use crate::runtime::blocking::task::BlockingTask; use crate::runtime::task::{self, JoinHandle}; use crate::runtime::{blocking, context, driver, Spawner}; use std::future::Future; use std::{error, fmt}; /// Handle to the runtime. /// /// The handle is internally reference-counted and can be freely cloned. A handle can be /// obtained using the [`Runtime::handle`] method. /// /// [`Runtime::handle`]: crate::runtime::Runtime::handle() #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub struct Handle { pub(super) spawner: Spawner, /// Handles to the I/O drivers pub(super) io_handle: driver::IoHandle, /// Handles to the signal drivers pub(super) signal_handle: driver::SignalHandle, /// Handles to the time drivers pub(super) time_handle: driver::TimeHandle, /// Source of `Instant::now()` pub(super) clock: driver::Clock, /// Blocking pool spawner pub(super) blocking_spawner: blocking::Spawner, } /// Runtime context guard. /// /// Returned by [`Runtime::enter`] and [`Handle::enter`], the context guard exits /// the runtime context on drop. /// /// [`Runtime::enter`]: fn@crate::runtime::Runtime::enter #[derive(Debug)] pub struct EnterGuard<'a> { handle: &'a Handle, guard: context::EnterGuard, } impl Handle { /// Enter the runtime context. This allows you to construct types that must /// have an executor available on creation such as [`Sleep`] or [`TcpStream`]. /// It will also allow you to call methods such as [`tokio::spawn`]. /// /// [`Sleep`]: struct@crate::time::Sleep /// [`TcpStream`]: struct@crate::net::TcpStream /// [`tokio::spawn`]: fn@crate::spawn pub fn enter(&self) -> EnterGuard<'_> { EnterGuard { handle: self, guard: context::enter(self.clone()), } } /// Returns a `Handle` view over the currently running `Runtime` /// /// # Panic /// /// This will panic if called outside the context of a Tokio runtime. That means that you must /// call this on one of the threads **being run by the runtime**. Calling this from within a /// thread created by `std::thread::spawn` (for example) will cause a panic. /// /// # Examples /// /// This can be used to obtain the handle of the surrounding runtime from an async /// block or function running on that runtime. /// /// ``` /// # use std::thread; /// # use tokio::runtime::Runtime; /// # fn dox() { /// # let rt = Runtime::new().unwrap(); /// # rt.spawn(async { /// use tokio::runtime::Handle; /// /// // Inside an async block or function. /// let handle = Handle::current(); /// handle.spawn(async { /// println!("now running in the existing Runtime"); /// }); /// /// # let handle = /// thread::spawn(move || { /// // Notice that the handle is created outside of this thread and then moved in /// handle.spawn(async { /* ... */ }) /// // This next line would cause a panic /// // let handle2 = Handle::current(); /// }); /// # handle.join().unwrap(); /// # }); /// # } /// ``` pub fn current() -> Self { context::current().expect("not currently running on the Tokio runtime.") } /// Returns a Handle view over the currently running Runtime /// /// Returns an error if no Runtime has been started /// /// Contrary to `current`, this never panics pub fn try_current() -> Result { context::current().ok_or(TryCurrentError(())) } /// Spawn a future onto the Tokio runtime. /// /// This spawns the given future onto the runtime's executor, usually a /// thread pool. The thread pool is then responsible for polling the future /// until it completes. /// /// See [module level][mod] documentation for more details. /// /// [mod]: index.html /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` /// use tokio::runtime::Runtime; /// /// # fn dox() { /// // Create the runtime /// let rt = Runtime::new().unwrap(); /// // Get a handle from this runtime /// let handle = rt.handle(); /// /// // Spawn a future onto the runtime using the handle /// handle.spawn(async { /// println!("now running on a worker thread"); /// }); /// # } /// ``` #[cfg_attr(tokio_track_caller, track_caller)] pub fn spawn(&self, future: F) -> JoinHandle where F: Future + Send + 'static, F::Output: Send + 'static, { #[cfg(all(tokio_unstable, feature = "tracing"))] let future = crate::util::trace::task(future, "task"); self.spawner.spawn(future) } /// Run the provided function on an executor dedicated to blocking /// operations. /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` /// use tokio::runtime::Runtime; /// /// # fn dox() { /// // Create the runtime /// let rt = Runtime::new().unwrap(); /// // Get a handle from this runtime /// let handle = rt.handle(); /// /// // Spawn a blocking function onto the runtime using the handle /// handle.spawn_blocking(|| { /// println!("now running on a worker thread"); /// }); /// # } #[cfg_attr(tokio_track_caller, track_caller)] pub fn spawn_blocking(&self, func: F) -> JoinHandle where F: FnOnce() -> R + Send + 'static, R: Send + 'static, { #[cfg(all(tokio_unstable, feature = "tracing"))] let func = { #[cfg(tokio_track_caller)] let location = std::panic::Location::caller(); #[cfg(tokio_track_caller)] let span = tracing::trace_span!( target: "tokio::task", "task", kind = %"blocking", function = %std::any::type_name::(), spawn.location = %format_args!("{}:{}:{}", location.file(), location.line(), location.column()), ); #[cfg(not(tokio_track_caller))] let span = tracing::trace_span!( target: "tokio::task", "task", kind = %"blocking", function = %std::any::type_name::(), ); move || { let _g = span.enter(); func() } }; let (task, handle) = task::joinable(BlockingTask::new(func)); let _ = self.blocking_spawner.spawn(task, &self); handle } } /// Error returned by `try_current` when no Runtime has been started pub struct TryCurrentError(()); impl fmt::Debug for TryCurrentError { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("TryCurrentError").finish() } } impl fmt::Display for TryCurrentError { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { f.write_str("no tokio Runtime has been initialized") } } impl error::Error for TryCurrentError {}