path: root/
diff options
authorLogan Chien <>2017-08-31 15:38:01 +0800
committerLogan Chien <>2017-09-12 14:34:44 +0800
commitee1d014f108d3578425ce594c636be211c50ecfb (patch)
tree090e2efe19c843ffd7475c70079c05bc9f643b7e /
parent629ed239a9d27f2b58697ef48d7a12c81e5d74cf (diff)
Convert to Android.bp
This commit converts,,, and files to an Android.bp file. If BOARD_VNDK_VERSION is set to current, vendor modules won't be allowed to link libscrypt_static. To make libscrypt_static available to vendor modules, we have to set vendor_available to true. However, vendor_available is an Android.bp feature, thus we have to convert to Android.bp first. Bug: 65425184 Test: mm -j8 && adb sync && adb shell /data/nativetest/scrypt_test/scrypt_test Test: mm -j8 && adb sync && \ adb shell /data/nativetest64/scrypt_test/scrypt_test Change-Id: I8e901b0b1bec172d5e57f529ca76eae1c57def6a
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 116 insertions, 146 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index d85d763..0aa5168 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -166,37 +166,15 @@ function filter_by_egrep() {
# $1: space-separated list
# Out: new space-separated list
function uniq_sort () {
- echo "$@" | tr ' ' '\n' | sort -u | tr '\n' ' '
+ echo "$@" | tr ' ' '\n' | sort -u | tr '\n' ' ' | \
+ sed -e 's/^[[:space:]]*//' -e 's/[[:space:]]*$//'
function print_autogenerated_header() {
- echo "# Auto-generated - DO NOT EDIT!"
- echo "# To regenerate, edit scrypt.config, then run:"
- echo "# ./ import /path/to/scrypt-$SCRYPT_VERSION.tar.gz"
- echo "#"
-function generate_build_config_mk() {
- ./configure $CONFIGURE_ARGS
- #rm -f apps/ crypto/scryptconf.h.bak
- declare -r tmpfile=$(mktemp)
- (grep -e -D Makefile | grep -v CONFIGURE_ARGS= | grep -v OPTIONS=) > $tmpfile
- declare -r cflags=$(filter_by_egrep "^-D" $(grep -e "^CFLAG=" $tmpfile))
- declare -r depflags=$(filter_by_egrep "^-D" $(grep -e "^DEPFLAG=" $tmpfile))
- rm -f $tmpfile
- echo "Generating $(basename $1)"
- (
- print_autogenerated_header
- echo "scrypt_cflags := \\"
- for cflag in $cflags $depflags; do
- echo " $cflag \\"
- done
- echo ""
- ) > $1
+ echo "// Auto-generated - DO NOT EDIT!"
+ echo "// To regenerate, edit scrypt.config, then run:"
+ echo "// ./ import /path/to/scrypt-$SCRYPT_VERSION.tar.gz"
+ echo "//"
# Return the value of a computed variable name.
@@ -219,134 +197,130 @@ var_sorted_value() {
uniq_sort $(var_value $1)
-# Print the definition of a given variable in a GNU Make build file.
-# $1: Variable name (e.g. common_src_files)
-# $2+: Variable value (e.g. list of sources)
-print_vardef_in_mk() {
- declare -r varname=$1
+# $1: Property name
+# $2: Indent
+# $3: Values
+print_list_in_bp() {
+ declare -r indent="$1"
- if [ -z "$1" ]; then
- echo "$varname :="
- else
- echo "$varname := \\"
- for src; do
- echo " $src \\"
- done
- fi
- echo ""
-# Same as print_vardef_in_mk, but print a CFLAGS definition from
-# a list of compiler defines.
-# $1: Variable name (e.g. common_c_flags)
-# $2: List of defines (e.g. SCRYPT_NO_DONKEYS ...)
-print_defines_in_mk() {
- declare -r varname=$1
+ declare -r name="$1"
- if [ -z "$1" ]; then
- echo "$varname :="
- else
- echo "$varname := \\"
- for def; do
- echo " -D$def \\"
+ if [ -n "$*" ]; then
+ echo "${indent}${name}: ["
+ for value in "$@"; do
+ echo "${indent} \"${value}\","
+ echo "${indent}],"
- echo ""
-# Generate a configuration file like
-# This uses variable definitions from scrypt.config to build a config
-# file that can compute the list of target- and host-specific sources /
-# compiler flags for a given component.
-# $1: Target file name. (e.g.
-function generate_config_mk() {
- declare -r output="$1"
- declare -r all_archs="arm arm_neon x86 x86_64 mips"
+# Print an architecture-specific section
+# $1: Arch
+# $2: Arch variant
+print_arch_section_in_bp() {
+ declare -r arch="$1"
+ declare -r variant="$2"
- echo "Generating $(basename $output)"
- (
- print_autogenerated_header
- echo \
-"# Before including this file, the local must define the following
-# variables:
-# local_c_flags
-# local_c_includes
-# local_additional_dependencies
-# This script will define the following variables:
-# target_c_flags
-# target_c_includes
-# target_src_files
-# host_c_flags
-# host_c_includes
-# host_src_files
+ declare -r srcs="$(var_sorted_value SCRYPT_SOURCES_${arch})"
+ declare -r exclude_srcs="$(var_sorted_value SCRYPT_SOURCES_EXCLUDES_${arch})"
-# Ensure these are empty.
-unknown_arch_c_flags :=
-unknown_arch_src_files :=
-unknown_arch_exclude_files :=
+ declare -r srcs_variant="$(var_sorted_value SCRYPT_SOURCES_${arch}_${variant})"
+ declare -r exclude_srcs_variant="$(var_sorted_value SCRYPT_SOURCES_EXCLUDES_${arch}_${variant})"
- common_defines=$(var_sorted_value SCRYPT_DEFINES)
- print_defines_in_mk common_c_flags $common_defines
+ if [ -n "${srcs}${exclude_srcs}${srcs_variant}${exclude_srcs_variant}" ]; then
+ echo " ${arch}: {"
- common_sources=$(var_sorted_value SCRYPT_SOURCES)
- print_vardef_in_mk common_src_files $common_sources
+ print_list_in_bp " " "srcs" ${srcs}
+ print_list_in_bp " " "exclude_srcs" ${exclude_srcs}
- common_includes=$(var_sorted_value SCRYPT_INCLUDES)
- print_vardef_in_mk common_c_includes $common_includes
+ if [ -n "${src_variant}${exclude_srcs_variant}" ]; then
+ echo " ${variant}: {"
+ print_list_in_bp " " "srcs" ${srcs_variant}
+ print_list_in_bp " " "exclude_srcs" ${exclude_srcs_variant}
+ echo " },"
+ fi
- for arch in $all_archs; do
- arch_defines=$(var_sorted_value SCRYPT_DEFINES_${arch})
- print_defines_in_mk ${arch}_c_flags $arch_defines
+ echo " },"
+ fi
- arch_sources=$(var_sorted_value SCRYPT_SOURCES_${arch})
- print_vardef_in_mk ${arch}_src_files $arch_sources
+# Generate sources.bp from scrypt.config
+# $1: Target file name. (e.g. sources.bp)
+function generate_android_bp() {
+ declare -r output="$1"
- arch_exclude_sources=$(var_sorted_value SCRYPT_SOURCES_EXCLUDES_${arch})
- print_vardef_in_mk ${arch}_exclude_files $arch_exclude_sources
+ # Extract cflags from upstream `./configure` script
- done
+ ./configure $CONFIGURE_ARGS
+ declare -r tmpfile=$(mktemp)
+ (grep -e -D Makefile | grep -v CONFIGURE_ARGS= | grep -v OPTIONS=) > $tmpfile
+ declare -r ac_cflags=$(filter_by_egrep "^-D" $(grep -e "^CFLAG=" $tmpfile))
+ declare -r ac_depflags=$(filter_by_egrep "^-D" $(grep -e "^DEPFLAG=" $tmpfile))
+ rm -f $tmpfile
- echo "\
-target_arch := \$(TARGET_ARCH)
-ifeq (\$(target_arch)-\$(TARGET_HAS_BIGENDIAN),mips-true)
-target_arch := unknown_arch
-target_c_flags := \$(common_c_flags) \$(\$(target_arch)_c_flags) \$(local_c_flags)
-target_c_includes := \$(addprefix external/scrypt/,\$(common_c_includes)) \$(local_c_includes)
-target_src_files := \$(common_src_files) \$(\$(target_arch)_src_files)
-target_src_files := \$(filter-out \$(\$(target_arch)_exclude_files), \$(target_src_files))
-# Hacks for ARM NEON support
-ifeq (\$(target_arch),arm)
-ifeq (\$(ARCH_ARM_HAVE_NEON),true)
-target_c_flags += \$(arm_neon_c_flags)
-target_src_files += \$(arm_neon_src_files)
-target_src_files := \$(filter-out \$(arm_neon_exclude_files), \$(target_src_files))
-ifeq (\$(HOST_OS)-\$(HOST_ARCH),linux-x86)
-host_arch := x86
-host_arch := unknown_arch
-host_c_flags := \$(common_c_flags) \$(\$(host_arch)_c_flags) \$(local_c_flags)
-host_c_includes := \$(addprefix external/scrypt/,\$(common_c_includes)) \$(local_c_includes)
-host_src_files := \$(common_src_files) \$(\$(host_arch)_src_files)
-host_src_files := \$(filter-out \$(\$(host_arch)_exclude_files), \$(host_src_files))
-local_additional_dependencies += \$(LOCAL_PATH)/$(basename $output)
+ cd ..
+ # Generate sources.bp
+ echo "Generating $(basename $output)"
+ (
+ print_autogenerated_header
+ cat <<__EOF__
+// Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+cc_defaults {
+ name: "libscrypt_sources",
+ print_list_in_bp " " "cflags" \
+ $(var_sorted_value SCRYPT_CFLAGS) ${ac_cflags} ${ac_depflags}
+ echo
+ print_list_in_bp " " "export_include_dirs" \
+ $(var_sorted_value SCRYPT_EXPORT_C_INCLUDE_DIRS)
+ echo
+ print_list_in_bp " " "local_include_dirs" \
+ $(var_sorted_value SCRYPT_INCLUDES)
+ echo
+ print_list_in_bp " " "srcs" $(var_sorted_value SCRYPT_SOURCES)
+ echo
+ echo " arch: {"
+ print_arch_section_in_bp "arm" "neon"
+ print_arch_section_in_bp "arm64"
+ print_arch_section_in_bp "x86"
+ print_arch_section_in_bp "x86_64"
+ print_arch_section_in_bp "mips"
+ print_arch_section_in_bp "mips64"
+ cat <<__EOF__
+ },
) > "$output"
@@ -356,15 +330,11 @@ function import() {
untar $SCRYPT_SOURCE readonly
applypatches $SCRYPT_DIR
- generate_build_config_mk ../
+ cd $SCRYPT_DIR/..
- cd ..
- generate_config_mk
+ generate_android_bp "sources.bp"
# Prune unnecessary sources