// Copyright (C) 2019 Alibaba Cloud Computing. All rights reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 or BSD-3-Clause // // Portions Copyright 2018 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. // // Portions Copyright 2017 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE-BSD-Google file. /* Auto-generated by bindgen then manually edited for simplicity */ #![allow(non_upper_case_globals)] #![allow(non_camel_case_types)] #![allow(non_snake_case)] #![allow(missing_docs)] use crate::{Error, Result}; use std::os::raw; pub const VHOST: raw::c_uint = 0xaf; pub const VHOST_VRING_F_LOG: raw::c_uint = 0; pub const VHOST_ACCESS_RO: raw::c_uint = 1; pub const VHOST_ACCESS_WO: raw::c_uint = 2; pub const VHOST_ACCESS_RW: raw::c_uint = 3; pub const VHOST_IOTLB_MISS: raw::c_uint = 1; pub const VHOST_IOTLB_UPDATE: raw::c_uint = 2; pub const VHOST_IOTLB_INVALIDATE: raw::c_uint = 3; pub const VHOST_IOTLB_ACCESS_FAIL: raw::c_uint = 4; pub const VHOST_IOTLB_MSG: raw::c_uint = 1; pub const VHOST_PAGE_SIZE: raw::c_uint = 4096; pub const VHOST_VIRTIO: raw::c_uint = 175; pub const VHOST_VRING_LITTLE_ENDIAN: raw::c_uint = 0; pub const VHOST_VRING_BIG_ENDIAN: raw::c_uint = 1; pub const VHOST_F_LOG_ALL: raw::c_uint = 26; pub const VHOST_NET_F_VIRTIO_NET_HDR: raw::c_uint = 27; pub const VHOST_SCSI_ABI_VERSION: raw::c_uint = 1; ioctl_ior_nr!(VHOST_GET_FEATURES, VHOST, 0x00, raw::c_ulonglong); ioctl_iow_nr!(VHOST_SET_FEATURES, VHOST, 0x00, raw::c_ulonglong); ioctl_io_nr!(VHOST_SET_OWNER, VHOST, 0x01); ioctl_io_nr!(VHOST_RESET_OWNER, VHOST, 0x02); ioctl_iow_nr!(VHOST_SET_MEM_TABLE, VHOST, 0x03, vhost_memory); ioctl_iow_nr!(VHOST_SET_LOG_BASE, VHOST, 0x04, raw::c_ulonglong); ioctl_iow_nr!(VHOST_SET_LOG_FD, VHOST, 0x07, raw::c_int); ioctl_iow_nr!(VHOST_SET_VRING_NUM, VHOST, 0x10, vhost_vring_state); ioctl_iow_nr!(VHOST_SET_VRING_ADDR, VHOST, 0x11, vhost_vring_addr); ioctl_iow_nr!(VHOST_SET_VRING_BASE, VHOST, 0x12, vhost_vring_state); ioctl_iowr_nr!(VHOST_GET_VRING_BASE, VHOST, 0x12, vhost_vring_state); ioctl_iow_nr!(VHOST_SET_VRING_KICK, VHOST, 0x20, vhost_vring_file); ioctl_iow_nr!(VHOST_SET_VRING_CALL, VHOST, 0x21, vhost_vring_file); ioctl_iow_nr!(VHOST_SET_VRING_ERR, VHOST, 0x22, vhost_vring_file); ioctl_iow_nr!(VHOST_NET_SET_BACKEND, VHOST, 0x30, vhost_vring_file); ioctl_iow_nr!(VHOST_SCSI_SET_ENDPOINT, VHOST, 0x40, vhost_scsi_target); ioctl_iow_nr!(VHOST_SCSI_CLEAR_ENDPOINT, VHOST, 0x41, vhost_scsi_target); ioctl_iow_nr!(VHOST_SCSI_GET_ABI_VERSION, VHOST, 0x42, raw::c_int); ioctl_iow_nr!(VHOST_SCSI_SET_EVENTS_MISSED, VHOST, 0x43, raw::c_uint); ioctl_iow_nr!(VHOST_SCSI_GET_EVENTS_MISSED, VHOST, 0x44, raw::c_uint); ioctl_iow_nr!(VHOST_VSOCK_SET_GUEST_CID, VHOST, 0x60, raw::c_ulonglong); ioctl_iow_nr!(VHOST_VSOCK_SET_RUNNING, VHOST, 0x61, raw::c_int); #[repr(C)] #[derive(Default)] pub struct __IncompleteArrayField(::std::marker::PhantomData); impl __IncompleteArrayField { #[inline] pub fn new() -> Self { __IncompleteArrayField(::std::marker::PhantomData) } #[inline] #[allow(clippy::trivially_copy_pass_by_ref)] #[allow(clippy::useless_transmute)] pub unsafe fn as_ptr(&self) -> *const T { ::std::mem::transmute(self) } #[inline] #[allow(clippy::useless_transmute)] pub unsafe fn as_mut_ptr(&mut self) -> *mut T { ::std::mem::transmute(self) } #[inline] pub unsafe fn as_slice(&self, len: usize) -> &[T] { ::std::slice::from_raw_parts(self.as_ptr(), len) } #[inline] pub unsafe fn as_mut_slice(&mut self, len: usize) -> &mut [T] { ::std::slice::from_raw_parts_mut(self.as_mut_ptr(), len) } } impl ::std::fmt::Debug for __IncompleteArrayField { fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut ::std::fmt::Formatter) -> ::std::fmt::Result { fmt.write_str("__IncompleteArrayField") } } impl ::std::clone::Clone for __IncompleteArrayField { #[inline] fn clone(&self) -> Self { Self::new() } } impl ::std::marker::Copy for __IncompleteArrayField {} #[repr(C)] #[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone)] pub struct vhost_vring_state { pub index: raw::c_uint, pub num: raw::c_uint, } #[repr(C)] #[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone)] pub struct vhost_vring_file { pub index: raw::c_uint, pub fd: raw::c_int, } #[repr(C)] #[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone)] pub struct vhost_vring_addr { pub index: raw::c_uint, pub flags: raw::c_uint, pub desc_user_addr: raw::c_ulonglong, pub used_user_addr: raw::c_ulonglong, pub avail_user_addr: raw::c_ulonglong, pub log_guest_addr: raw::c_ulonglong, } #[repr(C)] #[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone)] pub struct vhost_iotlb_msg { pub iova: raw::c_ulonglong, pub size: raw::c_ulonglong, pub uaddr: raw::c_ulonglong, pub perm: raw::c_uchar, pub type_: raw::c_uchar, } #[repr(C)] #[derive(Copy, Clone)] pub struct vhost_msg { pub type_: raw::c_int, pub __bindgen_anon_1: vhost_msg__bindgen_ty_1, } impl Default for vhost_msg { fn default() -> Self { unsafe { ::std::mem::zeroed() } } } #[repr(C)] #[derive(Copy, Clone)] pub union vhost_msg__bindgen_ty_1 { pub iotlb: vhost_iotlb_msg, pub padding: [raw::c_uchar; 64usize], _bindgen_union_align: [u64; 8usize], } impl Default for vhost_msg__bindgen_ty_1 { fn default() -> Self { unsafe { ::std::mem::zeroed() } } } #[repr(C)] #[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone)] pub struct vhost_memory_region { pub guest_phys_addr: raw::c_ulonglong, pub memory_size: raw::c_ulonglong, pub userspace_addr: raw::c_ulonglong, pub flags_padding: raw::c_ulonglong, } #[repr(C)] #[derive(Debug, Default, Clone)] pub struct vhost_memory { pub nregions: raw::c_uint, pub padding: raw::c_uint, pub regions: __IncompleteArrayField, __force_alignment: [u64; 0], } #[repr(C)] #[derive(Copy, Clone)] pub struct vhost_scsi_target { pub abi_version: raw::c_int, pub vhost_wwpn: [raw::c_char; 224usize], pub vhost_tpgt: raw::c_ushort, pub reserved: raw::c_ushort, } impl Default for vhost_scsi_target { fn default() -> Self { unsafe { ::std::mem::zeroed() } } } /// Helper to support vhost::set_mem_table() pub struct VhostMemory { buf: Vec, } impl VhostMemory { // Limit number of regions to u16 to simplify error handling pub fn new(entries: u16) -> Self { let size = std::mem::size_of::() * entries as usize; let count = (size + 2 * std::mem::size_of::() - 1) / std::mem::size_of::(); let mut buf: Vec = vec![Default::default(); count]; buf[0].nregions = u32::from(entries); VhostMemory { buf } } pub fn as_ptr(&self) -> *const char { &self.buf[0] as *const vhost_memory as *const char } pub fn get_header(&self) -> &vhost_memory { &self.buf[0] } pub fn get_region(&self, index: u32) -> Option<&vhost_memory_region> { if index >= self.buf[0].nregions { return None; } // Safe because we have allocated enough space nregions let regions = unsafe { self.buf[0].regions.as_slice(self.buf[0].nregions as usize) }; Some(®ions[index as usize]) } pub fn set_region(&mut self, index: u32, region: &vhost_memory_region) -> Result<()> { if index >= self.buf[0].nregions { return Err(Error::InvalidGuestMemory); } // Safe because we have allocated enough space nregions and checked the index. let regions = unsafe { self.buf[0].regions.as_mut_slice(index as usize + 1) }; regions[index as usize] = *region; Ok(()) } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; #[test] fn bindgen_test_layout_vhost_vring_state() { assert_eq!( ::std::mem::size_of::(), 8usize, concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(vhost_vring_state)) ); assert_eq!( ::std::mem::align_of::(), 4usize, concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(vhost_vring_state)) ); } #[test] fn bindgen_test_layout_vhost_vring_file() { assert_eq!( ::std::mem::size_of::(), 8usize, concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(vhost_vring_file)) ); assert_eq!( ::std::mem::align_of::(), 4usize, concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(vhost_vring_file)) ); } #[test] fn bindgen_test_layout_vhost_vring_addr() { assert_eq!( ::std::mem::size_of::(), 40usize, concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(vhost_vring_addr)) ); assert_eq!( ::std::mem::align_of::(), 8usize, concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(vhost_vring_addr)) ); } #[test] fn bindgen_test_layout_vhost_msg__bindgen_ty_1() { assert_eq!( ::std::mem::size_of::(), 64usize, concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(vhost_msg__bindgen_ty_1)) ); assert_eq!( ::std::mem::align_of::(), 8usize, concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(vhost_msg__bindgen_ty_1)) ); } #[test] fn bindgen_test_layout_vhost_msg() { assert_eq!( ::std::mem::size_of::(), 72usize, concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(vhost_msg)) ); assert_eq!( ::std::mem::align_of::(), 8usize, concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(vhost_msg)) ); } #[test] fn bindgen_test_layout_vhost_memory_region() { assert_eq!( ::std::mem::size_of::(), 32usize, concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(vhost_memory_region)) ); assert_eq!( ::std::mem::align_of::(), 8usize, concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(vhost_memory_region)) ); } #[test] fn bindgen_test_layout_vhost_memory() { assert_eq!( ::std::mem::size_of::(), 8usize, concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(vhost_memory)) ); assert_eq!( ::std::mem::align_of::(), 8usize, concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(vhost_memory)) ); } #[test] fn bindgen_test_layout_vhost_iotlb_msg() { assert_eq!( ::std::mem::size_of::(), 32usize, concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(vhost_iotlb_msg)) ); assert_eq!( ::std::mem::align_of::(), 8usize, concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(vhost_iotlb_msg)) ); } #[test] fn bindgen_test_layout_vhost_scsi_target() { assert_eq!( ::std::mem::size_of::(), 232usize, concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(vhost_scsi_target)) ); assert_eq!( ::std::mem::align_of::(), 4usize, concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(vhost_scsi_target)) ); } #[test] fn test_vhostmemory() { let mut obj = VhostMemory::new(2); let region = vhost_memory_region { guest_phys_addr: 0x1000u64, memory_size: 0x2000u64, userspace_addr: 0x300000u64, flags_padding: 0u64, }; assert!(obj.get_region(2).is_none()); { let header = obj.get_header(); assert_eq!(header.nregions, 2u32); } { assert!(obj.set_region(0, ®ion).is_ok()); assert!(obj.set_region(1, ®ion).is_ok()); assert!(obj.set_region(2, ®ion).is_err()); } let region1 = obj.get_region(1).unwrap(); assert_eq!(region1.guest_phys_addr, 0x1000u64); assert_eq!(region1.memory_size, 0x2000u64); assert_eq!(region1.userspace_addr, 0x300000u64); } }