features = false