workspace(name = "skia") load("//bazel:deps.bzl", "bazel_deps", "c_plus_plus_deps") bazel_deps() load("//toolchain:download_toolchains.bzl", "download_toolchains_for_skia") download_toolchains_for_skia("clang_linux_amd64", "clang_mac", "ndk_linux_amd64") load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:http.bzl", "http_archive") load("//bazel:gcs_mirror.bzl", "gcs_mirror_url") # See http_archive( name = "emsdk", sha256 = "cb8cded78f6953283429d724556e89211e51ac4d871fcf38e0b32405ee248e91", strip_prefix = "emsdk-3.1.44/bazel", urls = gcs_mirror_url( sha256 = "cb8cded78f6953283429d724556e89211e51ac4d871fcf38e0b32405ee248e91", url = "", ), ) load("@emsdk//:deps.bzl", emsdk_deps = "deps") # One of the deps here is build_bazel_rules_nodejs, currently version 5.8.0 # If we try to install it ourselves after this, it won't work. emsdk_deps() load("@emsdk//:emscripten_deps.bzl", emsdk_emscripten_deps = "emscripten_deps") emsdk_emscripten_deps(emscripten_version = "3.1.44") load("@bazel_toolchains//repositories:repositories.bzl", bazel_toolchains_repositories = "repositories") bazel_toolchains_repositories() http_archive( name = "rules_pkg", sha256 = "8f9ee2dc10c1ae514ee599a8b42ed99fa262b757058f65ad3c384289ff70c4b8", urls = gcs_mirror_url( sha256 = "8f9ee2dc10c1ae514ee599a8b42ed99fa262b757058f65ad3c384289ff70c4b8", url = "", ), ) load("@rules_pkg//:deps.bzl", "rules_pkg_dependencies") rules_pkg_dependencies() ####################################################################################### # Python ####################################################################################### # http_archive( name = "rules_python", sha256 = "5fa3c738d33acca3b97622a13a741129f67ef43f5fdfcec63b29374cc0574c29", strip_prefix = "rules_python-0.9.0", urls = gcs_mirror_url( sha256 = "5fa3c738d33acca3b97622a13a741129f67ef43f5fdfcec63b29374cc0574c29", url = "", ), ) # This sets up a hermetic python3, rather than depending on what is installed. load("@rules_python//python:repositories.bzl", "python_register_toolchains") python_register_toolchains( name = "python3_9", # python_version = "3.9", ) load("@python3_9//:defs.bzl", "interpreter") load("@rules_python//python:pip.bzl", "pip_install") pip_install( name = "py_deps", python_interpreter_target = interpreter, requirements = "//:requirements.txt", ) ####################################################################################### # Maven ####################################################################################### # http_archive( name = "rules_jvm_external", sha256 = "cd1a77b7b02e8e008439ca76fd34f5b07aecb8c752961f9640dea15e9e5ba1ca", strip_prefix = "rules_jvm_external-4.2", urls = gcs_mirror_url( sha256 = "cd1a77b7b02e8e008439ca76fd34f5b07aecb8c752961f9640dea15e9e5ba1ca", url = "", ), ) load("@rules_jvm_external//:repositories.bzl", "rules_jvm_external_deps") rules_jvm_external_deps() load("@rules_jvm_external//:setup.bzl", "rules_jvm_external_setup") rules_jvm_external_setup() load("@rules_jvm_external//:defs.bzl", "maven_install") maven_install( artifacts = [ # The version released after this one (1.6.0-rc1) did not resolve unknown symbol errors when # building. # "androidx.annotation:annotation:1.5.0", ], repositories = [ "", "", ], ) ####################################################################################### # Gazelle ####################################################################################### http_archive( name = "io_bazel_rules_go", sha256 = "91585017debb61982f7054c9688857a2ad1fd823fc3f9cb05048b0025c47d023", urls = [ "", "", ], ) http_archive( name = "bazel_gazelle", sha256 = "d3fa66a39028e97d76f9e2db8f1b0c11c099e8e01bf363a923074784e451f809", urls = [ "", "", ], ) load("@bazel_gazelle//:deps.bzl", "gazelle_dependencies") load("@io_bazel_rules_go//go:deps.bzl", "go_download_sdk", "go_register_toolchains", "go_rules_dependencies") load("//:go_repositories.bzl", "go_repositories") # gazelle:repository_macro go_repositories.bzl%go_repositories go_repositories() go_rules_dependencies() # For our Linux RBE pool go_download_sdk( name = "go_sdk_linux_amd64", goarch = "amd64", goos = "linux", version = "1.21.4", ) # For the host machine go_download_sdk( name = "go_sdk", version = "1.21.4", ) # Do not specify a version here or it will be an error (because we # specified the version above when downloading SDKs) go_register_toolchains() gazelle_dependencies( go_repository_default_config = "//:WORKSPACE.bazel", go_sdk = "go_sdk", ) ########################## # Other Go dependencies. # ########################## load("//bazel:go_googleapis_compatibility_hack.bzl", "go_googleapis_compatibility_hack") # Compatibility hack to make the Go module work with rules_go # v0.41.0 or newer. See the go_googleapis() rule's docstring for details. go_googleapis_compatibility_hack( name = "go_googleapis", ) # Needed by @com_github_bazelbuild_remote_apis. http_archive( name = "com_google_protobuf", sha256 = "b8ab9bbdf0c6968cf20060794bc61e231fae82aaf69d6e3577c154181991f576", strip_prefix = "protobuf-3.18.1", urls = gcs_mirror_url( sha256 = "b8ab9bbdf0c6968cf20060794bc61e231fae82aaf69d6e3577c154181991f576", url = "", ), ) # Originally, we pulled protobuf dependencies as follows: # # load("@com_google_protobuf//:protobuf_deps.bzl", "protobuf_deps") # protobuf_deps() # # The protobuf_deps() macro brings in a bunch of dependencies, but by copying the macro body here # and removing dependencies one by one, "rules_proto" was identified as the only dependency that is # required to build this repository. http_archive( name = "rules_proto", sha256 = "a4382f78723af788f0bc19fd4c8411f44ffe0a72723670a34692ffad56ada3ac", strip_prefix = "rules_proto-f7a30f6f80006b591fa7c437fe5a951eb10bcbcf", urls = [""], ) http_archive( name = "com_google_googleapis", sha256 = "38701e513aff81c89f0f727e925bf04ac4883913d03a60cdebb2c2a5f10beb40", strip_prefix = "googleapis-86fa44cc5ee2136e87c312f153113d4dd8e9c4de", urls = [ "", ], ) # Needed by @com_github_bazelbuild_remote_apis for the googleapis protos. http_archive( name = "googleapis", build_file = "BUILD.googleapis", sha256 = "7b6ea252f0b8fb5cd722f45feb83e115b689909bbb6a393a873b6cbad4ceae1d", strip_prefix = "googleapis-143084a2624b6591ee1f9d23e7f5241856642f4d", urls = gcs_mirror_url( sha256 = "7b6ea252f0b8fb5cd722f45feb83e115b689909bbb6a393a873b6cbad4ceae1d", # b/267219467 url = "", ), ) load("@com_google_googleapis//:repository_rules.bzl", googleapis_imports_switched_rules_by_language = "switched_rules_by_language") googleapis_imports_switched_rules_by_language( name = "com_google_googleapis_imports", go = True, grpc = True, ) # Needed by @com_github_bazelbuild_remote_apis for gRPC. http_archive( name = "com_github_grpc_grpc", sha256 = "b391a327429279f6f29b9ae7e5317cd80d5e9d49cc100e6d682221af73d984a6", strip_prefix = "grpc-93e8830070e9afcbaa992c75817009ee3f4b63a0", # v1.24.3 with fixes urls = gcs_mirror_url( sha256 = "b391a327429279f6f29b9ae7e5317cd80d5e9d49cc100e6d682221af73d984a6", # Fix after is resolved url = "", ), ) # Originally, we pulled gRPC dependencies as follows: # # load("@com_github_grpc_grpc//bazel:grpc_deps.bzl", "grpc_deps") # grpc_deps() # # The grpc_deps() macro brings in a bunch of dependencies, but by copying the macro body here # and removing dependencies one by one, "zlib" was identified as the only dependency that is # required to build this repository. http_archive( name = "zlib", build_file = "@com_github_grpc_grpc//third_party:zlib.BUILD", sha256 = "6d4d6640ca3121620995ee255945161821218752b551a1a180f4215f7d124d45", strip_prefix = "zlib-cacf7f1d4e3d44d871b605da3b647f07d718623f", url = "", ) ################################################### # JavaScript / TypeScript rules and dependencies. # ################################################### # The npm_install rule runs anytime the package.json or package-lock.json file changes. It also # extracts any Bazel rules distributed in an npm package. load("@build_bazel_rules_nodejs//:index.bzl", "npm_install") # Manages the node_modules directory. npm_install( name = "npm", package_json = "//:package.json", package_lock_json = "//:package-lock.json", ) # io_bazel_rules_webtesting allows us to download browsers in a hermetic, repeatable way. This # currently includes Chromium and Firefox. Note that the version on this does not necessarily # match the version below of the browsers-X.Y.Z below that is available. http_archive( name = "io_bazel_rules_webtesting", sha256 = "e9abb7658b6a129740c0b3ef6f5a2370864e102a5ba5ffca2cea565829ed825a", urls = gcs_mirror_url( sha256 = "e9abb7658b6a129740c0b3ef6f5a2370864e102a5ba5ffca2cea565829ed825a", url = "", ), ) # load("@io_bazel_rules_webtesting//web/versioned:browsers-0.3.3.bzl", "browser_repositories") browser_repositories( chromium = True, firefox = True, ) ################################################### # Rust rules and dependencies. # ################################################### http_archive( name = "rules_rust", integrity = "sha256-GuRaQT0LlDOYcyDfKtQQ22oV+vtsiM8P0b87qsvoJts=", urls = gcs_mirror_url( sha256 = "1ae45a413d0b9433987320df2ad410db6a15fafb6c88cf0fd1bf3baacbe826db", url = "", ), ) load("@rules_rust//rust:repositories.bzl", "rules_rust_dependencies", "rust_register_toolchains") # rules_rust_dependencies() rust_register_toolchains( edition = "2021", extra_target_triples = ["aarch64-apple-darwin"], versions = [ # supported versions from # The rust rules validate a toolchain by sha256 hash, as listed in "1.76.0", ], ) # load("@rules_rust//crate_universe:repositories.bzl", "crate_universe_dependencies") crate_universe_dependencies() # cxxbridge-cmd is a binary only Rust crate, so we follow these instructions for it # # If we need to update this, replace the Cargo.lock files with empty (existing) files and then # CARGO_BAZEL_REPIN=1 bazel sync --only=crate_index http_archive( name = "cxxbridge_cmd", build_file = "//bazel/external/cxxbridge_cmd:BUILD.bazel.skia", sha256 = "b20c2a31fb5a2e2aeebced19e35d78a974301171391b39e36d5ebb00bea2aa93", strip_prefix = "cxxbridge-cmd-1.0.94", type = "tar.gz", urls = gcs_mirror_url( ext = ".tar.gz", sha256 = "b20c2a31fb5a2e2aeebced19e35d78a974301171391b39e36d5ebb00bea2aa93", url = "", ), ) load("@rules_rust//crate_universe:defs.bzl", "crates_repository") # This finds all the dependencies needed to build cxxbridge_cmd... crates_repository( name = "cxxbridge_cmd_deps", cargo_lockfile = "//bazel/external/cxxbridge_cmd:Cargo.lock", manifests = ["@cxxbridge_cmd//:Cargo.toml"], ) load("@cxxbridge_cmd_deps//:defs.bzl", cxxbridge_cmd_deps = "crate_repositories") # ... and adds them to the workspace. cxxbridge_cmd_deps() # The cxx crate needs a custom BUILD.bazel file because the one that would be autogenerated # by does not work. # Thus, we download it ourselves, as if it were a binary-only package. http_archive( name = "cxx", build_file = "//bazel/external/cxx:BUILD.bazel.skia", sha256 = "f61f1b6389c3fe1c316bf8a4dccc90a38208354b330925bce1f74a6c4756eb93", strip_prefix = "cxx-1.0.94", type = "tar.gz", urls = gcs_mirror_url( ext = ".tar.gz", sha256 = "f61f1b6389c3fe1c316bf8a4dccc90a38208354b330925bce1f74a6c4756eb93", url = "", ), ) # This finds all the dependencies needed to build cxx... crates_repository( name = "cxx_deps", cargo_lockfile = "//bazel/external/cxx:Cargo.lock", manifests = ["@cxx//:Cargo.toml"], ) load("@cxx_deps//:defs.bzl", cxx_deps = "crate_repositories") # ... and adds them to the workspace. cxx_deps() # The fontations repository consists of multiple crates. We download those # listed in the external/fontations/Cargo.* files. # Add this entry to have a root repository from which the individual # fontations crates can be fetched. # This allows them to be used as deps in other bazel targets. crates_repository( name = "fontations", cargo_lockfile = "//bazel/external/fontations:Cargo.lock", manifests = ["//bazel/external/fontations:Cargo.toml"], ) load("@fontations//:defs.bzl", fontations_crates = "crate_repositories") fontations_crates() # The icu4x repository consists of multiple crates. We download those # listed in the external/icu4x/Cargo.* files. # Add this entry to have a root repository from which the individual # icu4x crates can be fetched. # This allows them to be used as deps in other bazel targets. crates_repository( name = "icu4x_deps", cargo_lockfile = "//bazel/external/icu4x:Cargo.lock", manifests = ["//bazel/external/icu4x:Cargo.toml"], ) load("@icu4x_deps//:defs.bzl", icu4x_deps = "crate_repositories") icu4x_deps() # Skia uses crates from the vello repository that are under development and have not been published # to Normally we could fetch them directly from the git mirror in the Cargo.lock file as # Bazel supports compiling them without any custom build rules. However, since Bazel's repository # rules don't play well with the vello_shader crate's build script, we compile the vello # crates from source using the rules defined in bazel/external/vello/BUILD.bazel and the # new_git_repository rule. # # vello_deps contains the dependencies of the two crates we build out of the vello repo (namely # vello_shaders and vello_encoding). # # See comments in bazel/external/vello/BUILD.bazel for more information. crates_repository( name = "vello_deps", cargo_lockfile = "//bazel/external/vello:Cargo.lock", manifests = ["//bazel/external/vello:Cargo.toml"], ) load("@vello_deps//:defs.bzl", vello_deps = "crate_repositories") vello_deps() ############################################################### # Bazel will look for env variables ANDROID_HOME and ANDROID_NDK_HOME. # This is NOT hermetic as it requires the user to handle downloading the SDK and accepting the # license independently. android_sdk_repository(name = "androidsdk") # TODO: # Uncomment the following after setting ANDROID_NDK_HOME to build for Android: # android_ndk_repository(name = "androidndk") # Clients must specify their own version of skia_user_config to overwrite SkUserConfig.h local_repository( name = "skia_user_config", path = "include/config", ) # This are two lists of Bazel repository names, which is brought in by the following macro. # It is here for easier grepping, i.e. someone trying to find where a label like @brotli//:brotlidec # was defined. If a dep has its own BUILD rules, then one will need to go to its git repository # to find the BUILD or BUILD.bazel file with the rule. If a dep does not have Bazel support, then # that means someone on the Skia team wrote a BUILD.bazel file and put it in # //bazel/external/ and one can go find it there. # #### START GENERATED LIST OF THIRD_PARTY DEPS # @abseil_cpp - # @brotli - # @highway - # @spirv_headers - # @spirv_tools - # # @dawn - //bazel/external/dawn:BUILD.bazel # @dng_sdk - //bazel/external/dng_sdk:BUILD.bazel # @expat - //bazel/external/expat:BUILD.bazel # @freetype - //bazel/external/freetype:BUILD.bazel # @harfbuzz - //bazel/external/harfbuzz:BUILD.bazel # @icu - //bazel/external/icu:BUILD.bazel # @icu4x - //bazel/external/icu4x:BUILD.bazel # @imgui - //bazel/external/imgui:BUILD.bazel # @libavif - //bazel/external/libavif:BUILD.bazel # @libgav1 - //bazel/external/libgav1:BUILD.bazel # @libjpeg_turbo - //bazel/external/libjpeg_turbo:BUILD.bazel # @libjxl - //bazel/external/libjxl:BUILD.bazel # @libpng - //bazel/external/libpng:BUILD.bazel # @libwebp - //bazel/external/libwebp:BUILD.bazel # @libyuv - //bazel/external/libyuv:BUILD.bazel # @perfetto - //bazel/external/perfetto:BUILD.bazel # @piex - //bazel/external/piex:BUILD.bazel # @spirv_cross - //bazel/external/spirv_cross:BUILD.bazel # @vello - //bazel/external/vello:BUILD.bazel # @vulkan_headers - //bazel/external/vulkan_headers:BUILD.bazel # @vulkan_tools - //bazel/external/vulkan_tools:BUILD.bazel # @vulkan_utility_libraries - //bazel/external/vulkan_utility_libraries:BUILD.bazel # @vulkanmemoryallocator - //bazel/external/vulkanmemoryallocator:BUILD.bazel # @wuffs - //bazel/external/wuffs:BUILD.bazel # @zlib_skia - //bazel/external/zlib_skia:BUILD.bazel #### END GENERATED LIST OF THIRD_PARTY DEPS c_plus_plus_deps() # In order to copy the Freetype configurations into the checked out Freetype folder, # it is easiest to treat them as a third-party dependency from the perspective of Freetype. # To do that, we put them in their own Bazel workspace and then have our injected BUILD.bazel # for Freetype reference this workspace. # local_repository( name = "freetype_config", path = "bazel/external/freetype/config", ) local_repository( name = "harfbuzz_config", path = "bazel/external/harfbuzz/config", ) local_repository( name = "icu_utils", path = "bazel/external/icu/utils", ) local_repository( name = "expat_config", path = "bazel/external/expat/config", ) load("//bazel:cipd_install.bzl", "cipd_install") cipd_install( name = "git_linux_amd64", build_file_content = """ filegroup( name = "all_files", # The exclude pattern prevents files with spaces in their names from tripping up Bazel. srcs = glob(include=["**/*"], exclude=["**/* *"]), visibility = ["//visibility:public"], ) """, cipd_package = "infra/3pp/tools/git/linux-amd64", # Based on # # # Note that the below "git config" commands do not affect the user's Git configuration. These # settings are only visible to Bazel targets that depend on @git_linux_amd64//:all_files via # the "data" attribute. The result of these commands can be examined as follows: # # $ cat $(bazel info output_base)/external/git_linux_amd64/etc/gitconfig # [user] # name = Bazel Test User # email = postinstall_cmds_posix = [ "mkdir etc", "bin/git config --system \"Bazel Test User\"", "bin/git config --system \"\"", ], # From sha256 = "36cb96051827d6a3f6f59c5461996fe9490d997bcd2b351687d87dcd4a9b40fa", tag = "version:2.29.2.chromium.6", ) cipd_install( name = "gn_linux_amd64", build_file_content = """ exports_files( ["gn"], visibility = ["//visibility:public"] ) """, cipd_package = "gn/gn/linux-amd64", # From sha256 = "7195291488d08f3a10e85b85d8c4816e077015f1c5f196f770003a97aa42caf8", tag = "git_revision:1c4151ff5c1d6fbf7fa800b8d4bb34d3abc03a41", ) cipd_install( name = "gn_mac_arm64", build_file_content = """ exports_files( ["gn"], visibility = ["//visibility:public"] ) """, cipd_package = "gn/gn/mac-arm64", # From sha256 = "1123907ac3317530e9dd537d50cd83fd83e852aacc07d286f45753c8fc5287ed", tag = "git_revision:1c4151ff5c1d6fbf7fa800b8d4bb34d3abc03a41", ) cipd_install( name = "gn_mac_amd64", build_file_content = """ exports_files( ["gn"], visibility = ["//visibility:public"] ) """, cipd_package = "gn/gn/mac-amd64", # From sha256 = "ed96f7d2f49b83b016e4bdbed432e4734a5a133accb025d7c07685e01489ba93", tag = "git_revision:1c4151ff5c1d6fbf7fa800b8d4bb34d3abc03a41", ) cipd_install( name = "skimage", build_file = "//bazel/external/skimage:BUILD.bazel", cipd_package = "skia/bots/skimage", # From sha256 = "b1195a7447d40177982010f73edde47b415dd3cbed6152eb83820048a93917a6", tag = "version:47", ) ################################## # Docker rules and dependencies. # ################################## http_archive( name = "io_bazel_rules_docker", sha256 = "27d53c1d646fc9537a70427ad7b034734d08a9c38924cc6357cc973fed300820", strip_prefix = "rules_docker-0.24.0", urls = gcs_mirror_url( sha256 = "27d53c1d646fc9537a70427ad7b034734d08a9c38924cc6357cc973fed300820", url = "", ), ) load( "@io_bazel_rules_docker//repositories:repositories.bzl", container_repositories = "repositories", ) container_repositories() # This is required by the toolchain_container rule. load( "@io_bazel_rules_docker//repositories:go_repositories.bzl", container_go_deps = "go_deps", ) container_go_deps() load( "@io_bazel_rules_docker//container:container.bzl", "container_pull", ) # Pulls the container. container_pull( name = "debugger-app-base", digest = "sha256:be5714074b1a82c629339778a83c9b1c39714caae1ed189303547b1bcff7322c", registry = "", repository = "skia-public/debugger-app-base", ) # Pulls the container. container_pull( name = "jsfiddle-base", digest = "sha256:0ccdb32ff1ca8ea3ac25a29f4efaed8d65cf25bb717fed89e0c72b1f752328bd", registry = "", repository = "skia-public/jsfiddle-base", ) # Pulls the container. container_pull( name = "shaders-base", digest = "sha256:b04a5aef564be1f5ad0a62af3acee228d86117a802ec695f039771565d6183b9", registry = "", repository = "skia-public/shaders-base", ) # Pulls the container. container_pull( name = "skottie-base", digest = "sha256:99a18601ac2447a50a215f5cb65fc08ced5ebbde14db0d22524b05275e244796", registry = "", repository = "skia-public/skottie-base", )