const EXPECTED: &str = "\ cxxbridge $VERSION David Tolnay Usage: cxxbridge .rs Emit .cc file for bridge to stdout cxxbridge .rs --header Emit .h file for bridge to stdout cxxbridge --header Emit \"rust/cxx.h\" header to stdout Arguments: [input] Input Rust source file containing #[cxx::bridge]. Options: --cfg Compilation configuration matching what will be used to build the Rust side of the bridge. --cxx-impl-annotations Optional annotation for implementations of C++ function wrappers that may be exposed to Rust. You may for example need to provide __declspec(dllexport) or __attribute__((visibility(\"default\"))) if Rust code from one shared object or executable depends on these C++ functions in another. --header Emit header with declarations only. Optional if using `-o` with a path ending in `.h`. --help Print help information. -i, --include Any additional headers to #include. The cxxbridge tool does not parse or even require the given paths to exist; they simply go into the generated C++ code as #include lines. -o, --output Path of file to write as output. Output goes to stdout if -o is not specified. --version Print version information. "; #[test] fn test_help() { let mut app = super::app(); let mut out = Vec::new(); app.write_long_help(&mut out).unwrap(); let help = String::from_utf8(out).unwrap(); let version = option_env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION").unwrap_or_default(); let expected = EXPECTED.replace("$VERSION", version); assert_eq!(help, expected); } #[test] fn test_cli() { let app = super::app(); app.debug_assert(); }