path: root/src/sync/future/mod.rs
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1 files changed, 555 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/sync/future/mod.rs b/src/sync/future/mod.rs
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index 0000000..e6fde7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/sync/future/mod.rs
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+// Copyright (c) 2016 The vulkano developers
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+// https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT
+// license <LICENSE-MIT or https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>,
+// at your option. All files in the project carrying such
+// notice may not be copied, modified, or distributed except
+// according to those terms.
+pub use self::fence_signal::{FenceSignalFuture, FenceSignalFutureBehavior};
+pub use self::join::JoinFuture;
+pub use self::now::{now, NowFuture};
+pub use self::semaphore_signal::SemaphoreSignalFuture;
+use crate::buffer::BufferAccess;
+use crate::command_buffer::submit::SubmitAnyBuilder;
+use crate::command_buffer::submit::SubmitBindSparseError;
+use crate::command_buffer::submit::SubmitCommandBufferError;
+use crate::command_buffer::submit::SubmitPresentError;
+use crate::command_buffer::CommandBufferExecError;
+use crate::command_buffer::CommandBufferExecFuture;
+use crate::command_buffer::PrimaryCommandBuffer;
+use crate::device::DeviceOwned;
+use crate::device::Queue;
+use crate::image::ImageAccess;
+use crate::image::ImageLayout;
+use crate::swapchain;
+use crate::swapchain::PresentFuture;
+use crate::swapchain::PresentRegion;
+use crate::swapchain::Swapchain;
+use crate::sync::AccessFlags;
+use crate::sync::FenceWaitError;
+use crate::sync::PipelineStages;
+use crate::OomError;
+use std::error;
+use std::fmt;
+use std::sync::Arc;
+mod fence_signal;
+mod join;
+mod now;
+mod semaphore_signal;
+/// Represents an event that will happen on the GPU in the future.
+/// See the documentation of the `sync` module for explanations about futures.
+// TODO: consider switching all methods to take `&mut self` for optimization purposes
+pub unsafe trait GpuFuture: DeviceOwned {
+ /// If possible, checks whether the submission has finished. If so, gives up ownership of the
+ /// resources used by these submissions.
+ ///
+ /// It is highly recommended to call `cleanup_finished` from time to time. Doing so will
+ /// prevent memory usage from increasing over time, and will also destroy the locks on
+ /// resources used by the GPU.
+ fn cleanup_finished(&mut self);
+ /// Builds a submission that, if submitted, makes sure that the event represented by this
+ /// `GpuFuture` will happen, and possibly contains extra elements (eg. a semaphore wait or an
+ /// event wait) that makes the dependency with subsequent operations work.
+ ///
+ /// It is the responsibility of the caller to ensure that the submission is going to be
+ /// submitted only once. However keep in mind that this function can perfectly be called
+ /// multiple times (as long as the returned object is only submitted once).
+ /// Also note that calling `flush()` on the future may change the value returned by
+ /// `build_submission()`.
+ ///
+ /// It is however the responsibility of the implementation to not return the same submission
+ /// from multiple different future objects. For example if you implement `GpuFuture` on
+ /// `Arc<Foo>` then `build_submission()` must always return `SubmitAnyBuilder::Empty`,
+ /// otherwise it would be possible for the user to clone the `Arc` and make the same
+ /// submission be submitted multiple times.
+ ///
+ /// It is also the responsibility of the implementation to ensure that it works if you call
+ /// `build_submission()` and submits the returned value without calling `flush()` first. In
+ /// other words, `build_submission()` should perform an implicit flush if necessary.
+ ///
+ /// Once the caller has submitted the submission and has determined that the GPU has finished
+ /// executing it, it should call `signal_finished`. Failure to do so will incur a large runtime
+ /// overhead, as the future will have to block to make sure that it is finished.
+ unsafe fn build_submission(&self) -> Result<SubmitAnyBuilder, FlushError>;
+ /// Flushes the future and submits to the GPU the actions that will permit this future to
+ /// occur.
+ ///
+ /// The implementation must remember that it was flushed. If the function is called multiple
+ /// times, only the first time must result in a flush.
+ fn flush(&self) -> Result<(), FlushError>;
+ /// Sets the future to its "complete" state, meaning that it can safely be destroyed.
+ ///
+ /// This must only be done if you called `build_submission()`, submitted the returned
+ /// submission, and determined that it was finished.
+ ///
+ /// The implementation must be aware that this function can be called multiple times on the
+ /// same future.
+ unsafe fn signal_finished(&self);
+ /// Returns the queue that triggers the event. Returns `None` if unknown or irrelevant.
+ ///
+ /// If this function returns `None` and `queue_change_allowed` returns `false`, then a panic
+ /// is likely to occur if you use this future. This is only a problem if you implement
+ /// the `GpuFuture` trait yourself for a type outside of vulkano.
+ fn queue(&self) -> Option<Arc<Queue>>;
+ /// Returns `true` if elements submitted after this future can be submitted to a different
+ /// queue than the other returned by `queue()`.
+ fn queue_change_allowed(&self) -> bool;
+ /// Checks whether submitting something after this future grants access (exclusive or shared,
+ /// depending on the parameter) to the given buffer on the given queue.
+ ///
+ /// If the access is granted, returns the pipeline stage and access flags of the latest usage
+ /// of this resource, or `None` if irrelevant.
+ ///
+ /// > **Note**: Returning `Ok` means "access granted", while returning `Err` means
+ /// > "don't know". Therefore returning `Err` is never unsafe.
+ fn check_buffer_access(
+ &self,
+ buffer: &dyn BufferAccess,
+ exclusive: bool,
+ queue: &Queue,
+ ) -> Result<Option<(PipelineStages, AccessFlags)>, AccessCheckError>;
+ /// Checks whether submitting something after this future grants access (exclusive or shared,
+ /// depending on the parameter) to the given image on the given queue.
+ ///
+ /// If the access is granted, returns the pipeline stage and access flags of the latest usage
+ /// of this resource, or `None` if irrelevant.
+ ///
+ /// Implementations must ensure that the image is in the given layout. However if the `layout`
+ /// is `Undefined` then the implementation should accept any actual layout.
+ ///
+ /// > **Note**: Returning `Ok` means "access granted", while returning `Err` means
+ /// > "don't know". Therefore returning `Err` is never unsafe.
+ ///
+ /// > **Note**: Keep in mind that changing the layout of an image also requires exclusive
+ /// > access.
+ fn check_image_access(
+ &self,
+ image: &dyn ImageAccess,
+ layout: ImageLayout,
+ exclusive: bool,
+ queue: &Queue,
+ ) -> Result<Option<(PipelineStages, AccessFlags)>, AccessCheckError>;
+ /// Joins this future with another one, representing the moment when both events have happened.
+ // TODO: handle errors
+ fn join<F>(self, other: F) -> JoinFuture<Self, F>
+ where
+ Self: Sized,
+ F: GpuFuture,
+ {
+ join::join(self, other)
+ }
+ /// Executes a command buffer after this future.
+ ///
+ /// > **Note**: This is just a shortcut function. The actual implementation is in the
+ /// > `CommandBuffer` trait.
+ #[inline]
+ fn then_execute<Cb>(
+ self,
+ queue: Arc<Queue>,
+ command_buffer: Cb,
+ ) -> Result<CommandBufferExecFuture<Self, Cb>, CommandBufferExecError>
+ where
+ Self: Sized,
+ Cb: PrimaryCommandBuffer + 'static,
+ {
+ command_buffer.execute_after(self, queue)
+ }
+ /// Executes a command buffer after this future, on the same queue as the future.
+ ///
+ /// > **Note**: This is just a shortcut function. The actual implementation is in the
+ /// > `CommandBuffer` trait.
+ #[inline]
+ fn then_execute_same_queue<Cb>(
+ self,
+ command_buffer: Cb,
+ ) -> Result<CommandBufferExecFuture<Self, Cb>, CommandBufferExecError>
+ where
+ Self: Sized,
+ Cb: PrimaryCommandBuffer + 'static,
+ {
+ let queue = self.queue().unwrap().clone();
+ command_buffer.execute_after(self, queue)
+ }
+ /// Signals a semaphore after this future. Returns another future that represents the signal.
+ ///
+ /// Call this function when you want to execute some operations on a queue and want to see the
+ /// result on another queue.
+ #[inline]
+ fn then_signal_semaphore(self) -> SemaphoreSignalFuture<Self>
+ where
+ Self: Sized,
+ {
+ semaphore_signal::then_signal_semaphore(self)
+ }
+ /// Signals a semaphore after this future and flushes it. Returns another future that
+ /// represents the moment when the semaphore is signalled.
+ ///
+ /// This is a just a shortcut for `then_signal_semaphore()` followed with `flush()`.
+ ///
+ /// When you want to execute some operations A on a queue and some operations B on another
+ /// queue that need to see the results of A, it can be a good idea to submit A as soon as
+ /// possible while you're preparing B.
+ ///
+ /// If you ran A and B on the same queue, you would have to decide between submitting A then
+ /// B, or A and B simultaneously. Both approaches have their trade-offs. But if A and B are
+ /// on two different queues, then you would need two submits anyway and it is always
+ /// advantageous to submit A as soon as possible.
+ #[inline]
+ fn then_signal_semaphore_and_flush(self) -> Result<SemaphoreSignalFuture<Self>, FlushError>
+ where
+ Self: Sized,
+ {
+ let f = self.then_signal_semaphore();
+ f.flush()?;
+ Ok(f)
+ }
+ /// Signals a fence after this future. Returns another future that represents the signal.
+ ///
+ /// > **Note**: More often than not you want to immediately flush the future after calling this
+ /// > function. If so, consider using `then_signal_fence_and_flush`.
+ #[inline]
+ fn then_signal_fence(self) -> FenceSignalFuture<Self>
+ where
+ Self: Sized,
+ {
+ fence_signal::then_signal_fence(self, FenceSignalFutureBehavior::Continue)
+ }
+ /// Signals a fence after this future. Returns another future that represents the signal.
+ ///
+ /// This is a just a shortcut for `then_signal_fence()` followed with `flush()`.
+ #[inline]
+ fn then_signal_fence_and_flush(self) -> Result<FenceSignalFuture<Self>, FlushError>
+ where
+ Self: Sized,
+ {
+ let f = self.then_signal_fence();
+ f.flush()?;
+ Ok(f)
+ }
+ /// Presents a swapchain image after this future.
+ ///
+ /// You should only ever do this indirectly after a `SwapchainAcquireFuture` of the same image,
+ /// otherwise an error will occur when flushing.
+ ///
+ /// > **Note**: This is just a shortcut for the `Swapchain::present()` function.
+ #[inline]
+ fn then_swapchain_present<W>(
+ self,
+ queue: Arc<Queue>,
+ swapchain: Arc<Swapchain<W>>,
+ image_index: usize,
+ ) -> PresentFuture<Self, W>
+ where
+ Self: Sized,
+ {
+ swapchain::present(swapchain, self, queue, image_index)
+ }
+ /// Same as `then_swapchain_present`, except it allows specifying a present region.
+ ///
+ /// > **Note**: This is just a shortcut for the `Swapchain::present_incremental()` function.
+ #[inline]
+ fn then_swapchain_present_incremental<W>(
+ self,
+ queue: Arc<Queue>,
+ swapchain: Arc<Swapchain<W>>,
+ image_index: usize,
+ present_region: PresentRegion,
+ ) -> PresentFuture<Self, W>
+ where
+ Self: Sized,
+ {
+ swapchain::present_incremental(swapchain, self, queue, image_index, present_region)
+ }
+ /// Turn the current future into a `Box<dyn GpuFuture>`.
+ ///
+ /// This is a helper function that calls `Box::new(yourFuture) as Box<dyn GpuFuture>`.
+ fn boxed(self) -> Box<dyn GpuFuture>
+ where
+ Self: Sized + 'static,
+ {
+ Box::new(self) as _
+ }
+unsafe impl<F: ?Sized> GpuFuture for Box<F>
+ F: GpuFuture,
+ #[inline]
+ fn cleanup_finished(&mut self) {
+ (**self).cleanup_finished()
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ unsafe fn build_submission(&self) -> Result<SubmitAnyBuilder, FlushError> {
+ (**self).build_submission()
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ fn flush(&self) -> Result<(), FlushError> {
+ (**self).flush()
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ unsafe fn signal_finished(&self) {
+ (**self).signal_finished()
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ fn queue_change_allowed(&self) -> bool {
+ (**self).queue_change_allowed()
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ fn queue(&self) -> Option<Arc<Queue>> {
+ (**self).queue()
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ fn check_buffer_access(
+ &self,
+ buffer: &dyn BufferAccess,
+ exclusive: bool,
+ queue: &Queue,
+ ) -> Result<Option<(PipelineStages, AccessFlags)>, AccessCheckError> {
+ (**self).check_buffer_access(buffer, exclusive, queue)
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ fn check_image_access(
+ &self,
+ image: &dyn ImageAccess,
+ layout: ImageLayout,
+ exclusive: bool,
+ queue: &Queue,
+ ) -> Result<Option<(PipelineStages, AccessFlags)>, AccessCheckError> {
+ (**self).check_image_access(image, layout, exclusive, queue)
+ }
+/// Access to a resource was denied.
+#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
+pub enum AccessError {
+ /// Exclusive access is denied.
+ ExclusiveDenied,
+ /// The resource is already in use, and there is no tracking of concurrent usages.
+ AlreadyInUse,
+ UnexpectedImageLayout {
+ allowed: ImageLayout,
+ requested: ImageLayout,
+ },
+ /// Trying to use an image without transitioning it from the "undefined" or "preinitialized"
+ /// layouts first.
+ ImageNotInitialized {
+ /// The layout that was requested for the image.
+ requested: ImageLayout,
+ },
+ /// Trying to use a buffer that still contains garbage data.
+ BufferNotInitialized,
+ /// Trying to use a swapchain image without depending on a corresponding acquire image future.
+ SwapchainImageAcquireOnly,
+impl error::Error for AccessError {}
+impl fmt::Display for AccessError {
+ #[inline]
+ fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> Result<(), fmt::Error> {
+ write!(
+ fmt,
+ "{}",
+ match *self {
+ AccessError::ExclusiveDenied => "only shared access is allowed for this resource",
+ AccessError::AlreadyInUse => {
+ "the resource is already in use, and there is no tracking of concurrent usages"
+ }
+ AccessError::UnexpectedImageLayout { .. } => {
+ unimplemented!() // TODO: find a description
+ }
+ AccessError::ImageNotInitialized { .. } => {
+ "trying to use an image without transitioning it from the undefined or \
+ preinitialized layouts first"
+ }
+ AccessError::BufferNotInitialized => {
+ "trying to use a buffer that still contains garbage data"
+ }
+ AccessError::SwapchainImageAcquireOnly => {
+ "trying to use a swapchain image without depending on a corresponding acquire \
+ image future"
+ }
+ }
+ )
+ }
+/// Error that can happen when checking whether we have access to a resource.
+#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
+pub enum AccessCheckError {
+ /// Access to the resource has been denied.
+ Denied(AccessError),
+ /// The resource is unknown, therefore we cannot possibly answer whether we have access or not.
+ Unknown,
+impl error::Error for AccessCheckError {}
+impl fmt::Display for AccessCheckError {
+ #[inline]
+ fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> Result<(), fmt::Error> {
+ write!(
+ fmt,
+ "{}",
+ match *self {
+ AccessCheckError::Denied(_) => "access to the resource has been denied",
+ AccessCheckError::Unknown => "the resource is unknown",
+ }
+ )
+ }
+impl From<AccessError> for AccessCheckError {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from(err: AccessError) -> AccessCheckError {
+ AccessCheckError::Denied(err)
+ }
+/// Error that can happen when creating a graphics pipeline.
+#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
+pub enum FlushError {
+ /// Access to a resource has been denied.
+ AccessError(AccessError),
+ /// Not enough memory.
+ OomError(OomError),
+ /// The connection to the device has been lost.
+ DeviceLost,
+ /// The surface is no longer accessible and must be recreated.
+ SurfaceLost,
+ /// The surface has changed in a way that makes the swapchain unusable. You must query the
+ /// surface's new properties and recreate a new swapchain if you want to continue drawing.
+ OutOfDate,
+ /// The swapchain has lost or doesn't have fullscreen exclusivity possibly for
+ /// implementation-specific reasons outside of the application’s control.
+ FullscreenExclusiveLost,
+ /// The flush operation needed to block, but the timeout has elapsed.
+ Timeout,
+impl error::Error for FlushError {
+ #[inline]
+ fn source(&self) -> Option<&(dyn error::Error + 'static)> {
+ match *self {
+ FlushError::AccessError(ref err) => Some(err),
+ FlushError::OomError(ref err) => Some(err),
+ _ => None,
+ }
+ }
+impl fmt::Display for FlushError {
+ #[inline]
+ fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> Result<(), fmt::Error> {
+ write!(
+ fmt,
+ "{}",
+ match *self {
+ FlushError::AccessError(_) => "access to a resource has been denied",
+ FlushError::OomError(_) => "not enough memory",
+ FlushError::DeviceLost => "the connection to the device has been lost",
+ FlushError::SurfaceLost => "the surface of this swapchain is no longer valid",
+ FlushError::OutOfDate => "the swapchain needs to be recreated",
+ FlushError::FullscreenExclusiveLost => {
+ "the swapchain no longer has fullscreen exclusivity"
+ }
+ FlushError::Timeout => {
+ "the flush operation needed to block, but the timeout has \
+ elapsed"
+ }
+ }
+ )
+ }
+impl From<AccessError> for FlushError {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from(err: AccessError) -> FlushError {
+ FlushError::AccessError(err)
+ }
+impl From<SubmitPresentError> for FlushError {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from(err: SubmitPresentError) -> FlushError {
+ match err {
+ SubmitPresentError::OomError(err) => FlushError::OomError(err),
+ SubmitPresentError::DeviceLost => FlushError::DeviceLost,
+ SubmitPresentError::SurfaceLost => FlushError::SurfaceLost,
+ SubmitPresentError::OutOfDate => FlushError::OutOfDate,
+ SubmitPresentError::FullscreenExclusiveLost => FlushError::FullscreenExclusiveLost,
+ }
+ }
+impl From<SubmitCommandBufferError> for FlushError {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from(err: SubmitCommandBufferError) -> FlushError {
+ match err {
+ SubmitCommandBufferError::OomError(err) => FlushError::OomError(err),
+ SubmitCommandBufferError::DeviceLost => FlushError::DeviceLost,
+ }
+ }
+impl From<SubmitBindSparseError> for FlushError {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from(err: SubmitBindSparseError) -> FlushError {
+ match err {
+ SubmitBindSparseError::OomError(err) => FlushError::OomError(err),
+ SubmitBindSparseError::DeviceLost => FlushError::DeviceLost,
+ }
+ }
+impl From<FenceWaitError> for FlushError {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from(err: FenceWaitError) -> FlushError {
+ match err {
+ FenceWaitError::OomError(err) => FlushError::OomError(err),
+ FenceWaitError::Timeout => FlushError::Timeout,
+ FenceWaitError::DeviceLostError => FlushError::DeviceLost,
+ }
+ }