path: root/tools/skqp/src/skqp.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tools/skqp/src/skqp.cpp')
1 files changed, 494 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tools/skqp/src/skqp.cpp b/tools/skqp/src/skqp.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7c41a99bee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/skqp/src/skqp.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,494 @@
+ * Copyright 2018 Google Inc.
+ *
+ * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+ * found in the LICENSE file.
+ */
+#include "skqp.h"
+#include "../../../src/core/SkStreamPriv.h"
+#include "../../tools/fonts/SkTestFontMgr.h"
+#include "GrContext.h"
+#include "GrContextOptions.h"
+#include "GrContextPriv.h"
+#include "SkFontMgrPriv.h"
+#include "SkFontStyle.h"
+#include "SkGraphics.h"
+#include "SkImageInfoPriv.h"
+#include "SkOSFile.h"
+#include "SkOSPath.h"
+#include "SkPngEncoder.h"
+#include "SkStream.h"
+#include "SkSurface.h"
+#include "Test.h"
+#include "gl/GLTestContext.h"
+#include "gm.h"
+#include "vk/VkTestContext.h"
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <cinttypes>
+#include <sstream>
+#include "skqp_model.h"
+#define IMAGES_DIRECTORY_PATH "images"
+#define PATH_MAX_PNG "max.png"
+#define PATH_MIN_PNG "min.png"
+#define PATH_IMG_PNG "image.png"
+#define PATH_ERR_PNG "errors.png"
+#define PATH_MODEL "model"
+static constexpr char kRenderTestCSVReport[] = "out.csv";
+static constexpr char kRenderTestReportPath[] = "report.html";
+static constexpr char kRenderTestsPath[] = "skqp/rendertests.txt";
+static constexpr char kUnitTestReportPath[] = "unit_tests.txt";
+static constexpr char kUnitTestsPath[] = "skqp/unittests.txt";
+// Kind of like Python's readlines(), but without any allocation.
+// Calls f() on each line.
+// F is [](const char*, size_t) -> void
+template <typename F>
+static void readlines(const void* data, size_t size, F f) {
+ const char* start = (const char*)data;
+ const char* end = start + size;
+ const char* ptr = start;
+ while (ptr < end) {
+ while (*ptr++ != '\n' && ptr < end) {}
+ size_t len = ptr - start;
+ f(start, len);
+ start = ptr;
+ }
+static void get_unit_tests(SkQPAssetManager* mgr, std::vector<SkQP::UnitTest>* unitTests) {
+ std::unordered_set<std::string> testset;
+ auto insert = [&testset](const char* s, size_t l) {
+ SkASSERT(l > 1) ;
+ if (l > 0 && s[l - 1] == '\n') { // strip line endings.
+ --l;
+ }
+ if (l > 0) { // only add non-empty strings.
+ testset.insert(std::string(s, l));
+ }
+ };
+ if (sk_sp<SkData> dat = mgr->open(kUnitTestsPath)) {
+ readlines(dat->data(), dat->size(), insert);
+ }
+ for (const skiatest::Test& test : skiatest::TestRegistry::Range()) {
+ if ((testset.empty() || testset.count(std::string(test.name)) > 0) && test.needsGpu) {
+ unitTests->push_back(&test);
+ }
+ }
+ auto lt = [](SkQP::UnitTest u, SkQP::UnitTest v) { return strcmp(u->name, v->name) < 0; };
+ std::sort(unitTests->begin(), unitTests->end(), lt);
+static void get_render_tests(SkQPAssetManager* mgr,
+ std::vector<SkQP::GMFactory>* gmlist,
+ std::unordered_map<std::string, int64_t>* gmThresholds) {
+ auto insert = [gmThresholds](const char* s, size_t l) {
+ SkASSERT(l > 1) ;
+ if (l > 0 && s[l - 1] == '\n') { // strip line endings.
+ --l;
+ }
+ if (l == 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ const char* end = s + l;
+ const char* ptr = s;
+ constexpr char kDelimeter = ',';
+ while (ptr < end && *ptr != kDelimeter) { ++ptr; }
+ if (ptr + 1 >= end) {
+ SkASSERT(false); // missing delimeter
+ return;
+ }
+ std::string key(s, ptr - s);
+ ++ptr; // skip delimeter
+ std::string number(ptr, end - ptr); // null-terminated copy.
+ int64_t value = 0;
+ if (1 != sscanf(number.c_str(), "%" SCNd64 , &value)) {
+ SkASSERT(false); // Not a number
+ return;
+ }
+ gmThresholds->insert({std::move(key), value}); // (*gmThresholds)[s] = value;
+ };
+ if (sk_sp<SkData> dat = mgr->open(kRenderTestsPath)) {
+ readlines(dat->data(), dat->size(), insert);
+ }
+ using GmAndName = std::pair<SkQP::GMFactory, std::string>;
+ std::vector<GmAndName> gmsWithNames;
+ for (skiagm::GMFactory f : skiagm::GMRegistry::Range()) {
+ std::string name = SkQP::GetGMName(f);
+ if ((gmThresholds->empty() || gmThresholds->count(name) > 0)) {
+ gmsWithNames.push_back(std::make_pair(f, std::move(name)));
+ }
+ }
+ std::sort(gmsWithNames.begin(), gmsWithNames.end(),
+ [](GmAndName u, GmAndName v) { return u.second < v.second; });
+ gmlist->reserve(gmsWithNames.size());
+ for (const GmAndName& gmn : gmsWithNames) {
+ gmlist->push_back(gmn.first);
+ }
+static std::unique_ptr<sk_gpu_test::TestContext> make_test_context(SkQP::SkiaBackend backend) {
+ using U = std::unique_ptr<sk_gpu_test::TestContext>;
+ switch (backend) {
+ case SkQP::SkiaBackend::kGL:
+ return U(sk_gpu_test::CreatePlatformGLTestContext(kGL_GrGLStandard, nullptr));
+ case SkQP::SkiaBackend::kGLES:
+ return U(sk_gpu_test::CreatePlatformGLTestContext(kGLES_GrGLStandard, nullptr));
+#ifdef SK_VULKAN
+ case SkQP::SkiaBackend::kVulkan:
+ return U(sk_gpu_test::CreatePlatformVkTestContext(nullptr));
+ default:
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+static GrContextOptions context_options(skiagm::GM* gm = nullptr) {
+ GrContextOptions grContextOptions;
+ grContextOptions.fAllowPathMaskCaching = true;
+ grContextOptions.fSuppressPathRendering = true;
+ grContextOptions.fDisableDriverCorrectnessWorkarounds = true;
+ if (gm) {
+ gm->modifyGrContextOptions(&grContextOptions);
+ }
+ return grContextOptions;
+static std::vector<SkQP::SkiaBackend> get_backends() {
+ std::vector<SkQP::SkiaBackend> result;
+ SkQP::SkiaBackend backends[] = {
+ SkQP::SkiaBackend::kGL, // Used for testing on desktop machines.
+ #endif
+ SkQP::SkiaBackend::kGLES,
+ #ifdef SK_VULKAN
+ SkQP::SkiaBackend::kVulkan,
+ #endif
+ };
+ for (SkQP::SkiaBackend backend : backends) {
+ std::unique_ptr<sk_gpu_test::TestContext> testCtx = make_test_context(backend);
+ if (testCtx) {
+ testCtx->makeCurrent();
+ if (nullptr != testCtx->makeGrContext(context_options())) {
+ result.push_back(backend);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ SkASSERT_RELEASE(result.size() > 0);
+ return result;
+static void print_backend_info(const char* dstPath,
+ const std::vector<SkQP::SkiaBackend>& backends) {
+ SkFILEWStream out(dstPath);
+ out.writeText("[\n");
+ for (SkQP::SkiaBackend backend : backends) {
+ if (std::unique_ptr<sk_gpu_test::TestContext> testCtx = make_test_context(backend)) {
+ testCtx->makeCurrent();
+ if (sk_sp<GrContext> ctx = testCtx->makeGrContext(context_options())) {
+ SkString info = ctx->contextPriv().dump();
+ // remove null
+ out.write(info.c_str(), info.size());
+ out.writeText(",\n");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ out.writeText("]\n");
+static void encode_png(const SkBitmap& src, const std::string& dst) {
+ SkFILEWStream wStream(dst.c_str());
+ SkPngEncoder::Options options;
+ bool success = wStream.isValid() && SkPngEncoder::Encode(&wStream, src.pixmap(), options);
+ SkASSERT_RELEASE(success);
+static void write_to_file(const sk_sp<SkData>& src, const std::string& dst) {
+ SkFILEWStream wStream(dst.c_str());
+ bool success = wStream.isValid() && wStream.write(src->data(), src->size());
+ SkASSERT_RELEASE(success);
+const char* SkQP::GetBackendName(SkQP::SkiaBackend b) {
+ switch (b) {
+ case SkQP::SkiaBackend::kGL: return "gl";
+ case SkQP::SkiaBackend::kGLES: return "gles";
+ case SkQP::SkiaBackend::kVulkan: return "vk";
+ }
+ return "";
+std::string SkQP::GetGMName(SkQP::GMFactory f) {
+ std::unique_ptr<skiagm::GM> gm(f ? f(nullptr) : nullptr);
+ return std::string(gm ? gm->getName() : "");
+const char* SkQP::GetUnitTestName(SkQP::UnitTest t) { return t->name; }
+SkQP::SkQP() {}
+SkQP::~SkQP() {}
+void SkQP::init(SkQPAssetManager* am, const char* reportDirectory) {
+ SkASSERT_RELEASE(!fAssetManager);
+ fAssetManager = am;
+ fReportDirectory = reportDirectory;
+ SkGraphics::Init();
+ gSkFontMgr_DefaultFactory = &sk_tool_utils::MakePortableFontMgr;
+ /* If the file "skqp/rendertests.txt" does not exist or is empty, run all
+ render tests. Otherwise only run tests mentioned in that file. */
+ get_render_tests(fAssetManager, &fGMs, &fGMThresholds);
+ /* If the file "skqp/unittests.txt" does not exist or is empty, run all gpu
+ unit tests. Otherwise only run tests mentioned in that file. */
+ get_unit_tests(fAssetManager, &fUnitTests);
+ fSupportedBackends = get_backends();
+ print_backend_info((fReportDirectory + "/grdump.txt").c_str(), fSupportedBackends);
+std::tuple<SkQP::RenderOutcome, std::string> SkQP::evaluateGM(SkQP::SkiaBackend backend,
+ SkQP::GMFactory gmFact) {
+ SkASSERT_RELEASE(fAssetManager);
+ static constexpr SkQP::RenderOutcome kError = {INT_MAX, INT_MAX, INT64_MAX};
+ static constexpr SkQP::RenderOutcome kPass = {0, 0, 0};
+ SkASSERT(gmFact);
+ std::unique_ptr<skiagm::GM> gm(gmFact(nullptr));
+ SkASSERT(gm);
+ const char* const name = gm->getName();
+ const SkISize size = gm->getISize();
+ const int w = size.width();
+ const int h = size.height();
+ const SkImageInfo info =
+ SkImageInfo::Make(w, h, skqp::kColorType, kPremul_SkAlphaType, nullptr);
+ const SkSurfaceProps props(0, SkSurfaceProps::kLegacyFontHost_InitType);
+ std::unique_ptr<sk_gpu_test::TestContext> testCtx = make_test_context(backend);
+ if (!testCtx) {
+ return std::make_tuple(kError, "Skia Failure: test context");
+ }
+ testCtx->makeCurrent();
+ sk_sp<SkSurface> surf = SkSurface::MakeRenderTarget(
+ testCtx->makeGrContext(context_options(gm.get())).get(),
+ SkBudgeted::kNo, info, 0, &props);
+ if (!surf) {
+ return std::make_tuple(kError, "Skia Failure: gr-context");
+ }
+ gm->draw(surf->getCanvas());
+ SkBitmap image;
+ image.allocPixels(SkImageInfo::Make(w, h, skqp::kColorType, skqp::kAlphaType));
+ // SkColorTypeBytesPerPixel should be constexpr, but is not.
+ SkASSERT(SkColorTypeBytesPerPixel(skqp::kColorType) == sizeof(uint32_t));
+ // Call readPixels because we need to compare pixels.
+ if (!surf->readPixels(image.pixmap(), 0, 0)) {
+ return std::make_tuple(kError, "Skia Failure: read pixels");
+ }
+ int64_t passingThreshold = fGMThresholds.empty() ? -1 : fGMThresholds[std::string(name)];
+ if (-1 == passingThreshold) {
+ return std::make_tuple(kPass, "");
+ }
+ skqp::ModelResult modelResult =
+ skqp::CheckAgainstModel(name, image.pixmap(), fAssetManager);
+ if (!modelResult.fErrorString.empty()) {
+ return std::make_tuple(kError, std::move(modelResult.fErrorString));
+ }
+ fRenderResults.push_back(SkQP::RenderResult{backend, gmFact, modelResult.fOutcome});
+ if (modelResult.fOutcome.fMaxError <= passingThreshold) {
+ return std::make_tuple(kPass, "");
+ }
+ std::string imagesDirectory = fReportDirectory + "/" IMAGES_DIRECTORY_PATH;
+ if (!sk_mkdir(imagesDirectory.c_str())) {
+ SkDebugf("ERROR: sk_mkdir('%s');\n", imagesDirectory.c_str());
+ return std::make_tuple(modelResult.fOutcome, "");
+ }
+ std::ostringstream tmp;
+ tmp << imagesDirectory << '/' << SkQP::GetBackendName(backend) << '_' << name << '_';
+ std::string imagesPathPrefix1 = tmp.str();
+ tmp = std::ostringstream();
+ tmp << imagesDirectory << '/' << PATH_MODEL << '_' << name << '_';
+ std::string imagesPathPrefix2 = tmp.str();
+ encode_png(image, imagesPathPrefix1 + PATH_IMG_PNG);
+ encode_png(modelResult.fErrors, imagesPathPrefix1 + PATH_ERR_PNG);
+ write_to_file(modelResult.fMaxPng, imagesPathPrefix2 + PATH_MAX_PNG);
+ write_to_file(modelResult.fMinPng, imagesPathPrefix2 + PATH_MIN_PNG);
+ return std::make_tuple(modelResult.fOutcome, "");
+std::vector<std::string> SkQP::executeTest(SkQP::UnitTest test) {
+ SkASSERT_RELEASE(fAssetManager);
+ struct : public skiatest::Reporter {
+ std::vector<std::string> fErrors;
+ void reportFailed(const skiatest::Failure& failure) override {
+ SkString desc = failure.toString();
+ fErrors.push_back(std::string(desc.c_str(), desc.size()));
+ }
+ } r;
+ GrContextOptions options;
+ options.fDisableDriverCorrectnessWorkarounds = true;
+ if (test->fContextOptionsProc) {
+ test->fContextOptionsProc(&options);
+ }
+ test->proc(&r, options);
+ fUnitTestResults.push_back(UnitTestResult{test, r.fErrors});
+ return r.fErrors;
+static constexpr char kDocHead[] =
+ "<!doctype html>\n"
+ "<html lang=\"en\">\n"
+ "<head>\n"
+ "<meta charset=\"UTF-8\">\n"
+ "<title>SkQP Report</title>\n"
+ "<style>\n"
+ "img { max-width:48%; border:1px green solid;\n"
+ " image-rendering: pixelated;\n"
+ " background-image:url('"
+ "'); }\n"
+ "</style>\n"
+ "<script>\n"
+ "function ce(t) { return document.createElement(t); }\n"
+ "function ct(n) { return document.createTextNode(n); }\n"
+ "function ac(u,v) { return u.appendChild(v); }\n"
+ "function br(u) { ac(u, ce(\"br\")); }\n"
+ "function ma(s, c) { var a = ce(\"a\"); a.href = s; ac(a, c); return a; }\n"
+ "function f(backend, gm, e1, e2, e3) {\n"
+ " var b = ce(\"div\");\n"
+ " var x = ce(\"h2\");\n"
+ " var t = backend + \"_\" + gm;\n"
+ " ac(x, ct(t));\n"
+ " ac(b, x);\n"
+ " ac(b, ct(\"backend: \" + backend));\n"
+ " br(b);\n"
+ " ac(b, ct(\"gm name: \" + gm));\n"
+ " br(b);\n"
+ " ac(b, ct(\"maximum error: \" + e1));\n"
+ " br(b);\n"
+ " ac(b, ct(\"bad pixel counts: \" + e2));\n"
+ " br(b);\n"
+ " ac(b, ct(\"total error: \" + e3));\n"
+ " br(b);\n"
+ " var q = \"" IMAGES_DIRECTORY_PATH "/\" + backend + \"_\" + gm + \"_\";\n"
+ " var p = \"" IMAGES_DIRECTORY_PATH "/" PATH_MODEL "_\" + gm + \"_\";\n"
+ " var i = ce(\"img\");\n"
+ " i.src = q + \"" PATH_IMG_PNG "\";\n"
+ " i.alt = \"img\";\n"
+ " ac(b, ma(i.src, i));\n"
+ " i = ce(\"img\");\n"
+ " i.src = q + \"" PATH_ERR_PNG "\";\n"
+ " i.alt = \"err\";\n"
+ " ac(b, ma(i.src, i));\n"
+ " br(b);\n"
+ " ac(b, ct(\"Expectation: \"));\n"
+ " ac(b, ma(p + \"" PATH_MAX_PNG "\", ct(\"max\")));\n"
+ " ac(b, ct(\" | \"));\n"
+ " ac(b, ma(p + \"" PATH_MIN_PNG "\", ct(\"min\")));\n"
+ " ac(b, ce(\"hr\"));\n"
+ " b.id = backend + \":\" + gm;\n"
+ " ac(document.body, b);\n"
+ " l = ce(\"li\");\n"
+ " ac(l, ct(\"[\" + e3 + \"] \"));\n"
+ " ac(l, ma(\"#\" + backend +\":\"+ gm , ct(t)));\n"
+ " ac(document.getElementById(\"toc\"), l);\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "function main() {\n";
+static constexpr char kDocMiddle[] =
+ "}\n"
+ "</script>\n"
+ "</head>\n"
+ "<body onload=\"main()\">\n"
+ "<h1>SkQP Report</h1>\n";
+static constexpr char kDocTail[] =
+ "<ul id=\"toc\"></ul>\n"
+ "<hr>\n"
+ "<p>Left image: test result<br>\n"
+ "Right image: errors (white = no error, black = smallest error, red = biggest error; "
+ "other errors are a color between black and red.)</p>\n"
+ "<hr>\n"
+ "</body>\n"
+ "</html>\n";
+template <typename T>
+inline void write(SkWStream* wStream, const T& text) {
+ wStream->write(text.c_str(), text.size());
+void SkQP::makeReport() {
+ SkASSERT_RELEASE(fAssetManager);
+ int glesErrorCount = 0, vkErrorCount = 0, gles = 0, vk = 0;
+ if (!sk_isdir(fReportDirectory.c_str())) {
+ SkDebugf("Report destination does not exist: '%s'\n", fReportDirectory.c_str());
+ return;
+ }
+ SkFILEWStream csvOut(SkOSPath::Join(fReportDirectory.c_str(), kRenderTestCSVReport).c_str());
+ SkFILEWStream htmOut(SkOSPath::Join(fReportDirectory.c_str(), kRenderTestReportPath).c_str());
+ SkASSERT_RELEASE(csvOut.isValid() && htmOut.isValid());
+ htmOut.writeText(kDocHead);
+ for (const SkQP::RenderResult& run : fRenderResults) {
+ switch (run.fBackend) {
+ case SkQP::SkiaBackend::kGLES: ++gles; break;
+ case SkQP::SkiaBackend::kVulkan: ++vk; break;
+ default: break;
+ }
+ const char* backendName = SkQP::GetBackendName(run.fBackend);
+ std::string gmName = SkQP::GetGMName(run.fGM);
+ SkQP::RenderOutcome outcome;
+ auto str = SkStringPrintf("\"%s\",\"%s\",%d,%d,%" PRId64, backendName, gmName.c_str(),
+ outcome.fMaxError, outcome.fBadPixelCount, outcome.fTotalError);
+ write(&csvOut, SkStringPrintf("%s\n", str.c_str()));
+ int64_t passingThreshold = fGMThresholds.empty() ? 0 : fGMThresholds[gmName];
+ if (passingThreshold == -1 || outcome.fMaxError <= passingThreshold) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ write(&htmOut, SkStringPrintf(" f(%s);\n", str.c_str()));
+ switch (run.fBackend) {
+ case SkQP::SkiaBackend::kGLES: ++glesErrorCount; break;
+ case SkQP::SkiaBackend::kVulkan: ++vkErrorCount; break;
+ default: break;
+ }
+ }
+ htmOut.writeText(kDocMiddle);
+ write(&htmOut, SkStringPrintf("<p>gles errors: %d (of %d)</br>\n"
+ "vk errors: %d (of %d)</p>\n",
+ glesErrorCount, gles, vkErrorCount, vk));
+ htmOut.writeText(kDocTail);
+ SkFILEWStream unitOut(SkOSPath::Join(fReportDirectory.c_str(), kUnitTestReportPath).c_str());
+ SkASSERT_RELEASE(unitOut.isValid());
+ for (const SkQP::UnitTestResult& result : fUnitTestResults) {
+ unitOut.writeText(GetUnitTestName(result.fUnitTest));
+ if (result.fErrors.empty()) {
+ unitOut.writeText(" PASSED\n* * *\n");
+ } else {
+ write(&unitOut, SkStringPrintf(" FAILED (%u errors)\n", result.fErrors.size()));
+ for (const std::string& err : result.fErrors) {
+ write(&unitOut, err);
+ unitOut.newline();
+ }
+ unitOut.writeText("* * *\n");
+ }
+ }