path: root/src/render_pass/macros.rs
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/render_pass/macros.rs')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 237 deletions
diff --git a/src/render_pass/macros.rs b/src/render_pass/macros.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index d73a204..0000000
--- a/src/render_pass/macros.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,237 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2016 The vulkano developers
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
-// https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT
-// license <LICENSE-MIT or https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>,
-// at your option. All files in the project carrying such
-// notice may not be copied, modified, or distributed except
-// according to those terms.
-/// Builds a `RenderPass` object whose template parameter is of indeterminate type.
-macro_rules! single_pass_renderpass {
- (
- $device:expr,
- attachments: { $($a:tt)* },
- pass: {
- color: [$($color_atch:ident),*],
- depth_stencil: {$($depth_atch:ident)*}$(,)*
- $(resolve: [$($resolve_atch:ident),*])*$(,)*
- }
- ) => (
- $crate::ordered_passes_renderpass!(
- $device,
- attachments: { $($a)* },
- passes: [
- {
- color: [$($color_atch),*],
- depth_stencil: {$($depth_atch)*},
- input: [],
- resolve: [$($($resolve_atch),*)*]
- }
- ]
- )
- )
-/// Builds a `RenderPass` object whose template parameter is of indeterminate type.
-macro_rules! ordered_passes_renderpass {
- (
- $device:expr,
- attachments: {
- $(
- $atch_name:ident: {
- load: $load:ident,
- store: $store:ident,
- format: $format:expr,
- samples: $samples:expr,
- $(initial_layout: $init_layout:expr,)*
- $(final_layout: $final_layout:expr,)*
- }
- ),*
- },
- passes: [
- $(
- {
- color: [$($color_atch:ident),*],
- depth_stencil: {$($depth_atch:ident)*},
- input: [$($input_atch:ident),*]$(,)*
- $(resolve: [$($resolve_atch:ident),*])*$(,)*
- }
- ),*
- ]
- ) => ({
- use $crate::render_pass::RenderPass;
- let desc = {
- use $crate::render_pass::AttachmentDesc;
- use $crate::render_pass::RenderPassDesc;
- use $crate::render_pass::SubpassDependencyDesc;
- use $crate::render_pass::SubpassDesc;
- use $crate::image::ImageLayout;
- use $crate::sync::AccessFlags;
- use $crate::sync::PipelineStages;
- use std::convert::TryInto;
- let mut attachment_num = 0;
- $(
- let $atch_name = attachment_num;
- attachment_num += 1;
- )*
- let mut layouts: Vec<(Option<ImageLayout>, Option<ImageLayout>)> = vec![(None, None); attachment_num];
- let subpasses = vec![
- $({
- let desc = SubpassDesc {
- color_attachments: vec![
- $({
- let layout = &mut layouts[$color_atch];
- layout.0 = layout.0.or(Some(ImageLayout::ColorAttachmentOptimal));
- layout.1 = Some(ImageLayout::ColorAttachmentOptimal);
- ($color_atch, ImageLayout::ColorAttachmentOptimal)
- }),*
- ],
- depth_stencil: {
- let depth: Option<(usize, ImageLayout)> = None;
- $(
- let layout = &mut layouts[$depth_atch];
- layout.1 = Some(ImageLayout::DepthStencilAttachmentOptimal);
- layout.0 = layout.0.or(layout.1);
- let depth = Some(($depth_atch, ImageLayout::DepthStencilAttachmentOptimal));
- )*
- depth
- },
- input_attachments: vec![
- $({
- let layout = &mut layouts[$input_atch];
- layout.1 = Some(ImageLayout::ShaderReadOnlyOptimal);
- layout.0 = layout.0.or(layout.1);
- ($input_atch, ImageLayout::ShaderReadOnlyOptimal)
- }),*
- ],
- resolve_attachments: vec![
- $($({
- let layout = &mut layouts[$resolve_atch];
- layout.1 = Some(ImageLayout::TransferDstOptimal);
- layout.0 = layout.0.or(layout.1);
- ($resolve_atch, ImageLayout::TransferDstOptimal)
- }),*)*
- ],
- preserve_attachments: (0 .. attachment_num).filter(|&a| {
- $(if a == $color_atch { return false; })*
- $(if a == $depth_atch { return false; })*
- $(if a == $input_atch { return false; })*
- $($(if a == $resolve_atch { return false; })*)*
- true
- }).collect()
- };
- assert!(desc.resolve_attachments.is_empty() ||
- desc.resolve_attachments.len() == desc.color_attachments.len());
- desc
- }),*
- ];
- let dependencies = (0..subpasses.len().saturating_sub(1))
- .map(|id| {
- SubpassDependencyDesc {
- source_subpass: id,
- destination_subpass: id + 1,
- source_stages: PipelineStages {
- all_graphics: true,
- ..PipelineStages::none()
- }, // TODO: correct values
- destination_stages: PipelineStages {
- all_graphics: true,
- ..PipelineStages::none()
- }, // TODO: correct values
- source_access: AccessFlags::all(), // TODO: correct values
- destination_access: AccessFlags::all(), // TODO: correct values
- by_region: true, // TODO: correct values
- }
- })
- .collect();
- let attachments = vec![
- $({
- let layout = &mut layouts[$atch_name];
- $(layout.0 = Some($init_layout);)*
- $(layout.1 = Some($final_layout);)*
- AttachmentDesc {
- format: $format,
- samples: $samples.try_into().unwrap(),
- load: $crate::render_pass::LoadOp::$load,
- store: $crate::render_pass::StoreOp::$store,
- stencil_load: $crate::render_pass::LoadOp::$load,
- stencil_store: $crate::render_pass::StoreOp::$store,
- initial_layout: layout.0.expect(
- format!(
- "Attachment {} is missing initial_layout, this is normally \
- automatically determined but you can manually specify it for an individual \
- attachment in the single_pass_renderpass! macro",
- attachment_num
- )
- .as_ref(),
- ),
- final_layout: layout.1.expect(
- format!(
- "Attachment {} is missing final_layout, this is normally \
- automatically determined but you can manually specify it for an individual \
- attachment in the single_pass_renderpass! macro",
- attachment_num
- )
- .as_ref(),
- ),
- }
- }),*
- ];
- RenderPassDesc::new(
- attachments,
- subpasses,
- dependencies,
- )
- };
- RenderPass::new($device, desc)
- });
-mod tests {
- use crate::format::Format;
- #[test]
- fn single_pass_resolve() {
- let (device, _) = gfx_dev_and_queue!();
- let _ = single_pass_renderpass!(device.clone(),
- attachments: {
- a: {
- load: Clear,
- store: DontCare,
- format: Format::R8G8B8A8Unorm,
- samples: 4,
- },
- b: {
- load: DontCare,
- store: Store,
- format: Format::R8G8B8A8Unorm,
- samples: 1,
- }
- },
- pass: {
- color: [a],
- depth_stencil: {},
- resolve: [b],
- }
- )
- .unwrap();
- }