../../LunarGLASS/test/depthOut.frag WARNING: 0:3: varying deprecated in version 130; may be removed in future release WARNING: 0:4: varying deprecated in version 130; may be removed in future release Shader version: 130 0:? Sequence 0:6 Function Definition: main( (void) 0:6 Function Parameters: 0:8 Sequence 0:8 move second child to first child (float) 0:8 'gl_FragDepth' (gl_FragDepth float) 0:8 'Depth' (smooth in float) 0:9 move second child to first child (4-component vector of float) 0:9 'gl_FragColor' (fragColor 4-component vector of float) 0:9 'Color' (smooth in 4-component vector of float) 0:? Linker Objects 0:? 'Color' (smooth in 4-component vector of float) 0:? 'Depth' (smooth in float) Linked fragment stage: Shader version: 130 0:? Sequence 0:6 Function Definition: main( (void) 0:6 Function Parameters: 0:8 Sequence 0:8 move second child to first child (float) 0:8 'gl_FragDepth' (gl_FragDepth float) 0:8 'Depth' (smooth in float) 0:9 move second child to first child (4-component vector of float) 0:9 'gl_FragColor' (fragColor 4-component vector of float) 0:9 'Color' (smooth in 4-component vector of float) 0:? Linker Objects 0:? 'Color' (smooth in 4-component vector of float) 0:? 'Depth' (smooth in float)